Art Ovation Brand Strategy and Media Plan

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SHELBY ROBINSON Second Year, Business of Art and Design Major



The Westin

A Loft Hotel

“Instagramable” aesthetics all around and heavily utilizes local influencers.

Making its way into the “instagramable” genre, utilizing a somewhat artistic display of food and cohesive theme.

Modern aesthetics, visually pleasing drinks and bar area.

Focuses on the physical aesthetics rather that artistic elements of their food.

Little to no promotion through influencers, and does not focus on the art.

There is no usage or promotion by local influencers found, not quite “Instagramable”.

RESEARCH 75% of users say that they have picked a restaurant based on social media photos alone, and 60% say that they browse the hashtag "food porn" regularly on social media.

Almost half of diners nationally (44%) say that they take pictures of their food when dining out to share on social media.

CNN claims “A strong social media presence can help restaurants and other businesses engage with a much wider audience and attract new customers they may not have had access to before.�

This tells us that people today are fascinated with artistic and visually appealing food, and if not that, just sharing it in general.


Miami, FL

Sarasota, FL

orlando, FL

Miami, FL

Sarasota, FL

STRATEGY Creating an experience around the art of food, and in the process expand audiences and awareness for The Overture restaurant. This strategy will showcase a new genre of artistic expression in Art Ovation by utilizing a modern marketing strategy that pushes the boundaries of a normal hotel experience.


#EatYourArtOut This campaign will be implementing an already established concept within the hotel in a new area.

Through #EatYourArtOut, the Overture Restaurant will be a new hub in Sarasota that upholds the value of creation by being a place for sharing, creating, and expressing through food.

Campaign Features

Social Media Revamp

Artist Feature Events

Gives the Art Ovation’s Overture restaurant a cohesive and “instagramable” online presence.

Showcases artists and their works for viewing and tasting.

Interactive Guest Events Allows guests to learn and be inspired to make creations of their own.

Target Markets Social media gurus

Adventurous families

These will be the new arrivals at Art Ovation, and will be reached through social media marketing and word of mouth.

This group is what Art Ovation is currently drawing in, and will be enthused to do and learn more with their loved ones.

#EatYourArtOut Hashtag and Insta. revamp start June 2019 Start of Instagram page revamp and planning for events.

Gaining content for page and beginning influencer outreach. July 2019

Artist and guest events begin

Campaign rollout


End of summer events

August 2019 Utilize the season’s features with dishes, designs, and drinks for summer.

Begin “media hype” for seasonal events coming soon with continued media influence. Sep. - Dec. 2019 Continue events based on holidays

Media Marketing Looks and feels ‘luxury’ and is up to Art Ovation’s brand standards, with a cohesive theme and appealing “first impression” to Sarasota visitors and locals looking for an experience they can document and taste. Media marketing will be the beginning and core of the campaign, and will heavily rely on the spread of the hashtag for the campaign and influencer outreach.

Artist Feature Events The campaign will be in support of monthly or bimonthly events of varying “Instagramable” experiences. These events would be most likely to attract Instagram food influencers.

#EatYourArtOut Food Shows will display plates by featured artists and their table set up, and can include small edible works of art the artist prepares for passers by. #EatYOurArtOut Dinner Parties featuring new artists every month who add their own spin on The Overture’s menu.


Interactive Guest Events Creating an experience that appeals to both the desired target market and current clientele.

Food design workshops for adults and children provided by guest artists of the month who wish to teach and inspire. Friendly #EatYourArtOut Plating Competitions for varying ages and families.

*Both the Artist Feature events and Guest events can be made seasonal as well for the longevity of the campaign roll out and ideas.

RESOURCE ASSESMENT Earned Media will be the goal, and is achieved simply through the sharing and posting on social medias with the campaign hashtag and high post “engagement”. Paid Media will require paid posts with influencers along with sponsored or promoted posts carried out through Instagram’s business profile capabilities.

Estimated costs for these resources include:

The overall average price was $271 per post. The average price for microinfluencers with fewer than 1,000 - 5,000 followers was $83 per post.

Within Instagram business profiles you are able to determine how much you spend depending out the number of accounts you desire to reach and how many days the posts will be promoted. Recommended $10 a day for 3 to 4 days.

Food photographers can be hired for about $25 to $75 an hour.

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Facebook events and Instagram post engagement can both be measured through the business profile social analytics. Number of times #EatYourArtOut is used. On-site tracking of attendants and how many posts are made during events (utilizing the hashtag). Happy hour and complimentary Overture treats such as a discounted appetizer or cocktail if having posted about Art Ovation and / or The Overture.


IN THE END The #EatYourArtOut Campaign is bringing Art Ovation up to speed within brand marketing and popular trends among not only their target market but their current clientele as well. The end objectives are to up social media presence, attract a new customer base (“foodies�), provide content for social media/earned media, and to create a community around this genre of art with Art Ovation as the patron of this art form.

Food is a treasure to most of us. Gathering around the table and sharing a relaxing and beautiful experience is something people look forward to. Art Ovation has interlaced art throughout their entire hotel and brand strategy, and #EatYourArtOut will bring it right to your table.

Thank you


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