1st Person Africa
How One Woman Rediscovered Her Father The Republic Of The Congo By Ayah A.
vid traveler Amina Mamaty has experienced many countries, but few trips carried as much meaning and personal connection for her as her recent trip to her father’s homeland, the Republic of the Congo. The 30-year-old casting producer was born and raised in Paris and moved to the U.S. alone at the age of 17. However, she will never forget that she is, first and foremost, an African woman. Now based in Brooklyn, Amina’s mother is Malian while her father hails from Congo-Brazzaville. Many people are not aware that there are two separate countries both called Congo. What was once one nation split after being colonized
by two different countries. The Republic of the Congo, also known as CongoBrazzaville, was colonized by France; and the Democratic R e p u b l i c of Congo, also known as Congo-
14 | ABA Publications | Africa TRAVEL | July 2021