Dominate Your Market by Making a Positive First Impression With Real Estate Webmasters, opportunities abound for Mid-Atlantic firm by Paige Tepping
for his brokerage since the launch of their website. “Morgan provided us with great ideas, which he continues to build on, as he wants to be better and better. We not only appreciate what he’s doing, but also the fact that he makes himself available to be involved as well,” says Northrop, who points to SEO as one of the biggest benefits in working with REW.
“You have a very short window to make a first impression, and Real Estate Webmasters does a good job when it comes to making that first impression”
s President and CEO of Northrop Realty in Clarksville, Maryland, Creig Northrop’s goal is to teach others to be better than they were yesterday. “If you grow your people, you will grow your company,” says Northrop, who has spent the past 35 years implementing this very philosophy.
ity to lead by example as Having jumpstarted his caone of the key factors in reer working alongside his his continued success mother, it didn’t take long over the years. for Northrop to realize that “Real estate is not just he wanted to branch out on a job for me, but rather, a his own, and so, in 2000, lifestyle. It’s about havhe and his wife created the Northrop ing good people in your Creig Northrop Team, which went on to become the No. 1 team life and building a company around those people,” says Northrop. in the nation three times over. “I like people who are smarter In 2018, it was announced that the Creig Northrop Team would be- in their arena than I am,” adds come Northrop Realty, a Long & Fos- Northrop, who felt an immediate ter Company. Today, Northrop Realty connection with Morgan Carey, CEO is a full-service brokerage that em- of Real Estate Webmasters (REW), ploys 300 real estate professionals who loves his business the way spread among 14 offices in Mary- Northrop loves real estate. Working with REW for the past land, Delaware, D.C., Virginia and six-plus years, Northrop has nothing Pennsylvania. With a passion and love for what but good things to say about the ophe does, Northrop points to his abil- portunities that have been created
– CREIG NORTHROP President and CEO, Northrop Realty
And in today’s COVID world, where it’s more important than ever to have a consistent look and feel across the internet, the team at REW continues to go above and beyond to get the Northrop Realty name in front of the masses both prominently and professionally. “You have a very short window to make a first impression, and Real Estate Webmasters does a good job when it comes to making that first impression,” says Northrop. Looking toward the future, Northrop has his sights set on dominating the Mid-Atlantic—with REW being a prominent piece of the puzzle in making that happen. “As a web company, Real Estate Webmasters is open when it comes to working creatively,” concludes Northrop. “I’m very proud to be working with them.” RE For more information, please visit
RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE March 2021 47