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Carlton & United Breweries

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For A Hard Earned Thirst

Carlton & United Breweries is a proud part of the Asahi Beverages family, brewing Australia’s most iconic and loved beers, including Victoria Bitter, Carlton Draught, Great Northern, Pure Blonde, Carlton Dry, Melbourne Bitter, Crown Lager, Cascade Premium Light and Matilda Bay.

We trace our origins to the mid-nineteenth century when we first brewed Victoria Bitter and even earlier to the Cascade Brewery, which was established in 1824 and commenced brewing in Tasmania in 1832. We employ more than 1,700 people at our six Australian breweries and various offices around Australia.

In 1854, Thomas Aitkin founded the Victoria Brewery and became famous for his award winning bitter ales, brewed to provide refreshment in the harsh Australian climate. Aitkin’s Victoria Bitter Ale quickly became a popular drink for thirsty miners drawn to Victoria during the gold rush.

Victoria Bitter 24x375ml

During the 1890’s the depression hit Victoria hard, forcing many breweries to close and leaving those that remained in fierce competition. In 1907 the Foster’s, Carlton, Victoria, Shamrock, McCracken and Castlemaine breweries decided that the only way to survive was to band together and Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) was formed.

Carlton & United Breweries is committed to the responsible consumption of alcohol, including working to reduce harmful drinking practices in Australia. We were a founding member of DrinkWise and are one of its largest financial contributors.

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