Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy Magazine – Fall-Winter 2014

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contents Western Farm, Ranch & Dairy Magazine West/Southwest • fall-winter edition 2014 Agriculture


BidSpotter – World Leader of Broadcasting Live Interactive Auctions! ............................. 6 STOR-LOC – Modular Drawer System ............................................................................ 6 At Rainier Seeds, we know what it takes to grow. .......................................................... 6 Bio S.I. Technology Helps Potato Farmers Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Profits ............... 8 Pressurized Exhaust Kills Burrowing Rodents ............................................................... 10 Evergreen Implement Expands its Potato Equipment Services ...................................... 11 Art’s Way Introduces Rear-Steer Land Grader ............................................................... 12 Supplemental Coverage Option Available in the Pacific Northwest ................................ 13 Air Design’s Tungsten Carbide Scraper Line Expands ................................................... 14 Deaton Nutrition Inc. – How Multi-Sile II Inoculant can save your money ...................... 15 Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc. – Celebrating 42 Years of Agricultural Testing ................... 16 Cross Manufacturing CROSS PDH Position Cylinder ..................................................... 16 HitchDoc ..................................................................................................................... 17

Equipment PAGE 19


All New Q-Power® Crankshafts From Quality Power Products, Inc. ............................. 18 Valley Power Systems ................................................................................................. 19 Walinga • Bulk Feed Bodies & Grain-Vacs ................................................................... 20 D & S Tires Inc ............................................................................................................. 21 Push-button folding introduced with new LAFORGE Front 3-Point Hitch for JOHN DEERE 7R. ....................................................... 22 TSR Parts Inc. .............................................................................................................. 22 Unique Heart Formula Saves Countless Lives ............................................................... 23

Livestock Chandler Herefords ...................................................................................................... 24 Alpacas – A Labor of Love ........................................................................................... 25

Departments Publisher Information .................................................................................................... 5 Advertisers Index ......................................................................................................... 23 Marketplace ................................................................................................................ 28

ON THE COVER Sunrise behind tree with autumn leaves and fence in foreground in Washington State. Photo by Ron Nichols. Photo courtesy of USDA NRCS. Have an article or photo submission? Give us a call at 1-800-330-3482 or e-mail: info@ritzfamilypublishing.com for image and file requirements. (All submissions subject to approval)

4 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy



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Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 5

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Modular Drawer System


tor-Loc®, a leader in US manufacturing of modular metal cabinets, announces it’s latest addition to an already extensive model line... the MM50®. This seven bank Mobile Tool Crib incorporates 50 drawers and a 14 feet work surface in one cabinet. Increasing efficiency and effectiveness, Stor-Loc®’s MM50® brings a new level of flexibility and mobility to any shop, providing protection and security for tools and components, increasing workplace safety and reducing loss of time and materials. Designed for standard shop tools, the MM50 helps centralize all shop tools Into one location. Welded into one piece (UNI-WELD) construction, the

MM50 can be moved at any time for cleaning and is easily relocated within your shop. Guaranteed for 55 Years. 100% Made in the USA in Every Way. e

At Rainier Seeds, we know what it takes to grow.


or more than 25 years we have been experts in the field, helping people manage their land resources by providing a reliable supply of premium-quality seed. Native seed is our specialty. What makes Rainier Seeds unique? We are a verticallyintegrated seed company which means we grow, collect and process the vast majority of seed we sell. This is the only way to ensure consistent quality and reliable supply. Our customers include private and public land managers, farmers and ranchers, and a network of knowledgeable 6 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

dealers across the country who are dedicated to the customers they serve. Peruse our website for a complete listing of the seed products and services we offer. Find a Rainier Seeds dealer and place orders online. Our seeds-online reference guides provide comprehensive information on more than 400 different seed types to help you choose the right product for your needs and growing conditions. Or, give us a call toll free at (800) 828-8873 or visit our website at www.rainierseeds.com. We’re eager to help. e



Copyright © BidSpotter.com 2014 - All Rights Reserved - Photos/Graphics ShutterStock.com

See U s Your L At ocal Farm Show



Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 7

Bio S.I. Technology Helps Potato Farmers Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Profits


s the world’s fourth largest food crop, potatoes are a critical staple for the United States’ agricultural industry. Representing diverse regions and climates, potato growers are faced with unique conditions and challenges which are specific to their own fields. While known for their resilience and robustness, potato crops have a fickle growing process that requires a high degree of attentiveness. Potato growers face many obstacles

We must start working with our soils to promote microbial life so that the soils will be able to produce healthy vigorous crops that make a profit. Microbes are the key to helping remove

during the growing season. Bio S.I. Technology produces microbial products that are used to help combat many of those obstacles. Disease suppression, nutrient availability, stubble digestion, and pest management are key areas these products can help with. Bio S.I. products do not eliminate these issues but they do a great deal to help reduce their effect on crops.

the plant stubble from the previous crop. They digest this material and recycle the nutrients that you have already paid for and make them available to your next crop. They convert all this material into humus which is what holds water and nutrients in the soil. They provide the only way to rebuild the humus (carbon) in your fields. Pests are another area that microbes

1st Select Seed/JD Ranches – Nampa


25 Years Growing



s Country Basics™

Lawn & Turf, Hay & Pasture, Habitat

s Custom Mixes / CRP s Forage Sorghum s Forage Grasses s Alfalfa 8 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Rainier Seeds, Inc.


www.rainierseeds.com West/Southwest

can help with. The microbes help the plant get the nutrients they need to be healthy and to increase the sugar content of the sap in the plant. Many sucking insects can’t metabolize this increased sugar and will move on to the next field reducing the need for pesticides in some cases. Healthy root systems get plants off to a fast start. Bio S.I. Ag Formula and Bio S.I. Select with Mycorrhizae (beneficial fungi) help the plant produce a tremendous root system which improves nutrient uptake. As the microbes align with the roots they not only feed the plant but also help protect the root system from fusarium, rhizoctonia, pythium, and other root diseases. They do this by competing for space and food in the rhizosphere because they work with the plant forming an symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to both. This activity helps to keep pathogens away from the roots. You will be able to reduce the amount of fungicides over time as the microbial community is improved. Another area that microbes are a tremendous benefit is in the nutrient arena. They process or metabolize nutrients and make them available to your crop. They help release nutrients that are tied up in the soil in forms unavailable to the plant. This activity helps the plant utilize nutrients they would not normally get in a timely fashion for growth and production. Many growers have soil issues that plague the crop stand like crusting, poor water penetration, and hard compacted soil. Microbes help reduce crusting, open the soil so water can go into the soil versus running off, and also help to aerate the soil making it softer and easier to work. As the microbes rebuild the humus fraction of the soil you will see a reduction in irrigation needs and this is becoming a critical issue all over the country. Products produced by Bio S.I. Technology are all natural, non-manure based, and are soil borne. They work naturally to help plants get the nutrients they need in exchange for sugars from the plant. So they work together to improve quality and vigor of the plant. For more information see our web site: www.biositechnology.com e www.farmranchdairy.com

“A Good Crop Starts With Good Seed”



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Seed Potatoes

High Altitude Virus Tested Seed Generation III


,ÕÃÃiÌÊ ÕÀL> ÊUÊ,> }iÀÊ,ÕÃÃiÌ Russet Norkotah

Ranch-Squirrel (208) 351-6048 P.O. Box 50618 Idaho Falls, ID 83405



Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 9

Pressurized Exhaust Kills Burrowing Rodents


he H & M Gopher Control PERC® system (Pressurized Exhaust Rodent Controller) uses carbon monoxide from pressurized engine exhaust to kill burrowing rodents such as gophers, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, moles & voles. According to the company, exhaust gas has long been one of the most lethal and least expensive methods to kill burrowing rodents. But until now there hasn’t been an economical, efficient delivery system.

Company owners, Allen Hurlburt and Virginia Massey, said that the PERC® system involves a narrow steel wand that is used to probe the burrow and inject pressurized exhaust that fills the burrow in two minutes with lethal concentrations of carbon monoxide before the rodent has a chance to either escape or block the burrow. An internal combustion engine generates the carbon monoxide and drives a compressor pump that pressurizes the exhaust gas to 110 psi in a storage tank. An air hose and a



No Poison bait, No Explosions!!

Toll Free (855) 667-5181



PERC® Model 412


%FBMFS *ORVJSJFT 8FMDPNF 10 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy


hand held probe inject the gas directly into the burrow without any digging.

PERC® Model 620

Brand new to the PERC® lineup is the PERC® 620, a trailer-mounted unit with a 20 hp Kohler motor and six reels each with a 50’ hose and hand probe. The 620 features a tandem axle with turf tires. It sells for $14995 plus S&H. The PERC® 412 is a trailer-mounted unit with a 14 hp Kohler motor and four reels each with a 50’ hose and the hand probe. The 412 features turf tires and is designed to be pulled behind an ATV. It sells for $8295 plus S&H. The PERC® 206 is a skid-mounted unit with a 7 hp engine, two reels with 50’ hoses and hand probes. It sells for $4995 plus S&H. The PERC® 206T is the skid unit mounted on its own special trailer. It sells for $5590 plus S&H. The PERC® system is simple to use and safe for the operator as well as wildlife since there is no poison bait or explosion involved. Crop stands are not damaged during treatment. No other control method is as effective, efficient and as inexpensive to operate as the PERC®. A PERC® system can treat moderately infested alfalfa fields at about 3.5 acres an hour with a single operator. Each probed location requires only about 2 to 3 minutes injection time. Units have been shipped to customers from Southern California to central Canada and as far east as Florida. Though most of the market has been with alfalfa growers, orchard and specialty crop growers have also purchased units. The PERC® system is the best solution anywhere burrowing rodents are a problem. For more information call toll free (855) 667-5181 or visit the website www.hmgophercontrol.com e www.farmranchdairy.com

Evergreen Implement Expands its Potato Equipment Services


vergreen Implement has served production agriculture, as a John Deere dealer, in the Columbia Basin (Eastern WA), since 1966. We share our customer’s pride in our region’s transformation from sagebrush to highly productive farmland with four stores located in Othello, Moses Lake, Coulee City and Ritzville. Additionally we carry the IMANTS spader, a one-pass cultivator, and the Krone BigPak baler, which produces the heaviest large

reach to Northeastern Oregon. We have potato equipment specialists in sales, parts and service. Because we are a John Deere dealership, we can also provide Precision Farming services for the potato equipment including Active Implement Steering, which causes the

implement steering mechanism and tractor to operate on the same guidance path in straight, circle and curve track modes. This helps in reducing the bruising of the potatoes during harvest. Check out our website at www.eiijd.com or call us at 800-572-0391. e

The Place to Go for Potato Equipment Sales Parts Service New & Used Potato Equipment All Makes and Models Contact the Experts!

square bales. Eastern Washington produces the highest yield per acre of potatoes in the world, and 20 percent of all U.S. potatoes. Commercial growers plan more than 160,000 acres annually producing an average of 35 tones per acre, twice as much as the average yield in any other state. This is due to the abundant water provided by the Gran Coulee Dan, the long growing season, rich volcanic soil, and climate conditions. We at Evergreen Implement saw the continued expansion of the potato industry and readied ourselves to become the leading potato equipment dealer in the State of Washington. In the late 1990’s we were instrumental in working with Lockwood to develop the Airecup Planter. Since then we have grown our potato business to include Milestone, Harriston/ Mayo and Spudnik/Grimme. We recently moved our Pasco, WA potato equipment warehouse into the former Spudnik facility and expanded our www.farmranchdairy.com

Travis Chlarson, Sales.....................................................509-750-4747 Gary Hoffer, Sales...........................................................509-331-6160 Parts...................................................................................800-572-0391 Blake Hatch, Integrated Solutions..............................509-760-0137 (Contact Blake for Active Implement Steering for Your Potato Equipment) Check Out Our New Facility in Pasco, WA 5802 N Industrial Way, Suite D Pasco, WA 99301 800-572-0391 potatoes.eiijd.com


Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 11

Art’s Way Introduces Rear-Steer Land Grader


ith a new Rear-Steer Land Grader from Art’s Way, you can easily and economically maintain terraces and waterways, level ground, scrape out feedlots, rebuild ponds, grade roads, clean ditches, remove snow, maintain levees, level headlands, dig irrigation ditches, and push away trash and brush …all with your tractor. “We designed this new grader to tackle most any job around the farm,” said Brian Crouch, Director of Art’s Way. “It has a short turning radius, the blade can be positioned easily, and the entire machine is built to last.” Precise control: Chose a 9, 12, 14 or 16-foot blade to meet your specific needs. With 15-inch ground clearance and a 30-inch blade height you can do a lot of work quickly. The blade tilts up to 15 degrees for slope cuts, and with 43 degrees of angle the blade swings wide increasing working range. 5-foot blade offset: Using hydraulic cylinders operated from your tractor, you can position the blade up to 5 feet to the right or left. This makes it easy to maneuver around tight areas along fence lines, buildings, trees and other obstacles you might encounter. Steer clear of the slippery surfaces of

drainage ditches, irrigation ponds and other waterways by offsetting your grader and keeping your tractor on safe, dry ground. Ruggedly constructed: Manufactured with heat-treated, highcarbon steel, the cutting blade is built to last. It is reinforced on the back with industrial steel cross beams, and an angled reinforcement beam at the cutting edge keeps the cutting edge straight.

In-sight guidance: It’s simple to monitor blade tilt by using the blade level indicator mounted within clear view. Monitor the direction of the grader equipped with alignment posts and keep your grader in proper position. Many standard features: A standard rear weight box for additional weight provides effective grading and helps prevent side slip on aggressive cutting. A combination single/dual heavy-duty hitch with swivel allows blade tilt without putting added pressure to your tongue. A storage parking jack comes standard. Drop down end caps provide the flexibility for open end or box end scraper options in one easy step. All cylinders and hoses are included. About Art’s Way: Based in Armstrong, IA, Art’s Way manufactures and distributes farm machinery, including animal feed processing equipment, sugar beet defoliators and harvesters, land maintenance equipment, crop shredding equipment, round hay balers, plows, hay and forage equipment, manure spreaders, reels for combines and swathers, and top and bottom drive augers, as well as pressurized tanks and vessels, and modular animal confinement buildings and laboratories. After-market service parts are also an important part of the Company’s business. The Company has three reporting segments agricultural products; pressurized tanks and vessels; and modular buildings. It has seven manufacturing facilities, which are located in Iowa, Ohio, and Ontario. For more information about the new Rear-Steer Land Grader, contact your nearest Art’s Way dealer at 712-864-3131, or visit the Art’s Way website: www.artsway-mfg.com e 12 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy



Supplemental Coverage Option Available in the Pacific Northwest


he United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) announced the availability of the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) for winter and spring wheat for the 2015 crop year. A provision of the 2014 Farm Bill, SCO is a county-level policy endorsement that is in addition to an underlying crop insurance policy, and covers a portion of losses not covered by the same crop’s underlying policy. “We are pleased to offer the Supplemental Coverage Option for Pacific Northwest wheat growers,” said RMA Spokane Regional Office Acting Director Cara McNab. “SCO coverage is designed to provide yield and market volatility protection to producers, in addition to their basic crop policy.” SCO for wheat will be available through the federal crop insurance program in specific counties throughout the Spokane Region. Producers may apply for SCO in the following counties: Idaho: Bannock, Benewah, Bingham, Bonneville, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Franklin, Freemont, Idaho, Jefferson, Latah, Lewis, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Power, and Twin Falls counties. Oregon: Gilliam, Klamath, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wasco, and Washington counties. Washington: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Douglas, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, Lincoln, Spokane, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima counties. Producers who elect to participate in Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC), which is offered by the Farm Service Agency (FSA), are not eligible for SCO for the crop and farm participating in ARC. Producers applying for SCO for the 2015 winter wheat crop may withdraw coverage on a one-time basis on any farm where they have elected, or where they intend to elect, ARC for winter wheat by the earlier of their acreage reporting date or Dec. 15, 2014 without penalty. This allows producers additional time to make an informed decision related to whether to elect to participate in either the ARC or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs for their winter wheat. If producers withdraw SCO coverage for a farm by the earlier of their acreage reporting date or Dec. 15, 2014 they will not be charged a crop insurance premium. In order to withdraw coverage without penalty, producers must notify their agents of their intended election for ARC by the earlier of their winter wheat acreage reporting date or Dec. 15, 2014. The sales closing date for 2015 winter wheat Multi-Peril

Jett Blackburn Real Estate, Inc. 707 Ponderosa Village, Burns OR 97720 541-573-7206 Email: jblackbn@centurytel.net Web Site: www.jettblackburn.com Curt Blackburn, Broker/Owner

“Dequire Refuge Range” 2345 +/- acres, 2 irrigation wells, 2 stock wells (1 solar) border Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. 349 acres of flood water rights & 800 acres of permitted water rights from wells. Half a mile of Silver Creek runs through property. $1,450,000 “Thompson Farm” 233 +/- acres consisting of 130 acres pivot, 73 acres wheel lines plus pivot corners. 2007 Valley Pivot. Good sandy loam soils, irrigation well, 1300 +/- gpm. Newly installed main line. $800,000 “Sunset Valley Dairy, Burns Oregon” This dairy consists of 3143 deeded acres of which there is approx. 985 ac irrigated by pivots plus an additional 963 ac of permitted water rights. The dairy was constructed between 1998-2002 and at one time ran 1200 head. There are lots of improvements. The dairy has been closed down for approx. 10 years. $5,500,000 “Lawen Pasture Pivots” 450 deeded ac with 2 pivots irrigating approx. 250 acres & some smaller pasture Fields irrigated by hand lines. This place would work great for irrigated pasture. There is A good set of corrals, calving barn, hay shed & 1600 sq.ft. 3 bd, 2 bth MH with detached garage. Priced to sell at $750,000

&ARMORE OF )DAHO s 642 Farmore Rd. *EROME )$ s 208) 324-3341

Continued on page 29 www.farmranchdairy.com


Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 13




Can pull pumps through roof of pump house.

Air Design’s Tungsten Carbide Scraper Line Expands


ir Design, located in Scobey, Montana, developed its first tungsten carbide scraper in 1987. The concept was simple; develop a scraper with a durable scraping surface. While the engineering, design and production setup were not as simple as the concept, the result was a success. The tungsten carbide component provided a scraping surface that was extremely durable and effective. Since then the product line has expanded to nearly 30 models, with scrapers that are compatible with numerous planter and drill makes and models. Air Design purchased an abrasive jet cutter in 2003, which enhanced production capabilities and also expanded its ability to prototype and expand the product line. Air Design continues to utilize abrasive jet technology for everyday production and prototype development.

Call about pricing for drilling Pumps, Repair, all makes and models Well cleaning and repairs

In the last 18 months Air Design released several new models, including one-piece outside scrapers compatible with John Deere and Kinze planters, two-piece outside scrapers compatible with Case IH and White planters, a scraper for Case IH Precision Disk 500 Air Drills, and an inside-outside scraper combination for Salford 525 Precision Disc Air Drills. The scraper for John Deere No-Till Air Drills was also redesigned to be compatible with spoked gauge wheels. The continued commitment to product quality and performance, diverse product line and distribution partners have assisted in expanding Air Design’s presence in the scraper market domestically. One distribution partner in particular has been vital in both product development and increased market penetration. These factors have also opened the doors to international markets. Air Design experienced an increase in exporting during the past year and looks to continue the trend. For more information on Air Design tungsten carbide scrapers, please visit www.airdesign.org or call Barry Harmon or Rob Rouse at 406-487-5536. e 14 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy



Deaton Nutrition Inc.

How Multi-Sile II Inoculant can save your money


fter generations, farming is still a margins game. Profit or loss can base on a big gamble or just a little bit of bad weather. Waste is always a concern. Farmers and ranchers have done the best they can, but everyone needs help from time to time. 25 years ago, Deaton Nutrition, Inc. started out as one-person company doing rations to improve feeding. They have expanded to include crop specific inoculants sold in 28 states and 2 countries. Every employee has either worked on or grown up on a farm. They work with everyone from hobby farms to custom operators to thousand+ cow dairies. They also have a line of custom made applicators. “We are a customer service based company. If our customers aren’t happy, then we aren’t happy.” “As I nutritionist, I saw a growing need for high quality forage. ” We have perfected a formula that is both effective on crops and easy to apply. Treating feed and crops with a high quality inoculant is one of the best investments you can make. With an average return rate of at 6:1, this is a gamble most would say is worth taking. Returns include:

New Pro-Siler 1000 applicator

1) Better Protein Value and Palatability. With tests done with Multi-Sile II Dry Hay Inoculant vs. propionic acid, all animals preferred the feed treated with the inoculant. 2) More Silage to Feed. When using silage inoculants, as much as 15% of loss could be saved due to a more efficient ensiling process. This could mean that for every 100 acres ensiled we have an additional 1 to 2 acres of more feed. 3). Better Milk and Beef Production. Trials showed that when inoculant treated silage was fed to beef steers, it improved ADG to the equivalent of feeding an additional 2.2lbs of concentrates/cow/day. Multi-Sile II- The one that’s Guaranteed to Improve Animal Performance. All products are made in the USA. For more information you can call 715-273-3739 or go to www.multisile.com e www.farmranchdairy.com


Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 15

Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc. Celebrating 42 Years of Agricultural Testing


n 1970, there were no commercial soil and plant testing laboratories in Idaho. Farmers applied fertilizers based upon educated guesswork. Dr. Dale Stukenholtz and his wife Joyce saw an opportunity to build a business and started a soil and plant testing laboratory and field consulting service based in Twin Falls, Idaho. Dr. Stukenholtz had an unusually diverse background as an educator at the University of Nebraska, an agronomist in the fertilizer industry, and a farmer, and he saw a need for more modern fertilizer recommendations to produce greater yields at less cost. His clients were the growers, so he could make unbiased recommendations that maximized economic return to the farmer. After extensive field research, he developed these improved fertilizer recommendations that quickly became popular with growers and form the basis for nearly all fertilizer applications in the intermountain west area. Stukenholtz Laboratory clients include growers from all neighboring states and several foreign countries including Australia, Canada, Egypt, Russia, Mexico and New Zealand. Stukenholtz Laboratory provides 1 to 2 day service, including picking up and delivery time, across Southern Idaho from St. Anthony and Grace to Parma and Homedale. Results can be delivered, mailed, faxed, or pulled from the Laboratory’s webpage: www.stukenholtz.com. To improve their service, Joyce and Dale Stukenholtz expanded the laboratory 15 years ago, installed the latest in computerized instrumentation and quality control, and made it the most modern and well equipped agricultural laboratory in their market area. Critical to the success of Idaho’s most efficient laboratory and largest field consulting firm has been its personnel. Dr. Stukenholtz has had a PhD in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition since 1964 and his son and Laboratory Manager Paul has nearly completed his own. Consulting agronomists include J.P. Kruckeberg of American Falls, a 33 year veteran of field consulting and the most successful single agronomist in the state, and Bart Kunz. The Laboratory and office staff are equally good.

Stukenholtz Laboratory continues with research and improvement. In conjunction with the Idaho Crop Production Association and University of Idaho CFEP research project, Stukenholtz Laboratory has helped to ensure that fertilizer recommendations in Idaho are the most cost efficient possible and produce the maximum economic yield while protecting the environment. Stukenholtz Laboratory personnel have conducted field research on over 40 different products and continue to be the experts at “cutting edge� agricultural technology. As we end our first 41 years of business and begin our next, we would like to thank our current and former employees for their dedicated work and our customers and clients for their years of support. e

Cross Manufacturing CROSS PDH Position Cylinder


he 3000 psi PDH position cylinder is available in 2.5 to 5 inch bore. All sensor components (except electrical connector) are imbedded internally within the cylinder for superior durability and long field life. The internal electronic feedback senses cylinder rod position and provides output (analog or digital) to allow constant monitoring of the cylinder rod position. Sensor voltage supply: 12/24 VDC. Applications include: steering control, levelling jacks, paver height, snow plow blade control, trash truck automation, etc. For more information, visit: www.crossmfg.com e

STUKENHOLTZ LABORATORY Inc. Agricultural Consulting & Testing

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he best way to protect your seed investment, increase yield potential and maximize ROI is to deliver intact seed to the field. With its poly-cupped flighting, the Travis Seed Cart from HitchDoc gently and quickly tends seed to ensure safer delivery with less damage. In a recent Ohio State University study, poly-cupped flighting delivered 99.62% intact seed — 5 times better than steel. More importantly, the study proves that the poly-cupped flighting on the Travis Seed Cart offers dramatically improved germination compared to belt conveyors, brush and steel augers. Poly cup resulted in a mere 1.5% decrease in germination vs. 5.9% for belt systems and 6.7% for auger designs. Safer, gentler poly-cupped flighting with the Travis Seed Cart means more yield potential from every field! What’s more, customers claim the Travis Seed Cart is “built like a tank” with heavy-duty construction and du-


rability that outlasts competitive units. Sturdy rubber torsion axles, reliable Honda engines, electric brakes, and a self-contained hydraulic system provide lasting, dependable performance for many acres over several seasons.

Now available in standard trailer 2, 4, and 6 center flow seed box units, 2 and 4 box skid models, two sizes of bulk seed units and 4 and 6 box gooseneck models. All models feature hydraulic fold polycupped flighting with 3-stage telescoping downspout and wireless flow control. An industry-best 40-degree slope allows


for absolute cleanout of hoppers — no cross contamination concerns! Carry several varieties to the field and use the slide gate to change seed on the fly. The Travis Seed Cart by HitchDoc provides a premium, proven product that’s tough enough to outlast other units, yet safer on your seed to maximize germination for optimal yield and profit potential. HitchDoc is based in Jackson, Minnesota in a high tech 168,000 squarefoot manufacturing facility and is a sophisticated contract manufacturer of premium-quality product innovations in the agriculture, consumer, and light industrial equipment markets. HitchDoc has a reputation of being a leader in the design and manufacturing of motorcycle hitches, 3 pt. commercial snow blowers, skid steer snow blowers, fuel carts, hydraulic spreaders, among other products. For product details, please visit www. hitchdoc.com or contact the HitchDoc sales department at 1-800-446-8222 for dealer inquiries and customer requests. e

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 17

equipment All New Q-Power® Crankshafts From Quality Power Products, Inc.


–Power® Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Crankshafts from Quality Power Products, Inc. are new, all induction hardened, all standard / standard and dimensionally and functionally equivalent to OEM specifications. They are available for the most popular heavy duty diesel engines manufactured by Caterpillar®, Cummins®, Mack®, Case–IH / Navistar®, Ford®, Detroit Diesel®, John Deere®, and Perkins®. Q–Power® crankshafts are manufactured by OEM suppliers using state-of-the-art production and quality control systems. These systems are monitored throughout both manufacturing processes, forging and machining. They are certified by the International Standard ISO 9000. The manufacturer builds their forging dies and tools and has control over

all raw materials by means of an ARL spectrometer and complete mechanical testing equipment to insure hardness, fatigue strength, impact, etc. All crankshafts are forged from the highest standard industry accepted steel as specified by the OEM and are all heat treated. Q-Power® Crankshafts are machined with the latest CNC controlled grinders including the latest generation NAXOS grinders to obtain perfect dimension and surface finish. All their crankshafts are thoroughly inspected throughout the manufacturing processes using the most sophisticated testing equipment including: • Computerized SPC control on all production operations with online feedback. • Endoscope to control oil holes. • Surface measuring instruments.

Excellent Spray Tips for Excellent Application


Control Drift. Optimize Droplets. Reduce Plugging.


Corn Harvest PanTM


COMBO-RATE ® MODULAR NOZZLE BODIES Top, Side & Bottom mount options Multiple shut-off options Better coverage with mutliple nozzles

Tip Wizard DIGITAL TIP SELECTOR Use Tip-Wizard to help you choose tips for your specific chemical applications. Available online or on free smartphone app.

• Adcole to check roundness, straightness, diameters, angular position, etc. of machined cranks up to .0001 mm. Q-Power® Crankshafts provide the high quality and consistent reliability that is expected and demanded. The journal surfaces are induction hardened. This insures crack resistance – even under the heaviest loads. All crankshafts are new so you always have confidence in what you are installing. Quality Power Products, Inc. is committed to customer service and satisfaction. For more information, call 888-333-3210 or visit their website at www.Q-Power.com. Quality Always Comes Through! e

The most exciting development yet! Mount Flexxifinger’s Corn Harvest Pans™ on your draper header to harvest your corn. Proven in the field. Flexxifloat™ series of lifters work on uneven ground to harvest pulse crops and cereal crops. Still a winner! The Heavy Duty, with it’s adjustable forward lifting point, shines in cereal crops and tall heavy peas.

Heavy Duty

Pulse Crop Lifter


The Original. The Pulse Crop Lifter™ is the answer for peas, lentils, edible beans when you need to cut within 2” of the ground. Unique tapered design.The MidCut™ has the length needed to pick up low lying crop and leave taller stubble.

www.wilger.net (877) 968-7695 18 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy



Valley Power Systems


amily owned and operated, Valley Power Systems has served the California on-high-

This newly installed Guascor model SFGLD180 operates at 469 BHP@1800 RPM and will run 3500 to 4000 hours per year.

way and off-road markets for over 65 years. We have eight locations

throughout California and are one of North America’s largest factoryauthorized distributors for several of the most renowned heavy-duty diesel and gas engine, transmission, generator power systems, and aftertreatment manufacturers in the world.

MTU OE Model DS00300 diesel generator provides standby power for a large California dairy.

In partnership with our suppliers and regulatory agencies, we strive to provide the highest quality and en-

vironmentally friendly products and turnkey power solutions in both Tier 4i and Tier 4 Final configurations. Our product lines include such heavyweights as Allison Transmission, Detroit, DEUTZ, Dresser-Rand Guascor CNG/LPG/biogas stationary engines, MTU Onsite Energy engine generators, EMP primary and supplemental cooling systems, and after-treatment systems for all types of equipment. We are recognized for our across the board GREEN solutions that conserve energy, improve operator retention and equipment resale values while conforming to current and pending regulatory emission standards. For more information on our products and engineering services, visit us online at www.valleypowersystems.com. For a list of our surplus parts and engines, call our Surplus Hotline at (800) 5971907. e


MTU ME3402D Natural Gas Co-Gen Unit New 2011, 248k We, 480V, 1800 rpm (#EB24306)

MBE/MTU OM502LA Industrial Power Units New 2012, MTU cetified 1800 rpm (#EI24357)

Volvo TAD136VE Power Unit New 2011, 1900 rpm, Tier 4i (#EF00438)

DEUTZ BF6L413FR Reman Engine New 2005. 2300 rpm (#DS04211)

CALL OUR SURPLUS HOTLINE (800) 597-1907! Email us at surplus@valleypsi.com for a complete list of surplus NEW engines.


Visit Us At: www.valleypowersystems.com www.farmranchdairy.com


Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 19

Walinga • Bulk Feed Bodies & Grain-Vacs


rom concept, design and through production, Walinga meets the customer's needs at every step. Creating outstanding products that are innovative and durable, with some client's vehicles being passed from generation to generation. Walinga is a leading North American manufacturer of transportation equipment and portable pneumatic conveying systems for grain, feed, seed... virtually any dry bulk material. Walinga is still a family owned and operated company. The total commitment to quality is not only our inheritance - it's our foundation for the future. Walinga products represent the best in manufacturing excellence. Our in-house engineering and design teams utilize the most current computer technology available. State of the art equipment, combined with over 50 years of experience, ensures that our customers receive unsurpassed quality. Comprehensive engineering capabili-

Send a cell or email photo.

Part # 2 Will Fit 2� JD Shoes Part # 3 Will Fit 3� thru 5� IH Shoes

Part # 4 Will Fit 4� JD Shoes

Tungsten tipping can be applied to almost any point

Old Style Dutch Points

puts an end to legs, augers, sweeps and shovels. Grain handling has never been simpler, safer or healthier. Just couple the Agri-Vac to your tractor and drive into position. Lightweight vacuum/pressure hoses attach in seconds and flex easily. Suddenly even tight spots and awkward angles are no problem! Bulk Feed Trailers and Bodies Walinga Inc. has been manufacturing bulk feed transportation equipment for more than 50 years. In this time we have become committed to an ongoing program of research and development. In response to the increasingly diverse needs of our customers Walinga is and will continue to be on the forefront of technological evolution. The options and features of the Walinga Bulk Feed Delivery Units are numerous. Walinga Bulk Feed Delivery Units can help you in your quest to increase production, performance, and efficiency. e

SAVE $$$ C A P F E W

Looking for a point or tool? Part # 1 Will Fit 1� Shoes

ties allow us to offer sizes, capacities, features and options that are specifically job-matched according to individual requirements. The services of our Engineering Department are available to our customers to assist in the selection of the properly specified chassis. Every Walinga vehicle is designed and produced to best fulfill its designated function. Custom-built aluminum feed bodies and trailers, pneumatic conveying systems, recycling trucks and bodies, aluminum and steel dump bodies... each built according to exact standards. Every stage of the manufacturing process from design to completion is performed by Walinga. The result - a cost effective, durable product line that responds to any challenge with premium. Walinga Agri-Vac The only system you'll ever need. Gives one-person total grain-handling capability! Do it all with the Walinga Agri-Vac. Fill or empty storage facility being used. The Walinga Agri-Vac






Ask about flatwear bars, sub-soiler caps, or other points you are interested in.


777 !'2)4//,3500,9 #/- s Part # 1573 Applicator Point

Part # 2002 Spear Point

Part # 2011 Made to fit Heavy Harrow

Part # 2009 Will Fit New & Used JD, IH & Many Others

Part # 1001 Spike End Cultivator Will Fit New or Used

1806 Fits Glencoe Soil Saver Left & Right

Orthman One Tripper

Part # 2401 3 1/2� Speader For Flexi-Coil w/ Tungsten Point

Landslide Wear Plate Plow Shear Kit Part # 1003 Part # 1004 14� Wear Bar Left & Right

Part # 1005 Chisel Cap 2�, 3� or 4� Wide Will Fit New or Used

Part # 1002 Regular

GOPHER POINT Fits Elston SP Gopher Machine

Part # 2502 Wedge Block

# 1500P Wear Bar Cut To Fit 1/2�x1/4�x14�For Heavy Harrow

Part # 2010 Accurate Plant


Part # 2004 Stub Point

Part # 2995 Fits JD Drill N219059

Segmented Wear Bars Round, Flat, All Sizes

Part # 1018 Heavy Duty

Looking for mfg. reps in the area.

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20 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Part # 2402 Straight Point For Flexi-Coil w/ Tungsten Point


Some points will work on used shovels! The Sons-A-Guns Work!


D & S Tires Inc “In 1995 I had a farmer ask me to rebuild the tracks from his Cat tractor, something I’d never done before,” says Dexter Critel, owner of D &S Tires in West Point, Neb. “I spent a lot of time cutting those lugs and guide blocks off with hand tools, then built new ones to replace them. The farmer ran the tracks for three years and they worked perfect, so I decided to do the same work for other people.” Critel started repairing tracks at West Point in 2000, and perfected his process well enough to open a second location six years later in Richmond, Ind. In 2012 he opened a third location in Parma, Idaho to serve customers in the west and northwest. “When I started there was no history or no precedent for rebuilding tracks, everything was hand work,” Critel says. “It was tough to figure out how to remove the old lugs and guide blocks, and equally tough to re-build the new lugs and blocks into a uniform size and shape.” As Critel and his crew learned more, they built their own specialized equipment to mechanically buff the tread off the outside of a track and then remove the guide blocks on the inside. “We remove the worn pieces with mechanical buffers,” Critel says, “and that saves a tremendous amount of hand labor. After we solved that problem, we made an extruder and dies to make new lugs and guide blocks the exact size and shape of those on new tracks. We pound those onto the track by hand, then seal them in place with an autoclave. When the process is complete, the tracks are like new.” Critel says that rebuilding tracks costs about a third the amount that a farmer would spend on new tracks for a tractor, combine or grain cart. “We can rebuild them with a standard lug that’s 2 1/2” tall, a low disturbance lug that’s 1 1/2 in. tall and add extra lugs. We can also replace the guide blocks and can rebuild rubber on roller wheels, driver wheels and idler wheels. Most of our jobs are around $5,000, compared to $15,000 to $17,000 that a guy would spend on a new set of tracks,” Critel www.farmranchdairy.com

says. “We’re saving people a ton of money, and we’re also making better use of resources because we’re re-using the old belts. I’ve had one guy put two sets of lugs on one set of belts, so he’s already gotten three lifetimes out of his original investment.” Critel’s replacement lug work is done on tracks for Deere, Cat and Case IH tractors, on combines and grain carts. “We can work on any size tracks,” Critel says. These days Critel’s business is a true family operation and his customers are


from all over the USA and Canada. His Richmond office is managed by his daughter Tammy and his daughter Kim and her husband Bill manage the Parma location. The West Point location is managed by his son-in-law, Marlan and his youngest daughter Brenda. All three offices maintain an inventory to fit most tractors, so exchange and turnaround time is usually very quick. For more information, contact Dexter Critel, D & S Tires, Inc., 661 S. Lincoln St., West Point, NE, 402-372-5572, www.dstiresales.com e

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 21

Push-button folding introduced with new LAFORGE Front 3-Point Hitch for JOHN DEERE 7R.


AFORGE continues the commitment to meeting the diversified needs of customers for front 3-point hitch technology. The GreenLinkÂŽ line of hitches for JOHN DEERE tractors is now expanded with the introduction of the heavy duty

HD6/7R PowerFoldÂŽ model for the standard 7R-Series tractors. The JOHN DEERE hitch-ready factory option is not required for this hitch. The patented PowerFoldÂŽ system, allowing the operator to fold and unfold the hitch from the cab, is standard on

this hitch model. It’s a unique feature not offered by any other front hitch manufacturer. With 6 400 Kg (14 100 lb) lift capacity and the heavy-duty premium design criteria, this front hitch system is perfect Continued on page 29

TSR Parts Inc.







#,)%.43 #/--%.43


Call Now For Your FREE information Package Call Toll Free: 1-877-271-1312 TRUST THE ORIGNAL 22 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy


SR Parts Inc. is a family owned/ operated business located in Colgate, ND. The TSR Straw Chopper developed from a need for service parts for John Deere combines. TSR takes great pride in their work and do their best to have complete satisfaction from all their customers. All their products are Made in the USA. TSR product adds both value and increased productivity to every farm operation. TSR has a complete line of replacement units and component parts that have evolved to now include the current line of John Deere STS combines. TSR expanded line also includes complete units and component parts to fit Case IH Axial Flow combines and hydraulic cylinder depth stops. These lines are now available to the worldwide markets. If residue management has been an issue in the past, the addition of a complete TSR fine chop straw chopper or updating your factory straw chopper with TSR component parts, is the solution. If you had to purchase a separate piece of equipment to deal with residue that pulled behind your tractor, there would be additional passes over the fields. The TSR fine chop straw chopper will minimize the need for additional tillage after harvest due to the chopper’s ability to shred residue very fine, saving both time and money. Utilizing the fine chop straw chopper makes for an ideal planting bed for those farmers practicing no-till conservation planting methods. TSR works hard to make every part of their product top of the line in both function and workmanship. All TSR products carry a 1 year warranty on their parts against any defects. Take a look at their full line of products on-line at www.tsrparts.com e www.farmranchdairy.com

Unique Heart Formula Saves Countless Lives


ver 20 years ago, Jim Strauss suffered a major heart attack and was told he would need bypass surgery or he would die. Jim was born into a family of herbalists stretching back to the 17th century. He learned his craft in his childhood – gathering medicinal herbs in the Austrian countryside with his grandmother. He was taught to taste herbs in order to detect their medical value. Balance and proportion were the keys to producing formulas that were effective and almost instantaneous. Jim’s heart attack was not a fluke. He admits to having lived in the fast lane, ignoring the healthier lifestyle of his parents. He considers himself fortunate as nearly one half of first time heart attacks end in death. Relying on the knowledge acquired over the years, he refused the recommended surgery and in a few weeks put together an herbal formula which he immediately applied to himself with outstanding results. In three months, his 2”arterial blockage was cleared. Since that time, Jim has shared his formula with thousands around the world who are living testimony to the curative powers. One of many clients recently wrote, “I would like to tell you that after three months of using Strauss Heart Drops, I am a new man. I am 86 years old, no more of the tired feeling I had, my swollen feet are normal again, and my bowel is working normally. Two specialists had told me ‘we can’t help you’.” Free Strauss Heart Drops information packages are available by phoning toll free to Performance Medical Plus at 1-877-281-1312. e www.farmranchdairy.com



Agri – Tools & Supply Air Ride Technologies, LLC American Wholesale Company Art’s Service Art’s Way Manufacturing Co, Inc Best Western Plus-Spokane BidSpotter Inc. Big Dog Solar Bio-S.I. Technology LLC Brews Brothers Pub Chandler Herefords Inc Colorado Certified Seed Cross Manufacturing Inc D & S Tire Inc Evergreen Implement Fair Mfg. Inc. Fairly Reliable Bob’s Farm Bureau Mutual Ins Company of ID Farmore of Idaho – Twin Falls Finney Farms Inc Flexxifinger QD Industries Inc. G J Verti-Line Pumps, Inc H & M Gopher Control Hoskins Manufacturing Co. Inc Jett Blackburn Real Estate Inc. Kern County Tractor Parts Modern Printers NAMMCO Northwestern Energy Oxarc Parsons Drilling Inc Performance Medical Phillips Ranch Polyfabrics Quicker Picker Rainier Seeds Inc RT Kandler Farms Sprinkler Head Rebuilders Stor-Loc Stukenholtz Laboratory Inc Superior Mfg. LLC TSR Parts, Inc Valley Power Systems, Inc. Virden Perma-Bilt Co VP Buildings Walinga USA Inc Wilger Inc

www.agritoolsupply.com www.airridecab.com www.awrco.com



20 15 28 28 www.artsway-mfg.com 12 www.bestwestern.com 5 bidspotter.com 7 11 www.biositechnology.com 9 www.brewsbrothersonline.com 30 www.chandlerherefords.com 24 www.coloradocertifiedpotatogrowers.com 9 www.crossmfg.com 17 www.dstiresales.com 21 potatoes.eiijd.com 11 www.fairmfg.com 10 www.fairlys.com 29 idahofarmbureauinsurance.com 28 www.reinke.com 13 28 www.flexxifinger.com 18 28 www.hmgophercontrol.com 10 www.hoskins-mfg.com 28 www.jettblackburn.com 13 www.kerncountytractor.com 2 www.modernprinters.net 29 www.nammco.net 31 www.northwesternenergy.com 15 www.oxarc.com 28 14 22 24 www.polyfabrics.com 29 www.flexxifinger.com 18 www.rainierseeds.com 8 9 29 www.storloc.com 7 www.stukenholtz.com 16 superiormanufacturingllc.com 14 www.tsrparts.com 22 www.valleypowersystems.com 19 www.virdenproducts.com 28 www.vp.com 17 www.walinga.com 32 www.wilger.net 18

Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 23

livestock Chandler Herefords


handler Herefords has been in the cattle business for well over a century. Six generations of great cattlemen have been involved in managing the operation.

Our conservative approach to raising breeding stock has been very successful over time. We believe that profitable

cattle must “do more with less” especially in these times of ever increasing cost of production. Our mature cows consume grass or grass hay for nutritional input while raising powerful calves and maintaining the ability to get pregnant. Unlike many of our competitors, we know which of our animals are efficient because we are managed with this in mind. We are using several new and popular sires to enhance our gene pool and we can trace our cow family lines back for over a century. Our website: www.chandlerherefords.com highlights our program and the sires we are using in detail so feel free to visit and sign our guest book. With all this past performance history from thousands of registered calves raised here, we know what our cattle are capable of. We have sold cattle to customers in nearly every state in the union. Their feed efficiency and fertility is really evident when they are asked to perform in less than ideal forage or environmental conditions. If you are looking for no compromise Hereford cattle with a history dating back for over a century then look no further. It is what we are all about. We have stood the test of time and we are here to stay. e

RED ANGUS BULLS Specializing in Calving Ease Bulls

High Maternal Traits PHILLIPS RANCH 5500 Buena Vista Rd. Ione, CA 95640-9693

209-274-4338 cwcowboy@att.net 24 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy



Alpacas – A Labor of Love


nimals are a part of our everyday life. They clothe us, feed us, transport us, protect us and even fill the role of "best friend." Unfortunately, those who are meant to look after their welfare do not always live up to the task. Recently, a herd of 176 alpacas found themselves in dire need of rescue from an Oregon farm. The rescue was coordinated earlier this year by Cross Creek Alpaca Rescue. When members of the Columbia Alpaca Breeders Association (CABA), the Northwest regional affiliate of the Alpaca Owners Association, Inc., heard of the situation, they sprang into action. The commitment and appreciation these business owners have for alpacas goes beyond their own back yard. They were outraged by the condition of the animals and collectively, the group donated more than $6,500 toward the care of the rescued alpacas, which were being housed at OSU - School of Veterinary Medicine, with more to come. They also reached out to alpaca owners throughout North America, and donations began to come in from as far away as Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee and Arizona. While it is easy to point to the economic downturn as reason for the abuse these animals suffered, the explanation is likely not so clear-cut. The exact circumstances that led to such dire conditions are uncertain, but there are ways to prevent similar situations from happening with any livestock.

Deciding to own alpacas The anger and hurt felt by those who assisted with this rescue was amplified because they understood how preventable the situation was. As with other livestock industries, rescue situations occur. Successful alpaca businesses exist, are attainable, and whether the focus is breeding stock or use of their fiber, alpaca business owners understand and embrace the work that goes into running their alpaca business. With the www.farmranchdairy.com

industry steadily growing in North American for more than 30 years, successful alpaca business owners did not go into this venture expecting to "get rich quick." Many have, indeed, made a successful living in this industry but, as with any business, research and hard work are necessary. Research is the most important step when considering starting any livestock business, and a prospective owner must understand the basic information necessary to care for these animals. Every livestock species has its special requirements and visiting alpaca farms is an excellent place to begin the investigative process. A listing of local farms can be found at www.alpacainfo.com, and a wonderful repository of information about alpacas can be found at www.ariACADEMY.com. "Learn from someone with experience and integrity," said Lona Nelsen Frank, owner of ALPACAS of Tualatin Valley, LLC in Beaverton, Oregon. "And when you decide to purchase your first alpacas, buy from someone who will mentor you 24/7; not just at the point of purchase, but in the future." Another great way to learn about the industry is to attend alpaca shows and events. These shows are national, regional and local. The alpaca industry features a world-class show system developed to promote positive public awareness of the unique qualities of alpacas. They provide owners the opportunity to learn how to improve the breed and enhance their marketability while promoting and protecting the health and well-being of alpacas. Attending these shows can prove to be a highly educational, exciting and enjoyable experience. These shows also offer unmatchable networking opportunities, where alpaca business owners and individuals interested in this livestock come together from across the country... and the globe... to discuss their alpaca business, experiences, successes and failures. A calendar of upcoming educational and show events can be found at www.alpacainfo.com. Adequate planning No endeavor will succeed without a plan. Thomas and Connie Betts of Cascade Alpacas of Oregon in Hood River, Oregon, attest to the fact that creating a well thought out, detailed business plan has helped them to succeed in the industry. "People who expect to succeed in this livestock industry must run it like the business that it is," said Connie. "Keep focused on your goals and pay attention to cash flow and expenses. It is important to not go into debt in case things don't turn out. From the beginning, we were prepared for 'worst case scenarios.'" The Betts have been running their alpaca business for almost 10 years. They earned their return on investment within two years, and now have increased their revenue every year except one during the recession when revenue was flat. "From the beginning, we knew our focus would be on fiber and other revenue streams, such as boarding alpacas, and not as much on the selling of alpacas," said Connie, "and we focused our business plan on that. Because of our focus and


Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy • 25

ability to stay on track with our mission, we are now known for the fineness of our fiber and we often run out of yarn before our season ends in October!" The alpacas, including alpacas boarded at their ranch by other individuals, and their yarn shop are Thomas's full-time job.

Be prepared for change Beth Osborne of The Alpaca Hacienda in Temecula, California, originally entered the alpaca industry concentrating solely on the breeding of high-end breed stock. When compared to other livestock, the North American alpaca industry is still in its infancy and until recently, the focus of the industry was developing a national herd with high-quality fiber. Now, with more than 230,000 registered alpacas, alpaca business owners can shift their focus to other qualities of this livestock. "The alpaca industry followed the natural progression of any livestock industry," said Osborne. "But the change in the business doesn't mean we throw the baby out with the bath water!" Osborne's focus today is to be an asset to her community by providing jobs, hosting community events and tours and providing community service hours to high school students. Osborne also concentrates on her farm store where she sells handcrafted alpaca fiber products. She also cares for alpacas other owners board at her ranch, which provides additional income. “I have built a family of boarders and we gather at the farm for felting days, where we create items to sell in the store," said Osborne. "We've begun making nuno scarves, which shoppers have come to expect. Around the holidays, they sell like hotcakes!" Dr. Jeri Booher, owner of Timberland Alpacas in Forest Grove, Oregon, and co-president of CABA, also knows that as with any business, change can happen at any time, and can directly affect your operation. "When the economy took a hit, all businesses were affected," said Dr. Booher, "Successful business owners adjusted accordingly." Becoming part of an agricultural community Joining organizations focused on the alpaca and livestock industry offers countless resources to help ensure a successful alpaca ownership. Alpaca Owners Association, Inc. regional affiliates, FFA, 4H, State Farm Bureaus and County Agricultural Extension offices can provide access to local resources. 26 • Western Farm, Ranch and Dairy

Everything about the care of any livestock is easier when you have help and support to guide you in the proper direction instead of reinventing the wheel on your own. Alpaca Owners Association, Inc. (AOA), headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska, serves as the national livestock association for alpacas in North America. As the largest alpaca association in the world, AOA facilitates the expansion of a strong and sustainable alpaca industry through the tracking of bloodlines, registration and transfer of alpacas, national educational outreach, the national show system, marketing, public relations and its highly respected judges training program. The AOA affiliate organizations support ranches within geographical areas. For complete list of affiliates, and for more information on how to join AOA, visit www.alpacainfo.com. "The owners of the rescued herd were not active members of any of the national, regional or local organizations that we are aware of," said Lona Nelsen Frank of ALPACAS of Tualatin Valley, LLC. "They did not participate in industry events or shows. They did not form mentoring partnerships with successful alpaca business owners. They were not part of the alpaca community. They do not represent our industry." A labor of love While many alpaca business owners do, indeed, enjoy their morning cup of coffee while watching their herd in the field, this is just a small portion of their day. Just like any livestock owner, alpaca owners put a lot of labor into their business. Stacie and Skip Chavez, owners of Albuquerque Alpacas in the North Valley of Albuquerque, New Mexico, start each morning and end each day caring for their herd. They check on the well-being of each animal, feed and water them, and then go into the field and barn to clean manure. Stacie arranged for Seed2Need, a local organization that grows food for people in need to pick up manure every other week. Alpaca manure is a rich soil conditioner that improves soil quality and its ability to retain water. Now, Seed2Need sells composted alpaca manure to help fund their efforts. Ensuring proper shelter, solid fencing, general health checks and regular vetting and assisting in the birth of crias (baby alpacas) are just some of the other day-to-day tasks a successful alpaca business owner faces. The common element you will find with all successful alpaca business owners is that they enjoy what they do. And there are so many things about this livestock to enjoy. The alpaca industry is, in many cases, 100 percent American made from start to finish. Employees are being hired to work on farms, creating jobs for Americans. The alpaca industry receives no government subsidies or other similar support. Alpacas are environmentally friendly. When compared to other livestock, alpacas are a safe animal for children to work with, and the entire family can get involved. "Alpacas are my 'glass of wine'", says Stacie. "I get out of my car after my marketing job and can sit in the middle of a field surrounded by these beautiful animals. It is the perfect end to a stressful day." For more information about the alpaca industry, to locate a farm near you, or to view a calendar of upcoming shows and events, visit www.alpacainfo.com e



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