#5 Things You Should Know About Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Yoga is an age-old practice that has evolved in India since its core sutras were coined some 1700 years ago by the sage Patanjali. The practice became a tradition. Soon, the world realized the importance of yoga teacher training in India and its benefit to the body, mind, and soul. Many of them even tried to learn from sacred books such as Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagawad Gita. However, none of them specialized in explaining the yoga philosophy like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
About Patanjali and his Yoga Sutra – Patanjali was a man of many talents. He wrote many textbooks on medicine, language, and grammar. He was one of the 18 classical of Tamil Siddhars, also known as sages and intellects for his literary work. However, he was known as the “father of modern yoga” – not because he found the true meaning yoga, but because he filtered the yoga into the famous yoga sutras to define the true meaning of life. The author was probably not a man, half multi-headed serpent, which was mythological a symbol for unmanifested energy as you cannot realize the presence of a snake around you until it moves. In the sacred yoga book, the sadguru Patanjali added light to the different yoga sutras. The learners are all about the best approaches to learn yoga and master in it.
The Patanjali Yoga Sutras – Patanjali Yoga Sutras is like a scientific document. It’s not a philosophy to be interpreted or guide for practicing yoga. They provide you the complete knowledge about how to do you creates a kriya, depending upon your intention or what you
want to create. The sutra means a string or thread that allows you to connect different kriyas and explore the essential core meaning of yoga. In the Patanjali Yoga sutras, all the sutras are written in “Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit,” which may show a Buddhist influence in work. You can get more information from websites. The Sutras – Sutras are the elegant threads of knowledge, which aims at the development of your yogic power, the practice of yoga, and finally lead you to liberation. Patanjali Yoga Sutras contains 196 sutras, which is sub-divided into four chapters known as Samadhi, sadhana, vibhuti, and Kaivalya. Each of them includes teachings. In the first few sutras, Patanjali gives you the essence of spiritual practice. The other yoga sutras warn you of the pitfalls on your spiritual journey and offer the means to overcome them. Reading of all sutras helps you to make in pure sutras in your life. It will foster the inner experience and elevate the spirit. The 8 Limbs of Yoga sutras– The Patanjali Yoga Sutras contains a set of practices to guide you on your spiritual journey. They are known as eight limbs of yoga sutras. 1. Yama – tells about correct behavior towards others 2. Niyama – gives the basic principles of living like purity, contentment, spiritual observances, study, and devotion 3. Asana – is the correct seat and posture a yogi needs to seat 4. Pranayama – is expanding the life forces through a breathing exercise 5. Pratyahara – is turning your senses towards the inward journey 6. Dharana – trains the mind to meditate 7. Dhyana – is a combination of two words dhi meaning receptacle or the mind, and the yana meaning moving or going. Dhyana is the ability to merge your mind and body with one object on which you are concentrating. 8. Samadhi – Lost of finding in the divine. The first four Yama prepare the body for the next three, and the lasts will give you the knowledge of nature and its infinite power. The practice of Samadhi – Samadhi is not an independent practice; it has four different levels. They are Savikalpa Samadhi, which gives knowledge about physical objects, provides information about the abstract nature of things and more. The Nirvikalpa Samadhi with which you become one with the soul, the Sahaja Samadhi, and Dharma Megha Samadhi, the highest of all Samadhi. You can read in detail from the Patanjali yoga sutras. These are five essential things to know about the Patanjali Yoga Sutra. In the Yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh, you will come to know about different aspects of learning Patanjali Yoga Sutras from certified trainers or yoga gurus. For being a professional in yoga, it is extremely important to understand everything from the basics so that any beginner or intermediate learner can feel satisfied with your teachings and spread the correct knowledge to others, as well. Also, read – Yoga for Beginners: 6 important Things to Know About Bali Yoga School