JUNE 2020
A volunteer sets up an HIV screening and counseling booth at his own residence in Cebu City. (Photo by RTaborada)
LoveYourself White House activates Project Reach written by Ryan Taborada Despite the pandemic, LoveYourself White House has continued to innovate its programs to provide accessible sexual health services in Metro Cebu.
outreach. The volunteers are briefed with the step-by-step process of the project as well as the necessary safety measures to observe, which include a COVID-19 assessment.
In June 2020, LoveYourself White House launched its latest offering - Project Reach. This is a new initiative that combines oneon-one outreach with Safe Spaces PH - a geolocation mobile application that identifies LGBT-friendly and sex positive spaces for the distribution of free condoms and lubricants.
Aside from the supplies for administering screening and distributing condoms and lubricants, the volunteers are also provided with personal protective equipment.
“We are aware of the risks when we go out there to conduct the outreach,” said Rad Granada, one of the volunteers for Project Reach. “But there is also this bigger risk for Project Reach utilizes LoveYourself volun- those who are already living with HIV but teers to extend the center’s services de- just do not know it,” he added. spite transport limitations. Volunteers answer queries regarding HIV, distribute free To sign up for Project Reach, clients in Cebu condoms and lubricants, and, if requested, City can fill out the form at go.loveyouradminister free HIV screening and coun- self.ph/Reach or contact 0927 873 7575. They will then be contacted by the availaseling in their area of residence. ble HIV counselor or Human Safe Spaces “It is important that we find ways to con- closest to them to set up an appointment. tinue serving the community despite the wrenches thrown our way,” said Jan Shaltiel Estrada, community center manager and head of LoveYourself Cebu. “COVID-19 makes it even more important for one to know their status,” he added. Community in Action: To get the project rolling, Estrada initiated 3 CURLS brings Pride celebration in Cebu City, online a group video call with several fellow volunteers, who can respond to the need of Spotlight: their respective barangays, and act as Hu4 Community Mujer-LGBT Oragnization, Inc. man Safe Spaces to provide one-on-one
What’s inside?
‘PROJECT FEARLESS’ to intensify HIV testing in CDO written by EJ Marquez Oro Pia Community Center by Kagay-an PLUS, Inc. is all set for their online campaign on HIV testing entitled: “PROJECT FEARLESS” this coming July. Through their online platform, K-PLUS, a Cagayan de Oro based organization, is optimistic that they won’t only augment their reach and engagement in their local communities but nationally as well... continue to page 3
Freedom Wall: Metamorphosis
Community in Action: LoveYourself pioneers Telemedicine for Trans Health
Community Comics: Combi Nation (first episode)
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A message from LoveYourself’s Executive Director, Dr. Ronivin Pagtakhan
Mabuhay, community advocates! Welcome to the maiden issue of the Ripples! LoveYourself, through SKPA Philippines & Champion Community Centers, initiated this newsletter to update our stakeholders of all our programs, activities, and events. This issue highlights community-based organizations’ responses to adapt to the “new normal” situation, while also celebrating the “Pride” in our community.
In the wake of two pandemics – HIV and COVID-19, our resilience and passion have prevailed by innovating programs to continue serving our clients. LoveYourself quickly shifted its services online, so every client can observe COVID19 pre-assessment, physical distancing, and ensure safety while engaging with our friendly volunteers and staff. We launched Xpress for medicine refills, iCON for consultation, acXess for ambulatory services, SelfCare for introducing HIV self-screening, and Booking for online appointment system.
We see these recent hurdles as opportunities for us to grow and go the extra mile for and with our stakeholders and partners because addressing HIV does not stop even with COVID-19. Thus, we laud all the programs and activities of our fellow community advocates nationwide.
Create more Ripples by sharing stories in your own communities.
Central Luzon implemented the HIV Konek to provide clients a convenient directory of sexual health services. CURLS holds the first-ever online Pride March in Cebu and LoveYourself in Cebu devised the “Project Reach” to provide access to clients for HIV testing and prevention services. Lastly, Kagay-an PLUS, Inc. is brewing the PROJECT FEARLESS campaign to intensify HIV testing and awareness in Cagayan de Oro City. As we celebrate Pride Month, we offer you literary pieces that we hope would inspire us to embrace change and become the better versions of ourselves. Besides that, we are also introducing diverse ways to prevent HIV through our comic series. I couldn’t be more proud of our partner organizations for adapting to the challenges with zeal and determination.
This may include your events, activities, research, innovations, or any human interest stories that, you think, could inspire others in forwarding our cause. To contribute, you may contact us at ripplespub@loveyourself.ph
With all these featured stories, I take pride in the birth of Ripples. Enjoy reading and Happy Pride!
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As the official newsletter of the Champion Community Centers network, “Ripples” highlights waves of progress in the HIV advocacy that started out as small concerted efforts for positive change. This publication features monthly initiatives of our community centers nationwide, including best practices, research and innovations, and human-interest stories. In collaboration with SKPA and LoveYourself Inc., Ripples brings to light the impact of each community-based organization have in their respective localities through documentation and recognition of efforts. With this newsletter, we are kept grounded and motivated to improve ourselves as a community, hoping to inspire others in the spirit of healthy collaboration.
Diego Rozul Editor-in-Chief News Editor Edgar Bagasol Jr. Managing Editor Layout Artist Russel Clint Francis So Features Editor Ria Brines Creatives Editor
Contributors Jesse Castelo Ryan Taborada Queenie Mauhay Lord-Art Lomarda EJ Marquez TJ Monzon Franco Moje Andy Sabado Leo Pura JB Suarez (+) Raybert Domingo Adviser
CURLS brings Pride celebration in Cebu City, online written by Jesse Castelo
tional Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, Magdalena Robinson, CURLS Inc. President mentioned that this online series is a response to the lack of attention to the transgender communiThemed as Pride Pandemia: Resilience, ty. Persevere, the virtual march utilized social media platforms of CURLS and its VIBE “It provides a space in social media to disCommunity Center to raise visibility of is- cuss issues within the transgender sector. sues in the time of the pandemic. It’s an opportunity for advocates to come together to freely talk about what’s in their Reaching over three thousand people, the minds and hearts in the issues of the comvirtual pride march would not have been a munity,” shared Robinson. success without their early efforts of normalizing LGBT-focused content online. Additionally, when asked about the importance of talking over trans issues especially Last May 17, CURLS started a weekly on- during a health crisis, Robinson highlighted line panel discussion series among trans- the marginalization of transgender people gender advocates entitled Transgender in in online forums particularly in this time of the Know. Launched during the Interna- the pandemic. She stated that “it should be taken as an opportunity for all trans activCebu United Rainbow LGBT Sector (CURLS), Inc. spearheads Cebu City’s first-ever online pride march on June 21.
ists to organize content to respond to this neglect.” Advocating HIV awareness effectively during a global pandemic has been a challenge, especially for community-based organizations like CURLS, in the face of public health orders and restrictions. This requires organizations to adopt new strategies in delivering their initiatives and services. Shifting the advocacy virtually is a smart move that enables institutions to reach their communities and keep their work timely, relevant, and fulfilling. With the spike in COVID-19 cases, a major shift in service delivery is anticipated. Organizations can utilize online mediums available for them to further and carry on their advocacy work and preserve their engagement with their communities.
From page 1: ‘PROJECT FEARLESS’ to intensify... PROJECT FEARLESS builds upon the 2018 World AIDS Day Theme -“Get Tested and Know Your Status.” The campaign aims to empower people to get tested and know their status during the pandemic, where people living with HIV are one of the vulnerable populations to COVID-19 due to a compromised immune system.
The golden organizations conceptualized this campaign in response to the global health crisis. It is something purposeful where our volunteers can also feel that sense of fulfilment each time they see happy people that are satisfied with our service.
We should always be fearless! Get tested and know your status.
Through timely testing, Oro Pia Community Center aims to connect people who are unknowingly living with HIV to care. PROJECT FEARLESS also urges the people to assess themselves and to be fearless in getting tested. Through this, people can access correct information when managing their sexual health. While in the community center, it is also an opportunity for the community to learn that HIV can affect As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, anyone. where some countries are still on lockdown or quarantine, Oro Pia wants to re“We also thought of something that could mind everyone that aside from boosting help people in a way that as a community our immune systems, we should never forwe could work together to make the world get to practice safer sex always. a better place to live in this time of pandemic” said Klein Cortez, Oro Pia Community Center Officer.
PROJECT FEARLESS ambassadors lend their time and voices for this online campaign, which will be released in July. The campaign involves 20 influencers who will advocate HIV awareness and testing. (Photo by EMarquez)
UNAIDS (2020) suggests that people with underlying health conditions, including PLHIV and senior citizens, are more likely to get COVID-19. Thus, it’s important to follow precautions to reduce the risk of acquring the virus. Check here for tips: http://go.loveyourself.ph/COVIDtips.
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Photo by @MujerLGBT
Mujer-LGBT Organization, Inc. Mujer-LGBT Organization, Incorporated is a Zamboanga-based community organization composed of advocates who promote HIV/AIDS awareness and protection of human rights of LGBTQIA+ and PLHIV communities.
Photo by @MujerLGBT
Konek with me! written by Queenie Mauhay Where is the nearest HIV Clinic I can go to? How can I get my medication if my place is on lockdown? What if I am positive, where can I get assistance? These are questions that most key populations to HIV ask with the imposition of community quarantine due to COVID-19. In Central Luzon, many people are still unaware of the services offered by the clinics near them. This scenario has been aggravated due to the issuance of community quarantine guidelines, making it challenging to visit centers for any HIV-related services. Thus, the Regional PLHIV Support Network (RPSN) of Central Luzon designed the ‘Central Luzon HIV Konek.’ HIV Konek is an online information gathering system that connects people to HIV facilities within Central Luzon for the availability of the clinics offering various HIV services. This site helps people to access information from the frequently asked questions such as how to have free HIV screening, locations of the facilities that give free condoms and lubes which can be seen through all the pinned locations in the Central Luzon Tuberculosis (TB) - HIV service delivery map. The site also supplies facts about Pre-Exposure
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The organization provides free HIV screening and counseling, paralegal services, and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) education. They also serve as a temporary shelter to those in need. Follow Mujer on Facebook @MujerLGBT to learn more about their advocacies. (PrEP), including locations where people ones, to cope with the limited movement posed by the pandemic. The shift to telecan avail it. medicine from walk-in consultations, deMoreover, the site provides details about livery system for antiretroviral medication antiretroviral (ARV) medicine refill servic- refills, strict appointment process to limit es, treatment facilities, and support groups physical interactions between clients and in Central Luzon. Currently, there are total healthcare providers and an expanded of 26 HIV treatment facilities in the region. network to promote community-based Basic information about HIV, TB and Hep- screening for HIV, pre-exposure prophylactic therapy and ARV emergency refill atitis-B can also obtained on the site. services. HIV Konek truly helps people connect with correct and timely information and servic- When the General Community Quarantine es to clients, HIV testing, and treatment was implemented, the DOH released the centers. Unification of service providers Memorandum No. 2020-0247. The Interim and facilities in the region in one page Guideline on Local Travel Ban Exemption(s) has also improved the reach and quality of Person with Medically Necessary Reaof service each center provides following sons in the COVID-19 Pandemic further reliable referrals. The site can be accessed reinforces the exemption of non-emergency essential health or health-related anytime through bit.ly/CLHIVKonek. services, emergency conditions, obstetric conditions, dental conditions, medical conditions and pediatric conditions from the limited movement cause by the community quarantine guidelines.
Promoting continuity of care during a pandemic written by Russel Clint Francis So
Prior to the implementation of the community quarantine, the government assured that the health sector will continue providing medical services. The Department of Health (DOH) Memorandum No. 2020- 0247 ensures continuity of care in the HIV community. Different advocacy groups and institutions rolledout new programs, mostly online assisted
In LoveYourself, Inc. alone, the organization has provided primary health care services to over 6,000 PLHIV. With the continued adoption of risk-based public health standards consistently implementing public health measures according to the overall infection and prevention control (IPC), individuals with medical conditions travelling to and from a healthcare facility must strictly comply with the respiratory etiquette, required use of masks, observing physical distancing, practicing correct handwashing using soap and water or 70% alcohol-based sanitizer to control COVID-19 transmission.
written by Queenie Mauhay
When I was a child, I saw a beautiful butterfly in my grandmother’s garden. It fluttered slowly as it went from one bud to another. There, I noticed its wings. It has the same color of the flowers abundantly growing on their bed; Red, orange, and yellow. I wanted to touch it, grab it - own it as I was mesmerized by its beauty. I wanted to be that butterfly. As a child growing up, I realized that, somehow at some point, I got hobbies that are different from the children as old as I am. The way I wanted to use my mother’s lipstick not to draw, put it on in front of the mirror and watch myself feel lovely. The way I wanted to play with my sister’s doll and play house with the girls around my age as I braided their hair. The way I object to my father when it comes to boxing and basketball to sneak out and have fun with my girlfriends. The way I wanted to be as pretty as them despite that my gender is opposing. One day, I asked my grandmother if something’s wrong with me because I couldn’t help questioning this growing jealousy and pain inside me. I told her the “weird” hobbies that I love to do and the personalities that I kept hiding even though it’s like a seed that grows bigger as time goes by. “Am I weird, grandma?” I asked warily. My grandmother, at the peak of her age, hair as white as the sampaguita buds in her garden, looked at me then smiled, “No, you’re not.” She said. “I was like you before. I grew up full of thoughts and hating myself because I am different from other girls back then, well, not until I met your Grandma Eli. She helped me accept myself and become who I am today. We grew each other’s roots with love and kindness.” She said, eyes gleaming with happiness. “Soon you’re going to figure out what’s going on with you. You’re going to meet lots of people who will help you find yourself along the process. You’ll be fine as you grow beautifully!” Her voice sounded with assurance. “Just like the butterfly in your garden grandma?” “Yes, just like the butterfly in the garden.” Despite my unavoidable differences, I am still hooked to the butterfly I saw when I was a child. I still wanted to be that butterfly– confidently beautiful as it flies high. Years have passed since my grandma bid her final goodbyes, yet the words she left are still etched inside my heart, bringing out the best in me. I accepted my fate, embraced it despite the objection of my father, receiving wounds, bruises, and curses from his angry knuckles. I accepted my fate and embraced it despite the mocking and chants from people whom I thought would accept me; degrading my ability and bringing me down a couple of times. I accepted my fate and embraced it as I held tightly to the hope that one day, I will be the butterfly I saw in my grandmother’s garden– soaring and not bothered from what the society dictates.
Efflorescence written by JB Suarez (+) In the country mile, there you are again Harboring somberness of the distant sky Uncluttering memoirs of such fragile soul While letting the frigid breeze of summer sky To embrace your satiny, muffled skin, And in the field of carnations and daffodils, You mix with balm and spice in solitude, Yet eyes are blank in the cunning scenery As if lost in space and disparity Waiting for either consolation or solace From the wrecked sky of moons and stars, Or dreaming for comfort and merriment From the passing waves of the tranquil sea; But no matter how mislaid and lost you are Inside of you are resplendency and radiancy. Like seashells forgotten on the forlorn shore You’ll find the hand to adorn your endless joy;
Like tiny buds on a forest’s glade You’ll be sure to bloom like a springtime heed.
written by Leo Pura
I dreamed of your somber silence numbing the cheerfulness of the waves. We were walking side by side along a beach As we waited for a star-filled Saturday night. You shared how love has continuously stabbed your heart in the past weeks leaving you for dead like those seaweeds entangling our feet by the secluded shore. I tried staring at your soulless eyes Your anger lingering in a bottomless pit. I turned my gaze into the darkened horizon,
shocked by how ordinary our shared grief was. I woke up and the absentee summer was gone. What remained was the fear that in a year’s time, We would still be stranded in our houses. Our discolored skin, stranger to the sun. Your face, once the marquee playing in my head, ceased to bring wonder and mirth. Your laughter had turned hollow, your caresses muted by sorrow. The future finally figured how it lost its shadow.
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Give yourself a break! Take the pressure off yourself to be productive – we are in a pandemic and it’s OK not to be working or studying full on. Be forgiving to yourself and those around you.
LoveYourself pioneers telemed for Trans Health
LoveYourself staff and volunteers monitor ‘booking’ schedules for their trans health and HIV services, including Xpress, iCON, and SelfCare. Visit www.loveyourself.ph for more information on these services. (Photo by EBagasol)
written by Diego Rozul
LoveYourself services are officially offered through an appointment basis starting June 2020 through go.loveyourself.ph/Booking in alignment with the General Community Quarantine implemented in Metro Manila. This innovation was initiated by LoveYourself to continue its services to the community while still observing physical distancing protocols. One of the key services LoveYoursef that has adapted the appointment basis is transgender health. From initial consultation, to pre-gender affirming surgery counseling and hormone replacement therapy sessions, Victoria by LoveYourself is stead-
In a pandemic, we are encouraged to find ways to pleasure ourselves that do not involve risk of COVID-19 transmission. Cam or video sex has been a popular option for many people to satisfy their sexual urges while stuck at home. However, proceed with caution. Your sessions might be being viewed by others or recorded without your consent. Consider hiding your face under a wig or a mask, and performing with a neutral background that does not identify you.
fast in providing access to safe biomedical transitioning amid the pandemic. Currently, services are carried out through a combination of telemedicine and in-person scheduled consultations. Staff from Victoria by LoveYourself reach out to clients through a phone call to confirm their doctor’s consultation request and the services they have booked with the center. The staff further inquires on the appointment date and time as well as the mode of online consultation (Facebook Messenger, Viber, among others) to be used. A trans health doctor from Victoria by LoveYourself will get in touch with the client through their preferred mode for the online consultation. Rest assured, all information disclosed with the trans health
For in-center services, clients are encouraged to answer honestly in a self-assessment guide for possible symptoms or exposure to COVID-19 before visiting the community center. This is key in providing safe access to trans health services while keeping Victoria by LoveYourself volunteers, staff, and clients safe. Truly, LoveYourself’s unwavering commitment to provide access to sexual and trans health services shines through innovations such as Booking. This is also one of their first steps in pioneering a holistic trans health program in the Philippines which will start this year.
Save the dates for JULY PROJECT FEARLESS:
01 The Grand Online Launch
An online campaign to encourage and empower people to get tested and know their status in the time of pandemic. Know more @kagayanplus2015
Champion weekly activity: 03 Project PH4 Know more @projecth4
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International AIDS Conference 2020
A 5-day virtual conference that will bring together community voices in the global HIV response to discuss how we’ve come so far and what is left to do. Know more at www. aids2020.org
weekly activity: 11 Champion Juan Positive Movement
Know more @JuanPositiveMovement
doctor via Booking are kept confidential and all data received are kept private and secured.
Circle Online (first session) 12 Flourish A 6-week peer support program that seeks to build resilience and healthy coping mechanisms among its participants. To enroll, visit bit.ly/FlourishCircle
weekly activity: 17 Champion Bisdak Pride Inc. Know more @Kabisdakpride
of Siyam: 21 Love The LoveYourself 9th Anniversary
An online celebration of LoveYourself’s nine years of advocacy and commitment to flourish communities and provide sexual health services in the country. Know more @loveyourself.ph
Help us improve our newsletter! You may send your suggestions or concerns to ripplespub@loveyourself.ph.
once was a healthy body where the celltizens work together to take care of the organs and the person that it made up. But one faithful day, Vee - a powerful virus burst through the skin threatening to take over. Master Edu who has heard of the infamous Vee organized the Combi Nation to ultimately defend and manage Vee’s invasion.
Vee (right) is the ultimate villain that tries to take over Combi Nation. Vee deceives everyone with its cute persona but when it attacks, it can paralyze the systems of the body. Through time, if Vee is not prevented, it evolves to its most powerful form, named Aida (left).
Artwork by TJ Monzon
Gono and Phylis
They are Vee’s lead minions. They may not be as powerful as Vee, but they can cause infections that can lead to severe complications in the body.
Combi Heroes PBrothers, REP and EP
The P Brothers are the incredible ninja duo. REP (right) sets up stealthy traps for unsuspecting Vee replicants, while EP (left) takes out any replicants who unexpectedly pierce through with his short blade and throwing stars.
Dom ensures that entry and exit points in the body are protected as he guards the outside of the body and uses his lube tank that creates an impermissible translucent barrier that strengthens his protective wall.
Art and his specialized team of knights are especially deployed to liberate bodies of the harmful effects of Vee. By knocking them out and Art patrolling the body, organs can function normally.
Master Edu
The wise guru who is behind the Combi heroes. He guides the heroes with his powerful wisdom which also kept the body safe and peaceful for many years before Vee attacked Combi Nation.
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Permission to Reproduce The information in this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from the network, provided that due diligence is exercised in ensuring the accuracy of the information reproduced; that the institution is identified as the source of the information; and that the reproduction is not presented as an official version of the information reproduced, nor as having been made in affiliation with or with the endorsement of the Ripples Community Publication.
Sharing STORIES Empowering Communities 8 8
@loveyourself.ph | @ChampionCommunityCenters | @skpaPH