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Community Spotlight: LAKAN and its two years of heroic service



and its much in the last two years. From just a community organization back then, it has with undying fealty towards their advoca cy is what makes a true LAKAN. two years now become one of the best-performing Primary HIV Care clinic in Pampanga both in terms of reaching clients and implementing campaigns for the communiLAKAN maintains their mission in conveying and pursuing HIV & AIDS advocacy by engaging every citizen in the fight against of heroic ty. This made the community center be included in the first group of Champion Community Centers that LoveYourself has the HIV epidemic, STI’s and other related illnesses. By standing firm, striving harder, embracing all the challenges, and by emservice been supporting over the last two years. This was also the time when their community center was established, which was the LAKAN community center. powering PLHIV community, they remain steadfast. Envisioning an enabled environment where equality and collective efforts in preserving a healthy community is written by John Albert Pascual The organization chose “LAKAN” as its observed. name to stand for what they believe in--- To stay updated with LAKAN CommuLAKAN Community Center celebrated their 2nd year of providing heroic service in the field of HIV advocacy on November 5. Held in Magalang, Pampanga, the organto help and to inspire. LAKAN Community Center aims to be a remarkable influence in spreading awareness on HIV & AIDS and to lend a hand for People living with HIV, especially those who are in need. nity Center, follow them on Facebook @ LAKANCommunityCenter. You may also visit them at LAKAN Community Center, 104 B Roxas Street, Mabalacat 2010, Pampanga. ization prepared fun-filled activities and surprises for their staff and volunteers. Reveling in their groundbreaking achievement of becoming a treatment facility, the organization is now able to start a new chapter in catering to the community The LAKAN Community Center was needs. Navigating through predominantfounded to spread awareness on HIV/ ly provincial standards and traditionally AIDS and other sexually transmitted infec- conservative social norms oftentimes the tions (STIs) in the province of Pampanga. advocates are misconstrued, but by being From its humble beginnings as the Juan true to their core values, mission, and viPosi+ive Movement (JPM) in 2016, LA- sion, the staff and volunteers are able to KAN Community Center has grown so put their passion into action. Committed

Staff and volunteers of LAKAN Community Center.

Photo grabbed from @LAKANCommunityCenter

HASH brings 'CareDivas' online to support children living with HIV

written by Johann de Leon and Gem Cabreros

The history of the performing arts ognized the vulnerability of the children sion of using art as a force for social change has always been consistent in por- amid the health crisis. The organization and development by weaving marginalized traying diverse shows inspired by has a network of key populations that they stories into an inclusive tapestry. Howevtrue to life stories. Through its have been supporting and one of these is er, when the COVID-19 pandemic came stage productions, bringing forth the needs of more than 30 children living about, this beautiful tapestry was shelved. social awareness and initiating dia- with HIV. With their directory of families logues has resulted in positive rip- with children living with HIV they are able The musical CareDivas revolves around ples of change. It could be said that to directly provide assistance. five transgender Overseas Filipino Workart and advocacy has its inclinations ers (OFW) who are caregivers by day and for philanthropy especially through HIV & AIDS Support House (HASH) is a drag queens by night. Most Filipinos know trying times. community organization that has long someone who is an OFW, and one might focused on work on the ground. Mostly see the faces of their loved ones in ChelThe Philippine Educational Theater Asso- known for Community-Based HIV Screen- sea, Shai, Kayla, Thalia and Jonee. ciation (PETA) issued a call for help to con- ing, which involves reaching out in person tinue its mission amid the pandemic, HIV and providing services to different com- Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Camber Phar& AIDS Support House (HASH) answered. munities, HASH found itself in a difficult maceuticals, the National Council of To give people hope amidst the global pan- position when the COVID-19 pandemic Churches in the Philippines, KinksNKdemic, PETA and HASH are bringing the hit. weens, and The Red Whistle joined in as award-winning musical CareDivas online. partners in the project. Proceeds of the show on November 27, The Philippine Educational Theater Asso2020 will be for children living with HIV. ciation (PETA) is a true people’s theater. In Those who would want to contribute can order to empower individuals and foster purchase e-Tickets at http://bit.ly/HASHDuring the lockdown, HASH received calls community-building values, it showcases Caredivas. CareDivas shall stream for 24 for assistance from mothers of children Filipino culture and the human experience. hours online, starting at 10 a.m. on Noliving with HIV, and the organization rec- For 50 years, it has stayed true to its mis- vember 27, 2020.

LoveYourself and CHAMPION Community Centers open its doors for relief good drop-off written by Queenie Mauhay

Many of our hearts went out to people heavily affected by recent natural calamities when pictures of the disaster swarm our social media feeds and news reports. Several efforts began to alleviate the burdens of our kababayans who went through this tough November, following several typhoons that hit tention to send an in-kind donation to any of LoveYourself Community Centers. Another option is to drop off relief items to the nearest Champion Community Centers in the country, so that they can gather enough rations to distribute especially to those who are in dire need of help among the affected areas. divide into as many as possible, prolonging their stay in the office after the working hours to help in repacking. Their actions may have been small, but it managed to create a ripple of positive actions as people, who have seen the posts, have heard our pleas and extended their hands out to these people affected. This sparked LoveYourself, Inc., led by its Executive Director Ronivin Pagtakhan, to open its doors for donations and support to be given to the victims of this heart-retching disaster in the country. The organization decided to launch a wide-posting announcement through social media to call the volunteers and other people’s atthe country consecutively. “We hope that our kababayans can provide and assist us in our efforts to provide relief to fellow Pinoys who are affected by the typhoon” Pagtakhan noted as he coordinates with other community centers. Donations from different places came drastically through our extended connections; thus, no time has been wasted as our staff immediately acted and gathered the donated goods and boxes of clothes to 5 5 Donating is still open for the public as the organization is yet to finalize the collected donations. To call everyone’s kindness, just drop off donations at any LoveYourself Community Center and we will coordinate with our partners and LGU’s for appropriate distribution. LoveYourself prefers to accept goods over cash so that the rations will be given directly to the victims of the typhoons.

The trans health initiative Meanwhile, Castelano, who is also an

Continuation: Transcendence... All of the participants’ feedback and recAsia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN) fellow, shared a reporting mechanism for ommendations will inform SKPA Phil- human rights issues faced by trans peoTrans experiences and needs are real ippines' implementation study on trans ple. APTN Senior Project Manager Raine health next year. To be led by the Tran- Cortes also shared an assessment tool that During the four-day forum/planning work- scend team, the implementation study will trans organizations can use to evaluate shop, Transcend Project Officers Eda feature enhanced GAHT services at Victo- their capacities. Catabas and Jesse Castelano shared the ria by LoveYourself, engaging trans peers findings of their focus group discussions and offering free consultations and diag- What’s next? with 15 trans people in Metro Manila as nostic tests, to 100 trans women clients in part of SKPA Philippines’ trans health Metro Manila. After the four-day forum/planning workstudy. shop, the 24 trans men and women leaders Results of the implementation study will created concrete action plans for the trans The report highlights that the lack of com- hope to inform the creation of nation- health initiative and advocacy. LakanBini prehensive and affordable trans health ser- al guidelines for trans health. Araña ex- Advocates Pilipinas Inc., a network of trans vices (e.g. gender-affirming hormone ther- pressed, “this study will serve as an evi- organizations in the country, under its new apy [GAHT], transition counseling etc.), dence that trans health is a need, not only leadership, will spearhead the execution of coupled with stigma and discrimination, for our health’s sake but also to affirm our the plans with support from LoveYourself have been detrimental for trans people gender identities, our place as trans people and other partner organizations. in accessing health services and affirming in this society.” their gender identities. “This (trans health) initiative will not only The importance of the trans health initi- cater to the health needs of our com“Burdened by discrimination and costs, ative was further stressed during the fo- munity, but also increase our visibility they fail to seek and are not able to re- rum by Kritima Jemma Samitpol, Tangerine and strengthen our networks,” Araña exceive proper medical supervision to en- Clinic Supervisor of Thailand’s Institute of pressed. sure that their hormone intake is fitted to HIV Research and Innovation. Samitpol their needs. In consequence, they resort to shared their comprehensive package of LakanBini President-elect AR Con exself-medication relying solely on third-par- services for trans people, including their pressed optimism for LoveYourself and ty sources for guidance and access to hor- recent implementation of a PrEP campaign SKPA’s trans health initiative and hoped to mone supply,” Castelano emphasized. called “PrEP in the City.” The Tangerine address human rights-related issues faced Community Health Centre is Asia’s first by the trans community. These issues also surfaced in SKPA Philip- clinic to provide a full range of health care pines’ gender study, conducted last year. and counseling services for transgender “This might be a huge responsibility, but The gender study underscored the need people. we are hopeful that LakanBini will be infor gender-sensitive and demographi- strumental in pushing forward our advocacally-appropriate health care services to LoveYourself Senior Operations Manager cies, especially in ensuring access to health improve access and adherence to...medi- Danvic Rosadiño followed with a discus- services and protecting our human rights,” cations (e.g. HIV, other STIs) among trans sion on PrEP in relation to the HIV situa- Con said. people. The participants provided their tion among trans people in the Philippines. feedback on the report and synthesized Transcend Program Manager Yanyan Araña By working with the LakanBini network, their recommendations in a collaborative and LoveYourself’s iCOMM Head Raybert LoveYourself, through SKPA Philippines workshop. Among their recommendations Domingo complemented Rosadiño’s dis- and Transcend, hopes that the modeling were to: cussion by giving an overview of the ser- of trans health services in the country vices and reach of Victoria by LoveYourself, becomes more effective and sustainable. 1. Expand trans health access in and providing a glimpse of the trans-inclu- LoveYourself will be working hand-in-hand urban and rural communities; sive “Queens of PrEP” campaign that the with the network to ensure that no trans organization will be launching soon. individual is left behind. 2. Integrate a psychosocial component in the trans health program to include counseling and peer support;

3. Include coverage for trans health services in the national health insurance program;

4. Create a transgender employment program; and

5. Conduct educational campaigns and capacity-building activities for trans people.

Twenty four trans leaders across the country joined that Transcendence forum. Photo by EBagasol

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