Ripples: Sharing Stories, Empowering Communities (July Issue)

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JULY 2020

FPOP reaches clients through ‘iScreen’ amid lockdowns in Iloilo

One of IScreen ambassadors executes the HIV self-screening using the IScreen in a live demonstration video in FPOP Iloilo. Photo grabbed from @IScreen2020

written by Emmanuel Lerona

The Family Planning Organization of the Philippines - Iloilo Chapter (FPOP Iloilo) was tasked to do the groundwork when the World Health Organization (WHO) tapped the Department of Health (DOH) Region 6 to promote HIV self-screening in the region starting in the last quarter of 2019. Dubbed as “iScreen”, the project was aimed at the discreet sectors of the population who previously could not be reached by the assisted HIV testing or who were reluctant to visit a screening facility. Persons interested to do self-screening only need to register through the iScreen’s online portal: Headed by project officers Roberto Figuracion Jr., and Vince Misterio, iScreen was launched in March 2020 to continue testing services despite the imposition of community quarantine. Offered online, the iScreen portal received 132 requests in its first month. As of the time of writing, the program has received a total 446 requests, with, 338 already delivered. Since the project’s implementation, 32 reactive cases have been reported and were linked to care. “The reactive cases from the self-screening project proves that, indeed, there is a need for us to do more novel and out-ofthe-box approaches to reach this... continue to page 3

LoveYourself presents at the 23rd International AIDS Conference

written by Diego Rozul

LoveYourself joins the first-ever LoveYourself’s Safe Spaces Program Manvirtual International AIDS Confer- ager, Joseph Cadeliña. ence (IAS) entitled “AIDS 2020: Virtual” from July 2-10, 2020. AIDS 2020: Virtual opened by discussing the impact of COVID-19 to global HIV reWith a total of 10 presentations from the sponse. Amid research findings showing pre-conference to the conference proper the socio-economic vulnerability of LGBTfrom July 6 to 10, LoveYourself has shared QIA+ community, disruption of PrEP serits experience and best practices in the vices, and challenges in treatment, WHO provision of sexual health services in the Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Philippines to the global audience of over Ghbreyesus calls on the nations and their development partners to ensure the con175 countries. tinuous delivery of sexual health services. “[The] IAS is among the top conferences that researchers in the HIV/AIDS sphere The latest in HIV prevention, treatment, would want to be seen. It was an hon- and cure research were also presented... or to be chosen as a presenter,” shared continue to page 8

What’s inside? 3

Community in Action: Bagani Community Center opens in Bacolod City


Community Spotlight: Lakan Warriors fight against HIV


Freedom Wall: Celebrating Truth and Pride of the LGBTQIA+


Community in Action: LoveYourself White House moves to a new location


Community Comics: Combi Nation (2nd episode)

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EDITORIAL BOARD A message from LoveYourself’s Executive Director, Dr. Ronivin Pagtakhan

July always gives me a sense of joy and fulfillment because it’s the month when my friends and I realized a formidable vision nine years ago, which we now call the LoveYourself, Inc. In celebrating its foundation day, I would like to emphasize how it has impacted many lives, including myself, as a healthcare professional. Nine years ago, I only wanted to inform people how to take care of their sexual health. But with the establishment of LoveYourself, I am honored that we have changed the lives of more than 7,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV), and more than 200,000 Filipinos know their status. I know that one way or another, we have imparted how they can take care of themselves and live their lives to the fullest. Now, the organization is replicating its community efforts to equip and enrich fellow community-based organizations and movers to CHAMPION for our shared causes. Through the support of Sustainability of HIV Services for Key Populations in Asia (SKPA), one of the significant collaborations of the Champion Community Centers (CCC), Pilipinas Shell Foundation and AIDS Healthcare Foundation this year is the celebration of the first-ever Philippine National HIV Prevention Month with the theme: #SaferNowPH, highlighting the concepts of HIV combination prevention. We are also incredibly grateful this year, for we have been able to present our innovative practices and insightful studies at the COVID pandemic-responsive holding of the 23rd International AIDS Conference. I also take pride in the passionate works of our community partners: Juan Positive Movement in Pampanga utilizing Tiktok to battle out HIV stigma; FPOP-Iloilo reaching clients through its “iScreen” and Wakanda talks campaigns amidst the restrictions of community quarantine; DIOSSA highlights its services for their clients in the south of Metro Manila; LoveYourself White House in Cebu City relocates and reopens to a new and more prominent location, and Bagani community center opens its doors to Negrenses.

Diego Rozul Editor-in-Chief News Editor Edgar Bagasol Jr. Managing Editor Layout Artist Russel Clint Francis So Features Editor Ria Briñes Creatives Editor Contributors Andy Sabado Aeronne Ara Pagtakhan Emmanuel Lerona Jabar Esmael Jean Paul Amit Ryan de Torres Ryan Taborada Queenie Mauhay TJ Monzon

Raybert Domingo Adviser

Looking at the brighter side of things despite the chaos around us, our community survives and celebrates our wins because ‘We care and look out for each other. We adapt and respond to the challenges. And we learn from one another as we all advance for the better.’ Let’s continue envisioning and leading for the greater good of our larger society.

Happy National HIV Prevention Month to all!

SHARE YOUR STORY! Create more Ripples by sharing stories of your own communities. This may include your events, activities, research, innovations, or any human interest stories that you think could inspire others in forwarding our cause. To contribute, you may contact us at

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Bagani Community Center opens in Bacolod City written by Jean Paul Amit The Champion Community Centers welcome the Bagani Community Center to its network of HIV care and wellness centers in the Philippines. Led by the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) and LoveYourself, Inc., the community center opened its doors once again on May 16, 2020 after its shortened soft opening in March of this year.

screening services template set by the Rajah Community Center in Iloilo City, and is also looking to be a provider of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP).

Since its soft opening on March 1, the Bagani Community Center has catered to clients with its 11 initial volunteers that have been trained and certified to conduct HIV screening as community-based services motivators. It is in the Center’s directive to have new batches of volunteers succeed The Bagani Community Center was estab- previous ones as time goes on, so please lished in order for Bacolod, and the rest of feel free to catch updates on how to beits neighboring cities in the island of Ne- come a volunteer. gros to have access to quality HIV testing and treatment services. As an HIV care An honor bestowed upon the dauntless, center, it also aims to provide psychosocial Bagani is a title that was earned in early support through an internal network for Filipino culture. To be acclaimed as a Bapersons living with HIV in the form of HIV gani means to be a warrior who rises above counseling services. one’s challenges, and because it takes heroism, we must evolve with modernity to The community center will be the first of champion the Bagani within us. The very Negros Island’s HIV Care providers with definition of Bagani relies on the sense of due thanks to FPOP, who advocates for community that which a Bagani honors sexual and reproductive health, mainly by with his victory. In the same way, the Baproviding access to HIV testing and sexu- gani Community Center aims to dignify the ally transmitted infection (STI) screening City of Bacolod through service. for men having sex with men (MSM), and pregnant women as well as their partners FPOP is able to commit its work through as part of ante-natal care. It also recogniz- its local and international partners, and naes the needs of the youth, particularly ado- tional and local agencies and facilities that lescent minors, to have access to free HIV provide resources, technical assistance testing services. In addition, the organiza- and services. May Bacolod embrace the tion serves the community of transgender Bagani in everyone through this thrust. women, who now have access to hormone therapy services and counseling. Clients may visit Bagani Community Center between 1PM to 8PM, Wednesday to By extending training and other means of Sunday, at the 3rd floor of the NEDF Buildcapacity-building, the Bagani Community ing, 6th Street, Bacolod City. Clients may Center aims to host a growing communi- also schedule HIV screening through their ty of volunteers, community facilitators, Facebook page @BaganiBCD. peer educators, and health care providers. Bagani adopts the community-based

The newly-renovated Bagani Community Center, decorated with Maskara murals-a well known festival in the Philippines. Photo grabbed from @IBaganiBCD

From page 1: FPOP reaches clients... ...previously unreachable sector. If we did not have iScreen, these people would still not be aware of their status, and given their reluctance to do traditional testing, there would be no way for them to find out. We are very privileged and thankful that we have iScreen in FPOP Iloilo,” shared Figuracion. Misterio, on the other hand, said, “When it comes to knowing your status, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are, what matters is what you do.” “Together with DOH and WHO, we give our community another option to know their status, which is to self-screen. There is absolutely no reason to fear for their sex life as long as they know their status in a secure and comfortable environment.” FPOP Iloilo is known to be at the forefront of HIV screening in Western Visayas. Despite being a non-government organization with fewer than ten staff, FPOP is recognized not only for its efforts in addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights but also for its HIV and AIDS services and advocacy. They have also been actively working with the local government unit of Iloilo City through its agencies such as the City Social Welfare and Development Office and the City Population Office, as well as other regional and national agencies such as the Commission on Population, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and the DOH.

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Meet DIOSSA! The Decent Image of South Signal Association (DIOSSA) is a transgender-led organization that was formed in 2014 in Taguig City. The organization has since relocated in Parañaque City continuing their passion for addressing trans health, psychological well-being, and human rights issues gearing towards a positive image for the transgender community. In 2018, DIOSSA along with LoveYourself, Inc., established Lily by LoveYourself in Parañaque City becoming the first-ever community center through a partnership. The location of the facility enables the organization to have a more expanded network, extending their reach to nearby cities, to clients living in Parañaque, Las Piñas, Taguig, Muntinlupa and even Pasay.

Photo grabbed from @DIOSSA.Taguig

Know more about DIOSSA and its advocacies by following them on Facebook: @DIOSSA.Taguig. You can also visit them at 5th Floor, Pineda Building, #98 Mañalac Ave., Sitio De Asis, San Martin de Porres, Parañaque City.

Lakan Warriors fight against HIV written by Queenie Mauhay Lakan Warriors in Mabalacat, Pampanga, have an exciting and engaging activity that teases off the mind while everyone is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and imposed community quarantines. As a coping mechanism, many Filipinos tend to show off their dancing, acting, and singing skills on this social media application and guess what it is - Tiktok.

engage everyone in promoting a compassionate generation wherein people living with HIV will be protected and respected in each entry of the participants. The Tiktok Challenge, closed accepting entries on July 9, 2020, and had their online voting process on Jully 11, 2020. Aside from the TikTok Challenge, LAKAN Community Center also hosted a poster making contest with the theme of “HIV Warriors on the Combat of COVID-19”. Its aim is to provide HIV and AIDS Awareness to the general public by reinforcing adequate information in the country. This contest showcased not just the talent among the volunteers and staff, but also to exhibit the talents of their fellow Lakans. The poster making contest was judged by Lesther Sibunga, the Executive Director and John Michael Niedo, the Program Coordinator/Case Manager of LAKAN Community Center.

The Lakan Community Center thought of utilizing this booming social media application in the country to promote HIV awareness while on lockdown. For those who may not know, TikTok is a social platform, where subscribers can record short videos of performances, daily activities, and what-have-yous. Adults and children alike are hooked on this app, entertaining themselves amidst the pandemic. The app can also be used to promote goods, services, On July 9, the winners of the competitions and even advocacies. were announced during the LakanGolive livestream. Jeremy Arquines from Cavite Lakan just did that by using TikTok to launch won the Tiktok Challenge, claiming 1,500 a localized contest called “TikTok Chal- pesos worth of mobile load while Chrislenge Unlocked Down.” Its main purpose is tian Paul from Angeles City, Pampanga to empower the youth & Lakan netizens to clinched the first prize for poster-making introduce the community center as a safe contest with 1,500 pesos. place for HIV and AIDS awareness, share their vision of equality, preserving The LAKAN Community Center aimed a healthy and an HIV & STI’s re- to help the LAKAN netizens to gain consponsive community. Through the fidence and trust the center’s values of 4 TikTok challenge Lakan aims to holistic care and empowerment.People


who are interested in their services offered and their upcoming events by LAKAN Community Center are welcome to visit their facebook page: LAKANCommunityCenter for the updates and interesting occasions.

Winning entry for the poster-making contest. Artwork by Paul from Angeles City, Pampanga


Save the dates for AUGUST! 03



Hola Chika!:

An online talk show among HIV advocates from Kagayan PLUS. Know more @kagayanplus2015 An online conference with the Mujeres. Know more @MUJERLGBT


08 Condoms and Lubricant Day A nationwide campaign on HIV Combination Prevention. Know more @HIVPrevMonthPH

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Ronda Mujeres:

26 Anniversary Special Edition


29 Culmination Activity

An inter-barangay distribution of condoms and lubes in Zamboanga Know more @MujerLGBT

An online talk show among HIV advocates from Kagayan PLUS. Know more @kagayanplus2015


15 PrEP and PEP Day

Know more @HIVPrevMonthPH

Know more @HIVPrevMonthPH


22 Undetectable =

Untransmittable (U=U) Day

Help us improve our newsletter!

Know more @HIVPrevMonthPH

You may send your suggestions or concerns to

Wakanda walks the talk written by Emmanuel Lerona Ryan Dave Estrella is uneasy. Half-sitting on the chair, he looks straight at the camera, waiting for a cue from director Vince “Bobet” Misterio. Their camera is nothing more than a mobile phone; the studio a makeshift one. There are no fancy lights, no fancy equipment, no expensive microphones. The team decorated the center’s lounge to make it more screen-ready for a video telecast program. This is Rajah, the community center of the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines Iloilo Chapter (FPOP Iloilo). Tonight, Rajah airs an episode of Wakanda Talks. When COVID-19 cases started to trickle in the country, the HIV Coordinator of FPOP Iloilo, Roberto “Robert” Figuracio Jr., was alarmed. Before the pandemic, Rajah has been receiving an average of 200 clients per month. But when the region started implementing local lockdowns, the number dropped drastically. In April, the total number of clients for the whole month was only 14. Something had to be done. The service-delivery chain, it seemed, was broken. But the services remained available despite the lockdowns. Rajah Community Center of FPOP Iloilo was open throughout the imposed community quarantines. But given the people’s immobility due to the pandemic, how could the people know how to avail of those services?

truly interactive. A number of questions, concerns, and feedback were received from online followers. The program was reaching its intended audience. On July 17, will get to them.” Of course, Robert did not Wakanda Talks aired its second episode, mean for the center to physically visit their this time about iScreen Self-test kits that clients at home. Instead, they launched a Rajah also provides to its clients for free. digital broadcast, a Facebook Live program, to provide to the community infor- To date, the Facebook page of Rajah Commation on HIV/AIDS as well as on sexual munity Center has accumulated a total of and reproductive health and rights. In more than 10,000 views for the first two truth, it was a subtle but ingenious way to episodes of Wakanda Talks. It has also realso try and get the message across that ceived more inquiries especially about iSRajah’s services remained available, and creen and other services because of the that the sectors that need the service most program. To Robert, that they were able can avail of the services. “to continue to provide the community with services because of Wakanda Talks is At the time, Iloilo City was making a name a form of justice.” for itself on social media for its admirable way of handling COVID-19 in the region. It “The sector that we serve is already marwas dubbed “Wakanda of the Philippines.” ginalized. We do not want them to be marRobert thought to name the Facebook Live ginalized again just because there is COVprogram “Wakanda Talks” after the moni- ID-19. There is no excuse,” Robert added ker given to Iloilo. And so “Wakanda Talks” emphatically. So Robert, Bobet, and Ryan was born. Dave carry on with their mission. They are airing the third episode of Wakanda Talks Wakanda talking, Wakanda walking. on August 14, 2020, at 6 PM, and it’s all Wakanda Talks first aired live on Facebook about Combination Prevention. “Watch on June 11. Ryan Dave and his guests from out for online games and prizes”, Bobet the FPOP HIV ambassadors and Men of quipped. To receive updates and to view Fitness talked about basic concepts sur- the program, follow the Rajah Community rounding HIV. To everyone’s delight, the Center page on Facebook at https://www. broadcast had about a hundred live view- While the number might be small, it tyCenter/ was more than enough to make the show

Enter Wakanda. In June, Robert came up with a plan. He thought, “If people could not get to our center to get the needed information and services, then our center

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Photo grabbed from @FPOPiloilo


Artwork by @QuinnArt

WARNING written by Queenie Mauhay If you’re going to enter my world, Barge into my door, And destroy the wall Separating me from reality, Let me warn you– Let me warn you That I have an unfathomable mind. I make people as planets Revolving around me And turns me into who I am. Let me warn you That my thoughts are as wild As the billions of stars Dazzling up in the sky, Yet balls of gasses that Burns eternally. Let me warn you That I don’t see the moon as moon, But as a goddess that loves people Dearly, yet Afraid of being hated Beacuse of its incurable flaws. Let me warn you That never have I thought that the sun Is just an ordinary sun that people Loves so much, But as a man who accepts The moon for who she was Even if he needs To catch her shadow forever. Let me warn you That you may or may not Become a part of me— A galaxy that wonders which place She belongs to. Always Lost in her thoughts, Lives in her own dreams, And wears her slivered pride As a crown. Elegantly, Galantly, With much dignity. Let me warn you, If I am the universe, Are you still willing to find me too?

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It’s okay not to be okay written by Aeronne Ara Pagtakhan

I think change is something we all are afraid of; it’s hard to embrace. There are still those a lot of “what ifs” and a bunch of questions starting with “whys.” Like, how you wonder if things went according to plan, how would you feel? Happy? Satisfied? Who can answer that? No one, but you. What if things don’t go back to the way it was before, will you survive or struggle? Your mind overthinks endlessly, imagining all the worst possible scenarios. There are times where you find yourself staring blankly at nothing or being in the middle of something then suddenly, your thoughts hit you. Hard. You feel a tight squeeze on your chest as tears running down your cheeks, wiping furiously. I want to tell you this, it’s okay not to be okay. You are strong, stronger than what you think— Bold, compassionate, daring, bright, loving and so much more. Whatever you are going through, whatever pain you are feeling right now, you have what it takes to get through it. There’s no need to rush, continue to heal yourself and move forward at your own pace. What you deserve will come to you. Change may be scary, but sometimes change is what we need.

T H E A R T O F S A F E S PAC E written by Ryan de Torres When people undergo HIV testing, some are confused, some are anxious, and some are prepared. Welcome them with uplifting soul to encourage them and take a pause. Assist them with kindness to let them feel the ease or offer them a coffee to let them experience a relaxing breeze. Sit with them with openness, with no bias nor stereotyping. Begin the conversation by letting them know you, that you are here ready to help and convey that they are not alone. Know their thoughts, know what their sentiments for you to know what is going on. Understand their story, feel it as if it is yours. Lend your ears and take note. Reassure them with calmness, with no judgment towards them. Listen attentively, respond suitably.

teaching and sharing with information that is tailored-fit. As they are about to get their results, some are confused, some are anxious, and some are prepared. Strengthen their heart and soul with encouragement, they need the most. As they see the result, you will see different feelings and reactions. Some are relieved, and some are joyful, let them cherish what they feel. Some are lost, and some are sad, let them feel you are there to guide and accompany them. Some do not exactly know what to do.

Let them feel the hope to secure their momentarily lost soul. Whatever the result, definitely it is not the end, some will need guidance, while some will need reassurance. At the end of the day, they will let you know, the difference you made--the By this time, they may be uncomfortable, comforting presence and caring atmosafraid, or ashamed. Empower them by phere you provided. The art of safe space.


Celebrating Truth and Pride of the LGBTQIA+ Artwork by Jabar Esmael

This series depicts the celebration of truth and the pride of LGBTQIA+ community. It is not just about being but the value that every human being represents. Freedom is the core essence of these series. May the each and every canvas that is being presented here display the spectrum of humanity not just LGBTQIA+ community.

“Piliin mong maging matapang.”

“Piliin mong maging masaya.”

“Piliin “Piliin mong mong maging maging totoo.” totoo.”

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“Piliin mong maging malaya.”


From page 1: LoveYourself presents... ...during the AIDS 2020: Virtual. Some exceptional presentations include a discussion on new methods of effective treatment, and a case study on a possible remission of HIV infection. LoveYourself presented standout papers as well as staff showed its experience in adopting telemedicine in its community based approach in providing PrEP, its innovative test-andtreat approach in HIV care, and its efforts in scaling up the Philippines’ first community led transgender community center, among many others. The continuation of the 23rd International AIDS Conference as AIDS 2020: Virtual is a testament to the world’s dedication to global health goals in the elimination of HIV and AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Through a combination of responsive and proactive sexual health services, systems, and partnerships, efforts can certainly be augmented to reach key populations, and normalize discussion on HIV and AIDS. For more information on AIDS 2020: Virtual, you can visit https://www. LoveYourself entries to the AIDS 2020: Virtual. Poster by Edgar Bagasol

LoveYourself White House, moves to a new location

written by Ryan Taborada

On July 10, LoveYourself White House relocated to its new home at 6 A. Morales St., Camputhaw, Cebu City. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the previous location of the community center was utilized as a laboratory for RT-PCR and GenXpert SARS-COV-2 tests. “Moving to a new location required a lot of work, and this pandemic has presented huge challenges in our transition,” says Jan Shaltiel Vincent Estrada, clinic manager and head of LoveYourself White House. “But in the end, the payoff is tremendous, because our new home is much bigger, with more space to optimize our operations.” In its new location, LoveYourself White House has a floor area of 280 sq.m. and lot area of 730 sq.m., almost double the square footage of the previous center. It

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stands two stories along a relatively quiet street behind Harolds Hotel, just minutes away from the University of the Philippines Cebu and Cebu Business Park. Just like the center in its former location, the facade is that of an old-fashioned Filipino home painted white, making it a reassuring and comely destination for those who are about to enter.

LoveYourself White House simply for its facade, which is that of a quaint Filipino home painted white. It was a structure that stood humbly against the budget hotels and food joints that surrounded the area. As it was in close proximity to the hustle and bustle of the Fuente Osmeña circle, a historical Cebu landmark, LoveYourself White House made itself a safe and private nook for those who wish to avail of free Since it is still on soft opening, LoveYour- HIV screening, counseling, and treatment. self White House is still being set up to a fully functional community center that LoveYourself White House on 6 A. Moprovides free HIV screening, counseling, rales St. is currently open from Tuesdays treatment, and other services. It will stay to Saturdays, 10 AM to 6 PM. At the motrue to the original coworking-space con- ment, the center does not accept walkfiguration, with the offer of complimenta- ins. Appointments can be scheduled at ry Wi-Fi, light refreshments, board games, For inquiries and books, among others. about current services being offered and expectations on the center’s full launch, The former location at #40 J. Llorente St., contact them at 0927 873 7575 or at Capitol Site, Cebu City was a great starting @loveyourselfwhitehouse. point for LoveYourself’s first community center outside Metro Manila. It was named


Artwork by Andy Sabado and TJ Monzon

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