Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy Magazine – Summer-Fall 2013

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contents Western Farm, Ranch & Dairy Magazine Rocky Mountain/Heartland • summer-fall edition 2013

Agriculture PAGE 11


Natural Insecto Products ................................................................................................ 8 Ubly Bean Knife Mfg., Inc. is at it again! ......................................................................... 8 Ron’s Manufacturing Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment Gets Even Stronger ........................................... 10 Elston Manufacturing – From Sanders to Gopher Getters ............................................. 11 Egbers on Super Edge ................................................................................................. 12 Fertilize-Big Yields AND Low Cost ................................................................................ 13 MightyAxe® The Toughest Tree Shear Working Today! ..................................................................... 14 Area Diesel Service celebrating forty years of business ................................................ 15 Missouri Hay Tarps Announces Quality Improvements for 2013 .................................... 16 American Agra Curtains Inc. The Original Customized Insulated Curtain For Livestock Buildings .............................. 16 Colby Canvas Company – 86 Years of Custom Covers and Tarps .................................. 17



Diamond W Corrals introduces the portable sorting and gathering system by the original designer of the Wilson Wheel Corral. ......................................... 18 Walinga – Bulk Feed Bodies & Grain-Vacs ................................................................... 18 TSR Parts Inc. .............................................................................................................. 19 Aeroswint Trailers – Leading the Way for Over 20 Years ............................................... 20 PowerLift Hydraulic Doors ........................................................................................... 20 Boyd Ag ....................................................................................................................... 20 The Perfect TreeSaw … Making Things Simple ............................................................ 22 C&R Supply, Inc. Birth Of A Sprayer ............................................................................. 22 Emerson Manufacturing Corporation 100% Built in the USA! ................................................................................................ 22 A NEW REVOLUTION IN CLAMP-ON TRACTOR FORKS Paynesforks Releases The New Hingetech Forks ......................................................... 23 Custom Made Products ................................................................................................ 24 Otters, Inc. Dozer Blades Designed To Fit Your Individual Tractor .................................................... 25 Look Ma – No Wires! Wireless Grain Temperature Monitoring ....................................................................... 26 The ‘RPR’ Thrashing/Separating System Is A Brand New Product! ............................... 27


ON THE COVER Range Pasture near Trinadad, CO. Photo by Gary Kramer, courtesy of USDA. Have an article or photo submission? Give us a call at 1-800-330-3482 or e-mail: info@ritzfamilypublishing. com for image and file requirements. (All submissions subject to approval)

6 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Pearson’s Continues Keeping Pace With Livestock Industry’s Demands In 2013 ........................................................................ 28 Portable No Pit Cattleguard is Effective and Convenient ............................................... 29 Award Winners Exemplify Dairy Industry’s Long-standing Commitment to Stewardship and Sustainability ........................................................... 30 Rawhide Portable Corral’s NEW PROCESSOR ............................................................... 32 Dairy Trivia ................................................................................................................... 35

Departments Publisher Information .................................................................................................... 7 Marketplace ................................................................................................................ 34 Advertiser Index ........................................................................................................... 36 Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Western Farm, Ranch & Dairy Magazine a Ritz Family Publication

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Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 7

agriculture Natural Insecto Products


NSECTO is an insecticide alternative to chemical poison’s used for control of grain insects and house insects. INSECTO has been registered with the USA Environmental Protection Agency

Reservoir Ranch: This 275 cow ranch puts up 2,000 ton of quality hay using 4 pivots (1 new) and side rolls. The large reservoir is used for irrigation and attracts a lot of waterfowl. A large spring supplies irrigation water, and is home for large trout. The ranch fronts HWY 91 and Interstate 15 only 8 miles north of Dillon, MT

since 1984 (EPA Reg. # 48598-1). INSECTO is a formulation of a very refined (Micron average size 7) saltwater Diatomaceous Earth (DE) blended with several protein food products which act as baits. DE is the skeletal remains of plankton which feels similar to talcum powder, however when viewed under a microscope, one can see the sharp jagged edges on the DE which basically cuts up and breaks down insects waxy protective coatings. Also, the saltwater DE absorbs up to 175% of its weight in fluids compared to only 150% for freshwater DE. DE is allowed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Human and Animal food products up to 2% of weight; it is used as an AntiCaking agent in many food products. INSECTO kills insects by cutting up the insects bodies, than absorbs their body fluids, which leads to their deaths by dehydration; a physical kill rather than a chemical kill. Insects don’t build up a resistance to INSECTO, unlike chemical pesticides. INSECTO is labeled with the EPA “For Organic Production” and is listed with the Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI). INSECTO has been and is being used by Bunge, Cargill, Consolidated Grain

& Barge, ADM and other large companies for several decades, along with on farm storage by thousands for farmers around the United States and Canada. INSECTO has been exported to Japan, UAE, Israel, Jamaica, Brazil, Nicaragua, and several other countries. INSECTO is now being used in Poultry Housing for control of Mites, Darkling Beetles, Lesser Mealworms and other insects which plague this industry. Insects in poultry houses are destroying the insulations as well as adversely affecting the health of the birds. INSECTO should be blown in at a rate up to 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet of surface area. INSECTO was originally developed as an alternative to the chemical poisons which were in wide use in the 1970’s and 80’s, and has become one of the few registered insecticides on the market today. Control your insect problems today and in the future with INSECTO. e NATURAL INSECTO PRODUCTS, INC. 221 Sherwood Place, Post Office Box 12138 Costa Mesa, California 92627 Phone: (800) 332-2002 or (949) 548-4275 (949) 548-4576 Fax, www.insecto.com E-mail: insecto7@earthlink.net

Ubly Bean Knife Mfg., Inc. is at it again! King Ranch: This ranch has 3,100 contiguous deeded acres, farms 1,200 acres(could farm more), and summers 200 cows. The 6,100 sq ft executive 6 bedroom home has outstanding views of the Beartooth and Crazy Mountains. The King Ranch is 20 miles NW of Billings, MT. Call Jeff Klaus at 406-855-1081

Montana - Wyoming West P.O. Box 578 | Laurel, MT

406-628-2341 www.montwyowest.com 8 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy


undreds of hard edible bean farmers have been taking advantage of the Ubly bean knife for over sixty years. While maintaining the highest standard of quality, Ubly bean knives are still the best way to cut the tap roots and get a higher quality bean while producing fluffier windrows, reducing labor, reducing stones and dirt in windrows, and aiding in your combine’s overall performance. Rocky Mountain/Heartland

There has been some speculation about the acceptability of the direct harvest system due to the high losses of beans, therefore keep using the Ubly Bean Knife for the best possible cut and quality for your money. Do what hundreds have already done. Make Ubly Your Advant-EDGE. For more information, please call 1-888-723-3244 or visit our website at www.ublybean.com e www.farmranchdairy.com


Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 9

Ron’s Manufacturing

Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment Gets Even Stronger


on’s Manufacturing has added two more bearings to their kits. This makes the kits even more heavy duty. Coulter kits from Ron’s Manufacturing converts any chisel plow to a year-round tool to prepare your fields.

In the fall, it can be used to lightly till the soil, incorporate and size residue. It is also a practical way to dry out wet soils. The

Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment works well in no-till conservation tillage, as well as conventional tillage operation, extending the growing season and creating better planting conditions. Vertical tillage prepares the soil to warm more quickly in early spring, energizing the seedbed for maximum growth and yield potential. The Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment is a smart investment in that it has multiple uses which will ultimately produce savings in terms of time and money. It also has a low operating cost per acre and can be used in a wider range of conditions than most tillage tools. It operates at a relatively high speed of 6 to 12 MPH which saves time. The Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment allows for quick mixing of manure and soil to prevent loss of nutrients and control odor. It can also be used for very shallow incorporation of fertilizer and select herbicides. The Vertical Tillage Coulter Kit Attachment is spaced on 6 inches. For more information contact Ron’s Manufacturing at 40582 187th St., Carpenter, SD 57322; phone 605-266-2177; E-mail info@ronsmfg.com. (Also, please see their ad in this issue). e

Change any chisel plow into a Coulter Machine All steel (no cast iron)

The coulter kit includes: Two 18” 13-wave boron “earth hardened” coulter blades. Exclusive “Double Shields” for bearings and seals. Exclusive Double Bearings on each end of the shaft 4 bearings in all! Kit includes all mounting hardware.

Ron’s Mfg.

(Please see press release in this issue)

For more information go to

www.ronsmfg.com or call (605) 266-2177 email: info@ronsmfg.com

Ask Us About The Electric Dakota Grills

www.dakotagrills.com 10 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Elston Manufacturing

From Sanders to Gopher Getters


n 1925, Rue R. Elston, the founder of the Elston Company and his wife, Clara, and son, Wendell, moved to Sioux Falls, SD from Spencer, Iowa. Rue found employment with the Manchester Biscuit Company. The next year his son Jack was born. In 1927 Rue, wife Clara, and two sons, Wendell and Jack moved to Minneapolis, MN where Rue found work as a bus driver for Twin City Motor Bus. One snowy night, Rue saw a young man get hit by a car while spreading sand with a shovel at a bus stop. The man lost his leg in the accident. After seeing this accident, Rue thought a unit could be manufactured to mount in front of the drive wheels of a bus and be electrically controlled by the driver. Such a unit could help eliminate this type of accident by spreading sand in front of the drive wheels of the bus. After extensive testing and engineering, the first units were installed on Greyhound buses. In 1938 a corporation was formed to manufacture the Elston Electric Sander. Today sanders are used on city buses such as those in Seattle, Washington and are mandatory on school buses in many Northern States. They are also used on fire trucks and a special design for railroad trains. In 1952 Rue, and his son Jack, engineered and designed the Elston Cargo Space heater, a unit that controls the inside temperature of semi-trailers that transport products that cannot be frozen. Through the years several models have been designed. These units are sold in the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe. In 1960, they were approached by the Fish and Wildlife Service to manufacture a machine to control pocket gophers. It was during this time that Rues other son, Wendell, became involved in the company. They designed a machine, The Elston Gopher Getter that forms a tunnel 7 to 12 inches underneath the ground. These runways are spaced twenty feet apart, which a pocket gopher intercepts. The machine is used by farmers in their fields, on golf courses and by many airports west of Chicago to eliminate lights going out on the runways caused by gophers eating the insulation off of the electrical wires. Since 1960 they have designed a hand held manual Gopher Getter Jr. for individuals to use in their yards and gardens. They www.farmranchdairy.com

also process bait used in these machines. This was the first Gopher Getter machine made and sold in the United States. In 1986 their business in Minneapolis plant had increased to where it became necessary to either enlarge the building or build another plant elsewhere. After looking over all the red tape and state regulations of Minnesota and Wisconsin they found it to be to their advantage to build in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In 1986 they built a building in Sioux Falls, and manufactured and assembled Elston Sanders, Gopher Getters and Gopher Bait. In 1989 they constructed an addition to Sioux Falls to the Sioux Falls building and moved their cargo heater line to Sioux Falls. In 1997 the reins of the company were passed to the new management who brought with them expertise in the trucking industry. Today they employ approximately 16 to 25 employees in Sioux Falls. The corporate office is located in South St. Paul, MN. They are actively working on Research and Development on all three of their product lines: Traction Sanders, Cargo Heaters and Gopher Getters. They eagerly anticipate new and improved products in all three areas. For more information, please visit their website at www.elstonmfg.com e

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 11

Egbers on Super Edge “There just isn’t enough we can say about the Super Edge Auger Flighting” says Doug Egbers, owner of Egbers Flighting Company, Inc. The Super Edge is created in the rolling process. This is a cold rolling process so the steel is not heat treated. “This lets the steel retain its strength,” states Doug. Because of how the flighting is made, the outside edge is thicker than your common market flighting, or “plain flighting,” as they call it. Super Edge Auger Flighting has an outside edge that is approximately 50% thicker. It gives longer wear and longer life

of the auger. And Egbers knows their augers. Their repair and fabrication division has years of experience in re-flighting and balancing auger sections. “It just makes good sense to replace the auger flighting instead of buying a new auger section.” Confirms Doug, “New auger sections can be pricey and the Super Edge Auger Flighting is priced to sell.” Along with their repairs Egbers offers a wide assortment of replacement parts and tubing. They have your basic inside tubing, pipe, rolled tube for grain cart unloading augers all the way up to 40 ft. lengths for transport augers. “We’ve always thought freight and shipping different replacement parts from different sources can create a

problem for our customers, and we can ship pretty much all the replacement parts a customer needs from here,” Doug says. “That way all your parts come from one location instead of several.” A newer service for Egbers is their ability to balance combine rotors. “We’re always looking for new products and services for our customers. These rotors can be balanced at a fraction of what a new one costs,” says Doug. All in all, Egbers supports a great team for sales and repairs. They’re your OneStop-Shop for your replacement needs, and they’re farmer friendly! Call them at 800-462-2588 or check them out on the web at www.egbersflighting.com. e

Company, Inc. Super Edge Auger Flighting for combine, transport, mixer & grain cart. We ship flighting mounted or unmounted Custom Machine and Fabrication

Computerized Balancing Available Supporting parts plus Pipe, Tube & Shaft and more

Whether you need to patch your auger or require Total replacement Egbers Flighting Company, Inc.

Your One-Stop-Shop for your replacement needs

G`gf]Û ¤ ¤ ÛÝÛ=YpÛ ¤ ¤ ~~ www.egbersflighting.com 12 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Portable, All-Steel Shelters

Fertilize-Big Yields AND Low Cost


EA MINERALS FA works as a soil fertility supplement that re-mineralizes the soil. It comes from processing very clean sea water and contains 85 or more minerals and trace minerals in the same proportions that those same minerals occur in the blood of healthy animals. All of our soils are terribly deficient in these minerals. In addition to the positive impact sea minerals have on the plants and land, it is a much less expensive alternative to commercial fertilizer. The farmer can fertilize an acre for $6 per application with a suggestion of 3 applications per year for $18/acre/year. It is applied as a foliar spray on green plants. Not only is it a cheaper method, but Sea Minerals FA has a lasting positive effect on the microbes in the soil. With using commercial fertilizer, microbes are destroyed in the soil. Sea mineral nutrients stay in the soil from year to year and build and enhance the soil. SEA MINERALS FA can be used without any other fertilizer with good results. It can also be mixed with other ingredients, such as weed killers or fertilizer in the sprayer. Sea Minerals FA also makes great free-choice mineral for cattle. Cows will consume one pound per month on average. They will not require any other mineral or salt for a savings of over 50%. It has been shown to decrease cell count in dairy cattle. It plays a key role in producing better quality milk and butcher beef. The cows and calves stay healthier Check the website www.SeaMineralsFA.com for 2010 field trial results or call Rocky Springs Ranch 800-9670452 for your nearest distributor. e www.farmranchdairy.com

Approximate sizes of this style hut are 4’6” wide x 3’10” high x 7’6” long or 6’ wide x 4’6” high x 7’ or 11’ length. Check brochure for options and specifications. Check the web site or call today. All Port-A-Huts must be anchored.

P.O. Box 369 Storm Lake, IA 50588

800-882-4884 www.port-a-hut.com

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 13


The Toughest Tree Shear Working Today!


he MightyAxe® tree shear is a heavy-duty, scissor-like piece of equipment with 3” solid steel arms and 1” heat strengthened reversible blades featuring massive hydraulic cylinders that produce over 80,000 pounds of pressure, enabling you to cut trees up to 20” in diameter, and do it at or below ground level. This eliminates stump problems without disturbing the soil. MightyAxe® works great for clearing walking and bike trails, roadways, pasture reclamation, right of ways fire breaks, fencerows, scattered brush or an entire forest. It has a contained design that allows for selective cutting,

allowing valuable trees to be saved. The pointed blade design also allows he operator to reach tight areas that might not otherwise be reached. The MightyAxe® can be used to move trees or brush that have been cut or have fallen down. Simply tilt the blades downward and cut trees up on the ground or pick them up with the blades and move them to the brush pile. MightyAxe® is known for its durability in tough conditions and remains the best choice for tree and brush removal. The standard, universal hookup that can easily be attached to skid steers or tractor lift systems to be used on farms, ranches, land reclamation

projects, forestry service sites, timber and logging applications or any other task that would require timber and brush removal. MightyAxe®, Inc. offers a two-year manufacturer’s limited warranty (excluding hydraulinc hoses). Because of their commitment to their customers, this warranty covers all labor and material costs should any problems arise. The MightyAxe® is built to last – you might wear the paint off of it, but you can’t wear it out! For more information, call MightyAxe, Inc. at 1-888-322-2068 or visit them on the web at www.MightyAxe. com. You’ll be glad you did. e

The Toughest Tree Shear Working Today! Why MightyAxe®?


(888) 322-2068 www.mightyaxe.com 14 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Area Diesel Service celebrating forty years of business


rea Diesel Service, Inc. has reached a major milestone. The small, family-owned and operated company is celebrating forty years of business. An increase in size and numbers is obvious of the company’s growth, but not a lot has changed since ADS’s first day in 1973 and over 14,600 days later in 2013. The company still maintains the core values it had as a start-up. A family-centered business keeping customer satisfaction its number one priority and hard work are still consistent. ADS’s President Val Leefers saw the importance of starting small and growing. The original Carlinville, Illinois location has been expanded four times to


the present 25,256 square feet building with a pump department, turbo department, warehouse, and state-of-the-art machine shop. In 1984, Area Diesel Service opened a second location outside of Des Moines, Iowa which expanded to 15,000 square feet in early 2012. ADS also maintains an additional 10,000 square feet core facility, and a third building in Carlinville for their expanding product lines. “In the business world, if you stop, you’re dead,” explains Leefers, “but I know that I have created a family business that will even continue after I’m gone.” Leefers understands of how the industry and his business are affected by technological advancements. His com-

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

pany partners mechanical and technical knowledge with muscle and machines. “The future generation isn’t training to change a tire, and do all the ‘hands-on’ types of jobs. And although some of the tests we run on parts are very scientific, in this industry you can’t just wave a wand over it and it’s done,” says Leefers, “You’ll always need to get your hands dirty.” The company has developed their own product lines as they progress into the diesel-powered future. These include performance modules for agricultural and truck applications that increase fuel economy and horsepower, the AGRICULTURAL DIESEL SOLUTIONS and TRUCK EDITION modules, as well as the 2013 debut of their MAGNUM: QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS product line. ADS can be found online at www. areadiesel.com, www.areadieselstore. com, and on social media sites. e

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 15

Missouri Hay Tarps Announces Quality Improvements for 2013


issouri Hay Tarps has been protecting and covering round and square hay bales across the US since 1996. The company’s founder Earl Miller is responsible for many US patents but it’s his unique “Stake and Wind Lockdown” system that has put Missouri Hay Tarps on the map. Owners Bruce Paneitz and Randy Blaske purchased the company in 2008. The two partners are committed to continuing the business under the principles of which it was built, offering a quality product at a reasonable price, backed by exceptional service. Some quality issues that they have seen in the past four years of ownership have led them to make some improvements to their already popular and dependable product. New for 2013 will be an even heavier

tarp as they increased the weight from 6.7 to 7.7 ounces. In addition to the increased weight they have beefed up the rope reinforcement on the bottom edge of the tarp which will help to omit

any tearing around the grommets and lower edge of the tarp. They didn’t stop there, in addition to beefing up the tarp perhaps the most critical and noticeable improvement will be the additional UV coating. The tarps are white in color on both sides and come treated with a

special UV coating on both sides; both are critical components in combating the sun’s damaging UV Rays. With UV coating and white in color on both sides the tarps are fully reversible. Missouri Hay Tarps recommends reversing the tarp each hay season to prolong the life of the tarp. The UV coating and reversing of the tarp will combat the effects of the sun and Mother Nature’s elements which make a tarp weak and brittle the longer it is exposed. Tarps will be offered in 20 different sizes guaranteed to cover just about any hay configuration you can dream up. Order today and see for yourself what has made Missouri Hay Tarps the leader in engineered hay covering. Call 800514-0258 or visit them online at www. MoHayTarps.com to place an order or learn more about these tarps. All major credit cards are accepted. e

American Agra Curtains Inc. The Original Customized Insulated Curtain For Livestock Buildings


n the early eighties, virtually all of the “Farrow-to-Finish” swine confinements were single story buildings with make-shift ventilation systems constructed as the individual builder saw fit. In the attempt to improve ventilation, standardize construction, and cut costs, an automated insulated curtain system was designed. The original multi-layered insulated curtain was developed and patented in 1984 by Carolyn Henderson, American Agra Curtain’s current president. Since then, many modifications and improvements have been incorporated into our insulated curtain which is marketed under the name of Insulated MARCO- LITE. Most of our curtains are still on the job after seven or eight years of service. In addition to our insulated curtains, we have many other products designed specifically for the agricultural building industry such as room and shop dividers, fan covers, bird barriers, pulleys, stainless steel cable, rope, cord, split bolts, curtain clips, and insulated curtains with no film for dairies, concrete blankets, sidewall insulation for garages, door covers for basement rooms, and crawl space covers. Installation instructions are included with all orders. Call us at 765-564-3979 and see what we can do for you. e 16 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Colby Canvas Company

86 Years of Custom Covers and Tarps…


ince 1983, the Molstad brothers Stan & Steve have owned and operated Colby Canvas Company (previously Colby Supply & Manufacturing, opened in 1927) out of Colby, Kansas. They have been operating a steady business manufacturing custom covers and tarps for farmers and ranchers throughout the country and abroad. At Colby Canvas, they design and construct high-quality canvas products to fit your custom specifications. They specialize in roll-over truck and grain cart tarps, windshield covers for agricultural equipment, covers for grain drills and corn planters, as well as oversize load banners and warning flags. Recently, they found a new venture for their ever-growing business: windwalls for freestall barns. With all the

dairies popping up in the western half of Kansas, they saw a need to produce new or replacement vinyl wind-walls for the freestall dairy barns. These wind-walls can be manufactured to fit any size or type of barn to suit your needs. Another new product the company is installing on grain trailers is electric tarp systems that allow you to open and close your tarp system with one quick touch of a button. These dual electric arms provide ultimate wind protection for your tarp by keeping constant tension from the front to the rear of your trailer while the tarp system is opening and closing. For more information about any of the products they manufacture, call 800.333.5791 or visit their website www.colbycanvas.com e

MISSOURI HAY TARPS, LOWEST PRICE IN U.S. NOW EVEN HEAVIER & STRONGER 7.7 ounces, 230 lbs tensile strength, 1500 denier, 50 micron both sides, Waterproof, Leakproof, Washable, Shrinkproof, Fiber reinforced, Cross-panel construction. Fully Reversible White Color and UV Treated for Optimal Sun Resistance and Extended Life. 300% more holding power with grommets every 12 inches – Tarp literally locks on the stack, lasts twice as long.

Save Big – Buy Direct at Dealers Wholesale SIZE 12 x 50 14 x 50 16 x 36 16 x 50 18 x 48 24 x 48 25 x 54 30 x 40 30 x 60 30 x 75 40 x 60

RETAIL $161.00 $220.00 $140.00 $256.00 $267.00 $352.00 $431.00 $373.00 $552.00 $707.00 $726.00

WHOLESALE $109.00 $145.00 $106.00 $169.00 $175.00 $229.00 $283.00 $245.00 $365.00 $459.00 $485.00


www.mohaytarps.com www.farmranchdairy.com

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 17

equipment Diamond W Corrals introduces the portable sorting and gathering system by the original designer of the Wilson Wheel Corral.


ou will not believe the size of this system! The ease of sorting your cattle or horses in the field will amaze you! No more gathering, loading, unloading, sorting and then reloading. No more stressing your herd to get them out of the pasture. Thanks to Burlington Welding, LLC, home of the Diamond W Corral, those days are gone. One system, one move, and you’re done and home in time for lunch. This is a goose-neck unit that opens for access in or out of the front. There is a total 16 gates throughout the system. On each end of the alley there are two sets of 6’ gates that open between the split goose-

neck hitch and the rear axle assembly. The rancher has two sorting pens measuring

15’ 6” X 15’ 6” with a height of all panels at 6’. This gives the rancher the ability to tie into the sorting system with any type of

portable corral or stock trailer in the field. A hydraulic system sets the unit down on the ground, and when ready to move, lifts it up for transport. The hydraulic system is operated by a 12-volt battery charged with a solar panel and the ease of pushing a button. All systems are assembled with spring-loaded latches on the interior gates for added convenience. A 10’ gate allows you to drive thru the alleyway with a cake truck. Let us show you our newest product! Contact Burlington Welding, LLC at 580-596-3381. You can see our web page at www.diamondwcorrals.com or e-mail us at diamondwcorrals@yahoo.com e


Bulk Feed Bodies & Grain-Vacs


rom concept, design and through production, Walinga meets the customer's needs at every step. Creating outstanding products that are innovative and durable, with some client's vehicles being passed from generation to generation. Walinga is a leading North American manufacturer of transportation equipment and portable pneumatic conveying systems for grain, feed, seed... virtually any dry bulk material. Walinga is still a family owned and operated company. The total commitment to quality is not only our inheritance - it's our foundation for the future. Walinga products represent the best in manufacturing excellence. Our in-house engineering and design teams utilize the most current computer technology available. State of the art equipment, combined with over 50 years of experience, ensures that our customers receive unsurpassed quality. Comprehensive engineering capabili18 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

ties allow us to offer sizes, capacities, features and options that are specifically job-matched according to individual requirements. The services of our Engineering Department are available to our customers to assist in the selection of the properly specified chassis. Every Walinga vehicle is designed and produced to best fulfill its designated function. Custom-built aluminum feed bodies and trailers, pneumatic conveying systems, recycling trucks and bodies, aluminum and steel dump bodies... each built according to exact standards. Every stage of the manufacturing process from design to completion is performed by Walinga. The result - a cost effective, durable product line that responds to any challenge with premium. Walinga Agri-Vac The only system you'll ever need. Gives one-person total grain-handling capability! Do it all with the Walinga Agri-Vac. Fill or empty storage facility being used. The Walinga Agri-Vac puts an end to Rocky Mountain/Heartland

legs, augers, sweeps and shovels. Grain handling has never been simpler, safer or healthier. Just couple the Agri-Vac to your tractor and drive into position. Lightweight vacuum/pressure hoses attach in seconds and flex easily. Suddenly even tight spots and awkward angles are no problem! Bulk Feed Trailers and Bodies Walinga Inc. has been manufacturing bulk feed transportation equipment for more than 50 years. In this time we have become committed to an ongoing program of research and development. In response to the increasingly diverse needs of our customers Walinga is and will continue to be on the forefront of technological evolution. The options and features of the Walinga Bulk Feed Delivery Units are numerous. Walinga Bulk Feed Delivery Units can help you in your quest to increase production, performance, and efficiency. e www.farmranchdairy.com

TSR Parts Inc.


SR Parts Inc. is a family owned/ operated business located in Colgate, ND. The TSR Straw Chopper developed from a need for service parts for John Deere combines. TSR takes great pride in their work and do their best to have complete satisfaction from all their customers. All their products are Made in the USA. TSR product adds both value and increased productivity to every farm operation. TSR has a complete line of replacement units and component parts that have evolved to now include the current line of John Deere STS combines. TSR expanded line also includes complete units and component parts to fit Case IH Axial Flow combines and hydraulic cylinder depth stops. These lines are now available to the worldwide markets. If residue management has been an issue in the past, the addition of a complete TSR fine chop straw chopper or updating your factory straw chopper with TSR component parts, is the solution. If you had to purchase a separate piece of equipment to deal with residue that pulled behind your tractor, there would be additional passes over the fields. The TSR fine chop straw chopper will minimize the need for additional tillage after harvest due to the chopper’s ability to shred residue very fine, saving both time and money. Utilizing the fine chop straw chopper makes for an ideal planting bed for those farmers practicing no-till conservation planting methods. TSR works hard to make every part of their product top of the line in both function and workmanship. All TSR products carry a 1 year warranty on their parts against any defects. Take a look at their full line of products on-line at www.tsrparts.com e www.farmranchdairy.com

FIELD SORTING JUST GOT BETTER Portable Sorting Or Gathering Setup! NO MORE gathering, loading, unloading, sorting, then RELOADING!

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ÜÜÜ° iÀÀÃ >V i°V Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 19

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Aeroswint Trailers

Leading the Way for Over 20 Years


eroswint LLC has been a leader in heavy built agriculture products since we opened our doors in 1991. Our chain trailers that we introduced in 2003 continued on with the Aeroswint tradition of being rugged and reliable when it matters the most. All of our chain trailers come standard with 48,000 lb. Henderson Air Ride suspensions, ½” UMHW plastic floors and WH78B floor chains - all of which are recognized as some of the heaviest in the industry. So if you get the chance, check out the Aeroswint line of products on our website at www.aeroswint.net (or call 1-888-883-3269). We look forward to welcoming you into our family. e

PowerLift Hydraulic Doors


new standard has been set by PowerLift Hydraulic Doors for the Hydraulic Door industry. As of July 1, 2012, PowerLift Hydraulic Doors, announced that they will provide a lifetime door structural warranty on new doors for Agriculture, Aviation, Commercial and Industrial industries. Only PowerLift, with their corporate office in Lake Benton Minnesota and local partnership locations throughout America’s Heartland, will warrant their door’s structure to last for the lifetime of the building. Minnesota’s oldest commer-

cial hydraulic door manufacturer, PowerLift’s door strength and quality has proven itself over the past twenty some years and stands alone as the only company to offer a guarantee of this magnitude. PowerLift Doors offers the only hydraulic door and framework in the industry that is totally welded together, top to bottom to form one piece and without requiring bolting field assembly. To assure proper installation and customer peace of mind, experienced company specialists add to the guarantee by installing every door. Each door is custom

designed and fabricated to exact buildings measurements and specifications insuring a great fit and providing solid weather seals in all regions of the country. With thousands of doors installed, PowerLift stands alone with its commitment to quality, customer service and now a lifetime warranty. Contact Powerlift Hydraulic Doors for the door built to last a lifetime, 507-3689500, info@powerliftdoors.com or visit our website www.powerliftdoors.com for one of our many partner locations near you. e

is no fee for us to list it for you. We discovered a need for aftermarket for aluminum booms and boom extensions. Even though we started out focusing on the John Deere sprayers, our aluminum boom kits can fit many models. Being lighter and more durable, the longer aluminum booms lead to better performance and increased productivity, producing better profits for the user. For more information, contact Boyd Ag at

800-637-7884 or find us on the web at boydag.com e

Boyd Ag


t Boyd Ag, we provide service to farmers, custom applicators, dealers and any individual that need help meeting their used equipment needs. Our goal is to match up the right equipment for the job each customer requires. We have been in the sprayer and application business since 1973 and will share our vast knowledge with our prospects. Should you need to get rid of any equipment, there 20 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland



Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 21

The Perfect TreeSaw … Making Things Simple


ong before hydraulic methods came into play, The Perfect TreeSaw was the true pioneer in the tree cutting industry. With no moving parts and no hydraulics involved it makes the Perfect Sense – simple, with minimal maintenance and significantly cutting fuel expenses compared to other attachments. Tired of the high cost of running hydraulics and operating high maintenance attachments, people want to get back to the basics and keep it simple. Conservation and Forestry departments across the Nation use the TreeSaw to

meet their needs in timber thinning, wetland maintenance and prairie reclamation. It is widely used to clear CRP ground and fence row clean up. If picking and choosing the trees you need to cut is the issue, the TreeSaw is the solution. The TreeSaw cuts below ground level leaving no stumps above ground level – giving the cleanest finish job possible. Large cutting capacities

with a best size saw, this means more work can be done with minimal cost. If you are looking for the fastest, minimal maintenance and amazing durability then the Perfect TreeSaw is your answer. For more information on the Perfect TreeSaw, call us at 660-527-3380, or visit our website at www.theperfecttreesaw.com e

C&R Supply, Inc. Birth Of A Sprayer


fter carefully listening to customers who were disappointed with the performance or lack of features in ATV sprayers available, C&R Supply set out to design a series of sprayer to meet their needs. “Instead of taking an off the shelf tank and attaching features, we needed to get all the input we could from customers and ATV manufacturers”, said product manager Dusty Miller. “With a good vision of what features and options were required, it became obvious that a completely new tank design was needed”. The EZ ATV Sprayer was designed with the operator in mind for ease of operation and functional ability and safety.

With the sleek design brings the weight forward and more to a center of gravity for better machine balance. Allowing the legs of the tank to wrap around the fenders of the ATV gives the sprayer dual sumps to give maximum drainage and the ability to run on side hills without losing its prime. The pump, strainer, and main shut-off are mounted underneath the tank in a protected cavity, which also serves as a dual slosh baffle. The top of the tank is designed with a fill catch area to prevent chemical from getting on the operator. The EZ is fitted with a 4 gpm Shurflo Pump and a quality Tee-Jet trigger style handgun in the convenient control panel at your

Emerson Manufacturing Corporation 100% Built in the USA!


merson Manufacturing Corporation is a family owned and operated company that has been building and marketing professional truck shop service equipment for over 50 years. We offer the highest level of service and a strong commitment to 100% satisfaction. We manufacture every product to the highest possible standards. From Axle Jacks to Wedge Locks, we have it all. From assembly and production to repairs and new parts, one call to us at 1-800-633-5124 will get you what you need. Proud to be American Built! e 22 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

side. All brackets and boomless nozzle or boom accessories are attached to the tank for quick and easy mounting. The EZ ATV Sprayer has several different options and accessories to meet your requirements and needs.

Spray 30 feet wide with no boom C&R Supply, Inc. is a distributor and manufacturer of agricultural and roadside spray equipment located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. For over 35 years, C&R Supply, Inc. has been a leader in the distribution and servicing of many quality products from Raven Industries, Spraying Systems, Banjo, and more. They also lead the way in designing and manufacturing new and advanced products such as their C&R Foam Marker, Spot Sprayer, and the EZ ATV Sprayer featured in this ad. C&R is a provider for precision ag products such as GPS guidance systems, variable rate controllers, mapping, steering assist systems, and chemical injection units. C&R prides themselves on the knowledge and experience that is required to keep up with today’s technology. e www.farmranchdairy.com



By Hav-Roc, LLP Patented Since 1974

Paynesforks Releases The New Hingetech Forks

LaPorte, IN – Locally owned Paynesforks announced that they are releasing a new set of clamp-on tractor forks that will revolutionize the fork industry and change the way tractor forks are built. This new design has brought a 25% increase in load capacities. What was once a difficult task has been taken to a new level of ease. Driving into a load to pick it up used to be tedious – you had to stand up on your tractor and make sure your forks were tilted to the exact level with adjustments required as you drove into the load. With the Hingetech forks, that is no longer necessary. The hinge system allows you to tilt your bucket forward and the design automatically levels the forks with the ground and your load. So now it is as simple as: tilt, drive in, tilt back, and lift the load. It’s that easy. Loading debris into a dumpster? Not a problem. Place you load on the forks, drive it to the dumpster and dump. You don’t have to worry about the forks being tilted inside the dumpster when you back out. The forks lift out of the dumpster automatically without catching and dragging the dumpster with you. With the new design, they are able to produce larger custom forks for wheel loaders and backhoes. The largest problem with any clamp-on forks is that downward pressure from the bucket can damage just about any fork, especially with bigger equipment. Hingetech forks eliminate the downward force and stress from tilting your bucket. For more information on Paynesforks visit their website at www.paynesforks. com, call them at 219-324-3157 or contact them at Payne Enterprise, Inc. 3133 N. 150 E., LaPorte, IN 46350. e www.farmranchdairy.com

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 23

Custom Made Products


ustom Made Products was started in 1968 by Gary Naeve, when he developed and invented a front mount fuel tank and obtained a patent. This was a needed solution to a problem that he was facing in his own farming operation. The first eight fuel tanks were produced in Gary's shop at his farm. After Gary hired a local company to produce the tanks, he eventually decided to sell that part of the business to Simerson Iron Works in Sioux Rapids, Iowa. A few more years passed before Gary's entrepreneurial spirit was kindled again. He had been helping a friend with some dirt work in the process of building a hog confinement. It was then that Gary became aware of dirt moving equipment and he quickly became a dealer for a number of dirt scraper manufacturers. In the fall of 2004, Gary added land rollers to his line. He is now the "largest dealer" in the United States.

Around the same time the dirt scraper business evolved, the CDL program began. After obtaining his own CDL

endorsement, he was approached by numerous individuals for permission to borrow his truck for use in obtaining

their own CDL endorsement. The CDL program at Custom Made Products was designed to provide the training and equipment to allow individuals to obtain their CDL endorsement with minimum fuss. Gary’s CDL program has helped over ‘5,500 Satisfied Customers’ over 18 years. After many years of training and helping individuals get their CDL License, he has stepped down from doing the training himself and has handed that position to two capable individuals. Instead of providing training four days a week, Custom Made Products is able to provide training five days a week in both Humboldt and in Fort Dodge. In 1996, Gary’s son Rod began a trucking operation underneath the Custom Made Products name. From a startup of only one truck, Rod has grown to become an outfit of 20 trucks with a wide range of flatbeds, vans, feed and grain trailers, and heavy equipment hauling for a diverse range of hauling ability. e

Scrapers/Rollers in 11 Locations

Locations: Humboldt, De Soto, Iowa Falls, Union, Manchester, Britt, Hudson, Bayard, Chariton, Fremont & Wayne, NE

24 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

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Otters, Inc.

Dozer Blades Designed To Fit Your Individual Tractor


tter’s, Inc. is a family owned operation, building angle dozer blades since 1958. The company’s founder, Marion Otter previously operated under the title of Otter Manufacturing until 1997 when he retired. He then turned the company over to his sons, Frank and Greg Otter, presently, Otter’s Incorporated. An Otter Angle Dozer gives you maximum use from your tractor year-round for snow removal, packing silage, terrace repair, cleaning feedlots, etc. Otter ’s will custom design blades to fit your individual tractor. Otter’s offers balanced and pivotal

dozer blades for the standard 2-wheel drive tractor with optional widths of 9

ft., 10 ft., 11 ft., and 12 ft. The blade mounts close to the front wheel for

best control, has easy suitcase linkage for angle change and activates from a standard 8-inch cylinder which is included. The push frame is designed to take the beating that a dozer gets on the corner. For the mechanical front wheel drive tractors there are optional widths of 10 ft., 12 ft., and 14 ft. For the 4 wheel drive tractors, 12ft., 14ft. and 16ft. widths are available. Optional accessories are offered, and ask about delivery and installation. “Think Otter” for your pushing, packing and cleaning. For more information or questions, Phone 785-567-4648 or Fax: 785-5674629. E-mail: info@otterdozer.com; Website: www.otterdozer.com e

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Fit d To “THINK for your pushing, packing & cleaning ...An neOTTER” ig s al e u D “OTTER ivid dANGLE DOZER gives you maximum use from your n I r u Yo year or” tractor Tract round for snow removal, packing silage, terrace repair, cleaning feed lots, etc.

Models Available: MFD, 2WD & 4WD


(785) 567-4648 www.otterdozer.com

Mention you saw this ad in the Western Farm, Ranch & Dairy Magazine


Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 25

Look Ma – No Wires!

Wireless Grain Temperature Monitoring


echnology abounds in agriculture today – variable rate fertilizer applications, auto steering, precision planting, GPS spraying and harvesting to name a few. Managing your stored grain now offers some exciting new technology as well. A producer can monitor stored grain without leaving the house or from any location that has Internet service. TriStates Grain Conditioning, Inc., headquartered in Spirit Lake, Iowa, now offers two wireless systems that can make monitoring stored grain easier and faster than getting that second cup of coffee. Using TSGC temperature cables to give a complete temperature profile of their bins, producers will be able to monitor their grain more efficiently and with greater accuracy than ever before. The SafeTrack Wireless Grain Temperature Monitoring System can be

programmed to automatically take temperatures and save them for later viewing. Grain depth, approximate bushels and automated exhaust fan operation functions are also available. Grain temperature history reports are also available to be printed out. Each individual bin can be set to specialized temperature parameters to accommodate various crops. Instead of taking 2 to 3 hours for a large operation, reading temperatures can now be done in minutes! This wireless system utilizes line of sight (up to 1 mile) radio communication between the bins and the base transmitter to monitor temperatures from TSGC temperature cables (as well as grain depth). It requires power at the transmitter location on the bin, and may be run either manually or automatically, locally or over the network/Internet, for anytime, anywhere monitoring.

Another option is the GrainTRAC remote bin monitoring system. This system utilizes a cell phone modem to transfer data from the TSGC temperature cables to an internet website, www. wagnet.net. The producer is given a user name and a password to ensure privacy. Once logged onto the website, the producer can view a graphical display of his temperatures or a numerical display. Temperature parameters (minimum and maximum) can be set for each bin, as well as rate of rise temperature over a designated time period. Temperature history reports are available for print out. Options include remote fan start/stop and a weather station with features such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and rain measurement. Alerts are sent via email or text message. The requirements for the GrainTRAC system include temperature cables, cell


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Rocky Mountain/Heartland


phone coverage at the bin site and electrical power. An annual access fee to the internet website is charged (a low per year minimum). Convenience is the selling point of this system because a producer can monitor his grain temperatures from anywhere via the Internet. Either of these wireless systems will save you time and money, while providing peace of mind about the true condition of your grain. Knowing your grain temperatures, while watching for changes, is the only safe way to monitor the condition of your grain. TSGC, Inc. is one of the largest suppliers of grain temperature monitoring equipment in the world. Headquartered in America’s Heartland, our administration, fabricating, sales and service divisions are located in Spirit Lake, Iowa. We have an extensive network of contractors representing our products and services nationwide and in over forty countries. TSGC, Inc. is dedicated to serving you. For more information or a free, no obligation quote, contact Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc. at 800.438.8367, Tsgc@TsgcInc.com or www.TsgcInc.com e

The ‘RPR’ Thrashing/ Separating System Is A Brand New Product!


tops Rotor Loss in ALL John Deere STS & “S” series combines. One concave system that will thrash all crops with just the adding or removing a cover plate that is included. You can thrash and separate corn 20 to 300 Bu (both wet & Dry) having the cleanest sample, and the fastest groundspeed you have ever experienced with zero rotor loss. You can thrash and separate soybeans (green stem of dry) with no rotor loss. Thrash and separate wheat with an excellent sample with NO rotor loss. With the cover plates on you can thrash 60 Bu popcorn with a twelve row head in a 9870 with an excellent test. We have thrashed 5 foot tall rye grass, no losses. I have thrashed 300 Bu corn, with a 16 row head, 18% moisture, 5300

Bu per hour, at 4 & 1/2 MPH with no loss. This comes out to 1.477 Bu per second. The concave is made of 1” round bars that have a restricted flow notch with progressive open bar spacing. Where the crops comes in the spacing is 7/8 “ on the right side and 1&1/8” opening on the left side. This lets crop separate in the thrashing area and not travel to the back separating area. The RPR Thrashing/Separating Concave System was proto typed in 2011, sold to limited number of customers in 2012, and is now available to everyone. C M Welding Inc. (cmweldinginc.com) Frankfort, IN 765-258-4024 ask for Donnie. e

www.machineserviceinc.com Overhead bulk bins available in any design, size, and configuration. Built for your specific needs. Standard units 14-54 ton, larger units also available. Visit our website or call us today!

Machine Service Inc.

(620) 427-4200 3430 E.E. Road Gridley, KS 66852 www.farmranchdairy.com

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 27

livestock Pearson’s Continues Keeping Pace With Livestock Industry’s Demands In 2013


earson Livestock Equipment is well into its 49th year of producing quality equipment for the livestock industry. Our “Original Hydraulic Chute” has been on the market for 9 years and has been very successful! Last year we designed a kit to make any Pearson chute, ten years old or newer, into a complete hydraulic chute. It is composed of a hydraulic headsweep, headgate, squeeze and tailgate, or any combination

thereof. This kit is powered by a 2-horse 110v or 220v motor but can be powered by our 8 or 13 horse Honda engine hydraulic unit, a hydraulic bale bed, skid-steer or most tractors. This kit has been received with great excitement!

28 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

We also have a hydraulic kit to adjust our alleys. The power is supplied by using the power beyond port from the hydraulic chute. The alley valve is mounted top front center, where it can be actuated from the catwalk on either side of alley. The screw jack which adjusts the alley is replaced by a hydraulic cylinder, which will adjust the inside width of the alley from 30” down to 16”. This simple hydraulic package can be put on any of our alleys that are equipped with the screw jack for adjustment. If you already have a hydraulic chute you may put our alley behind it and come from your chute valves, from the power beyond port, to the alley valve. Pearson’s offers a complete line of cattle working equipment, including our “Original” straight-side manual chute and automatic headgate, AI cage, working tubs and alleys. We also produce a complete line of bison handling equipment. Quality products and customer satisfaction continue to be our goal. For more information on any of our equipment or inquiries about a dealership or distributorship, call (308) 645-2231 or email us at info@pearsonlivestockeq.com e

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


Portable No Pit Cattleguard is Effective and Convenient


ired of opening gates but don't want to go through the trouble and expense of installing an outdated, overpriced, traditional pit cattleguard?? The answer is the EZ rise cattleguard! A level surface of any kind is all that is required for proper installation. These units have been proven to be both safe and effective on horse farms and cattle ranches for over 15 years.



At full rise the peak of the floor of the cattleguard rests at 13â€? above the ground. The floor collapses under the weight of the vehicle, resting flat on the ground. Upon exiting, the floor begins a slow retrieve taking approximately 30 seconds to return to full height, allowing a trailer to be towed across without risk of hanging up. The ground supports all of the payload making the cattleguard accessible with ANY weight vehicle. With no pit underneath the unit, the environment is protected and soil erosion is eliminated. There is no need to anchor the unit to the ground, allowing relocation which makes this cattleguard perfect for constructions sites, rotational grazing, hay fields, and seasonal pastures. For more information, pricing, and orders contact Greg Hodnett at greghodnett@yahoo.com or 903/4955624, 903/732-3846, or visit website www.2tcattleguard.com e www.farmranchdairy.com

No Pits to Clean! Horse Safe! Easy Installation! Kits Available!

Maintenance Free! Safe for Heavy Loads! Floor Collapses when entered!



• Head Gates • Chutes • Tip Chutes • Calving Pens • Crowding Tubs • Corral Tubs • Portable Systems • Corral Panels • Alley Setups

For-Most Livestock Equipment 127 10th Street • Hawarden, IA 51023 Phone: 800.845.6103 or 712.551.1438 • Fax: 712.551.1487 Email: Sales@For-Most.com • Website: www.For-Most.com Rocky Mountain/Heartland Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 29

Award Winners Exemplify Dairy Industry’s Long-standing Commitment to Stewardship and Sustainability

Second annual U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards winners announced


he Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy® is announcing the winners of the second annual U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards on April 23 at a special ceremony in Washington, D.C. The program recognizes dairy farms and businesses of all sizes for practices that advance the industry’s commitment to healthy products, healthy communities and a healthy planet. “The strength of the award winners’ stories illustrates why consumers can be confident about choosing their favorite dairy foods and beverages,” said Barbara O’Brien, president of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, which was founded by dairy producers. “These and thousands of other actions being taken every day — both large and small — contribute to the industry’s overall commitment to a healthy future for the next generation.” The winners were selected based on results that delivered triple-bottom-line results to advance economic, environmental and social sustainability. An independent panel of judges — which included experts from academic institutions, govern-

30 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

ment, dairy science organizations, nongovernmental organizations and media as well as environmental and dairy industry leaders — also assessed the potential for adoption by others as well as demonstrated learning, innovation and improvement. “This year’s winners include dairy farms and businesses from across the country who took steps to reduce their environmental impact, improve their profitability and increase their contribution to a sustainable 21st century food system,” said Molly Jahn, professor of genetics and agronomy at University of Wisconsin-Madison and a member of the awards’ judges panel. The 2013 U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards Winners include: Outstanding Achievement in Energy Efficiency Ballard Family Dairy & Cheese, Gooding, Idaho: Energy efficiency is sometimes overlooked, but at Ballard Family Dairy & Cheese in Gooding, Idaho, the Ballards see it as a way to reduce their overhead costs and eliminate propane use. An energy audit and a team of energy management experts helped identify four primary areas of savings, which included using solar thermal power for

Rocky Mountain/Heartland


the hot water system, installing LED lighting, replacing vacuum pumps and adjusting the milk cooling process. The Ballards achieved their goals, saving $23,000 annually and reducing the dairy’s carbon footprint by 121,500 pounds per year, while decreasing its water footprint by 365,000 gallons annually. Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability Petersen Dairy Farm, Appleton, Wis.: When the city of Appleton, Wis., decided to build a high school less than half of a mile from Petersen Dairy Farm, the Petersen family began exploring composting as a way to manage the dairy’s manure and associated odors. Now compost is sold at the dairy by the 5-gallon pail or truckload, primarily to home gardeners. Visitors witness firsthand how their old newspapers are recycled as bedding for the cows, or mixed with manure, composted and ultimately returned to their gardens for use as mulch and to their yards for plant food. By turning their urban location into an asset, the Petersens prove that cows can be good neighbors. Prairieland Dairy, Firth, Neb.: A creative partnership among four families put this dairy on the path to long-term prosperity and allows employees at Firth, Neb.-based Prairieland Dairy to focus on their specific talents. Sustainable design is reflected in every aspect of the facilities, which were built to be efficient and low-impact while maximizing cow comfort. Automatic cooling, waste management and pest control systems are just part of the solution. Prairieland Dairy also taps into the natural power of wind, gravity, and the geothermal properties of well water to reduce the use of energy, water and equipment, for savings estimated at more than $200,000.

Skyridge Farms, Sunnyside, Wash.: Dan DeGroot, owner of Skyridge Farms, a dairy in Sunnyside, Wash., cultivated an organization that optimizes performance and preserves the environment. Since 2003, DeGroot has improved lighting, added occupancy sensors and installed a programmable logic control system. The management team can automatically control lighting, fans, and soaker and flush systems. By doing so, they maintain optimum performance, reduce costs and keep the herd comfortable. This upgrade alone yields a 20 percent energy savings annually across the five freestall barns. With composting, Skyridge Farms harvests manure nutrients, provides quality bedding for the herd and eliminates 600 truckloads annually previously used to transport manure. Outstanding Dairy Processing & Manufacturing Sustainability Unilever, Henderson, Nev., plant: Since 2010, Unilever plants worldwide have been implementing the company’s Sustainable Living Plan — an initiative that is working to improve consumer health and well-being, to reduce environmental impact and to enhance livelihoods. Employees at the Henderson, Nev.based ice cream plant worked side by side with environmental experts to analyze energy efficiency and water usage. The team identified an opportunity to reconfigure, automate and optimize systems to reduce electricity use by 13 percent, natural gas use by 16 percent and water consumption by more than 1.1 million gallons per year. The Unilever ice cream plants in the Americas division regularly meet and share best practices to help reach Continued on page 35

Turner Inc. Has The Longest Warranty In The Business s 0ARALLEL 3TALLS s s (ERRINGBONE 3TALLS s s )NDIVIDUAL 2ELEASE 0ARALLEL 3TALLS s s #ABINETS s

Turner Inc. has been designing and manufacturing dairy parlor stalls for over 25 years. We are committed to providing stalls that are simple, functional, and easy to maintain and repair. With a variety of stalls we can meet your needs for remodels and new parlors. We can custom design and manufacture your special needs projects. Our 5 year warranty speaks volumes about our commitment to quality.

Leaders In Quality And Innovation For New And Remodel Parlor Stalls

Turner Inc. www.farmranchdairy.com

Rocky Mountain/Heartland

1905 East 2000 South Gooding, ID 83330 208.934.9542 Fax 208.934.9561 www.dairystalls.com Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 31

Rawhide Portable Corral’s NEW PROCESSOR


awhide Portable Corral of Abilene, KS has been in business for the last 11 years and we are proud of our premiere portable livestock

pen size and configuration. John McDonald is the original designer of the Rawhide Portable Corrals and has really outdone himself with this new design. The Proces-

corrals. We are extremely excited about our latest model: The Rawhide Processor by John McDonald. We offer 3 sizes ranging from the Standard: 40-50 cow/calf capacity, Large: 80-100 cow/calf capacity, and our Super Large: 140 cow/calf capacity. Our corrals offer the most versatility in

sor has a permanent sheeted adjustable alley to aid with working your livestock on site and in the field. The adjustable alley can be sized from 30” down to 16” either manually or hydraulically. There is an option of mounting a head gate to the end of the alley for easy, on site cattle process-

32 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

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ing. You can even add a self contained loading chute to the system. If you like to lure your cattle with feed, the Rawhide can be driven completely through and out the opposite end. Each panel section has its own solid rubber wheel, no flats. Our corral has several man/pass gates to aid in human movement about the system. The Rawhide can form 2, 3 and even 4 pens to aid with sorting your livestock. The Rawhide corrals are easy to set up, utilizing electric over hydraulic cylinders on the back end and the front of the unit: The 16” transport wheels are permanent, retracting up and down with the flip of a switch. No more unpinning and sliding off the axels and rolling out of the way. This model comes as a gooseneck only. There is a self contained power unit with long life marine battery and a solar panel mounted atop. Please check out our website for more information and to view the our video: www.rawhideportablecorral.com #785263-3436 e


Award Winners

Continued from page 33 Unilever’s ambitious environmental goals. Outstanding Achievement in Renewable Energy Green Valley Dairy, Krakow, Wis.: At Green Valley Dairy in Krakow, Wis., the management team’s “waste not” philosophy has them constantly evaluating opportunities to reclaim energy, recycle water and repurpose manure nutrients. In 2005, Green Valley Dairy set out to build on this belief. The management team determined that anaerobic digesters would help manage manure nutrients and reduce odors while decreasing the dairy’s carbon footprint. Although it was one of the first digesters in Wisconsin, the benefits of this plan quickly gained public support. Today, three anaerobic digesters have the capacity to produce 1,200 kWh of “green” electricity — most of which is used on the dairy or sold to the local utility. Collaborative Partnerships Instrumental in Advancing Industry’s Sustainability

“This awards program is a great example of how systemwide collaborative efforts can help dairy contribute to a bright future,” said Paul Rovey, an Arizona dairy producer, member of the judges panel and chair of Dairy Management Inc™. “We are proud to share these examples of dairy’s ongoing commitment to stewardship and sustainability, which is made even more powerful because of collaborative relationships with partners.” Adding their support to the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Commitment and the Sustainability Awards program are this year’s gold- and silver-level sponsors. Gold sponsors include the Center for Advanced Energy Studies/Idaho National Laboratory, DeLaval, DVO Anaerobic Digesters, Elanco, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP), World Wildlife Fund and Zoetis (formerly known as Pfizer Animal Health). Silver-level sponsors include Dolphin WaterCare, quasar energy group, Syngenta and the U.S. Dairy Export Council®. The awards program is part of the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Commitment, an

industry wide effort to measure and improve the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the dairy industry. Since its launch in 2008, the Sustainability Commitment has gained the support and participation of more than 700 professionals across the industry as well as others from academic, government and nongovernmental organizations. To learn more about the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Awards, the winners and the best practices in place at their operations, visit USDairy.com/Sustainability/ Awards. e Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy® is a forum for the dairy industry to work together pre-competitively to address barriers and opportunities to foster innovation and increase sales. The Innovation Center aligns the collective resources of the industry against common priorities to offer consumers nutritious dairy products and ingredients, and promote the health of people, communities, the planet and the industry. The Board of Directors for the Innovation Center includes dairy industry leaders representing key producer organizations, dairy cooperatives, processors, manufacturers and brands. The Innovation Center is staffed by Dairy Management Inc™. Visit USDairy.com for more information about the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.


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• Approximately 53,000 U.S. dairy farms provide milk, cheese and yogurt to the U.S. and other countries. About 99 percent of all dairy farms are family-owned. • On dairy farms, the average herd size is 135 cows. • U.S. dairy farms produce almost 177 billion pounds of milk annually. • There are dairy farms spread across all 50 states and Puerto Rico. Most milk only travels about 100 miles to get from the dairy to your local grocery store. • Americans eat the equivalent of 10 acres of pizza (and Mozzarella cheese) every day. • Just ate spicy food? Milk is better than water for cooling your mouth. A protein in milk called casein cleanses the taste buds. • Cheddar cheese was first developed in the town of, yes, Cheddar Gorge, England, more than 400 years ago. • A gallon of milk weighs 8.59 pounds. • A cow has a stomach with four compartments and 32 teeth. • The most common breed of dairy cow in the United States is the Holstein; Jersey cows produce milk with the highest butterfat content. • An average cow produces about 350,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime. • The average U.S. cow will produce six to eight gallons per day over the course of a typical year. That’s more than 2,000 gallons a year. • Most cows chew at least 50 times per minute, and spend 10 hours a day chewing their cud in order to aid in digestion. • Every cow spot is like a snowflake – no two are the same. • Historians estimate that ice cream evolved sometime during the 16th century in Italy, perhaps from a recipe Marco Polo brought from the Orient. In 1984, Ronald Reagan designated July as a time to honor America’s favorite dessert. • To get the same amount of calcium provided by 8 ounces of milk, you would have to eat 2 1/4 cups of broccoli, 6 3/4 oranges or 6 slices of wheat bread. • An average dairy cow weighs 1,400 pounds and consumes about 50 pounds of dry matter (e.g., hay, grass, grain) each day. • The average cow drinks from 30 to 50 gallons of water each day — about a bathtub’s worth. e Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 35


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Machine Service Inc MightyAxe Inc. Miraco Missouri Hay Tarps Montana - Wyoming West Ranch Brokerage Morris Grain Co. Natural Insecto Products, Inc. NorthWestern Energy Norwood Sales, Inc. OK Ranch Inc Otter’s Inc. Payne Enterprise / Paynes Forks Pearson Livestock Equipment Pik Rite Polyfabrics Port - A - Hut Power Lift Doors Rawhide Portable Corral, Inc. Rice Land Foods, Inc Ringsted Welding & Fabrication Inc Ron’s Manufacturing Salvaging Combines Sea Minerals FA Sheep Feed Lot Skinner Harvesting LLC South Dakota State University The Perfect Tree Saw Tire Town Inc Titan Trailer Mfg Townline Poultry Farm TSGC Inc TSR Parts, Inc. Turner Inc 2 T Cattle Guard Ubly Bean Knife Mfg, Inc United Power VP Buildings W&W Fiberglass Tank Co. Walinga USA, Inc. Wellert’s AC Parts Wind River Seed Yellow Gold Irrigation

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WEBSITE www.machineserviceinc.com www.mightyaxe.com www.miraco.com MoHayTarps.com www.montwyowest.com www.morrisgrain.com www.insecto.com www.northwesternenergy.com www.norwoodsales.com www.sheepfeedlot.com www.otterdozer.com paynesforks.com www.pearsonlivestockeq.com www.pikrite.com www.polyfabrics.com www.port-a-hut.com www.powerliftdoors.com www.rawhideportablecorral.com www.riceland.com www.stalksmasher.com www.ronsmfg.com www.seamineralsfa.com www.sheepfeedlot.com www.skinnerharvesting.com www.sdstate.edu/abs ThePerfectTreeSaw.com www.tiretown.com www.titantrailer.com www.tsgcinc.com www.tsrparts.com www.dairystalls.com www.2tcattleguard.com www.ublybean.com www.unitedpower.com www.vp.com www.wwtank.com www.walinga.com www.wellertsacparts.com www.windriverseed.com

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