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Association of ProfessionalChefs Nigeria Set to HostWaffest 2023 August 9

By Bukola
Five (5) man cooking squad include ChefsAlexYamah, Alieu Bangura, B. Darius Lewis, Daniel Debach and RichardT. Collins all of Liberia Professional Chefs Association (LIPA) at WAFFEST 2019
Nigerian chefs under the auspices of theAssociation (APCN) claimed four medals in different categories Festival (WAFFEST2022) in Ghana.

Professional chefs across Africa looks to take over the global gastronomy space as Association of Professional Chefs Nigeria (APCN) looks to play host to West Africa Food Festival (Nigeria 2023) (WAFFEST) in
Lagos. Billed to hold between August 9 and 14, the event, which would see the rich and vast culinary flavours of West Africa andAfricancountries,will behostedinpartnershipwiththe Nigerian Tourism Development Authority (NTDA) and a host of corporate bodies including the Federation of Tourism Associations of Nigeria (FTAN). Speaking on the annual food celebration, which is hosted on rotational basis by chef organizations in West Africa, the President of Association of Professional Chefs Nigeria, ChefPauliusOkon,APCNisset tohostoneofthemostcolourful and eventful gatherings in the annals of WAFFEST.
According to him, it is devoted to, ‘‘celebrating the flavours, sounds and sights of West Africa,’ with the Theme, Preserving West African flavours: The chefs role in sustainable food tourism. This, he said is in line with the UNWTO’schargetocountriesto seek amoresustainablemeans of exploring and conserving tourism products and offerings, foods in- conclusive.
Someofthefeaturesofthesix days gathering, he said include indigeneous recipes and food displays,exhibition , city tour, master classes, competitions and cultural performances by the participating countries, noting that the rivalry between Nigeria and Ghana as well as Senegal of late that has joined by the battle fray over which country cooks the best Jollof Rice, would hopefully be rekindled but not settled.
Hefurtherdisclosedthatchefs and other operators in the food chain value from over 10 West African countries, 16 African countries, over 500 participants and 12 corporate partners would attend the event, where overeightcompetitionsandfour master classes, as well as food and wine testing would be on showpiece. https://newtelegraphng.com/ association-of-professionalchefs-nigeria-set-to-hostwaffest-2023-august-9/
Image credit: https:// edanaphotos.com, https:// www.facebook.com/waffest22, https://newtelegraphng.com/ nigerian-chefs-win-laurelsat-west-africa-chefs-foodfestival-2022//