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African Continent and the World Resource Vault
Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe is the name of the stone ruins of an ancient city near modern day Masvingo, Zimbabwe. People lived in Great Zimbabwe beginning around 1100 C.E. but abandoned it in the 15th century. The city was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, which was a Shona (Bantu) trading empire. Zimbabwe means “stone houses” in Shona.
Archaeologists have found pottery from China and Persia, as well as Arab coins in the ruins there. The elite of the Zimbabwe Empire controlled trade up and down the east African coast.
The archaeological site at Great Zimbabwe consists of several sections. The Hill tvmucho.com Complex. This is generally believed to have been the religious center of the site. The Hill Complex is the oldest part of Great Zimbabwe, and shows signs of construction that date to around 900 C.E.
The Great Enclosure is a walled, circular area below the Hill Complex dating to the 14th century. The walls are over 9.7 meters (32 feet) high in places, and the enclosure’s circumference is 250 meters (820 feet). The walls were built without mortar, relying on carefully shaped rocks to hold the wall’s shape on their own. Inside the enclosure is a second set of walls, following the same curve as the outside walls, which end in a stone tower 10 meters (33 feet) high. It is one of the largest existing structures from ancient sub-Saharan Africa.
The Valley Ruins consist of a signifi cant number of houses made mostly of mud-brick (daga) near the Great Enclosure. The distribution and number of houses suggests that Great Zimbabwe boasted a large population, between 10,000–20,000 people.
The ruins of Great Zimbabwe were designated a United Nations Educational, Scientifi c and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site in 1986. The legacy of Great Zimbabwe lives on as one of the largest and most culturally important archaeological sites of its kind in Africa.
Resource Vault
Organizations 25 Black Women in Beauty -- www.25bwb.org Africa Business Association -- www.africabusinessassociation Africa's Brain Bank-- www.facebook.com/AFRICASBRAINBANK African Continental Free Trade Area --
African Diaspora Development Institute -- www.ouraddi.org African Diaspora Network -- www.africandiasporanetwork.org African Diaspora Political Action Committee -- www.adpac.net African Leadership Forum -- http://afrialeadership.org African Union -- www.au.int/en Africans in Boston (AiB) -- //africansinboston.org Black Business Association -- www.bbala.org
Black Emergency Managers Association
International -- www. blackemergmanagersassociation.org CauseCast -- www.causecast.com www.causecastfornonprofi ts.com Color of Change -- www.colorofchange.org Colorintech -- www.colorintech.org Community Healing Network -- www.communityhealingnet.org Love Our Girls -- http://logpledge.org/ National Black Marathoners Association -- http://blackmarathoners.org Sable Assent -- www.sableassent.com State of the African Diaspora -- www.stateofafricandiaspora.com StayWoke -- www.staywoke.org TimesUp -- www.timesupnow.com United African Organization -- http://uniteafricans.org
Regional Economic Communities (REC)
African Union Development Agency - New Partnership for Africa's Development (AUDA-NEPAD)
-- www.nepad.org Arab Maghreb Union (UMA) -- https://maghrebarabe.org/?q=en
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
(COMESA) -- www.comesa.int
Community of Sahel–Saharan States (CEN–SAD)
-- www.uneca.org/oria/pages/cen-sad-community-sahel-saharan-states East African Community (EAC) -- www.eac.int
Economic Community of West African States
(ECOWAS) -- www.ecowas.int
Economic Community of Central African States
(ECCAS) -- www.ceeac-eccas.org
Intergovernmental Authority on Development
(IGAD) -- https://igad.int
Southern African Development Community
(SADC) -- www.sadc.int
Information Africa is a Country -- www.africasacountry.com\ Africa World Press Books -- www.africaworldpressbooks.com Because Of Them We Can -- www.becauseofthemwecan.com Black Children's Books and Authors -- http://blackchildrensbooksandauthors.tumblr. com BlackPast.org -- www.blackpost.org Black Then -- https://blackthen.com Digital Assets Repository -- http://dar.bibalex.org/webpages/dar.jsf Elders (The) -- https://theelders.org GhanaWeb -- www.ghanaweb.com iAfrica -- www.iafrica.com Most Infl uential People of African Descent -- http://mipad.org Opportunities For Africans -- www.opportunitiesforafricans.com World Library -- www.worldlibrary.org
Media APO (Africa Wire®/MENA Wire®) -- www.apo-opa.com Africa Business Communities -- https://africabusinesscommunities.com
Africa Interactive Multimedia Press/Content \
Agency in Africa -- www.africa-interactive.com Africa News & Stories -- http://africatodaytv.com Africa Newsroom -- www.africa-newsroom.com Africa World Now Project -- www.africaworldnowproject.org Africanews. -- www.africanews.com The Africapitalist -- www.tonyelumelufoundation.org/africapitalisminstitute/africapitalist-magazine AfricaFocus -- www.africafocus.org The African World -- www.theafricanworld.tv African American Reports -- www.africanamericanreports.com Afrikdiasponews -- www.afridiasponews.com www.facebook.com/Afrik-Diaspo- News-690569017737725 Afritorial -- www.afritorial.com www.facebook.com/Afritorial
AllAfrica (news) -- http://allafrica.com Bibi-Writes -- https://bibiwrites.com Black Business Directory & Blog -- www.blackbusiness.org BlackNews.com -- www.blacknews.com Black Press USA -- www.blackpressusa.com Blavity Inc. -- www.blavity.com The Chocolate Voice -- www.thechocolatevoice.com Crisis Magazine (NAACP) -- www.thecrisismagazine.com Cybrary -- www.cybrary.it Dogon Village -- www.dogonvillage.com Expat Divas -- www.expatdivas.com Face2Face Africa -- https://face2faceafrica.com The Immigrant Magazine -- www.immigrantmagazine.com Informaza - www.infomaza.com Macauhub -- www.facebook.com/Macauhub N'Digo -- https://ndigo.com National Newspaper Publishers Association -- https://nnpa.org ReachTV -- www.reachtv.com Red Media Africa -- www.facebook.com/RedMedi aAfrica Rock Me Africa -- //rockmeafrica.com Roland Martin Unfi ltered -- #RolandMartinUnfi ltered Savoy -- www.savoynetwork.com Second Opinion Publications Ltd (The) -- www.facebook.com/thesecondopinion TONL -- https://tonl.co/ United Nations -- http://webtv.un.org
Media-Podcasts, Streams 2 Dope Queens -- www.wnycstudios.org/shows/ dopequeens African Literary Podcast -- www.jamesmurua.com/ category/african-literary-podcast Africast TV -- www.africast.tv Cape Up with Jonathan Capehart -- https://itunes. apple.com/us/podcast/cape-up-with-jonathancapehart/id1143265842?mt=2 Demand Africa -- www.demandafrica.com DiasporaVoice -- www.blogtalkradio.com/diasporavoice Focus On Africa -- https://theafricachannel.com/ shows/bbc-focus-on-africa Into America -- www.radio.com/media/podcast/ america James Murua's Literary Blog -- www.jamesmurua.com KweliTV -- www.facebook.com/kwelitv Levar Burton Reads -- www.levarburtonpodcast. com Paychecks and Balances -- https://paychecksand balances.com Point Noir -- www.instagram.com/pointnoirshow Popcorn Finance Podcast -- https://popcornfi nance.com/podcast The Stoop -- www.thestoop.org Talking Africa -- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/pod cast/talking-africa/id1232541405?mt=2 UN Video -- https://videos.un.org/en YouTube Educational Channels -- http://teacherswithapps.com/197-educational-youtube-channels-know
Media/Publications African Trade Magazine -- www.africantrademagazine.com African Vibes Magazine -- www.africanvibes.com Black Business News Group -- www.issuu.com/blackbusinessnews Black Wall Street Times -- http://bwstimes.com BridesNoir -- www.bridesnoir.com CuisineNoir -- www.cuisinenoirmag.com
Kolumn Magazine
www.kolumnmagazine.com MahoganyBooks -- http://blog.mahoganybooks.com/ New Black Magazine (The) -- www.thenewblackmagazine.com Publish Africa -- http://wow.gm/publishafrica Travel Africa -- www.issuu.com/blackbusinessnews
Technology Marques Brownlee (@MKBHD) -- www.youtube.com/user/marquesbrownlee WikiHow -- www.wikihow.com
Culture/Arts Asako Afrikan Combat Capoeira -- www.abibifahodie.com Africa Center (The) -- www.theafricacenter.org
African Networks --
http://afn.bibalex.org/MainPart/About_.aspx African Origins -- www.african-origins.org Almasi Arts -- www.almasiarts.org Because of Them We Can -- www.becauseofthemwecan.com Black Cultural Events -- www.blackculturalevents.com Cultural Events/Content -- www.okayafrica.com Fashion For All -- www.fashionforallnyc.org Freedom Park -- www.freedompark.co.za Hungry Black Man -- https://thehungryblackman.com Infocus247 -- https://infocus247.com Information for Africa --
http://bibalex.org/baifa/en/home/index Library of Alexandria -- www.bibalex.org/en/default
NKA: Journal of Contemporary African
Art -- www.nkajournal.org NMAAHC Digital Resources Guide -- https:// nmaahc.si.edu/explore/nmaahc-digital- resources-guide Pan African Film Festival -- www.paႇ .org Paradigm Grey -- www.paradigmgrey.com Shadow & Act -- //shadowandact.com/about-us Travel Noire -- https://travelnoire.com W.E.B. DuBois in Accra -- https://webduboiscentreaccra.ghana-net.com
Commerce/Entrepreneurship 50 Million African Women Speak -- www.womenconnect.org #IAMWANDA -- www.facebook.com/IamWANDAorg African Success Stories -- www.risingafrica.org African Technology Foundation -- www.thea25n.com Afrochampions Initiative -- http://afrochampions.com BBurb -- https://bburb.com Black Business School -- https:// theblackbusinessschool.com Black CEO Tribe -- www.blackceotribe.com Black Female Founders -- www.blackfemalefounders.org Black Girl Ventures -- www.blackgirlventures.org Black People Eats -- www.blackpeopleeats.com Black Wall Street -- www.blackwallstreet.org Black Wealth 2020 -- www.blackwealth2020.com ClickUrban -- www.theclickurban.com How We Made It In Africa -- www.howwemadeitinafrica.com iBuyBlack.org -- www.ibuyblack.org Jumia -- https://group.jumia.com www.jumia.com.ng Nigeria (Africa) Financial News -- //nairametrics.com She Leads Africa -- http://sheleadsafrica.org Shoppe Black -- https://shoppeblack.us Zambia Trade Portal -- https://zambiatradeportal.gov. zm/index.php Zambia-USA Chamber of Commerce -- www.zambiausachamber.org
Investment/Development Africa Reports -- www.africareports.com African Development Bank -- www.afdb.org African Export-Import Bank -- //afreximbank.com/afrexim/en AfrigadgetTV -- www.afrigadget.com Ariel Investments -- www.arielinvestments.com Black Financial Channel -- www.youtube.com/ channel/UCHzCimqhvPhCH75h80pXM1Q BlackWallet -- www.blackwallet.org Breaux Capital -- www.breauxcapital.com Disrupt Africa -- http://disrupt-africa.com Exchange Magazine (The) -- www.nse.co.ke Harlem Capital -- http://harlem.capital Serena Ventures -- www.serenaventures.com Silicon Harlem -- http://event.siliconharlem.net Ventures -- www.ventures-africa.com
General Explore ideas -- https://ideas.ted.com The Undefeated -- https://theundefeated.com
U.S. Government Commerce Department -- www.doc.gov International Trade Administration -- http://trade. gov Power Africa -- www.usaid.gov/powerafrica Prosper Africa -- www.trade.gov/prosperafrica Trade Africa -- www.usaid.gov/tradeafrica
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