Six workshops for Personal growth‌ Growth and development are two strong words as they can be in a life of an individual. Many of you must be still unaware about your own mental, physical, social and emotional health. It is very necessary for you to have knowledge about your own needs, wants, desires and places for improvement. Rio Retreat Centre at The Meadows brings you six different types of Self-Improvement Workshops and Personal Growth workshop to know your inner self. They are:
1. Men's Sexual Recovery : Men suffering from sexual addiction are often ashamed and embarrassed. Thus, we help them overcome their embarrassment and help them heal. This workshop is for active people who want their recovery faster and prevent relapse. Positivity is instigated in them such that they are taught to have productive experiences as well as to maintain positive relationships.
2. Spirit: A Somatic Equine Workshop: This workshop is held in a rustic ranch near Wickenburg, Arizona. This program is very interesting as it consists of experiential activities with horses, and focusing on self-esteem, needs, desires, emotional regulation, and spontaneity.
3. Mind & Heart: A mindful path to wholehearted living:
This workshop helps you maintain a balance between mind and heart. We often get confused what to do and what not to do because of the rationality of mind and correctness of heart. Thus, this workshop at Rio Retreat Centre helps in improving decisions and continues taking them correctly.
4. A Man's Way™ Retreat: It is said that a man cannot be taught HOW TO BE A GENTLEMAN? Here, at Rio Retreat we teach them to be. We assist men to recover from trauma, with the help of curriculum by Dan Griffin. This five-day intensive workshop is based upon books A Man's Way through the Twelve Steps and A Man's Way through Relationships by Dan Griffin.
5.Freedom From Emotional Eating: Taking The Next Steps Generally, when girls are nervous or in trauma, they tend to eat more, thus, resulting in body damage and reputation damage and lack of selfconfidence. Once you recover from that, this workshop will help you overcome past experiences of eating disorder at Remuda Ranch. Attend workshops at Rio Retreat once and you will return with few more comrades.