INDEX | Brand Strategy Phase 02

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IN D E X Industry Experience at Ringling College of Art + Design.

Presentation | March 1st, 2021

“As a result of that survey, we decided that one of our main aims is to establish a framework that is both sustainable and inclusive through the adaptation of the language used by students.” - Original In-class Pitch, Fall 2019

Inside 05



This is INDEX Map


Research Student Survey Collaboratory Survey Student Interviews


Next Steps


Team Profile Credits 03 | 04

The Challenge


The challenge at hand is to elevate the Collaboratory Commitment to its full potential. It is to clarify and eliminate any confusion around the “Big C, Little c” in order to increase the visibility of experiential learning opportunities across Ringling College of Art and Design and bring the commitment closer to the student. The opportunity lies within establishing a framework that supports the community in identifying, accessing, and managing such opportunities.

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IN D E X Industry Experience at Ringling College of Art + Design.

“the promise to provide all students with the opportunity to work with a real-world client on a real-world project by the time they graduate.”

This is INDEX

INDEX is the identity that connects all industry experiences that Ringling College of Art and Design offers. Born out of the necessity to clarify and unify industry experience opportunities, INDEX synchronizes communications with primary and secondary audiences, creates an inclusive community by eliminating barriers of entry, and provides a centralized hub that hosts all experiential learning. INDEX is the third pillar of the Ringling experience along with academics and student life.

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IN D E X INDEX as a landmark The places listed host industry experiences on campus and are supported by the INDEX office. Come by the Collaboratory to find out what industry experiences fit you best.


Design Center

Studio Labs

ART Network

The Makerspace

Client-Sponsored Competitions and Immersives

Projects in Majors


CSS Internships

ELEC 350 Courses

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Student Survey Who | 674 Students How | Email; 12 Questions Survey When | Fall 2019

1. What is your year and Major 2. How do you stay informed about events on campus? 3. How would you like to be informed? 4. How often do you check your email? 5. What makes you pay attention to an email? 6. Do you use the Corq App? If not, why? 7. Which of these ‘experiential learning opportunities’ do you know how to get involved with? 8. In which of the following ‘experiential learning opportunities’ have you participated? 9. How important is participating in ‘experiential learning opportunities to you’? 10. Do you think the existing opportunities are interesting and engaging? 11. What is hindering you from taking advantage of these opportunities? 12. What would catch your attention on campus?

Research - Student Survey

Survey Participants - Year & Major

Chart Title

30.5% Freshmen 30.4% Sophomore 20.2% Junior 19.4% Seniors 1




34.9% Illustration 20.8% Computer Animation, 10.7% Game Art 9.5% Motion Design 5.8% Film 5.3% Graphic Design 3.6% Visual Studies 2.7% Photography & Imaging 1.8% Creative Writing 1.3% Business of Art and Design 1.3% Virtual Reality Development 1.3% Fine Arts 0.6% Entertainment Design 0.4% Interior Design

* This is representative of the distribution of majors at Ringling

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88.6% but



of students know the importance of ‘experiential learning opportunities’.

have never taken part in a single ‘experiential learning opportunity’.

say that the biggest hindering aspect is the lack of information.


feel too unqualified to participate.


feel intimidated.

Observation 01


- say that confusion around ‘experiential learning opportunities’ hinders them from participating.

Observation 02

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Unequal distribution in student involvement with different hubs:

Observation 03

Studio Labs & Art Network

* Percentage of students that know how to get involved with respective Industry Experience hubs at Ringling

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Collaboratory Survey Who | 38 Students How | Email; 2 Question Survey When | Spring 2020

1. Do you know what the Collaboratory is? 2. What is the Collaboratory?

Research - Collaboratory Survey



- Knew what the Collaboratory was.

-Understood only partially.



- Admitted they do not know.

- Had a wrong impression.

Observation 04

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Student Interviews Who | 15 Students How | Interviews; 16 Question Conversation When | Fall 2019

1. What is your year and major? 2. Do you know what ‘experiential learning’ is? 3. Have you ever gotten involved with an ‘experiential learning opportunity’? If yes: a) Do you find it easy to get involved in such opportunities? b) What made it easy to get involved? c) What would make it easier? d) What part of the process did you dislike? e) Do you think instructors encouraging you are an important part in your participation? What about peers? f) What about the marketing of the opportunities helps you decide if you are qualified to participate? g) What is the one thing that an experience would have to include, in order for you to participate in it even on your busiest weeks? h) Can you tell us in a few words the biggest takeaway from your experience?

Research - Student Interviews

If no: a) Why didn’t you get involved in ‘experiential learning opportunities’? b) What would make it easier to get involved with ‘experiential learning opportunities’? c) What part of the process did you dislike? d) What would encourage you to take action towards participating? e) Can you think of any better way to call this aspect of Ringling’s life?

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Rohini, a Fine Arts Senior “People have become desensitized to the advertising, [they] kind of look past it.”

Observation 05

Emily, a Business Graduate “The unclarity of what your role will be, creates hesitation.”

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Giovanna, a Visual Studies Junior “ I am not gonna stand a chance.”

Observation 05

Bea, a Motion Design Graduate “[I suggest to] have it be more clear to the public, [as] it is still very exclusive.”

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Juliana, a Business Senior “Once the student knows that a professor or someone with authority trusts them and believes in their work, and believes they can succeed in doing something independently, that is a major influencer.”

Observation 05

Isa, a Creative Writing Graduate “There is not a recognizable face with it, [and] there’s no visual portion to it.”

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Rohini, a Fine Arts Senior “If you find something in between ecstatic or exciting about art, a word that provokes magic about art, and the industry-based lingo, that would be a good combination of things.”

Observation 05

Key Insights 01 Staggering Abundance of Opportunities They are valuable, abundant, and readily available on every corner of campus. Whilst this is amazing, it leaves the students disoriented as there is no map that guides them towards the opportunity that fits them best. As information reaches the student from all sides and in different ways, it causes oversaturation and makes them desensitized to the amazing possibilities presented.

First Insight

02 Confusion over a Shared Name The name ‘Collaboratory Commitment’ causes uncertainty and uncertainty leads to apprehension. Using one word to describe two different things is ineffective. Exclusive Naming Convention The Commitment’s close association with only the Collaboratory causes exclusivity and limits the potential of the Promise.

Second Insight

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03 Lack of Identity Trustworthiness and unity are essential characteristics of all experiential learning opportunities on campus. Students do not recognize the relevancy of opportunities, expressing the need for a cohesive and reliable identity that unifies all industry experiences.

Third Insight

INDEX as the answer

‘Collaboratory Commitment’

Next Steps

INDEX There is no “Big C, Little C”. There is INDEX, the third pillar of Ringling College of Art and Design that allows us to pioneer in the industry as we offer resume-building experiences right here on campus. And there is the Collaboratory, a creative destination that guides students towards the industry experience that fits them best.

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This initiative was created by students Sophie Schönbach, Luna Križan, and Tekla Khantadze, in 2019 as a result of extensive research conducted for a Business class project set up through the QEP. The initial ask was to visually highlight all indexes around campus. Upon extensive research, we discovered that the root problem could not be solved solely with a visual bandaid, and after more than a year of continuous work, INDEX is ready to be realized.

Team Profile

Sophie Schönbach Business of Art and Design; Minor: Graphic Design and Fine Arts; Graduation Year: 2022

“Sophie believes that genuine dialogue and dedicated exchange of information are imperative to progressive change. Her journey started with a fascination for the fine arts as a platform for open social critique. The field of business provided her the opportunity to implement the change she seeks behind the scenes. She strives to understand the concept of collaboration, what she defines as ‘the art of making a team greater than the sum of its parts’.” - Luna Križan Luna Križan Digital Filmmaking, Minor: Business and Photography & Imaging; Graduation Year: 2022

“Luna chooses film as an expressive medium to explore and find new ways to tell familiar stories. Her fascination with human nature, our interactions, and relationships urges her to not only connect with her audiences but draws her to the field of business. The understanding of said dynamics builds the foundation of creative and effective problem-solving. She likes it.” - Sophie Schönbach

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Thank you.

Contact: Sophie Schönbach Project Manager and Strategist for INDEX +1 (941) 263 - 9054; Luna Križan Communications Manager and Strategist for INDEX +1 (941) 726 - 1981;

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