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Computer and Data Sciences

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422. Algebraic Structures

Four credits. Groups, homomorphisms, isomorphisms, factor groups, rings, fields and polynomials. Normally offered in alternate years. Prerequisites: MTH 224 and one higher-numbered mathematics course.


432. Mathematical Statistics

Four credits. Correlation and regression, sampling and estimation theory, testing hypotheses, and applications. Normally offered in alternate years. Prerequisites: MTH 206 and 331.

501. Senior Seminar I

Two credits. Selected topics presented by students. Expected of senior majors; open to others by consent of the department. Prerequisite: senior standing and one course in the department at the 300 level or higher, or consent of the department.

502. Senior Seminar II

Two credits. Continuation of Senior Seminar I. Required of senior majors; open to others by consent of the department. Prerequisite: MTH 501 or consent of the department.

Computer and Data Sciences

Changsok Isaac Sung, Coordinator

Computer and Data Sciences combines technical skills with the liberal arts to hone problem-solving skills that may be used in a wide array of settings. The five courses of the minor build the core skills necessary to use computer applications and data analysis across disciplinary contexts. The integrated majors with mathematical sciences, chemistry and physics deepen these skills while developing specific disciplinary expertise in these sciences. The interdisciplinary computer science major allows a student to craft a personalized approach to computer science, data science and the liberal arts by working with an academic advisor to select a sequence of courses from other disciplines to create innovative combinations of technical skills and liberal arts inquiry. Each integrated major requires students to complete a culminating project applying computer and data sciences to the other discipline; these projects take place in the senior seminar. No student may complete both an integrated computer science major and also complete a major in the associated department (e.g., a student may not major in Physics and Integrated Computer Science-Physics).

Communicating Plus: Skills in problem-solving, oral presentation, writing and critical thinking are introduced and reinforced throughout the five core courses of the minor. The Communicating Plus skills then are refined and developed at the upper division. Integrated Computer Science majors master these skills in the upperlevel disciplinary courses taken in the other discipline, as described in the Catalog sections for each integrated major.

Requirements for a minor in Computer and Data Sciences 20 credits: CSC 101, 236, 336, 371; and 4 additional credits in CSC.

Requirements for a major in Integrated Computer Science-Mathematics 44 credits: MTH 201, 202, CSC 101, 236, 336, 371; 8 additional credits in CSC; 8 additional credits in MTH above MTH 300; MTH 501,502 (must complete computer/ data sciences-oriented project).

Requirements for a major in Integrated Computer Science-Physics 47 credits: PHY 131, 172, 251; CSC 101, 236, 336, 371; 4 credits in CSC; 4 credits in PHY; 4 credits in CSC or PHY; PHY 501,502 (must complete computer/data sciences-oriented project).

Requirements for a major in Integrated Computer Science-Chemistry 47 credits: CHM 111, 112, 211, 310; CSC 101, 236, 336, 371; 4 credits in CSC; 4 credits in CSC or CHM; CHM 501,502 (must complete computer/data sciences-oriented project).

Requirements for a major in Interdisciplinary Computer Science 44 credits: CSC 101, 236, 336, 371; 4 credits in CSC; 20 credits in a defined field of study, approved by the student’s academic advisor and the director of Computer and Data Sciences; these courses may be in a single department or multiple departments. Either a departmental seminar or Directed Study at the 500 level, in which a project is completed integrating computer and data science with an associated discipline.

101. Introduction to Programming

Four credits. Development and implementation of algorithms; structured program design; array manipulation; searching and sorting algorithms; file input and output.

209. Object-Oriented Programming

Four credits. Introduction to the object-oriented programming paradigm. Principles of designing classes and objects will be discussed along with inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation. Emphasis will be placed on developing practical programming skills. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or permission of the department.

236. Data Analysis and Visualization

Four credits. Data and visual analytics involves analyzing, modeling and visualizing complex high dimensional data. This course covers modeling, analysis and visualization techniques. It will emphasize practical challenges involving complex real world data. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or permission of the department.

253. Database Management Systems

Four credits. Techniques and theories for organizing, storing, accessing and processing data using database management systems. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or permission of the department.

259. Introduction to Video Game Development

Four credits. Project-based course focusing on the programming and development of video games.

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