Kelch der Wahrheit (Goblet of the Truth) and its Translation into the English Language
Or, The Language of the Spiritual Teaching is German
More than two years ago the FIGU Mother Centre decided to have the “Kelch der Wahrheit“ - the book of the entire teaching of the prophets, the teaching of truth, the teaching of spirit, the teaching of life, of Henoch (Enoch), Elia,(Elijah) Jesaja (Isaiah), Jeremia (Jeremiah), Jmmanuel (Immanuel), Muhammad (Mohammed) und Billy (BEAM) - translated into the English language so that the many human beings who are not proficient in the German language, who, however, understand English, shall likewise also enjoy the words of the prophets. (German edition: FIGU, Wassermannzeit-Verlag, CH-8495 Schmidrüti. Entire book as free download at The current German/English version can be found on the English website, Data bank: