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How to C.I.A. Pray Gather your bible, pen + journal to C.I.A. Pray each day. Begin by reading the text. C - COMPREHENSION WHAT IS THE AUTHOR’S INTENT? Use this section as you’re trying to understand what Paul’s original intent was. Look at the direct historical setting (see next page), historical language (try using this free resource: blueletterbible.org), and finally what we know of the overall context of the first century. Then take notes on things like the language choice, repeated words, repeated ideas, and flow of thought or argument. I - INTERPRETATION WHAT DOES THIS PASSAGE THEN MEAN? This is where you write out a summary of what Paul actually means. Try to restate the essence of Paul’s thought in your own wording. This can be a simple sentence or two, or a couple paragraphs. Whatever length, try to actually recapture Paul’s meaning and resist the urge to import ideas beyond what the text of Scripture is saying itself. For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary. A - APPLICATION HOW DOES THIS AFFECT MY LIFE? This is where you will take the ideas you learned in this passage and find a logical way to put them into action. Ask, How does this apply to my life? How does this change what I should do today or at any time? PRAY - HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH GOD. Now spend some time praying in your heart, out loud, or through writing it out. One of the best ways to utilize this time is by worshiping and thanking God in light of what you learned in his word. Then asking God to lead you and guide you by His Spirit to live out the implication of the realities that you learned in his word. 4
Understanding Colossians Colossians was written by Paul the
gone terribly wrong. So much so, that
Apostle while he was imprisoned for
Epaphras who labored to see a Jesus-
his bold proclamation of the Gospel
centered church birthed in his city,
(Acts 27-28.) The “book” of Colossians
traveled to seek the help of the Apostle
was never intended to be considered a
Paul, who at this point, suffered his
book. Instead, it was a letter written
own difficulties in prison for preaching
to the followers of Jesus in churches
the Gospel. Epaphras sought out the
throughout Colossae. Who are these
imprisoned Apostle’s leadership for what
Christians in the city of Colossae? We
had gone awry in his city.
have to know their story to maximally
What is this awful thing that compelled
comprehend what Paul writes to them.
Epaphras to go to Paul?
In the fall months of 54 AD, Paul was
As it turns out, an infectious false
preaching the Gospel in a major city
teacher had risen up in Colossae and
called Ephesus (Acts 19:10). In the
was rapidly gaining influence among
crowd, listening to Paul preach, was a
the followers of Jesus. This false
man from Colossae named Epaphras.
teacher was evidently persuading them
Hearing Paul preach, he was deeply
of a very new and uniquely heretical
stirred and realized he had to take this
spirituality and trying to mix it with
compelling news about Jesus to his
the teaching of Christianity.
own city. So, he returned to Colossae and preached the Gospel there. This preaching of Epaphras was the spark from which the entire church of Colossae first erupted (Col 1:7).
It is into this context that Paul begins to write. Imagine the scene: Paul— after hearing about this situation in the Colossian church—starts praying fervently, then, pondering it for a while,
Some 8-10 years later, what began as
begins dictating this letter from his
an evangelistic effort by Epaphras had
prison cell, where his young protégé
become the wide-spreading church of
Timothy records his every word. Paul
Colossae. However, something had
then sends this letter to be carried to Colossae by foot with two different men, Tychicus and Onesimus (see Eph 6:21), along with two other future “books” of the bible: the letters of Philemon and Ephesians. 5
What does Paul write to the Colossian Church? It seems he wanted to emphatically reinforce the centrality of Jesus. Paul labors to put into words the pure and powerful doctrines of Christ and the Gospel over and against the teachings of this false spiritual leader who was elevating himself.
Paul, rather than spending much time deconstructing the false view of this psuedo-Christian leader, homes in directly on the supremacy, sufficiency, and substance of Jesus. This letter, therefore, has a rich and extensive portrayal of the weight, beauty, and authority of Jesus. It also contains clear and practical descriptions of what it looks like to be "rooted and steadfast in Him" rather than taken “captive by philosophy and empty deceit.�
Who is Jesus? What does it look like to be his follower? How do we hold fast to the truth and hope in Christ? T H E S E A RE THE PRIMARY FOCUS ES OF T HE E P I ST L E TO THE COLOSSIANS.
Week 01
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
Key Terms in week 01 Kingdom - βασιλεία
C olo s si a ns 1:13–14 “He has delivered
us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
The sphere over which Jesus reigns as King. Wherever the words of Scripture are believed and obeyed and the will of God is done. This is what Jesus taught us to pray saying, “Pray then like this. . . Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” The Kingdom of God has infiltrated the world already through the work of Jesus--meaning people who know, love, and obey Him are now, in one sense, a part of His Kingdom as He rules in and through them--but the Kingdom will be fully consummated when Jesus returns to overturn all things and establishes his presence and reign permanently on Earth, renewing all things.
Week 01
Weekday Today’s Reading M O N DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :1 - 2
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 01
Weekday Today’s Reading T U E S DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :3 - 8
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 01
Weekday Today’s Reading W EDN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :9-1 0
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 01
Weekday Today’s Reading TH U R SDAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :1 1 -1 2
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 01
Weekday Today’s Reading F RI DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :1 3 -1 4
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 01
Colossians 1:1-8 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Like Paul, what do you find yourself thankful for in this season of life, perhaps in spite of present difficulties?
Q U E STI O N 02 What does it mean to “understand the grace of God in truth�? Is this something you personally feel like you understand?
Week 02
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
C olo s si a ns 1:15-16 ESV
15 H e
i s t h e i m age of
t h e i n v i si ble
G od ,
f i r st b or n of a ll c r e at ion .
16 F or
by h i m a ll t h i ngs
w e r e c r e at e d , i n h e av e n a n d on e a rt h , v i si ble a n d i n v i si ble , w h e t h e r t h ron e s or d om i n ions or ru le r s or au t hor it i e s — a ll t h i ngs w e r e c r e at e d t h rough h i m a n d for h i m .
Memorize this Key Truth in RED. Memorize this Verse. 21
Key Terms in week 02 Firstborn - πρωτότοκος
C olo s si a ns 1:17-18 And he is before all things,
and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent Jesus has first rank as head of all things in resurrection. Biblically this word also is used in a similar way to the Hebrew word bĕkowr which was both having been the firstborn of a family, but even more, holds the idea of being ranked as first born. Therefore he is entitled to all of us and we should give our hearts and lives wholly to Him. There is no part of our lives that we should not fully and joyfully submit to Him as our glorious, benevolent King, the Firstborn from the dead.
Week 02
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :1 5-1 7
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 02
Weekday Today’s Reading T UES DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :1 8- 2 0
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 02
Weekday Today’s Reading W EDN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :2 1 - 2 3
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 02
Weekday Today’s Reading T H U R S DAY HEBREWS 1 :1 -1 4
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 02
Weekday Today’s Reading F RI DAY ROM A N S 6:1 -1 1
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 02
Colossians 1:9-14 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Would others who know you well consider that you are living your life in a “manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him”? Explain.
Q U E STI O N 02 Are they areas of your life that remain in “darkness”? What fears are keeping you from bringing them into the light to experience healing?
Week 03
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
C ol 1:28 ESV
w e pro c la i m ,
wa r n i ng ev e ryon e a n d t e ach i ng ev e ryon e w it h a ll w i sd om , t h at w e m ay pr e se nt ev e ryon e m at u r e in
C h r i st .
Memorize this Key Truth in RED. Memorize this Verse. 33
Key Terms in week 03 Church - ἐκκλησία
C olo s si a ns 1:24 “Now I rejoice in my sufferings
for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.” The Church is the people of Jesus who together belong to Him. All those who have been saved by the atoning work of Jesus past, present, and future are called together under his rule as head, and are thus one body. As one body, God’s people, the Church, are called to be in relationship with one another in the context of local churches until they go to be with Him in glory. That’s why the New Testament letters are predominantly addressed to local churches and the content of such letters are addressing issues in those local churches. Constantly, the Church is compared to a body, and thus its congregates are “members of the body” (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) If you believe in Jesus you are called to be an active, contributing, and vital organ of the local church.
Filling Up - ἀνταναπληρόω
C olo s si a ns 1:24 “Now I rejoice in my sufferings
for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions...” “Filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions does not mean
there is any deficiency in Christ’s atoning death and suffering on the cross (see Heb. 9:12, 24–26; 10:14). What was “lacking” in Christ’s afflictions was the future suffering that Paul and others will experience for the sake of the gospel. (Compare Phil. 2:30, where Paul tells the Philippians that Epaphroditus risked his life “to complete what 34
was lacking in your service to me.” -- Global Study Bible, Crossway.
Week 03
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :24- 27
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 03
Weekday Today’s Reading T UES DAY COLOSSIA N S 1 :2 8- 2 9
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 03
Weekday Today’s Reading WEDN ESDAY R OM A N S 1 :1 - 6
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 03
Weekday Today’s Reading T H URSDAY 2 TIMOTHY 2 :2 2 - 2 6
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 03
Weekday Today’s Reading F RI DAY 1 PE T E R 3 :1 3 -1 7
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 03
Colossians 1:15-23 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Recall a time that you have had a “hostile” attitude toward God. Why did you have it? Did God help shift you away from it? If so, how?
Q U E STI O N 02 How could someone go about remaining “stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel”?
Week 04
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
Key Terms in week 04 Faith - πίστις
C olo s si a ns 2:5 For though I am absent in body,
yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
Conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the NT of a conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervour born of faith and joined with it A. relating to God i. the conviction that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ B. relating to Christ i. a strong and welcome conviction or belief that Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God C. the religious beliefs of Christians D. belief with the predominate idea of trust (or confidence) whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same. -- Larry Pierce
Rooted - ῥιζόω
C olo s si a ns 2:6-7 Therefore, as you received
Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
To cause to strike root, to strengthen with roots, to render firm, to fix, establish, cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly grounded. -- Larry Pierce
Week 04
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 2 :1 - 5
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 04
Weekday Today’s Reading T U E S DAY COLOSSIA N S 2 :6-7
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 04
Weekday Today’s Reading WEDN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 2 :8-1 5
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 04
Weekday Today’s Reading T H U R S DAY COLOSSIA N S 2 :1 6-1 9
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 04
Weekday Today’s Reading F R I DAY COLOSSIA N S 2 :2 0- 2 3
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 04
Colossians 1:24-29 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Have you ever “suffered for sake the Gospel�? If not, how do you think you would respond? Explain.
Q U E STI O N 02 What would your life look like if you fully lived out the belief that Gospel was to be shared with everyone?
Week 05
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
C olo s si a ns 3:1 NIV
S i nc e ,
t h e n , you
h av e be e n r a i se d w it h
C h r i st ,
se t
you r h e a rt s on t h i ngs a b ov e , where
C h r i st
se at e d at t h e r ight h a n d of
G od .
Memorize this Key Truth in RED. Memorize this Verse. 55
Key Terms in week 05 Idolatry - εἰδωλολατρία
C olo s si a ns 3:5-6 Put to death therefore what
is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming.
Paul says, “Covetousness, which is idolatry.” So what idolatry looks like today is the activity of the human heart. This is not a deed of the body. That follows — a fruit on a branch. It starts in the heart: craving, wanting, enjoying, being satisfied by anything that you treasure more than God. That is an idol. Paul calls this covetousness — a disordered love or desire, loving more than God what ought to be loved less than God and only for the sake of God. But covetousness is the condition that this disordered heart is in, an act of loving too much what ought to be loved less. And that is why the wrath of God is coming. That is what idolatry looks like today. And it is everywhere in our culture. So finally: What is an idol? Well, it is the thing. It is the thing loved or the person loved more than God, wanted more than God, desired more than God, treasured more than God, enjoyed more than God. It could be a girlfriend. It could be good grades. It could be the approval of other people. It could be success in business. It could be sexual stimulation. It could be a hobby or a musical group that you are following or a sport or your immaculate yard. -- John Piper
Week 05
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :1 - 4
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 05
Weekday Today’s Reading TUES DAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :5-1 1
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 05
Weekday Today’s Reading WEDN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :1 2 -1 4
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 05
Weekday Today’s Reading T H U RSDAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :1 5
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 05
Weekday Today’s Reading F R I DAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :1 6-1 7
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 05
Colossians 2:1-23 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 How has your life been built and established by God?
Q U E STI O N 02 What does it mean to you to be “alive in Christ”? What are some ways you can live this out on a daily basis?
Week 06
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
C olo s si a ns 3:12-13 CSB
12 T h e r e for e , a s G od ’ s cho se n on e s , holy a n d de a r ly lov e d , pu t on com pa s sion , ki n dn e s s , h u m i lit y , ge nt le n e s s , a n d pat i e nc e , 13 be a r i ng w it h on e a no t h e r a n d forgi v i ng on e a no t h e r i f a n yon e h a s a gr i eva nc e aga i nst a no t h e r .
J ust
as the
L or d
h a s forgi v e n you , s o you a r e a ls o t o forgi v e .
Memorize this Key Truth in RED. Memorize this Verse. 67
Key Terms in week 06 Love - ἀγαπάω
C olo s si a ns 3:19 Husbands, love
your wives, and do not be harsh with them.
For Jesus, love is action. It’s a choice that you make to seek the well-being of people other than yourself. Jesus also went on to teach that love means seeking other people’s wellbeing without expecting anything in return. . . Jesus died for the selfishness of his enemies because he loved them. After Easter morning, Jesus and his followers claimed that it was it the power of God’s love for the world that was revealed in Jesus’ life death, and resurrection. As the Apostle Paul put it, “God demonstrated his own AGAPE [greek word for love seen above] for us in this, while we were still sinners the Messiah died for us.” -- Tim Mackie, Bible Project, Agape / Love Video, 2017.
Week 06
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :1 8- 2 1
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 06
Weekday Today’s Reading T U E SDAY EPHESIA N S 5 :1 5 -3 3
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 06
Weekday Today’s Reading W E DN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 3 :2 2 - 4:1
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 06
Weekday Today’s Reading TH URS DAY 1 CORINTHIA N S 7 :1 7- 24
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 06
Weekday Today’s Reading F R I DAY 1 COR IN T HIA N S 1 3 :1 -1 3
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 06
Colossians 3:5-17
Q U E STI O N 01 What idols do you recognize in your own life? How can you put them to death?
Q U E STI O N 02 Why is it important to have the Word of Christ dwell in you? What are some ways you could live this out day to day?
Week 07
Weekday Journal S UN DAY
C olo s si a ns 4:2 ESV
C ont i n u e st e a dfa st ly i n pr ay e r , be i ng wat ch f u l i n it w it h t h a n ks gi v i ng .
Memorize this Key Truth in RED. Memorize this Verse. 79
Key Terms in week 07 Wisdom - σοφία
C olo s si a ns 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward
outsiders, making the best use of the time.
Ancient Greek thinkers concluded quite late in their quest for wisdom that there is only one God, but the deity they posited had little in common with the God revealed in the Bible. For the biblical authors, the Lord is not merely the end of wisdom, but He is also its beginning. -- “What Is Wisdom?” Ligonier Ministries ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/what-wisdom/
Week 07
Weekday Today’s Reading MO N DAY COLOSSIA N S 4:2 - 4
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 07
Weekday Today’s Reading T U E SDAY COLOSSIA N S 4:5- 6
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 07
Weekday Today’s Reading WEDN ESDAY COLOSSIA N S 4 :7- 9
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 07
Weekday Today’s Reading TH U R SDAY COLOSSIA N S 4:1 0-1 1
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 07
Weekday Today’s Reading F R I DAY COLOSSIA N S 4:1 2 -1 8
Comprehension - what is the author’s intent?
Interpretation - what does this passage then mean? For a helpful resource, go to rise.cc/commentary.
Application - how does this affect my life?
Prayer - Have a conversation with God.
Week 07
Colossians 3:18-4:1 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Do you have a hard time submitting to authority? What tend to be your most common challenges?
Q U E STI O N 02 What are some ways you can work heartily for the Lord in everyday life and for the Kingdom?
Weekday Journal SUN DAY
Week 08
Colossians 4:2-18 Questions Q U E STI O N 01 Paul urges us to speak graciously. When sharing Christ or talking about spiritual matters with others do you tend to be gracious? Explain.
Q U E STI O N 02 How are you helping build for the Kingdom of God? What particular things has God gifted you to do or be a part of? Are you fulfilling the ministry that you have received from the Lord?