Ripon Forum Fall 2009

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Conflict & Consensus: Gail Wilensky assesses the health care debate

Fall 2009 Volume 43, No. 4

Leavitt’s Lament

The former Cabinet Secretary and Governor discusses the growth of federal power and complacency of the states

Plus: Donald Carcieri explains how he is cutting spending in Rhode Island And: Mark Sanford’s former press secretary on kiss-and-tell political memoirs and why he has no plans to write one

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“Ideas that matter, since 1965.“ Volume 43, No. 4, Fall 2009


Politics & Perspective


Without Responsibility, There is No Reform By John Barrasso The U.S. Senator and physician on the importance of behavior in better health care.


The Consensus that Exists and the Obstacles to Reform By Gail Wilensky The former Medicare chief discusses the health care debate and how it went off track.


Making the Tough Calls By Donald L. Carcieri The Governor of Rhode Island writes about his efforts to take on the special interests in his state and get government spending under control.


Census and Sensibility By Darrell Issa The California Congressman says politics has no place in next year’s decennial count.


The California Experiment By Steven Hill A look at the effort underway in California to hold a Constitutional Convention in that state and the implications for the rest of the nation if the effort succeeds.

21 Keys to a Republican Resurgence in the Northeast By Charles F. Bass 10 The CFO Act 20 Years Later: A Smart The challenges facing the Republican Government Idea That is Being Ignored Party in the Northeast, and what the GOP By Max Stier needs to do to win its way back in the mid- A respected good government expert looks at term elections next year. a neglected good government law. 23 Of Memoirs and Malcontents: 12 The Invisible Battleground Why the Easy Thing is not Always the By Bruce Schneier Right Thing to Do Americas’s leading cybersecurity guru on the By Joel Sawyer threats facing our computer networks. The former press secretary for Governor Mark Sanford discusses the recent spate of Cover Story kiss-and-tell political memoirs and why he has no plans to write one himself. 14 The Unbridled Growth of Federal Power and the Complacency of the States Sections By Michael O. Leavitt With anger growing over the expanding role 3 Letter from the Editor of government, the former Cabinet Secretary and Governor looks at the long reach of 25 Center Right Washington and wonders why the states aren’t putting up a fight. 28 Ripon Profile of Jason Chaffetz

Publisher The Ripon Society President James K. Conzelman Editorial Board William Frenzel William Meub Billy Pitts

Editor Louis M. Zickar Editorial Assistants Jamarie Copestick Maura Reilly

© Copyright 2009 By The Ripon Society All Rights Reserved

One Year Subscription: $35.00 individuals $10.00 students The Ripon Forum (ISSN 0035-5526) is published quarterly by The Ripon Society. The Ripon Society is located at 1300 L Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005. Postmaster, send address changes to: The Ripon Forum, 1300 L Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005.


Comments, opinion editorials and letters should be addressed to: The Ripon Forum, 1300 L Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005 or may be transmitted electronically to: In publishing this magazine, the Ripon Society seeks to provide a forum for fresh ideas, well-researched proposals, and for a spirit of criticism, innovation, and independent thinking within the Republican Party.

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The Ripon Society is a research and policy organization located in Washington, D.C. There are National Associate members throughout the United States.

In this Edition In this Edition

It’s been said that politics is like a pendulum because it swings between two extremes. Over the past eight months or so in Washington, we have certainly seen that to be the case. Oneforeign of the things to dopolicy in eachinedition of Administration The Ripon Forum Take policy.we If try foreign the Bush was is to focus a particular issue or This current edition is interests no marked by a on fierce determination to theme. safeguard American lives and different.ofBut as other we finished on it,the weearly began to wonder regardless what nationswork thought, months of thewhether Obama we had failed have to accomplish goal. Administration revealed aour clear willingness to consider other nations’ This edition does, after all, feature as its cover story an essay by interests alongside our own. former Utah andshown, Cabinetdiplomacy Secretary has Mike the the But as thisGovernor summer has itsLeavitt limits. on From growthinofIran government in Washington andevents the complacency of the protests to the unrest in Honduras, have transpired thatstates standing to what he views as an unprecedented – and noinamount ofup talking could have stopped. And so we are left possibly with the unconstitutional -- federal power States grab. do now? To help us answer question – what should the United At the same time, however, includes an of essay this question, we feature essays bythis twoedition leadingalso voices in each theirby a Governor who is anything but complacent -- Rhode Island’s Donald respective fields. Carcieri, who writesprofessor about hisand efforts to reduce spending in the Ocean From academia, Iranian-American activist Elham State. If Carcieri’s success story, essay byand political reform Gheytanchi discusses is thea protests in her the native land how they are expert is women not – it is of thewho dysfunctional political being ledSteven by theHill brave ofaccount that country have long been process inFrom California, and of thepolicy effortand underway rewrite the state on oppressed. the arena politics,tothe top Republican constitution and turn thisCommittee, process on its head.Ros-Lehtinen, writes about the House Foreign Affairs Ileana These threetyranny different essaysAmerica on threeand different topics have, at first the slide toward in Latin her belief that the U.S. glance, very littletointake common. But stand after thinking about it a little more, government needs a stronger in support of freedom. weThis cameedition to realize collectively, theyfeatures depict the good, the bad, and of Tthat, he Ripon FoRum also a little-noticed speech theformer ugly ofSecretary Americanofgovernance – which,Rice afterrecently a summer of at town that State Condoleezza gave the hall protests and voter anger, struck uslays as an appropriate theme convey Reagan Library. In it, she not only out a strong case for to “Why this fall. Matters,” but also explains, in a question and answer session Democracy We hope enjoy these We alsoregime hope you enjoy some afterward, why you she believes the essays. current Iranian is nothing moreof the aother pieces included in this edition, among them: John Barrasso’s than “hollow shell.” expert on thedistinguished importance ofAmbassador personal behavior in driving The commentary European Union’s to the United States, down health care Gail Wilensky’s spot-on assessment assessment of of the the EUthe Honorable Johncosts; Bruton, provides an excellent flashpoints and while areas David of agreement in the the Hudson current health care debate; U.S partnership, Satter of Institute looks at theand Darrell Issa’s practical toitkeep politics out of President’s recent trip to advice Russia on andhow what did –partisan and, more specifically, thenot Census next year.Also, in a pair of essays, Josette Sheeran of the did – accomplish. at a timeand when it seems that every political aidePure WorldFinally, Food Program Carolyn Crowley Meubother of the non-profit has afor “tell-all” book thatathethe orformidable she wants to write, wefacing hope you Water the World look challenges eachtake – global a moment to read Joel drinking Sawyer, who, the former press food shortages, and the the essay lack ofbyclean waterasaround the world. secretary Mark Sanford, notedition only has reason to features write such a On the to domestic front, this of every the FoRum also book, but whom, reasons he explains in his essay, has decided that’s Congressman Frankfor Wolf writing about entitlement reform and Senator notMartinez something he believes would transparency. be right to do. Former Governor and Mel writing about TARP orum, we pens would like to essay know on what you AsSecretary with all editions ofTodd the FWhitman Cabinet Christine a timely why think. Please write us at with any thoughts President Obama is hemorrhaging support in the political center, whileor opinions you may Christine have. Republican pollster Matthews writes an equally important piece about minivan Moms and why Republicans need their support. Lou Zickar As always, we hope you enjoy this edition of The Ripon FoRum and Editor encourage you to contact us at with any thoughts The Ripon Forum or ideas you may have. Lou Zickar Editor The Ripon FoRum

RIPON FORUMSummer Fall 2009 RIPON FORUM 2009



Without Responsibility, There is No Reform John Barrasso One of the most significant to pay for these low cost exams. detection and prevention. Washington, statistics in the debate on health care Medicare routinely pays much higher D.C. does not. reform is this: half of the money we prices for individual blood tests if Businesses that want to set up spend on health care is spent on just a patient has symptoms. Medicare workplace programs designed to five percent of the people. refuses to cover screening tests to help motivate their employees to adopt Basically, these are people healthy habits face a maze who eat too much, exercise too of government obstacles and little, and smoke. They develop regulations. They have to expensive and largely preventable contend with the Health Insurance conditions: high blood pressure, Portability and Accountability heart disease, diabetes, and many Act, the Americans with types of cancers. Disabilities Act, the Employee This is evidence of the Retirement Income Security Act role of personal responsibility and numerous other rules that in controlling the cost of care. make it difficult for them to create If we can provide the proper effective incentives. incentives to encourage people The Democrat health care to live healthier lives, there will reform bills do nothing to improve be adequate money to help others the situation. While they pay lip deal with the cost of their care. service to prevention, they target As a practicing physician, the money toward things like I’ve been fascinated to see how bike trails, street lights and jungle little Medicare will pay for a gyms. These do very little to doctor or nurse to spend time motivate the individual. teaching a diabetic how to control We can do better. Real health blood sugar. Medicare pays much care reform must be patientmore to treat the complications centered. The way to reduce when a diabetic’s condition costs and improve the health of If we can provide the proper our citizens is by creating true becomes uncontrolled. As the medical director of incentives for people to take incentives to encourage the Wyoming Health Fairs, I responsibility for their own people to live healthier lives, health. annually supervised the blood testing of over 50,000 Wyoming The different approaches there will be adequate money family members for over two to helping others stay healthy to help others deal with the decades. These inexpensive illustrate the difference between cost of their care. blood screening exams test for how conservatives and liberals cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, view this issue. thyroid problems, prostate cancer I start with the assumption and much more. With the help of these our seniors identify problems early. that people generally can be trusted to programs, people have taken charge of The state of Wyoming will pay for do the right thing and society prospers their own health. the screening exams for its employees when government has less to say about Amazingly, Medicare still refuses because it recognizes the value of early how people run their lives. Others start 4


Real reform means changing by assuming that Washington knows the Medicare payment system to best and should take more authority pay providers for the time spent over all of us. working with patients on personalized I prefer individualized incentives prevention and healthy living plans. that encourage healthy behavior. Regrettably, our current health care system is not built It is time to revise federal to emphasize wellness and regulations so employers prevention – nor do the reforms currently under discussion in and insurers can more easily Congress. offer wellness programs that It is time to revise federal regulations so employers and reward people who quit insurers can more easily offer smoking, lose weight and wellness programs that reward control their cholesterol and people who quit smoking, lose weight and control their blood pressure. cholesterol and blood pressure. That’s what was done by the Since Medicaid and other insurance grocery store chains Safeway and programs base their payments on what Whole Foods. They reduced their health care costs substantially. The Medicare allows, this would go a long rules should make it easier for all way toward focusing doctors, physician businesses to offer these kinds of assistants, nurse practitioners, dietitians voluntary programs. and other health professionals on

keeping patients healthy, instead of treating them once they become sick. In many cases, and for many people, the best result of health care reform will not come from Washington. It will happen when government gives people the freedom to control their choices and truly take charge of their own health. Democrats in Congress are planning an extremely expensive experiment that will affect the life of every American. They should be focusing on taking cost effective steps that will improve the health and the healthcare of our country. RF John Barrasso is a U.S. Senator from the State of Wyoming. An orthopedic surgeon for over 24 years, he has served as President of the Wyoming Medical Society and has been recognized as Wyoming Physician of the Year.

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The Consensus that Exists and the Obstacles to Reform Gail R. Wilensky Once again, the nation is in the throes of debating health care reform. Although a perennial topic during Presidential elections, it has been a decade and a half since the country has been consumed by health care reform as a major issue — perhaps the major issue — of the day. Unlike the Clinton era, with its clumsily-handled and ultimately failed Health Security Act, President Obama seems likely to be in a position to sign a health care reform bill sometime around Christmas or early in 2010. Precisely what will be in the legislation and whether and how much Republican support will exist for the final package is yet to be determined.

that need to occur. These reforms include the importance of changing how physicians and hospitals are paid so as to promote care coordination and quality, the need to promote preventive care and chronic disease management, the importance of encouraging the use of electronic

Areas of Agreement

Although it is difficult to tell right now, with emotions running high and the decibels surrounding the exchanges on the floor of the Congress running higher, there actually are many areas of agreement between the parties on the need for health care reform and the general direction the reform needs to take. This was seen most clearly during the 2008 Presidential campaign but it persists now as well. Both parties and the two Presidential candidates agreed that the rate of spending growth for health care is unsustainable and that there are serious concerns about patient safety and clinical appropriateness. These beliefs have led to agreement on the need to reform the delivery system and on many of the reforms 6’s important to recognize the political dilemma that Republicans face. medical records and other forms of health IT, and encouraging the faster introduction of generic drugs. There has even been agreement on the importance of expanding subsidies to buy insurance coverage, especially to people who are not currently subsidized, and also the RIPON FORUM Fall 2009

need to make provisions for people who are identifiably high-risk health care spenders.

Areas of Disagreement

While the principles and, in some cases, even some of the policies are similar (such as the importance of moving away from individual fee for service payments towards more bundled payments, and payments to more accountable units) many of the policies and some of the basic principles are clearly different between the parties, especially as they are now being articulated by the respective leaders in the Congress. The importance of liability reform and the prominence given to reforming the tort system is and has been a major area of disagreement between Republicans and Democrats. During the campaigns, there had been some discussion by Democrats about linking medical error disclosure with physician liability protections or at least promoting new models for addressing physician errors and generally referencing the need to reform malpractice. But since then, there has been almost no attention given to the issue in the various proposals under consideration. Republicans, both during the campaign and now, put it at the top of their list of cost containment strategies. Given the current focus on the importance of incentives that reward physicians and institutions that “do less,” providing them with liability protection in exchange for

practicing within clinical guidelines disagreement. But Congressional led to the proposal for subsidized and safety protocols seems crucial. Republicans have also been state high risk pools. The possibility of allowing the sharply critical of proposals to Democrats — and some Health and Human Services slow spending under Medicare. Republicans — have relied on Secretary to develop state pilots, This may however, largely reflect insurance exchanges as a strategy which the President referenced in the other disagreements, and be to pool risks and better promote his September speech to Congress, more negotiable if there was more competition on the basis of price and is no substitute for change in current agreement on what was being quality. The amount of regulation law. financed. that is used in structuring the The strategies that are being Finally, it’s important to exchanges, particularly regarding proposed subsidize coverage, and the recognize the political dilemma what types of insurance products regulatory structures surrounding that Republicans face. Among the can be offered and if/how prices them are also very different. Many various bills being considered, the can vary for different age groups or Republicans, including Senator John Senate Finance Committee bill other characteristics, has been the McCain, have proposed substituting is the most moderate. It will be subject of debate. a refundable credit for the current tax merged with the Health, Education, exclusion for employer sponsored The Obstacles to Reform Labor and Pension Committee insurance. This has been done both There are substantive as well bill, and then voted on by the as a way of ending the discrimination as political obstacles to achieving full Senate. While the merged against people who are not offered health care reform. Some of the most bill is likely to look a lot like the employer-sponsored insurance and important substantive differences Finance Committee bill in terms of as a means to encourage people to are described above. Perhaps the controversial provisions, once the be more cost conscious about bill goes into conference, there the insurance they choose. will be little that Republicans Democrats have can do to affect the outcome. Since what emerges from primarily relied on Medicaid Since what emerges from conference is likely to be more conference is likely to be more expansions to cover the poor; others up to 400 percent liberal than the Senate bill liberal than the Senate bill of the poverty line would that goes in, Republicans who that goes in, Republicans who receive subsidies to purchase support it will have helped support it will have helped insurance through insurance make possible the passage of a exchanges. Initially, the make possible the passage of a bill they may like a lot less but Finance Committee bill will not be able to stop. bill they may like a lot less but proposed to allow people Despite that knowledge, above the poverty line who several prominent Republicans will not be able were eligible for Medicaid — like former Senators Dole to stop. and Frist, and current governors to use the equivalent funds like Schwarzenegger and to purchase private insurance biggest obstacle, though, is the lack Jindal – have been calling on their through the insurance exchanges. of agreement on how to pay for colleagues to participate in health But this provision was removed coverage expansions. care reform. before the final committee vote. There is widespread agreement We will know before too long The type of insurance, and that any expansions in insurance whether these calls will be heeded where and how people purchase coverage need to be financed. and whether President Obama will insurance, is also very different. Both parties have agreed that the succeed in his bid for reform. RF Republicans have promoted the financial bail-out last year and the purchase of insurance across state stimulus package enacted early Gail Wilensky is an economist lines as a strategy that would in 2009 prohibit the use of any and a senior fellow at Project increase the availability of insurance further deficit financing. Whether HOPE, an international health offerings and also allow purchasers to finance the expansions from education foundation. She served to avoid state mandates. This move new taxes — particularly those as Administrator of the Health to the increased use of individually on higher income individuals and Care Financing Administration purchased insurance has raised some health care providers — as opposed from 1990 to 1992 and the chair questions about how to compensate to squeezing money out of health of the Medicare Payment Advisory for people who are predictably at care is one important area of Commission from 1997 to 2001. risk for high spending, which has RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


Census and Sensibility Darrell Issa In the face of growing challenges, use of estimates to achieve population aren’t the result of the phenomenon Congress must scrupulously guard its counts.  Proponents of statistical of urbanization in modern American Constitutional responsibility to ensure a adjustment argue that no Census can life.  During the public debate over fair, accurate and trustworthy count for count every single person within the the ratification of the Constitution, our the 2010 Census.  United States – a fact that everyone nation’s Founding Fathers wrestled with Since antiquity, nation-states have readily acknowledges.  Because the the issue of using estimates to count the needed a reliable headcount of the undercounted population typically lives fledgling country’s citizens.  Then, it population to know what size of was the virgin wilderness, dense army could be raised, what taxes forests and primitive modes of could be levied, and to keep transportation that made an actual governing officials apprised of headcount difficult.  Nevertheless, the customs, habits and social the Founders overwhelmingly structures of the citizens living in rejected the use of estimates in remote areas of the empire. favor of an actual headcount, Today, the Census is just realizing the only fair way to as important to our Republic.  enumerate the people was house It is the very foundation of by house, head by head. our representative system There are other routine of government, and it is not challenges to overcome.  This surprising that it presents a month, the Government source of incredible political Accountability Office (GAO) controversy.  Professional released a report that highlighted partisans seeking to influence the various problems that are facing apportionment of Congressional the 2010 Census, including seats based on Census results or weaknesses in the Census Bureau’s manipulate the distribution of information technology, problems federal dollars arise to advocate with the equipment used in the use of dubious mathematical canvassing, and uncertainty over estimates rather than an actual the ultimate cost of the Census ...the American Census is the headcount.  Elected officials – now estimated at $14.7 billion.  from states and cities large and Simply put, the Bureau created largest peacetime mobilization small, urban and rural, marshal to conduct the Census every ten of resources, both human tremendous efforts to make sure years struggles to keep pace with their constituents get counted. technological advances that occur and otherwise, undertaken Indeed, the American every ten minutes. Remarkably, throughout our history. Census is the largest peacetime however, GAO reported that mobilization of resources, both the Census Bureau is making human and otherwise, undertaken in poor, urban areas, it is argued that “noteworthy gains in mitigating risks throughout our history. Along with the complex mathematical estimates should and in keeping the headcount on-track.” Census come regular threats to subvert be employed to achieve a more equitable This year, there were new, yet a full and fair counting. representation in Congress for these unsurprising challenges that threatened The frontal assault comes in the urban areas. the Census.  Early in his administration, form of “statistical adjustment,” or the Of course, these arguments President Obama stepped up efforts to 8


cut out the Census Bureau’s superiors at nomination and confirmation process in Patrick McHenry (R-NC) and Rep. Lynn the Department of Commerce and have the U.S. Senate to give his political ally a Westmoreland (R-GA), the ACORN contract was withdrawn, but only after the Census Director report to his Chief place of key influence over the Census. Other scandals have fed an the now-infamous ACORN videos of Staff, Rahm Emanuel.  This plan atmosphere of doubt about the became public. raised the concern that politics would legitimacy of the 2010 Census under Washington DC is by its nature interfere with the Census Bureau’s work President Obama’s watch.  Earlier this a very political environment.  In the and thus jeopardize the independence great sea of partisanship that is needed to carry out a Constitutional the seat of federal government, a mandate.  After the public outcry In the great sea of lone island of nonpartisan calm over the politicization of the Census partisanship that is the seat must always be the United States escalated, the White House walked Census Bureau.  Any effort to back the President’s power grab.  of federal government, a lone colonize it with party loyalists – More subtly, then, the island of nonpartisan calm whether Republican or Democrat President seemingly ran afoul of – or tinker with the Census results the Constitution’s requirement must always be the United must be stopped if the American of Congressional advise and States Census Bureau. people are to have confidence in consent when the man publicly their government. RF acknowledged to be his original choice for Director of the Census, year, it became known that the notorious Kenneth Prewitt, withdrew his name and largely discredited Association of from consideration.  Shortly thereafter, Community Organizations for Reform Darrell Issa represents the 49th District Prewitt was hired by the Administration Now (ACORN) had received a Census of California in the U.S. House of as a paid consultant for the 2010 Census, Bureau contract.  Thanks to the diligent Representatives. He is the Ranking reinforcing concerns that President efforts of my colleagues on the House Member of the House Committee on Obama was circumventing the proper Oversight Committee, particularly Rep. Oversight and Government Reform.

Healthcare in Focus is a public education initiative of the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), and was created to promote constructive dialogue about the state of American healthcare. With growing support for health reform legislation, Healthcare in Focus seeks to ensure that reform not only builds on the many strengths of American healthcare but also provides solutions that improve and strengthen affordability, innovation, and quality. As part of the Healthcare in Focus initiative, HLC created Prognosis: A Healthcare Blog. The mission of Prognosis is to explore the nexus at which healthcare policy meets healthcare practice and how one affects the other. This blog will make readers more aware of the innovations taking place in healthcare delivery, financing, and technology and the types of public policies that will encourage further progress. For more details about Prognosis: A Healthcare Blog or Healthcare in Focus, write to Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @healthinfocus for up to the minute health tweets! RIPON FORUM Fall 2009

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The CFO ACT 20 Years Later A Smart Government Idea that is Being Ignored MAX STIER Congress passed the Chief Financial often, the audit reports are not even do they do to make a difference for the Officers Act 20 years ago, hoping to read by policymakers, and sometimes American taxpayer? Not very much.” create new systems of accounting and come in the door so late they are of no Altering the status quo will require fiscal management that would provide value at all. changing the accounting and auditing federal agencies with timely, consistent One former federal CFO likened standards to make the processes better and reliable financial information and the process to a man riding in a hot air suit the needs of the government. assure wise use of public resources. balloon that gets lost in a rain storm. This will require simplifying the A number of goals of the financial statements and making act have been realized, with them relevant. It will mean building more stringent financial audit in measurements for performance, requirements and internal controls the actual costs of doing business now in place to keep better track of and various risk factors to help spending, reduce waste and fraud, policymakers make prudent and increase accountability across assessments. the government. One former CFO said he could But many agencies still have produce detailed lists of all grants an not met the full requirements of the agency gave to a particular city or a law, and the law itself has fallen state, but could not tell the Cabinet short in many respects. secretary whether any of the money In this time of massive budget was spent properly or produced the deficits, scarce resources and a intended results. high demand for services, the need Another former CFO noted is greater than ever for a clear the audited government financial picture of the financial condition, statements parallel the private the performance, the future fiscal sector-style balance sheets that outlook, and risks for individual seek to measure assets, liabilities, agencies and for the government as profit, loss, and in effect, the value a whole. of a corporation. But she said the Unfortunately, the mandatory ...many agencies still have not needs of the public sector are quite auditedfinancialstatementsrequired met the full requirements of different. by the law often have become a “I used to spend a lot of time the law, and the law itself has on personnel political exercise for auditors to get and inventory and fallen short in many respects. real property, getting valuations a passing grade from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of worth, like the value of a without actually providing useful government building in Montana information to managers, lawmakers or When he shouts to a passer-by on the that we were never going to sell,’ said the public. ground and asks where he is, he is told, the former CFO. “We spent a lot of time These annual audit reports are “You are 300 feet in the air.” and money producing numbers that hundreds of pages in length, glance The former CFO said this is nobody needs, but we had to comply backwards at a moment in time instead similar to the annual audits. “They are with the accounting rules.” of also being forward-looking, and often technically correct, but the information It is time for the government’s have little relevance to the business and is not very useful, and only provides a financial community and other goals of government agencies. Quite false sense of security,” he said. “What stakeholders to come together, and 10


One solution would be to eliminate with the leadership from the new Senate confirmation but still have administration that is committed the CFOs appointed by the president to increased transparency, reach a to increase the likelihood that they consensus on change. will be included in an agency’s inner This change should integrate the government performance measurement agenda to help One former CFO said he make each organization could produce detailed lists work better. That means incorporating the information of all grants an agency gave germane to various parts of to a particular city or a state, each organization such as but could not tell the Cabinet the IT, human resources and acquisition communities. It secretary whether any of the also means making sure that money was spent properly CFOs are not just viewed as gloried auditors, but as part of or produced the intended the leadership team. results. Another important issue is the way the CFOs are chosen. circle. At the same time, CFOs should Currently, CFOs are nominated by the president and confirmed by the be given fixed terms of perhaps five Senate. The process is lengthy, results years to provide more independence in CFOs being subject to the political and a chance for longer term strategic winds, and often means they have a planning. Under such a scenario, CFOs relatively short time in office. should be required to appear before

the Senate if the Senate wants them to testify. There are other issues that deserve attention including human capital —the need for more professional training and leadership development, and the active recruitment of people with the right skills. The financial and audit requirements can be improved, but the in the end, the quality of the work will depend on the quality of the people. The CFO Act has raised the importance of proper accounting standards in government and increased the stature of the financial professionals. Now it is time to move to the next phase and substantially raise the bar by connecting financial accounting to better outcomes in government.  RF Max Stier is president and CEO of the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service.

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The Invisible Battleground

Absolute security on the Internet is impossible, but we still have to try to get it right BRUCE SCHNEIER Security is one of the We think we can design computer infrastructure moves to the Internet, fundamental building blocks of the voting machines because we know we need to start getting it right. Internet. Everything we do on the how mechanical voting machines First, two observations. Internet, from casual conversations work. We build electronic banking One: details matter. There to business transactions to our systems that mimic the brick-andare lots of serious issues that we critical infrastructure, requires mortar bank branches they’ve have to tackle: data privacy, data some level of security. And because replaced, and social networking sharing, data mining, government we want to do everything on the sites that try to capture all the eavesdropping, government Internet, and because so much richness of human interaction. databases, use of Social Security of our nation’s critical numbers as identifiers, infrastructure has and so on. It’s not migrated to the Internet, enough to get the broad Internet security is policy goals right. We critical for national can have good intentions security. and enact a good law, Absolute security is and have the whole thing impossible. There’s no completely gutted by way to eliminate the risks two sentences sneaked of fraud, identity theft, in during rulemaking by espionage, or malicious some lobbyist. attack. But that’s okay Two: the Internet is — it’s no different than global, and any security the real world. We solutions have to take make security tradethat into account. One offs all the time, finding of the reasons anti-spam acceptable levels for legislation has so little risks like privacy loss, effect is that most spam theft, large-scale financial more and more of our critical comes from overseas. fraud, and even terrorism. Laws attempting to regulate infrastructure moves to the The dangers on the Internet anonymity will fail for Internet, we need to start getting similar reasons. are really no different than those in the real world. Now, four concrete it right. But there are differences, policy recommendations. and they trip us up again and 1) The government again. We understand how the real But these things don’t work as we needs to secure its own networks. world works, so we try to apply envision, because the world of bits This will take money, and it will that understanding to the Internet. is unlike the world of atoms — and take coordination. We need a We want to prevent copyright the same rules don’t apply. cybersecurity coordinator, and he infringement, so we try to make bits This isn’t to say that Internet needs to have budgetary authority. so they can’t be copied. We want security is impossible, only that we This should be done openly, with to know where data comes from, tend to go about it all wrong. But commercial products, and not so we try to enforce attribution. as more and more of our critical behind classified doors. Despite 12


what the NSA might say, we should not weaken security by building systems to facilitate eavesdropping. We’re all safer if information technology is more secure, even though the bad guys can use it, too. And the NSA should not be in charge of this in any case— these are common problems with common solutions, and secrecy doesn’t help. 2) The government should use its immense buying power to improve the security of commercial products and services. Most of the cost of these products is in development rather than production. Think software: the first copy costs millions to develop, but subsequent copies are essentially free. Additionally, the government has to buy computers for all its employees, and secure all its networks. It should consolidate those contracts, and include explicit security requirements. This will motivate vendors to make serious security improvements in the products and services they sell to the government, and everyone else will benefit because vendors will include those improvements in the same products and services they sell commercially. 3) We need smart legislation to improve security in places where critical infrastructure is in private hands. We shouldn’t make the mistake of thinking the market will magically solve Internet security. There are lots of areas in security where externalities cause security failures. For example, software companies that sell insecure products are exploiting an externality just as much as chemical plants that dump waste into the river. Good laws regulate results, not methodologies. A law requiring companies to secure personal data is good; a law specifying what technologies they should use to do so is not. Mandating liabilities for

corporate tax breaks and other subsidies, this is chump change. Security is both subtle and complex, and — unfortunately — it doesn’t readily lend itself to normal legislative processes. The legislative process is used to finding consensus, but security by consensus rarely works. On the Internet, security standards are much worse when they’re developed by a consensus body, and much better when someone just goes ahead and The government should creates them. The point is that we won’t legislate for the results it get good security without wants and implement the annoying some lobby – be it the information broker industry, appropriate penalties, then the voting machine industry, the step back and let the market telecommunication companies figure out how to achieve or some other group. In the current political climate, I don’t those results. know if this is possible. RF software vulnerabilities is good; detailing how to avoid them is not. The government should legislate for the results it wants and implement the appropriate penalties, then step back and let the market figure out how to achieve those results. That’s what markets are good at. 4) We need to invest broadly in security research. Basic research is risky; it doesn’t always

Bruce Schneier is an pay off. That’s why companies internationally renowned have stopped funding it. Bell Labs security technologist and author. is gone because nobody could For additional writings on afford it after the AT&T breakup. cybersecurity and terrorism, But the root cause of its demise please visit his website at www. was a desire for higher efficiency and short-term profitability—not unreasonable in an unregulated business. Government research can be used to Other writings balance that desire by Bruce Schneier: by funding longterm research. We Federal cybersecurity regulations should let the NSF and other funding Security and externalities agencies decide how to spend the Cyberwar money with minimal micromanagement Chinese hackers from Congress; the same with the Software liabilities national laboratories. Yes, some research The NSA and cybersecurity will sound silly to a layman. But no one Privacy and the Internet can predict what will be useful for what. And compared to RIPON FORUM Fall 2009




Unbridled Growth of Federal Power and the Complacency of the States The drafters of our Constitution knew that left Health care reforms being considered by Congress unchallenged, the federal government would slowly but constitute another massive expansion of federal surely become more and more intrusive. I wonder if power.  Washington has become a runaway train. they could have imagined that the federal government The legislation perpetuates and accelerates a would someday have a Health Choices Administration, century-long emaciation of state governments. The or mechanisms to decide legislation also expands a who gets care, where it can relationship where stringRather than the strong political be provided, or how much it laden dollars are “given” to counterbalance to the federal will cost. states (and the people) in a They provided a manner that makes Congress government, states have become safeguard by encouraging a federal puppeteer who anemic supplicants, going to the strength of the states. names the tune and calls the dance. Washington with their hands out, In fact, as a condition of ratification, the 10th Our nation’s framers pleading for more federal envisioned a federal Amendment was inserted tax money. government with supreme which specified that powers powers, but limited not specifically granted and enumerated duties. to the federal government Operation of the health care system (like so many would remain with the states and people. During other areas Congress now controls) was not one of the debate over this Amendment 300 years ago this past enumerated duties. summer, James Madison said, “...the state legislatures 14


will jealously and closely watch the operations of this government and be able to resist with more effect every assumption of power than any other power on earth can do.”  The history of the states’ slow constitutional atrophy since that time has been well documented. They have become a shadow of the full-players envisioned by the founders. Rather than the strong political counterbalance to the federal government, states have become anemic supplicants, going to Washington with their hands out, pleading for more federal tax money. Without steady counter pressure from unified states, the momentum of Washington’s budget, influence and arrogance will inevitably grow.

Association, the National Council of State Legislatures, Council of State Governments and the State Legislative Leaders Foundation formally approved the plan. State leaders met regularly to strategize and organize. The emergence of this movement was covered widely by national, regional and state media. In December 1994 the Washington Post wrote about the discontent felt among the states and the formation of the Conference of the States. It said, “Instead of complaining, the governors and legislatures want to come to Washington with the power to bargain. The project is on a fast track.” Organizers anticipated it would take two years for enough states to ratify the proposal so that the Conference of States could then pull the trigger. The first year many states passed it through both houses of their legislature. Others passed it through one chamber but awaited action An Outrageously Bold Plan in the other. There was a moment in 1993-1994 when states As more states debated and passed the resolutions, showed at least faint signs of a constitutional pulse. media attention grew. A genuine organized protest was The anti-Washington energy pulsing from the health beginning to take shape. The movement had legs. care debate at that time built upon frustration about Naturally, opposition began entitlement programs and other to grow as well. In the summer federal mandates. States were of 1994, two things happened to frustrated and felt they were losing There was a moment alter the movement’s momentum. control of their budgets and their in 1993-1994 when An unlikely coalition of groups freedom to act. from the far right and far left states showed at An unusually bipartisan began to actively oppose enabling movement began to organize among least faint signs of a resolutions in state legislatures. elected state government officials. constitutional pulse. Groups with a far right philosophy They concluded to convene a argued (without factual basis) that Conference of the States which the Conference of the States would would be a means of formalizing morph into a constitutional convention. On the left, labor their discontent and advancing an agenda to rebalance unions seized on the same rhetoric and began claiming the distribution of power. the meeting would result in all types of constitutional Under their plan, each state would, by resolution, mischief like outlawing abortion, etc. pass in their state legislature a resolution appointing This unholy coalition reached legislative hearing, delegates to attend this first ever Conference of the loud and controversial. State legislators, up for reStates. At the meeting, delegates would devise a set election in November of that year, became weary of of proposals which might have included proposed mobilizing a new group of opponents. constitutional amendments or federal legislation that The most significant momentum shift came with would slow the one way flow of power and money to the Republican takeover of Congress in the 1994 midWashington. term elections. Ironically, the election was a direct Once the Conference of the States had devised a expression of frustration with the direction of the federal bill-of-particulars, called a “states petition,” each state government. would be asked to ratify it. When 34 states had done The sweeping power shift brought about by the 1994 so, the states would collectively gather in Washington election made the Republican Governors Association to formally present their demands. The confrontation, it meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia a historically was thought, would force the people to engage. significant event. Just ten days after the election, Looking back, it was an outlandishly bold plan. But Speaker-Elect Newt Gingrich and the new Senate leader how else could the momentum of federal expansionism Bob Dole brought their respective leadership teams to be altered? How else could Congress be made to hear the conference to meet with Republican Governors. unless there was an unmistakable expression of the I was made chairman of the Republican Governors people’s will? Association at that meeting. It had been my duty to Ben Nelson, then the Democrat Governor of organize the meeting and six months earlier, in keeping Nebraska, and I, the Republican Governor of Utah, with my work on the Conference of the States, I made chaired the effort. Jointly, the National Governors RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


the decision to theme the conference on the need to rejuvenate Federalism. At that meeting, in that historic place, returning power to states became a primary theme of the party’s governing agenda. Republican governors where asked by the new Congress to become their partners in retooling the nation’s welfare and Medicaid systems. The plan was to devolve power to the states. As the new legislative agenda unfolded, those of us who had organized the Conference of the States could see momentum had shifted in a direction we approved of, but in a fashion different than we had anticipated. We recalibrated the Conference of the States effort into a far less grand vision, wrapped it up, and focused our energies on legislative proposals which would return more control of the nation’s welfare system and Medicaid to state control. Two years later, welfare reform had passed. Medicaid reform was jettisoned in a compromise to get welfare reform. Later, Congress also passed unfunded mandate legislation. With those modest outcomes, the resurgence of federalism quietly returned to hibernation.

We live in an era where speed and innovation are a requirement of leadership in a global economy. A 21st century version of federalism would be a dynamic form of government. In such a government, for example, universal access to health insurance could be achieved more quickly than it will be at the federal level. Congress would establish national standards and the needed tools. States, within a specified time period, would accomplish the task or suffer loss of federal financial support. Different states would go about it in different ways, but the outcome would be more in line with the attitudes and beliefs of the American people. States are closer to the people. Yes, our country is again engaged in a debate over health care reform. When Congress went home for its August recess, they were met by angry citizens. How angry? Will there be a watershed shift as there was in 1994? If there is, it will not be because of health care reform. Rather, it will be because people are wary of Washington having too much control. Rebalancing the division of labor between the state and federal government will require more than legislation. It will Federalism for require a determined the 21st Century citizenry and bold Since the Conference Water will run uphill before leadership from the states. Will of the States movement shot there ever be a Conference Congress will voluntarily across the evening sky of of the States, or some other history, I have spent ten more give up power. organized effort to jolt the years as Governor of Utah and federal government back into five years in the President’s place? It is hard to know. cabinet. Both experiences intensified my view that a However, if there isn’t, our national government strong but limited federal government is needed. It has and its unbridled debt will continue to grow. Water also made me absolutely sure that states are a vastly will run uphill before Congress will voluntarily give up superior place to conduct most of the domestic affairs power. The founders of our country knew that, and we of government. should too. RF Looking back on the Conference of the States, I occasionally wonder what would have occurred had efforts to make long term structural change not been interrupted by the sweeping change of the 1994 election. Welfare reform was good policy and an important victory, but it was a modest and short term resurgence of federalism. Rebalancing will require more than legislation. It will require structural change brought about by a determined citizenry. 16

Michael O. Leavitt served as Secretary of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services from 2005 to 2009, and as Administrator of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency from 2003 to 2005. Prior to that, from 1993 to 2003, he served as the Governor of Utah.


Politics & Perspective

Right-Sizing Government The example being set in one small state Donald L. Carcieri How large should government be? The simple answer I have been Governor of the State of Rhode Island and is that government should be the size the taxpayers want and Providence Plantations for just over six and a half years. We can afford to maintain. Rhode Island’s problem was that are a small state, with a population of just over one million, government grew at a rate far outpacing the taxpayers’ ability but during these difficult economic times our fiscal challenges to support it. The result: taxes continued to increase, and both rival those of much larger states. individuals and businesses no longer found our state to be an For over 70 years, one party has dominated the Rhode affordable place to live, work or grow a business. Island General Assembly. Under Democrat control, social I understood this when I first ran for Governor. In service programs - primarily Medicaid - were consistently the first years of my expanded, while at the administration, we same time eligibility were able to establish criteria for these benefits tight budget controls were significantly lowered. and streamline many As a result, Rhode Island state government experienced a steady rise in processes. Through my program participants while Fiscal Fitness Program, the General Assembly we revamped state raised taxes to fund these purchasing, tightened overly-generous programs revenue collection, and the staffing to support consolidated “backthem. office” functions among At its peak and prior the departments, and to my administration, there encouraged government were over twenty thousand transparency. In the state employees serving less first two years we saved than a million people in a hundreds of millions of state thirty miles wide by taxpayer dollars. forty miles long. Once you It’s my belief that add all of the municipal ...when the times get difficult, like now, most taxpayers want a workers and teachers, you have but two choices – throttle government that is more government becomes the back on the spending or raise taxes. efficient, less expensive, largest employer in the and easier to engage. State of Rhode Island. The However, there is strong resistance to these sorts of moneyDemocrat-dominated legislature has been a friend to public saving practices primarily from those who benefit from the employee unions. The balance between those depending status quo. Even common sense process-improvements that upon government and those supporting government was are based both on sound management practices and social beyond the tipping point. responsibility can be difficult to achieve. No one questions the need for social service programs; Today, the fiscal challenges in Rhode Island, as in nearly the issue is more of where you set the bar, how efficient you every other state, have grown exponentially. These challenges can be, and how much the taxpayers can afford. When times demand a profound and immediate transformation of how we are good, government programs glide along on auto-pilot. fund and manage government. Forecasts of future budget But when the times get difficult, like now, you have but two years do not signal relief, only a worsening financial situation. choices – throttle back on the spending or raise taxes. Rhode There is no time to waste. Island doesn’t need higher taxes, it needs more taxpayers. It My administration has been focusing on the three major needs an expanding economy, not an expanding government. RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


needed relief from unfunded state mandates. Additionally, I areas of state spending: Personnel Costs, Social Services, and recommended an array of management tools that would help Local Aid to Municipalities. Each of these areas possesses its our municipalities better manage their budgets though these own set of cost drivers, legal and political considerations. challenging financial times. In the personnel area, a large percentage of the state I also proposed a BRAC-like commission to focus on and local government workforce in Rhode Island belongs to consolidation and regionalization of services at the municipal unions. On the state level, with each new labor agreement, level. Unfortunately, the General Assembly failed to act on this personnel costs have been reduced, particularly through new comprehensive plan to provide more options and flexibility to health insurance agreements and increasing workers’ shares our cities and towns. of health insurance costs. Major changes have also been How do we deliver education, public safety, infrastructure made in state employee pensions and retiree health insurance and other government services more affordably? Many of the benefits by gradually raising retirement ages, minimum years actions we have taken on the state level will have to be echoed of service, as well as requiring retirees to pay a fair share of in local government efforts to reduce spending. Again, public their retiree health insurance costs. employee unions will play a large role in crafting future Recently, our state employees agreed to a pay reduction government operations along with municipal officials. The plan that will save taxpayers nearly $40 million over the new fiscal world we live in sets boundaries everyone will be next two fiscal years. In addition to the pay reductions, the forced to accept. plan also defers a formerly agreed upon pay increase for an In late August, we formed a Fiscal Stress Task Force to additional six months. By agreeing to these concessions, our ascertain the financial vulnerability of our 39 cities and towns. public employees at the state level are working cooperatively Coincidentally, it was announced that several of our cities and to solve our fiscal problems. Further, we are currently towns were coming together to operating state government with discuss regionalizing police, fire 12,800 people, the lowest level in and public works services. I was recent memory. Rhode Island doesn’t need pleased to see that we are gaining The second area of spending traction, and perhaps the political is for Social Services, particularly higher taxes, it needs more will, to finally take a serious look Medicaid, which has ballooned taxpayers. It needs an at re-establishing the frameworks to more than one-third of the for smaller, effective and efficient expanding economy, not an state budget. In response, my government. administration proposed a firstexpanding government. Legislators and policy makers in-the-country initiative to may create programs and increase contain Medicaid costs using government obligations out of a comprehensive waiver from good will or a desire to expand their power by making more federal rules to design a consumer-driven, community-based people obligated to the government, but, in the end, reality service system. Our Choices program will provide consumers will win out and the state will run out of money, projects will a greater range of options, and better care at a much more be abandoned and promises broken. No state can afford to affordable cost to the taxpayers. The nation will learn a great let that happen. In Rhode Island’s case, with a lower than deal from Rhode Island as our Choices program holds great average revenue capacity in relation to the rest of the country promise for those in need and those who pay the bills. The and a higher than average revenue effort (i.e. we are already goal is to provide more appropriate, better care at lower cost. taxing people too much), government has overreached. Reducing the heavy reliance on long-term nursing home care, They say necessity is the mother of invention, and so and shifting to more at-home support for seniors is key. perhaps, with states dealing with severe fiscal constraints, Beyond Medicaid, we have also had encouraging results the opportune time has come to re-shape our state and local in both improving social service outcomes and in controlling governments. After first grounding themselves in new fiscal related costs. For instance, we have made changes to our realities, elected officials can then raise questions of priority, TANF programs to link up the efforts of our Department of urgency, and whether or not government ought to be doing Human Services with Workforce Development initiatives. It’s what is proposed. Better government does not mean bigger about getting people off of public assistance, getting them the government. Active government does not imply spendthrift job skills training they need and placing them back into the government. Government schooled by fiscal reality will yield workforce more quickly. Our Work-First approach is allowing a practical wisdom that makes prudent choices in the how and Rhode Islanders to become independent faster. why of government growth and spending. RF Having achieved successes in reining in personnel and social service costs, now my administration is focusing on the third major area of state expenditures - Local Aid to Donald L. Carcieri is Governor of the State of Rhode Island Municipalities. Last year, I proposed reducing state aid to and the Providence Plantations. cities and towns in my supplemental budget, but also included 18


A Radical Solution for California’s Intractable Woes STEVEN HILL “Are you ready to put on your white wigs?” That a good delegate to the convention?” typically 90 percent of is a question I have been posing lately to many everyday the hands in the room shoot up.  While Californians have lost Californians, as the Golden State considers if a constitutional faith in their government and their elected leaders, opinion convention composed of regular folks might hold the solution polls consistently show that Californians trust themselves to California’s ongoing political and budgetary woes. more than they trust the “experts.”  Thus, this kind of California used to be known as a place of innovation People’s Convention could be well-suited to California’s and forward-thinking policy, but today it is known as a state culture that has relied for decades -- often to its detriment that issues IOUs to pay its bills.  With state government -- on popular referendums and initiatives. in Sacramento seemingly frozen in place, a group of The California state constitution is the third longest California leaders formed to propose constitution in the world, having been amended over 500 a constitutional convention as a way to address the state’s times. Many of the amendments have come as a result of deeply entrenched an initiative process structural problems. that has been captured But this would be by big-money interests no ordinary convention.  that can buy their way Approximately 60 onto the California percent of the 500 or ballot with their pet so participants would project. This has be “citizen delegates,” happened over and everyday people who over in California, have been scientifically to the point where selected to convene a the constitution has broad cross-section of become a disjointed California.  The other hodgepodge with 40 percent would be things like golf courses, delegates appointed gill net fishing and by local government other unconstitutional officials.  This innovative matters embedded With state government in Sacramento hybrid would attempt into the Constitution.  to bring together into Some of the previous seemingly frozen in place, a group the same room both the amendments have of California leaders formed expertise of those with dedicated state revenues policy knowledge and to propose a for funding pet projects political experience as to the point where they constitutional convention as a way to well as the values of have tied the hands of address the state’s deeply entrenched regular people who are the legislature to craft not concerned about a sensible budget. This structural problems. their political careers or in turn has led to a partisanship, but instead can focus on what’s good for their structural deficit where California spends more money than state. it takes in. Over two dozen “town hall” meetings have been held  Repair California, the umbrella group that is throughout California with each event filled to capacity with spearheading this effort, is led by the Bay Area Council hundreds of Californians concerned about the future.  When which represents 275 of the largest employers in the Bay I have asked them, “How many of you think YOU would be Area, including Google, Oracle, HP and many others. Other RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


organizations who have endorsed a constitutional convention mostly of everyday Californians is being viewed as crucial include Common Cause, the Los Angeles Times and other to success.  The convention itself in essence would be an local newspapers. The convention would be a “limited” ongoing focus group in which the proposals and reforms one, with a mandate narrowly tailored to those parts of the would be vetted by a large pool of people who would be just Constitution that deal with the structure of government.  like the voters who eventually will decide whether to enact The four areas in which the delegates would be the proposals of the convention. There have been numerous empowered to propose reforms would be in governance, examples in the United States and abroad showing that the elections (including the initiative and referendum process), citizen-as-delegate model has worked well in a range of budgetary and revenue rules, and the relationship between circumstances. local and state government in terms of revenue sharing.  For example, in post-Katrina New Orleans, 4,000 Social policies and potential wedge issues such as gay citizen delegates scattered in 21 cities were simultaneously marriage, gun control and education would be off the convened to decide how to spend scarce rebuilding dollars table.  Proposition 13, the law passed by voters in 1978 that after federal and state authorities grossly mismanaged the reconfigured property tax laws, would dance around the edges recovery. In California and other states, citizen delegates of the convention, which would be allowed propose changes have been used in a range of forums involving hundreds of but not to legislate any tax increases. The convention is not people to advance solutions to contentious issues such as designed to be a parallel legislature, but rather to update and tax reform, health care, housing and regional development. modernize the rules that define government and its powers The delegates are provided with professional staff and in California. facilitators, and undergo a thorough If California voters approve of education process, hearing from a The California state a ballot measure that will be on the range of experts about the problems November 2010 ballot to call the constitution is the third and potential solutions. By the end, convention, the convention will meet the delegates themselves have become longest constitution in beginning in the spring of 2011 for experts.   approximately eight months.  The the world, having been Says Steve Rosell, a deliberative delegates would be paid for their democracy practitioner from San amended over participation, and would hear from Diego-based Viewpoint Learning, 500 times. experts from all political sides.  The “Many people enter these events with convention also would hold a dozen strongly held political beliefs, but public hearings throughout the state, usually they are far more interested in as well as use all of the modern technologies available today finding workable solutions than in adhering to a particular -- the Internet, e-mail, live webcasting, instant polling and ideology. As a result participants’ conclusions often have a more -- to engage Californians and bring them into the common-sense, practical quality.” conversation.  Utilizing these techniques, California could This aspect of citizen delegates -- a focus on what works mount a constitutional convention the likes of which has instead of ideology, partisanship or career self-interest -- is never been seen. It has the potential to stimulate a badly exactly what California needs. With California grappling needed civic dialogue that has been missing not only in with a crisis of historic proportions, many people feel it is California but all across the United States.  The convention time to draw upon the genius of what has always been the would have the power to place their proposals directly on Golden State’s greatest resource -- Californians themselves. the November 2012 ballot, where their fellow Californians If the convention works in California, it may initiate would vote up or down on the proposed reforms. a wave that could sweep the country. Inspired in part While opinion polls show that Californians very by California, already Rudy Giuliani has called for a much support reform and want change, nevertheless many constitutional convention to be held in New York. So as you previous efforts at political reform have failed.  Initiatives ride the bus or freeway to work tomorrow, ask yourself: Can have been voted down in recent years to extend term limits, the person seated next to me, or driving past me, be trusted enact a “top two” primary, public financing of campaigns, with the job of redesigning the basic political and budgetary election day registration and other reforms. Only recently rules? did Californians barely approve a measure to create an Are everyday Californians ready to don the white independent redistricting commission, after numerous powdered wigs to become the Founding Mothers and Fathers attempts.  What is clear is that Californians often don’t trust of a new California? the proposers of reform, especially when the Legislature puts Stay tuned. RF a measure on the ballot.  The Legislature has little credibility   at this point, nor do others who are perceived as political Steven Hill is Director of the Political Reform Program of insiders or even so-called experts. the New America Foundation and author of “10 Steps to That’s why a constitutional convention composed Repair American Democracy” (  20


Keys to a Republican Resurgence in the Northeast Charles F. Bass respect political independence and Party of today has spent far too much Leading up to the 2008 general expect their elected officials to focus time focused on divisive social issues. election, the conventional wisdom in on finding solutions to the challenges Worse, elements of the party have not America was that the Republican Party facing the region and our country, not only pushed for our party to focus on was dying in the American Northeast. just on red meat rhetoric. We as a party these divisive issues, they have pushed After the results came in, and the must be politically pragmatic enough to for a party where only those who agree GOP was left without a single seat in recognize this fact and run campaigns with each other on 100 percent of issues New England, the conventional wisdom that reflect it. are pure enough to be a part of our party was no longer that the party was just Second, we need to emphasize today. The party that cannot embrace dying in that part of the country. Most the voter who agrees with them people thought that the party 80 percent as a friend and an was dead. ally, is a party doomed for the And yet if we are going to permanent minority. become the majority party again Third, we need candidates in this country, we must rise like who reflect the values of the Lazarus in the Northeast. Of people of their district and their course, recognizing that we need state. Our party needs to recruit to spark a Republican resurgence and promote candidates who in this region is a far easier feat understand their electorate and then figuring out exactly how to who will reflect their values rebuild a party whose image has – and then support them as been devastated among New vigorously as they would others England voters. with whom they might be closer The good news is that I do to philosophically. Some issues not believe that the seismic shift are universal, while others in favor of Democrats over the are distinctly regional. While last few cycles in the Northeast fighting for lower taxes may is a permanent one. The better be universal, issues like health news is that the core message care reform, energy and the of the Republican Party – a ...if we are going to become environment, job creation and message that attracted voters the majority party again in countless other issues effect across the region for decades – this country, we must rise like different parts of the country can still resonate today. So how differently. We need candidates do we do it? Lazarus in the Northeast. who not only understand those First, we as a party need to differences, but who understand recognize that one-size-doesthose policies and positions that unite that the first obligation of public service not-fit-all when it comes to campaigns. all Republicans – rather than focus on is to represent those who you have been It shouldn’t be an earth-shattering issues that divide us. It was Ronald elected to serve – not to the national revelation, but the fact of the matter is Reagan who pointed out that someone party or the talk radio crowd. We need that the type of candidate and campaign who agrees with you on 80 percent of candidates who are courageous enough that can win in Alabama is not going the issues is a friend, not an enemy. to be decisively and proudly Republican to be the same type of candidate or Unfortunately, instead of emphasizing when in agreement with our Party’s campaign needed to win in New those issues that unite us, the Republican leadership on an issue, but courageous Hampshire. Voters in the Northeast RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


nominee for President. Neither of those enough to be decisively independent in the region in the last generation. I two states has voted for a Republican when in disagreement. am suggesting, however, that the for President since George H.W. Finally, we need to make a Republican Party can compete and Bush’s run in 1988. In the late 1940s, serious investment in recruiting good win in New England, because while Republicans were elected to represent candidates, supporting their campaigns, much has changed in the region, much 21 of 28 House seats. After Chris and building vibrant state and local remains the same. parties. Our party’s national The electorate in the Northeast leadership needs to understand still values political independence, the importance of a Republican ...the fact of the matter is that still treasures individual liberty, resurgence in New England and still expects government to live the type of candidate and invest accordingly. Important in within its means, and still respects this investment is the recognition tradition – which, when you think campaign that can win in that the party wasn’t decimated about it, are not only values most Alabama is not going to be overnight, and its revitalization Republicans also respect, but ones will not occur overnight either. the same type of candidate or the party should stand behind Investing in state and local parties, today. RF campaign needed to win in as well as candidates up and down New Hampshire. the ballot, will reap some immediate results, but more importantly, such Charles F. Bass represented the 2nd investments could pay impressive District of New Hampshire in the Shays’ loss in Connecticut in 2008, not dividends in the future. U.S. House of Representatives from A generation ago, New England a single Republican represents a New 1995 to 2007. A Board member and was the base of the Republican Party. England House district in Congress. former President of the Republican In Franklin Roosevelt’s Democratic I am not suggesting that New Main Street Partnership, he recently landslide victory of 1944, only two England or the Northeast in general announced the formation of an states – Maine and Vermont – cast will be the regional base for the GOP in exploratory campaign committee to the future. Indeed, much has changed their electoral votes for the Republican possibly run for his old seat.

Party Affiliation, Members of the U.S. House of Representatives from New England, 1980 - 2008 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Republican 9 7 10 9 10 7 9 8 4 4 4 5 5 1 0

Democrat 16 17 14 15 14 16 13 14 18 18 18 16 16 21 22

Independent 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

Note: includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont



Of Memoirs and Malcontents: Why the easy thing is not always the right thing to do Joel Sawyer Sex, lies and an ethics Why does the desire to tell people inner workings will and won’t be investigation. “the whole story” only hit once discussed publicly. If you don’t like With all the ingredients present someone has left an administration the decisions, you leave, period. But for a political tell-all novel about my or a campaign? Pardon the cynicism, when authors later recount episode time as Governor Mark Sanford’s but I have a hard time buying the after episode worth telling to the communications director, I’ve had a high-minded talk of transparency public years after they occurred, it number of people ask when the book and openness from many who’ve leaves the impression that the only is hitting the shelves. reason they stayed as long as Most are a little surprised they did was to accumulate when I tell them it was never anecdotes. something I gave serious Obviously, an enormous thought to, though it wouldn’t caveat to the above would be true to say it didn’t at least be revealing evidence of cross my mind. After all, an wrongdoing or malfeasance. inside-perspective novel after But there again, is a highlya public implosion is just as publicized novel the much a part of the formula appropriate venue for revealing these days as the scripted such, and are you really acting public confession alongside in the public’s best interest the wronged-but-supportive by doing so? More likely, the spouse. Incidentally, it motivation is moving up the doesn’t look like any of those best seller list. If you know of conventions will end up being potential legal breaches, you followed in the Sanford case. have an obligation to report So as much as I would them when they happen, not love for people to associate when it is most profitable. me with the picture from my As old fashioned as it book jacket rather than the With all the ingredients present sounds, I also believe in the picture of me literally pulling idea that you ought to treat for a political tell-all novel my former employer away someone how you would about my time as Governor from a podium and a media want to be treated in similar scrum, that’s going to have to Mark Sanford’s communications circumstances. If someone wait. places their trust in you, you’re director, I’ve had a number of Simply put, I faced with a clear choice of fundamentally believe it isn’t either validating or violating people ask when the book is appropriate for former aides that trust. hitting the shelves. to cash in by writing kissA critic of this rationale and-tell novels. I don’t mean would say that the ultimate to indict or condemn those who have written such projects. trust placed in a staffer is that of written these books, but I think it’s Any political organization is a the taxpayer who is providing their a trend that should end for a few team effort, and decisions are made salary. And that is absolutely true. reasons. every day about what parts of those But taxpayers elect officeholders, not RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


I’m certainly not laying the staffers. By serving that officeholder, aren’t weighty discussions of policy blame for that at the feet of tellyou are fulfilling the role the taxpayers nuances, and instead bear a closer all authors. I’m a free-market guy, are paying you to fulfill. If those resemblance to airport fiction. and it’s clear that these books are same taxpayers decide that they’re It’s undeniable that there’s been filling a demand in the marketplace. not happy with what decisions are a marked degradation of discourse But just because you have a being made and how those right to do something doesn’t decisions are being made, make it the right thing to do, that’s what the ballot box is Most are a little surprised and these authors ought to ask for – and it’s the responsibility when I tell them it was never themselves whether their work of a free and strong press to something I gave serious is serving to elevate politics in give voters the information this country, or diminish it in they need to hold officials thought to, though it wouldn’t the eyes of those it is intended accountable. It’s not up to a be true to say it didn’t at least to serve. RF single staffer to unilaterally veto the decisions made by cross my mind. Joel Sawyer is the former the team he or she was a part Communications Director of. Most professional athletes would lose their credibility in similar surrounding government and politics. to South Carolina Governor Mark circumstances (see Jose Canseco). Average people from my generation Sanford. He owns a communications But perhaps the worst part of couldn’t tell you three substantive consulting and public relations firm, this trend is the degree to which policy accomplishments of the New Level Strategies, and can be these books have contributed to the Clinton Administration – but they reached at joel@newlevelstrategies. tabloidization of American politics. could tell you heck of a lot about com. Let’s face it – these novels typically Monica Lewinsky.



Center Right

The Rise of Value Voters Lou Zickar   This past September, the Family Research Council held a “Values Voters Summit” for conservatives in Washington, DC.   It was the fourth year the group had held such an event.  As in years past, a host of Republican leaders appeared. Also as in years past, some of the media’s coverage of the event was negative.   Even before the event started, for example, some commentators were gleefully pointing out that South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford had, for obvious reasons, been disinvited from the event. Additional biting commentary was also heard from others on the far left edge of the political blogosphere.   While this was to be expected, it was also a shame. The vast majority of those who attended the Values Voters Summit were not the mean spirited caricatures some portrayed them to be. They were honorable individuals whose interest in the future of America was – and is – driven less by their political ideology than their personal beliefs. For the media to cover them with scorn was unfair. Yet they were not the only ones wronged that weekend. Republicans were also done a disservice as a result of the summit, because one of the storylines that emerged was that the GOP needs to run to the political right in order to return to political power. Clearly, the appearance of so many party leaders made this story an easy one to tell. But that didn’t make it one

that was in the best interests of the party as it heads into the mid-term elections next year. Make no mistake – the conservatives who attended the Values Voters Summit are the foundation of the modern Republican Party.  They are the ones who stuff the envelopes, staff the phone banks and show up for rallies when everyone else is sitting on their hands. It was not only politically smart that party leaders showed up to thank them for their loyalty and hard

To reach independents, Republicans not only need to tap into the frustration they have over the growth of government, but tap into their desire to make government work.

work. It was the right thing to do. But it is also important to remember that while a political party is built with its base, general elections are won in the middle. And if recent polls are to be believed, that part of the electorate is growing. Just last month, ABC News reported that 43 percent of the American people consider themselves to be independents -- the highest number ever. Unfortunately, as the political RIPON FORUM Fall 2009

center has expanded, Republican support among this key voting bloc has shrunk. Independents have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in Congress the past two elections. They were also a crucial part of the coalition that elected Barack Obama last year. Over the past several weeks, though, amidst rising concerns about the growth of government and the amount of new spending that has been proposed, support for the President’s policies among independents has appeared to slip. If this erosion continues, Republicans have to be ready to win their support. A roadmap to accomplish this goal might be found in a series of focus groups held at the end of August with independent voters.  Sponsored by the GOP advocacy group Resurgent Republic, the focus groups revealed two important things about independents.  First, while they share with Republicans a basic mistrust of big government, they also believe that limited government does have a role to play, particularly in situations where individuals are up against forces beyond their control (such as hurricanes, terrorist threats, and financial meltdowns).  Beyond this, the other thing the focus groups revealed is that independents are growing frustrated.  They feel they went to the polls and voted for better government last November, but have gotten only bigger government instead.  In short, they are beginning to wonder whether they were sold a false bill of goods.  25

To reach these voters, Republicans not only need to tap into the frustration independents have over the growth of government, but tap into their desire to make government work.  To be sure, the GOP’s reputation in this regard has suffered in recent years.  From the chaos after Katrina to the mismanagement of Iraq to the failure to regulate speculators who peddled bad mortgages and gambled with IRAs, Republicans have not exactly proven themselves to be competent managers of the bureaucracy.  (Of course, neither have the Democrats.) But times change, and the party is under new leadership.  George Bush is clearing brush in Texas, while Tom Delay is dancing with the stars.  It is critical that Republicans develop a message for independents that shows they have turned the page, as well.  For this reason, in addition to talking about values like they did at the September summit, the GOP would

also be well-served to begin talking about value.  More specifically, they should begin talking about the fact that when people send their money off to Washington, they want to know addition to talking about values like they did at the September [Values Voters] summit, the GOP would also be well-served to begin talking about value.  they are getting something of value back in return. This is especially true during tough economic times when household budgets are tight.  Whether it is the incomes taxes coming out of their paychecks or the 18.4 cents per gallon in federal gas taxes they are paying at the pump, Americans want to know that the dollars they earn and then turn over to the government are

being wisely spent.  As the recent focus groups made clear, independent voters have real concerns as to whether that is actually the case.  In the words of a woman who participated in one of the groups, “We don’t know where the money is going and where it is coming from.”  If the Republicans want to compete in the middle, they must be able to respond to these kinds of concerns.  Not with partisan outrage that paints all government spending with the broad brush of socialism.  But with substantive solutions that explain to independent voters how their tax dollars could be put to best use.  Doing so will put the party in a better position to win not only the support of independents, but next year’s elections, too. RF   Lou Zickar is the editor of The Ripon Forum.

Ideas that matter, since 1965.


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The Ripon Society would like to thank those who have participated in our 2009 Policy & Politics Dialogue Series

Judy Biggert

John Boehner Vern Buchanan

Jim Douglas

Vernon Ehlers

Dave Camp

Bill Cassidy

Jason Chaffetz Howard Coble Mitch Daniels

Chuck Grassley Wally Herger

Dan Lungren Kevin McCarthy

Tom Petri

Richard Lugar

Tom Price

Patrick Tiberi

John Fleming

Phil Gingrey

Darrell Issa

John Linder

Thaddeus McCotter

Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Jerry Moran

Lisa Murkowski

Devin Nunes

Tim Pawlenty

Adam Putnam

Dave Reichert

Paul Ryan

John Shadegg

Michael Steele

Fred Upton

Steven Latourette

Todd Tiahrt

Jeff Flake

Marsha Blackburn

Kay Granger

Don’t miss our upcoming events! October 27th - Breakfast with Leonard Lance October 28th - Breakfast with Frank Wolf November 4th - Breakfast with Joseph Cao November 5th - Breakfast with Robert Goodlatte December 9th - Breakfast with Kevin Brady For more information, please email or call (202) 216-1008 Visit us online at RIPON FORUM Fall 2009


Name: Jason Chaffetz Hometown: Alpine, Utah

Occupation: Congressman, Utah’s Third District Previous Jobs: 16 years in the local business community; Small business owner; Chief of Staff for Governor Huntsman (Utah); Trustee, Utah Valley University Individual(s) who inspired me as a child: My parents, Ronald Reagan, and my 6th grade teacher, Mr. Kobiashi Historical figure(s) I would most like to meet: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Winston Churchill Issue facing America that no one is talking about: Prison reform is one of them. The lack of personal respect, civility, and accountability is another major issue facing America that no one is talking about. What the GOP must do to recapture its congressional majority: Return to our true conservative principles such as a strong national defense, limited government, accountability, and fiscal discipline.



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