MessagefromLeadership HighlightsfromTerm2
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm
Friday 9:00am-12:00pm
Familiesshouldcontacttheschoolviaemail orbycalling025561567
As we reach the end of Term 2, I would like to share some of our exciting developmentsandevents
The highlight of Term 2 has to be our International Day which was a wonderful opportunity for our community to celebrate the diverse cultures and communities at Raha. The event was a great success, and we are proud of the effortsourfamiliesmadetomakeitsuch amemorableday.OurSportsDaysthis
erm were also fantastic with all students participating in several physically fit and fun activities where students demonstrated teamwork, skill and determination(aswellastheparentswhovolunteeredtotakepart)
Our Performing Arts programme has continued to thrive this term. 'Annie' and 'Into the Woods' showcased the talents of our young actors, dancers, musicians and dancers We have really developed our whole school collaboration between different sections of the school, and it has bee wonderful to see G10 students sharing their knowledge and skills to Primar students, Primary students supporting at the EY Sports Days and some of ou older students carrying out their careers experience days in EY2 Our ME experiences for Term 2 have included the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award, G Souq Day, G10 Personal Project Exhibition, Careers Day, Mother Tongue Da and various external trips linked to our curriculum We are also really excite about our first post-Covid international trip to Thailand during the Sprin Break!
Ithasbeenwonderfultoshowcaseourdesignandinnovationspacestoother Taaleem schools and share our new Raha Arabic Phonics programme with ADEK We have had our CIS (Council of International Schools) annual virtual visit and they were very pleased with our ongoing developments and commitment to continual improvement. We are continuing with our campus improvement plans in Term 3 and will be planning our summer works for furtherrenovations
Ms Carol and I have also had the pleasure of meeting with our Stategic Student Leadership Team this term and they have provided feedback and suggestionsonwhattheirgradeswouldlikeimprovedaroundschool InTerm 3, they will be leading a global citizenship initiative so please support them in their'RamadanKindnessBo
hank you again for your with Raha. I wish you a h orwardtoseeingyouinTe
Warmestregards, Mrs Pali
DidyouknowitwasMrsPaliinthe GruffalosuitonWorldBookDay?
Every time I write a newsletter entry, I cannot help but be amazed at how fast this year has passed. As Dr Seuss says, “How did it get so late so soon? December is here before it’s June My goodness, howthetimehasflown!”
Term 2 was chock full of fantastic events, activities and successes In the performing arts, we saw the highly successful productions of Into the Woods and Annie, along with the Raha Music Festival. Our Raha athletes have been aweinspiring with the number of major wins as well. The U19 and U13 Boys football won first place in the plate final for the ADEK cup, while the U17 Girls Football WON the ADEK cup Every single swimminggalaenteredbythePYPandMYP
swimteamshavebeenwonbyourRahateams!Inaddition,ourJrNBAteams,Cricketteam, and PYP football teams have achieved amazing tournament places this term Congratulations to all the participants in the Triathlon as well, which had numerous Raha studentsonthepodium
I also thoroughly enjoyed when our community got together to support students in events such as the Sports Days in all sections, EY Science Week, Raha’s Amazing Race, Mother Tongue readings, and the Personal Project and DP Visual Arts Exhibitions (just to name a few!). I was delighted to hear of all the field trips going out in Term 2 as well, from EY up to Secondary–wearewellandtrulybacktonormal,doingwhatRahadoesbest
So many students achieved individual successes this term, with highlights including Ella Stockley (player of the tournament in the ADEK cup), and Rodrigo Pantoja Labiago (Abu DhabiYoungMusician2023)alongsidetheotherindividualgroupwinners
Let’snotforgetthatwhatwedobestatRahaislearn,andourstudentshavedemonstrated their creativity, curiosity, and commitment to excellence in their learning It is clea students have been putting in so much effort, and I am proud of their achievem hardwork AswecelebratetheHolyMonthofRamadan,IlookforwardtoTerm3a amazingthingstocome.
PrattWarmregards, Carol