Empowering Real Estate Professionals by RISMedia Staff
CRS Data’s MLS Tax Suite enhancements benefit real estate professionals across the board
CRS Data’s prospecting tool in the MLS Tax Suite
hange should be inevitable, especially when it comes to technology. But when a critical piece of software that’s used across an entire organization undergoes significant updates, it can be a challenge for both users and the organization.
Prospecting in a Pandemic
Prospecting tools are an essential part of a REALTOR’S® arsenal, and that’s been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Business is changing and everything’s online, and that goes for prospecting,” says Tovar. “Some agents would previously meet prospective clients over coffee, but right now, that’s not really an option.” So how can MLSs and REALTOR® AssociaFortunately, the streamlined changes that CRS tions stay on top of software changes and Data made to their prospecting feature in the ensure that their members benefit from MLS Tax Suite made the tool easier to use, and, important new product enhancements? We according to Tovar, their members have benefited talked to Dezmarie Tovar, MLS operations from the upgrades. manager at the Fresno Association of REAL“The updates have been very helpful in making TORS®, to find out. Tovar the tool a lot more seamless. It’s just so much more Fresno’s property data and tax solution, CRS convenient for our members.” Data’s MLS Tax Suite, recently overhauled its prospecting tool—in the middle of a pandemic, no less. The Helping Members Adapt to Change changes were innovative and impactful, and the com- Aside from larger updates, like to the prospecting tool, pany wanted to ensure that the upgrade was seamless CRS Data’s MLS Tax Suite undergoes updates throughfor users. Here’s how they worked with the Fresno Asso- out the year. “Our product update approach is strategic,” ciation of REALTORS® to optimize the transition for their says Kari Autry, CRS Data’s director of product and marmembership. keting. “We take into account that our MLS and associa-
66 November 2020 RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE