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The 75th UN General Assembly
Secretary-General of the United Nations on the High-level meeting to commemorate the seventyfi fth anniversary of the United Nations - General Assembly, 3rd plenary meeting, 75th session. "The ideals of the United Nations – peace, justice, equality and dignity — are beacons to a better world.
But the Organization we celebrate today emerged only after immense suff ering.
It took two world wars, millions of deaths and the horrors of the Holocaust for world leaders to commit to international cooperation and the rule of law.
That commitment produced results.
A Third World War – which so many had feared — has been avoided.
Never in modern history have we gone so many years without a military confrontation between the major powers.
This is a great achievement of which Member States can be proud – and which we must all strive to preserve.
Down the decades, there have been other historic accomplishments, including: • Peace treaties and peacekeeping • Decolonization

• Human rights standards – and mechanisms to uphold them • The triumph over apartheid • Life-saving humanitarian aid for millions of victims of confl ict and disaster • The eradication of diseases • The steady reduction of hunger • The progressive development of international law • Landmark pacts to protect the environment and our planet
Most recently, unanimous support for the
Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate
Change provided an inspiring vision for the 21st century.
Yet there is still so much to be done.
Of the 850 delegates to the San Francisco Conference, just 8 were women. • Twenty-fi ve years since the Beijing Platform for Action, gender inequality remains the greatest single challenge to human rights around the world.