Ripon College Senior View Book 2014-15

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Our Stories | Spirit & Traditions | Academics Campus Life | Beyond Ripon



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Ranked 33rd Nationally

Ripon College is committed to offering a uniquely personalized experience. You will discover that Ripon is more affordable than many similar private colleges and, in some cases, large public universities.

Of RipOn COllege stUdents ReCeive finanCial aid aWaRds Costs for the 2014-2015 ACAdemiC YeAr Tuition $33,207 $4,665 Room (double occupancy) Board (three meal-plan options) $4,420 Activity Fee $275 Total Annual Cost $42,567

Among Top 25 Nationally

g r o your c u co y u our r c c cu or

Best Lifetime Return on Investment gr u joy r r w o - r ho r o r 30-y r . ScHOlArSHiPS

Noted for Inexpensive Cost and Strong in Business

Ranked, among other things, for “professors get high marks.�

The total out-of-pocket cost to attend Ripon varies for each student based on individual academic and performancebased achievement and demonstrated financial need.

Ripon College’s extensive scholarship and award program is designed to recognize and reward applicants for their academic achievements, talents and abilities. Scholarships range from $10,000 per year to full tuition. Talent-based awards range from $1,000 to $5,000. Find out more at:

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GrΣΣk life At riPON Gree organizations pro ide many students with a family support system, leadership opportunities, and a feeling of belonging while attending Ripon College. “There isn’t a day I wa e up and don’t say ‘I am than ful to be an Alpha Chi Omega.’ My sorority helps me to feel powerful. I can e press myself and I now that my sisters are going to support me. We always say we ha e each other’s bac s, no matter what.”



Leadership and participation opportunities abound in Ripon’s numerous student-led clubs and organizations, including political, en ironmental, pre-professional, athletic, cultural and social groups.

dON’t See A clUB yOU like? creAte yOUr OwN!


“I’ve always loved music. I’ve always loved to participate. I’m not a music major so I don’t practice every day, but I do play the saxophone as a member of Ripon’s Jazz Ensemble and Symphonic Wind Ensemble.”

Ripon College offers all students the opportunity to grow as performers and artists regardless of their major. Students — as well as faculty, staff and community members — may participate in any number of music ensembles. The Theatre Department also welcomes all students to audition for roles on stage or behind it. Fine arts scholarships ranging from $1,000-$5,000 are a ailable to students with talents in art, music, drama and forensics — e en to those students not planning to major or minor in these areas.

tHe pRinCetOn RevieW RanKs RipOn 5tH natiOnallY fOR “tOWn gOWn RelatiOns.”




“In my spare time, I participate in the Ultimate Frisbee Club. We meet two days a week in different spots on campus. It is a friendly club — everyone is welcome even if you’re not the most athletic. I’ve certainly gotten much better at Frisbee and gained a lot of friends along the way.”

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matHematiCian, mUsiCian, mOnOpOlY plaYeR

“I really enjoy all the interaction I get, not only with members o the campus community but also in Ripon itsel . Just everyone I’ve met around town is abulous. I haven’t met a grumpy person yet.”

“It is said that Ripon College has a richly personalized education, and I think that is definitely the case. As a student, you get very neat interactions with other students and the faculty and staff on campus. The collaboration is just incredible. Everyone takes an interest in you, your education and what you want to do with your life.” Mitchell presented his research on “Modeling Monopoly with Monte Carlo Simulations” at the spring 2014 meeting o the Wisconsin Math Association o America. He talks about this research at

“As a math major, I get to spend a lot of time with Professor Andrea Young. She is ery spontaneous, being an impro comedian on the side. She brings a lot of e citement to the classroom and is ery passionate.”


Jill vANePereN

balleR, teaCHeR, OveRall smaRtY pants

“I love the act that Ripon College is such a small campus. The best part is that you really get to know the other students. You pass by each other on the sidewalk and you have seen them be ore so you say ‘hi’ and hold the door open or each other. It’s just a very riendly atmosphere here.”

APArtmeNt Style HOUSiNG fOr SeNiOrS


Fifty-si upperclassmen call the 29,000-square-foot Campus Apartments home. Opened in 2007, the Campus Apartments consist of 14 four-bedroom units, each with its own itchen and bathroom, and wireless Internet access throughout.

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eXcelleNt reSeArcH OPPOrtUNitieS Ripon is just one of 200 campuses nationwide to host the McNair Scholars program, a U.S. Department of Education TRIO program that encourages students often underrepresented in graduate programs to pursue doctoral degrees. The McNair Scholars program provides opportunities for students to conduct summer research with faculty mentors at Ripon and across the country, and present findings before faculty, staff and peers at the McNair Symposium and other conferences. McNair Scholars also receive guidance on their graduate study search process, complete GRE preparation courses, and visit graduate schools that offer programs in their area of interest.

“I am looking to enter into a M.D./Ph.D. program to become a doctor. I am majoring in chemistry-biology with a minor in Latin to help me with all the medical terminology.”

cArPe liNGUA Latin, the foundation of the Romance languages and literatures, continues to pro ide important insights into Western culture. Ripon College offers classes in beginning, intermediate and ad anced Latin. Classical Gree is offered on demand, and classical studies courses li e Gree mythology, based on te ts in English translation, normally are offered each semester.

At Ripon, you will have limitless opportunities to conduct and present independent research and collaborate with aculty as they pursue answers to today’s most pressing questions.

Sweet! The En ironmental Group of Ripon (EGOR) has its own apiary — or beehi es — on campus to study, and to har est honey that is ser ed in the commons.


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Do you ha e a particular interest in comics and anime? Or perhaps your passion is aya ing or Call of Duty? Our residence life staff promotes themed housing, so at Ripon you can connect with other students who share your enthusiasm and create a li ing group where you all can li e in close pro imity and share your interest and lifestyle.


cOmPetitive fOreNSicS Founded in 1913, the Ripon College Forensics Team performs at the highest levels of collegiate forensics and competes at the district and national tournaments of the American Forensic Association (AFA), and other regional and national invitational tournaments, such as the Mid-America Forensic League (MAFL) and the National Forensic Association (NFA). The team travels across the country and over the past decade has appeared at tournaments in places such as Long Beach, California; Lincoln, Nebraska; Austin, Texas; and Ithaca, New York.

“At Ripon, I did more hands-on work than I probably could have at any other school. This experience is invaluable. At bigger “I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. A debilitating myth in those kinds of towns is that college is something you can only accomplish, achieve and go to if you’ve somehow been able to academically excel and get a full ride. The myth isn’t true. It is completely possible to go to a school like Ripon and get a fantastic education.”

schools, you might get more access to bigname professors and big-time research, but it is often the professor accomplishing those things rather than the students.”

At the left is a computer model of a glyco hydrolytic enzyme at the center of David’s research of alternate energy sources.

“I majored in chemistry and history with a minor in economics. I think the humanities have “My goal is to become a pro essor and

a very important

teach science the same way they do at

place in teaching

Ripon. The pro essors do a lot o research

critical-thinking and

on their own and still run extremely

writing skills. That’s why I continue to take

interesting classes.”

history courses and

$5,000 SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships of up to $5,000 per year are available for students who compete as a member of the Ripon College Forensics Team.

participate in orensics. These activities orce me to think outside o the basic box that is science. It’s really important to step outside your general field o knowledge. Otherwise, you don’t really know how to do much o anything else.”



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40 miNOrS Anthropology



Art History




Politics and Government

Studio Art

Business Management





Theatre Production

Classical Studies

Socially Responsible Leadership

Women’s and Gender Studies

Communication Communication and Civic Advocacy Computer Science Dramatic Literature Early Childhood Education Economics Educational Studies English Entrepreneurship Environmental Biology French German Health History Latin Latin American and Caribbean Studies Law and Society Mathematics Museum Studies Music National Security Studies Nonprofit Management

Pre PrOfeSSiONAl PrOGrAmS Forestry and Environmental Studies Government Service Journalism Library and Information Science Military Leadership Ministry Pre-Engineering Pre-Law Social Work

Pre-Med & Health Sciences Chiropractic Medicine Dentistry Medical Technology Medicine, Allopathic and Osteopathic Nursing and Allied Health Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy and Corrective Therapy Physician Assistant Podiatry Veterinary Medicine Ripon College, in some cases, partners with another institution to provide the necessary education to meet degree requirements.


OUr fAcUlty “Ripon’s small-college environment lets instructors and students interact with each other in a really personal way – both inside and outside of the classroom. We get to know our students individually and know what their interests are. We can sense when something is going wrong in their lives, but also when things are going well.”

leAH SimON

staRgazeR, pHYsiCist, ROCKet laUnCHeR

o Ripon College classes have ewer than 20 students.

“Our physics and preengineering students are able to approach problems in a more creative way and see things rom lots o di erent perspectives. O tentimes, companies or graduate schools are very excited about our students because they understand the same basic principles o an engineer but can come up with new solutions.”

kNOP ScHOlArSHiP Students studying science may be eligible for a prestigious four-year, full-tuition scholarship thanks to the late Harry W. Knop Jr., Ripon College Class of 1942. In addition to recognizing and supporting students who plan to major in the field of natural science or mathematics, the Knop Scholars Program supports student and adviser summer research and students’off-campus educational opportunities.


3 2 eNGiNeeriNG PrOGrAm

The 3-2 engineering program combines three years of the liberal arts at Ripon with two years of engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or Washington Uni ersity.

JOHN dAlziel

teCHniCal diReCtOR, designeR, tRiatHlete “I’m primarily a scenic designer with a secondary emphasis on lighting design. The two, of course, go together. I learned traditional methods of scene design, but I try to keep up with cutting-edge technology. I do sort of a combination of the two. While I do 3D modeling, I still draw things by hand.”


did yOU kNOw? Se en-time Grammy Award winner Al Jarreau and big-time Hollywood actor Harrison Ford both attended Ripon College? Scholarships of up to $5,000 per year are a ailable to students who participate in the fine arts.

Dalziel competes in triathlons and aims at competing in Ironman World Championships “One advantage of a small school like Ripon College, especially in the Theatre Department, is that we rely heavily on students to help us run our production season. Students may get opportunities that are simply unavailable at larger institutions. At Ripon, our undergraduates get design work, they get acting roles. … Freshman can get on stage right from the get-go. We welcome everyone from day 1.”


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receNt mcNAir ScHOlArS' reSeArcH iNterNSHiPS Childhood Obesity and Socioeconomic Status: A Global Perspective – University of Wisconsin-Madison What’s in a Word? Teacher Word Choice and Observed Effectiveness – University of Virginia


& sCHOlaRsHip

Ripon College is widely recognized as an institution that fosters student research and scholarship. We’d like to think this tradition is a major reason why our students excel so quickly upon graduating. Our intentionally small size and 100-percent dedication to undergraduate education allows faculty the flexibility necessary to connect with you as mentors, teachers, collaborators and colleagues. Ripon College students working with faculty in chemistry and biology have contributed to major research undertakings sponsored by the National Science Foundation, American Chemical Society and more, and have had their work featured in Nature Protocols Exchange and other publications. Their work has extraordinary variety, everything from the process of creating new biodegradable plastics to exploring the energy potential of a termite’s gut. Students in the humanities regularly travel to literature, classics, drama, politics and government and other conferences to present the work they’ve undertaken at Ripon College. Over the past year alone, a number of students have had their work published, and a group of history majors even had a book published in 2014.

Media, Childhood Vaccinations and Autism – Ripon College Improving Electrochromic Films Using Nanotechnologies – Northern Illinois University School of Public Health – Medical College and Graduate School of Wisconsin Chemistry of Materials for Renewable Energy Program – University of Wisconsin-Madison Public Health in Buffalo County – Wisconsin Area Health Education Center System Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology Program – University of Chicago

JUSt A few 2014 GrAdUAte ScHOOl/ reSeArcH PlAcemeNtS School Psychology Ph.D. program, University of Nebraska Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program, University of Wyoming Biology Ph.D. program, City University of New York Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison Museum Studies, Baylor University


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The residential experience is integral to li e at Ripon College. Some o your finest teachers will be ellow students, with whom you will orm li elong riendships, learn tolerance o personal di erences and develop character and leadership skills.

All residence hall rooms are furnished with beds, desks, desk chairs, dressers, cable TV hook-up and high-speed Internet access. Find great ideas for furnishing and accessorizing your room here:


Eight residence halls on campus o er a variety o living options. first-year women may live in Tri-Dorms (Evans, Shaler or Wright Halls), pictured here, or Johnson Hall, pictured below le t.

All first-year men traditionally live in Scott Hall, pictured above.


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AND organizations

ACADEMIC & PRE-PROFESSIONAL Anthropology Association Armchair Association Hola Club International Relations Club Pre-Professional Society of Medicine & Health Sciences Society of Physics Students Pre-Law Society of Ripon College Speakers Bureau Student Education Association

Multicultural Black Student Union Cultural Diversity Club Queer Straight Alliance

Community Service & Social Awareness Amnesty International Circle K EcoREPS Environmental Group of Ripon Sierra Club Speakers Bureau Students for Animal Welfare Student Volunteers Blue Mountain Project

INTRAMURAL SPORTS Aerobics Basketball Bowling Dodgeball Floor Hockey Flag Football Kickball Racquetball Indoor Soccer Coed Softball Tennis Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball Inner Tube Water Polo

POLITICAL College Democrats College Greens College Republicans Young Americans for Liberty

STUDENT MEDIA Book Club College Days (newspaper) Crimson (yearbook) Parallax (literary journal) Student Media & Activities Committee WRPN-FM (radio)

SPORTS & RECREATION Equestrian Club Fencing Club Martial Arts Club Men’s Lacrosse Club Paintball Club Ripon Outdoor Club (ROC) rRRumba Rugby Club Ultimate Frisbee Women’s Boxing Club Women’s Lacrosse Club

SPECIAL INTEREST Art Opening Jamboree Enthusiasts Book Club Campus Christian Fellowship Debate Team Ethics Bowl Team Forensics Miss Ripon College Charity Pageant Paranormal Science Society Secular Student Alliance

FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Delta Pi Kappa Delta Phi Kappa Pi (Merriman) Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Theta Chi Theta Sigma Tau

MUSIC ENSEMBLES & GROUPS Choral Union Collegium Musicum Drumline Jazz Ensemble Music Appreciation Society Orchestra Pep Band Symphonic Wind Ensemble

Almost all of the clubs you see listed here began with a vision from an enterprising student. The thing is: if there isn’t a club to support your interests at Ripon College, you can grab a couple of friends and start one.

athletics Ripon College athletes are — first and foremost — dedicated and talented students. Student-athletes at Ripon play their sport for the love of the game, not for the money. As a Division III NCAA school, many of our student-athletes have earned scholarships as a result of their success in the classroom; and 98 percent of them receive financial aid to attend Ripon.

Division III student-athletes, like ours at Ripon, have the highest graduation rates of the NCAA’s three divisions, and they regularly outpace non-athletes in the completion of degrees. Ripon believes athletics are an integral part of our students’ educational experience. That is why athletics at Ripon are referred to as co-curricular — not extracurricular — activities.

Varsity athLetic teams n n n n

n n n n

baseball (men’s) basketball (men’s & women’s) cycling (men’s & women’s) cross country (men’s & women’s) dance (women’s) football (men’s) softball (women’s) soccer (men’s & women’s)


n n



swimming and diving (men’s & women’s) tennis (men’s & women’s) indoor track and field (men’s & women’s) outdoor track and field (men’s & women’s) volleyball (women’s)

A+ AtHleteS

A+ Athletes at Ripon College are the norm, not the exception. They understand the value of the student-athlete philosophy and make the most of the opportunities Ripon provides to help them succeed in the classroom and on the courts, on the fields, in the pool and on the trails and tracks. Ripon student-athletes don’t merely succeed; they excel — beyond their sport — in life. Find out more about our A+ Athletes:



Ripon College graduates excel and find enjoyment in a variety o pro essions — some closely related to their majors and some vastly di erent. The true value o Ripon’s liberal arts and sciences education is reflected in the broad “hire-ability” o our students and the immediate contributions they go on to make at every level o society.

Jonathan Muras as ’78 Professor, Pediatrics & OB/Gyn, Loyola University Medical Center

For the past three years, Ripon College has maintained a 100 percent placement rate for graduates see ing acceptance to medical school. Our long-term a erage medical school placement rate is around 80 percent – twice the national a erage.

WitH tHe Help Of RipOn faCUltY, CaReeR seRviCes and OUR vast alUmni netWORK , YOUR pOssibilities aRe limitless. * The four-year graduation guarantee is valid for students who remain in good academic standing and do not change majors late in their four years. Ripon College will forgive the tuition for a ninth semester for any student unable to complete his or her degree because required courses were not available.


OF RIPON COLLEGE ALUMNI ARE EMPLOYED OR IN GRADUATE SCHOOL WITHIN SIx MONTHS OF GRADUATION. emPlOyerS Of receNt GrAdUAteS iNclUde: 3M Company Abbott Laboratories Accenture Aflac Insurance Alzheimer’s Association America Votes American Girl American Heart Association American Theatre Company AmeriCorps Ameriprise Financial Apple Valley Veterinary Clinic Associated Bank Bay Port High School Beaver Dam High School Bellin Sports Medicine BMO Harris Bank Capitol One Chicago Public Schools Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Coca Cola Covance Laboratories Inc. Department of Health & Human Services Dolphin Research Center Edward Jones Investments Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration Federal Law Enforcement Green Bay Packers Habitat for Humanity Infinity Healthcare Internal Revenue Service Kaukauna Public Schools Kohler Company The Marcus Corporation Foundation Inc. Mayo Clinic Milwaukee Admirals Milwaukee Ballet Milwaukee County Zoo Minnesota Public Radio Minnesota State Legislature National Forensic League

NASA Nebraska State Patrol Crime Lab Oscar Mayer Company Peace Corps Peninsula Players Prairie Restorations Inc. Schneider National Inc. Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center Target Corporation Teach for America U.S. Bank U.S. Department of State Waukesha School District Wells Fargo Bank Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin Historical Society GrAdUAte ScHOOlS Of receNt GrAdUAteS iNclUde: Boston University Bucknell University Cambridge University The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Clemson University Colorado State University Columbia College Chicago George Washington University Georgetown University Iowa State University Jacksonville University London School of Economics Loyola University Chicago Marquette University Medical College of Wisconsin Michigan State University Missouri State University Northern Illinois University Northwestern University of Health Sciences Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Rochester Institute of Technology Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science

Rush University Scripps College Seattle Pacific University Texas A&M University Thomas M. Cooley Law School University of California-Irvine University of California-Berkeley University of California-Davis University of California-Santa Barbara University of Georgia University of Illinois-Chicago University of Iowa University of Minnesota University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of Tennessee University of Washington University of Wisconsin Valparaiso University Washington State University Yale University

cAreer PlANNiNG Career planning at Ripon starts before your first semester begins. You are assigned a faculty adviser, and, together, you will set goals and construct a plan to reach them. Students receive support with career exploration, course registration, resumé and cover letter writing, internship and job searches, and more. Programming is available to prepare you to compete in the job market, including mock interviews, job and internship fairs, workshops and networking receptions with recruiters. In addition, you may apply to join a week-long Career Discovery Tour to meet successful alumni and friends where they work and learn about various career paths.


What will your Ripon story be?

300 West seward street ripon, Wisconsin 54971 800-947-4766 |

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