1 minute read
Moyo na Nafsi I need history. In fact, we all do. Who, what, where, when and why do we come from…?
One of the greatest gifts to mankind is the fact that any group of people who find themselves together for a long period of time will develop some kind of common ground, and within the vast, yet extreme confines of geographical borders, a culture is born.
I am in love with the richness that human beings have seasoned the Earth with in the inadvertent quest to make sense of their relationships to one another.
In my eyes, the most important thing in the world is to learn the reason for our histories. The reason for our traditions.
I need the why.
This is how the spirit and soul of a people lives on.
History and culture manifest in hand-works. Here is a collection of my meditations.
And with this, I give you my heart and soul.