CONTROL GEAR • 4-line handles Access range 4-line handles
Aluminium handles fully covered with EVA foam for extra grip. These handles are made for any 4-line powerkite and have an attachment for backstrap or harness line to get the load off your arms during flight. The extra loop on the bottom of the handle enables you push your groundstake through it for parking your kite on the beach. Available in two sizes: Small and Large.
When your are flying your bridled foil kite and the wind suddenly picks up or when the situation gets out of hand and you cannot hold the power of your kite, you might want to let go of the handles. In this case a set of kitekillers helps you keep the kite with you while it slowly goes down towards the ground with minimal power. A set of kitekillers consists of a pair of comfortable wrist straps that can be easily secured to your wrist with one hand.
Allstar handles
Longhorn handles
When flying your 4-line bridled foil kite, you are looking for a direct feel and optimal control to make the kite fly exactly as you want it to fly. The Peter Lynn Allstar handles have been designed to satisfy the demand of top level riders. The handles are fully covered with EVA foam for optimal grip anywhere on the handle. All lines are made from Dyneema, ensuring extra durability and minimum stretch. Designed primarily for allround traction kiting, landboarding, freestyle buggying and snowkiting, the Allstar handles feature a soft neoprene cover around the top line attachment. The handles are designed to be grabbed with the top line attachment between the index- and middle finger or below the top line attachment when riding hooked in. Available in sizes small (30cm), medium (35cm) and large (40cm), all Allstar handles are supplied with a 55cm Dyneema harness line. Replacement harness lines are available in various sizes.
The Peter Lynn Longhorn handles are designed for the buggy competition scene. These 4-line handles feature a EVA foam grip around the complete handle, as well as Dyneema lines for direct steering and precise kite control. As competition buggy riders hold their handles horizontally in line with each other, the top sections of most ordinary handles may prevent smooth steering when these parts move past each other. The Longhorn handles therefore have the top line attachment closer towards the top of the handle, to ensure smoother steering when riding at full speed in your buggy. These handles are designed to be grabbed below the top line attachment, for riding hooked in to your harness at all times. Available in sizes small (30cm), medium (35cm) and large (40cm), all Longhorn handles are supplied with a 45cm Dyneema harness line. Replacement harness lines are available in various sizes.
CONTROL GEAR • control bars bridled foils 4-line Powerkite bar
4-line Powerkite bar classic
The 4-line powerkite bar lets you fly your 4-line bridled foil with ease. This bar design allows you to fly the kite with precise control and good kite response. With the brake lines attached to the center strap you can easily adjust the power and turning speed of the kite. This design of bar works great with kites that fly well without the need of brake line steering, such as the smaller sized kites Hornet and Twister II. The 4-line powerkite bar features a self-landing handle and wrist leash. Delivered as a complete 55cm bar including wrist leash and instruction leaflet.
This classic bar design to be used with your 4-line bridled foil kite, is a great way to fly foils that require more brake line steering. This design gives you less response from the kite compared to the 4-line powerkite bar, but the steering is a bit more precise and a lighter steering force is required for steering movements. Also big kites are easier to steer with this bar design. The 4-line powerkite bar classic features a self-landing handle and a wrist leash. Delivered as a complete 55cm bar including wrist leash and instruction leaflet.
CONTROL GEAR • control bars TWINSKINS Main center line with top lines splitting at 10m from the bar
Kook-proof Dyneema flying lines with flying line extensions
Clamcleat Power adjuster
Safety line running though bar and center of Centrix depower loop
Dyneema Dual depower line with Free sliding stopper
The Navigator is the optimal bar design when it comes to safety and user comfort for kiteboarding, landboarding and snowkiting. The Centrix depower loop integrates a reliable working safety system, tangle free swivel and easy hooking in and out. The complete Navigator bar is designed to be as clean as possible without making any compromise in safety, user comfort or tuning your bar to your personal liking.
Coloured Floats Tangle free swivel, easy to be used by hand Centrix depower loop with Safety release
Dyneema Leader lines Self landing handles Dual bar size endcaps Tapered Carbon bar with colour coded EVA foam Aluminium center piece with smooth and wide center hole Leash with quick release