Ritz Hospitality Magazine Sring/Summer 2022

Page 26

Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe


yramid Lake is located about 50 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada, and has been designated as one of the first 5 National Scenic Byways in the country. The Pyramid Lake Indian Reservation is comprised of 476,728 acres, with three communities w i t h i n. T h e t r i b a l membership are direct descendants of the Northern Paiute People who occupied the vast areas of the Great Basin, but m o re sp e c i f i c a l l y, the Kooyooe Tukaddu band (named for the unique prehistoric fish found onl y in Pyramid Lake.) Today, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is one of the largest tribes in Nevada, with roughly 2,500 Tribal Members living on the Reservation. Pyramid Lake o c c u p i e s 1 1 2 ,0 0 0 surface acres inside the reser vation boundar y, and has a shoreline of approximately 175 miles. The endorheic salt lake is a residual body remaining from the Pleistocene Lake Lahontan, which had covered most of the Northern Nevada areas 9,000 years ago. The lake is now fed primarily by the Truckee River, which serves as an outlet of Lake



Tahoe. Pyramid Lake was given its name for the pyramid shaped tufa-rock formation on the southeastern part of the lake, which is accompanied by the Stone Mother. Fish species of Pyramid Lake occupying the lake includes the worldwide famous Lahontan Cutthroat Trout , Sacramento P e r c h , Tu i - C h u b , Taho e sucker and Cui-ui, which is on the endangered species list. Recreation – Due to the COVID-19 Pa n d e m i c t h a t i s currently gripping the world, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Council has new restrictions in place that have changed recreation at the l a k e . Pe r m i t s a r e now available online ONLY at plpt.nagfa. net/online, and the Ranger Station, located at 2500 L a k e v i e w D r, i n Sutcliffe. Permit prices have also changed – you may now find these changes at our website, PyramidLake.us, under the ‘Permits’ tab. Masks are required at each of our three stores; customer limits are posted at all three store locations. Pertinent store information is posted on the Pyramid Lake Tribal Enterprises Facebook Page, or www.RitzHospitalityMag.com

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Articles inside


page 38

Colossal Cave

page 37

The 10th Annual Dino Shindig

pages 42-44

Explore Nature’s Gem at Talking Rocks Cavern

pages 34-35

Leadville Railroad

page 36

The Richard Allen Cultural Center & Museum

page 33

Comfortable Ephrata Hotel

page 32

We Invite You To Visit Harlem, Georgia

page 31

Welcome To Ontario, Oregon

page 29

Villisca Axe Murder House

pages 20-21

Mica Moon - Zip Tours and Aerial Park

page 19

Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe

pages 26-28

Northern Indiana Lakes Country

pages 24-25

National Historic Cheesemaking Museum

page 23

The National Motorcycle Museum

page 18

Jackpot, Nevada - STAY, EXPLORE, PLAY

pages 7-8

Floyd County, Kentucky

page 9

Carlsbad Museum

page 17

Touch 100 Years of Aviation History

page 15

Humbolt Museum

page 6

Casey Tibbs - South Dakota Rodeo Center

page 14


page 13

Nevada Northern Railway Museum

page 16
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