Ripon College Annual Report - 2013

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Ripon College’s future gaining momentum I love being the president of Ripon

The most

College. I also know that I am


incredibly fortunate to have the


opportunity to work with phenomenal

we make as an

trustees, faculty, staff and alumni.

institution is to

Thousands of people care deeply

our students. In

about Ripon College and believe in its

everything we

future. So many people give so much

do, the primary

of their time, resources and expertise;

question we

I am in awe of the generational

must always

responsibility of those who continue

ask ourselves

to give back so that the College can

is: “How does

flourish today.

this benefit

Zach P. Messitte President

our students?” The 2012-2013 As I begin my second year as

Annual Report answers this question

president, I am reminded again about

clearly. The success of the Imagine

what I love the most about my job:

Tomorrow campaign, the awarding

our students. This fall, I am teaching

of new faculty grants, the increased

Introduction to International Relations

engagement from alumni, the

from 8 to 9:55 a.m. every Monday and

success of our scholar-athletes, the

Wednesday. Many college presidents

buzz on campus from the visits of

self-proclaim that they are “too busy

prominent speakers and our pride in

to teach.” I am in the classroom by

the graduate school achievements

choice; it is sacred space, and it

of the Class of 2013 all point to where

makes me a better leader. While I

we place our priorities. We are – at the

hope that my lectures and discussions

most fundamental level – devoted to

illuminate my students’ views of the

helping our students achieve their full

world, what often happens is exactly

potential. I am very proud of what we

the opposite: Ripon College students

accomplished at Ripon College in the

energize me to try to see the world

past year, but I am even more excited

through their eyes.

for our future.

Imagine Tomorrow Campaign Progress Imagine Tomorrow, Ripon College’s

A gift from the estate of Frank Brewster

five-year, $50 million comprehensive

’65 provided for the purchase of a

campaign, continues to maintain

Steinway concert grand piano, and

momentum and now stands at $40

initial leadership funds are being raised

million — $5 million more than the

to plan and upgrade our athletic,

update announced in February when

recreation and fitness facilities.

the public phase of the campaign was launched. Because of the continued generosity of alumni, staff and friends, we remain on pace to achieve our goal by 2015.

New faculty chairs ■

Dr. Robert Amsden, professor of theatre, Doreen L. ’73 and David I. Chemerow Chair in Theatre

■ David W. Scott, assistant professor

Contributions are being directed

of religion, Pieper Chair of Servant

toward substantially increasing


the endowment, which stands at its highest point ever. The College already is planning new programs, scholarships, faculty and student research support, and off-campus study opportunities that go above and beyond what can be covered by tuition dollars.

Enhanced facilities Our historic buildings, designed for the academic needs of past generations, need to be continually updated to accommodate the changing lifestyles of our students and constantly emerging new learning technologies. Recent enhancements include:

Ripon College belongs to all generations, and enthusiastic alumni support is a strong testament to how the College impacts the lives of its students. Major gifts to date include nearly $4 million from the C.B. (’31) and Elizabeth J. Wegner estate — the

■ West Hall Museum renovations ■ New roofs for Tri-Dorms and West Hall ■ Bottle-filling stations added to each of the residence halls ■ Campus signage ■ New seats in Benstead Theatre

largest individual gift in Ripon history.

For more information about Imagine Tomorrow, visit

Imagine Tomorrow All Gifts to Date by Source

Corporations 1%

Foundations 5%

Parents 1%

Friends 11%

Alumni 82%

Robert Amsden, center, rehearses “The Rover” with Kevin Whiteneir ’15, foreground, in October 2012. From an endowed gift as part of the Imagine Tomorrow comprehensive campaign, Amsden has been named the first Doreen L. ’73 and David I. Chemerow Chair in Theatre.

Gifts and Grants to Ripon College Gifts to the Annual Fund are an

Funding proposals

integral part of Imagine Tomorrow.

Thirty-seven proposals to foundations,

Unrestricted support affords the

corporations and grants-funding

College crucial flexibility to apply funds

government agencies more than

to areas of greatest need and allows

doubled those of FY’12. As of June

donors an immediate impact on the

30, 2013, 19 were funded with a

College’s financial well-being.

combined value of $413,596, including

During FY’13, donors gifted $2,172,688 in unrestricted funds, up $218,399 from FY’12. Restricted giving grew more than $2 million. The combined total of $8,330,436 is our highest in a decade. Student philanthropy was up 14 percent, with 84 percent of the Class of

$100,000 from the National Science Foundation for Professor of Biology Robert Wallace and colleagues to study rotifers; $100,000 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for presidential initiatives; and $120,008 from the Suzanne and Richard Pieper Family Foundation for servant

2013 contributing to the senior class gift.

leadership and related activities.

Major and Planned Gifts

A separate five-year, $1.1 million

In FY’13, 704 personal visits were made with donors and prospective donors. Our 1851 Club gained 86 members for a total of 462. Members support the College at or above $1,000 in a given year or $50,000 or more in lifetime support. Young alumni (10 years out or fewer) who give $100 or more

grant from the U.S. Department of Education TRIO division continues the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program, a unique collaboration between Ripon College, Lawrence University and St. Norbert College. First-generation, low-income and racially underrepresented

annually, also are members,

students are prepared for graduate

Thirty-two new households notified us

doctorate degrees. To date, 50

of estate plans which include Ripon

students have been placed in

College and became new Partners in

graduate schools, with 24 going

the Legacy.

directly into doctorate programs.

school and the attainment of

To view the online Honor Roll of Donors, visit

Restricted Fund in millions

Non-Bequest Bequest Total Restricted Gifts

FY’13 $1.92m FY’13 $4.24m

FY’12 $1.3m

FY’12: $2.75m FY’12 $4.06m

Annual Fund

FY’13 $6.16m


in millions

Bequest Total Unrestricted Gifts

FY’13 $2.06m

FY’12 $1.88m

FY’13: $0.11m FY’12 $0.08m

FY’12 $1.95m

Terrah Jones ’11, a McNair Scholar while at Ripon College, is pursuing a Ph.D. degree in archaeology at the University of California at Los Angeles. Here, she excavates soil at Cerro del Gentil, an archaeological mound site on the southern coast of Peru, during the summer of 2012.

FY’13 $2.17m

Revenue and Expenses The strong progress of Imagine

Nine weddings were accommodated

Tomorrow coupled with our investment

on campus, which generated $11,200

strategies boosted Ripon College’s

in revenues for the College.

financial picture during FY’13. Financial statements for the year ended June

The majority of expenses during FY’13

30, 2013, reflect an increase to net

were related to student support, costs

assets of $7,316,140.

associated with academic instruction

Conference Services accommodated

and upgrades to facilities.

12 income-producing conference groups during FY’13 that brought in

The College provided more than

gross revenues of about $185,900, an

$13,198,000 in financial assistance to

increase of nearly $15,000 over FY’12.

98 percent of its students.

Endowment The endowment value as of June 30, 2013, was $71,227,447, our highest level ever. This reflects an increase during the year of $8,976,269. The increase on our investments represented a 13.8-percent return.

Market Value of the Endowment $80 million $60 million $40 million $20 million $0











*The stock market crash and subsequent recession of 2008–2009 affected these numbers.

Revenues Other Income 4.0%

Student Tuition & Fees 37.3%

Investments 24.2%

Contributions Auxiliary 15.6% Enterprises 18.9%

Expenditures Academic Support 3.3% Student Services 15.9%

Public Services 1.9%

Instruction 40.7%

Auxiliary Enterprises 17.7% Institutional Support 20.5%

First-years Erin Canon and Ben Vorpahl both have received substantial aid awards to attend Ripon College. Canon received a Founders’ Scholarship, and Vorpahl received a Gleason Presidential Scholarship, established by the late Owen Gleason ’73 and his wife, Roxanne. The students stand in the West Hall Museum, which currently is undergoing an update.

Enrollment/Outcomes Ripon College received 1,319

National Park Trust, Rep. Tod Ohnstad,

applications for first-time, first-year

Wisconsin State Legislature, Golden

admission for the fall of 2013; 992

Sands Conservation Group LLC and

were offered admission, and 238

NCSA Athletic Recruiting.

enrolled. Ten transfer students also enrolled. The Class of 2017 includes 31 legacies, whose brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents or great-grandparents attended the College. We continue to make a nationally recognized, liberal arts education affordable to all qualified candidates regardless of their financial background. Outcomes Graduates 219 students earned degrees in 2013. Of those, 54 had double-majors; 17 earned Phi Beta Kappa honors; 12 graduated summa cum laude, with a cumulative grade point average of 3.90 or higher; 24 magna cum laude (3.70); and 39 cum laude (3.40). Jobs and Graduate School Ninety-six percent of 2012 graduates were employed, student-teaching or in graduate school within six months of graduation.

Graduate schools students are attending include Northwestern Health Sciences University, UW-Madison, University of Wales Institute Carniff, Marquette University Law School, North Carolina State University, Mayo School of Health Sciences and GarrettEvangelical Theological Seminary. The acceptance rate for 2013 Ripon College students applying to medical school was 100 percent, including: Rachell Pachniak, Jimmy Rindt and Sarah Carballo. The one student who applied to veterinary school, Kyle Ruedinger, also was accepted. Social media Social media are increasingly important connection tools. Response to our accounts is growing: Ripon College Facebook: 3,687 Likes, up 23 percent Ripon College Twitter: 1,169 Followers, up 55.9 percent Red Hawks Facebook: 1,369 Likes,

Class of 2013 employers include the

up 22 percent

U.S. Army, Chicago White Sox, Missouri

Red Hawks Twitter: 371 Followers

Department of Natural Resources,

Enrollment Statistics 2004-13 1500 1319

1250 1081

1000 959












1160 1064



750 500 250 0

202 ’04













Incoming Class Statistics 2008






ACT Mean







Top 10% Graduating Class (%)



















Top 25% Graduating Class (%) Diversity (%)

Student Life Ripon College embraces diversity —

and potential career paths; an

both in the people who live, learn

innovative Career Discovery Tour to

and work here and in experiences

Chicago; and individually tailored

that enrich life in the classroom and

publications to prepare each senior

beyond. The College has a proud

for careers, graduate study or service

history of providing students autonomy


over an activity fee to support a vibrant co-curricular life, including

Student Organizations/Activities

guest speakers, artists, musicians and

Ripon students led and participated

entertainers. The campus provides

in more than 50 student clubs and

valuable programs and services

organizations in FY’13, including five

to meet a broad range of student

new organizations. New programming

interests, needs and concerns,

included an Easter egg hunt and

increasing both engagement and

Hazing Prevention. In addition to


a biannual Cultural Connection e-newsletter, new multicultural

Tutoring contracts

events also were added. With

Ripon’s “success-oriented” tutoring

Ripon After Dark (RAD), students

model teaches students that tutoring

gained experience in programming,

is simply another form of practice.

leadership development and

Just as in music, debate, theatre or

responsible social interaction.

athletics, success in the classroom requires practice and coaching. More

Off-campus opportunities

than 30 percent of enrolled students

Twenty-five foreign and 11 U.S.-based

held tutoring contracts during each of

semester-long programs, as well as

the past three academic years.

five three-week “Maymester” trips were offered. Students also had

Career Development

the opportunity to participate in

Programming included Major

alternative service trips during fall,

Fest, where 101 students explored

winter and spring breaks.

academic programs at Ripon

First-Year Retention Rates

Counseling and Health Services Health Center Visits: 1,717 Counseling Services Visits: 376 Trainings/Workshops/Activities: 14,

First-to-second year student return rate for all entering first-time, full-time degree-seeking students 2012 2011 2010 60%



Ripon College Public 4-Year Colleges (average)





All 4-Year Colleges (average) Private 4-Year Colleges (average) Source: ACT

including: • “Suicide & Self-Injury Preparedness/Peer Counseling/Responding vs. Reacting” • “Stress Management, Referrals & Healthy Boundaries” • “Think Before You Drink,” alcohol awareness

New Opportunities for Students Book Club Monthly Diversity Dinners Young Americans for Liberty International Night of Fashion Equestrian teams Laser Tag in the Library Art Opening Jamboree Enthusiasts Hispanic Heritage Month International Month Home Away From Home Finding Nemo in the Pool LGBT Month Shaunna Baumhardt ’15, a business and economics major, was among the 46 students who participated in semester-long offcampus study programs during FY’13. She studied in St. Andrews, Scotland, during the spring semester of 2013.

Frost Boss Cupcake Decorating Wheel of Fun

Faculty Achievements Our faculty provide educational and

an international conference in

personal mentoring experiences

Argentina; and a Ripon College grant

that alumni remember for years and

to set up a public archaeology field

consider a key reason for their success


after graduation. The student/faculty ratio is 12:1. The most recent National

Jody Roy, professor of communication and Victor and Carrie

College Student Survey shows 95

Palmer Endowed Chair

percent of students were satisfied or

for Leadership Values,

very satisfied with attention from faculty.

and Shawn Karsten ’09

Lamont Colucci, associate professor of

addressed the 2012

politics and government

meeting of the Wisconsin

and coordinator of the

Correctional Association after their

National Security Studies

two-year collaborative writing project

program, spent much

with inmates at Fox Lake Correctional

of 2012 in Austria as a

Institution. Roy’s book, “Autobiography

Fulbright Scholar. In the

of a Recovering Skinhead: The Frank

fall, his two-volume set, “The National

Meeink Story,” has been optioned as a

Security Doctrines of the American

major motion picture.

Presidency: How They Shape Our Present and Future,” was published. He is a regular foreign policy columnist on


2013 James R. Underkofler

the U.S. News & World Report website.

Excellence in Undergraduate

Emily Stovel, associate professor of anthropology, received

Teaching Award ■

$2,500 from the Meemic Foundation for the

documentaries, looms

George “Skip” Wittler, biology, May Bumby Severy ’08 Award

Future of Education to purchase anthropological

J. Timothy Petersik, psychology,

Joe Hatcher Jr., psychology, Senior Class Award

Samara Hamze, adjunct instructor of environmental studies, and

and supplies related to South American

Michele Wittler, registrar and

textile traditions; $20,000 from the

associate dean of faculty, Faculty/

Wenner-Gren Foundation to organize

Staff Mentor Award

Robert Wallace, professor of biology, and colleagues received a $600,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study rotifers. Wallace’s component is $25,000 per year for a total of $100,000. He also published an online paper (“Rotifera,” with Hilary Smith ’07 (pictured here with Wallace), now a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Notre Dame.

Recognizing Our Distinctive Faculty Brian Bockelman, 2012 Vanderwood Prize (Honorable Mention) Brian Smith, “Person of the Year,” Ripon Commonwealth Press Lamont Colucci, Senior Fellow in National Security Affairs, American Foreign Policy Council David Graham, named Professor of Cultural Studies and nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his poem “When I am Elected President” Martin Farrell, Alumni Scholarship, Council for International Educational Exchange International Faculty Development Seminar: “Cuba in a Changing Global Community” Russ Blake, named Distinguished Professor of American History, Principles and Traditions Eddie Lowry, Distinguished Foreign Language Educator Award, Wisconsin Association of Foreign Languages Mary Unger, National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute grant ($3,300), “Making Modernism,” held at the Newberry Library

Engagement engage alumni, parents and friends of the College. Approximately 750 guests attended inauguration weekend, which coincided with Homecoming. The Investing in Ripon reception, honoring donors and scholarship unique events providing opportunities for engagement were held in FY’13 with more than 3,150 individuals in attendance. The Ripon College alumni network

recipients, hosted 175 alumni and guests, while the ceremony and picnic on Saturday brought in almost 600 alumni, faculty, staff, students, institutional representatives and guests.

is 10,000 strong. Our alumni


remain connected. They read

Held June 27 through 30, 2013,

Ripon Magazine and the monthly

Alumni Weekend reached its highest

e-newsletter. They visit campus and

attendance on record with more than

share milestones. They volunteer at

650 attendees from 37 states from

events, provide internships and help

California to Maine, and class years

recruit graduates. They contribute to

from 1950 to 2016. This marked a nice

and share in our collective success.

increase since last year (612) and an

We seek to build long-term, meaningful relationships between the College and our alumni and to enrich the lives of graduates.

increase of more than 150 attendees since changing the event structure in 2008. More than $17,000 was raised for the athletic department by 132 golfers in the 5th Annual Red Hawks

Inauguration, Investing in Ripon

Golf Scramble. The Class of 1963

and Homecoming

had the highest on-campus reunion

The inauguration of our new president,

attendance at 43 percent; and the

Zach P. Messitte, in September

Class of 1978 had the highest reunion

provided a special opportunity to

class gift participation at 59.9 percent.

The Class of 1973 had the largest reunion class gift at Alumni Weekend — a whopping $444,754.

Alumni Connections A new feature in Ripon Magazine invites alumni to share memories about such topics as Ripon winters, offcampus hangouts, favorite professors and meeting their spouse. Memories are shared in print and on Career Discovery Tour The inaugural Career Discovery Tour, which is funded by the alumni board and is a collaborative effort between the offices of alumni & parent relations off-campus

and career development, was held

alumni events around the country in FY’13,

during spring break with 12 upper-class

including special gatherings to introduce

students selected to attend. The tour

President Zach P. Messitte, had a total of 1,884

visited five alumni hosts in Chicago

alumni, parents and friends in attendance, an

and provided networking for more

increase of 250 attendees over FY’12.

than 50 alumni, parents and friends.

Breakout Achievements ATHLETICS

head baseball coach, was named MWC North Coach of the Year. First Baseman Adam Grambow ’13 was named MWC North Player of the Year. ■ Adam Sellner earned All-American honors in the hammer throw at the 2013 Outdoor National Championships. ■ Thirty-five percent of students were

Jenna Breaker ’15 became a national champion in the 2013 indoor high jump.

members of a varsity athletic team. SPEAKERs

■ Julie Johnson, then head women’s basketball coach, became just the fourth coach in Midwest Conference (MWC) history to win 300 career games. She has since stepped down as coach to become full-time athletic director. ■ Taylor Koth ’13 was the College’s third consecutive basketball AllAmerican, MWC Player of the Year and one of 10 finalists for the Jostens Trophy. ■ The Red Hawks baseball team won its 20th MWC Championship and made their 11th appearance in the NCAA Regional Tournament, both the best of any school in the MWC. Eric Cruise, in his first season as

Nate Silver, New York Times writer/statistician, at Commencement Ripon College continued to bring internationally acclaimed speakers to campus in FY’13. They included: ■ George Tenet, former director of Central Intelligence, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ■ Hannah Rosenthal, president/CEO of Milwaukee Jewish Federation and daughter of a Holocaust survivor

■ Republican strategist Karl Rove ■ Award-winning authors Robin Hemley and Edward Falco ■ Howard Draft ’77, marketing pioneer ■ Peter Bock ’62, international

■ Deano Pape, director of forensics and assistant professor of communication, was named a tournament official at nationals for the first time in his career, working in the tabulation room.

expert on artificial intelligence and cognitive science COMPETITIONS ■ Amanda Finn ’14 won the Region 3 competition of the Institute for Theatre Journalism and Advocacy for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in January. She was one of only eight national finalists

Michael Enright ’14 was awarded a two-year

to advance to the national finals in

United States Environmental Protection

Washington, D.C., in April.

Agency (EPA) Greater Research Opportunities

■ Bill Heinze ’13 won the Kevin Heineman Award at the American Forensic Association District IV National Qualifier in March. ■ The Ripon College National Ethics

Fellowship, receiving up to $19,700 per year of academic support and $9,500 for internship support. In the summer of 2013, he studied the environmental fate of human-engineered nanoparticles at the Western Ecological Division of the EPA in Corvallis, Ore. His mentor is Joe

Bowl Team made it to the National

Scanlon, assistant professor of chemistry

Quarterfinals at the 17th Annual

at Ripon College. In FY’13, 88 students had

Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl in San

internships for which they received academic

Antonio, Texas. The team advanced

credit. Numerous other students had internships

to be among the top eight in the

for experience.


300 West Seward Street Ripon, Wisconsin 54971

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