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‘Reserve’ is a Free Way to Get Through Airport Security Faster

By Daniel Oropeza

Therearesomegoodoptionsforpeoplewho want to avoid the long lines of TSA at the airport, including TSA PreCheck, Global Entry,andClear.Butthere’sanotherlesser-known way to ensure you get a smoother transition through TSA, and it’s free: Reserve by Clear Not everyone can afford the time and money it takes to set up and get a PreCheck or Clear subscription, with their fees and time-consuming interview process. A free option is helpful for those on a budget or traveling with large groups or family.


How does Reserve by Clear work?

Reserve is a free program powered by the same subscription, Clear, which uses biometric technology to skip the security lines for $189 per year. All you do is pick a time to go to the airport and use a fast pass to get through TSA. Unfortunately, it’s not available in all airports yet, but they are expanding. Here is where you’ll be able to use this program: reservation. Previously, only children age 12 and under were included in their parent’s TSA PreCheckprivileges(andtheystillare,ofcourse).

◊ NewYork: John F. Kennedy International Airport,Terminal 4.

◊ California: LosAngeles International Airport,Terminals 7 and 8 (called LAX Fast Lane).

◊ Florida: Orlando InternationalAirport, East and West Checkpoints.

◊ New Jersey: Newark Liberty International Airport,TerminalsAand B (called EWR Virtual Line).

◊ Washington: Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, Checkpoint 3 and 5 (called SEASpot Saver).

◊ Arizona: Phoenix Sky-Harbor International Airport,Terminals 3 and 4.

◊ Canada: Calgary InternationalAirport, Security D and E (calledYYC Express).

◊ Canada: Edmonton InternationalAirport (calledYEG Express).

◊ Canada: Montréal-Pierre ElliottTrudeau InternationalAirport (called YULExpress).

“For the low-risk traveler who is traveling with their teenaged child, this changebenefits families in an obvious way—but it also benefits the transportation security officers in the checkpoint. WhenTSAhasmorelow-riskpassengersentering theTSAPreChecklanes,officersareabletofocus greater attention on the higher-risk passengers in standard screening lanes,” a TSA spokesperson toldAFAR.

TSA PreCheck is an expedited screening program designed to get travelers through airport security lines as quickly as possible—users can keep their shoes or light jackets on, can leave electronics and appropriately sized liquids in their bags, and are able to use a dedicated line. The program initially costs $78 (though many travel credit cards will reimburse users for the fee) for a five-year membership and $70 to renew.

According to the TSA, as long as an adult on the reservation books their ticket using their TSA PreCheck Known Traveler Number, the system will automatically recognize the children on the booking and a TSA PreCheck badge will be printed on their boarding pass as well. If, for some reason, it’s not, travelers will need to ask an airline agent for assistance. https://www.afar.com/magazine/tsa-just-madeit-easier-for-more-families-to-use-precheck Image credit: freepik.com, nrtoday.com

The changes come as the TSA continues to modernize its checkpoints. The agency also recently deployed new Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) scanners that allow agents to screen travelers without scanningorlookingattheirboardingpasses.Fliers at select airports inArizona, Maryland, Colorado, andGeorgiacanalsonowuploadtheirIDtotheir Apple Wallet, which can be used to get through TSA. More airports are slated to roll out Wallet ID capabilities soon, including Connecticut, Hawai‘i, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, and Utah.

◊ Canada:Toronto Pearson International Airport (calledYYZ Express).

◊ Canada: Vancouver InternationalAirport (calledYVR Express).

◊ Germany: Berlin BrandenburgAirport (called BER runway).

◊ Germany: FrankfurtAirpot (called FRA SmartWay).

◊ Germany: HannoverAirport.

◊ Italy: RomeAirport FCO, (Called QPass Security).

◊ Iceland: ReykjavikAirport.

◊ Netherlands:AmsterdamAirport Schiphol.

How to use Reserve by Clear

These programs are all about efficiency. You won’t need to register with Clear or create any kind of profile. Just go to this link and select the eligibleairportyou’reflyingfrom.Enteryourflight information,number ofpassengers,andpickthe time you would like to go through security. https://lifehacker.com/reserve-is-a-free-way-toget-through-airport-security-f-1850462025

You should receive a confirmation email with a QR code that TSA will need to scan along with yourID.Whenyouarrivetotheairport,lookfor the special reserve lane for Reserve or Clear and have your QR code ready.

If you’re flying domestically, you can reserve a reservation of up to a maximum of 60 minutes before your flight. If you’re flying internationally, it’s a maximum of 75 minutes before your flight, with a grace period of 15 to 20 minutes in case you arrive late to your reservation.

Youcanfindmoreinformationabouttheprogram from their FAQ here.

Image credit: clearme.com

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