Wise Energy Guide

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Wise Energy Guide




Conservation At Union Gas, we take the word ‘conservation’ to heart. It’s our goal to help you conserve natural gas with this Wise Energy Guide. The guide was created to inform you of the best possible ways to improve energy efficiency, use less energy and still enjoy a warm, welcoming home. The Wise Energy Guide can help you save on energy bills, live comfortably and protect the environment. Stewardship – caring about people and the world we live in – is one of Union Gas’ business values. And the Wise Energy Guide is a great place to start. It gives you the power to take control and manage energy use in and around your home. In keeping with our goal of conservation, we use recycled paper and environmentally-friendly inks to produce this guide. As you can see, together, we all make a difference.

Wise Energy Guide

contents 1 2 3 4 5


7 insert

Why it’s important to trim your energy use.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Understanding energy and your home.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Your home works as a system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Keeping your system balanced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Reducing winter condensation problems.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 4 9 9

Manage my bill.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Getting started on an energy plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 • Rebates and incentives.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Equipment solutions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The product options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 • Gas furnaces.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 • Space heaters and wall furnaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 • Combo hydronic baseboard.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 • Combo radiant floor heating.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 • Combo fan coil and forced air. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 • Fireplaces.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 • Water heaters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 • Other natural gas appliances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Efficient use of heating, cooling, ventilating equipment, appliances & lighting • Furnaces and air-conditioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 • Thermostats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 • Fireplaces.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 • Water heaters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 • Exhaust fans.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 • Appliances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 • Lighting.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Building envelope solutions and simple tips • Air sealing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 • Insulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Looking for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Home Energy Checklist.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . between 20 - 21



trim energy use

Wise Energy Guide



Why it’s important to trim energy use

These days, more Canadians are

The following sections can help reduce

becoming concerned about energy

your energy use even further. They provide

efficiency. And for good reasons, too!

valuable ideas on cutting heating costs,

First of all, when you save energy, you save money on your energy bills. The less energy you use, the more money you save. It’s simple! Second, when your home is more energy efficient, it’s more comfortable. No more drafts…cold floors…leaky windows. It makes a difference in the winter and in the summer!

air sealing, insulating, dealing with moisture problems, and efficiency tips for operating water heaters, appliances, air-conditioners and lighting. Most of them don’t require any technical skills – and you can usually find the required tools and some of the materials required around your home. This guide is only a starting point for many projects - you may require further information to complete a job. Check

That’s why Union Gas has put together

out chapter seven for a listing of other

this guide for you. You’ll find it contains

free publications on conserving energy

a wealth of valuable information to help

in your home.

you improve the energy efficiency of your home!

To help you plan your energy projects, we’ve created a Home Energy Checklist

We’ve organized it so it’s easy to read

insert. Work your way through your home

and understand. Included in this guide

with the checklist, then make a list

are many simple and inexpensive

of the projects you want to tackle first.

energy-saving tips that can help you

If your project requires the expertise of

save money and become more

a professional contractor, make sure you

energy efficient.

obtain competitive price quotes to help

Changing your habits and attitudes

you make your decision. Then go to it!

toward how you use energy can result

We hope you find this guide

in energy savings.

useful. If you’re looking for

If you are a current natural gas user you’re already reducing your impact on the environment by using natural gas energy. However, you must still be careful to use all types of energy wisely.

additional information or know of anyone who would like to order or download the guide, visit uniongas.com/wiseenergy

and your

energy home

Wise Energy Guide


Understanding energy and your home Here’s how it works. With the first sign

the fan removes the moisture-laden air and

of cold weather, your home starts to

replaces it with cool, dry, outdoor air, which

cool down and someone in your home

is drawn in through the home’s cracks and

will likely turn on the furnace. As you

leaks. In this case, the moisture, heat, and air

and your home adjust to the temperature

flows are being adjusted in your home.

changes outside, you will adjust the thermostat accordingly – either by turning it up to make your home warmer, or turning it down to make it cooler. Adjusting the temperature is an action that balances the heat flows in your home.

So, as you can see, your home is in a constant balancing act. And this balancing act can have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of your home, and therefore on your home comfort and the amount you spend on your energy bills!

As the weather warms up and spring arrives, you’ll notice that you and your neighbours begin to open the windows in your homes. Everyone wants to enjoy the fresh, fragrant spring air! By opening the windows, you move the air around in your home – sending the stuffy air out and bringing the fresh spring air inside. By doing this, you are adjusting the air flows in your home. Then in the summertime, when the humidity levels are high, you may either turn on the air-conditioner (if you have one) or a dehumidifier. By doing this, you’re controlling the moisture flows in your home. Sometimes these flows work together. For example, in the winter when you take a shower, you may turn the exhaust fan on. When the exhaust fan is running,



Understanding energy and your home





Your home works as a system It is important to understand how your house functions when

The amount of insulation and air leakage

planning major retrofit work. This will ensure the retrofit will

in the building envelope will determine

meet your expectations and won’t cause new problems while

its relative resistance to air, heat and

solving the old. Though this may sound complicated, it’s a

moisture flows. For example, in the

simple question of balance. To be comfortable, energy efficient,

winter, if there is too much air flow

and safe – the air, moisture, and heat flows of your house must

through the building envelope via air

operate as a balanced system.

leaks, the warm, moist indoor air will

So before undertaking any major renovations, homeowners and contractors must ask- “What are the potential reactions to the work I am about to do?” “How can I avoid those problems from occurring in the first place?” As you already know, no two homes are the same. However, whether your home is new or old, a bungalow or two storey, all homes have four common elements that include: 1 Building Envelope 2 Outside Environment 3 Mechanical Systems 4 Occupants The first step when looking at your house as a system is understanding how the potential interaction of these four elements can affect your home’s air, heat and moisture flows. Understanding these relationships is the secret to avoiding problems! 1 Building Envelope


be forced out – drawing in the cold, dry outdoor air. This creates a very dry, drafty, uncomfortable home that can be very expensive to heat. Furthermore, as the warm, moist air exits, it can cause structural damage if it becomes trapped and condenses in the walls and the attic. Moisture must exit through controlled openings such as open windows and exhaust fans to avoid damage to building materials. Likewise, if the building envelope in your home has little air leakage, and there is no provision for ventilation and combustion air to be introduced to the home through controlled means, you may have a problem with your fuel

The first element of your home’s system is the building envelope.

burning appliances venting properly.

This is what separates the indoor living space from the outdoor

This situation could be hazardous to

environment. It is made up of all the materials and exterior

your health. In addition, without proper

surfaces in the building “shell” – the walls, ceiling, windows,

ventilation, moisture levels could rise

doors, and floors.

encouraging the growth of mold.

Understanding energy and your home

By air sealing and insulating your home’s building envelope, you reduce the amount of outside air entering your home through the cracks and leaks. This is a balancing act. You must still provide enough dry outside air to enter the home for the combustion appliances, its occupants, and to reduce moisture levels in the home – but yet reduce the amount of air flow into the home to provide a comfortable, cost effective home. You must find the “right” balance for you and your home. 2 Outside Environment The second element in understanding how your home works as a system – is the outdoors! Although you expect your home to shelter and protect you from external environmental conditions such as

3 Mechanical Systems The third element to consider when looking at your house as a system is your home’s mechanical systems. This includes all equipment and appliances used for space heating (including fireplaces) and cooling; indoor humidification and de-humidification; air exhaust and supply; water heating; lighting; and laundry. These systems add or remove heat, moisture and air from your home’s indoor space.

precipitation, wind, sun, heat and cold, it sometimes fails to do so

Understanding how these mechanical

because of the intensity of the environmental conditions and/or the

systems operate is very important

condition of the building envelope.

since they depend on the air, heat, and

For example, prevailing winds can whistle right through your home, bringing in cold air and robbing your home of its heat and moisture.

moisture flows of your home to operate safely and efficiently.

Climate conditions will affect the level of moisture present in the

For example, the mechanical systems

outside air as well as the level of ground water and ground frost.

which require combustion air can be

A high water table around your home’s foundation walls may increase the amount of moisture seeping into the basement through the concrete walls. The effect of the sun providing free heat in the winter and overheating in the summer depends on the orientation of your home, as well as the amount of window glazing and shading.

affected if the building envelope is tightened by an extensive reduction of air flow through comprehensive air sealing, the installation of new windows, increased insulation levels, etc. A lack of combustion air creates the potential

Many aspects of your home’s external environment cannot be

for poor venting of combustion

changed, but other elements of the house can be improved to

by-products. This is a potential health

minimize the impact. For example, air sealing will reduce the wind’s

hazard and one of the key reasons

effect; adding insulation will reduce heat flows through the walls

that you should understand how your

and attic; opening and closing blinds and drapes at appropriate times

home can work as a system, prior to

will capture/reduce the sun’s heat; and landscaping will improve

undertaking any major retrofit work.

drainage and provide wind and sun protection.



Understanding energy and your home

Your home may require direct combustion air. A knowledgeable mechanical contractor can assist with testing and providing combustion air needs.

Now that the four elements of your home’s system have been identified

Operation and maintenance of this equipment is also important

– the building envelope, the outside

in creating a healthy balance in your home’s system. This

environment, the mechanical systems

equipment impacts the air, heat and moisture flows of your

and the occupants – it’s a little easier

home. For example, venting an electric clothes dryer into your

to understand how they interact.

home may provide additional heat, but it will also introduce

It’s also important to realize that

moisture, odours and lint into your home. If your home can’t

maintaining a healthy balance in your

handle the extra moisture, you may experience condensation

home’s system can have a profound

problems. In addition, the lint and odours can be sources of

effect on your home’s comfort and your

health problems, and may actually aggravate asthma and

energy bills! In many cases, it’s up to

allergy problems.

you to do a little homework to ensure


4 Occupants

that the balance is kept. Here are a couple of actual case studies that will

You may not realize it, but you and your loved ones have an

help give you a better idea of how your

important effect on your home’s system! The number of people

home works as a system.

and pets living in your home, as well as their lifestyles, is the fourth element of your home’s system. For example, the number of showers, the use or non-use of exhaust fans, the amount of cooking, and the operation of humidifiers can all have an effect on the amount of moisture being produced in your home. There is an increased need for ventilation when moisture levels rise too high. However, many people hesitate to open windows because they are concerned about losing heat and do not use exhaust fans because they are too noisy or are perceived to expel too much heated air. It is often said that heat, air and moisture flows in a house depends on the number of children and pets, and how often they go in and out of doors! There is some truth to this – for example, in the winter, when the front door is opened, there is a rush of cold air into the house. The cold air is able to rush in because the air inside the home has a place to exit (i.e. into the attic, through cracks around windows, etc.). The air exiting the house takes heat and moisture with it and cool, dry outside air is drawn in thus cooling the house and lowering its moisture levels.


Understanding the relationship

Case study: Installing new windows In this first case study, you’ve decided to replace your old windows with new energy-efficient ones. Once installed, you’re pleased with the way your new windows look and operate, and are glad that they’re so easy to clean! You look forward to winter this year, knowing your home will be more energy efficient and comfortable. But – as the cold weather sets in, you find condensation dripping down several windows. You thought you’d left condensation problems behind with the old leaky windows!

* Natural gas dryers, for safety reasons, should NEVER be vented indoors.

Understanding energy and your home

You call the window contractor to complain that the windows are defective. But instead of admitting fault, he says that in fact, the windows have proven that they are airtight and properly installed. He explains further that the old windows were very cold and leaky, and easily allowed even the smallest amount of moisture in the air to condense on them. However, much of the moisture passed through to the outside. Since the moisture now has fewer exit points through the building shell with your new windows, your

Heat moves out of the house in all directions.

home’s humidity level has increased. When your home’s humidity levels increase to this point, condensation can occur easily on any surface that is slightly cooler than your home’s air – like the surface of your new windows. So even though your new windows are more energy efficient and warmer than your old ones, if the humidity levels are higher, the window surface can still be cool enough to force moisture to condense. The reduction in air exchange in your home due to the tighter windows is good, but now you have to take more control of your home’s ventilation needs. Using your kitchen and bathroom

Case study: A woodburning fireplace backdrafts! The backdrafting of a woodburning fireplace is often a sign that your home’s system is out of balance.

exhaust fans more often, or by opening a window once in a while

What is backdrafting and how can it

will help to eliminate odours and excess moisture; in turn, forcing

be avoided? Combustion appliances,

fresh outdoor air to enter your home. How much do you control

that use a chimney for exhaust, like

or reduce it? To the point that condensation no longer appears on

woodburning fireplaces, natural gas

the window surface and/or the air smells fresh inside your home.

or oil furnaces and water heaters,

The goal of home renovations is to “build tight and ventilate right.”

need a source of air to operate safely

The key is for you to be in control of the ventilation, not the wind

and efficiently. Backdrafting occurs

whistling through the cracks and leaks in your building envelope!

when there is insufficient air for the

(for more information on controlling moisture refer to page nine

combustion process and the by-products

Reducing Winter Condensation Problems and check out the

of combustion, such as carbon monoxide

government websites noted in the last chapter).

(CO), are drawn back into the house

Was the contractor at fault? No. Were the windows faulty? No. The mistake the contractor made was not warning you about

instead of venting safely up the chimney. Carbon monoxide is an odourless,

the potential for condensation. His explanation shows that he

colourless, tasteless gas that is harmful

understands how your home works as a system, but he failed to

even in low doses. Every house with a

share this with you before he installed your new windows. The

combustion appliance should have a CO

secret to avoiding problems is in understanding the relationship

detector installed in the sleeping area.

between the elements of your home’s system and the air, heat and

For additional resource information see

moisture flows.

chapter seven.



Understanding energy and your home


Can home renovations cause backdrafting? Yes. One or a


combination of the following renovations can reduce enough of the natural air supply (leaking in through cracks around windows, etc.) to your woodburning fireplace, that it could cause combustion by-products to be drawn back down the chimney! 1 Adding rigid board insulation to the outside walls behind new siding or brick. 2 Extensive air sealing. 3 New energy-efficient windows. 4 Increasing basement, wall and attic insulation. How can you tell if your woodburning fireplace is backdrafting?

Some of the precautions you can take

You’ll be able to smell the smoke if the combustion by-products

to prevent backdrafting include:

are entering the room instead of exiting up the chimney. You may also notice that the smoke has stained the brickwork above the fireplace, and/or it is difficult to light the fire. In some homes, backdrafting is only experienced at certain times and may not be linked to renovations. Check to see if an exhaust fan or clothes dryer is operating while the woodburning fireplace is in use. Exhaust fans and clothes dryers expel air from the house, and may compete for air with your woodburning fireplace and other combustion appliances. Outside air enters the home through cracks to replace the air which has exited through the exhaust fans or dryer, rebalancing the air pressure in your home. If the outside air cannot be drawn in through baseboard, window and basement

equipment, vents, or flues • Never insulate or try to seal up a draft hood, wind cap, or exhaust vent on any natural gas appliance • It is absolutely essential, for your safety, that panels and grills on the furnace are kept in place and that the fan compartment door is closed when the furnace is operating • If you have a natural gas water

wall cracks, it will pull from the next easiest source – the chimney,

heater, make sure that combustion

causing backdrafting when the fireplace is operating.

air openings at the bottom of the

Can you have an energy-efficient home and operate a woodburning fireplace? Yes, but you must consider your home’s system when planning your renovations. If you are planning extensive energy management projects, you may have to provide a direct supply of fresh air to your woodburning fireplace. Other options include avoiding the use of exhaust appliances

tank and the opening below the draft diverter (on top of the tank at the flue duct) remain unblocked • Do not store anything on top of your natural gas water heater • For all fuel-burning equipment, make

(i.e. dryer) when your woodburning fireplace is in operation, and

sure that vent hoods and pipes are

consider not using the woodburning fireplace at all. Standard

securely in place

woodburning fireplaces are not energy efficient, and actually remove more heated air up the chimney than they provide to you. If you want to have a fireplace, consider installing an alternative such as a direct vent natural gas fireplace.


• Never tamper with fuel burning

Understanding energy and your home Keeping your system balanced Your home is an investment that should last a lifetime. To make

no matter where and when it occurs,

your home last longer, to take pride not only in its appearance but

moisture can be damaging once it

also in its structural integrity, you need to get to know how your


home’s system works and how to maintain a good balancing act between the air, heat and moisture flows. Careful planning in the early stages of renovation work will prevent unpleasant surprises and ensure that the completed work meets your expectations. Remember “Build Tight - Ventilate Right!” You’ll see the results with a more comfortable home, greater energy efficiency, and savings on your monthly energy bills. And that’s well worth the investment. Heat recovery ventilator

If you can warm up surfaces (i.e. window glass), reduce moisture production, and/ or directly vent moisture outside, most condensation problems can be resolved. Often, achieving a comfortable level of humidity in your home during the winter can become a frustrating juggling act. Sometimes the house air feels too humid; at other times scratchy and dry. It is

If using exhaust fans and opening windows does not resolve your

generally easy to produce more moisture

indoor air quality problems, you may require a ventilation control

if needed (i.e. turning on a humidifier),

system such as a Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) to bring the airflow

so this section will deal with reducing

of your home in balance. This system acts like the lungs of your

moisture levels in your home.

home, automatically moving air in and out of the house. As its name suggests, the unit recovers about 70 percent of the heat and preheats the fresh air before distributing it through the home’s duct system. HRVs are presently being installed in many new and existing homes. HRVs only provide fresh air for your home’s occupants. According to code, provision must be made for venting combustion air from your appliances such as fireplaces, furnaces and water heaters. An HRAI (Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute

Household Moisture Activity (for a family of four) Average litres per week* per occupant Cooking (three meals daily)


Dishwashing (three times daily)




Clothes washing


Clothes drying indoors, or using an unvented dryer


help you determine whether an HRV and/or combustion air is

Floor mopping per 9.3 m


required for your house. Check the HRAI website (hrai.ca), toll

Normal respiration and skin evaporation from occupants

of Canada) trained heating/ventilation specialist will be able to

free 877 467-4724 or check your Yellow Pages under ‘Heating Contractors’ to find a qualified HRAI contractor.

Reducing Winter Condensation Problems Does condensation appear on your windows during cold weather, or perhaps while you are cooking or showering? Is there mold in an upper corner of a bedroom wall, in a closet, or on the bathroom ceiling? Perhaps it only occurs in the basement during the summer. These are all indications of moisture problems and



Building Related Average litres per week* Seasonal building storage (i.e., framing, drywall, concrete)


Exposed, uncovered earth crawlspace


Drying and burning firewood (approx.)


New construction – drying, framing and concrete (over 18 months)


*Averaged over one year Source: Natural Resources Canada




Understanding energy and your home


Drying up moisture problems Step 1: Identify the source(s) of the moisture Make a list of how your home and family produce moisture, noting the largest sources, such as a dirt floor in the basement or crawlspace (common in older homes), portable and furnace

Inside storm windows must be air-tight,

humidifiers, showers, cooking, laundry, wood stored indoors,

and outside storm windows must have

etc. Excess moisture may also be entering the basement due to

breathing holes to allow moisture to

disconnected downspouts and lack of grading around the outside.

drain and escape.

Step 2: Reduce the amount of moisture being produced You can eliminate or reduce many sources of moisture with

Step 4: Whole-house ventilation

simple measures. For example, you can cover dirt floors with

Installing a Heat Recovery Ventilator

heavy plastic (overlapping and then sealing the edges of the

(HRV), as discussed earlier in this

plastic with acoustical caulking), turn humidifiers down or off,

section, is appropriate if you intend

use bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans more often, vent dryers

to retrofit your home to be energy

outside, avoid hanging clothes to dry inside, store wood outside,

efficient, comfortable and free of

reconnect downspouts, and grade the landscaping to encourage

moisture problems. You may need to

water drainage away from the walls. For more information on how

plan ahead to install an HRV

to choose an efficient and quiet exhaust fan see page 28 and refer

(i.e. install some new duct work),

to government websites noted on page 39.

so discuss your retrofit ideas with a

Step 3: Warm up cold surfaces Moisture is generally only a problem if it condenses on a surface. If surfaces are kept warm, condensation is less likely to occur. For example, you can keep windows warmer by ensuring that heat from baseboards, floor registers, or radiators isn’t blocked by furniture or drapes. Another way you can warm the window surface is to add an extra window glazing, either inside or out, made of plastic sheeting, acrylic or glass. Another example is condensation that occurs in particular spots on walls or ceilings. This indicates a lack of sufficient insulation. If possible, you need to add more insulation to that location and/or reduce the amount of moisture being produced in your home (see Step 2).


heating/ventilation specialist before you begin renovating. For additional resource information on HRVs and controlling moisture problems see chapter seven.

manage my bill

Wise Energy Guide


Manage my bill

Understanding your natural gas usage

In most areas, a Union Gas meter reader

is an important step in managing your

will go from customer to customer to read

energy costs and your bills. This section

the natural gas meter. This meter read is

will give you an overview of your

recorded as your “usage” on your monthly

Union Gas bill, how we bill and your

bill. Four winter months of usage account

billing options.

for more than half of your annual natural gas

Your Union Gas Bill is determined by four important factors; • Use - The amount of natural gas consumed and measured in cubic metres • Days of Service - The number of days that your bill covers • Rates - Union Gas rates change quarterly.

managing your bill; Equal Billing Plan (EBP), Automatic Payment Plan (APP), MyAccount, and Paperless Billing. The EBP distributes your annual cost evenly throughout the year, reducing the impact of high winter heating bills. Automatic

Some customers may choose to sign

Payment Plan is pre-authorized electronic

up for a fixed rate through an energy

payment from your financial institution each

broker. Your broker name and rate is

month on the due date of your Union Gas

listed on your Union Gas bill. Broker

bill. Combining EBP and APP gives you the

rates and fixed/contract timelines

convenience of having a more predictable

will vary depending on your broker.

bill and the control of knowing your bill is

Please contact your broker for more

paid on time with no late fees. MyAccount is


an online account management tool that lets

• Degree Days/Average Daily

MyAccount - account summary page

costs. Union Gas offers different features for

you view 24 months of bill history, register

Temperature - Details on temperature,

for EBP, APP, compare and download usage.

more specifically cold temperatures and

Paperless Billing gives you the freedom from

how it affects your natural gas usage -

managing paper and the convenience and

the colder it is the more natural gas you

control of MyAccount. When you register for

use to heat your home

Paperless Billing, an email notification will be sent to you when your bill is ready for viewing on MyAccount. Providing you with the notice you need to view, link and pay your bills online. EBP, APP, MyAccount and Paperless Billing are all free. Register today at uniongas.com/myaccount.



Manage my bill 12 steps to reduce your energy consumption and save money on your utility bill! 1 Understanding my bill, my natural gas usage: See information on page 11. 2 Billing and payment options: Sometimes it seems like there are

6 Purchase ENERGY STAR® appliances:

so many options out there when buying your natural gas. Here’s

ENERGY STAR is the gold star of

a quick summary of what’s available to you.

energy efficiency. You’ll find it only

If you find that your gas bills are higher in the winter months, our Equal Billing Plan (EBP) is a great way to spread out the cost of your natural gas over the whole year. It will take the guess work out of your monthly gas bill, and helps you better predict your bill over those cold winter months. If it’s hard to find time to pay your monthly bills, why not sign up for our Automatic Payment Plan (APP)? Automating your payments with Union Gas is a great way to always pay your bills on time, without having to worry about late charges. Simply provide us with your financial institution account information, and we’ll take care of the rest! For more information or to register for EBP, APP or Paperless Billing visit uniongas.com/myaccount 3 Complete a home energy audit: An energy audit will evaluate

on appliances and products that have made top grades in rigorous energy efficiency tests. ENERGY STAR is a symbol you’ll see on products around the world and here in Canada. It’s a symbol worth looking for and buying. For more information see chapter five. 7 Reduce water heating demand: After space heating, your water heater is the second largest user of energy in your home. It pays to use hot water wisely! For more information including tips and techniques see chapter five. 8 Install energy-efficient lighting: Today’s market offers you a bewildering array

the energy efficiency of your home and outline improvements

of light fixtures and bulbs! If you

to the heating, cooling, hot water heating and other uses of

purchase and use energy-efficient

energy in the house that could result in energy savings.

light bulbs, over the course of a year

A do-it-yourself energy audit checklist has been included

your savings will certainly add up –

in this guide between pages 20 and 21.

even though lighting constitutes only

4 Install a programmable thermostat: By installing and properly programming your programmable thermostat you can save up to $100 a year in energy costs. For more information including tips and techniques see chapter five. 5 Air sealing: Is your house leaking money? If your home is like most, the greatest amount of heat loss is from air leakage; heated air escaping to the colder outdoors through hundreds of tiny holes and cracks around your home. For more information including tips and techniques see chapter six.



six percent of your total monthly energy costs. But remember, the best energysaving device for lighting is the switch! Turn lights off when not in use. For more information see chapter five.

Manage my bill

Contact us 9 Insulate your home: From the very moment heat is generated inside your home, it tries to escape to the colder outdoors. Over and above air leakage, heat is also lost through the ceiling, basement, windows and doors, and walls by conduction, convection, and radiation. The rate of heat loss depends on the difference between inside and outside temperatures and the insulation resistance met by escaping heat. Increasing the insulation in these areas reduces the heat loss. For tips and techniques see chapter six. 10 Use a clothesline: Did you know that an electric dryer can cost a homeowner up to $100 a year in energy costs? Consider using a clothesline. Not only will you save on your bill, but you can also save on laundry products. The sun is a natural whitener, so no need to buy any bleach. Static cling is created by clothing rubbing together, but if your clothing is hung out to dry it is not necessary to buy any dryer sheets. 11 Regular furnace maintenance: If your furnace is operating at peak efficiency, it will use less energy and cost less to operate. You should have a heating contractor perform a

On the web: uniongas.com/contactus On the phone: • Natural gas emergencies: 1 877 969-0999 • Call Before You Dig – Ontario One Call: 1 800 400-2255 • Account and Billing Inquiries: 1 888 774-3111 Our customer contact representatives are available Monday to Friday from 8a.m. to 6p.m. (excluding major holidays). Calls may be recorded for quality and safety purposes. By mail: Union Gas Limited, P.O. Box 2001 Chatham, ON, Canada N7M 5M1 Bill Payment, P.O. Box 2025 Chatham, Ontario N7M 6C7

yearly maintenance check on your furnace, venting, and cooling systems to ensure they are operating at peak efficiency. For more information including tips and techniques see chapter five. 12 Enrol in MyAccount: Manage your Union Gas bill with MyAccount. MyAccount gives you the convenience of online access 24/7 and the control to update contact information, choose billing and payment preferences, move, compare, graph, download and print 24 months of usage history. MyAccount is free and easy to use. Register today at uniongas.com/myaccount



Wise Energy Guide


Getting started on an energy plan

Thinking about energy renovations but not sure where to start or invest your dollar for the most return on your energy bills? Now that you have read chapter two and have a better understanding of energy, your home, and heat loss you probably have a pretty good idea on

energy plan

where you think your renovation dollars should be spent. But have


you completed an assessment of your home from top to bottom? By completing an assessment you can take a quick inventory or status of your home for identification of energy-saving solutions.

Do it yourself assessment A home energy assessment/audit will evaluate the energy efficiency of your home and outline improvements to the heating, cooling, hot water heating and other uses of energy in the house that could result in energy savings. To help you get started a do-it-yourself energy audit checklist has been included in this guide between pages 20 and 21. If you are not comfortable taking on an assessment you may want to bring in the professionals.

Getting started on an energy plan

BRING IN THE PROFESSIONALS Residential property owners can qualify for Ontario provincial grants by improving the energy efficiency of their home and reducing their home’s impact on the environment. The program requires energy efficiency evaluations through licensed service

Rebates and Incentives

organizations. Energy advisors must be certified and conduct

When you’re planning your energy

a detailed, on-site evaluation of your home’s energy use from

renovation be sure to investigate all

the attic down to the foundation. They will then provide a

opportunities for rebates and incentives.

personalized report, including a checklist of recommended

Some upgrades will qualify for multiple

retrofits to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

incentives so do your homework first.

The report will also show the grant amounts for each

The links below will help you get started

eligible upgrade that you can receive by carrying out these

and find more information on how you

energy-saving improvements. The maximum grant you can

can save energy and cash on your

receive for a home is $5,000 from the provincial government.

energy renovations.

The grant is calculated and based on the grant amounts and

Union Gas

eligibility requirements that are in effect at the time of the


post-retrofit evaluation. You must complete your retrofits and receive your post-retrofit evaluation within 18 months from the date of your pre-retrofit evaluation report, whichever comes first, is subject to available funding, and

• Energy Conservation tips, techniques, current rebates and incentives • Fuel Cost Comparisons for natural gas products

may be withdrawn at any time.

• Where to buy or rent

For more information on this program, including a list

• Manufacturer links

of certified energy advisors visit Ontario Home Energy

Ontario Home Energy Savings Program

Savings Program at



• This program requires an energy audit by a certified energy advisor/auditor before and after renovations Ontario Power Authority everykilowattcounts.ca/residential/ coolsavings/index.php • Cool Savings Program – rebates for reducing your heating and cooling electrical load



Wise Energy Guide


Equipment solutions The Product Options • Furnaces • Space heaters and wall furnaces • Combo hydronic baseboard


• Combo radiant floor heating


• Combo fan coil and forced air

Whether you’re currently using natural gas energy, or are thinking about converting to it, you can rest assured that natural gas is the best environmental choice for home heating, water heating, and appliances – particularly when compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas energy offers a wide choice

• Fireplaces

of options to fit your budget, heating, and

• Water heaters

appliance requirements. You’ll find that

• Other natural gas appliances

the manufacturers of natural gas furnaces and appliances have made many technical advances to improve their efficiency. For

Efficient use of heating, cooling, ventilating equipment, appliances and lighting

example, some continuous burning pilot lights have been replaced with an energysaving electronic ignition. There is also the option of venting a natural gas furnace, water heater and natural gas fireplace

• Heating and air-conditioning

directly through the wall of the basement,

• Thermostats

which reduces the heat loss that used to

• Fireplaces • Water heating • Exhaust fans • Appliances • Lighting

escape up the chimney!

Equipment solutions The Product Options High-efficiency natural gas furnaces The high-tech design of a high-efficiency natural gas furnace offers you significant energy savings and squeezes the most heat out of every heating dollar. Another advantage of a high-efficiency natural gas furnace is that its combustion gases are exhausted directly through a side wall to the outdoors, which eliminates the need for a chimney, and the danger of backdrafting. Most units also have a direct source of combustion air from the outdoors. (Note: As of Dec. 31, 2009 the new national standard for gas furnaces will require a minimum fuel efficiency level of 90 percent). If you run your furnace motor continuously for improved air circulation in your home consider purchasing a high-efficiency brushless direct current (DC) motor with your new furnace. Government studies have shown significant motor electrical consumption reductions of more than 50 percent in both winter and summer operation. You can’t add this feature to an existing system, so be sure to ask your heating contractor about the option when buying a new furnace.

EnerGuide and Energy Star® products for home heating Product


Energy Star

High-efficiency natural gas furnace

Printed on the back page of furnace manufacturers’ literature. AFUE* rating of 90% to 98%. An asterisk (*) on the model/AFUE rating indicates a high-efficiency motor.

Natural gas furnaces that have an AFUE rating of 90% or higher

Natural gas-fired boiler

No EnerGuide label

ENERGY STAR qualified at an AFUE rating of 85% or higher

Condensing natural gas-fired boiler

No EnerGuide label

The ENERGY STAR program does not include natural gas-fired boiler at this time

Natural gas fireplace

Fireplaces range in efficiency from about 30% to 70%. The higher the percentage the more efficient the model. Printed in manufacturer’s literature or on websites.

The ENERGY STAR program does not include natural gas fireplaces at this time

*Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE)


AFUE measures the amount of heat actually delivered to your house compared to the amount of fuel that you must supply to the furnace. Thus, a furnace that has an 90% AFUE rating converts 90% of the fuel that you supply to heat -- the other 10% is lost out of the chimney.


EnerGuide allows you to compare the energy efficiency of the many different models of household appliances or heating and cooling products sold in Canada. For some of these products, Energy Star goes one step further and identifies specific models that meet or exceed premium levels of energy efficiency. The Energy Star symbol may even appear on an EnerGuide label. When you see Energy Star on an EnerGuide label, you can be sure that the product is among the most energy efficient available.



Equipment solutions

Want to upgrade your electric baseboards to natural gas? Natural gas space heaters and wall furnaces are good options to consider. Natural gas space heaters and wall furnaces What about those hard-to-heat areas of your home like closed-in porches, add-on rooms, garages, or the basement? A natural gas-fired convection space heater may be just the right system to complement your existing heating system. These compact, energy-efficient units are directly vented outside, mounted on a wall, and can be sized to heat just one room or several. Some units have built in humidifiers, circulating fans and electronic ignitions. They are also approved for mobile and manufactured homes.

installing a natural gas space heater, wall furnace, or a natural gas fireplace and/or a natural gas water heater. Any one of these options will allow you to enjoy the benefits of natural gas energy without the bother and expense of installing duct work. Combination natural gas heating and water heating units Combo systems are an innovative design that use a natural gas water heater to provide heat and domestic hot water to your


If you have electric baseboard heating in your home, consider Tm

home. While some combo systems have used conventional gas storage tanks as the heat source, high-efficiency combo systems

A combo system requires professional

usually include either a condensing storage tank water heater

design for proper sizing. The Heating,

or a high-efficiency tankless water heater.

Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning

There are combo systems now available that also integrate heat recovery ventilation with the space and water heating. It is important to consider the efficiency of such an integrated system, especially for heating your home. A combo or


Institute of Canada (HRAI) provides this training to the industry based on the Unified Canadian Guideline for Integrated (Combo) Heating Systems. Ensure that your contractor (designer) has been

integrated system should have a space heating efficiency

trained by HRAI. To search for a

of at least 78 percent although some systems are capable of

qualified designer or contractor call

space heating efficiencies of as high as 90 percent.

1 877 467-4724 or visit hrai.ca

Equipment solutions There are three types of natural gas space heating systems, which can be connected to the natural gas water heater: hydronic baseboard, radiant floor heating, and fan coil and forced air. 1 Combo hydronic baseboard Natural gas hydronic baseboards are a direct replacement for electric baseboards. Hot water from the natural gas hot water tank is piped directly to each baseboard, providing comfortable, gentle, and even heat. 2 Combo radiant floor heating Radiant floor heating warms from the floor up, utilizing hot water circulating through a network of plastic tubing embedded in concrete floors. As a result, radiant floor heating warms everything in its path for a more comfortable and efficient distribution of heat. Because radiant floor heating systems warm from the floor up, radiating heat directly to you, you can feel more comfortable, even with your thermostat set lower. 3 Combo fan coil and forced air The combo fan coil and forced air system uses existing duct work to distribute the heat recovered from the hot water tank. Unlike hydronic baseboards and radiant floor heating, electronic air cleaners, humidifiers, and air-conditioners can be used with this system. Whether you’re currently using natural gas energy, or are thinking about converting to it, you can rest assured that natural gas is the best environmental choice for home heating, water heating, and appliances – particularly when compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas energy offers a wide choice of options to fit your budget, heating, and appliance requirements. You’ll find that the manufacturers of natural gas furnaces and appliances have made many technical advances to improve their efficiency. For example, some continuous burning pilot lights have been replaced with an energy-saving electronic ignition. There is also the option of venting a natural gas furnace, water heater and natural gas fireplace directly through the wall of the basement, which reduces the heat loss that used to escape up the chimney.



Equipment solutions

Natural gas fireplaces Natural gas fireplaces offer a beautiful, convenient, and economical alternative to wood-burning fireplaces. Plus, natural gas fireplaces are better for the environment, since they eliminate the smoke, ashes, lingering embers and air pollutants associated with wood-burning fireplaces. When shopping for a natural gas fireplace, it is important to know a few facts. Natural gas fireplaces are rated for efficiency using the CAN/CSA - P.4 - 02 performance-testing standard. This rating system helps to narrow your choices when purchasing a natural gas fireplace.

Did you know natural gas is the preferred choice of fuel for heating

A good energy-efficient model should have an efficiency

water? Natural gas heats water twice

rating of between 50 to 70 percent or even higher.

as fast as electric water heaters and

You will find the EnerGuide rating for gas fireplaces

at a lower cost. However, when

in the manufacturer’s literature or on their website.

comparing electric water heating to

Energy-efficient fireplaces have many of the

comparisons may vary depending on

following features:

location and usage. Some natural gas

1 An EnerGuide Fireplace Efficiency (FE) rating over 50 percent. 2 Direct-vent design. 3 Either an intermittent electronic ignition system, a means

natural gas water heating actual cost

water heaters can exhaust directly through a wall instead of up a chimney. This allows the water heater to be installed closer to the point of

of turning off and relighting the pilot light, or a two-stage pilot

use, or in a more convenient location;

that runs with a very low flame when the fireplace is off.

and it also reduces excess heat loss

4 Radiation-transparent ceramic glass front. 5 A quiet squirrel-cage type circulating fan to help transfer convective heat to the room. 6 Secondary heat exchanger. 7 Insulated outer casing to prevent heat loss through the walls to the outside if located on an exterior wall. 8 Good turndown control or other means such as ducting to prevent localized overheating.


Natural gas water heaters

that can escape up the chimney. An ENERGY STAR® tankless water heater heats water on demand. This system can be sized to heat water for all uses in your home or for just one shower or sink.

Equipment solutions

You can also choose to use the sun to heat up to 50 percent of your hot water with a solar collector system. Since energy from the sun is free, solar water heaters can significantly reduce a household’s water heating costs – savings that in turn can offset the higher purchase and installation costs of a solar system. Whichever way you choose to heat your water you can substantially reduce your hot water heating costs with the installation of a Drain Water Heat Recovery system. This system recovers the heat remaining in your shower water and pre-heats the incoming water

Drain Water Heat Recovery Unit

hat feeds your water heater system. Up to 60 percent of the heat from drain water is recovered and used to pre-heat cold water going to the water heater from about 8°C to about 23°C. That saves energy and saves homeowners up to 30 percent* of their water heating costs.

Other natural gas appliances You can also purchase natural gas ranges, cooktops, clothes dryers, barbecues, and pool heaters. These

Top 10 Reasons to install a Drain Water Heat Recovery System:

natural gas appliances are energy

• Simple technology reuses heat energy to reduce energy consumption

efficient and cost effective when

• Lower water heating costs by up to 30 percent

compared to the same electric

• After space heating, water heating is your largest energy expense


• Reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Visit uniongas.com for a listing

• Easy to retrofit into existing homes

of natural gas products. Including

• Maintenance free with no moving parts

information on installation, cost

• Recognized by ENERGY STAR® for New Homes

comparisons, manufacturers, and

• Increases water heating capacity

where to buy or rent.

• Purchase and rental options available


For more information visit uniongas.com/dwhr

* Savings may vary due to individual hot water use, fluctuating energy costs and installation variables.


Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) maintains the EnerGuide Appliance Directory, which lists the energy consumption ratings of all new major electrical household appliances sold in Canada. The directory also indicates the models that are Energy Star® qualified. For a printed copy, call 1 800 387-2000 or visit oee.nrcan.gc.ca



Equipment solutions

Efficient Use of Heating, cooling, ventilating equipment and Appliances and Lighting Furnace and air-conditioning maintenance If your furnace and air-conditioner are operating at peak efficiency, they will use less energy and cost less to operate. You should have a heating contractor perform a yearly maintenance check on your furnace, venting, and cooling

Have a Heating, Ventilation and

systems to ensure they are operating at peak efficiency.

Air Conditioning contractor (HVAC)

In between those visits, there are some simple do-it-yourself

check and inspect your heating

tasks to help keep your systems working efficiently:

system components including:

• Change or clean your filter frequently (i.e. every one to two months) during the heating and air-conditioning seasons.

• Air blower fan and motor

A dirty air filter reduces the airflow to the operating

• Flame pattern

equipment and forces it to run longer to heat and cool the house. Using a furnace filter alarm can let you know when

• Test for carbon monoxide

the filter needs to be changed. Electronic air cleaner filters

• Burner, pilot

also need to be cleaned regularly (every one to two months)

• Furnace controls

• Keep return air grills, hot air registers, radiators, and space

• Bearings, belts, pumps

heaters/baseboards clear of furniture, rugs, and drapes to

• Venting

allow free movement of air

• Chimney

• You can ensure more heated or cooled air reaches its destination by sealing the seams of accessible furnace ducting with aluminum foil tape. TIP: Aluminum foil tape out-performs duct tape for this job, as duct tape has a tendency to dry out • Insulate all ducts in unheated or cooler spaces with commercial duct insulation – or make your own! Simply

• Pilot safety system • Power exhaust • Air filter • Visible gas piping for leaks • Electronic ignition system • Electronic air cleaner

wrap the ducts with glass fibre batts, secure lightly with

Your HVAC contractor will clean

string, cover insulation with plastic, and tape all edges

the furnace components as necessary

You’ll be glad to know that making your home more energy efficient doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. There are many easy ways to keep your heating and cooling costs down.


• Heat exchanger

for proper operation and can inspect your air-conditioning system.

Equipment solutions

Making the most of air-conditioning

Room air-conditioners

To provide comfortable conditions during hot, humid weather

Refer to these tips when you’re

you must not only cool your home, but also reduce the

shopping for and operating room

humidity levels.


If you operate them properly, central air-conditioning systems

• Before you buy, you’ll need the

will cool and dehumidify the whole house, and room air-

following information: exact room

conditioners will cool and dehumidify individual rooms.

dimensions and room details

Central air-conditioners

(i.e. is the room closed off or are there open passages to other rooms);

Use the EnerGuide rating found on the back page of

size and type of windows; and

manufacturers’ brochures to identify the efficiency level

room location. Does it get morning

of a central air-conditioner. Like all EnerGuide labels and

or afternoon sun? Is there outside

ratings the scale shows you at a glance whether the

shading? What power supply is

air-conditioner is a good or an average energy performer

available in the room?

in comparison to other similar models. (Note: EnerGuide ratings for air-conditioners and furnaces work in the reverse to EnerGuide labels for household appliances. Look for a larger number on the scale when buying heating and cooling equipment to ensure the highest efficiency).

• Room air-conditioners are also rated for their efficiency. Look for the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) printed on an EnerGuide label, attached to the unit. The unit’s EER

To choose the most energy-efficient model available, you

is also normally stamped

can also look for the Energy Star® logo alongside the

on the nameplate affixed to the

EnerGuide rating. The Energy Star logo means that

outer casing of the unit

the product has exceeded the minimum SEER­­* (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) level and meets the highest energy efficiency levels. To qualify for Ontario Home Energy

*SEER is the measure of equipment energy efficiency over one cooling season.

Savings Program, central air-conditioners must meet or exceed a SEER level of 14.5.



Equipment solutions

The higher the EER, the less electricity the unit uses to do the same job. Although there may be a higher price tag for a more

• If possible, remove window air-

efficient unit, the energy savings over the life of the unit should

conditioners for the winter. If they

more than offset the difference in purchase price. ENERGY

must stay in place, seal around them

STAR® labels are attached to room air-conditioners that use at

with caulking or tape and cover the

least 10 percent less energy than conventional models.

unit with a purchased or homemade,

• Consider replacing your old room air-conditioners – today’s ENERGY STAR qualified units use 30 to 40 percent less energy than most models sold 10 to 15 years ago • An air-conditioner’s ability to cool is rated in British Thermal Units (Btu/hr) and/or tons. About 18 Btu/hr are required to cool and dehumidify one square foot of floor space in the average house or apartment. For example, a 20’ x 25’ (500 sq. ft.) room would require approximately a 9,000 Btu/hr unit • If the unit is too large, it may lower the room temperature quicker, but it will not be on long enough to remove excess humidity. Cool, humid air is uncomfortable • If the unit is too small, it has to run longer to reduce the room temperature, so your operating costs are high. Also, it may not cool properly

airtight, insulated jacket For more information on cooling your home efficiently, visit NRCan’s Website (oee.nrcan.gc.ca) to order a free copy of Air Conditioning Your Home. Keeping your cool • Air sealing, insulating, and keeping windows and doors closed are just as effective at keeping the house cool during the summer as they are in keeping the heat in during the winter • Exterior shading, such as awnings, over-hangs, and deciduous trees, are the most effective ways to block excessive solar heat gain in your

• Operate room air-conditioners on timers. They only require

home in the summer. Interior shading, such as drapes, blinds, and reflective

no need to leave them on if there’s no one home during the day

window film, is also effective


about 30 minutes to cool and dehumidify a room, so there is



Wind or sun breaks Plant evergreen trees or a dense hedge as a wind break between the prevailing wind and your home; usually the north-west side. Deciduous trees planted on the east and west side of your property near the house will help block the summer sun, and allow the winter sun to warm your home once the leaves have fallen. Research indicates that a mature shade tree cools a home similar to an air-conditioner, with no operating cost!

Equipment solutions

• Your appliances and incandescent lights give off heat that

If you have an air-conditioner in

a cooling system must counteract. Turn off lights that are not

your home, you should turn UP your

in use! Minimize the use of appliances at the hottest times of

thermostat a few degrees during the

the day. Bake, wash, dry, and iron in the early morning or

hot summer months to reduce air-

in the evening

conditioning costs. It is not as easy

• Use a ceiling fan alone or in conjunction with an airconditioner to help circulate cooled air. Fans use less energy than air-conditioners. ENERGY STAR® qualified ceiling fans move air up to 20 percent more efficiently than standard ceiling fans Thermostats The greater the temperature difference between the inside and outside of your home, the greater the potential for heat loss or gain. You can reduce energy consumption by lowering the temperature on your thermostat a few degrees while you’re

to state recommended temperature settings for air-conditioning as it is for heating because the air-conditioning system must do two jobs; cool and dehumidify the air to make you comfortable. Generally, an efficient and comfortable temperature zone to maintain is between 24°C (74°F) and 26°C (78°F), and never set the thermostat more than 8°C (15°F) below the outdoor temperature.

away or while you’re sleeping. During the heating season, if you reduce the temperature in your home by 1°C over a seven-hour period each day, you can save one percent on your heating bill. As a rule of thumb, don’t turn the temperature down more than 6°C (10°F) below your normal setting in the winter. Also, remember no matter how high you turn up the thermostat, you will not heat your home any quicker. Programmable thermostats allow you to pre-program temperature settings and they never ‘forget’ to raise or lower the temperature of your house. For example, you can program the thermostat to turn down the temperature of your house at night when you are sleeping and raise it again before you get up. Some programmable thermostats even have a separate setting for weekend use and are compatible with most air-conditioning systems.



Equipment solutions

Where is your thermostat located? This can affect the

If you can’t replace your wood-burning

efficient operation of your heating or cooling system. Be

fireplace, here are some tips to minimize

sure your thermostat is located away from direct sunlight

your heat loss:

and blasts of cold air from an opening exterior door.

• Provide outside air for combustion.

Avoid locating it above or near appliances such as lamps,

It may be as simple as opening a

TVs, or other appliances that give off heat.

window in the room or installing a

Once you have purchased and installed your fireplace, it is important to use it wisely. The following guidelines will help to maximize your fireplace’s performance and minimize its energy consumption, saving on your overall heating bill: • If your unit has a pilot light, ensure it is turned off during the summer • Turn down your home’s main thermostat if possible when the fireplace is operating • If the fireplace has a thermostat, keep it at the lowest setting possible when not in use (otherwise the thermostat could cycle the fireplace on when you are not home, or when the room is not occupied) • Radiant heat transfer is maximized when the glass is clean. A standard wood-burning fireplace may be traditional, but it is not energy efficient! In fact, it removes more heated air up the chimney than it provides. Cold air rushes in through cracks and leaks in the home to replace the air that exits up the chimney – even when the fireplace is not operating. A direct vent, natural gas fireplace eliminates this problem with a direct, outside combustion air supply. Consider a natural gas fireplace for hard-to-heat areas or as a supplement to electric baseboard heating

fresh air vent for the fireplace. Contact your local fireplace specialty store for further advice and options • Install tight fitting glass doors and keep them closed when the fireplace is not in use to prevent the home’s warm air from escaping up the chimney • Seal off an unused fireplace with a home-made insulated plug. Simply cut a piece of rigid polystyrene insulation to fit snugly in the front opening and decorate the plug with either wallpaper or paint • If your fireplace has a damper, make sure it is closed when the fireplace is not being used


Efficient use of fireplaces


To keep your fireplace running efficiently, regular maintenance is a must.


Equipment solutions

Water Heating After space heating, your water heater is the second largest

• Install an energy-efficient showerhead

user of energy in your home. It pays to use hot water wisely!

(less than 11 litres/minute) which

Here are some simple tips on how to use hot water more

can reduce the amount of water you

efficiently without affecting comfort, cleanliness or safety:

use for showers by up to 50 percent.

• Insulate at least the first two meters of the hot water pipe and the first meter of the cold water pipe running from the tank, to reduce heat loss or gain and reduce pipe ‘sweating’

You’ll use less water and energy and still enjoy hot, skin-tingling showers! • Fix dripping taps immediately.

problems in the summer. For safety reasons, do not place

Replacing a worn washer (just

any pipe wrap insulation within 15 cm of the exhaust vent

pennies in cost) can save you up

at the top of the natural gas water heater. The two basic

to 800 litres monthly, at one drop

types of pipe insulation are wrap-around or slip-on,

of water per second

pre-formed foam. Both are easy to install and are available at building supply stores

• Replace existing kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators with energy-efficient

• Operating your water heater at unnecessarily high temperatures increases energy consumption and shortens tank life. It also increases the likelihood of scalds; this is of particular concern for young children and seniors. In fact, the building code requires the installation of a mixing valve when installing a new water heater to ensure a maximum delivery temperature at the fixture of 49°C. For existing water heaters without a mixing valve be sure to set your water

ones (13 litres/minute) • One-quarter of your hot water use is for laundry. You can reduce that by washing clothes in warm or cold water and always rinsing in cold. Use the water level controls, if your washing machine has them

heater temperature no higher than 60°C. To reduce scalding consider lowering the temperature to 54°C. You can test your water temperature with a cooking thermometer held under a running tap

How your energy dollar is spent* Space heating and cooling


Water heating






Source: Ministry of Environment and Energy *Based on an average of the three main fuels over a year.



Equipment solutions

Exhaust fans Here are some energy-saving tips for the efficient operation of your exhaust fans: • Check that your exhaust fans vent directly outside and not simply into the attic. Are there special exhaust hoods or vents on your roof, in your soffit or on the outside wall? Look in

To calculate the second price tag for

your attic – can you see where and how the ducting exits?

one year of operation – multiply the

Venting moist air into the attic can damage the attic wood

EnerGuide rating (kWh/yr) by local

and insulation

electricity rates (dollars/kWh).

• Replace exhaust covers if they are broken or rusted open • Clean your kitchen fan filter periodically with soap and water • Replace your bathroom exhaust fan’s on/off switch with a timer switch or dehumidistat control. A timer switch allows the exhaust fan to remove moisture for a set amount of time. A dehumidistat control turns the exhaust fan on and off automatically when prescribed relative humidity levels are reached • If buying a new exhaust fan look for an ENERGY STAR® qualified product which uses 65 percent less energy than standard models. A more efficient blade design and motor means they move more air with less noise, last longer and cost less money to operate • Clear the lint that gathers in the dryer’s exhaust cover on a regular basis. The lint stops the exhaust cover from closing properly. A properly closed exhaust cover prevents the cold outside air from entering the dryer when it’s not being used • Internal venting of electric dryers is not recommended. Though you recover some heat, you gain excessive moisture, odours, and lint. For safety reasons, natural gas dryers must never be vented inside the home


For example, the EnerGuide label shown here for a refrigerator model indicates a yearly operating cost of: 582 kWh/year x $0.10/kWh = $58.20 per year Refrigerators are rated to function for about 17 years, so the second price tag would be: $58.20 x 17 years = $989.40 These calculations are to be used only as an estimate for comparison purposes. Since everyone uses their appliances differently, your energy use may not be exactly the same as that indicated on the EnerGuide label.

Equipment solutions

Operating your appliances efficiently • All of your appliances will work more efficiently if you keep

• Small appliances use about half the

them clean. For example, vacuum the coils at the back of the

wattage of an electric range, so use the

refrigerator and clean door seals, drip pans, and filters

smallest appliance available for the

• Full loads are most efficient, but overloading can result in dishes and clothes that don’t come clean • Avoid overloading your fridge with food, since air needs to circulate in the compartment. Your freezer, on the other hand, works best when kept nearly full • Keep your appliances in good working order. A malfunctioning appliance is energy inefficient • After purchasing a new refrigerator, you may be tempted to put the old fridge in the basement as a spare for overflow. Today’s

food you want to cook. For example, a microwave oven, electric kettle, toaster oven, and electric frying pan are more efficient than your electric range • If you’re going away for an extended period of time, consider clearing out the refrigerator and unplugging it (be sure to prop the door open), turning off the water heater, and unplugging TVs with the instant-on feature

refrigerators/freezers are nearly three times more energy efficient than those built 20 years ago. That spare fridge can cost you between $120 to $150/year in electricity or more, depending on its age! Consider only plugging it in for special events or getting rid of it altogether. Check with your local electric utility for a refrigerator removal program



Equipment solutions

Turning on energy-efficient lighting Today’s market offers you a bewildering array of light fixtures and bulbs. If you purchase and use energy-efficient light bulbs, over the course of a year your savings will

2 Compact fluorescents

certainly add up – even though lighting constitutes only

You are probably familiar with the

six percent of your total monthly energy costs. But

standard long tube fluorescent ceiling

remember, the best energy-saving device for lighting is the

fixtures used in homes, stores and

switch! Turn lights off when not in use.

offices. The same technology has been improved for energy efficiency and

your lighting choices When buying light bulbs, you probably think of watts as a measure of brightness. In fact, the watt (W) is a measure of

light quality, and is packaged in a small compact shape for use in lamps and other lighting fixtures.

energy, not of light output. A 40-W bulb uses 40 watts of

There are a variety of wattages, shapes,

electricity, no matter what type of bulb it is. But the amount

and styles of compact fluorescents

of light it produces will vary, depending on the bulb type.

for different locations and uses in

Light output is measured in lumens. 1 Incandescent bulbs

throughout your home. They are considered to be energy inefficient because they produce more heat than light. Some incandescents have been made more efficient by reducing the wattage (though there is a slightly reduced light output). Look for these energy-saving replacement bulbs, which are commonly available: a 34-W for a 40-W; a 52-W for a 60-W; and a 90-W for a 100-W. Although you may find incandescent bulbs with efficient sounding names like ‘long life’ or ‘extended life’, they are not


Incandescent bulbs are the standard, familiar bulbs you use Tm

energy efficient. They do have a longer life span because they only produce about 70 percent of the light that they could, while using the same amount of energy as an equivalent


A standard 40-W incandescent bulb produces about 510 lumens, whereas a

wattage regular bulb. Incandescent bulbs are slated to be

40-W fluorescent tube produces about

banned from the Canadian market by the year 2012, making

2150 lumens – nearly five times as much

way for more efficient lighting choices.

light for the same amount of money!


Equipment solutions


your home. Although they are 70 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs and last 10 times longer, because of their initial cost, they should only replace those bulbs that are used for a minimum of three hours/day. Follow these steps to determine where and what kind of energyefficient lighting you should install for maximum benefit: • Note which light fixtures are used for a minimum of three hours/

Look for compact fluorescent bulbs and fixtures that carry the ENERGY STAR® symbol to ensure you are purchasing the most energy-efficient lighting products on the market.

day. If certain lights aren’t used extensively each day they are already very efficient • Once identified, record what the light is used for (reading, general room lighting); where the fixture is located (ceiling, table lamp, inside or outside); style and dimensions of the fixture (space available for a new bulb); and the wattage of the existing incandescent bulb • When you take into consideration the amount of time the light is used, the shape and style of the existing fixture, and the function of the light, your home may have only eight to twelve light fixtures which are appropriate for the new energy-efficient compact fluorescents, halogens, and light emitting diode bulbs

3 Halogens

4 Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) The latest addition to efficient lighting is light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs are commonly used for traffic signals, exit signs, flashlights, and seasonal light strings. They are just starting to be developed for home lighting. LEDs boast a 90 percent efficiency over traditional lighting and have a much longer lifespan. They are small in size,

When compared to incandescents, halogens produce a whiter

very durable, and produce an intense

light, last two to four times longer, and use about 40 percent

white light with very little waste heat.

less energy to produce the same amount of light; however,

However they are relatively expensive

they are slightly more expensive to purchase. They are a good

but this barrier will weaken as their

replacement for outdoor flood and spot lights. For example,

availability strengthens.

a 45-W PAR (parabolic aluminum reflector) halogen spot light replaces a 75-W PAR incandescent spot light. There is another type of halogen bulb, often called a low

The best energy-saving device for lighting is the switch. Turn lights off when not in use.

voltage or quartz, which requires a specifically designed halogen fixture. This bulb provides a bright, white, focused light suitable for highlighting art work or use as a desk lamp.





Building envelope solutions and simple tips

Air sealing But there’s good news! Preventing cold

Is your house leaking money? If your home is like most, the greatest amount of heat loss is from air leakage;

air from entering and exiting your home is easy to do.

heated air escaping to the colder

Of all the energy-saving jobs that need

outdoors through hundreds of tiny

to be done around the house, caulking and

holes and cracks around your home.

weatherstripping are perfect candidates for

In fact, up to 40 percent of your home’s

do-it-yourself projects.

heating bill is spent on heating cold

A thorough and effective air sealing job

air that has leaked into your home,

can save you money on your heating bill.

because warm air has leaked out. The

Of course, the first step is to figure out

movement of air in and out

where the cold drafts are entering and where

of your home is increased by the

the warm, moist air is leaving. Statistically,

wind, the difference between inside

air leakage in a house is broken down as

and outside temperatures, and the

illustrated on the right.

operation of mechanical systems in your home, such as dryers, exhaust

Playing detective for drafts

fans and furnaces. It is not unusual for

You won’t need any fancy tools to find the

your home to undergo minor expansion

leaks. With the help of the illustration on

and contraction as it adjusts to climate

the right and your eyes and hands, you can

changes, thereby creating air leaks as

identify areas in need of air sealing. The best

your home ages and weathers.

time to feel for drafts is on a cold or windy


solutions & tips

Wise Energy Guide


In an unfinished basement, you don’t have to wait for a cold or windy day to detect drafts – just look for spider webs! Generally, where there’s a web, there’s a draft.

Building envelope solutions and simple tips

day by feeling for the cold air that’s entering in through the cracks. But, if you see a crack and don’t feel a cold draft, the heated air is probably exiting the house and the crack needs to be sealed. Ceiling leaks can be a little more difficult to find; try looking for dirty insulation in the attic, as this indicates indoor air is being cleaned by the insulation as it exits your home. You can pinpoint the location of light fixtures and ceiling fans under the insulation by measuring their distance from the walls in the room below. Then, it’s easy to locate them in the attic by using a tape measure and the wall-to-fixture measurements. Even though locating and then air sealing the ceiling penetrations may be difficult or awkward, it is the most important step in reducing your home’s air leakage and minimizing moisture damage in the attic. If you choose to have a home audit, your air leaks will be easy to find when the certified auditor turns on the blower door. This equipment depressurizes your home forcing outside air to come in through all cracks. Percentage of air leakage* in a typical house Pipes and wire entrances (for heating fuel, cable television, telephone, electrical services, etc.) 6%, Attic hatch 5% Exhaust fans (through poor fitting dampers when


not in use, and through

fireplace 11%

the cracks around the fan when installed in ceilings or Ceiling penetrations

walls) 4%

(i.e. interior wall penetrations, light fixtures,


ceiling fans, plumbing

outlets and switches 4%

stack, chimneys) 23%

Windows (including Exterior doors

the trim around the

(including the trim around the doors) 8%

windows) 12% Sill plates (i.e. the first piece of wood at the top of the foundation wall and at each floor assembly at the baseboard) 27%

*All percentages are approximate and may vary from home to home depending on its age and condition. Source: R2000 Training Manual



Building envelope solutions and simple tips

Caulking Caulking is a putty-like substance that is applied to nonmoveable joints around the home, such as the edges of windows and door trim. You must caulk on the inside of the house to provide both a draft seal and a moisture block. Blocking the moisture is most important since it prevents the moist air inside your house from penetrating into the walls and attic, and possibly accumulating and causing moisture damage to the insulation and wood framing. Although caulking is usually only done on the inside of the home, a bead of caulking is also applied around outside window and

caulking on top of the crack

door frames to prevent rain from getting into the walls.


Exterior brick, siding, and storm windows all have built-in

Weatherstripping is used around doors, the opening parts of windows, and attic hatches. You can choose from many different types of weatherstripping; from materials such as foam, vinyl, rubber, and metal. There are also different means of attaching them,

vent holes that must not be caulked. These holes provide an exit point for moisture. Some key points to keep in mind when purchasing and applying caulking: •  Make sure that the caulking material you are using is suitable for the job and is properly applied to ensure a better, longerlasting job. Some characteristic variations include: flexibility,

such as tape and screws. When properly applied,

ability to paint over, ability to adhere to various surfaces,

weatherstripping makes the moveable

temperature conditions for application, ease of preparation

joint airtight and still allows the door,

and clean up, expected lifetime, and cost

window, or attic hatch to be easily

• Purchase a good quality, durable caulking gun. A good caulking gun is easier to use and the finished result will be neater • Before applying the caulking, clean the surfaces to remove dirt and grime. Follow the manufacturer’s directions on the

opened or closed. Some key points to keep in mind when you purchase and apply weatherstripping: • Before heading to the building supply

container. If improperly installed, even the best caulking

store, be sure to note how your doors

available will do little to prevent air leakage

and windows operate, the size of gap,

• To minimize the problem of too much caulking for the crack, cut the caulking tube nozzle to suit the size of gap to fill. Caulk the smaller cracks first and increase the nozzle hole size for the wider gaps


• Practice on scrap wood before you attempt the baseboards. When practicing, try cutting the nozzle flat and pushing the caulking into the crack while holding the caulking gun at a 90 degree angle. This is often more effective than cutting the nozzle on a slant and pulling the caulking tube and gun, which only lays a bead of

and colour

Building envelope solutions and simple tips

• Good weatherstripping will be easy to install, aesthetically pleasing, and provide a long-lasting, effective seal • Use effective products that can perform in cold weather and in high-traffic areas • Clean surfaces before attaching adhesive-backed weatherstripping For more information on where and how to air seal, see chapter seven.

insulating your home How to stop the great escape!

Refer to chapter seven to request more information when considering adding insulation. R-value: The measure of insulation Insulation is measured based on its heat loss resistance: R-value for short (RSI-value in metric). A higher R-value number indicates a more effective level of insulation. As insulation is made from different

From the very moment heat is generated inside your home,

materials, there are varying R-values

it tries to escape to the colder outdoors. Over and above air

for the same thickness of insulation.

leakage, heat is also lost through the ceiling, basement, windows

To check the insulation levels of

and doors, and walls by conduction, convection, and radiation.

exterior walls, turn the power off and

The rate of heat loss depends on the difference between inside

remove the cover of an electrical outlet.

and outside temperatures and the insulation resistance met by

If there is a gap, you may be able to

escaping heat. Increasing the insulation in these areas reduces

see the insulation. Push a thin wooden

the heat loss.

stick between the electrical box and

Does your home need extra insulation?

the drywall or plaster to the back of the wall and measure the depth. In the

If snow is melting on your roof on a cold, dull winter day,

attic, slide a ruler down the side of a

you likely don’t have enough insulation in the attic. If snow

floor joist and measure the depth of

is disappearing from around the sides of your house, you


probably need more insulation on the basement walls.

The recommended R-value of

Sometimes it may be obvious where you need insulation;

insulation may vary depending

other times it may be difficult to determine the best locations

on where you live. Check with

to add insulation.

your local building department for

To determine payback on your investment you must consider the ease of doing the job and the cost of materials. However, if comfort is your priority, upgrade insulation in your home in any order – as long as air sealing is done first. Air sealing will

current required levels. The amount of insulation you can add may also depend on how much physical space is available in the walls or attic.

achieve the fastest payback and will help to protect the wood framing and insulation from moisture damage.



Building envelope solutions and simple tips

Protecting the insulation with air and vapour barriers

Vapour barriers

To be effective and to minimize moisture damage, you must

Vapour barriers stop moisture

protect insulation with both an air and vapour barrier. In the

travelling directly through a material,

winter, the air that leaves your home is warm and moisture-

like drywall, by diffusion. They are

laden. When this moisture meets cold surfaces in the walls

usually constructed of six millimetre

and attic, it will condense and can then be absorbed by the

polyethylene and installed on the warm

wood framing and insulation. If insulation becomes wet, its

side of insulation (normally right behind

ability to resist heat loss is diminished. There are numerous

the drywall).

ways to create effective air/vapour barriers.

older because each coat of paint and

Air barriers prevent indoor air, which is carrying moisture,

some wallpapers help resist moisture

from exiting through cracks. Air barriers also prevent wind

travelling through the drywall or plaster.

from whistling through the insulation. Some insulation, such as

To make the vapour barrier most effective,

glass fiber, rock wool, and cellulose, resist heat loss by trapping

the six millimetre polyethylene needs to

small pockets of air. The greater the number of undisturbed air

be sealed at every seam with acoustical

pockets, the higher the R-value. If wind can blow through this

caulking (a tar-like caulking). Together,

insulation, its ability to resist heat loss is greatly reduced.

the polyethylene and the caulking form

To be effective an air barrier must be resistant to air movement, continuous, and durable. There are several ways to create an air barrier. The simplest method is to apply caulking or foam and install weatherstripping on the indoor cracks and leaks to prevent air and moisture from entering or exiting the house. In new construction, including additions to your home and new siding, especially designed housewrap materials are wrapped around the outside of the house behind the siding or brick. This material resists wind, but still allows any moisture that gets in the wall to diffuse through. Air barriers are very important. In fact, studies indicate that an air barrier is 100 times more effective than a vapour barrier at stopping moisture from getting into a wall or attic.


Vapour barriers improve as a house gets

Air barriers

an air/vapour barrier.


Building envelope solutions and simple tips


Reducing window heat loss Here are some tips to improve your window’s insulating value: • Heavy drapes or energy-efficient window coverings can be used to reduce heat loss, especially at night. During the winter, be sure to open your drapes to allow heat and air to get to the glass to help minimize condensation problems and to allow the winter sun into your home for some free heat. In the summer, block the hot sun by closing your drapes during the day, installing awnings or reflective window film

To determine the approximate R-value of batt or loose fill insulation, multiply the depth (in inches) by 3. For example, 4 inches x 3 = R-12. Approximate R-value = Depth of insulation in inches x 3

• Improve the thermal resistance of the existing window glazing by installing additional layers of glazing. This can be done by adding either a loose fitting exterior storm window or an

To minimize heat loss, windows must

airtight ‘interior storm window’, such as shrink wrap plastic

be insulated and air sealed at the

that is attached to your interior window frame with double

frame-to-wall joint when installed.

sided tape and ‘shrunk’ drum tight with a hair dryer

You need to confirm this procedure

Some tips for purchasing new windows: To identify energy-efficient windows and sliding glass doors look for the Energy Star® label. The label indicates that the product has met the government’s requirements for efficiency and for which climate zone(s) the product has been designed. Four climate zones have been designated across Canada, the more zones a product qualifies for, the more energy efficient it is. Energy Star information is printed in the product literature for each model. Energy Star qualified windows and sliding glass doors will have many of the following features:

with the contractor prior to and during the installation. To ensure a quality installation of your new windows, choose a contractor who has been trained and certified by Window Wise. Window Wise is a quality assurance program that independently audits and certifies contractors and window manufacturers, and conducts comprehensive window installation training for installers. Look for the

• double or triple glazing with sealed insulating glass unit

Window Wise logo and be protected

• low-emissivity (low-e) glass

by an industry-backed guarantee. For

• inert gas, such as argon or krypton, in the sealed unit

more information on Window Wise

• low conductivity or ‘warm edge’ spacer bars

and to find certified companies,

• insulated frames and sashes

visit windowwise.com

• superior air-tightness



Building envelope solutions and simple tips The following priority list will assist you in determining where your energy dollars and efforts are best spent: 1 Attic Though it has a relatively low heat loss, 10 to 15 percent, the attic is the first place to consider adding more insulation. It is generally the easiest and least expensive area to insulate. If there is room, attic insulation should be 13 to 16 inches deep (R-40 to R-50) and evenly distributed. Insulation can be kept away from the soffit vents with the use of foam, plastic or cardboard baffles. Caulk or foam all attic floor cracks prior to adding more insulation.

2 Basement Since an unfinished basement has a high heat loss, 20 to 25 percent, adding exterior or interior insulation is a major opportunity to improve your home’s thermal efficiency. Basement insulation is most cost-effective when done in conjunction with finishing the basement as living space, or when digging up the exterior to repair foundation wall drainage. Basement walls should be air sealed and insulated with at least R-10 to R-20 including the header space between the floor joists and all the way to the basement floor.

3 Windows and doors Windows and doors represent about 15 to 20 percent of your home’s heat loss. Remember, this is the heat loss through the glass, wood, and framing materials; not heat loss from air leakage (heat loss from air leakage is included in the air leakage statistic of 30 to 40 percent). Depending on the age, operation, and design of your windows and doors, you may want to consider replacing them. Consider replacing windows and doors if they do not operate easily, are in poor condition, or are difficult to weatherstrip.

4 Walls Adding insulation to walls is cost effective if done in coordination with renovating the interior walls or re-siding. Don’t miss the opportunity to add a continuous air barrier over top of the insulation before installing the siding.



Wise Energy Guide


Looking for more information There is a wide variety of free government literature available on each of the topics you have read about in this guide. Before you undertake any major projects, you should check out the available information. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Order publications by phone: 1 800 663-2642 or through their website: cmhc.ca • About Your House – Wide variety of fact sheets on common housing questions such as moisture, mold, ventilation, carbon monoxide, ice dams, windows, hiring a contractor, etc. • The Renovation Series – Fact sheets on renovation projects such as basements, attics, different styles and ages of homes

Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (OMEI) Visit their website mei.gov.on.ca for information on: • General energy efficiency information • Provincial conservation programs such as rebates for Ontario Home Energy Savings Program

Ontario Power Authority (OPA) Visit their website powerauthority.on.ca for information on: • Electricity conservation programs and rebates

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and the Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) Order publications by phone 1 800 367-2000 or through their website oee.nrcan.gc.ca • Individual brochures and website information on air leakage, insulation, moisture, windows and doors, heating/ cooling, appliances and lighting • Information on EnerGuide labels

• Renewable energy and the Green Energy Act

Union Gas Visit our website uniongas.com for information on: • Energy Conservation programs and education • Natural gas products, cost comparisons and where to buy or rent • Rate and fuel cost comparisons by region

and ratings and ENERGY STAR® federal rebates • Keeping The Heat In – 130 plus pages of House as a System and renovation ideas for all areas of your home



your home

Get your home in shape Now that you’ve read this guide, the rest is up to you. The hints and tips in these pages can help you determine how energy efficient your home already is, and what energy-efficient measures to implement. With the handy Home Energy Checklist insert, your first step is easy – take an hour-long walking tour of your home to pinpoint areas that need improving. Then roll up your sleeves, get to work and get your home in shape! If you’re not already a natural gas consumer, you may want to consider converting to natural gas space and water heating. Also, there are many energy-efficient natural gas appliances which can reduce your energy bills. Visit uniongas.com/energyefficiency for more information about how natural gas can help you save energy and money.




Wise Energy Guide



Natural Gas. Simply Smart. Natural gas is a primary source of energy. It’s delivered directly to your home, ready to use. Electricity, on the other hand, needs to be generated, and that process of generation is often fuelled by natural gas. Using energy to make energy isn’t efficient. Natural gas goes straight to your home with no stops in between. No other home heating energy source does that. Now that’s smart energy. Make the smart energy choice and select clean, efficient natural gas. Visit uniongas.com for more information about the benefits of using natural gas.



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