Ripon Magazine Summer 2010

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From the President Sustainability and the Two Kinds of Green


rill, baby, drill” was the catch phrase of the 2008 Republican National Convention. Essentially, it was a jab at the Democratic party’s talking points about clean energy. It would not have done to carefully articulate the argument for a responsible expansion of domestic petroleum production, which even many Democrats felt was a reasonable and realistic first step in reducing our dependence on foreign oil. No, that wouldn’t have lent itself to chanting, and it certainly wouldn’t have fit nicely on a button. Thus, the conservative platform for short-term domestic energy policy was reduced to three words — two, actually. Eventually, President Obama, who campaigned largely on an alternative-energy platform, got on board. He announced that his administration would open up new coastal areas to exploration, including Virginia and the Gulf of Mexico. Shortly after BP’s Deepwater Horizon blew its well head a mile beneath the ocean a few months ago, the Obama administration announced it would hold off on those plans until the BP spill was contained and evaluated. We do hindsight very well … This is not a political issue. It really doesn’t matter who is to blame. What matters is how we structure the recovery. In all likelihood, we’ll try to answer the question, “How can we drill more safely?” instead of asking, “How can we move past this President David C. Joyce archaic chapter in our energy history?” Part of a liberal arts education is having the courage to ask the right questions, even though one might not like the answer. It’s learning to find logic and reason where it exists, or create it where it does not. Of course, these are questions after the fact; to see how asking the right questions before the fact might have looked, see page 7.


he BP debacle comes during a time when other errors in moral and ethical judgment also are coming to a head. Take the financial crisis. If integrity is defined as “doing the right thing even when no one is looking,” then the finance industry seems to have skipped class on the day this was discussed. I recently heard that there is a “new” Golden Rule: “Whoever has the most gold makes the rules.” Sadly, the “new” rule may arguably have become more prevalent in society than the real one. How did the simple concept of loaning money to someone, who would later repay it with interest, lead to the demise of so many livelihoods and the collapse of so-called financial institutions?

Let’s not forget the auto industry. It wasn’t that long ago when no American could imagine a larger and more infallible corporate entity than General Motors, but look at it now — a bankrupt husk of its former self. It became a victim of its own success, as dismissive of its weaknesses as Captain Smith was of icebergs. They are trying to change; hopefully, it is not too late.


n the other side of the world, Afghanistan is now the longest war in U.S. history, and there is no end in sight. In fact, now that massive ore deposits have been discovered beneath its jagged surface, it’s likely to further complicate that conflict. Relations between North Korea and South Korea are very tenuous, and if you throw Iran into the mix it’s plain to see that we are in a very precarious place. What all these troubles have in common is that they follow unsustainable models: Plumbing deeper into the Earth for an exhaustible energy source; proliferating bad debt; neglecting quality and innovation; and going to war without a clear exit strategy. Not only has the government been complicit in many of the instances, but it now is trying to manage all of them simultaneously with money it doesn’t have. Sustainability isn’t just about composting and planting trees, starting a Velorution or taking out some roads. It’s living within your means. It’s asking whether your choices will benefit the future or make it worse. It’s leaving a place better than you found it.


iewing life through these lenses are just a few of the values we try to engender at Ripon. We attract students of high character who appreciate honesty and responsibility. We can’t change the world, but we can and do graduate people with the talent and ambition to do precisely that. My hope — one that is shared across campus — is that we instill in our graduates a sense of duty, to act ethically and responsibly in all their endeavors, and to always consider the consequences of their actions. Until the people who run our communities, our countries and our companies all think that way, we’ll keep going back to the same well. “Drill, baby, drill?” How about “Think, baby, think?” Now, there’s a slogan to consider.

Dr. David C. Joyce President






LIVES OF SERVICE Lives of service are such a cornerstone of Ripon College’s philosophy that the theme was chosen for Commencement 2010. Speakers urged the new graduates to examine how they can best help make the world a better place while fulfilling their own inner needs. Senior class speaker Meagan Marie Kochel told her fellow classmates that each one of them is like a dandelion seed, ready to fly off to separate futures, take root in new fields and make their marks.


Could the oil spill crisis in the Gulf have turned out differently if BP executives had taken a liberal-arts approach to the drilling project? Cody Pinkston, director of media and public relations and head golf coach, takes a fanciful look at what could have been.

On the Cover: Matthew Dwyer shows off his new diploma to his proud parents, Cathy and Frank Dwyer of Stoughton, Wis. Under sunny skies, the new graduates of Ripon College were sent out into the world to make a positive difference by President David C. Joyce.


Ripon Magazine (ISSN 1058-1855) is published quarterly by Ripon College, 300 Seward St., Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Periodical postage paid at Ripon, Wis. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Ripon Magazine, PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971-0248. Editor: Jaye Alderson e-mail: Editorial Assistants: Ric Damm, Cody Pinkston Student Assistants: George Infantado ’10, Katie Mead ’11, Alyssa Paulsen ’10, Erin Schaick ’12. Layout design by the graphics factory – Deba Horn-Prochno ’74 Print Production by Ripon Printers Ripon on the Web: Visit Ripon’s online community at:

ON LITTLE CAT FEET Writer Dan Greenberg has declared, “There is, incidentally, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person.” But for feline lovers among Ripon graduates, they’ll take the risk. Several alumni discuss their love and affection for these aloof, independent and eminently lovable companions.

Jim Koepnick photo

Ripon College prepares students of diverse interests for lives of productive, socially responsible citizenship. Our liberal arts curriculum and residential campus create an intimate learning community in which students experience a richly personalized education.



ALUMNI WEEKEND 2010 More than 500 attendees celebrated old friendships, new changes in their lives and their enduring love for Ripon College at Alumni Weekend & Class Reunion 2010.

These Days at Ripon






Class Notes


Commencement C E L E B R AT E S Lives of Service

Like Seeds of a Dandelion, Class of 2010 Goes Out to Make the World a Better Place


onoring Ripon College’s commitment to service within and beyond its campus, the 2010 graduates of Ripon College received their diplomas under sunny skies at the 144th Commencement May 16. Echoing the theme of “Lives of Service,” President David C. Joyce said that as Ripon sends these sons and daughters out into the world, “we know you will make a positive difference,” and that their service experiences at Ripon have inaugurated them “into a future that they will have a large part of creating.” John Bridgeland and the Rev. Wally Kasuboski each received the honorary degree of Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor.


ridgeland serves on 15 nonprofit boards, is the president and CEO of Civic Enterprises, and the vice chairman of a new nonprofit, Malaria No More. Recently, he served as assistant to the President of the United States and the first director of the U.S.A. Freedom Corps.

“The mission of Ripon College is to prepare students for ‘socially responsible citizenship,’ ” Bridgeland said. “What a remarkable mission. Lives of service are in Ripon’s DNA.” He said his own senior class speaker was Mother Teresa, and “as I looked at that tiny woman from India, wrapped in her white and blue robes, and saw the peace and fulfillment she radiated from serving the poor and dying in the ghettos of Calcutta, I remember forgetting my own cares for a moment. “I couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Can we really find our own happiness if we lose ourselves in helping others?’ Years later, I would discover that we can. Mother Teresa led a life of service.” He suggested that in order to find happiness in life, the graduates should choose a profession that matches their passion. “If you are not sure what your passion is, keep pursuing it until you find it,” he said. “Don’t pursue a career for your parents, for money or for status; find what you love and find your mission. You are likely to

John Bridgeland

The Rev. Wally Kasuboski

Sporting their cool shades and celebrating the day are Josh Bailen, left, Ben Lukoski and Vance Vlasak.

Ross Richard Heintzkill is flanked by his proud parents, Megan Millett Heintzkill ’81 and Dr. Mark Heintzkill.

Photos by Jim Koepnick and Ric Damm

SUMMER 2010 3

Ryan Andersen proudly receives his diploma.

experience multiple failures and missteps, but persevere, and you will find your place.” While this advice may sound obvious, he said, it isn’t always easy to choose this path and to stick with it. By examining the times in his life when he was absorbed by what he was doing and whom he most admired in life, he was led to a life of public service. He said the graduates should think about the times in their lives when they connected to something they loved and lost track of everything around them. “Start piecing together those moments and see where that leads you,” he said. “When your work is aligned with your passion, your life will be full.” He challenged the graduates with the thought that it is not enough to align your passion with your profession. “Your life’s work cannot and must not be only for the sake of your own comfort,” he said. “In order for your life to have meaning, you must choose a life of service in some way.” He said the current young generation is charitable, socially aware and innovative, but faces significant challenges such as large numbers of high school dropouts; children at risk of not reaching productive adulthood; Americans in need of a hot meal; and returning veterans; and poverty and disease around the world.

Ripon’s ROTC program commissioned four cadets during a ceremony May 14 in Rodman Center for the Arts. Ripon’s newest second lieutenants are, from left, Matthew Thomassen, who entered the Army Reserves, branched Signal Corps; Jeff Davis, who entered the active Army, branched Military Police; Zachary Lyon, who entered the Wisconsin Army National Guard, branched Transportation; and Joseph Reese, who entered the Wisconsin Army National Guard, branched Field Artillery.


“The needs go on and on, and you can help meet them,” Bridgeland said. “Why should you serve? Because we actually owe something to a country that enables us to live in freedom … and because Mother Teresa was right — that as much as those who are suffering need you, you also need them. When the Founding Fathers talked about the pursuit of happiness, these men and women of the Enlightenment weren’t talking about private pleasure and gain, but about the complete and happy life — about what we could do together as active citizens to promote the public happiness.” He said the graduates’ new motto should be, “We came, we saw, we served — and in that service, we transformed our world and our own lives,” he said. “So get outside your zones of comfort; risk failure again and again until you discover your life’s passion and your life’s work; find your service mission; and pursue the kind of happiness — the public happiness — the Founders envisioned.”


asuboski’s call to service has led him to his current work with the impoverished people in the Chepo/Bayano Mission in Panama, where

Brooke Bogdanske receives flowers on her big day.

he has organized a construction company with a spiritual mission that has created jobs, built churches, maintained roads and designed water systems. “The life of service is a life of fulfillment, a life of suffering, a life of giving, a life of letting good things shine through you to others,” Kasuboski said. “Each one of us is an instrument, and I pray I will always be an instrument of peace, of goodness, of justice and truth no matter what the cost. It’s not been easy, and it never is. You give of yourself, and you give and you keep giving, because it makes sense to me. I wish I could give more, actually. But we’re all limited by who we are, our education, our goodwill. “I feel all I am is an extension of you that reaches out across the borders to those in need. I hope we will be worthy when history judges us, as it will, to receive that golden award prepared for us in the next world.”


he distinguished educator of the year recipient was John M. Heasley, who creatively combines his love of literature with his fascination with space exploration to pique the interest of his English students at Richland Center High School in Richland Center, Wis. Thomas R. Wyman ’50 was presented

with Ripon’s Medal of Merit for having given outstanding service to the College and society. The senior class gift was presented and will provide apple trees for Merriman Lane to contribute to the campus-wide movement toward sustainability. Sixty-four percent of the senior class contributed to the gift.


eagan Marie Kochel of Racine, Wis., presented the senior address. She compared the graduates to dandelion seeds, “ready to fly off to our own separate futures and take root in new fields. Whether you like them or hate them, you can’t deny that dandelions are the most persistent plants. I think, after four years, you could say that about each of us.” She said the Ripon mentality is one of service and engagement with the world at all its levels. “Like many things, service does not just exist on one level,” she said. “While you can serve the world through holding a position in the United Nations, you can make an equally important contribution by serving your local community, and this is what Ripon is.” She said that over the past four years,

John M. Heasley

Meagan Marie Kochel

The sheer joy of the day comes out in Paul Williams. Four of Ripon’s international students congratulate each other: Jessica Sewase, left, Nadine Munezero and Joyce Ngabire are from Rwanda; and Natacha Omende is from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

SUMMER 2010 5

the 2010 graduates already have started contributing to the world on local, national and international levels. “Our values drive us to keep working toward a better tomorrow, not only on a level we can see directly, but on a level with much larger implications,” she said. “This care for the wider good, this is Ripon.” She said that, like dandelion seeds, “we don’t know what the future holds for us, we only know the potential we hold inside ourselves. However, we are more powerful than we could possibly imagine. We each have the potential to make our mark, to be a bright spot in the world, to spread a little bit of Ripon — a little bit of service — wherever we go.” President David C. Joyce

their lives, being open to life’s opportunities and living life to the fullest. “You are off on your own to fashion (your) life, to create and fulfill that story that you started here,” he told the graduates. “We trust you will have a much better experience because of your time at Ripon College. This is a great place, and it gave you a great chance to sample new disciplines to develop the confidence you need for the rest of your life.” R Jaye Alderson


oyce echoed those thoughts and said he hopes the graduates take away the lessons of learning how to learn, knowing the importance of meaning in

Amanda Bolan takes a look at her new diploma.

Sarah Anderson receives her degree.

Jessica Mann and her fiancé Andy Peck look to their future.

Consuelo “Vanessa” Arboleda and Professor of Biology Bob Wallace share a celebratory moment at Commencement.

For a complete photo galley and audio from the 2010 Commencement events, visit: Supporters of all ages enjoyed the sunny day along with the new graduates.


Libby and Art Go to London


n the final analysis, the BP toxic gushing fountain of death — comically referred to as an “oil spill” — will be remembered not only for being one of the most horrific ecological travesties in history, but also for the Fawlty Towers-esque attempts to arrest its flow. I’m not an engineer, but I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if a couple of Ripon’s best and brightest — let’s call them Libby and Art — traveled back in time to sit in on the planning stages of this particular exploratory well. It might have gone something like this:

BP CEO TONY HAYWARD: Right. Next agenda item is the Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico. Deepwater Horizon is en route as we speak to drill an exploratory well starting at 5,000 feet, and through 2.4 miles of ocean floor. I believe you all have copies of the slides. Any concerns before we break for lunch? LIBBY: Well, sir, I have a few. HAYWARD: I’m sorry — you are? LIBBY: Libby, from Ripon College. This is Art. We were sent here to ask the right questions. ART: Hey. HAYWARD: Um, very well, then. What, pray tell, are your concerns? LIBBY: What if something goes wrong at that depth? Your safety record is atrocious. Plus, I see this rig flies the Marshall Islands flag of convenience and therefore isn’t subject to U.S. safety requirements. That seems a little shady. HAYWARD: It’s highly unlikely something would go wrong, young lady. Besides, we have a blowout preventer as a failsafe for that. ART: Blowout preventer? Let’s get one of those for the Brewers.

LIBBY: No doubt. HAYWARD: I’m sorry — the who? ART: Never mind. So what if the failsafe fails, there’s an explosion, people die and the well head starts gushing, say, 220,000 gallons a day into the Gulf? Hypothetically, of course. HAYWARD: In that extremely unlikely scenario, we have big containment domes that we would lower over the well head, then we just suck the oil right out of the top. Quite simple, really. ART: Won’t the gases and pressure at that depth form hydrate crystals that float up and clog it? HAYWARD: (smirking): Ah — someone knows their chemistry. Bully for you! However, we have some of the world’s best engineers on our payroll. They’ve thought of that, and I’m told that at worst it would just be some slush. LIBBY: But what if it’s more of a problem than you expect? Humor us — what would be next? HAYWARD: (rolls his eyes) Then I believe we put a smaller dome on it. Winthrop, is that right? Yes, a smaller dome. ART: And if that fails? HAYWARD: OK, in the imaginary world where all this goes wrong, then we put another tube inside the broken one and suck it out that way. Now if there are no other … LIBBY: Sorry — not quite done. What if the tube isn’t perfectly round?

LIBBY: … because it’s 5,000 feet underwater … ART: … and gushing oil? HAYWARD: (reddening) Then we fill it with heavy mud — we call that “top kill.” Then we pile a bunch of old tires and golf balls on it — that’s a “junk shot.” Then we drill a relief well — that’s just called a “relief well.” If that doesn’t work, then we show it British comedy until it begs us to stop — that’s called the “Benny Hill.” Now who are you people again? ART: Wait — old tires and golf balls? Seriously? By that time, you could just use stock certificates. LIBBY: They are pretty absorbent. ART: It’s at least as good as their other ideas. LIBBY: OK, so what if everything you try fails and you have the worst ecological catastrophe in history? How will you clean it up? What would happen to marine life, or the fishing industry, or tourism? HAYWARD: We’ll throw money at the problem until it goes away. The problem, I mean. LIBBY: I don’t know. Digging that deep without some proven contingencies doesn’t seem very ethical. ART: I concur. It doesn’t seem like you’ve really thought this through. And while I’m thinking of it, what does your marketing slogan, “Beyond Petroleum,” even mean? Does that mean, like, drilling beyond the oil and into the Earth’s core? Because that would be a bad idea, too. Just FYI. HAYWARD: Security! r Cody Pinkston

HAYWARD: Then we cut the bloody thing with robots! Now if you wouldn’t mind, we need to …

Pinkston is director of media and public relations and head golf coach at Ripon College.

ART: What if you can’t … Cody Pinkston

SUMMER 2010 7

These Days at Ripon these days at ripon Briefs BRIEFS

VIDEO FEATURES STUDENTS’ GOALS TO CHANGE THE WORLD The video, “I Want to Change the World,” has been put together by the Office of Community Engagement and complements Commencement’s focus of “Lives of Service.” The inspiring video features Ripon students talking about how they will live lives of service and change the world. It can be viewed at watch?v=CHA4r7G8qYw This video was conceived, produced and directed by Elizabeth Brown ’13 of Brandon, Wis., and Rebecca Shackleton ’13 of Appleton, Wis., after attending the 21st Annual Service Learning Conference in San Jose, Calif.

GARY SHARPE ’73 WINS ELECTION TO CIRCUIT COURT Gary Sharpe ’73 of Fond du Lac, Wis., won election to the Fond du Lac County Circuit Court, Branch IV, during an election April 6. He will be sworn in Aug. 1. Sharpe says that his many years as a practicing attorney gives him the experience needed to serve the court. After receiving his Gary Sharpe ’73 degree from Ripon, Sharpe received his law degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1976. He has practiced law in Fond du Lac for 34 years. During his campaign, Sharpe spoke on the Ripon College campus.


Members of Ripon’s SIFE team at national competition included, front row, from left: Jeremy Johnson, Jessica Solverud, Danielle Scholfield, Adam Firgens, Scott Gillespie and adviser Mary Avery; and second row, from left, Rusty Schultz, Paul Williams, Paul Braun, Josh Kjell, Vinny Rocco, Aris Wurtz and Business Advisory Board member Tom Avery.

SIFE TEAM AGAIN PLACES HIGH AT NATIONALS; COLLABORATES ON PROJECTS For the second time in three years, Ripon College Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) was first-runner-up in their league at the National Competition. This is the fifth straight year that Ripon was represented at national competition. SIFE is a national business organization which features more than 50 corporate sponsors and more than 1,000 teams on college campuses nationwide. More than 700 of those teams compete. This achievement places Ripon’s team in the top 40 teams nationwide. While SIFE is only six years old in Ripon, they’ve won Regional Champion every year but their first year where they were awarded the Rookie of the Year award. Ripon’s projects this year included: Mind Your Money; Jamaican Eco Bag Project; SIFE Consulting/Creative Enterprise Center; Lemonade Stand for Jamaican and Ripon students; Wisconsin SIFE Conference; Learn from the Pros Seminar Series; and Campbell’s CAN Hunger Timber Rattlers Food Drive. Presenters were: Danielle Scholfield ’11 of Wausau, Wis.; Jeremy Johnson ’12 of Galesburg, Ill.; Paul Williams ’10 of New London, Wis.; Jessica Solverud ’10 of Wausau, Wis.; and Paul Braun ’10 of Mayville, Wis., presentation coordinator and videographer. Additional team members at Nationals were: Josh Kjell ’10 of Ellison Bay, Wis.; Vinny Rocco ’11 of New Berlin, Wis.; Rusty Schultz ’11 of Ripon, Wis.; Aris Wurtz ’12 of Appleton, Wis.; Scott Gillespie ’11 of Ripon, Wis.; and Adam Firgens ’10 of Suring, Wis. SIFE also has collaborated in projects with two other Wisconsin chapters. In February, St. Norbert College and Marian University visited for the Wisconsin SIFE Conference. Teams shared ideas about projects, fund-raising and recruitment instead of competing against each other. “It was the first time any group of SIFE teams did this,” says SIFE Project Director Paul Williams. “Competition is a great place to show off what you’ve done, but Ripon SIFE has always been about the mission more than the competition.” The Ripon College SIFE team used this event as a way to help other younger SIFE organizations to get new ideas for their teams, but also as a way to help revitalize their own efforts. “SIFE is really a ‘four-way win’ for students,” says adviser Mary Avery. “They get to learn real-world skills that will help them in their first jobs, build their resumés, meet corporate recruiters at exciting competitions, and help their community.” SIFE includes a Business Advisory Board that meets twice a year. Interested alumni can volunteer to be on the advisory board.

82ND AIRBORNE HERO RECEIVES MAJOR HONORS Jim “Maggie” Megellas ’42 of Colleyville, Texas, the 82nd Airborne’s most decorated officer, has received two more major recognitions for his distinguished service in the U.S. Army at the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. On Sept. 20, 2009, he was honored by the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands for his heroism there. On July 9, in Washington, D.C., he received the Daughters of the American Revolution Medal of Honor. Ripon President David C. Joyce and Presidential Spouse Lynne Joyce were in attendance. Megellas also has been nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor and has received numerous other honors over the years. Jim ‘Maggie’ Megellas and President David C. He continues to speak frequently to Joyce celebration Megellas’ most recent honor in U.S. soldiers in such spots as Washington, D.C., in July. Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen to inspire them and boost their spirits. He is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at Madison’s National Glider Symposium Sept. 9 through 11. The 93-year-old is considered one of the most heroic figures in the famed 82nd Airborne’s history. “This is a very, very big deal for us,” says Tom Laney, secretary/editor of the Badger Chapter, 82nd Airborne Association. “Wisconsin’s Paratroopers and Glider Riders will be honored by one of our own from Fond du Lac. Maggie is a truly iconic figure in the Paratroops, one of the greatest Airborne Warriors of all time. “The Glider event may well be the last time we have to honor and thank the World War II Airborne and Glider Riders and Pilots. No one does those honors better than Maggie.”

Briefs BRIEFS JOHNSON PLACES SIXTH IN NATION IN ORATORY Sophomore Jeremy D. Johnson of Galesburg, Ill., was named a national semifinalist at the Interstate Oratorical Association tournament held in April at the University of Oklahoma. Johnson was the first Interstate qualifier Ripon has had in many years (only 44 students nationwide qualified). He competed for the Jeremy Johnson ’12 national championship at the tournament and placed sixth overall in the nation. “This is a tremendous accomplishment for Jeremy and a terrific point of recognition for our forensics program on the national level,” says Deano Pape, director of forensics. “It makes me so proud to recognize our students’ tremendous success at Ripon College.” The Interstate Oratory is the oldest (1873) and one of the most prestigious forensics tournaments in the United States.


WRITERS SERIES PAYS TRIBUTE TO WISCONSIN POETRY Two visiting writers participated in the year’s final presentation of the Visiting Writers Series. Sarah Busse and Wendy Vardaman are co-editors of the new journal “Verse Wisconsin,” and both are published poets. At the April 28 event, Busse and Vardaman read from and discussed Wisconsin poetry. “Verse Wisconsin” is the new incarnation of the Wisconsin poetry magazine “Free Verse,” published from 1998 to 2009 by Linda Aschbrenner. In 2009, the magazine was moved to Madison and was taken over by Busse and Vardaman. Published in both a print and an online version (, “Verse Wisconsin’s” mission is to showcase the excellence and diversity of poetry rooted in or related to Wisconsin, connect Wisconsin’s poets to each other and to the larger literary world, foster critical conversations about poetry, and build and invigorate the audience for poetry. Ripon College’s Visiting Writers Series is supported with assistance from the Schang Family Visiting Writer Fund.

To raise awareness of hunger and homelessness in the Ripon area, the annual Shack-a-thon was held on Memorial Lawn April 16. By having participants sleep in a cardboard shack overnight, the events offered a brief perspective on what it is like to live on the streets. The event included community group discussions about how poverty affects their members and the steps they are taking to combat it in the Ripon area; speeches about the ethical issues surrounding homelessness presented by members of the Ethical Leadership Program; leadership training; and filming of a student-directed film montage.

MEN’S LACROSSE TEAM HAS FIRST HOME GAMES IN THREE DECADES The men’s lacrosse team held their first home games since 1980 in March on Lower SUMMER 2010 9

Briefs BRIEFS DOWNTOWN RIPON’S BOCA GRANDE PROJECT FEATURED IN MARKETPLACE MAGAZINE Marketplace Magazine’s May 11 cover story is on Boca Grande Capital LLC, whose chairman is Ripon College trustee Jim Connelly. The story on Boca Grande’s downtown Ripon project can be read at content/556_1.php, and an opinion column on the Boca Grande project can be read at blogs/blog2.php/2010/05/11/a-vision-ofthe-1800s-and-2000s. The writer of the story, Marketplace publisher/editor Steve Prestegard, is the husband of Jannan Roesch ’87, and he announces Ripon College football and basketball on Midwest Conference TV and The Ripon Channel.

FRIENDS OF LANE LIBRARY CELEBRATE WITH TEA The fourth annual Friends of Lane Library gathering featured author Kim Wilson of Waukesha, Wis., speaking about the historical significance of tea and the role it played in the novels of Jane Austen. Wilson has written several books, including In the Garden with Jane Austen and Tea with Jane Austen. Tea and light refreshments were served at the April 2 event.

CHANGES MADE TO TRUSTEE MEMBERSHIP The following changes have been made to the Board to Trustees membership: ■ Alan L. Klapmeier ’80 has resigned as a Ripon College Trustee, effective June 2, 2010. ■ Matthew J. Umhoefer ’95 begins his term as Alumni Trustee on July 1, 2010. ■ Paul G. Williams ’10 begins his term as Special Graduate Trustee on July 1, 2010.

Coach Ryan Dwyer, left, poses with members of Ripon College’s lacrosse team.

Sadoff Field. Games were played against St. Norbert College and Michigan Tech University. The team is coached by Ryan Dwyer, residence hall director/program coordinator for Intramurals and the Fitness Center, who also coaches men’s volleyball. Dwyer is from Syracuse, N.Y., a national hotbed for lacrosse, and played NCAA lacrosse at Wells College in Aurora, N.Y. When he joined the Ripon staff, he held an informational meeting about lacrosse in the fall of 2008 and received an overwhelming response from students. “I then decided to take the next step and get us registered in a league,” Dwyer says. “We play in the Great Lakes Lacrosse League (GLLL) composed of teams from Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and North Dakota. It is a highly competitive club lacrosse league that consists of Big Ten division one and a mixture of division three institutions.” Ripon finished its inaugural season 1-7. The second season and this past season, they received funding to host their first game on campus since 1980 when the school last had a team. “We lost to Michigan Tech and St. Norbert but had a large crowd and tremendous support in our endeavor,” Dwyer says. “We finished our second season with a record of 1-7 again. The team looks forward to its 2011 campaign!”

STUDENT VOLUNTEERS HEADING BACK TO JAMAICA Ripon College students are planning the Blue Mountain Project Summer Camp 2010, to be held in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica Aug. 7 through 22. A fun camp is held each summer for one week in Hagley Gap and one week in Penlyne Castle. Fun Camp provides a free and fun educational experience for the young boys and girls of both communities with some sports thrown in. Camps will end with a Back-to-School Extravaganza where each child will be provided with the materials — pencils, notebooks, shoes, rulers — he or she needs to make the best of the upcoming school year. Ripon College student volunteers for the Blue Mountain Project are led by Jake Jochem ’11 of Hartford, Wis., and Cori Schimler ’11 of Franksville, Wis. Funding from the Ripon College Student Senate will help send seven Ripon students as Fun Camp counselors. The additional volunteer counselors are Chase Elsbecker ’10 of Rockford, Ill.; Cassy Franz ’11 of Oshkosh, Wis.; Kevin Kordas ’12 of Chicago, Ill.; Shane Roeber ’11 of Pewaukee, Wis.; and Josie Ullsperger ’12 of Fond du Lac, Wis. Counselors will lead classes in finger-painting, putting together a puppet show or play, helping budding authors tell their stories through words and pictures, helping older students put together a community service project, coaching soccer, serving lunch, mentoring and supporting the children.

STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF CELEBRATE HIGH ACHIEVEMENTS At Ripon College’s Awards Convocation April 21, 88 students, faculty and staff were recognized for their achievements. Among them were 23 students who were elected 10 RIPON MAGAZINE


Ross R. Heintzkill of Green Bay, Wis., left, and Paul G. Williams of New London, Wis., right, celebrate with President David C. Joyce their receiving of the Alumni Association Senior Award, presented at the Awards Convocation. The award recognizes a graduating senior who has contributed to the betterment of campus life at Ripon College through their leadership skills, enthusiasm, involvement and personal achievement.

to Phi Beta Kappa, one of the most prestigious undergraduate honors in the nation. Bill Schang, who recently retired after serving as a professor of English for the past 40 years, received an extended and emotional standing ovation as he received the Senior Class Award. Graduating senior Lucy Burgchardt of Fort Collins, Colo., and Sam Sondalle ’11 of Princeton, Wis., were awarded some of the most highly competitive scholarships available to undergraduates. Burgchardt received the coveted Gates Cambridge scholarship, one of only 29 student recipients nationwide. She will pursue a master’s of philosophy in archaeology at Cambridge University in Great Britain. The scholarship is the result of a trust at Cambridge established by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2000. According to the Trust, “Gates scholars are academically outstanding students who show leadership potential and a commitment to improving the lives of others.” This year, 80 Gates Scholars were selected from 26 different countries. The scholarship covers all tuition, fees, living expenses and study-related activities. Sondalle received a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship in math, science and physics. Leeanna Shultz ’10 of Beloit, Wis., was nominated for a Fulbright Grant through the U.S. State Department. Elizabeth Weigler ’10 of Burlington, Wis., received a five-year full scholarship

Lucy Burgchardt ’10

Sam Sondalle ’11

Leanna Schultz ’10

The Creative Enterprise Center (CEC) is a student-operated and professionally mentored consulting firm, says Danielle Scholfield ’11, marketing director. It serves as an affordable resource for early-stage business ventures in their creation of a feasible and sustainable enterprise within an 80-mile radius of Ripon College. “The CEC provides services to existing businesses, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs and not-for-profits,” she says. “Services include business planning, feasibility studies, marketing plans, financials and budgets, and market research — anything to assist with the business development process.” CEC student consultants are supervised by Ripon faculty in appropriate disciplines including business, economics, communications, mathematics and statistics. Highly experienced professional community mentors also help to ensure quality services. “Through working with the Creative Enterprise Center, you will receive affordable and thorough business consulting services, professional mentors from numerous industries providing students with valuable knowledge, a quality product while enabling students to practice what they learn,” Scholfield says. “Students are easy to contact and fun to work with, and there are unlimited resources from Ripon College and a wide variety of assistance from its faculty and staff to ensure you receive a product you will be proud of.”

Elizabeth Weigler ’10

SUMMER 2010 11

Calendar Calendar Aug. 18 Alumni Event: Schlafly Bottleworks, Maplewood, Mo. Aug. 21 Residence Halls Open for All New Students; Family Welcome Receptions Aug. 23 Residence Halls Open for All Returning Students Aug. 24 Course Registration Aug. 25 Classes Begin Aug. 31 Matriculation Convocation Alumni Event: Tavern on France, Edina, Minn. Sept. 11 Family Weekend; Fall Admission Open House Sept. 14 Alumni Event: The Ram, Shaumburg, Ill. Sept. 23 Alumni Event: Dos Gringos, Ripon Sept. 25 Homecoming Sept. 29 Alumni Event: Water Street Brewery, Milwaukee Sept. 30 Iron Chef Cooking Competition Alumni Event: The Great Dane, Madison Alumni Event: The Great American Sports Bar, Montgomery Road, Cincinnati Oct. 6 Diversity Matters Oct. 15 Fall Break Begins Oct. 20 Alumni Event: Schlafly Bottleworks, Maplewood, Mo. Oct. 25 Classes Resume Oct. 28 Tiny Terror on the Square Nov. 30 Alumni Event: Granite City, Roseville, Minn.


Reach For The Stars

Brothers Bill Huebner ’80 of Houston, Texas, center left, and Larry Huebner ’83 of Owens Cross Roads, Ala., center right, chat with students after a lunch with physics majors while visiting Ripon College April 12. Both work for NASA. Larry is technical assistant in the Ares Project Vehicle Integration Office, and Bill is a Space Shuttle Systems instructor and a certified Shuttle Environmental Systems Flight Controller. At Ripon, they also presented two talks, discussed a senior project with physics major Dan Schick ’10 of Nashotah, Wis., and toured the campus. “I was very impressed with the pedestrian-friendly upper campus, as well as the changes to the Harwood Memorial Union and Bartlett Hall,” Larry says. “But I was most impressed with the interest and engagement of the students. Throughout the day, it was quite obvious to me that Ripon still attracts and develops top-notch individuals.” Bill adds, “Something that stood out to me was the heightened interest of the students in serving as stewards for the environment.”

for the University of California-Santa Barbara’s doctorate program in anthropology. To watch video interviews with some of these students, visit: offices_resources/development/af_2010.html.

PROFESSOR ROY DISCUSSES LATEST BOOK AT ALUMNI EVENTS Communication Professor Jody Roy, who recently released her third book, Autobiography of a Recovering Skinhead: Frank Meeink’s Story, discussed the book and societal issues at three alumni events in Milwaukee and Chicago in May. Speaking with her was Shawn Karsten ’09, a founding member of Ripon College’s Speaker’s Bureau, an independent speaker to at-risk youths and Midwest youth adviser for the National Association of Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE). Roy says there are many links between her five years of research that went into the book, service-learning and other teaching innovations, and Speakers Bureau. Roy and Karsten also are collaborating on a project with a small group of Wisconsin inmates to develop violence prevention materials for teenagers. She says this highlights the idea of service-learning and that students “don’t have to stay inside the Jody Roy classroom or the library when you’re doing research. You can get out into the field and make a difference while you’re pursing academic work.” The message from her book about Meeink, she says, is “there’s always hope. That a young man in as much trouble as Frank was in can turn his life around, make such a difference and help so many people is very inspiring. With the new prison project, we hope to give the opportunity to help some other people.” “Those in attendance were fascinated and stayed long after the presentations were over to continue the conversation with Jody and Shawn,” said Larry Malchow, Director of Development. “They told me they thought it was terrific that the College was bringing something so substantive and relevant to their own backyards.”

MERRIMAN LEGAL INJUNCTION AGAINST RIPON COLLEGE DENIED A legal action filed against Ripon College, its Board of Trustees and President David C. Joyce was denied in Fond du Lac County Circuit Court June 3. The action by the Board of Regents of Merriman Alumni and the Merriman fraternity sought to prevent the October 2009 decision by the Board of Trustees to take the historic Merriman fraternity house off-line as a residence hall for the fall 2010 semester. “Accordingly, we will proceed with our plans to vacate the building, discuss options with interested parties, and present possibilities for its use at the October 2010 Board meeting,” said Joyce. Ripon’s administration has said that because of the building’s condition and age, it no longer represents suitable housing for students. The move of the 20 residents of Merriman into another residence hall is considered temporary, with a final decision to come in October 2010 at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Merriman Regents have said this decision violates a 1988 agreement between the College and the Merriman Club in which the College assumed the responsibility to maintain the building. It feels that moving the fraternity out of Merriman House will lead to its dissolution as an official student group. The administration feels the College is following the letter and spirit of the 1988 agreement. r


D AVID G. H ARTMAN ’64 Elected: September 2006 Business: Retired senior vice president and chief actuary, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies When asked to join the Board of Trustees, Dave Hartman didn’t hesitate for a moment. He readily agreed because it allows him to give back to an institution that played an important role in his personal development. Each time he returns to his alma mater to gather with the other trustees, he is excited to see everything that is happening for the benefit of Ripon students. When it comes to specific board meetings, his expertise lies in his ability to work with numbers. His background includes experience as an actuary and senior officer of an insurance company. Dave aptly applies his knowledge during his service on the audit, finance and investments committees. In addition, he has a passion for travel and, with his wife, has visited six different continents, excluding Antarctica. His love of photography is fueled by his travels, as he particularly enjoys capturing the scenery of different lands. Dave’s other primary interest is community service. Hartman just was elected an

Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries and was recognized at a ceremony in London, England. There are only 83 Honorary Fellows worldwide. His time on David G. Ripon’s Board has Hartman ’64 made him aware of some significant challenges for higher education. Primarily, Dave identifies keeping college affordable and attracting and retaining quality professors. “Having attended both Ripon College and the University of Michigan, I can attest to the great value Ripon possesses, having dedicated, bright professors instead of teaching assistants who teach classes, and who take a personal interest in their students,” he says. In addition, identifying and filling the small, residential, liberal arts college niche is something Dave feels the College does exceptionally well. He is excited about Ripon College’s future because he sees commitment to students and strengthening their experiences.

Briefs BRIEFS RIPON MEN, WOMEN FINISH FIFTH IN MIDWEST CONFERENCE ALL-SPORT STANDINGS With the conclusion of the baseball and track seasons, the 2009-10 Midwest Conference (MWC) year came to a close with Ripon’s men’s and women’s teams both experiencing similar successes. In the annual All-Sports Standings, the Red Hawks saw both sides finish fifth out of the 10 member institutions. The all-sports champions are crowned on a point system that rewards schools based on their standing in each of the MWC’s 20 sports. A school receives 10 points for a conference championship, nine for a second place finish and eight for third place, etc. This marks the third consecutive season the Ripon men have finished in fifth place. They were led by the baseball team, who won the school’s only MWC Championship this season. The Red Hawks men’s cross country and football teams also helped their cause with second and third place MWC finishes, respectively. Ripon’s men’s basketball and indoor track team finished tied for third and fourth place, respectively, while the outdoor track team also finished in the top half of the standings, taking fifth place at the conference meet. The Red Hawks earned 64.5 total points, just 9.5 off the pace of the winner, Grinnell College. Ripon’s women’s teams totaled 56 points on the year, 22.5 behind the leader, St. Norbert, and 10 points off the pace of Monmouth’s third-place finish. The Red Hawks women were led by the basketball team’s second place finish, while the women’s golf team took third at their conference meet. Volleyball and softball each finished fourth in the conference, while outdoor and indoor track each took fifth to help the Red Hawks’ cause. The trophies are named for Ralph Shively, former Chair of the Mathematics Department at Lake Forest College, who was actively involved in the MWC as a Faculty Athletic Representative beginning in 1974 before becoming the Conference Commissioner in 1982 and holding the Commissioner post until 2004.

SUMMER 2010 13

Sports sports

Ripon Baseball Team Advances to NCAA Regional Playoffs


he Ripon baseball team captured their 18th Midwest Conference (MWC) Championship during the 2010 season, advancing to the NCAA Regional Playoffs for the ninth time in school history. Ripon finished the season with a 24-17 record including a 12-4 mark in the MWC (good enough for second in the MWC North Division). The Red Hawks offense was clicking on all cylinders PRING during the season as they finPORTS ished with the most hits (468) ECAP in a season in school history. The 2010 squad also finished the year ranking in the top five in a single season for runs (332), RBI (301), doubles (91), home runs (35) and total bases (684). One highlight of the season came during the second half of the season when the Red Hawks went an entire month without a loss, winning 13 consecutive games. During that stretch, which included three wins in the MWC Tournament, Ripon scored 10 or more runs in 12 of those games. Ripon finished the season ranking first in the MWC in batting average (.331), while ranking second in ERA (4.14). The Red Hawks were led by third baseman Nick Beaman (Jr., Oshkosh, Wis.), who was named First Team AllConference and First Team All-Central


Nick Beaman ’11

Kurt Roeder ’11


Region, marking the third time in three years that he has earned both honors. Beaman, who ranked in the top 100 in the country in seven different offensive categories, led the Red Hawks in batting average (.439), doubles (17), home runs (10), RBI (53) and total bases (118), while also scoring 37 runs, fourth on the team. With one full season still to play, Beaman ranks third among Ripon’s career leaders in RBI, doubles and home runs, while already holding school records for career hits, triples and total bases. Joining Beaman on this year’s All-Conference team was outfielder Nate Paul (Sr., Beaver Dam, Wis.) and second baseman Kyle Kyle Bosquez ’13 batted .378, including .475 during Bosquez (Fr., Weyauwega, conference play. Wis.). Paul batted .397 on the season, while also righthander Jason Wierschke (Jr., recording 11 doubles, seven home runs, Kimberly, Wis.) also was named First 37 RBI, four stolen bases and teamTeam All-Conference thanks to a 3-0 highs of five triples and 39 runs scored. record and 1.75 ERA in four conference Bosquez also had a great year at the starts. Wierschke finished the season plate, batting .378, including .475 with a team-best 6-2 record, to go along during conference play. He added 12 with a 4.79 ERA and 30 strikeouts. doubles, 23 RBI, 38 runs scored and a Also making a contribution to this team-best seven stolen bases. year’s team was catcher Nick Whitty On the mound, Ripon was led by (Sr., Eden, Wis.), who, despite missing Kurt Roeder (Jr., Beaver Dam, Wis.), 21 games to injury, batted .400, who was named MWC North Pitcher including .615 in conference play, to go of the Year and First Team All-Conferalong with seven doubles, four home ence. He finished the season with a 5-3 runs, 26 RBI and 18 runs scored. Bryant record and a 2.54 ERA, which ranked Bullock (Sr., Milwaukee, Wis.) also left 43rd in the country. That included a his mark on the Ripon baseball program, 1.55 ERA in conference games, which finishing his career with the most games ranked second in the MWC. Roeder played and most at-bats in school pitched five complete games in his 11 history, while also ranking third in starts this season and struck out 47 career hits and fifth in career doubles. batters, while walking just 13. Fellow

8-5 mark, good enough for second place in the MWC North. Abby Richeson (Jr., Appleton, Wis.) led the Red Hawks with a .362 batting average, including a .429 batting average during conference games, while also recording a team-high nine doubles, which is tied for the fourth-most in a season in school history. Richeson added three home runs and 20 RBI, en route to being named to the AllConference team for the first time in her career. With one full season to play, Richeson has 18 career doubles and seven career home runs, tied for sixth and fourth, respectively, in Ripon’s career Brittnee Peotter ’11 broke Ripon’s school record for career record books. strikeouts. Also earning an AllConference nod this season were Maeghan Boswell (So., SOFTBALL Mason, Wis.) and Stephanie Ripon’s softball team qualified for the Rieuwpassa (Fr., Waukegan, Ill.). MWC Tournament in 2010 for the fifth Boswell made her first career Allconsecutive season. They finished the Conference appearance thanks to season with a 14-20 record in a year that batting .329, including .385 in featured one of the toughest schedules conference games. She also finished in school history. The Red Hawks the season with three doubles, two played five teams that were ranked in triples, 11 runs scored and nine RBI. the National Fastpitch Coaches Rieuwpassa burst onto the scene both Association (NFCA) Top 25, including as a shortstop and pitcher. She batted the number one team in the country .320 during the season, including .389 and defending national champion, during MWC games, while finishing Messiah (Penn.) College. One highlight the season with eight doubles, two of Ripon’s season came in the final game home runs, eight RBI, 16 runs scored of their spring trip to Clermont, Fla., and eight stolen bases. On the mound, which saw them defeat 24th-ranked Rieuwpassa was dominant for much of Rhode Island College, 4-3. Ripon the conference season, going 3-1 in finished the conference season with an MWC games with a 1.36 ERA, which included three complete game shutouts. She struck out 69 batters on the year, the eighth-most strikeouts by a Red Hawk in a single season. Brittnee Peotter (Jr., Kaukauna, Wis.) also had a tremendous season, breaking Ripon’s school record for career strikeouts. Her 117 strikeouts in 2010 give her 325 for her career with one full season still to play. That also marked the second-most strikeouts in a Abby Richeson ’11 Stephanie single season by a Red Hawk, behind Rieuwpassa ’13 only her 125 that she recorded last

KURT ROEDER NAMED 2010 PRESEASON ALL-AMERICAN Cornerback Kurt Roeder has been named to the 2010 Consensus Draft Services (CDS) Division-III Preseason AllAmerican First Team, making him the only Red Hawk to receive such an honor this year. He is one of two Midwest Conference players to be named to the First Team. Roeder is coming off a season that saw him lead the MWC in pass breakups with 19, which helped him garner First Team All-Conference honors. In addition to his break-ups, Roeder also registered 43 tackles (32 solo) and two interceptions during the 2009 season. In his three years with the Red Hawks, Roeder has started all 30 games at cornerback. The senior from Beaver Dam, Wis. has 111 career tackles (75 solo), while also recording four interceptions, 30 pass break-ups and one fumble recovery. He also has served as the team’s punter in all three seasons, earning 2009 All-Conference First Team honors at that position as well.

season. Peotter also enters her senior season ranking in Ripon’s top 10 for innings pitched, victories, earned run average and complete games. Jackie Reichhart (Sr., Cedarburg, Wis.) also etched her name in the Ripon record books, ending her career in Ripon’s top 10 for at-bats, batting average, hits, runs scored, RBI, doubles and walks. She also ended 2010 with a fielding percentage of .990 after making just two errors at first base all season. That is the third-highest fielding percentage by a Red Hawk in a single season. That helped contribute to Ripon’s .952 fielding percentage as a team, which sets a new school record. Catcher Alli Jensen (Jr., Shawano, Wis.) also had a good season at the plate, leading the team in triples (4), home runs (4), RBI (22), runs scored (20) and stolen bases (10), while batting .317.

SUMMER 2010 15

Cory Zimmerman ’13

Michelle Matter ’13

MEN’S OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELD The men’s track and field team had a record-breaking season in 2010, shattering six outdoor school records. Matt Wood (Fr., Port Washington, Wis.) was responsible for three of those, setting new marks in the 100 (10.91), 200 (21.82) and 400 meters (49.40). Cory Zimmerman (Fr., Grand Marsh, Wis.) also set a new school mark in the 800 meters, running a time of 1:52.34. Both Wood and Zimmerman were part of Ripon’s 4x400 relay team, along with Max Herrman (Fr., Appleton, Wis.) and Jamie Reese (Jr., Columbus, Wis.), which set a new school record with a

time of 3:25.99. Adam Sellner (Fr., Barrington, Ill.) continued the trend of fantastic first years, as he broke Ripon’s record in the hammer throw with a distance of 170-06. As a team, Ripon also experienced success, finishing in the top half of the team standings in three of their six meets. That included a first-place finish out of five teams at the Sherman-Lukoski Invitational, Ripon’s lone home meet this season. The season ended with a fifth-place finish at the MWC Championships, the highest finish for the men’s team in five years. The Red Hawks finished with 95 total team points, just 28 out of second place. Ripon’s men earned eight AllConference awards, which are given to the top three finishers in each event at the MWC Championships. Kyle Roy (Jr., Fredonia, Wis.) earned that distinction in three different events, taking third in the shot put, hammer and disc. Jason Smith (Jr., Stevens Point, Wis.) earned a pair of AllConference awards, finishing second in the 1,500 meters and third in the 5K.

JOHNSON TAKES OVER ATHLETIC DIRECTOR POSITION FROM GILLESPIE Julie Johnson, head coach of the Red Hawks women’s basketball team, is now Ripon athletic director. Bob Gillespie, who had served as athletic director since 1992, remains Ripon’s head coach for both baseball and men’s basketball, and an instructor in the exercise science department. “I’ve just turned 61 years old, and athletics and Ripon College has been who I am,” Gillespie says. “I want to have the opportunity to coach for as long as I possibly can, and I think by zeroing in on the coaching, it will allow me more longevity as far as coaching is concerned. I am not sure if I kept doing all three that I would be able to coach as long as I think I will be able to.” Johnson had been assistant athletic director since 2002. She has become the first female athletic director in Ripon College history and continues to serve as head coach of the women’s basketball team. “The College owes a debt of gratitude to Bob for his leadership of the Julie Johnson athletics department during the past 18 years,” says Gerald Seaman, vice president and dean of faculty. “Julie is a charismatic and passionate advocate of Red Hawk athletics, and we’re confident our programs will continue to flourish under her leadership.” Johnson was named to the Ripon College Athletic Hall of Fame in 2005 for her commitment to the education of students through the classroom and athletic competition. This school year is Johnson’s 20th at Ripon College, where she has become the school’s winningest women’s basketball coach with a career record of 272-199. “I’m looking forward to this new opportunity and the challenges it will provide,” Johnson says. “I hope to bring the same focus and dedication to this role as I expect from my players on the court.”


Matt Wood ’13, left, shattered three outdoor school records in track and field. Here, he takes the baton from Max Herrmann ’13.

Sellner, Zimmerman and Reese also earned All-Conference honors. Sellner and Zimmerman finished first in the hammer and 800 meters, respectively, while Reese finished third in the long jump.

WOMEN’S OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELD Much like the men’s team, the women’s track and field squad experienced some record-breaking performances. Two outdoor women’s records were shattered this season, both by Nicole Schmidt (Fr., Brussels, Wis.). Schmidt ran school-best times in the 100 and 200 meters with times of 12.53 and 25.67 seconds, respectively. The Red Hawks began the 2010 outdoor season with a third-place finish out of five teams at the Ripon Invitational. They went on to finish in the top half of the team standings in two of their six matches. Ripon ended the season with a fifth-place finish at the MWC Championships, which is their second-best finish at the event in the past three years. Individually, the Ripon women earned three All-Conference awards,

Nicole Schmidt ’13 ran school-best times in the 100 and 200 meters.

with two of those going to Schmidt, who finished second and third in the 100 and 200 meters, respectively. The other All-Conference award went to Michelle Matter (Fr., Sussex, Wis.), who finished third in the steeplechase at the MWC Championships with a time of 11:48.47.

MEN’S GOLF Ripon’s men’s golf team experienced success during the 2010 campaign, finishing in the top half of the team standings in three of their six meets. That included a first-place finish in the

• For more great sports action photos, visit photos/ripon_college. • Complete lists of spring allconference performers and fall sports schedules can be found at • Become a fan of Red Hawks Athletics on Facebook at www.face

North Division Mini Meet against Lawrence University at The Bog Golf Course. Ripon finished the season with a sixth-place finish in the MWC Championships, Raj Pelon ’10 marking the second consecutive season they have finished in that spot. Individually, the Red Hawks were led by Raj Pelon (Sr., Chicago, Ill.), who finished in 13th place at the MWC Championships with a three-round score of 242. Fellow seniors Stuart Marks (Berlin, Wis.) and Billy Kollatz (Greenfield, Wis.) shot the second- and third-best scores on the team, finishing with a 251 and 257, respectively, good enough for 22nd and 32nd place. Pelon was Ripon’s top golfer in two of the team’s six meets this season. He broke 80 on two occasions, including a team-low 76 in the second round of the MWC Championships. Kollatz was the only other Red Hawk to break 80 this season, shooting a 79 in the first round of the Ripon Invitational.

Billy Kollatz ’10

Alex Tande ’12

only Red Hawks to win a singles match. In doubles competition, Ewig and Tessman teamed up to go 2-5 at the number two position. They, along with the team of Knaapen and sophomore Alex Tande (Waunakee, Wis.) were the only two Ripon teams to win a doubles match at the MWC Championships. Knaapen and Tande finished the season with a 2-6 record, playing mainly at the third flight, while Tande also teamed up with senior Jay Hardacre (Racine, Wis.) to go 2-7 in number one doubles play. r

MEN’S TENNIS The Ripon men’s tennis team had an up-and-down season in 2010, which culminated in an eighth-place finish at the MWC Championships. The Red Hawks finished with a 3-15 record, which included a win over MWC South foe Illinois College. In singles play, Sam Ewig (So., Port Washington, Wis.) led the way for most of the season, recording a team-best 5-12 record playing mainly at the number two flight. He finished with a 2-8 record playing at the number two position, while going 2-1 in number five singles. Junior Alex Tessman (Waukesha, Wis.) also saw some success at the number five flight, winning three of his five matches. In the MWC Championships, Ewig and seniors Jake Knaapen (Portage, Wis.) and Dan Rodriguez (Wichita Falls, Texas) were the Jake Knaapen ’10 won both singles and doubles matches.

SUMMER 2010 17

Ripon College Names Katie Carrier Head Volleyball Coach


atie Carrier has been named the new head volleyball coach. She will be the sixth head coach in program history and inherits a team that finished 11-19 (5-4 in the Midwest Conference) in 2009 and qualified for the MWC Tournament for the seventh time in the past eight seasons. Carrier comes to Ripon after a two-year stint as an assistant coach at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in Carbondale, Ill., where she helped lead the Salukis to a Katie Carrier combined record of 35-24. Prior to that, she served as an assistant at SIU-Edwardsville where she assisted in leading the Cougars to a 27-7 record in her only season with the team. Carrier earned her bachelor’s degree in business administration from St. Norbert College in 2002. There, she was a four-year starter for the Green Knights, earning First Team AllConference honors each year. As a freshman in 1998, Carrier was named MWC Most Valuable Player. Her many honors also include being named to the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) Division-III AllRegion Team as a senior and earning Team MVP honors on three occasions. “We’re very pleased to have Katie as a part of our athletic department,” says Ripon Athletic Director Julie Johnson. “She brings a wealth of experience and success to our volleyball program that will only serve to improve our team. This will be an outstanding fit for all parties involved.” The West Bend, Wis., native finished her outstanding career ranking third in NCAA Division-III history for career kills (2,296), while also ranking fourth in kills per game (4.59), sixth in attempts per game (10.85) and 17th in career digs (2,015). Carrier left St. Norbert holding school records in every hitting category. Her first collegiate coaching


experience came at her alma mater, where she served as an assistant during the 2004 season. She was the primary hitting coach. Her only previous head coaching experience came for the Green Bay Hang Time Volleyball Club during the 2003-04 season.

Carrier recently completed her master’s degree in education with an emphasis in kinesiology from SIUCarbondale. In addition to her volleyball duties at Ripon, she will serve as an assistant professor in the exercise science department. r

THREE RED HAWKS PLAYING IN SUMMER BASEBALL LEAGUES Ripon’s baseball season may be over, but for three Red Hawks, their play continued into the summer. Junior pitchers Kurt Roeder and Jason Wierschke and third baseman Nick Beaman all signed to play in summer leagues featuring college

Kurt Roeder ’11

Jason Wierschke ’11

players from around the country that compete at the NCAA Division I, II and III levels, as well as some junior colleges. Roeder is the only one of the three players that currently has a full season contract, as he has suited up for the Butler (PA) BlueSox of the Prospect League, a summer collegiate wood bat league. The league provides a summer baseball program for eligible college players to give them experience using a wood bat in a competitive atmosphere and to provide a venue to allow MLB Scouts to watch collegiate prospects using wood bats against live pitching in competition. So far this season, Roeder has a 1-1 record with the Butler BlueSox, to go along with an ERA of 4.68. He has appeared in 10 games, allowing 21 hits in 25 innings of work, to go along with 14 strikeouts and 14 walks. He also has recorded one save on the season. Beaman and Wierschke signed 10day contracts with the Thunder Bay (Can.) Border Cats of the Northwoods League, a summer baseball league comprising teams of the top college players from across the nation and North America. All players in the league must have NCAA eligibility remaining in order to participate. Each team is operated similarly to a professional minor league team, providing players an opportunity to play under the same conditions using wooden bats, minor league specification baseballs, experiencing overnight road trips, and playing nightly in front of fans in a stadium. Fellow Red Hawk Matt Dwyer played for Thunder Bay last summer.

Alumni Alumni

PoGo Education Provides Firm Launching Pad for Surprising Career – Airline Pilot


s my fellow alumni and I mingled with Ripon graduates at lunches in Pickard Commons, my eyes scanned dozens of nametags. The tags, which included the names and the majors of the alumni, helped me pick out those I was most interested in talking to — the politics and government majors. As the conversation invariably turned to their career choices, a pattern began to emerge. It was puzzling to discover that most of them worked in fields that had nothing to do with politics and government, though all of them clearly had rewarding careers that they thoroughly enjoyed. As someone who was poised for a career in law or politics, I was intrigued by this phenomenon. I was aware that one of the selling points of a liberal arts college was the ability of students to apply their education to a wide variety of job fields and life situations, but this vivid illustration of that principle appeared as more of a fluke than a foreshadowing for this driven PoGo major. After all, I had devoted my four years of college to building up my political credentials by getting involved in campus politics, hosting controversial speakers, writing an opinion column for College Days and working for a presidential candidate, all while wooing my future wife, Marina Antipova ’00, and maintaining good grades. I seemed poised for a career in Washington, D.C., or classes in a reputable law school when, only a year after graduating, Marina and I packed our things into a moving truck, left our apartment in the D.C. area, and moved to Orlando, where I began to attend flight school.

Liberal arts education molded me While it is possible that I could have achieved my goal sooner by going to an aviation-focused college, I never regretted attending Ripon. I can say in all honesty that meeting Marina would be a completely sufficient reason for that sentiment, but it is not the only one. My liberal arts education molded me into a person who was much better prepared to deal with the challenges of my new career than I would have been without it. As a captain of a modern jet that cruises up to 41,000 feet, braves a wide range of weather phenomena and delivers thousands of passengers to their destinations safely every month, I have to rely on more than my aviation training to get people to their meetings on time. Faced with often conflicting priorities of maintaining a tight schedule and a safe operation, pilots have to use their best judgment and their life experiences to strike the right balance. After all, the safest airline is one that never flies, while an airline that is interested only in keeping a schedule likely is cutting corners to achieve it. My education in Ripon laid the foundation for making daily decisions that affect many lives flight after flight. Whether it is deciding when to demand extra fuel from a dispatcher, stepping in to defuse a situation with an irate passenger or simply refusing to fly the airplane because the crew is too exhausted after being on duty for 14-1/2 hours, the

Dmitri Smirenski ’00 says his liberal arts education molded him into the person he has become.

stakes are high and the time for decisions is limited.

Facing challenges every day While the only engine failure I ever experienced was in a training aircraft, resulting in an unexpected visit to a farm field, I have experienced many other challenges in my relatively short aviation career. We have to be alert from the moment we step into the airport, evaluating potential security threats, determining the airworthiness of the airplane, ensuring the crew is fit for duty, and evaluating the many parameters affecting the flight, from the weather to navigational aid outages and specific airport challenges. All the while we have to maintain situational awareness by monitoring radio communications of other aircraft and determining if their experiences are relevant to us.

How Ripon prepared me What I know is that without the first-class education that many of us have received from colleges such as Ripon, as well as the military, the flying public would not have become so accustomed to the safety of flight. It is no surprise that many airlines require college education, of any kind, from their pilot applicants, and all of them strongly prefer it. My Ripon education was a launching pad for the life experiences that give me confidence as a pilot today. Critical thinking, dealing with people who do not always share your point of view (dispatchers, crewmembers, passengers, air traffic control), evaluating a range of options in a short amount of time, and publicly communicating in an effective manner are all skills that I honed at Ripon. I would not trade my Ripon education for anything, even if some day I have to explain to a confused PoGo student why my nametag says “Politics and Government” while I’m wearing an airplane pin on my lapel. r Dimitri Smirenski ’00 SUMMER 2010 19

Felines are the Cat’s Meow “The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as gods – and cats have never forgotten this!”

A trio of cats explores the grounds at the English home of Tami Boden-Ellis.


hen we featured alumni and their dogs in the Spring 2009 issue of Ripon Magazine, the article was a big hit. But it brought an immediate demand for equal time from cat lovers. All right. That makes sense. Cats are the number one pet in the United States, numbering 10 million more than dogs, the number two pet, in the most recent count. So, here we pay homage to cats and their Ripon alumni.

When Deborah Johnson Van Slyke ’60 of Scottsdale, Ariz., was serving as class agent, she asked for ideas for a project and warned: “Those who do not write or call will receive one of our cats!” But there was really not much chance of that. Van Slyke says she enjoys an entertaining life, thanks in part to her feline friends. “I grew up in an apartment in Chicago and always wanted a pet,” Van Slyke says. “Amos was my going-away gift from my group at the First National “Like a graceful Bank of Chicago. He was a Russian blue vase, a cat, even — smart, brave and very loving. He to play fetch.” when motionless, liked Until three years ago, Van Slyke and seems to flow.” her husband, Alan, had as many as six ~ George F. Will cats. When they were living in Minneapolis, Alan would open the house up to passing homeless cats who were trying to avoid the snow. They now have two cats, a brother and sister duo named Sophie and Mikey. “Mikey is very curious, affectionate and adventurous,” 20 RIPON MAGAZINE

Sophie said it was a “bad fur” day, so Deborah Johnson Van Slyke ’60 poses just with Mikey.

Van Slyke says. “He likes to walk on a leash outside. Sophie is shy with strangers but is the top cat in the house and is devoted to my husband. Both of them love to sit at the window and watch birds.” She lovingly remembers idiosyncrasies of some of her kitties. “Bob was given to my husband as a birthday gift in 1989,” she says. “He lived 20 years. Bob ate everything but especially loved anything with tomatoes — juice, sauce, whatever. The only item he would not eat was butterscotch pudding.

“Dave was our mouser and chipmunker. He loved to lay out in a perfect line by the door his dead chipmunks for us to find. “Pepper would sit and watch TV with Alan and share their favorite snacks together — peanuts, raisins and tortilla chips. It is not easy for a cat to eat raisins! “Our Sophie and Mikey, today, are not gourmet cats. They like the dry food. They have strange sleeping habits — they like to sleep inside shoes. Mike can open cupboard doors with his paw but often has a difficult time getting out. When I hear strange thumps, it is time to play ‘find the cat.’ So far, not a glass has been broken.” As a history major and speech minor, Van Slyke’s curiosity and wonder of the world was sparked at Ripon. Having a desire to know everything she could, she went on to receive a master’s degree in library science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She then worked as a corporate librarian for several companies, including The First National Bank of Chicago, Montgomery Ward & Co. and Real Estate Research Corp. During the late ’70s, Van Slyke shifted to corporate records management. She helped companies take control of their information in all forms — paper, computer, micrographics — as a result of an increase in government agencies, foreign trade and lawsuits. She is a voracious reader and usually reads two books at a time. She also participates in her church’s choir, enjoys needlepoint and baking, and stays active by swimming every day.

Tami Boden-Ellis ’78 of Somerset, England, says she is a die-hard canine lover. “But let it not be said ‘you cannot teach an old dog new tricks’ because over the more recent years, we have become feline fanciers, too,” she says. Boden-Ellis says she lives in a lovely, rural part of England, about 150 miles southwest of London. She keeps busy in the garden, and poultry, pigs, dogs, fish and cats abound throughout the property. She says her love of felines “started when our neighbor upstream informed us that her ‘rat catcher’ had been successful, though he did warn her that they, the water rats, may have only moved downTami Boden-Ellis ’78 stream,” she says. “On that note, the children, Peter and I were off to the shelter and came home with what would be two of many kittens to follow. “Domino and Oreo (were) little black and white bundles of (surprise, surprise) rodent killers!” After several years, Domino died and was replaced by two friendly farm kittens, Snickers and Ripple. “And it’s gone on and on and on and on from there,” Boden-Ellis says. Ripple is female and for many years has had at least a litter a year. “In her own right, she has helped us monetarily support two worthwhile charities, as all donations for her and her offsprings’ kittens have gone to the charities

ZEST-UK and CHICKS,” BodenEllis says. Respectively, these charities contribute to the advancement of education and the relief of need amongst school age children in Zambia; and help provide respite/country holidays for disadvantaged inner-city children in the United Kingdom. “Our best summer was when we had three litters within a week of each other and 11 kittens who were so, so much fun,” BodenA new arrival at the Boden-Ellis Ellis says. “They had a great time home takes an exploration trip. together. Our kittens have travelled some distances. They are in Scotland, Wales and, of course, throughout jolly ol’ England. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time with these little critters, and, thankfully, the dogs we have had over the time — at best five — have been very, very tolerant. “So, could you say we are feline-lovers? All the while I never see a rodent (except a dead one), our kittens can find loving homes and raise money for much-needed causes. Yes, I guess you could say they have found a place in our hearts! “Ripple, E.T., Socks and Shadow ask you to check out their supported charities at and”

Bill Youngs ’89 and Susan Kutschenreuter Youngs ’91 live in Anoka, Minn. — “the Halloween capital of the world!” Susan Youngs says. “No kids, but very spoiled cats.” She says she has liked cats ever since she was a little girl. “I love their independence and their overall cat-itude,” she says. “No one can look at you quite like a cat!” With enthusiastic owners like the Youngs, the cats were sure to end up with interesting names. It turns out that Bill came up with one of the cat’s names: Fish. The name stems from a longtime joke of naming a cat after some other animal like fish, dog or bird, and Fish was liked the best. “Our vet gets a kick out of it, too,” Youngs said. The couple’s second cat is black and white and was properly named Oreo Cookies. Although appearing more like a Holstein cow, the name Moo Moo just didn’t stick, and “I have studied many Oreo Cookies was the final philosophers and many decision. cats. The wisdom of cats Oreo Cookies lives up to her is infinitely superior.” interesting name and has a peculiar habit. She is the ~ Hippolyte Taine “mighty huntress” of the house, and instead of bringing in dead birds or mice from outside, she is an indoor cat and adapted properly to hunting socks. Youngs says that after Oreo Cookies brings her socks, “she will then patiently wait for praise for her stellar hunting skills. If you don’t praise her right away, she will bring you another sock. She has very high standards!” Since a third cat, died a few years ago, Fish seemed to understand Youngs’ sadness. “Almost instantly she started SUMMER 2010 21

going to open for her, but it never works.” See more about Frikken on page 32 in the Class Notes section.

Molly, Susan Frikken’s beloved feline companion, is guardian of the homework.

cuddling up with me on the couch and waiting by the front door for me to come home,” she said. Youngs works as a communications assistant for a small consulting firm in St. Paul. She is also an avid runner. To date, she has completed four marathons and numerous half-marathons.

Through thick and through thin, over the past 19 years, a grey tabby cat named Molly has been a constant companion for Susan E. Frikken ’90 of Madison, Wis. Frikken and her partner, Deb Hanrahan, also have three dogs, but Molly is the acknowledged head of the household and adopts each new canine companion in turn. A year after graduating from Ripon, Frikken was living near a military base in Louisiana with her then-husband. The cat was found as a stray on the military base and named after Revolutionary War heroine Molly Pitcher. Frikken adopted her. “She’s been happy and healthy ever since,” Frikken says. “She’s accompanied me all over the place. I’ve moved several times, and she’s always been very adaptable. The running joke is she’s always been my best teacher. She always asks for what she wants, she sleeps when she needs to, she gets what she needs.” “Many cats Frikken says cats are special because they simply pounce are so self-sufficient. “And they help you to their own form your ego,” she says. “Dogs will always drummers.” tell you you’re wonderful even if you’re not. ~ Karen Duprey You can’t count on cats to stroke your ego.” Frikken is seeking a doctorate of physical therapy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and runs her own massage therapy practice in her home. Regular clients have come to know a unique aspect of Molly’s character. “The older she’s gotten, the louder she gets,” Frikken says. “She has a howling thing. She wants to be noticed. She likes to go into echoey places and talk really loudly. I have clients who ask, ‘Where’s Molly?’ if they can’t hear her talking. Some ask if that’s a baby I have upstairs,” she says with a laugh. “She also goes down regularly to the bag of dog food in the basement and talks to it. I don't know if she thinks it’s 22 RIPON MAGAZINE

DJ Lilly ’90 works as a youth services librarian in Bellefonte, Pa. Because of her love for cats, many books about cats find their way into the library. “There are a million cute books about cats!” she says. Winnie, DJ Lilly’s companion, “But whenever I buy a cat strikes a regal pose. book, I try to buy a dog book so no one can say we’re leaning only one way.” Lilly also volunteer at a local nursing home taking care of their pets, including a half dozen cats. She currently has one cat at home, a black and white, 4-year-old female with a literary name. “She reminds me of a cow, which people in Wisconsin will appreciate,” she says. “She’s called Winniethe-Mooh — Winnie for short.” Lilly began getting cats when she moved out on her own after graduating from school. “As a working person, I appreciate their independence,” she says. “You don’t have to spend all your time with them, and they’re DJ Lilly ’90 OK with that. They pretty much do what they want to do. I find them fascinating to watch, the way they clean their ears and the way they sit. They have kind of a regal air about them.” She also finds cats amusing. “A dog tries to get its owner’s affection, whereas an owner tries to get its cat’s affection,” she says. “Dogs kind of lay it all out there, and cats are more of a mystery to figure out. In the end, I like a challenge.”

Paul Larson ’05 and Sarah McGill ’05 of Elkton, Md.,

Paul Larson ’05 snuggles with Gus as a kitten.

McGill says they enjoy living with their cats. “I like that they are friendly and cuddly but also selfsufficient,” she says. “Except for really hot nights, they usually spend most of the night with us.”

Euler and Sarah McGill ’05 take a nap.

share their lives with three male cats: Schnapps, Gus and Euler. Schnapps was named by his previous owner — Larson’s cousin — who was in college at the time (“Of course!”) McGill says with a laugh about the cat’s name. Gus and Euler both were adopted from the Green Lake Animal Shelter. “We were taking care of a friend’s cat at the time, and we wanted one of our own,” McGill recalls. “The animal shelter had a two-for-one deal. These cats happened to be there at the same time, and they played with each other. That’s what we wanted.” Because both Larson and McGill were math majors, they named the pair for famed mathematicians Gauss and Euler. So does that make them dignified and scholarly? “Oh, I don’t know about that,” McGill says with a laugh. But they are mischievous. Euler recently ate a whole bratwurst right off the dining table and left not a trace anywhere. Another just ate part of an angel food cake. Gus likes spaghetti and once stuck his whole head inside the sauce jar to clean it out. “He came out very red,” McGill says. “I can’t leave food out anymore.” Schnapps is the big brother, she says, and takes care of the other two. They all like to wrestle and snuggle up together to sleep. They also throw suckers and Q-tips into the air and swat them around the house. “We find Q-tips everywhere,” McGill says. “Usually there are about 20 under the couch anytime I clean it out underneath.” McGill teaches math at Elkton High School and has coached girl’s soccer and lacrosse. Larson is working on his dissertation for his doctorate in economics at the University of Delaware.

Although Paul Neuberger ’05 has returned to his hometown of Milwaukee, he and his two cats are all “Ripon boys.” The cats, just over 4 years old, are from a litter born to a stray on campus. Students named the stray Brock after “Brockway.” She stayed outside even in winter, hiding under cars and eating food students put out for her. The school nurse at the time was able to catch Brock and took her in. She discovered Brock was expecting and advertised for people to adopt the kittens. Neuberger, then associate director of the Annual Fund at Ripon, went to take a look. “I always wanted two boy cats, and she said, ‘I know just the two for you.’ These two just hung out with each other. They were like soul mates. I went down there, fell in love with them and adopted them.” “I love cats because Paul named them after his two favorite movie characters: Quint for I enjoy my home; Robert Shaw’s character in “Jaws,” and little by little, and “Vito” for Marlon Brando’s they become its character in “The Godfather.” visible soul.” Paul says he likes cats because his job keeps him away from home ~ Jean Cocteau a lot, and “cats are self-sufficient. Also, they’re a lot like me. If cats want to be around you, they will be. If they don’t want to, they’re going to go do their own thing. Cats just fit my personality.” He loves the differences in their personalities. Quint is “daddy’s little boy,” Paul says. “He can’t go the bed at night until he plays with me, and he follows me around everywhere. He’s more laid-back. “Vito is Mr. Adventure,” he says. “Vito would be the first one to parachute out of the airplane. He’s the first to greet the guests, the first to check everything out. He goes walking on top of the shelves, on top of the refrigerator. “They complement each other well, and they’re a nice mix.” He says the best thing about cats is that they will love you unconditionally, but you have to earn their love and respect first. “If you can earn that, it teaches you valuable life lessons,” he says. “Earning the love and respect of a cat will help you relate better to people. Anytime you have to earn to love and respect of any living thing, it serves you better in the long run.” r Stories compiled by Jaye Alderson, Katie Mead ’11 and Erin Schaick ’12.

Paul Neuberger ’05 poses with his boys: Vito on the left and Quint on the right.

SUMMER 2010 23

500 Celebrate Each Other’s Lives at Alumni Weekend

Charles Morgan ’60 of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., and his wife, Louise “Samm” Morgan, prepare to lead the Class of 1960 in the All Alumni March.

Norm Loomer, professor of mathematics and computer science emeritus, and Susan Boothroyd Loomer ’67 share a tender moment at the All Alumni Gathering Spot on the Memorial Green Space.


W EK ND & CL SS R UNI N 2010 A -


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Photos by Jim Koepnick For more photos from Alumni Weekend, visit the College’s flickr site at 24 RIPON MAGAZINE


ore than 500 people representing class years from 1950 to 2013 attended Alumni Weekend June 25 and 26. Activities included the third annual All Alumni Reception (sponsored by the Classes of 1975, 1976 and 1985) at the Evans Admission Center; backyard games on the Memorial Green Space, with refreshments sponsored by the Class of 1990 and the Delta Upsilon fraternity; a concert by The Other Half, featuring members of the Class of 1969; Theta Chi frisbee golf; Theta Sigma Tau game room; and an alumni art exhibit. Fun Run winners were: Charlie Larson ’00 (17:20 - new course

record) and Stacy Tate Paleen ’95 (26:15) in running; and Nicholas Runte (husband of Rebecca Peterson Runte ’00) (46:05) and Barbara Krieps Laskin ’61 (41:22) in walking. Golf winners were: Peter Cooper ’65, John Diedrich ’62 and Philip “Ole” Holm ’65. The Alumni Association endorsed the following alumni as recipients of the 2010 alumni awards.

Distinguished Alumni Citation John T. Benka ’60 of Park Ridge, Ill., is a retired assistant superintendent, Maine Township High School. He majored in biology and minored in English at Ripon,

A concert was presented by The Other Half, the Class of 1969’s own pure acoustical, folk-singing group known for their close harmonies and intricate guitar work. From left are Jeff Scheferman of Colleyville, Texas; Barry Morton of Cardiff by the Sea, Calif.; a substitute bass player; Bob Fernbach of Pasadena, Calif.; and Dave Richardson of San Gabriel, Calif.

and was a member and officer of Phi Kappa Pi (Merriman), lettered in football and baseball, was a member of the 1957 undefeated Midwest Conference (MWC) championship football team and participated in the advanced ROTC program, being commissioned as a second lieutenant. Benka served on the faculty of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps School until August 1962. He then served in teaching and administration positions at high schools in Illinois and Wisconsin and was an adjunct professor at National Louis University, Evanston, Ill. Charles E. “Rick” Estberg ’75 of Brussels, Belgium, is a senior intelligence adviser, NATO, headquarters in Brussels, Department of Defense. At Ripon, he was a combined foreign language major with emphasis on German. Within weeks of graduating, he joined the Army and four years later became Department of Defense civilian, where he has been ever since. He has 34 years of government service. Estberg has served in numerous capacities, to include linguist, analyst, program manager, speech writer for his agency’s director (a three-star admiral at the time), and Chief of Staff of the Interagency Operations Security Support Staff. In 1997, he was selected as a Brookings Fellow and served on Capitol Hill on the

Rick Estberg ’75, center, a recipient of a 2010 Distinguished Alumni Citation and who currently works with NATO in Belgium, shares a photo with Sue Chapman Carlton ’75 of St. Charles, Ill., left, and Laurie Landis Wolford ’75 of Castle Rock, Colo.

Alumni of all ages gathered in the North Reading Room of Lane Library to share the college days memories during the “That Was Then …” session. From left in the foreground are Phil Nancarrow ’65 of Houghton, Mich., Barry Simon ’66 of Albuquerque, N.M., Paul Kegel ’57 of De Pere, Wis., and (partially obscured) Andrew Obara ’55 of Palatine, Ill.

personal staff of U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA). In 2006, he was the recipient of the Meritorious Civilian Service Award, his agency’s highest recognition. Richard J. Lewandowski ’75 of Madison, Wis., majored in politics and government and economics at Ripon, then earned his law degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School. He is an attorney at Whyte Hirschboeck Dubek S.C., a Wisconsin law firm. He has almost 30 years of experience in environmental issues. He has handled cases dealing with water permitting, solid and hazardous waste regulation, groundwater protection, pesticide regulation and wetlands. He also has represented Tibetan refuges in asylum proceedings for the National Immigrant Justice Center.

Carol Grant Troestler ’60 of Prairie du Sac, Wis., is a retired partner/social counselor, Pathway Center. Troestler majored in psychology and biology at Ripon. She was in the psychology and religion clubs, was a member of Alpha Chi Omega and was named the White Rose Queen of Sigma Nu. Troestler worked as the alcohol and other drug abuse program coordinator at Sauk Prairie School District. In 1985, she became the co-owner of Pathway Center, a mental health clinic in Prairie du Sac. She has had two historical novels published: Flow On Sweet Missouri (2005) and Iowa Born and Bred (2006). She is working on a book about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Her husband is Tom Troestler ’59.

SUMMER 2010 25

Winners of the 34th annual Alumni Association Red Hawks Scramble were, from left, Peter Cooper ’65 of Lake Zurich, Ill.; Philip “Ole” Holm ’65 of Evanston, Ill.; and John Diedrich ’62 of Ripon, Wis. The scramble raised $3,600 to help underwrite the athletic budget.

Outstanding Young Alumni Zachary S. Morris ’02 of Boston, Mass., is a medical student at Harvard University. He was a chemistry and biology major and earned one of the 32 select Rhodes scholarships, the third student to do so in Ripon’s history. He completed two master’s degrees at Oxford University and a doctorate at Harvard University in the Division of Medical Sciences. He is in his final year of clinical courses at Harvard Medical School. Morris volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters. While at Harvard, he started a mentoring program for children at the Elizabeth Stone House, in Roxbury, Mass.

Athletic Hall of Fame Mark D. Bradley ’96 of Ripon, Wis., participated in baseball, football and wrestling. In football, Bradley’s team had an overall record of 22-15. He had 88 tackles, three interceptions and 31.9 yards punting average, and was named All-Conference 1st Team Defensive Back in the 1995 season. In baseball, he was a pitcher and outfielder. He was named to the All-Conference 2nd team in 1995. In wrestling, Bradley — the sole member of the Ripon team — held an overall record of 42-8. During the 1993-94 season, he was named to the 1st team All-Conference and qualified for the NCAA Division III National Wrestling Tournament. He joins his father, Doug Bradley ’66, who was inducted into the 26 RIPON MAGAZINE

Professor of Biology Skip Wittler leads a walk on the Cereso Prairie Conservancy.

Hall of Fame in 1985. He works for the Ripon Area School District as a special education teacher and as head wrestling coach at Ripon High School. Sara L. Soffa ’94 of Fitchburg, Wis., broke many swim records including 100 and 200 backstroke, 100 and 200 breaststroke, 200 and 400 individual medley, and the 200, 400 and 800 relays. She was the women’s swim team captain from 1992 to 1994, Ripon College Athlete of the Week in 1993 and 1994, and was named to the Midwest Athletic Conference for Women Academic AllConference team. She works at Edgewood College where she is professor of education in the doctoral program in Educational Leadership. James M. Wallace ’97 of Minneapolis, Minn., was the second leading tackler for the Red Hawks football team in 1994, voted the defensive player of the week, ranked first in NCAA III in punt returns in 1995, ranked second in NCAA III in interceptions, and voted MWC Defensive Player of the Year in 1995. Wallace was selected as a kick returner in the 1994 NCAA Division III All-American football team and received the Jeff A. Thompson Athletic Award in 1997. He also was a member of Phi Delta Theta. He now owns a trim carpentry business. Coach Robert L. Duley of Westfield,

Laurie Landis Wolford ’75, of Castle Rock, Colo., left, chats with Nancy Groose TerMatt ’76 of Naperville, Ill., in Great Hall.

Wis., has been the track and field coach since 1994 and the cross country coach since 1998. His Ripon track teams have won 39 invitational titles and the cross-country team has won 21 invitational titles. Both have been the most in Ripon College history. Duley’s teams also hold seven Wisconsin Private College Championships. He has coached 31 NCAA qualifiers, more than 200 MWC medalists, and more than 250 Academic All-Conference performers. Before coming to Ripon, Coach Duley was a high school track and field coach, and basketball coach for more than 24 years. His teams, combined, have more than 500 wins and 13 conference championships. Over a 41year career, his teams have won more than 100 invitational titles and have an overall winning percentage above 70 percent. He has won “Coach of the Year” honors four times. R


k o o b p a r c S It’s a Small World After All

Jean Kirkpatrick Lederer ’73 and her husband, Gary Lederer ’72, recently were on a long weekend trip to Normandy, France, when they got an unexpected “hello” from Ripon. “We got up early in the morning to meet a tour guide at the small train station in Bayeux,” Jean says. “You can imagine my surprise when I turned my head looking for the guide and saw Sue Mijanovich Key ’72 of Lake Zurich, Ill., and her husband, Roger, sitting there waiting for a train to Paris. Sue and Gary were in the class of 1972, and Sue and I lived together in Scott Hall her senior year when there was one floor of women housed there. We have seen each other over the years, but not for a couple of years, now. It was a complete shock to run into them, and in such an unlikely place. Lots of shrieks and hugs and laughter. We only had a brief time to catch up as our guide arrived, and their train was coming in. A great ‘small-world’ moment that we all thoroughly enjoyed.” Shown above are Gary Lederer, left, Sue Mijanovich Key, Jean Lederer and Roger Key.

Army Comrades Recall Ripon Memories Dayle Balliett ’39 of Bradenton, Fla., left, and Tim Burr ’61 of Oostburg, Wis., reconnected in May at Balliett’s retirement community in Florida. They talked and had lunch together. Tim recalls that when he was sent as an Army private to Korea in 1962, he turned in his papers and heard a clerk exclaim, “Ripon College! This guy will be a corporal in two weeks!” That was because Col. Dayle Balliett was then commanding officer of the 31st Infantry. “It was an honor to meet him,” Burr says. “He was the most respected solider I met in three years in the Army. All I heard when I got to Korea was that his troops would follow him anywhere. They had tremendous admiration and affection for him. Now, he’s still very alert, plays piano and has a great sense of humor.”

A Green and Lasting Gift to Ripon

A newly planted tree on the green space of Ripon College was presented to the College by Douglas and Bonnie Kline of Berlin, Wis. They are the parents of Stefanie Kline ’05 of La Crosse, Wis. “The gift of the tree is in honor of Stefanie’s graduation from Ripon College and her master’s from Viterbo University,” Doug Kline says. The tree was in place and looking great for Stefanie’s fifth class reunion in June. Stefanie’s name was added to a recognition plate in the Dahm Heritage Room in Pickard Commons. Shown above, from left, are Doug Kline, his daughter, Stefanie, and Bill Neill ’67, director of charitable gift planning.

SUMMER 2010 27

Class Notes CLASS NOTES 1940s

Helen Fossland Zippel ’42 of Mequon, Wis., says she has four great-grandchildren. She has lived in a retirement home named New Castle for seven years and is very happy there.


June 24-26, 2011 55th Reunion, Class of ’56 Vilma Butcher Carlson ’51 of Tekonsha, Mich., writes: “I will be traveling to Mongolia this June/July to see where my Hungarian ancestors originated. I’m anxious to also watch the Naadam Festival with its outstanding horseback riding, archery and wrestling feats.” Robert G. Hess ’52 and his wife, Phyllis, of Plymouth, Mich., celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary June 7. Dottie Wichmann Henry ’53 and her husband, Frank, of Dallas, Pa., have received the Distinguished Citizens Award from the Northeastern Pennsylvania Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Both were in Scouting as children. “Our sons were Cub Scouts, and our granddaughter, Samantha, earned the Gold Award in Girl Scouting,” Dottie says. Frank is chairman of Frank Martz Coach Company in Wilkes-Barre, president of Martz Group, Washington, D.C., Fredericksburg, Va., and St. Petersburg, Fla., and on the board of directors and past chairman of the American Bus Association, Gray Line Worldwide and Trailways Bus System. Dottie is past president of the Junior League of Wilkes-Barre, the General Hospital Women’s Auxiliary and American Cancer Society of Wyoming Valley. Mary Lou Zender Latzer ’53 of San Luis Obispo, Calif., writes: “My husband, Clyde, and I are enjoying retirement in beautiful San Luis Obispo, which is in the Central Coast of California. Three of our grandchildren are in college. Nan Withington ’53, lives in Santa Barbara, 100 miles south of us.” Beverly Olsen Taylor ’53 of Montgomery, Ill., is retired. Her husband, Albert Taylor, is in a nursing home. Gardening is still her main hobby. Robert L. Daugherty ’54 of Leland, N.C., is retired. He has 13 grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren and communicates with them by texting. “Life is good,” he says.

indicates a marriage or union. indicates a birth or adoption.


Patricia Spiczenski Head ’54 of Carnegie, Pa., is retired. She has six grandchildren and is active in the local Friends of Scott Township Public Library and the Neville Manor Home Owners Association. Fredric E. Roeming ’55 of Green Valley, Ariz., writes: “I am happy to have a grandson, Austin Oliver, starting at Ripon College this fall. He has been awarded a four-year ROTC scholarship and hopes to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps as a career Army officer.” Joan Anderson Bachus ’57 of Penn Valley, Calif., writes: “I still love enjoying my retirement years in California. Would love to see any former classmates visiting the Golden State. I am a docent at the Empire Mine in Gross Valley. I’ll give you a tour.”


June 24-26, 2011 50th Reunion, Class of ’61 John R. Korbel ’60 of Naples, Fla., has traveled to Hawaii regularly for the past 41 years. “Since the 1980s, I have visited Pearl Harbor to commemorate 12/7/41 and volunteer to work on behalf of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association,” he says. “My wife and I enjoy all travel, but the Pearl Harbor trip is special to me.” Charles H. Morgan ’60 of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., says, “Life is good in northeast Florida. Three of our six grandchildren live within two miles of our house. We keep ‘The Morgan Company’ (promotional advertising) rocking along. If you need anything logo’ed give us a call.” Gary J. Kazmier ’61 of Brookfield, Wis., will retire as an investment adviser with Wells Fargo Advisors after 42 years in December. He and his wife, Marianne, celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary in June.

Dottie Wichmann Henry ’53

Timothy Harry Williams ’62

Massachusetts. This year he co-wrote a book with W. Barnett Pearce, Communication, Action and Meaning: The Creation of Social Realities. He was honored by the Social Construction division of the National Communication Association for his long-lasting influence on communication theory. A recently published book includes the chapter, “The Massachusetts Revolution,” by two of his former graduate students. The book is about the history and development of social constructivist thought, and the word “revolution” in the title refers to roles of Cronen, Pearce and their students in the paradigm shift from logical positivism to a social constructionist/pragmatist orientation on theory and research. Cronen continues to work on the development of the theory “Coordinated Management of Meaning.” He and his wife, Myrna Cronen (speech and language pathologist) enjoy running, cycling (when New England weather permits), traveling and spending time with their daughter, son-in law and 3-year-old grandson. Frank Louis Smoll ’63 of Kirkland, Wash., and his colleague Ronald Smith were profiled in an article in the April issue of Monitor on Psychology, a monthly magazine distributed to 108,000 members of the American Psychological Association. Smoll and Smith are professors of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. The article presents an overview of their sport psychology research and applied activities, along with a description of their current Youth Enrichment in Sports project ( The article can be accessed online at 2010/04/coaching.aspx

Timothy Harry Williams ’62 of Montgomery, Texas, recently celebrated his 70th birthday skiing down the mountains of Utah with a client. “She was amazed when I told her that I was one of only a few of the 450 Deer Valley Ski Instructors over 70 who are still teaching Alpine skiing,” Williams says. “She was also amazed to learn that I had recently had open heart surgery. LIFE IS GOOD!” Since retiring from Albion College (Mich.) in 2002, Timothy and his wife, Brigitte, have been working during the ski season at Deer Valley, Utah. She works in the children’s program, and he teaches Alpine skiing. They live near their children on Lake Conroe in Texas and enjoy watching their son and daughter coach their football, track and swimming teams, and their grandchildren participate in their school activities. They also volunteer in their schools, travel, dance and participate in various clubs and church activities.

Actors Harrison Ford ’64 and Calista Flockhart were married June 15 in New Mexico, where Ford was filming “Cowboys and Aliens.” The wedding was presided over by New Mexico’s Gov. Bill Richardson at the governor’s mansion.

Philip Murray Chase ’66 of Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii, writes: Faye and I are both retired from the Hawaii Department of Education. Our daughter is a junior at Chapman University majoring in accounting. Time is filled with work on house, painting classes, photography and model railroading.”

Vernon E. Cronen ’63 of Amherst, Mass., is professor of communication at the University of

Frederick Kevin Shea ’67 of Knoxville, Tenn., retired Jan. 1, 2007, after almost 30 years with

Mary A. Sims Trombetta ’64 of East Setauket, N.Y., is retired after 28 years teaching English and English as a second language. “Enjoying being retired with husband, Angelo, and playing with granddaughters Karly and Kathleen,” she says.

Joseph P. Belanger ’75 of Carlisle, Mass., has joined The Brattle Group’s Finance Practice in Cambridge, Mass., as a senior consultant. The Brattle Group is a global provider of consulting and expert testimony in economics, finance and regulation. Joe previously spent more than 25 years at State Street Corp., where he was part of the executive team in Alternative Investment Servicing.

Harrison Ford ’64

Bill Ainslie ’79

American Honda Motor Co. Inc. He retired as regional parts distribution manager. “I am enjoying my grandchildren — three in Portland, Ore., and our newest, Elton, who is just 5 minutes away from us in Knoxville,” Kevin says. “I also am playing a lot of tennis.” Cindy Shaw Olsen ’68 of Dublin, Ohio, has retired as a kindergarten teacher with the Upper Arlington City Schools, “and I’m loving every moment,” she says. David P. Sinish ’69 of Collinsville, Conn., is a real estate agent at Realty Works LLC in Canton, Conn.


June 24-26, 2011 40th Reunion, Class of ’71 Doretta M. Miller ’70 of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., recently completed a fall 2009 sabbatical leave from Skidmore College and traveled to Vienna, with a canal cruise to Amsterdam. She will have a one-person art exhibition at First Street Gallery in Chelsea, New York City, in May 2011. David A. Read ’70 of West Chester, Pa., retired in the fall of 2008 after 24 years with Tyco Fire & Building Products. He retired as national product manager. Dave now is playing lots of golf and working with some local charities. Jeffrey W. Trickey ’71 of Pewaukee, Wis., continues to coach football at Waukesha West High School following his retirement from teaching physical education. He also is director of the Jeff Trickey Quarterback Camps, with 30 from coast to coast, and he is a motivational speaker. Jan Petrovski MacLeod ’74 of Clarendon Hills, Ill., received a Make a Difference Award this spring from her local Parent Teacher Organization at Hinsdale Central High School, where she is a librarian. The PTO asks for quarterly nominations from students, who write short essays to nominate teachers or staff members who they feel have made a difference in their lives by going “above and beyond” to help them in some way. The recipients don’t know who nominated them, but generally it takes more than one nomination to win the award, Jan says. She also recently was elected to her third term as treasurer of the Clarendon Hills Library Board of Trustees.

the process of obtaining his Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation. Kenneth Patrick Campbell ’82 of Racine, Wis., is a business analysis manager at Super Valu-Midwest Region. David Scott Fleming ’83 of Lake Forest, Ill., is operations manager at Jump Trading in Chicago.

James R. Pierce ’76 of Williamsburg, Va., is senior resident director and vice president at Merrill Lynch’s Williamsburg office. His hobby is flying as a commercial instrument helicopter pilot-R44.

Sandra Hillman Czerniak ’84 of Big Bend, Wis., is assistant vice president, claims for Argent, a division of West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Peter L. Walters ’76 of Abington, Mass., writes: “I have taken some turns in my life. I am now in Massachusetts, married with two grown kids. I normally am a claims adjuster but since June of 2009, I have been a mobilized reservist (Sergeant Major in JAG Corps) and living in Washington, D.C., and will do so until May of 2011. We are providing legal support for wounded soldiers going through their disability hearing.”

Amy Barnes Frey ’84 of Louisville, Colo., writes: “Enjoying life to its fullest, my family and my dogs is what I am striving for both now and in the future. For now, however, I have a very full life as a wife, business owner, and as an active member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors at the University of Colorado-Boulder where I received my master’s degree. I miss all my Ripon family, though, and wish them all the best.”

Robert T. “Robbie” Cordo ’78 of Minnetonka, Minn., is business manager at EurocarsUS.

John W. McNair ’84 of Placitas, N.M., supports the Supply Chain as part of human resources at Intel Corp.

Carol Pedersen Morgan ’78 of Luverne, Minn., is a Guardian ad Litem with the State Court System. She advocates for children in child protection and family court cases. Bill Ainslie ’79 and his wife, Vicki, of Decatur, Ga., were honored as one of 12 Hometown Heroes for 2009 in Decatur. The awards honor volunteer work, and the Ainslies were chosen for their volunteer efforts for the Decatur Bulldog Boosters (DBB), the athletic booster club for the middle and high schools. They are involved with the governance of the group, grilling brats, announcing at spring sports events and keeping sideline stats. Bill also writes articles summarizing games for some of the sports. They are the parents of Kylie Ainslie ’11.


June 24-26, 2011 30th Reunion, Class of ’81 25th Reunion, Class of ’86 Deborah Clark Glenn ’80 of Aiken, S.C., just returned from Avignon, France, where her husband is working with AREVA in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy, and Mozambique, Africa, where her daughter is a nurse missionary at an IRIS ministries children’s center. Henry J. Zalman ’80 of Nashua, N.H., is studying in the radiation sciences program at University of Massachusetts-Lowell. His wife of 23 years, Marie Keifer, died suddenly in October. He lives in Nashua with his two sons. Michele Jarosz Battle ’81 of Charlotte, N.C., is an analysis and requirements manager with McKesson Provider Technologies. Blaine E. Gibson ’81 of Grafton, Wis., is a financial adviser at Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc. He also is in

Clare A. Miller ’84 of Algoma, Wis., adopted another daughter from China in February. Jania Jinxuan Mei Miller joins her sister, Sara. Clare says she is now the proud mom of two Asian beauties. Elizabeth B. “Beth” Tracy ’85 of East Falmouth, Mass., writes: “After working 20 years in the entertainment industry, I decided on a career change and returned to school. I have just completed my master’s in religion at Claremont Graduate University and will head to St. Andrew’s University in Scotland this September for a threeyear doctoral program in Hebrew Bible with focus on the Pentateuch.” Holly M. Albrecht ’86 and her husband, Ronald Palmer, of Frontenac, Mo., adopted their seventh and eighth children in July 2008. They are two sisters from Ukraine, ages 12 and 14, Zoe Lynn Palmer and Abigail Paige Palmer. Ellen Hauert Theodores ’86 of Cumb Foreside, Maine, graduated May 22, with a master’s degree in social work from the University of New England. She is a clinical counselor with the LL Bean Employee Assistance Program. Michael T. Lahti ’88 and his wife, Mia, of Dartmouth, Mass., have started working together in their law firm with the new name of Lahti & Lahti, P.C., doing estate planning and elder law. Joe Anderson ’89 of St. Paul, Minn., is the new evening host on 1500ESPN Twin Cities. On game days, he presents pre-game coverage of Minnesota Twins baseball, and otherwise he is the “chief ringleader” of “The Phunnhouse” from 6 to 8 p.m. each day. James E. Czarnik ’89 of Southern Pines, N.C., has been promoted to Colonel and is serving in the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. He is the Command Surgeon for the Joint Special Operations Command.

SUMMER 2010 29

L E G A L A I D K N OW S N O I N T E R N AT I O N A L B O U N D A R I E S Sitting still is not an option for Ray Besing ’57 of Santa Fe, N.M. He has more than 30 years’ experience as a trial lawyer, in communications regulatory agencies and lecturing on civil trial procedure and evidence for bar associations and law schools. In 2002, he began teaching and lecturing at such schools as University College in London, University of San Diego, University of Texas, Southern Methodist University, Catholic University of America, University of Cape Town and The Johns Hopkins University’s Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Florence, Italy. He also has published extensively, including his book, Who Broke Up AT&T? From Ma Bell to the Internet, and he is working on a new book. At Ripon, Besing was a soloist in the Concert Choir, president of the Ripon Booster Club, on the ROTC National Rifle Team, on the tennis team, was chairman of the Student Court and president of the student body. In the 1970s, he was a trustee of Ripon College. Little wonder, then, that while he was laid up recently recuperating from surgeries, “I got bored,” Besing says. “I started reading up on Kenya. I really don’t know why.” But that has sparked Besing’s latest passion – establishing a free legal aid clinic in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Kibera, Besing says, is a 520-acre section of Nairobi, the largest city in the African continent. In this small area, 1.1 million people live in abject poverty, Besing says. There are no


sewers and few latrines. The electricity is on only about four hours a day. There are no streets, so fire trucks can’t get in. There is no medical care. He said the government feels that Kibera is royal land, conveyed by the British to the Kenyan government. Accordingly, the government treats the poor people living there as squatters who are not entitled to basic municipal services. “It happens to be close to factories and places to work, so people have to live there, in shacks made of wood and tin,” he says. He says a United Nations survey of Kibera asked residents what they most wanted in terms of help. “Fifth on the list, which surprised me, was legal services,” Besing says. “The issue of land title — is this government land or is this mine — has been going on for 40 years. The mistreatment of the people is beyond description. Ultimately, you must get down to the basic issue of human rights. The right to sustain yourself and live in at least tolerable conditions is a human right recognized in international law and in treaties signed by Kenya, but nobody has ever challenged the Kenyan government on its refusal to provide basic living conditions to the poor in Kibera. If the government owns that land, they’re at least the landlord, and they ought to be required to take care of these people. I got pretty angry about it.” After several exploratory trips to Kenya, Besing raised several hundred thousand dollars to establish The Kibera Centre for Legal Aid and Human Rights. He talked with members of churches, police



Ray Besing ’57 walks down a footpath in Kibera slum as residents of the area discuss their needs.

departments, law firms and bar societies. He hired a staff of four lawyers, a legal secretary and a bookkeeper, who are assisted by 15 Nairobi lawyers who volunteer time. The center rented offices as close to Kibera as possible and provided furniture and electronic equipment. A van was converted into a mobile law office which provides legal services to the people on the spot. Even before the office officially opened, young lawyers already were working in the grass outside of the building, Besing says. “We needed volunteer practicing lawyers in Nairobi to do pro bono work,” he says. “I had 128 applicants. People are very excited and anxious to help. A lot of people who aren’t lawyers have offered to help.” To guide the young lawyers, Besing has established a board of advisors composed of leading senior lawyers in Nairobi and law professors from the University

of Nairobi. After his latest trip to Kenya in June, Besing will continue to monitor the clinic’s progress. Besing says he has obtained enough committed funds to sustain the clinic for three years. “If we can get this thing off the ground, I think we’re going to be overwhelmed with people who want legal help,” he says. “If we can prove the worth of the program, I think the money will come” to continue. Besing has done volunteer “social work” all of his life. He is keeping tabs on Kibera, writing legislation for the U.S. Senate in the field of telecommunications competition and is eyeing new teaching opportunities. Although officially retired for 15 years, Besing says, “I’ve taught or run a project every year since then. I’m just not going to be retired. My health is good, and I’m just as active as I was at Ripon.”


June 24-26, 2011 20th Reunion, Class of ’91 15th Reunion, Class of ’96 Kimberly Jacobson Stapelfeldt ’90 of Jackson, Wis., has been promoted to director of clinical and support services at Aurora Medical Center in Washington County. She also recently finished her master’s of business administration degree through Cardinal Stritch University. Dave Troy ’90 and his wife, Kimberly, of Wethersfield, Conn., have a son, Harrison David “Harry” Troy, born June 6. Ted Uczen ’91 of Brookfield, Wis., is now president of FEI Behavioral Health, a crisis management services, employee assistance program and work-life services company based in Milwaukee. He previously was senior vice president of banking solutions for Milwaukeebased Metavante. He has served as a member of the Ripon College Alumni Board. Stacey Spaulding Jones ’92 of Green Bay, Wis., is a third-grade teacher at Rock Ledge Elementary School in Seymour, Wis. Lisa A. Mahnke ’92 of Philadelphia, Pa., is working on new drugs as director in Clinical Pharmacology at Merck. Eric N. Atkisson ’94 of Alexandria, Va., finished a year of active duty at the Pentagon as U.S. Army South Liaison Officer to the Department of the Army, and will next deploy to Iraq as Public Affairs Officer for the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard. He is expecting a promotion to lieutenant colonel in the fall. Raymond H. Larson ’94 and his wife, Acacia, of Seattle, Wash., have a daughter, Hazel May Larson, born Dec. 13, 2009. Holly Swyers ’94 of Chicago, Ill., will have a book, Wrigley Regulars: Finding Community in the Bleachers, coming out in August from the University of Illinois Press. Holly is an assistant professor of anthropology at Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, Ill. She recently was awarded the William L. Dunn Award for Outstanding Teaching and Scholarly Promise by the college.

Ted Uczen ’91

Holly Swyers ’94

Joe Lullo ’04

Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) at Kandahar Airfield. Pete also organized a school supply drive for the local school children.With the help of others, they delivered more than 1,000 pounds of supplies to students in Afghanistan. He has returned to teaching social studies at Beaver Dam High School.

ical specialty of taking care of newborn babies, sick babies and premature babies.

Melissa Pischke LeBlanc ’98 of Madison, Wis., is a postdoctoral research associate in plant genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Justin E. Cleveland ’03 of Milwaukee, Wis., is the mid-day news anchor with Clear Channel Radio WISN-AM 1130 and a writer for the Web site Common Sense Central.

Josh Satzer ’98 and his wife, Jennifer, of Sun Prairie, Wis., have a daughter, Mary Lorraine Satzer, born Jan. 7. Christopher Allen ’99 of Appleton, Wis., is the new vice president of The Business Bank’s Appleton location. He has more than 10 years experience. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in economics and business from Ripon, he earned his master’s degree in business administration from Marquette University. Christine Guy Winget ’99 of Gainesville, Fla., is assistant director for Housing and Residence Life at the University of Florida.


June 24-26, 2011 10th Reunion, Class of ’01 5th Reunion, Class of ’06 Jenny White Kupcho ’00 and her husband, Steve, of Eagan, Minn., have a son, Benjamin Joseph Kupcho, born Feb. 17.

Rachel Alexandria Berk ’97 of Carol Stream, Ill., obtained a master’s of arts degree in law enforcement and justice administration in May 2009 from Western Illinois University.

Tim Reichwald ’00 of Green Bay, Wis., is a claims supervisor at Ameriprise Auto & Home Insurance in De Pere, Wis. He also is a licensed attorney in Wisconsin and Iowa and opened his own law firm, Reichwald & Reichwald, along with his wife, Miya, in 2007, practicing primarily in the area of personal injury. He also has been an adjunct professor at Lakeland College since 2007, teaching undergraduate business law. He has two children, Reece and Drake.

Christy Schwengel ’97 and Robert Knotts of Alexandria, Va., have a son, Adam William Knotts, born May 8.

Lisa Sharpe Elles ’01 and her husband, Christopher, of Lawrence, Kan., have a son, Arthur George Elles, born March 31.

Pete Woreck ’97 of Randolph, Wis., returned in January after serving in Afghanistan. He was a platoon leader for a platoon in charge of the

Corryn Siegel Greenwood ’02 of Cincinnati, Ohio, is a neonatology fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Neonatology is the med-

John O. K. Shea ’95 of Koloa, Hawaii, writes that he is “loving life in Kauai” and managing the Grand Hyatt Kauai.

Anne Negri ’03

Julie Ann Waldvogel ’02 of Ripon, Wis., is Perkins Grant Activity Associate at Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac, Wis.

Emily A. Hanson ’03 of Wauwatosa, Wis., is a corporate underwriting consultant at United Heartland. Bryan Gerretsen ’03 and Amy Gabriel Gerretsen ’04 of Fond du Lac, Wis., have a daughter, Kenzie Jo Gerretsen, born May 10. Amy is associate director of Alumni Relations and Parent Programs at Ripon College. Brad C. Kuehl ’03 of Whitefish Bay, Wis., is school captionist and special education paraprofessional at Nicolet High School in Glendale, Wis. He works with a hearing-impaired student each day and dictates what is being said in the class via a laptop. He also is the head boys’ volleyball and girls’ softball coach. Anne Negri ’03 of Kenosha, Wis., has received her master’s degree in fine arts in theatre for youth from Arizona State University in Tempe. She also recently won The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival’s national Theatre for Young Audiences Award for writing the original play “Fly/Lyf.” Elizabeth A. Zirk ’03 of San Francisco, Calif., is an acting board member of the San Francisco chapter of Young Women Social Entrepreneurs, a nationwide organization providing community support, resources and skills development to female social entrepreneurs. Heidi Stubbe Detlaff ’04 of Glenbeulah, Wis., is pursuing a master’s in business administration degree through Concordia University Wisconsin. Jenifer M. Koser ’04 of Oshkosh, Wis., works in the Information Management Department at 4imprint. Noah R. Leigh ’04 of West Allis, Wis., received a master’s of science degree May 21 from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He plans to research drug discovery in a lab. Joe Lullo ’04 of Madison, Wis., is with the apprentice acting company at American Players

SUMMER 2010 31

C OLLEGE R ESEARCH PAPER PAYS O FF D ECADES L ATER Sometimes, efforts from college days at Ripon bear fruit in unexpected ways. As an anthropology major at Ripon, Susan Frikken ’90 of Madison, Wis., researched and wrote a paper — “Historic Ripon: The Byron Kingsbury/ Hutton Edifice” — for her Field Methods in Archaeology class with Professor Jeffrey Quilter. One of the original owners of the building was Byron Kingsbury, who ran a grocery store. Frikken visited campus in 2008 with Elizabeth “Scottie” Nichols Girouard ’89 of North Prairie, Wis. She took a picture of the building, tagged it “Ripon” and posted it online on ( com/photos/sfrikken/29024 03973/). She noted that she’d written a paper about the building. A descendent of Byron Kingsbury, who lives in England, is working on genealogy of her family and noticed the photo while searching the Web. “We talked via e-mail and I sent a copy of my paper and copies of some primary research documents so she could have more data,” Frikken said. “From the historical society, I was able to send copies of some documents in (Kingsbury’s) handwriting. “She learned more than she could have hoped, and I enjoyed hearing about her search for her ancestors, many of whom are featured prominently in Ripon’s history,” Frikken says. But the story doesn’t end there. “The fun thing that ended up happening is that I e-mailed Ripon and the anthropology 32 RIPON MAGAZINE

Theatre in Spring Green, Wis., this summer. He is pursuing a master’s of fine arts degree in acting at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Matt Judson Mangerson ’04 of Milwaukee, Wis., is serving full time in the U.S. Army. Silvia C. Petig ’04 of Berlin, Germany, received a master’s degree in North American Studies from the Free University of Berlin in 2009 and in political science from the University of Potsdam, Germany. After having worked in the German Parliament for 2-1/2 years, she now works for the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS).

Susan Frikken ’90, left, Scottie Nichols Girouard, Professor Michelle Fuerch and Professor Paul Axelrod reconnect during a retirement celebration for Axelrod during Alumni Weekend.

department for information. I got an e-mail back from Paul Axelrod who was my adviser at Ripon and found out he was retiring. I shared the word among fellow anthropology majors.” That helped lead to a retirement celebration for Axelrod during Alumni Weekend in June. She also has developed solid friendships with Scottie’s mother, Gail Altman ’67 of Surprise, Ariz.; Gail ’s friend, Melissa “Missy” Keyes ’66 of Madison, Wis., and Missy’s partner, Ingrid Rothe. She also is a student in the doctor of physical therapy program at the University of WisconsinMadison with Minhwan “Min” Kim ’08 of Kenosha, Wis. And she and Andrew Irving ’87 both serve on the board of New Harvest Foundation in Madison. Frikken, Irving and Girouard all were in a dance company together at Ripon. “I love all the connections,” Frikken says. “I’ve learned the world is interconnected and very, very small, and it’s exciting when things like that happen. The Ripon Connection turns up in all these interesting ways.” Frikken said Ripon is a

special place for her, and that she is proud of her time here. “It’s obvious it’s a wellcared for place and turning out people who are doing amazing things,” she says. “I’m very fortunate to have gone there. It was a really good solid place. “It changed a lot of things for me. There were a lot of important people. I learned so much about the world in general. I learned about the natural world from Bill Brooks, Skip Whittler and the biology department. I learned more things than I ever could have imagined. I needed that sort of holistic experience that I had there. “The connections I made are still strong, and my education is proving itself second to none. Additionally, as a bicycle enthusiast who sold my car when I moved to Madison, I am like a proud parent to hear about the success of Velorution. “It was a pleasure to unearth this paper and relive my Ripon days in this way. The paper wasn’t as poorly written as I’d feared, either!” For more about Frikken, see the feature about cats and their Ripon alumni starting on page 20.

Christopher Scott Zeman ’04 of Colorado Springs, Colo., has been promoted to captain in the U.S. Army. He and his wife, Megan Mangerson Zeman ’06 have a daughter, Aida Elizabeth Zeman, born Dec. 19, 2009. Elizabeth “Betsy” Jones ’05 married Eric A. Skibicki, Oct. 25, 2008. They live in Milwaukee, Wis. Paul M. Neuberger ’05 of Oak Creek, Wis., is the advancement director at Messmer High School in Milwaukee. He previously was vice president for advancement at Saint Thomas More High School. Jennifer Schultz ’05 of Chicago, Ill., completed two master’s degrees at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in August 2009. One is a master’s of library and information science, and the other is a master’s of foreign language and linguistics. Jennifer is associate linguistic validation project manager for Corporate Translations Inc. in Chicago. Jennifer was the Pickard Scholar at Ripon College in 2001. Jen Millen ’06 of Dubuque, Iowa, married Mark Even, Aug. 29, 2009. Drew Davis ’07 of Wisconsin Dells, Wis., received his master’s degree in national security May 14 from the George Bush School of Government & Public Service at Texas A&M University. Robert C. Perkins II ’07 of Janesville, Wis., is a patrol officer with the Janesville Police Department. Price S. Ward ’07 of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., is in medical school at Marshall University in Huntington, W.Va. Adam R. Hetz ’08 of Springfield, Mo., is studying for his master’s of physician assistant studies at Missouri State University. Billie Jeanne Lowe ’08 of Philadelphia, Pa., works part time for a nonprofit organization, organizing and chaperoning children from low-income neighborhoods and also doing community service projects. She just started a new job as a marketing and development coordinator for Hayes Manor Retirement Home. Taiyi Sun ’08 of Washington, D.C., graduated May 8 with a master’s degree from American University. His master’s was in international affairs, specializing in international politics with a focus on international political economy. He has

Joseph Boedecker ’10 of Fond du Lac, Wis., is assistant manager at The Finish Line in Racine, Wis. Brooke Bogdanske ’10 of Green Lake, Wis., married Jeremy Robbins, June 5. Tiffany Born ’10 of Green Bay, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Paul M. Neuberger ’05

Taiyi Sun ’08

been accepted into Boston University’s doctoral program in political science starting this fall. He has received that school’s highest award, a Presidential Fellowship (five years of guaranteed tuition, five years of stipend and health insurance, a total value of $350,000). Abby K. Bartell ’09 of Oshkosh, Wis., works for Follett Higher Education Group in Waukesha, Wis. Samantha Beard ’09 of Hudson, N.H., is an analyst in systems integration and technology with Accenture in Boston, Mass. Sara R. Heim ’09 of Elgin, Minn., is a study coordinator with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Whitney Levash ’09 of Brillion, Wis., is a creative service coordinator with Kaytee Products Inc. in Chilton, Wis. Matthew C. Stensberg ’09 of West Lafayette, Ind., is studying at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering doctoral program with a focus on ecological science and engineering. Stephanie Troemel ’09 of Decatur, Ga., is a forensic toxicologist with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Jeni Ann Yaeger ’09 of Clintonville, Wis., works for Greenstone Farm Credit Services. Sarah Anderson ’10 of Amery, Wis., is studying ecological chemistry and seeking a doctorate in botany at Washington State University.

Andrea Bornemann ’10 of Sugar Grove, Ill., is student-teaching fifth grade at Murray Park Elementary School in Ripon, Wis. Paul Braun ’10 of Mayville, Wis., is president of Aztech Machining LLC in Princeton, Wis. Molly Breitbach ’10 of Milwaukee, Wis., works in sales for Victoria’s Secret. Misty Claire-Marie Brum ’10 of Shiocton, Wis., is working on an archaeological dig in Transylvania. Lucy Burgchardt ’10 of Fort Collins, Colo., is studying archaeological science at Cambridge University in Great Britain. Maryann R. Cali ’10 of Chicago, Ill., is studentteaching in elementary education in the Chicago program. William J. Chizek ’10 of Black Creek, Wis., is a supervisor at Shopko in Appleton, Wis. Jessica Davey ’10 of Berlin, Wis., is studentteaching grades 1 through 8 at Berlin Elementary School and Oshkosh middle schools. Jeffrey D. Davis ’10 of Rockton, Ill., married Sophia Mannino, May 22. He is a 2nd lieutenant with the Military Police in the U.S. Army. Jeff M. Davis ’10 of Liberty, Iowa, is teaching English in Korea. Sean Devenport ’10 of Kerrville, Texas, is wing leader for the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville. Sarah Ellefson ’10 of West Bend, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in clinical and rehabilitation psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

student-teaching physical education at Neenah High School and Franklin Elementary in Oshkosh. Lily Hanscom ’10 of Chicago, Ill., is seeking a master’s degree in clinical psychology at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Daniel Hanson ’10 of Ripon, Wis., is a help desk analyst at Ripon Medical Center. Adam Hatlak ’10 of Green Bay, Wis., is a supervisor at the Packers Pro Shop in Green Bay. Sara Rae Heim ’10 of Elgin, Minn., is a study coordinator at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Ross Heintzkill ’10 of Green Bay, Wis., is a Web site developer for Websites In, based in Polson, Mont. Kaitlyn Heng ’10 of Appleton, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in international studies at DePaul University. Laura Hilbrink ’10 of Kenosha, Wis., is attending graduate school at the University of WisconsinWhitewater. Emily Hoffman ’10 of Shiocton, Wis., works for Curwood Inc. in New London, Wis. Kristine Jansen ’10 of Cottage Grove, Wis., is activities director at Turkey Run Inn in Marshall, Ind. Rachel Jenks ’10 of Janesville, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in higher and post-secondary continuing education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike Justman ’10 of Clintonville, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in physical therapy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Ashley Kaminski ’10 of Green Bay, Wis., is attending graduate school at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Theresa Kedinger ’10 of Fond du Lac, Wis., is attending graduate school in public service in nonprofit organization at Marquette University.

Brian Fatla ’10 of Crandon, Wis., works for Pepsi. Consuelo V. Arboleda ’10 of Milwaukee, Wis., is serving an internship at the Office of Community Engagement at Ripon College. Helen Austin ’10 of Vadnais Heights, Minn., is working for Austin Family Dental in St. Paul, Minn. Maria Baatz ’10 of Sussex, Wis., is a content production coordinator at Kohl’s Corporate in Menominee Falls, Wis. Jonathan Bailey ’10 of Hortonville, Wis., is editor of the Green Laker for Ripon Commonwealth Press/Express in Ripon, Wis. Nicholas Baker ’10 of Carol Stream, Ill., is student teaching in social studies at Ripon Middle School.

Joe Faulds ’10 of De Pere, Wis., is studying law at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Lauren Kelly ’10 of Plymouth, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in biology at Washington State University.

Adam Firgens ’10 of Suring, Wis., is a credit manager with Wells Fargo in Sheboygan.

Kristi Kendall ’10 of Elkhart Lake, Wis., is student-teaching in Elkhart Lake.

Melissa D. Fladhammer ’10 of DeSoto, Wis., is student-teaching grades 6 through 12 history and English at Markesan Middle and High School.

Ann Kenseth ’10 of Portage, Wis., is working at Camp Boggy Creek, a Hole in the Wall Association, in Eustis, Fla.

Amanda Kay Flannery ’10 of Argonne, Wis., is an archaeologist with the Wisconsin State Historical Society.

Melissa Klein ’10 of Lake Geneva, Wis., is in graduate school for library science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Alyssa Franzen ’10 of West Salem, Wis., is working for Americorps.

Meagan Kochel ’10 of Racine, Wis., is studying naturopathic medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Jessica Goudreau ’10 of New London, Wis., is

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Lindsay Kuehl ’10 of McFarland, Wis., is studentteaching general education at Elm Lawn Elementary in Middleton, Wis., and Elvehjem Elementary in Madison, Wis. Bruce Kukowski ’10 of Ripon, Wis., is an associate manager for Applebee’s in West Bend, Wis. Christa Kussmann ’10 of Beaver Dam, Wis., is student-teaching English as a second language in Italy. Brooke Lamb ’10 of Fond du Lac, Wis., is in graduate school for school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Sarah Leeman ’10 of Neenah, Wis., is a patient service representative for Theda Clark Physicians in Neenah, Wis. She will seek a master’s degree in library and information science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Amanda Lindauer ’10 of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., will be student-teaching at Murray Park Elementary School in Ripon in the fall, followed by a session in Sydney, Australia. Luke Lockhart ’10 of Richland Center, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in communication from Texas A&M University. Christine Looker ’10 of Rochester, Minn., will be student-teaching English in Italy during the summer and Spain during the school year. Zachary Lyon ’10 of Menomonie, Wis., is an independent work contractor and an officer in a National Guard unit in Neillsville. Philip Mack ’10 of Appleton, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Jessica Mann ’10 of Waukesha, Wis., is an assistant stage manager with University Theatre in Madison. Alex Marach ’10 of Luxemburg, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

K RUK ’03 M AKES S URE E VENTS R UN S MOOTHLY After studying at Ripon, Leslie Ann Kruk ’03 followed a consuming interest and began a career in the culinary arts. She worked in a restaurant and bakery for a year to prepare herself for culinary school. For four years, she studied baking and pastry arts and management at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y., graduating in 2008. “During the program, I worked for a casino and studied food, wine and culture throughout Italy,” Kruk says. “I have since worked for a catering company, fine dining restaurant and now for St. Norbert College (in De Pere, Wis.) in catering and events.” As assistant event manager at St. Norbert, Kruk says her job duties change daily. “It could entail the setup and tear-down of various events and meetings, collaborating with the various departments to plan events, providing audiovisual/technologies support, managing a staff of servers and bartenders and always striving to provide

exceptional revolves customer servaround food, ice,” she says. gastronomy The fastand wine. It paced process at was not the Culinary unusual to Institute of walk the halls America prepared shoulder-toher well for what shoulder with she does now, people like Kruk says. Duff Leslie Ann Kruk ’03 “In the associGoldman or ate’s program, the first two Anthony Bourdain. Seeing years, the classes last only celebrity chefs like that three weeks at a time,” she served as great motivation says. “It is extremely for students to strive for important to show up every excellence.” single day. You are also Outside the hustle and graded on professionalism, bustle of her career, Kruk including uniform does find time for her other cleanliness. There is no hobbies. She loves to relax such thing as rolling into by reading, and she loves to class in your pajamas.” entertain, especially at holiKruk says her experidays like Thanksgiving. ences at the school were “I plan to open my own very similar yet extremely business someday,” Kruk different to those at Ripon. says. “I have been strategi“The bachelor’s program cally working on my resumé was an additional two and writing my business years, and was much like plans. The biggest hurdle classes at Ripon,” Kruk for me at this point is picksays — “lots of papers, pre- ing a location. I don’t know sentations and late nights of how many more Wisconsin studying. The atmosphere winters I have in me!” Alyssa Paulsen ’10 at the Culinary Institute of America is very different Paulsen, of Winneconne, than any other school I’ve Wis., graduated with a degree been a part of. The whole in communication.

Mary McDonald ’10 of Denmark, Wis., is working in packaging with BelGioioso Cheese Inc. Bethany Mehlberg ’10 of Marion, Wis., is studentteaching elementary language arts and social studies in Clintonville/Wittenberg. Kassondra Meyer ’10 of Two Rivers, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in pharmacology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Nicholas Nowak ’10 of Lake Geneva, Wis., is a service manager at Geneva Plumbing and Heating in Lake Geneva. Daniel Oakes ’10 of Union Grove, Wis., is working for A.W. Oakes & Sons in Racine, Wis. Jonathan Palecek ’10 of Port Washington, Wis., is working for In Context Solutions in Chicago. Tomissa Porath ’10 of Shawano, Wis., is an


archival assistant for the Wisconsin State Historical Society in Madison. She will seek a graduate degree in library and information science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Stephanie Potts ’10 of St. Charles, Ill., is seeking a master’s of science in psychology degree from Montana State University in Billings. Brittany Preischel ’10 of Racine, Wis., is a kayak guide with San Juan Outfitters in Friday Harbor/Roche Harbore, Wash.

student-teaching physical education and health at Ripon High School and Clay Lamberton Elementary School in Berlin, Wis. Alicia Rhyner ’10 of Oshkosh, Wis., is a collaborative pianist at Interlochen Arts Camp in Interlochen, Mich. Tyler Ruppert ’10 of Clintonville, Wis., is student-teaching mathematics in Fond du Lac, Wis.

Jeffrey Presslein ’10 of Algoma, Wis., is serving in the Army.

Christopher Schaefer ’10 of Kimberly, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in American politics from the University of Virginia.

Kristin Reedal ’10 of Rolling Meadows, Ill., is student-teaching secondary math in Chicago.

Jennifer Schalla ’10 of Wend Bend, Wis., is student teaching English and German.

Jaclyn Reichhart ’10 of Cedarburg, Wis., is

Daniel Schick ’10 of Nashotah, Wis., is a research

assistant with the Solar Energy and Cryogenics Laboratory at the University of WisconsinMadison where he is also seeking a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. Bethany Sherry ’10 of Oconomowoc, Wis., is a cashier at Lorleberg’s True Value in Oconomowoc. Leanna Schultz ’10 of Beloit, Wis., is working at Caritas Inc. in Beloit. Celena Simpson ’10 of Round Lake Beach, Ill. is seeking a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Oregon. Davida Smith ’10 of Lisle, Ill. is a pool operator with Sea Lion Aquatic Park in Lisle. Jessica Solverud ’10 of Wausau, Wis., is a graduate teaching assistant at Colorado State University and is seeking a graduate degree in communication studies. Katherine Stotis ’10 of Glenroe, Ill., is serving an internship with Newberry Library in Chicago. Alyssa Stratton ’10 of Hortonville, Wis., is student-teaching third grade. Olivia Swodzinski ’10 of Green Lake, Wis., is working with Americorps. Laura Tegen ’10 of Cottage Grove, Minn., is working at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Kimberly Theune ’10 of Ripon, Wis., is interning in South Africa. Rachel Vanden Berg ’10 of Appleton, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Jana Van Handel ’10 of Appleton, Wis., is studying diagnostic medical sonography at Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital. Elizabeth Weigler ’10 of Burlington, Wis., is seeking a doctorate in South Asian Cultural Anthropology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Hannah Wendlake ’10 of Wauwatosa, Wis., is student-teaching. Sarah Weyer ’10 of Richfield, Wis., is studentteaching mathematics. Paul Williams ’10 of New London, Wis., is an executive team leader at Target Corp. in Milwaukee. He will seek a master’s of business administration degree from Carroll University. Megan Wuske ’10 of Ripon, Wis., is the Community Coffeehouse director for Ripon Community Church. Talley Yake ’10 of Muskego, Wis., is seeking a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Cardinal Stritch University. Raymond Zabrowski ’10 of Princeton, Wis., is doing a teaching internship in South Africa.

Obituaries obituaries

If you are aware of a Ripon College alumnus who has passed away, please send that information along with a printed obituary from the paper to the Office of Alumni Relations, Annual Fund and Parent Programs, Ripon College, PO Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971. Richard Lyman Higby ’38 of Adams, Wis., died April 22, 2010. He was born March 10, 1916, in Oshkosh. He served in the U.S. Army for four years during World War II. He attended Ripon College for one year and later was honored as a Ripon College author. He was a retired tree farmer. Survivors include three sons and five daughters; and a niece, Susan Higby Hodkiewicz ’77. Orville Leslie Erdmann ’43 of Lompoc, Calif., died May 13, 2010. He was born in Artis, S.D., and grew up in Oakfield, Wis. At Ripon, he was a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity and studied history. On Dec. 7, 1941, when Pearl Harbor was attacked, he immediately enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps and received his pilot wings in September 1942. He flew P-38, P-39 and P-47 aircraft out of New Guinea during World War II. He also flew the F-86 “Sabre” Jet Fighter in “MIG Alley” in Korea in 1951. As a fighter pilot, he was listed in the top five percent of combat missions flown. He later was stationed at numerous assignments, including the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and Oslo, Norway. After retiring from the Air Force as a lieutenant colonel in 1966, Orv was employed by New York Life Insurance Company and later by the Lompoc Police Department. Retiring in 1985, he volunteered as a senior citizen tax preparer for AARP, delivered Meals on Wheels and served as president of the Lompoc Valley YMCA. He also was a member of the Kiwanis Club and the Retired Officers Association at Vandenberg Air Force Base. He was a voracious reader, an avid bridge player and a world history buff. Survivors include three sons and three daughters. Robert Paige Boardman Jr. ’44 of Littleton, Colo., died May 31, 2010. He was born Nov. 17, 1922, in Oshkosh, Wis. He served during World War II at the Hawaiian Air Depot in the 44th Troop Carrier Squadron, continuing after the war in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, retiring as Lt. Colonel. He received as master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Michigan. He worked in the Detroit auto industry early in his career, transferring to Martin-Marietta (previously Lockheed Martin) in Colorado in 1958. Survivors include his wife, Barbara, 2850 Classic Drive #2810, Littleton, CO 80126; three sons and two daughters. Jack Edwin Dycus ’44 of Indianapolis, Ind., died April 7, 2010. He was born June 23, 1922, in Des Moines, Iowa, and grew up in Chicago. He attended Ripon College for three years, doublemajoring in mathematics and history. Jack was a member of Theta Sigma Tau and ROTC. He later graduated from Washburn University. During World War II, he flew in the 8th Air Force and served in the Korean War. He enjoyed flying for Eastern Airlines starting in 1953, flying the DC3 and retired as a captain in 1982, flying the A300 Airbus. He enjoyed traveling with his wife and family, visiting friends and playing golf. Survivors include one son and two daughters. John William Pinch ’50 of Plano, Texas, died June

6, 2010. He was born Dec. 27, 1926, in Rosendale, Wis. John was an outstanding high school athlete in Rosendale where he earned All-State recognition in basketball. After high school graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy, serving on a warship in the north Atlantic during World War II. After his discharge, he enrolled at Ripon, earning a degree in economics and was commissioned a 2nd lieutenant in ROTC. He fought in Korea and earned a Bronze Star for heroic action against the enemy while securing an important objective near Nae-Dong Korea in October 1951. John remained active in the Army Reserve and retired as a lieutenant colonel. His working career spanned 35 years and began with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in Washington, D.C. He was transferred to Dallas in 1968 and he retired from the Bureau of Government Service in 1986. He enjoyed golfing and was Men’s Club champion and twice the Senior Men’s Club champion at Canyon Creek Country Club in Richardson, Texas. For more than 40 years, he was a member of the First United Methodist Church of Richardson. Survivors include his wife, Patti Henry-Pinch, 1813 Danby Drive, Plano, TX 75093; two sons; and a niece, Andrea Schultz Jones ’04. Elizabeth Currie Zievers ’50 of Willowbrook, Ill., died April 20, 2010. She was born Feb. 26, 1928. At Ripon, she received a degree in English and was a member of Kappa Delta and Ver Adest. Survivors include one son and one daughter. Her husband, James F. Zievers ’50, and brother, Donald W. Currie ’40, both are deceased. John C. Growt ’51 of De Pere, Wis., died April 10, 2010. He was born March 4, 1930, in La Crosse, Wis. At Ripon, he majored in biology and was a member of Delta Upsilon. He served in the U.S. Marine Corp. from 1951 to 1953. He served on many community boards and committees, including as a city councilman for four terms, De Pere mayor for two terms and police and fire commissioner for many years. He was the 1969 recipient of the Civis Princips Silver Knight Award from St. Norbert College, past president of De Pere Kiwanis, executive director of the De Pere Chamber of Commerce and a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army for more than 20 years. He loved golf and was an active member and past president of Oneida Golf and Riding Club. John was vice president of Green Bay Drop Forge prior to his retirement, was the ownermanager of Temployment and worked at Badger Wood Products, Fort Howard Steel and Allouez Cemetery. He was married to Mary Fran Van Laanen Growt ’51, who died in 1994. Survivors include two sons and two daughters. John Andrew Berton Sr. ’53 of Ottawa, Kan., a former assistant professor of mathematics at Ripon College, died March 23, 2010. He was born June 22, 1930, in Villa Park, Ill. He later lived in Chicago, Lombard and Champaign-Urbana, Ill.; Dayton and Ada, Ohio; Terre Haute, Ind.; and Ripon, Wis. He attended Ripon College; Canterbury College in Danville, Ind.; and the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, earning a bachelor’s degree in 1955 and a doctorate in mathematics in 1964. John worked as a graduate teaching assistant and graduate research assistant at the University of Illinois; assistant professor of mathematics at Indiana State University in Terre Haute; assistant professor of mathematics at Ripon College (1964-67) and

SUMMER 2010 35

retired as a professor of mathematics (emeritus) from Ohio Northern University in Ada, Ohio, in 1996. He served in the U.S. Navy Air Active Reserve and Inactive Reserve; U.S. Army with Basic and Field Wire School at Fort Riley, Kan. He served in Japan and Korea in the 2nd Amphibious Tank and Tractor Battalion as S2 clerk (intelligence) and was in Korea when the truce was signed. He was separated from active duty as a corporal in September 1954 and then served in the inactive Army reserve. He earned a Korean Service Ribbon with one Bronze Campaign Star, United Nations Service Medal, Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation and the National Defense Service Medal. John was a member of numerous Masonic lodges and organizations and served in several leadership roles, was a member of the Lions Club and served with the Boy Scouts of America for more than 50 years. Survivors include his wife, Martha Kathleen Shoemaker Berton ’53, 2216 Labette Road, Ottawa, KS 66067; three sons and two daughters. Gerald Reed Grout ’53 of Green Lake, Wis., died April 19, 2010. He was born Sept. 15, 1931, in Chicago. At Ripon, he earned a degree in economics and was a member of Phi Kappa Pi (Merriman) fraternity and Ver Adest. He served two years in the U.S. Army following graduation. He then was employed by the American Exchange Bank in Madison, Wis., and the First Wisconsin National Bank in Milwaukee. In 1957, Gerald joined the staff of the First National Bank of Ripon as an assistant cashier. He retired after 27 years, with 12 years as bank president; he then founded Math Corp., a computer software firm, where he served as president and chairman of the board. He also was a founding member of the Green Lake Festival of Music; a lifelong member of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, where he served as a vestryman and senior warden; a player of musical instruments, especially trumpet; a member and past Commodore of the Green Lake Yacht Club; a member of the Green Lake Ice Yacht Club; past president of the Fond du Lac County Bankers Association; a board member of Caestecker Library Foundation; a board member of the Thrasher Opera House; and avid sailor of A-Scows and E-Scows; and a holder of a Merchant Marine captain’s license. Survivors include his wife, Margaret “Lynn” Grout, N5537 County Road A, Green Lake, WI 54941; four sons and two daughters. Charles R. Schwartz ’53 of Plymouth, Wis., died June 15, 2010. He was born Feb. 19, 1931, in Fond du Lac, Wis. At Ripon, he participated in track and football, was a member of Phi Kappa Pi (Merriman) fraternity and was commissioned as an ROTC officer. He served in the Army, was stationed in Germany during the Korean War as a First Lieutenant and received an honorable discharge in 1957. He then worked for Gilson Brothers in various management positions until his retirement in 1985. He was a member of Salem United Church of Christ in Plymouth and served on the consistory, was a member of F & AM Masonic Lodge #167 in Plymouth, was an avid hunter and fisherman, enjoyed traveling, was a master gardener and collected and carved decoys. Survivors include three sons. Donald J. Bartell ’54 of Springfield, Va., died July 19, 2009. At Ripon, he earned a degree in German and economics. He was a member of the Theta


Chi fraternity and was commissioned as an officer through the ROTC program. He was a retired certification manager of Club Managers Association of America. Survivors include his wife, Bessie Hewett Bartell, 7414 Spring Village #420, Springfield, VA 22150; one son and one daughter. Eugene M. Stearns ’54 of Prior Lake, Minn., died April 14, 2010. He was born May 3, 1932, in Evanston, Ill. At Ripon, he studied biology and participated in music, Ver Adest and ROTC. After three years’ service in the U.S. Army, Gene returned to school and earned an master’s and doctorate in biochemistry from Purdue University. He then spent 12 years on the staff of The Hormel Institute of the University of Minnesota in Austin, Minn., followed by 15 years as product development manager of Life Science at The Conklin Company in Shakopee, Minn. In Austin and Prior Lake, Gene took an active part in many functions in his churches, in The Boy Scouts of America, in his political party and in other community organizations. Survivors include his wife, Patricia, 5383 Flagstaff Circle SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372; and three sons. Charles Wayne Peterson ’56 of The Villages, Fla., died March 25, 2010. He was born in Two Rivers, Wis. At Ripon, he studied biology, participated in athletics, was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity and was commissioned as an officer in the ROTC program. He served six years in the U.S. Army and 20 years as a Commander of the U.S. Coast Guard. Survivors include his wife Laurene, 467 Grovewood Place, The Villages, FL 32162; three sons and one daughter. James O’Neill Hughes ’57 of Oconomowoc, Wis., died March 30, 2010. He was born Aug. 29, 1934, in Fox Point, Wis. At Ripon, he studied economics, was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and was commissioned as an officer in ROTC. He served more than three years as a First Lieutenant in the Army stationed at Fort Lee, Va., and Fort Richardson, Alaska. He owned Hughes-Ruch Inc., a Milwaukee advertising agency, for 25 years. He formed the Milwaukee Association of Advertising Agencies in 1976 and served multiple terms as its president. Jim was a Mason and served as Worshipful Master of Oconomowoc-Hartland Lodge No. 42 in 1975. He served on the board of directors of the American Lung Association from 1992-2000 and served as president of the American Lung Association of Wisconsin in 1998-1999. Jim retired Jan. 1, 1997. He loved golf and travelling. Survivors include his wife, Peggy Kinghammer Hughes ’60, 742 Old Tower Road, Oconomowoc, WI 53066; one son and one daughter. Sandra Riddle Stephens ’66 of Elgin, Texas, died March 28, 2010. She was born Jan. 20, 1944, in Shaker Heights, Ohio. At Ripon, she studied English and educational studies and was a member of Alpha Xi Delta/Kappa Theta. Sandy also earned a master’s degree from the University of WisconsinOshkosh in 1975. She taught in Wisconsin and in Texas and was the owner and agent of Double S Insurance Agency. She enjoyed cats, needle point and golfing. Survivors include her mother; one stepson and one stepdaughter. Michael P. McCarthy ’70 of Deerfield, Ill., died in March 2010. At Ripon, he was a member of the Phi Kappa Pi (Merriman) fraternity and majored in economics and Russian. He was an area sales

manager with Minntech Inc. Survivors include his wife, Jane Russon McCarthy ’72, 698 Smoke Tree Road, Deerfield, IL 60015; and two sons. Lynne Limpus Norbery ’72 of Houston, Texas, died Dec. 26, 2008. At Ripon, she was a member of Alpha Gamma Theta and received a degree in English. She worked at ExxonMobil. Survivors include her husband, Edward F. Norbery Jr., 210 Cove Creek Lane, Houston, TX 77042. Miguel A. Quinones ’73 of Bronx, N.Y., died March 24, 2010. He was born April 18, 1950. At Ripon, he earned a degree in politics and government and was a member of the Beta Sigma Pi fraternity. Andrew A. Polk ’97 of Montello, Wis., died June 4, 2010, after a tractor accident. He was born April 11, 1974, in Portage, Wis. At Ripon, he was a member of Lamda Delta Alpha; and participated in football, basketball, softball, tennis, soccer, student government, symphonic wind ensemble and WRPN. He taught math and science in the Westfield School District for 12 years. He was the adviser for the National Honor Society, a former track coach and president of the teachers’ union. He also enjoyed hunting, cooking, spending time with family and friends and being a husband and father. Survivors include his wife, Nicole, N3177 14th Drive, Montello, WI 53949; one daughter; and a cousin, Rebecca S. Polk-Pohlman ’92. Dr. Dino Zei, Distinguished Professor of Physics Emeritus of Ripon, Wis., died May 30, 2010. He was born Aug. 20, 1927, in Chicago. He attended Beloit College and the University of WisconsinMadison. He served in the Army Air Corps in World War II. He taught at St. Cloud College, Milton College, Beloit College, the University of Wisconsin and Ripon College as chair of the department. He was honored as a William Harley Barber Distinguished Professor and was awarded several times for his teaching. He did extensive research at Argonne National Laboratory, the Bureau of Standards, The High Altitude Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and NASA in Houston, Texas. He also consulted for Giddings and Lewis and other companies. He was a member of Phi Sigma Iota (honorary language society) and state President of American Association of University Professors. He was a member of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church and served for many years on its vestry and as a licensed Eucharistic Minister. For many years, he was a member of the Ripon Noon Kiwanis Club and of the regional board of ACLU. Zei was a wellknown accordionist, enjoying his Geriatric Trio with Maurice Morgan and Ed Biedron. They played at area nursing homes, civic events and Ripon Memorial Hospital. He loved to travel in the United States and all over the world and led several oversea programs for students, family and grandchildren. Survivors include his wife, Joan Archambault Zei ’64, 676 E. Jackson St., Ripon, WI 54971; two Burmese sons, Vincent “Tok” Aye ’69 and David Chiong ’69; two daughters, including Elizabeth Gina Zei ’88; and a nephew, James Matthews Jr. ’67. Robert M. Cornwall of Miami Lakes, Fla., a Ripon Trustee from 1971 to 1975, died June 1, 2010. He was born Sept. 27, 1921. He was a longtime resident of Ripon and president of Speed Queen in Ripon. Survivors include four sons.

Was the food service in Harwood Memorial Union when you were a student? When these future alumni were having dinner in Great Hall in 1958, they weren’t giving much thought to who had helped provide for the union.

Where there is a will… … there is a way to help provide for future generations of Ripon students. From the very beginning, bequests large and small have played an important role in Ripon’s financial stability. Please consider joining alumni and friends like Tom Alderson ’39, Mildred Banville ’23, James Barbour ’32, Jane Bayer, George Becker ’49, Helen and Ralph Cook ’33/’33, Cora Foulkes ’24, Victoria Hargrave ’34, Herbert Holcli ’74, Bruce McDonald ’67, Margaret Novitske ’35 and Lewis Walter ’30 by becoming a Partner in the Legacy! When you include the College in your will, you will create a Partnership like they have done to help provide for future Ripon students. For more information about planned giving and Partners in the Legacy, write or call: Bill Neill ’67, Director of Charitable Gift Planning, 920-748-8354; or e-mail

All in the Family Talya Marie Petersik ’10 of Ripon, Wis., celebrates Commencement. Celebrating with her were members of her family who also now are members of her Ripon family: Her father, Professor of Psychology J. Timothy Petersik ’73; her mother, Nancy Buck Hintz ’82, director of Annual Fund, Alumni and Parent Relations; her uncle, Wiley Buck ’85; and her stepfather, Peter Hintz ’82. Read the Commencement recap inside this issue.

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