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Covid-19 Equipment Banking On Thorium
Banking On " orium
The Thorium Energy Alliance has begun domestic REE industry. Currently, nearly 100% developing a pathway forward to licensing a of Rare Earths supply is controlled by China. By Thorium Bank and has engaged a Washington, providing a regulated storage facility for Th, natural DC fi rm to assist in this eႇ ort. With the increased U and associated daughter products from the focus and development on domestic Rare Earth production of Rare Earth Metals, the Thorium Bank Element (REE) mining projects, the Thorium would assume the liability and create a National Energy Alliance is aiming to integrate into Stockpile of these critical source materials. the processing and handling of the naturally The Thorium Bank would also act as an actual occurring Thorium and Uranium. These are bank, funding and fi nancing the development of consistently found within REE Minerals and when Thorium Technologies, much like the Chemical Thorium is extracted as a by-product of refi ning Bank did to promote the Chemical industry. REE to metals and magnets the Thorium byFuture steps would include a research facility product poses a liability hurdle to the revival of to develop advances in Thorium nuclear fuel processing and developing products for Thorium such as Super alloys,
Nuclear medicines (Bismuth213,
Actinium 255), Advanced Lighting and Electronics, Catalysts for the chemical industry, . . . there is so much more we can do than just fuel. Help us to raise the profi le of Thorium with organizations like DoE, DoD, NIH. We all must explain to them that Thorium is neglected and will be critical for an advanced economy, and how it will be the lynch-pin to a multitude of other carbon-clean technologies and industries. U.S. Sen. Rubio's Bill (www. congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senatebill/2093/text), provides the framework for the Thorium Bank, especially Sec. 5. PNNL Thorium Energy Alliance 3D Layout of Thorium Bank https://thoriumenergyalliance.com concept.