Yoga Postures for Correcting Cervical Spondylitis Cervical Spondylitis problem is growing rapidly in the working category. Longer working hours, maximum work pressure and incorrect sitting postures in front of computers created a huge toll on your neck health. Medications cannot cure it of the root. Practicing yoga in the right way or joining yoga teacher training in India can make it way better than the earlier, and reduce the chances of its reappearance. Yoga can eliminate the degeneration of bones and cartilages in the neck region. Yoga postures for Cervical Spondylitis •
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation): This yoga asana helps in neck, shoulder and cervical pain. It strengthens the spinal cord and makes it flexible. Sun salutation should be practiced in the correct manner.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose): This asana is extremely beneficial for overcoming stress and strain in the cervical region, which often occurs due to prolonged sitting in one position. It adds strength and flexibility to the entire vertebral column. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose): This yoga posture corrects spinal injuries, which forms the major communication channel and carries all nerve impulses from the brain to the body. It reduces the stiffness in the backbone, and cure cervical spondylitis completely.
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Makarasana (Crocodile Pose): This yoga asana treats cervical spondylitis and pain on neck and shoulder in the best ways. It brings more flexibility in the spine by releasing the compression on the spinal nerves. Your spinal cord will be in good shape and normal condition, after practicing this asana regularly. Bal-Shayanasana (Infant’s Pose): This yoga asana acts on lower back and neck muscles on the body. It relieves lower back pain and helps in eliminating cervical spondylitis because of stress, tension, and excessive workload. Ardha Naukasana (Half Boat Pose): This yoga asana is best for cervical spondylitis and back pain. In fact, it works effectively for diabetes patients. Practice every day to avoid indigestion and constipation problems. Ardha Salbhaasana (Half Locust Pose): This yoga posture can alleviate cervical spondylitis, sciatica, lumbargo, and others. You can find it helpful for eliminating backache and neck pain. Shanshank-Bhujangasana (Striking Cobra Pose): This yoga position is an advanced form of Bhujangasana, which can help in treating cervical pain and backache. Anyone practicing Shanshank-Bhujangasana can experience more flexibility and strength in the spinal cord of the body. You can combat the sedentary lifestyle in few simple steps. Kohni Chalana (Elbow Rotations): This is a type of yoga asana that effective against frozen shoulder and bursitis. It can strengthen shoulder and neck muscles and add more mobility to them. Patient practicing Kohni Chalana asana can feel freedom from Cervical Spondylitis in few days only. Marjariasana (Cat Pose): This yoga posture stimulates the spinal nerves by simply stretching. It can loosen the vertebral column, relaxes the spinal and neck muscles. Get rid of rigid spines and chronic neck pain practicing Marjariasana every day.
Bottom Line Ten best types of yoga asanas to cure neck pain or cervical pain are mentioned above. Cervical Spondylitis could be a result of your negligence towards your back health. If you wish a sound body and a focused mind at work, take part in yoga training classes. Join yoga teacher training in India without fail; it’s sure to give you satisfactory results in few days only. Read more – The Five Koshas or Layers of Body You Might Not Be Knowing