Children’s progress Overall quality of children’s achievement Impact of the centre improvement plan
Children’s progress Are children making very good progress in all aspects of their development and learning?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Does the centre meet the needs of, and support progress well for, vulnerable individuals and groups?
Overall Quality of children’s achievement Are children becoming successful, confident learners?
Are they achieving across a wide range of areas?
Are the children able to show responsibility and independence?
With support do they contribute well to the life of the centre and its community?
Impact of the centre improvement plan Do the priorities identified in the improvement plan: o Have a measurable impact on improving the progress of the children’s learning? o
Have a measurable impact on developing the work of the centre?
NB In evaluating improvements in performance, consideration should be given to QI 5.2, QI 5.3 and QI 5.5 relating to teaching for effective learning, meeting needs and expectations and promoting achievement
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Improvement plans; children’s profiles; needs identified sheets; plans; evaluations children’s work; evidence from other agencies e.g. reports; minutes of meetings; photographs; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities; comments from parents; relevant policies
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 1.2 FULFILMENT OF STATUTORY DUTIES Themes: Financial performance Compliance with legislation, and responsiveness to guidance and codes of practice Agreed Level Financial performance Do budgetary management and financial decisions: o Reflect the needs of the centre? o
How do we know?
Lead to clear improvements in the children’s experiences, achievement and progress?
Compliance with legislation, and responsiveness to guidance and codes of practice Does the centre comply and engage with all relevant statuary requirements, legislation and codes of practice? *
Are all staff, parents, and other partners familiar with and involved in what is expected in these areas and in fulfilling the statutory duties?
* Examples include the Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc Act, the Additional Support for Learning Act, the Race Relations Amendment Act, the Disability Discrimination Act, the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act and the Scottish Social Services Council Codes of Practice
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Budget and financial information; staff knowledge and records of training in relevant legislation; guidance and codes of practice ;information provided for parents; relevant policies
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 2.1 CHILDREN’S EXPERIENCES Themes: The extent to which children are motivated and actively involved in their own learning The extent to which children are motivated and actively involved in their own learning Are the children challenged to achieve their full potential in all areas including building on prior levels of achievement?
How do we know?
Are children actively involved in learning through play?
Are children fully engaged and motivated during their activities?
Do the activities provided in the centre: o
Sustain children’s interests?
Help children make decisions?
Help children solve problems?
Develop children’s independence?
Are there opportunities for children to plan and initiate their own learning experiences?
Are children encouraged to exercise choice?
Are children treated equally and with fairness and respect?
Are almost all of the children making very good progress and achieving well?
Have the children formed friendships? Do they interact well during activities and cooperate and take turns during play?
Agreed Level
Do staff use appropriate methods to encourage children to share views on their learning and do they listen to responses and act upon them?
Are children confident and do they feel valued, safe and secure?
Do children experience success in their learning?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Levels of attendance: planning and assessment documentation; children’s profiles; personal learning plans and transition records; the extent to which the needs of all children are met; analysis of the views of children; analysis of questionnaire responses from parents about their children and their satisfaction with the centre’s provision Mind maps; floor books; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 2.2 THE CENTRE’S SUCCESSES IN INVOLVING PARENTS, CARERS AND FAMILIES Themes: The extent to which parents, carers and families are committed to and actively involved in the life of the centre The extent to which parents, carers and families are committed to and actively involved in the life of the centre Are parents represented on various groups and committees?
How do we know?
Do they participate and contribute as fully as possible to their children’s development and learning, safety and health?
Are parents, carers and families satisfied with the quality of care and education the centre provides?
Are they valued, supported, informed and recognised as joint partners?
Do parents feel supported and encouraged: o In their involvement in their children’s learning? o
In making contributions to the centre’s improvement?
Do parents indicate that they receive prompt and carefully considered responses to their views and enquiries about their children’s learning? Is this equally true for parents with vulnerable children?
Agreed Level
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Direct contacts, ongoing dialogue and appropriate documentation, surveys, questionnaires and discussions with representative groups or individuals Evidence of any complaints and compliments from parents Photographs of parental involvement; evidence of information sharing
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 3.1 THE ENGAGEMENT OF STAFF IN THE LIFE AND WORK OF THE CENTRE Themes: The extent to which staff are committed to and actively involved in the life of the centre Agreed Level The extent to which staff are committed to and actively involved in the life of the centre Is there a clear and shared understanding of what is involved in providing high quality education for children?
How do we know?
Are the staff motivated and meaningfully engaged in improving the quality of education and care for children in the centre?
Is effective teamwork used to actively develop the centre’s work and also with other partner agencies?
Is continuing staff and professional development actively undertaken by all staff to improve children’s development and learning and their achievements? Are : o o
Staff made to feel valued, consulted and included? Their views, individual and team skills used to improve the quality of work and impact on the children?
Do staff have positive views on: o conditions of work? o facilities and services o career review and staff development opportunities? Do staff feel supported and able to provide high – quality education?
NB This refers to all staff in the centre. For example, it includes care staff, teachers, health specialists, therapists, nursery nurses, play assistants, psychologists and a wide range of administrative and support staff Data would include information about staff absence rates and staff turnover
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Information and handbooks for all staff; staff training records; staff appraisal records; analysis of questionnaires; minutes of meetings; conditions of work; suggested ways of improving learning; relevant policies
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 4.1 THE CENTRE’S SUCCESSES AND ENGAGING WITH THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Themes: The extent to which the centre engages with the local community The extent to which the centre engages with the local community Are members of the local community actively involved with the centre?
How do we know?
Does the centre work collaboratively with relevant organisations in the wider community to support children and families?
Do organisations in the community engage with and support the centre?
Does the centre respond quickly and effectively to enquiries and complaints?
Are positive reviews on the quality and impact of the services provided for families and children reported by the local community, colleges, trainers and organisations? Does the community feel the centre takes account of its views on aspects such as: o the centre’s reputation? o its use as a community resource? o its responsiveness to complaints from the community? o the level of community involvement in the life of the centre? Do colleges and agencies providing training and work experience feel the centre provides very good support for students on placement?
Do partner agencies and statutory organisations indicate that the centre has effective partnership arrangements which enrich the provision and the experiences of the children?
Agreed Level
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Surveys, questionnaires and discussions with community representatives, training providers (including local colleges and universities), voluntary organisations, employers, agencies and statutory organisations Photographs; letters; information shared
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 4.2 THE CENTRE’S SUCCESSES IN ENGAGING THE WIDER COMMUNITY Themes: The extent to which the centre • encourages and supports creativity and innovation, and learns from and adopts leadingedge practice • influences wider policy or practice • anticipates and responds rapidly and flexibly to change • engages in global issues Agreed Level The extent to which the centre: • encourages and supports creativity and innovation, and learns from and adopts leading-edge practice Is the centre well informed about and, where appropriate, involved with a range of innovative programmes? Does this include links with centres and schools in other parts of the country and overseas?
How do we know?
Are their examples of good practice from other centres, schools and countries being adopted and adapted in the centre?
Have these led to significant improvements in education and services for our children?
• influences wider policy or practice Is the pre-school centre involved in developments or working parties with other centres, organisations, the education authority, or nationally, where relevant?
• anticipates and responds rapidly and flexibly to change Does the centre place an emphasis on changing its practices to meet changing needs and ensure children receive consistently high provision?
• engages in global issues o Is the centre outward looking? o Do we understand and engage with wider issues affecting people in other areas? o Does the centre educate for sustainability ? o Does the centre prepare its learners for global citizenship?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Programmes that have origins in national or international best practice; staff who have made major influential contributions to national developments, evidence of anticipating demographic, economic or social changes and responding with the re-allocation of services Evidence of wider links
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 5.1 THE CURRICULUM Themes: The rationale and design of the curriculum The development of the curriculum Programmes Transitions The rationale and design of the curriculum * Does the curriculum have a clear rationale based on shared values?
Does it start from the needs of the individual child? Is it designed to enable all children to make progress in the key aspects of their learning and development? Does it promote challenge, enjoyment, personalisation and choice in learning? Is there breadth, balance, depth and sufficient flexibility to meet the needs of individuals, including those with additional support needs? Does the curriculum take full account of local and national advice? Does it leave scope for staff to introduce well-considered innovations? Are children able to follow their interests? Is the curriculum based firmly on play and active learning?
The development of the curriculum Is the curriculum developed and refreshed on a regular basis? Are all staff involved in the process? Are the views of parents and children taken into account? Do the staff reflect on the curriculum provided? Is the range and quality of these experiences improved for all children? Do staff reflect on the impact of these experiences on children and the outcomes they achieve? Programmes Do the children find the programmes stimulating, challenging and enjoyable? Do staff respond to
Agreed Level
and meet the needs and interests of individual children? Does the curriculum support progression within and links between areas of learning? Is progress in wider achievements promoted very well? Transitions ** Does the centre provide very effective support to our children when they have a split placement?
Is effective support provided for children in transition from home to pre-school?
During the key transition stages of pre-school to P1, is sufficient attention paid to continuous progression in children’s learning, including how they learn?
* Reference can be made to the Curriculum Framework for Children 3 to 5 and a Curriculum for Excellence when reviewing and developing programmes and activities
**Reference should be made to QI 5.8: Care, welfare and development in looking at Transitions Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Curriculum and other policies; plans, profiles, evaluations, and needs identified sheets; reports; minutes of meetings; improvement plans; analysis of parents’, staff’s and children’s views; monitoring records; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities, shared information between home and centre; photographs
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.2 TEACHING FOR EFFECTIVE LEARNING Themes: The learning climate and teaching approaches Staff-child interaction, including children’s engagement Clarity and purposefulness of dialogue Judgements made in the course of teaching The learning climate and teaching approaches Is there a wide range of learning environments and teaching approaches which: o Are challenging and enjoyable? o Include creative and imaginative play activities? o Start from, and are well matched to, individual needs? o Sustain children’s motivation and engagement? o Build on children’s previous learning? Do staff work directly with children to develop their independent learning skills?
How do we know?
Do play activities involve children with others in making decisions, investigating and solving problems? Does the pace of learning enable all children to make appropriate progress? Is effective use of ICT made during learning and teaching? Staff-child interaction, including children’s engagement Do staff interactions with children show that they have a comprehensive understanding of children’s learning and development? Are interactions well judged to increase the complexity of children’s play?
Do staff understand and develop children’s motivation and build on this to sustain their purposeful involvement in play? Are relationships with children consistently friendly and trusting with effective use of praise to promote learning? Are children observed closely : o To decide whether intervention is required?
Agreed Level
To inform planning for progress in learning?
Clarity and purposefulness of dialogue Are children fully involved and encouraged to express their views and ask questions? Do staff use skilled questioning which allows children time to think and reflect before responding? Are children’s responses valued and developed fully to extend learning end encourage effective contributions? In working with children do staff consistently promote: o Curiosity? o Independence? o Confidence? Judgements made in the course of teaching Do staff make sound judgements about children’s progress? Do staff respond quickly to ensure that activities and experiences meet the needs of individual children including following their interests? Is full account taken of children’s varied patterns of attendance? Are play and care routines well co-ordinated to take full account of children’s individual needs?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Policy statements and guidelines; plans, observations, evaluations and needs identified sheets; monitoring records of plans and practice; classroom/playroom observation; evidence of children’s views e.g. mind maps, floor books, questionnaires; attendance records, peer and self evaluation; CPD records and staff training materials
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.3 MEETING LEARNING NEEDS Themes: Learning opportunities, tasks, activities and resources Identification of learning needs The roles of staff Meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation Learning opportunities, tasks, activities and resources Is the focus of the centre on the learning and development needs of the children?
How do we know?
Are learning activities and resources, including natural materials, matched to the age, needs and abilities of individual children? Are approaches to development and learning: o Relevant? o Challenging? o Taking account of children’s experiences and interests? o Varied according to individual learning styles? Are the children encouraged to make choices and follow their interests during absorbing play?
Are programmes flexible enough to enable children to progress at their own pace?
Are resources used effectively to support learning and meet a wide range of learning and teaching styles? Identification of learning needs Are children’s needs identified, reviewed and evaluated from an early stage including those of children with significantly different needs from their peers? Are parents, carers and partner centres fully involved in these processes as appropriate?
Is there regular and helpful support to allow all children to participate fully in all aspects of their learning and development? The roles of staff
Agreed Level
Are there regular opportunities for centre staff, learning support staff, parents and partner agencies to discuss, identify and address any factors which may hinder children’s learning? Are staff responsive to differing learning needs and sensitive to individual circumstances?
Do staff have a clear understanding of their roles?
Do staff provide effective learning experiences to help children make steady progress? Do learning support staff and partner agencies provide support and advice to both staff and parents on ways of meeting individual children’s learning needs? Do staff have realistically high expectations of all children? Meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation Do staff effectively implement current legislation and advice relating to children requiring additional support for their learning? Do individualised educational programmes and co-ordinated support plans contain appropriate targets for children? Does the centre place a high value on parents’ contributions in reviewing their children’s needs and learning plans?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Staff roles and remits; relevant national and local authority documents; children’s profiles; need identified sheets; plans; evaluations; minutes of meetings; IEPs where appropriate; curriculum and other policies; staff training records; inventory of resource including specialised items and ICT; records of consultation and information sharing with parents, other centres and partners; external reports; observation of classroom/playroom practice; care routines; photographs; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.4 ASSESSMENT FORLEARNING Themes: Assessment approaches Planning learning experiences and activities Use of assessment information to identify and plan future learning Arrangements for recording and reporting Assessment approaches Do staff use an appropriate range of assessment methods including observation and high quality interaction with children?
How do we know?
Do staff monitor the support and intervention individuals and groups require?
Does at least one member of staff know the whole child well? Planning learning experiences and activities Are high quality learning experiences planned using an understanding of: o Children’s learning and development? o The learning outcomes? Do staff know and respond to individual needs and interests?
Are staff clear about what they expect children to learn?
Do staff build on and extend appropriately children’s previous learning?
Use of assessment information to identify and plan future learning Is effective use made of assessment information to evaluate learning and teaching and improve practice? Do staff observe children closely at play, track their progress and use the information to plan their future learning and decide whether intervention would be helpful?
Agreed Level
Does the centre seek and use information on children’s development from parents and, where appropriate, from support agencies? Are children actively involved in their learning and involved in evaluating their learning and progress? Arrangements for recording and reporting Does the centre have manageable arrangements for record keeping which supports staff to track and record children’s progress and report to parents? Do parents receive regular and up to date information including written reports on their children’s progress across the curriculum? Do staff share individual profiles regularly with parents?
Do children contribute information to these profiles and have a sense of ownership of them?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Transition information: home to centre and centre to school or other centre; observation records; needs identified sheets; children’s profiles; children’s work; accessibility of records for parents; minutes of review meetings; written guidelines and policy statements; questionnaires from parents and other feedback evidence; evidence of consultation/discussion with children; formal reporting to parents; written information for parents; notices, letters, et about open evenings or sessions for parents; evidence of parental contributions to profiles and assessment information
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.5 EXPECTATIONS AND PROMOTING ACHIEVEMENT Themes: Staff expectations and use of praise Children’s expectations and sense of achievement Promoting and sustaining an ethos of achievement Staff-child relationships Staff expectations and use of praise Do staff have consistently high expectations of children’s achievement and behaviour and share these with children and parents?
How do we know?
Is praise used appropriately to motivate children?
Do staff promote independence and co-operation through use of a variety of suitable strategies?
Children’s expectations and sense of achievement Do the children have high expectations of themselves and others?
Do children have a sense of achievement and progress?
Do children enjoy appropriate opportunities to exercise responsibilities?
Is the children’s work displayed well around the playroom and centre?
Promoting and achieving an ethos of achievement Do staff provide a stimulating and motivating learning environment and have high expectations of achievement? Are there well planned opportunities for children
Agreed Level
to experience worthwhile achievement?
Do the children’s high aspirations show in an enthusiastic approach to playroom activities, progress and achievements? Do the children’s high levels of motivation and depth of engagement demonstrate a positive attitude to learning? Does the centre celebrate children’s achievements regularly within the centre and with the family and the community? Staff-child interactions Are relationships throughout the centre warm and positive and founded on a climate of mutual respect and trust? Is the atmosphere in the playroom(s) relaxed and purposeful?
Are children well behaved and are they learning consideration for others?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Reference information for staff; examples of comments from parents; relevant policies and procedures including behaviour policy; centre’s vision, values and aims; classroom/playroom observation; photographs; wall displays; plans; children’s profiles; notices, letters, etc shared with parents and the community; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities; press cuttings; mind maps; floor books
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.6 EQUALITY AND FAIRNESS Themes: Approaches to inclusion Promoting equality and fairness Ensuring equality and fairness Approaches to inclusion Does the centre welcome all children and families?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Are there effective working relationships between staff and partner services which ensure that the needs of children’s and families’ needs are reviewed, evaluated and met? Does the centre assist families who experience difficulties in accessing support services?
Does the centre remove barriers to development and learning and ensure that children and their parents are included fully in all aspects of the life of the centre? Are parents enabled to participate as equal partners in their child’s care and education?
Do staff maintain a clear focus on vulnerable children?
Promoting equality and fairness Does the centre promote equality of opportunity and is a sense of fairness strongly evident in the work of the centre?
Is diversity recognised, valued and promoted in the centre and its community whilst stressing shared values and experiences? Are issues about equality and fairness to others discussed openly and sensitively amongst children and staff? Ensuring equality and fairness
Are children, parents and staff treated equally, with respect and in a fair and just manner?
Does the centre ensure that culture and language, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and additional support needs do not become barriers to participation and achievement? Do the children feel confident and know who to tell if they are treated unfairly?
Does everyone in the centre feel valued, safe and secure?
NB When applying this indicator, centres should use information about the achievements and progress of different groups of learners such as: boys and girls; children of different ethnic groups; refugees; Gypsy/Traveller children; looked after children; children for whom English is an additional language; children with disabilities; those with irregular attendance caused by illness, family circumstances or respite care
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Relevant policy statements and guidelines; written evidence of curriculum strategies and teaching approaches; completed plans and evaluations; records of joint work with other agencies; support systems and procedures to help parents to access other services; playroom/classroom observation; staff training records and materials; parent and staff questionnaires; evidence of discussion with children; audio and visual evidence of children’s activities; photographs and evidence of the celebration of religious and cultural events; displays; information for parents
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.7 PARTNERSHIP WITH CHILDREN AND PARENTS Themes: Engaging parents in their children’s learning and the life of the centre Consulting and communicating with children and parents Dialogue with children and parents about the work of the centre Engaging parents in their children’s learning and the life of the centre Is the centre welcoming and do staff actively encourage all parents to participate in the life of the centre?
How do we know?
Does the centre support parent representation on formal committees or councils?
Is parental support planned and purposeful leading to productive partnerships with parents and participation in their children’s learning? Are staff skilful in working alongside parents and do they welcome them, where appropriate, in working alongside them in the centre? Does the centre support parents well in understanding and taking an active part in discussions about their children’s progress and ways of working together on next steps in learning? Do staff meet with parents at times most convenient to them where possible? Consulting and communicating with children and parents Is there high-quality communication and consultation with parents on aspects such as the quality of care and education provided in the centre and also on the way the centre is run? Are parents involved in decisions about the future work of the centre?
Does the centre have clear complaints procedures and do parents understand how to use them?
Agreed Level
Are there effective arrangements to meet the varying needs of parents such as those who need interpreting or translation services or have restricted mobility? Dialogue with children and parents about the work of the centre Does the centre report annually to all parents on success in meeting improvement priorities and achieving key outcomes? Does the centre provide clear information on all aspects of its work? Do reports on the quality of the centre give accurate evaluations of key aspects and identify strengths and areas for improvement?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Newsletters; policies available to parents; reports and evidence of formal and informal meetings to discuss children’s progress; centre’s vision, values and aims; handbook; written policy for parental involvement; programmes; policy statements, letters and other examples of communications; enrolment information; assessment data, observation records and any written reports; parent questionnaires EAL information and support materials; mind maps; floor books; scribed work
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 5.8 CARE, WELFARE AND DEVELOPMENT Themes: Arrangements for ensuring the care, welfare and child protection Approaches to and provision for meeting the emotional, personal, social and physical needs of children, including continuity of care and care routines Choices about education and care Agreed Level Arrangements for ensuring the care, welfare and child protection Are the centre’s policies and procedures for pastoral care and welfare clear, appropriate and implemented by all staff?
How do we know?
Do staff understand their roles and responsibilities and take care to ensure the children’s health, safety and general wellbeing? Are staff trained in child protection procedures and do they understand and implement these? Do staff deal sensitively and effectively with the needs and concerns of the children? Does the centre emphasise healthy living and health promotion? Approaches to and provision for meeting the emotional, personal, social and physical needs of children, including continuity of care and care routines Are staff aware of children’s emotional, personal, social and physical needs and do they promote their development across the curriculum and in the work of the centre? Are children’s achievements recognised and valued and are friendships encouraged and supported? Do staff comfort children if they are upset?
Do the children have opportunities to care for others and to develop citizenship skills?
Do the children take part in decisions about the life and work of the centre and are they actively involved in this?
Is there a climate of respect and confidence in the centre?
Are children and their families supported by all staff and specialists from partner services? Is there an effective system in place to ensure continuity of care for the children, including effective liaison with parents and other centres or services which the child attends? Do staff take account of parents’ preferences and reflect familiar care routines at home? Are children and families carefully supported when there are changes in staffing, particularly with key workers? Do children who attend full day provision: o Have suitable opportunities to rest and enjoy a balanced and healthy diet? o
Have regular access to fresh air and the opportunity to engage in energetic activities?
Choices about education and care Are children encouraged to make choices in their education and care? Are families consulted and supported in making choices about their child’s education and care?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Child Protection policy, procedures and staff training; staff remits, roles and responsibilities; external reports; plans; information on events; policies including health promotion; written guidelines and policy statements; accident and incident records; completed enrolment forms; home link diaries; records of information from home; interagency reports; snack menus; handouts and information from the centre and other professionals; minutes of meetings and discussions with staff, parents and children; classroom/playroom observations indoors and outside; newsletters and other information for parents; photographs; records of visitors; observations of care routines
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 5.9 IMPROVEMENT THROUGH SELF-EVALUATION Themes: Commitment to self-evaluation Management of self-evaluation Centre improvement Commitment to self-evaluation Do staff, individually and with colleagues, evaluate their own work as reflective practitioners and make improvements e.g. in playroom activities or the organisation of programmes for the curriculum?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Do staff work together to evaluate the provision in the centre to secure continuous improvement, including making major changes where this is needed? Are there effective systems in place to gather the views of staff, parents, children and others about the quality of the work of the centre? Are the vision, values and aims of the centre used as a basis for reviewing its work?
Management of self-evaluation Does self –evaluation focus on key aspects of the children’s successes, achievements and wellbeing? Does self –evaluation draw on a wide range of evidence and is it rigorous, systematic and transparent? Do staff reflect on current practice and evaluate any new initiatives or changes which have been introduced? Does the centre use accreditation schemes where appropriate as a sound basis for improvement?
Are strengths and areas for improvement clearly identified?
Is good practice shared?
Centre improvement Is self-evaluation used to gauge progress and improvement with clear evidence of improvement based on the cycle of audit?
Is the focus particularly on continuing improvements to learning and teaching and the achievement of all children?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Policies, procedures and written guidelines; audit reports; improvement plans; written evaluations; training programmes and staff training records; staff, parent and children’s questionnaires; minutes of staff meetings and meetings with management; evidence of discussion with parents and staff, evidence of sharing good practice; feedback from monitoring visits
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
Q I 6.1 POLICY REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT Themes: Range, clarity and appropriateness of aims and policies Coherence of policies Managing, evaluating and updating policies Range, clarity and appropriateness of aims and policies Do staff and parents share the centre’s aims and values, are they committed to them and are they shared with the children?
How do we know?
Do policies put the children first? Do policies provide guidance, take account of local and national priorities and comply with relevant legislation? Are the centre’s policies consistent with the aims and policies of the education authority or governing body and with national guidelines? Do they provide clear and concise guidance which improves practice in the centre and has a positive impact on children’s experiences? Coherence of policies Are the centre’s policies directed at meeting children’s needs and reducing barriers to learning? Are working links with partnership initiatives clearly indicated in the policies and evident in practice? Managing, evaluating and updating policies Are staff and parents actively involved in the development and review of policies and the impact these have in the work of the centre? Are policies kept updated to reflect current legislation requirements, especially in risk assessment and the care, welfare and protection of children?
Agreed Level
NB In evaluating this QI, due attention should be paid to evaluations of QIs within Key Areas 1 to 4.
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Vision, values and aims; policies; policy statements and guidelines; minutes of meetings; information from other agencies and partners; evidence of discussions with staff and parents; awareness of national and local priorities and relevant legislation; external reports including Care Commission evidence
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
Q I 6.2 PARTICIPATION IN POLICY AND PLANNING Themes: Active participation in policy and planning Communication and consultation Active participation in policy and planning Does the centre use the views of all involved in its work to inform the development, evaluation and review of policies in order to secure improvements for the children?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Do senior managers actively involve parents and staff in the work of the centre e.g. in meetings, parents groups and working groups? Communication and consultation Is the centre committed to communicating and consulting with children, parents, staff and all interested stakeholders? Are staff, children, parents and partners confident in contributing ideas, expressing concerns and making suggestions?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Vision, values and aims; policies; policy statements and guidelines; minutes of meetings; information from other agencies and partners; evidence of discussions with staff and parents; awareness of national and local priorities and relevant legislation; external reports including Care Commission evidence; improvement plans
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 6.3 PLANNING FOR IMPROVEMENT Themes: Developing, implementing and evaluating improvement plans Structure and content of improvement plans Use of management information Joint improvement planning with partner organisations and services Planning for sustainability Developing, implementing and evaluating improvement plans Does the centre have a clear and well understood cycle for improvement planning?
How do we know?
Does the centre involve stakeholders at an early stage in shaping its plans?
Are staff committed to developing the improvement plan and to implementing it?
Does the centre rigorously evaluate the impact of the plan on improving outcomes for all the children and families? Structure and content of improvement plans Does the improvement plan fully reflect the centre’s circumstances along with local and national priorities? Is the improvement plan accessible to the full range of stakeholders?
Does the plan set achievable targets and also indicate how developments will b resourced, who will be responsible, when they will be implemented, their impact on children and how success will be evaluated? Use of management information Does the centre make effective use of information from self-evaluation and career review and development in producing the improvement plan?
In particular, does the centre draw on evidence
Agreed Level
from monitoring the quality of teaching and children’s experiences and evidence relating to children’s development and progress in achievements? Joint improvement planning with partner organisations and services Is there evidence of the centre’s commitment to joint planning with partner organisations and services in the use of integrated working to achieve improvement objectives? Are partners fully involved in planning to ensure that children are safe, healthy and well cared for, and they achieve to their fullest potential? Planning for sustainability Does the centre take careful account of issues of continuity and sustainability of planning improvements?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Improvement plans; self-evaluation records and audit reports; financial records as appropriate; minutes of staff and management meetings; written evidence of consultation with staff, parents, children and relevant outside agencies; monitoring records and feedback
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 7.1 STAFF SUFFICIENCY, RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Themes: Provision of staff Recruitment, appointment and induction of staff Care and welfare of staff Recognition of achievement Provision of staff Are there sufficient skilled and qualified members of staff and support from specialist services to provide an appropriately high-quality curriculum for all children, including those with additional support needs? * Does the centre have access to appropriately well qualified supply staff and does it ensure their effective deployment?
How do we know?
Recruitment, appointment and induction of staff Does the centre have effective, safe and transparent recruitment procedures?
When staff are being appointed, is due regard given to qualifications and skills, aptitudes and experience needed for each post? Are there effective induction procedures in place for all new staff, including supply and other temporary staff? Does the centre operate an effective equal opportunities policy in the recruitment and support of staff?
Does the centre systematically address and monitor issues of equality and fairness including race, religion, ethnicity, disability and gender?
Care and welfare of staff Does the centre have clear procedures for setting the standards of conduct, care and welfare which all staff can expect and which are expected of them? Do staff know their responsibilities and rights and
Agreed Level
relevant professional codes of practice?
Recognition of achievement Does the centre recognise and celebrate its achievements and support staff to give of their best?
Do those with leadership responsibilities regularly communicate staff successes and highlight best practice?
* Pre-school staff will want to refer to the SSSC conditions for registration Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate SSSC Codes of Practice and registration where appropriate; staff annual review and support evidence; relevant policies; staff roles and remits; staff induction materials and information for staff; items on the noticeboard; newsletters; press cuttings; management communications with staff
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 7.2 STAFF DEPLOYMENT AND TEAMWORK Themes: Appropriateness and clarity of remits Deployment of staff, including partner agencies Effectiveness of teamwork Communication Appropriateness and clarity of remits Do staff, including those from partner services, have clear job descriptions and remits focused on the needs of learners?
How do we know?
Do staff feel empowered, challenged and supported?
Do team members have clear responsibilities e.g. for an area of the playroom or as a key worker for a group of children? Is the work of team members monitored and evaluated?
Do senior managers evaluate overall performance?
Deployment of staff, including partner agencies Are staff deployed effectively and are their duties defined and understood?
Do staff work alongside children and contribute effectively to their development and learning? Do managers deploy support and ancillary staff effectively to complement those staff working directly with children and allow them to focus on teaching and learning and promoting high-quality play experiences? Effectiveness of teamwork Has the centre established a collaborative and collegiate approach to its work?
Agreed Level
Is there an ethos of team working and is there evidence of professional engagement within the centre? Do staff work well with learning support staff and visiting specialists?
Do managers ensure effective liaison between staff and other professionals involved with the care and education of individual children, including the release of time for effective consultation? Communication Are lines of communication and accountability for all staff clear? Are staff aware of how to raise concerns and make constructive suggestions? Do all staff take responsibility for communicating and sharing information with staff in the centre and those from other agencies? Are those with leadership responsibilities responsive, visible and accessible?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Roles and remits; staff training records; professional development materials; minutes and notes of staff meetings and meetings with partner agencies; monitoring records and feedback; self-evaluation records; management communications; staff review and support evidence
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 7.3 STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW Themes: Processes for staff review and support Training and development Joint training with staff from partner agencies Agreed Level Processes for staff review and support Does the staff review process in the centre meet best practice and, where appropriate, what is set out in local and national guidelines?
How do we know?
Does it identify the strengths and skills of all staff and meet their development needs?
Does the centre have a clear, well-supported framework of continuing professional development and review for all staff deployed there? Does information from staff review and other sources inform staff development activities and support continuous improvement?
Training and development Do the centre and staff take responsibility for identifying the aims and priorities for professional development?
Is staff development well planned, matched to identified needs and does it draw on local and national expertise?
Does staff development include relevant national and local training, work shadowing and peer coaching and mentoring?
Does the centre follow up and evaluate impact
and are the findings used to influence future planning?
Joint training with staff from partner agencies Do staff come together to share new knowledge and skills gained and to engage in joint staff development on common priorities and practices? Does joint staff development for staff in the centre lead to recognisable improvements in the arrangements for supporting children and their families?
NB In evaluating this QI, reference should be made to QI 3.1 The engagement of staff in the life and work of the centre
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Staff review and support evidence; staff training records and evaluations; CPD calendar; minutes of staff meetings; appraisal linked to staff development; relevant policies; evidence of sharing practice within and outwith the centre e.g. visits, cascading information, peer observations and information sharing
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 8.1 PARTNERSHIPS WITH THE COMMUNITY, EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS, AGENCIES AND EMPLOYERS Themes: Clarity of purposes and aims Working across agencies and disciplines Staff roles in partnerships Clarity of purposes and aims Is there effective partnership working which makes a difference to the quality of support for the children?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Is the centre clear about the areas for which it has the main responsibility and those where support from partners is needed? Is the centre committed to working with partners and clear about the aims of joint working?
Working across agencies and disciplines Have links with other educational establishments and specialist agencies enriched learning and improved children’s achievements and support to their families? Do staff work well with others to ensure children are very well supported and their learning and welfare needs are addressed at key transition points? Does the centre maintain effective partnerships, where appropriate, with community groups, colleges, education psychologists, medical services and social workers? Do staff work with these partners to enrich the experiences or target support for individuals or groups of children? Staff roles in partnerships Do those with leadership responsibilities within the centre actively seek opportunities to work and engage with partners? Does the centre work with partners providing integrated services to children and communitybased projects to support local priorities and objectives?
Are the centre’s arrangements for communication, planning, assessment, recording, reporting and review clear and do they work well?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Minutes of local forums and joint meetings; diary entries; policy statements; written guidelines; programmes for joint in-service sessions and examples of joint work and shared use of facilities; questionnaires for other agencies and establishments; photographs; press cuttings; relevant policies; information on planning, assessment, reporting and evaluation
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 8.2 MANAGEMENT OF FINANCE FOR LEARNING Themes: Sufficiency of available finance and setting budgets Financial procedures and controls Management of budgets, including links with the education authority/Board of Managers/Parent Committee Best value use of finance to support centre Agreed Level Sufficiency of available finance and setting budgets Is the centre’s finance sufficient to support the centre’s work and is best use made of it?
How do we know?
Are staff, children and parents consulted on funding bids and are these clearly linked to local improvement objectives and national priorities? Financial procedures and controls Does the centre have clear procedures for financial control? Is expenditure managed and monitored openly and effectively and does it take account of local and national advice? Management of budgets, including links with the education authority/Board of Managers/Parent Committee Do the centre’s systems for budget management provide clear and current information?
Are the centre’s arrangements for day-to-day financial management efficient with regards to staff time? Best value use of finance to support centre improvement Are the centre’s priorities for the use of financial resources clearly linked to centre improvement priorities? Does the centre use its finances to improve the quality of learning and to support specific developments? Have finances been allocated effectively and efficiently to support the improvement priorities
which in turn has led to positive outcomes for the children?
NB In evaluating this QI reference should be made to QI 1.2
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Budgets; audited accounts; minutes of meetings re fund-raising; written guidelines, procedures and policies; inventory of resources; improvement plan
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 8.3 MANAGEMENT AND USE OF RESOURCES AND SPACE FOR LEARNING Themes: Accommodation, display and presentation Provision of resources and equipment Organisation and use of resources Arrangements to ensure health and safety, including security Accommodation, display and presentation Does the accommodation provide a safe, pleasant and stimulating environment for learning through play and social and care activities?
How do we know?
Does the centre have appropriate space to accommodate all ages of children catered for by the centre? Are there well-appointed areas for children to engage in energetic activities inside and out, and for them to rest and sleep? Are there appropriate areas for staff and parents and sufficient space for storage and display? Does the centre meet statutory duties on accessibility? Do displays of children’s work support learning and create a stimulating environment? Does the centre create an appropriate balance between children’s own work, printed text, photographs and other displays? Provision of resources and equipment Are resources appropriate, sufficient, up to date and well maintained and do they include ICT resources? Do resources support staff interaction well and help children to learn effectively? Organisation and use of resources Are resources well organised, accessible, used effectively and managed in a sustainable way? Is learning and teaching enriched through the planned use of ICT, the local environment and
Agreed Level
resources from outwith the centre? Are the children encouraged to make independent and responsible use of resources? Do staff monitor and evaluate the use of resources to ensure that the children’s needs are met? Arrangements to ensure health and safety, including security Are buildings secure and are health and safety aspects of the accommodation and facilities identified and addressed? Does the centre implement relevant health and safety legislation and are staff vigilant in ensuring the security and safety of the children?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate External reports including Care Commission evidence; photographs; classroom/playroom observation indoors and outside; displays of work; inventory and organisation of resources; risk assessments; maintenance records; plans; relevant policies including Health and Safety
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 8.4 MANAGING INFORMATION Themes: Data collection, storage and retrieval Sharing information Analysing, evaluating and using information Data collection, storage and retrieval Does the centre use effective approaches for collecting and storing data to improve learning and raise achievement?
How do we know?
Is information managed efficiently to identify children’s progress, meet their needs and target support and resources?
Do staff have appropriate access to information?
Do the arrangements to store, file and retrieve information comply with legislation?
Sharing information Are protocols for information sharing understood and followed?
Is information shared efficiently among staff including data on budgets and children’s attendance? Do the centre’s systems allow relevant partners to have access to information necessary to ensure the children’s wellbeing and improve their learning? Are parents fully aware of the information held about their children and with whom it might be shared?
Agreed Level
Analysing, evaluating and using information Is data analysis used to monitor and demonstrate improvement?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Children’s profiles; filing system; records kept; Confidentiality Policy and other relevant policies and protocols; information sharing protocol; analysis of attendance records; questionnaires; progress reports
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 9.1 VISION, VALUES AND AIMS Themes: Appropriateness and coherence with corporate and community vision, values and aims Sharing and sustaining the vision Promotion of positive attitudes to social and cultural diversity Appropriateness and coherence with corporate and community vision, values and aims Does the centre work with children, parents and other partners to develop and shape a common vision for the centre and community through reflection, debate and ongoing consultation?
How do we know?
Is the centre’s vision based firmly on high-quality early education and care for children and is it in line with local and national priorities? Does the work of the centre gain direction from clear statements of its vision, values and aims?
Sharing and sustaining the vision Does the centre continually revisit and reinforce its vision, values and aims through events and activities? Does this result in a strong sense of common purpose throughout the centre community? Does the centre take full account of its vision, values and aims when reviewing its work, implementing improvements and shaping future direction? Promotion of positive attitudes to social and cultural diversity Do the centre’s vision, values and aims set out clear expectations for, and positive attitudes to diversity? Is there a strong commitment to equality?
Does the centre promote equity and celebrate diversity and inclusion, and is this reflected in the improvement plan?
Agreed Level
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Vision, values and aims; noticeboard items; handbook; policy folder; newsletters; letters; community information; displays; relevant policies
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 9.2 LEADERSHIP AND DIRECTION Themes: Strategic planning and communication Strategic deployment of resources Strategic planning and communication Are continuous improvement and successes and achievements for learners central to the centre’s strategic direction?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Does the centre ensure that high-quality learning through play is the central focus of improvement plans and that improvement priorities are linked to practice? Is a clear view of the centre’s aims communicated so that the wider staff team and children are clear and committed to their part in achieving them?
Strategic deployment of resources Does the centre make transparent and evidencebased decisions on the allocation of resources to target agreed objectives and achieve best value?
Do those with leadership responsibilities in the centre demonstrate that they are committed to learning by making class or playroom visits, modelling good practice, giving feedback, sharing insights widely and stimulating self -evaluation? Do those with leadership responsibilities reinforce a culture where staff feel able and confident to take lead roles in the work of the centre?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Improvement plans; self-evaluation records and audit reports; minutes of staff and management meetings; written communications; Quality Assurance and other external reports; minutes of meetings with parents; professional development material; handbook; records of staff support; monitoring records and feedback; evidence of support from early years officers and other professionals
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
QI 9.3 DEVELOPING PEOPLE AND PARTNERSHIPS Themes: Development of leadership capacity Building and sustaining relationships Teamwork and partnerships Development of leadership capacity Does the centre focus on high-quality learning through play as the key to improvement?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Are leadership styles adapted to the context and situations in the centre and is there sensitivity to relationships? Does the leadership deploy a wide range of skills and motivate and support others? Is the approach consultative and collegiate, securing shared commitment? Is action driven forward directly when required?
Do those with leadership responsibilities reinforce a culture of distributed leadership where staff feel able to exercise initiative and take lead roles within and beyond the classroom or playroom? Does the centre make good use of the collective knowledge, experience and personal interests of staff and of children’s views? Has an impact been made individually, within teams and across the centre? Building and sustaining relationships Has a supportive work environment been developed in which people share a sense of responsibility to ensure successes and achievements for children? Are working relationships built on trust and a genuine concern for staff and partners?
Are people helped to tackle challenging problems, share information and deal with difficulties?
Is an atmosphere of collective responsibility and mutual support reinforced across the centre community? Are structures for management, learning and support created and reviewed to build positive relationships? Does the centre encourage staff and recognise and celebrate their achievements? Teamwork and partnerships Is there a high level of commitment to partnership working and team development to secure continuous improvement? Is an ethos of teamwork evident in the centre? Does the centre engage actively with relevant partners and does it have high levels of participation by partners in its own work and improvement? Is team performance evaluated regularly against agreed objectives?
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate Minutes of management, staff and partner agency meetings; CPD records; records of staff support; roles and remits; qualifications information; evidence of team and partnership working; sharing of good practice; evidence of individual staff initiatives, achievements and areas of practice developed
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper QI 9.4 LEADERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENT AND CHANGE Themes: Support and change Creativity, innovation and step change Continuous improvement Support and change Is the centre committed to planning and implementing strategies for improvement?
Agreed Level How do we know?
Is there an understanding of the need for change, support and challenge, having demanding targets and managing change effectively? Is best practice used in self-evaluation to improve learning? Does improvement in the centre take account of the capacity for improvement and do staff have time to consider and embed changes? Creativity, innovation and step change Is there a coherent vision of what is important for the centre, its community and the children? Is there innovation in line with that vision?
Is the pace of agreed change guided and managed? Are hearts won over as well as minds?
Are potential divisions among staff dealt with effectively? Are the results of self-evaluation routinely used to consolidate what is done well? Are innovative approaches aimed at improving the quality of learning and teaching and outcomes for children welcomed?
Does the centre lead and manage change effectively and strategically by prioritising and focusing on a manageable number of high-priority initiatives and are they communicated well? Continuous improvement Do leaders at all levels play a very strong role in maintaining high levels of quality and leading improvement and innovation, learning and teaching, with a focus on impact and outcomes? Does everyone have clear roles and responsibilities in quality improvement?
Does the centre constantly explore ways to create more capacity for improvement through developing talents and skills? Are opportunities provided for staff to undertake lead roles in a variety of contexts and is their expertise and confidence nurtured and developed?
NB In evaluating this indicator, consideration should be given to indicators in Key areas 1-4 outlining the centre’s successes and achievement
Possible Sources of Evidence – add as appropriate As for Key Areas 1 to 4 Improvement plans; records of staff and management meetings; vision, values and aims
Summary: To what extent does the centre meet the Level 5 standard?
*List action points on a separate sheet of paper
Original location: http://www.highland.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/B9FA6F46-D6D4-482D-B2FA1F1A8D6A7DFD/0/090811additionalguidelinesforcc2siseselfevaluationforpreschool. doc Advice first issued 2008 Accessed 20 February 2014