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Applied Music

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Two credits. An introduction to the basic concepts and common tools of music technology: physics of sound, sound electronics, and digitization; as well as a survey of contemporary software and apps in music performance, recording, and education. Open to all students. Required for Music Education majors. May be repeated.

300. Departmental Studies Staff


Four credits. Special subjects in music not covered by regular courses. This course may be repeated for credit when topics change.

302. Elementary School Music Methods Shucha

Four credits. Covers educational philosophy, instructional methods, and practical procedures, including song leading and accompaniment, used in the elementary music classroom setting. Requires 25 hours of clinicals; these hours may partially fulfill the clinical requirement of EDU 320. Required for Music Education majors.

306. Middle and High School Music Methods Shucha

Four credits. Covers educational philosophy, instructional methods, and practical procedures used in the middle school and high school music classroom setting. Covers both ensemble and non-performance-based classes. Requires 25 hours of clinicals; these hours may partially fulfill the clinical requirement of EDU 320. REquired for Music Education majors.

334. Conducting I Shucha

Two credits. Basic baton technique, orientation to rehearsal techniques, and development of basic proficiency in conducting. Recommended for sophomore or junior year. Required for Music Education majors. Prerequisite: MUS 121.

335. Conducting II Shucha

Two credits. Literature, score study, and advanced rehearsal techniques. Applied conducting with college ensembles. Recommended for sophomore or junior year. Required for Music Education majors. Prerequisite: MUS 334.

500. Senior Project Bryan

Two credits. A culminating effort such as a full recital or research project for music majors only.

Applied Music (Lessons, Applied Classes, Ensembles)

The following applied music lessons, applied classes, and ensembles do not count toward the 19-credits/semester limit.

For students who are not music or music education majors or minors, there is a fee of $260 per semester for a half-hour lesson weekly unless noted otherwise below. Students who take private lessons without fee but do not complete the music major or minor at Ripon will be charged retroactively. Music majors or minors who drop private lessons will be billed for lessons at the same rate as non-majors.

Not all of the areas will be given in any semester. The offerings will be dependent upon student interest and the availability of staff. Students may not take more than two sections of private lessons simultaneously except by special permission of the department chair. Registration for MUS 050, 150, 250 requires a section code. See below.

050. Beginning Instrumental Lessons Staff

No credit. Weekly half-hour lessons for students without previous training in an instrument. Note that there are no piano lessons at the 050 level; beginning piano students should take MUS 102: Class Piano. Although the expectation is that students will progress to the 150 level, they may take more than two semesters of the same section of MUS 050 with permission of the instructor. Grading is Pass-Fail.

100. Group Voice Class Bryan

Two credits. Introduction to basic vocal technique, pedagogy, anatomy. Topics also include literature, diction, audition preparation and performance etiquette. Letter graded, but neither a jury nor a lesson fee are required. May be repeated.

102. Class Piano MacKenzie

One credit. Class Piano is intended for beginning pianists. Through the course, students learn basic piano skills with an intention to show their practical application. Exercises in accompanying, score reading, and warm-up exercises are integral to the course. Other topics, such as scales and chord progressions, are also covered. Counts toward piano requirement of music and music education majors. Letter graded, but neither a jury nor a lesson fee are required. May be repeated.

140. Intermediate Voice Lessons Bryan

One credit. Weekly half-hour lessons for students with previous training in voice. Typically reserved for music and music education majors and music minors. Students registering for MUS 140 for the first time must audition before the music department faculty. MUS 140 requires students to complete a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated. Prerequisites: MUS 100 and instructor consent required.

150. Intermediate Instrumental Lessons Staff

One credit. Weekly half-hour lessons for students with previous training on an instrument. Normally three years of earlier private study will be sufficient to qualify a student for credit. Students registering for MUS 150 for the first time must audition before the music department faculty. Students who have previously received credit for a given

section at Ripon College will register for the same section without audition. MUS 150 requires students to complete a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated. Prerequisite : Instructor consent required.

240. Advanced Voice Lessons Bryan

Two credits. Weekly hour-long lessons for students with previous training in voice. Typically reserved for music and music education majors and music minors. MUS 240 requires students to complete a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated. Prerequisites: two semesters of MUS 140 and a special audition before the music department faculty. Instructor consent required.

250. Advanced Instrumental Lessons Staff

Two credits. Weekly hour-long lessons typically reserved for music and music education majors. MUS 250 is particularly geared toward those intending to present a senior recital as their capstone experience. The semester of the senior recital, students will register for MUS 500 in place of MUS 250. MUS 250 requires students to complete a jury at the end of the semester. May be repeated. Prerequisites: two semesters of MUS 150 and a special audition before the music department faculty. Instructor consent required.

Sections for lessons:

Note that there is no MUS 050:09. Beginning piano students should take MUS 102. 1. Trumpet. Jensen 2. French Horn. Jensen 3. Trombone. Jensen 4. Euphonium. Jensen 5. Tuba. Jensen 6. Guitar. Staff 7. Organ*. Schaeffer 8. Percussion. Truesdale 9. Piano. MacKenzie 10. Violin. Stephan 11. Viola. Stephan 12. Cello. Stephan 13. String Bass. Stephan 14. Flute. Sackman 15. Oboe. Polcyn 16. Clarinet. Nelson 17. Saxophone. Nelson 18. Bassoon. Nelson 19. Jazz Woodwind. Nelson 20. Jazz Brass .Dietrich *Organ prerequisite: MUS 150:09 or permission of instructor.

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