oduaniR ecil A
Alice Rinaudo
This is my portfolio. I have designed it to propose a collection of my favorite works to browse through, enjoing the look and feel of the different projects. Many of the works here contained have been realized in collaboration with some of my colleagues.
Curriculum Vitae Something about myself
My name is Alice Rinaudo, and I am attending the “Project and Virtual Design� course at the Polytechnic University of Turin.
This portfolio includes all the best works I have realized since 2009.
_Date of birth: 07 Ottobre 1990 _Nationality: Italian _Address: Strada Turriglie 15A 10023 Chieri (TO)
: alice.rinaudo@deltatre.com : +39 3405024087 : rinaudo.alice
Liceo classico “Augusto Monti�- Chieri
Project & Virtual Design course Polytechnic University of Turin
I worked for two month at Deltatre Spa, a prestigious company based in Turin. In particular I worked in the Graphic & Design Unit, where the Look & Feel of deltatre products and solutions is realized and put into practice. The aim of the stage was to learn and undestand how the media can influence Creative and Visual projects, and as a consequence, to elaborate the strategies to obtain technical files that help the production. I worked with softwares like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe After Effect and Autodesk.
Adobe Illustrator: 40% Adobe Indesign: 25% Adobe Photoshop: 20% Html/CSS: 10% Blender: 5%
Italian: 80% English: 20%
Logo Alice design Identity
This is a logo I designed to represent myself. I chose simple and linear graphics.
ALICE desig n
Estro Cafè (Park Hyatt Milano) Visual Brand Design
Credits: M. Issa T.M. Dinata T. Pornpattananangkul
Project realized during Visual Bramd Design Master, Domus Academy Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: Estro, Art, bar, cafè, creativity, versatility.
The brief of this project required us to create the new identity of the Park bar (the bar of Park Hyatt Hotel). We chose to create a “milanese digital art cafè” (our concept), to called it “Estro”, in connection with art and creativity, and to construct the visual part basing on the dome in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, near to the Hotel. The logo will change shape and colors according with the astists and the artworks.
7.6mm/ 15.8mm/ 9mm/ 28px 60px 34px
Bodoni book, 76 pt Brandon Grotesque, 23pt
Image as a background
Black background
Black version
The versatility of the logo according with the artists and artworks Giuliana Blancati, “Figura di donna” Content: 85% (94pieces) 12pieces
Simona della Bella, “Ambiguità” Content: 81% (91pieces) 9pieces
Grazia Gabbini, “Giallo”
Content: 81% (92pieces)
Forevermark Visual Brand Design
Credits: E. Turgul J.Orduno R. Yen
Project realized during Visual Bramd Design Master, Domus Academy Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: luxury, diamonds, mirror, pop-up store, apps, innovation
The brief of this project required us to create new and innovative elements by visual and marketing communication. The goal of this project was to ensure the company to attract the major number of people possible.
The Sport Book +/Graphic design
Credits: F.Artuffo C.Cavagion I.Fucci
Professor: Fabio Guida Subject: Disegno Industriale per la comunicazione visiva III Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: overprint, positive, negative, dualism
In this project we made an experiment of over-printing on the theme of sport: one book is positive and the other is negative. For the positive one we chosed the red color, for the negative one the blue. The page numbers are printed with a particoular technique, known as termography.
For the positive one we chose to use the color red, which mirrors liveliness, cheerfulness and hope; it is a hot color that recalls the fire and the sun. For the negative one we used blue, which embodies ice, cold and conveys sadness. We used geometric shapes, icons and two types of font: the Code and the Brandon Grotesque font.
Alberto Burri flyers Graphic design
Credits: /
Professor: Fabio Guida Subject: Disegno Industriale per la comunicazione visiva III Software used: Adobe Illustrator Keywords: minimal, tipography, black and white
Flycatcher Identity
Credits: F. Artuffo I. Fucci P. Pucilowska
Professor: Fabio Guida Subject: Disegno Industriale per la comunicazione visiva III Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: low cost, fly, confort, innovation
The goal of our project was to create a low cost airline company for long flights, from North to South America. The name and the colours are inspired by the Flycatcher bird, which migrates from North to South America in Autumn. The logo and its declinations are presented hereunder.
Font used:
PANTONE: Process black CMYK 0;0;0;100 RGB 35,31,32
PANTONE: 1625C CMYK 0;0;0;100 RGB 35,31,32
PANTONE: 1625C CMYK 0;0;0;100 RGB 35,31,32
Next page displays some applications of logo and the airplan model realized with an acetate sheet.
Turin & the sea Graphic design
Credits: G. Marocchino
Professor: Pietro Cerri Subject: Laboratorio di informatica I Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: sea, fantasy, photo retouching, Turin
We’ve re-worked some pictures whose theme is “Turin & the sea”. We started with some photos of our beautiful city; than we tried to create a context in witch Turin can look like a sea-place. The following pages shows: “Il monumento energetico”, “Superga”, “Il Casello del Valentino”, “La Mole Antonelliana” and finally “La chiesa dei Cappuccini”.
Modo Mio Packaging
Credits: F. Artuffo C.Cavagion I. Fucci
Professor: Tommaso Delmastro Subject: Cartotecnica e Imballaggio II Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: traditions, quality, local products
Reference to the craft production
Cooking tradition
Local products
Good organoleptic quality
COLOUR PALETTTE RGB: 0,0,0, CMYK: 0,0,0,100.
RGB: 178,178,178, CMYK: 31,25,25,0.
RGB: 255,255,255, CMYK: 0,0,0,0.
The idea of creating a motive to partially or totally cover the product was born observing the images above. A pattern was created combining the typical elements of the tradition or consumption of single product.
TYPOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Gill Sans Bold Gill Sans regular Aa
We created a corporate image for “Modo Mio�, a slow food brand which aims at recalling the traditions of food. We designed a patterns using traditional cooking instruments. They differ for each product. For the label we used a black circular shape, in contrast with the white pattern. Our choice fot the font was Gill Sans regular and bold.
Our project has been published on a packaging book by the title: “Choi’s package” in the Student’s works section. Labels and the patterns are shown in the next page.
PASTA PER LASAGNE gusto unico, qualità certificata dop bologna, emilia romagna
prodotto e confezionato da: Az. Agr. MODO MIO, viale Italia 122/A, 00199, Roma nello stabilimento di BARAGGIA (NO), ITALIA I PORZIONE : 80 - 90 grammi CONSERVARE IN LUOGO FRESCO ED ASCIUTTO, AL RIPARO DALLA LUCE DIRETTA DA CONSUMARSI PREFERIBILMENTE ENTRO: 9 / 2012 COTTURA : 14 minuti
500 g
Front of the label
Pattern capsule version (wine, grappa, beer)
Back of the label
Pattern strip version (for biscuits, pasta or rice)
Label’s grid
Pattern cover-tap version (for jams, honey, tomato souce and under vinegars.)
The Bomb Pack Packaging
Credits: F. Artuffo C.Cavagion I. Fucci
Professor: Tommaso Delmastro Subject: Cartotecnica e Imballaggio II Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Keywords: explosion, originality, funny.
In this project we realized some food packaging for pasta, salmon, wine and jam. Our objective was to create something original, so we imagined the packaging as bombs: they have military color and the typical shape of a mine
CMYK: 62, 47, 63, 42 CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 Font:
Florence sans Bold Aa Spacing: 88,8 pt Kerning: 0 pt
The Muppet Show Video: 2d modelling
Credits: F. Artuffo C.Cavagion I. Fucci
Professor: Fabio Guida Subject: Disegno Industriale per la comunicazione visiva III Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect Keywords: colors, fun, remake, originality.
This project is a remake of the old opening theme of the famous american TV series “The Muppet Show�. We tried to make it funny and witty, using the some soundtrack of the old one, but changing the images. The characters are depicted as cartoons.
The video is avable on youtube at this address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-GG6o9lKy4
The characters of the opening theme have been realized using Adobe Illustrator, starting from a grid made of ellipses and circular shapes. Some of them are shown in the next page, namely: Kermit, Miss Piggie and Elmo
What to wear? Video: 2d modelling
Credits: F. Artuffo C. M. Fejoò
Professor: Christian Racca Subject: Materiali e Modelli III Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect Keywords: fashion, femminility, clothes, beauty.
In this project we realized a video called “What to wear� wich is a presentation of a mobile phone application. With this work we took part in a contest managed by the graphic design agency of Turin Eggers 2.0. We pass the first, the second and the third selection and then won the opportunity to work for one year in that studio
The video is avable on you tube at this address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sllbOfkcD-Mwv
“Le Gru” invitation Graphic design
The project was realised on the occasion of the celebrations for the fiftieth annyversary of one of Turin’s most important shopping malls, “Le Gru”.
oduaniR ecil A
Alice Rinaudo