Riva Reader - August 2014

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Riva Reader | July – August 2014 Free online newsletter

13 What is the FHMD?

Questions answered. Concerns addressed.


Annual Chili Cookoff


On the Wing in Riva Chase


September 20, 2014, 1:00 p.m.


Bird watching in the neighborhood

Real Estate Report

Know the facts

Christmas Care Packages for soldiers

Hydraulic Fracturing Q&A

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


From the Editor

Well this edition was a doozy! My apologies for not getting this out sooner. Not only do I spend about 20-30 hours each time I do one of these “newsletters,” I took extra time (a week to be exact) compiling the article I did on the FHMD. Roz Birkelo

Some of you may have heard that the FHMD called a special meeting to discuss the Riva Chase infrastructure and come up with an ordered list of things we’d like to get repaired, updated, added to, etc. We call it a punch list. Some of the things on the list HAVE to be done, some can wait, and others it would be nice to have. Rumor had it that we were voting on a bond (which would increase taxes), which is not true because we don’t actually have that power. But in the midst of the discussion and as a result of public comment, it was pointed out that our homeowners may need to be educated a bit about the FHMD, how tax dollars, bonds and levy’s work, budget info, etc., so I took it upon myself to learn about it, explain it, and chart it to the best of my ability and with my limited knowledge base. Yes I’ve been doing this for five months, but I’ve learned more since that special meeting than I realized possible and I think it’s informative and something worthy of sharing. Of course I’m not the only author this edition, Joy Lawrance has a little article on bird watching in RC, and Jacqueline Pedlow is looking for items for Christmas Care packages to send to our soldiers overseas, so be sure to read all about that as well. And Don’t miss out on this falls Bible Study Group as well as the book club.

Roz is on the FHMD. She has a Bachelor in Arts and Art Education with an emphasis on Graphic Design. She is currently working as a Engineering Technologist / Analyst for Samuel Gary & Associates, Inc. in downtown Denver.


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Warm regards,



July / August 2014

in every issue

Cover Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo


hoa president’s message


fhmd report


real estate report


financial report

in this issue


acc reminder


book club


Mill Levy Table


adopt a place


Christmas Care Packages


bible study


Chili cook off


neighbor to neighbor


On the Wing of RC




Know the frac facts


Preparing your ski for the new season


Genesee Mountain Fitness


Directory News


Mt. Vernon Country Club


What is the FHMD

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Rainbow over Riva Chase Photo Courtesy of Joy Lawrance


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

President’s Message by Joy Lawrance

Welcome to all the new neighbors who have moved to Riva Chase recently! We’re delighted that you’re here, and look forward to getting to know you! This is a great time to think about participating in community activities as we finish up with 2014 and start planning for 2015. (Can you believe that???) There are many ways to get involved, none of which will take a great deal of time or effort, but will reward you with new friends, and an increased appreciation for this beautiful area. Joy Lawrance President, Riva Chase HOA

Coming up soon (read more elsewhere) is the Chili Cook-Off and Fire-Fighter Benefit. It’s a chance to show off your favorite chili recipe —and meet the VOLUNTEERS who are on hand at a moment’s notice to tackle any fires! On November 29 we invite you to come to the Guard House for our decorating party! Hot cider and sweet treats await those who help to put up bows and lights to make our entrances bright. In late January we’ll have our annual “Oh What Fun” dinner at Mt. Vernon Country Club, more on that later. And of course that will be followed by our other yearly events. There is always a need for extra hands to do some small tasks—so plan to join us in making these community activities a continued success! Joy Lawrance

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


What is the Forest Hills Met

My feeble attempt to answer questions I think you

Disclaimer I found all of this information online (so it must be true). You can confirm, deny, twist, believe or not as much as you want, because everything I am saying in these next few pages is not only to best of my knowledge and understanding, it is out there waiting for you to read and digest. I’ll even provide links.

Real Disclaimer Any views expressed herein are mine alone and not necessarily those of the FHMD board as a whole.

WHICH CAME FIRST? The chicken or the egg? The neighborhood or the district? FHMD came first. I know, I know... everyone thinks a neighborhood is developed first. Houses are built. People move in. Someone decides we don’t want little pink houses in our neighborhood. An HOA is formed, then an ACC. Someone has to handle all the billings, and water, and sewer so FHMD is formed. Not! (Technically, if you’re like me, you’ve never thought about it.)

It all started in 1979 In 1979, some very savvy businessmen decided that Denver needed a beautifully built mountain-living, custom-home community within close proximity to the city. (One can only assume that what they really thought was that Genesee was doing great, so why not get in on the action?) In order to do that, they needed to find property they could develop, but in order to develop it, which was outside the city limits (unincorporated), they had to provide water and a means to dispose of sewer—hence, the FHMD. 245 acres was prime and ready for the 56 homes and 88 condos that were intended for this land. There were already 5 wells, AND plenty of room to build the 6 6

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

ponds proposed and the tennis courts and the pool and rec center. Obviously, plans changed as you can tell by the map above, because the Village (which is the section I live in) is not even part of the original plans (not to mention we have only 3 ponds, no pool, tennis court, or rec center, and only 8 condos).

What is the FHMD? The Forest Hills Metro District was established by the original developer of Riva Chase, the Anasazi Group. The FHMD was formed by the developer and by petition to the Jefferson County District Court. The District was created pursuant to Title 32, (C.R.S. 32-1-203) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, known as the Special District Act, for the purpose of providing water and sanitation services, including a water supply, treatment, storage, transmission and distribution system, and a sanitary sewer collection and treatment system, for the inhabitants of the District. In other words, the FHMD was established to manage our water plant and sewer distribution plant and operations. We cannot have a community without

tropolitan District?

u may have. by Roz Birkelo water or a way to dispose of sewage. What FHMD does is what any large community does only we do it for 148 lots on 245 acres. We have wells that provide water. There are lift stations that move the water and gravity for the rest. We also have a booster pump to move the water and a water plant where we treat the water. In addition, we have a sewer plant where we treat waste in order to put the cleaned wastewater back into the stream.

Great! Let’s build this community! How do we fund it? Interesting question. I am probably not alone in that I never considered what it took to build a community or fund such a project. I guess I always assumed investors put up the money hoping for a good return. It turns out that Counties also want to make money and are willing to invest in the development of communities if they think the return is worth it. In this case, we were funded via a Bond.

What is a bond? It’s an IOU. A bond is essentially the equivalent of a house loan. You take out a large mortgage, get your interest rate, and pay it off, little by little, year after year. Only with a bond, whomever agrees to finance your loan, has the right to not allow you to pay it off early, so they are guaranteed a certain amount of revenue in return. For more information on bonds, go to Investopedia at: http://www.investopedia.com/university/bonds/bonds4.asp

As I stated earlier, Riva Chase is a “Special District.” One mechanism for providing public improvements and services for a new development is the creation of a Special District.

“A Special District, among other taxing entities, determines the mill levies that will be assessed on the developing property. The Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with State Statute, approves all Special Districts within unincorporated Jefferson County.” (Planning and Zoning guide, et al.)

Jefferson County agreed to allow this bond because the developers submitted a financial plan that showed how much operating revenue could be derived from property taxes. In other words, what did Jefferson County have to gain from allowing a bond? How much revenue will Riva Chase provide? To view the original service plan of Riva Chase, go to: http://fhmd.net/ResourceCenter/DocViewer/21467?doc_ filename=service%20plan%20july%201979.pdf&doc_ id=703828&print=1

Simply put, the District is funded through property taxes and user fees. Tax revenue is used to pay off the principle and interest on bonds which financed the original infrastructure of the development. Tax revenue also maintains our roads, grounds, and common areas. User fees consist of the bill residents receive each month for water and sewage. These fees offset the cost of operating the water wells and wastewater treatment plant.

Who manages the operations? When we’re lucky, we get 5 individuals to graciously volunteer their time and energy planning the operations of a water plant and a sewer plant, roads, gates and parks, billing, and every other aspect of our infrastructure to help maintain or elevate our community property values and provide an exceptional place to live. (That would be the unsuspecting, rose colored glasses version of a thankless job, but in reality July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


you are more like a deer in the headlights when you actually commit to this position. Who knew?)

The FHMD Board The FHMD is governed by an unpaid Board of Directors who are residents and taxpayers within the District boundaries. The Board is responsible for administering the uses and sources of District funds, overseeing the District’s service providers, and managing the District’s periodic need for maintenance, repair and replacement of facilities, roads, and grounds. Five elected Board members serve 4-year terms on a staggered basis. If a vacancy occurs during any term, the remaining Board members appoint an eligible elector to serve until the next regular election. Yes, we all live in the neighborhood. Yes we all pay taxes. And yes, we all care about our community and everything we do directly affects us as well as you. Of course, we (the BOD) do not handle all of this by ourselves. We hire professionals to help manage the property, operate the facilities, give legal advice, provide engineering expertise, handle all the accounting, billing and bookkeeping, as well as provide annual audits. Everything you want to know about the FHMD operations is online and at your finger tips.

So why am I taking the time to explain this in such detail? Misinformation distributed to the uninformed creates panic. You are better off having this information provided to you in a public forum and explained in (hopefully) a way you can understand, and even though I am only giving you pieces of the puzzle, I’m giving you a means to investigate everything on your own.

Let’s start with the Board of Directors Over the years, we’ve had some very dedicated volunteers in our community. Take a look at the chart on this page and see what I have compiled from online information. Obviously there are some people who need to be recognized when we see them around the neighborhood for their years of service. Note that I do not have the actual year service began for the people at the top of the list. (see figure 1) 8

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

figure 1

Budget As anyone knows who has ever worked with a budget, budgets are never simple to create nor are they easy to adhere to. You make them, revisit them, redistribute funds and revise them, all in an attempt to balance them. Not an easy task, and all the more complicated when there are different people with different ideals making those decisions at different points in time (see BOD). For every board of directors who thinks one thing is a good idea, another board comes along who thinks something else is more important. No one is wrong, just a difference of opinion and inevitably, timing sometimes dictates those opinions. For instance, when I moved here we were in a drought and there was a wildfire burning across the highway at Clear Creek Canyon. We almost couldn’t buy our

home because we had difficulty finding homeowner’s insurance due to the fire risks. As you know, the following year was even worse with fires devastating parts of Colorado. When I did some research and discovered that the north slope is one of the most dangerous areas in Riva Chase regarding fire, or more specifically, how little time there would be to escape, fire mitigation and safety became my number one priority. It’s not hard to see why I voted for the Genesee pipeline and I believe it was one of the most immediate things we, as a unified board, could do for the continued safety of our residents. Having said that, it’s not hard to see how any one member of a board can have a difference of opinion on what they believe is important and how best money can be spent. What we as residents need to understand is that the board is doing their best for the entire community, and not just one small area of the neighborhood.

If you analyze our balance sheets over a period of years, you can easily see financial trends.

Where is our money being spent? This is another tricky question and not as straight forward as you may think. FHMD has 4 major funds. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Water & Sewer Utility Fund General Fund Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Fund

The Water & Sewer Fund covers everything pertaining to the operations of our water plant and our sewer plant (wells, lifts, pumps, ponds, hydrants, etc.). The General Fund covers everything that is not water and sewer, like our roads, the gate and gate house, parks, landscaping, snow plowing, etc. The Debt Services fund is our tax revenue and bond debt. The Capital Projects Fund is for capital improvements that can be for either general projects or water and sewer projects. The sum of the General Fund, the Debt Service Fund and the Capital Projects Fund makes up our total Governmental Fund. July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Let’s take a closer look If you take a look at the red Transfers line on the graph above, you’ll notice that when we have a surplus in one fund (in this case, the general fund), we transfer money out of it and apply it towards another fund that is in deficit. (The revenue in the General Fund and the Debt Services Fund is primarily property taxes.) (See the year end audit reports under the financial statements section of the resource center on the FHMD website.)

sewer plant. $650,000 was transferred into our capital projects fund, along with an additional +/- $140k from the General Fund and the Water & Sewer Fund to cover bond fees and costs. However, the actual expenditure did not show up on the books until 2011, as you can see on the water and sewer chart (right) where there is a spike (surplus) showing the transfer into the fund.

In contrast, the Water & Sewer Fund consistently runs at a deficit, mainly because operating revenue (service charges for water & service charges for sewer) is considerably lower than water operating costs and sewer operating costs. Therefore, you see money transferred into this fund year after year. You’ll also notice that we have had very few capital improvements over the years with one exception. In 2009, a bond for $650,000 was voted on and approved with only 17 residents voting no to the additional debt. The bond was a means to rebuild our water and 10

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

New Water & Sewer Plant The building you see that sits adjacent to this is still in use.

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


How about Budget vs Actual? I admit, this is interesting. There has been a lot of talk about the various boards and mismanagement of funds so I decided to chart this out as well. I went as far back as the online information would allow me to. However,


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

2001 data is not available, so the actual for 2001 and budget for 2003 is not accurate on the charts below (because it would have been in those minutes) so I took the “expected� amounts documented. I think the charts speak for themselves.

Long-Term Liabilities Bonds are never simple to explain, so I’ll start with what is published in our annual audit and try to explain it as I understand it (simplified but basically right). We started 2009 with a previous balance of debt.

General Obligation Bonds Series 2009B On December 29, 2009 the District issued $650,000 of General Obligation Bonds Series 2009B dated December 29, 2009 for the purpose of financing the cost of improvements to the water and wastewater system and paying the costs of issuance of the Bonds. The Series 2009B bonds carry coupon rates of 1.5% to 4.875% and mature annually commencing in 2010 through 2027 with interest payable on May 1st and November 1st and principal payable on November 1st. The Bonds maturing on and before November 1, 2019 are not subject to redemption prior to their respective maturity dates. The Bonds maturing on and after November 1, 2020 are subject to redemption prior to maturity, at the option of the District, as a whole or in integral multiples of $5,000, in any order of maturity, on November 1, 2019, and on any date thereafter, upon payment of par and accrued interest, without redemption premium.

For example Let’s assume we pay these off the end of 2019. In order to do that, we would have to assess all the homeowners a certain amount to cover the debt owed. I assume that the chart’s interest column is calculating the interest on the total principal due ($2,615,000). If I divide the total in 2018-2022 by 5 years, I can come up with an idea of what we have paid at the end of 2019 in principal and interest and deduct that from our total amount due to see what our pay off amount could be. $1,280,000 / 5 = $256,000 principal for 2018 and for 2019, or $512,000. $301,086 / 5 = $60,217 in interest for 2018 and for 2019, or $120,434. If we add up years 2014-2019 = $1,362,000 principal paid. Now we can deduct our assumed principal paid from our total debt to see how much we could have to assess every home (144)—We have some lots that don’t have houses, so there are no tap fees. (I’m not getting into that.) $2,615,000 - $1,362,000 = $1,253,000

Below is a summary of the future maturities of the Bonds:

$1,253,000 / 144 = $8,701 assessed (billed) to each household the first of the year 2020. What we save the district by paying off the debt early is the future interest due or $227,621. Although $8,701 doesn’t seem like a lot of money to some residents, it could be quite a burden to others.

As of December 31, 2013, the District had remaining voted debt authorization of approximately $60,000. The District has not budgeted to issue any additional debt in 2014. What this tells me is that we have to continue to pay the principal and interest on the bonds we have until 2019. We cannot pay them off earlier without penalty. Of course, I don’t know how many different bonds we have or what their individual interest is, so I am going to make some assumptions on a “for example” basis.

What if we pay it off the beginning of 2015? We might be allowed to do that, but we would probably have to pay a redemption premium (compensation for lost interest payments). Without knowing what that is, I’ll simply divide the total amount due as of 2015 and divide it by the same 144 homes. $2,410,000 / 144 = $16,736 per household. That hits the pocket book a wee bit harder, and it’s probably closer to $20,000 if you include the penalty charged for paying it off early.

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Chart it Let’s take a look at charts on our long-term liability and the mill levy. Again, there is some misconception on our tax rates and when they were raised or if they were lowered and I think the mill levy chart is

particularly telling. The first chart shows you that our neighborhood value has increased over the years (therefore our taxes). The second chart is the actual levy we’ve been charged over the years.

Investopedia explains ‘Mill Levy ‘ There can be several taxing authorities in one region, which could include school, county and city districts. As an example, suppose the entire property value in the area is $1 billion and the school district needs $100 million in revenue, the county needs $10 million and the city needs $50 million. The tax levy for the school district would be $100 million divided by $1 billion or 0.10. The tax levy for the county would be 0.01 (10 million/1 billion), and the tax levy for the city would be 0.05 (50 million/1 billion). Add all the tax levies up to get the mill levy of 0.16 or 160 mills. One mill = 0.001. See the Assessor Property Records search for Jefferson County to find your history and taxes.


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

In conclusion

Other Information

I’ve learned a lot about the Forest Hills Metro District, our Board of Directors, and the operations of our water plant and our sewer plant—certainly more than I dreamed I would know—definitely more than I wanted to know. I hope that this helps clear up any misinformation out there regarding our neighborhood, our levy, and the difficult decisions our board is faced with on a day-to-day basis. It’s not easy overseeing the operations of this small community. And it’s an even greater responsibility to manage our tax dollars, maintain our infrastructure, and try to please all the residents all the time. Despite it all, I find it rewarding to be actively involved in our community and I hope that others will volunteer their time in the future, or at the very least, appreciate the work all of the past, present and future volunteers do.

Investments: Sewer System $2,708,605 Water System 1,582,216 Streets $1,627,767 Erosion System $61,089 Landscaping $80,606 Recreation $192,765 Total $6,253,048

There is probably a lot more I could talk about regarding the complicated job of the FHMD. I could go into a great deal of detail and show you actual expenditures or charges, but I leave that up to you to discover on your own with the links provided. Having said that, if after reading this you have questions, need clarification, or even want me to answer other questions in future issues, I hope you’ll write me so that I can address your concerns.

5 miles of paved roads 4 gates (2 electric) / Gate House 31 acres of parks and open space Hiking trails 3 augmentation ponds 10 water wells Water plant Sewer plant www.fhmd.net Water rates: http://fhmd.net/page/21467~365797/Water-Rates Download the minutes and financials: www.fhmd.net Frequently asked questions: www.fhmd.net

Those interested in a tour of our facilities and an explanation of our operations, please contact Ted Laves and he will schedule a group tour. (Contact below)

District Contacts District Board Roz Birkelo




Harold Lacy




Ted Laves




Tom Napp




Roy Roux






District Manager

District Management Christina Shea

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Mill Levy In Total



Foothils Fire


Rescue / Amb

70.000 147.800

147.728 60.272









30.000 24.346







3.200 0.000


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

2.000 0.508 0.061 2009


3.200 2.000 0.523 0.053 2010



nforma0on Law Enforce Authority

Urban Drainage & Flood

Urban Drain & Flood So. Plat 160.000





140.000 55.785












9.196 20.000


.000 0.566 0.057


3.200 2.000 0.599 0.058 2012

3.200 2.000 0.608 0.064 2013


July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Christmas Care Packages for our soldiers

by Jacqueline Pedlow

Jacqueline Pedlow

Clair Franz

My name is Jacqueline Pedlow, and I am a freshman at Wheat Ridge High School. Last year, Riva Chase helped me collect books for our US soldiers. Thank you!! I collected over 1,000 books and all the books have successfully been shipped to deployed men and women all over the world!

always appreciated! If you are able to contribute to our project, a collection box will be placed on our front porch at 22663 Anasazi Way. Any donation is appreciated and I personally guarantee that every item will make it to a US soldier!

This year, my friend and I are creating Christmas care packages for our soldiers. We are collecting candy canes, playing cards, and stationary/ envelopes to add to the packages. The packages will be sent to specific soldiers through Adopt A US Soldier’s Project Frontlines. Many of the men and women defending our freedom do not go home for Christmas, and a heartwarming package is 18

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

We will be filling the care packages mid to late November, and mailing by December 1st. If you have any questions regarding our packages, please feel free to contact me: jpedlow@sacactuaries.com. Thank you for your support of our military!

Arch ite


ee mit m

ACC Reminder

l Control C a r o ctu

Riva Chase

From the ACC: A reminder from the ACC concerning the more frequent complaints received by the Committee. Please observe the following: Trash Containers: • Trash must not be put out prior to Wednesday mornings. Trash pickup is between 7:00am and 5:00pm. • Trash containers must not be left at the roadside for more than twelve hours on trash day. • Trash containers must be covered to prevent contents being scattered through the community by animals, birds and wind. • Trash containers must be kept in a concealed area. Dumpsters: • Dumpsters and other storage containers (PODs), needed for repairs/construction, must have prior ACC approval.

Pets: • Jefferson County requires that dogs must be kept on a leash whenever they are off of owner’s property. • No more than two (2) dogs and/or two (2) cats can be maintained as pets on any lot or homeowner’s property. • As dogs are walked through the community, litter bags should accompany the owner in order to clean up after their pets. Cars: • Cars are not allowed to be parked on the street at night. Only one car is allowed to be parked on the driveway of a home overnight. The ACC appreciates the cooperation of homeowners to comply and abide by the standards as set forth in the Riva Chase Covenants and ACC Rules and Regulations.

for the ACC: Ann Nutt annienutt@comcast.net

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Hello! My name is Pam Bent. Starting with this issue of the Riva Reader, I’ll be helping keep you up to date on the pertinent real estate activities in Riva Chase and the surrounding areas, as well as providing market trends and conditions information. I’m with Cherry Creek Properties LLC and specialize in helping buyers and sellers in the foothills communities including Riva Chase. I am extremely familiar with the area and its unique attributes. My experience includes over 15 years of knowledge in serving the greater Denver market and Colorado.

If I can help you or your friends and neighbors with any of your real estate needs or answer any questions, please feel free to give me a call or drop me an email. I’m very excited to be working directly with your wonderful community and look forward to meeting many of you in person!

As most of you well know, the current real estate market is particularly active. Properties are selling quickly, and buying activity is intense due to job growth and relocations, advantageous interest rates, and an urgency caused by continually rising prices. Obviously, this makes it a good time to think about selling or buying.

Sales Statistics – Foothill Communities Homes/Townhomes Sold Riva Chase Genesee Lookout Mountain Spring Ranch




5 45 13 3

10 75 17 8

4 57 10 3*

304 108 152 145

222 80 113 170

100 41 75 358*

$775K $584K $616K $914K

$741K $583K $511K $1,093K

$667K $530K $502K $1,147K

Average Days on Market Riva Chase Genesee Lookout Mountain Spring Ranch

Average Net Price (All Sales) Riva Chase Genesee Lookout Mountain Spring Ranch

*One home sold at $1.78 mil. On market 721 days. Compiled by Pam Bent using data taken from Metrolist, Inc.® Denver, CO. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

FOR SALE Listed By

List Price

Beds Baths

Finished SqFt $/SqFt

DOM* Built

List Date

22554 Treetop Ln RedFin Corp


6 8

9798 $171.97

95 1996


849 Eastwood Dr. Re/Max 100


5 5

7486 $183.68

340 1983


22886 Solitude Ln Evergreen Real Estate


4 6

5841 $162.64

5 1995


22108 Red Hawk Fuller Sotheby’s


4 4

4069 $169.33

91 1996



List Price

Beds Baths

Finished SqFt $/SqFt

DOM* Built

List Date

22021 Chippewa Lane


5 5

4539 $184.40

15 2010


Beds Baths

Finished SqFt $/SqFt

DOM* Built

List Date

4 4

4130 $158.60

22 1995

05/14/2014 07/10/2014

RECENTLY SOLD 22654 Anasazi Way

List Price Sales Price $665,000 $655,000

22554 Treetop Ln, $1,685,000

849 Eastwood Dr, $1,375,000

22886 Solitude Ln, $950,000

22108 Red Hawk, $689,000

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Book Club

by Joy Lawrance

Next meeting September 17

Riva Chase Book Club Next Meeting: Wednesday, Sept 17th, 6:30 at the home of Betsy Christensen 22895 Tree Top Lane here in Riva Chase. The next selection: The Light Between Oceans by M.L Stedman Moral dilemmas don’t come more exquisite than the one around which Australian novelist Stedman constructs her debut. Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia emotionally scarred after distinguished service in World War I, so the solitary work of a lighthouse keeper on remote Janus Rock is attractive. Unexpectedly, Tom finds a partner on the mainland, Isabel; they marry and hope to start a family. But Isabel suffers miscarriages then loses a premature baby. Two weeks after that last catastrophe, a dinghy washes ashore containing a man’s body and a crying infant. Isabel wants to keep the child, which she sees as a gift from God; Tom wants to act correctly and tell the authorities. But Isabel’s joy in the baby is so immense and the prospect of giving her up so destructive, that Tom gives way. Years later, on a rare visit to the mainland, the couple learns about Hannah Roennfeldt, who lost her husband and baby at sea. Now guilt eats away at Tom, and when the truth does emerge, he takes the blame, leading to more moral self-examination and a cliff hanging conclusion. Hope you can join us on Wed. Sept. 17!!! 22

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Riva Chase’s annual

i h l Ccook-offi

Benefiting the Foothills Fire Department

Saturday, Saturday, September September 20, 20, 2014 2014 beginning at 1:00

Park & Gazebo Cook up your favorite recipe and compete against others for the best chili made. This year’s cash prizes will be valued at $75 for first, $50 for second, and $25 for third place prizes. All other food and drinks will be provided. The Foothills Volunteer Fire Department will be on site so bring your kids! Volunteers are still needed: Contact John Carpenter if you can help out @ 303-912-5909. We’ll need volunteers to set up and clean up, so please consider volunteering for our fun, annual event.

And don’t forget to make your chili and enter the contest. This year we hope to get 10 tempting batches of CHILI. July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Full Steam Ahead Coffee Company

In addition to the usual Espresso drinks, we also

is a full service coffee shop in Golden Colorado

serve the following delightful drinks:

specializing in espresso and coffee drinks in

Wildberry, Strawberry, Strawberry–Banana

addition to smoothies, a full line of pastries,

and Mango Smoothies

desserts, sandwiches, and a variety of gluten


free products. It is conveniently located near

Toddy cold brewed coffee

the Dinosaur commuter parking area and

Brewed Iced Tea

gas station, and serves as an excellent local

Plus all of our Espresso drinks can be served

meeting or rideshare location. Offering free

over ice

WiFi, a pet friendly patio and a bicycle friendly

Proudly serving EspressoSmith coffee,

pit stop, Full Steam Ahead Coffee is a great

Mame’s Burritos and ShareGood Foods

location for treats and friendly conversation.

Full Steam Ahead Coffee Company was established in 2012 to provide a convenient rest and social gathering spot. We serve the best in locally sourced Colorado products. Stop by and enjoy a cup of our “Old School”

Tell us you saw our ad in the Riva Reader,

line of dark roasted coffee or a shot of our

and we’ll give you a coupon for Buy one

“BlackSmith” Espresso roasted exclusively by

get one free on your next visit (coupons are

EspressoSmith of Denver.

limited to the first 50 people).


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

On the Wing in Riva Chase

by Joy Lawrance

Lauli bunting Photo Courtesy of Joy Lawrance

This has been a spectacular summer for bird-watching! We’re so fortunate to have a wide variety of winged beauties – from the smallest (the Calliope Hummingbird) to one of the largest (golden eagle). I thought it would be fun to list some of them….aside from the ubiquitous Stellar Jays, Magpies, Robins, house finches and crows.

• • • • • •

• Hummingbirds: Calliope, Ruby-Throated and Rufous and perhaps a Broad-tailed. (What great aerial acts they put on!) • Red-breasted Nuthatch • White-breasted Nuthatch • Chickadee (VERY prolific this year.) • Lesser goldfinch • Turtle Dove and Eurasian ring-necked dove • American goldfinch • Pine siskin • Chipping sparrow • Pinion jay • Lazuli bunting (Stayed around for a few weeks) • Bullock’s Oriole (mr and mrs hung around for about a month)

• • • • •

Black-headed Grosbeak Junco Downy woodpecker Hairy woodpecker Red-shafted Flicker Turkey vulture (well – not at my feeder, but dining on some carrion.) Golden Eagles don’t land here, but they sure are gorgeous soaring above our homes. Same with the hawks – mostly red-tailed, I think. Great Horned owls – we just hear at night, but know that some neighbors have nests! There are some bats around, too – very good at keeping the insect population down. Several folks have seen a flock of wild turkeys – along with their young.

Keep an eye out for our feathered friends – and if you provide a little food and water, they’ll reward you with hours of enjoyment!

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader




Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Know the frac facts What is hydraulic fracturing? Hydraulic fracturing is a proven technology that has been used since the 1940s in more than 1 million wells in the United States to help produce oil and natural gas. The technology involves pumping a water-sand mixture into underground rock layers where the oil or gas is trapped. The pressure of the water creates tiny fissures in the rock. The sand holds open the fissures, allowing the oil or gas to escape and flow up the well.


How are the fluids kept away from aquifers and drinking water wells? Wells are drilled away from drinking water wells. Also, fracturing usually occurs at depths well below where usable groundwater is likely to be found. Finally, when a well is drilled, steel casing and surrounding layers of concrete are installed to provide a safe barrier to protect usable water.

Who regulates hydraulic fracturing? Is hydraulic fracturing widely used? Yes, and its use is likely to increase. A governmentindustry study found that up to 80 percent of natural gas wells drilled in the next decade will require hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing allows access to formations, like shale oil and shale gas, that had not been assessable before without the technology. It also allows more oil and natural gas to be brought to the surface from wells that had been produced without this technology.

Why is hydraulic fracturing important? It enables production of more oil and natural gas, reducing dependence on foreign sources of energy and creating more jobs for Americans. It’s an indispensable technology for producing much of our clean-burning natural gas, which heats more than 56 million American homes, generates one-fifth of our nation’s electricity, powers buses and fleet vehicles and creates the basic materials for such things as fertilizers and plastics of every variety. When burned for energy, natural gas emits fewer greenhouse gases than other fossil fuels.

Doesn’t hydraulic fracturing present a serious threat to the environment? No. The environmental track record is good, and the technology is used under close regulatory supervision by state, local and federal regulators. Hydraulic fracturing has been used in nearly one million wells in the United States and studies by the U.S. EPA and the Ground Water Protection Council have confirmed no direct link between hydraulic fracturing operations and groundwater impacts.

There are multiple federal, state and local government rules addressing environmental protection during oil and gas operations, including the protection of water resources. These rules cover well permitting, well materials and construction, safe disposition of used hydraulic fracturing fluids, water testing, and chemical record keeping and reporting. In addition, API has created a guidance document on proper well construction and plans to release guidance documents outlining best-available practices for water use and management and protecting the environment during hydraulic fracturing operations.

Isn’t there a risk that hydraulic fracturing will use up an area’s water supplies? No. Local authorities control water use and can restrict it if necessary. In many areas, water is recycled and reused; in some cases companies pay for the water they use, which comes from a variety of sources. Water requirements for hydraulic fracturing are less than many other commercial and recreational uses. In Pennsylvania, for example, all the hydraulic fracturing activity taking place in 2009 used only 5 percent of the amount of water used for recreational purposes, like golf courses and ski slopes. State agencies manage water in a way that safeguards the water needs by nearby communities and protects the environment. Companies recycle and reuse much of the water.

Why should communities allow hydraulic fracturing? Besides the energy produced with little impact on the environment, communities benefit economically. July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Energy development creates jobs and generates millions of dollars in royalties, taxes and other revenues to federal, state, and local governments. It provides energy for U.S. industry, helps strengthen our economy locally and nationally, and helps contribute to higher disposable incomes.

How Hydraulic fracturing works. www.energyfromshale.org In a hydraulic fracturing job, “fracturing fluids” or “pumping fluids” consisting primarily of water and sand are injected under high pressure into the producing formation, creating fissures that allow resources to move freely from rock pores where it is trapped. Typically, steel pipe known as surface casing is cemented into place at the uppermost portion of a well for the explicit purpose of protecting the groundwater. The depth of the surface casing is generally determined based on groundwater protection, among other factors. As the well is drilled deeper, additional casing is installed to isolate the formation(s) from which oil or natural gas is to be produced, which further protects groundwater from the producing formations in the well. Casing and cementing are critical parts of the well construction that not only protect any water zones, but are also important to successful oil or natural gas production from hydrocarbon bearing zones. Industry well design practices protect sources of drinking water from the other geologic zone of an oil and natural gas well with multiple layers of impervious rock. While 99.5 percent of the fluids used consist of water and sand, some chemicals are added to improve the flow. The composition of the chemical mixes varies from well to well. In a hydraulic fracturing job, “fracturing fluids” or “pumping fluids” consisting primarily of water and sand are injected under high pressure into the producing formation, creating fissures that allow resources to move freely from rock pores where it is trapped. To view a video and gain a better understanding how hydraulic fracturing works, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YemKzEPugpk


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

A Few Days of Fracking, Decades of Oil and Gas Production


The process of bringing a well to completion is generally short-lived, taking only 70 to 100 days for a single well, after which the well can be in production for 20 to 40 years. The process for a single horizontal well typically includes four to eight weeks to prepare the site for drilling, four or five weeks of rig work, including casing and cementing and moving all associated auxiliary equipment off the well site before fracturing operations commence, and two to five days for the entire multi-stage fracturing operation. Once completed, the production site is reduced to about the size of a two-car garage. The remainder of the site is restored to its original condition and the environmental benefits, such as reduced air and greenhouse gas emissions, last for decades. Local impacts, such as noise, dust, and land disturbance, are largely confined to the initial phase of development.

Photo Courtesy of Joy Lawrance

The rut seems to be starting early this year. DANGER! NO SWIMMING NO BOATING

No Swimming, Boating or Wading in the Ponds Long standing District policy prohibits swimming, wading or boating at our community’s three ponds. Why? • Water is NOT Clean – Giardia, Bacteria, etc. • Ponds are Deep – No Lifeguard Protection Catch and Release Fishing is Okay with a District Issued Permit.


Let’s All Have a Safe Summer!

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Experienced Professional Painting Professional House Painters for Discerning Homeowners We’re Tall Pines Painting, a professional house painting company that specializes in interior painting, exterior painting, and other services for discerning homeowners from Evergreen, to Denver, to Arvada. Since 2005, Tall Pines Painting has been a good fit for homeowners who are looking for meticulous house painters who treat a house with care. Our homeowners have high standards. They value our attention to detail, our use of premium materials, and the respect that our professional painters show for their homes and yards.

Tall Pines Painting Promise We Will: • • • • •

Treat your home like it’s our own Communicate with you every step of the way Stick to a schedule Help you find the perfect color Deliver the best painting results for your home

Our team focuses on providing a worry-free experience and consistently high quality.

We’re proud to have earned:

20% off Interior Painting

• A+ rating with Denver BBB 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 • Angie’s List Super Service Award • Denver BBB Gold Star Award • Many great reviews from our customers.

Hurry, discount applies to the first 5 customers, so call today! 720-210-7643 www.tallpinespainting.com For the discount to apply, work must be scheduled during the month of November or December.

16910 South Golden Rd. Golden, CO 80403

www.tallpinespainting.com 30

Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Phone: 720-210-7643 | Fax: 303-421-4299 Email: bryan@tallpinespainting.com

Adopt a place in Riva Chase by Dale & Cheri Kinzler

Riva Chase residents love our beautiful neighborhood and your “adoptees” have been anxiously awaiting your attention. Please take a trash bag with you on your daily walk and pick up any trash that remains from our winter months. If any of you need a reminder about what street you have adopted or if you would like to sign up for a particular street or area, please let me know. Cheri Kinzler 948 Eastwood Drive (303) 526-2700


1. Sign up for at least one place; you may sign up for more than one. 2. Several families can sign up for the same place.


1. Trash pickup 2. Keep fire hydrants free of ice and snow in the winter months. 3. Report other concerns (such as maintenance issues, water leaks, dangerous conditions, etc.) to Christina Shea Blacklock Integrated Services, Inc. 1202 Bergen Parkway, Suite 314 Evergreen, CO 80439 303.526.4266 or Email: cherilkinzler@gmail.com

Streets marked in white still need “parents.” In addition, the park & playground needs a volunteer.

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Bible Study Next meeting September 18

Riva Chase Women’s Bible Study (My apologies to those who missed the kick off brunch on September 4. I did not get this issue out in time for advertisement. Roz)

We will kick off our fall study with a brunch to welcome newcomers and those interested in getting more information. All are welcome, even if you just want to visit. We will begin our study in the book of Acts on Thursday, September 18th at our normal meeting place: Colleen Brisben’s home 22545 Treetop Lane We will be using two books for this study, which can be ordered for the group: John Pollock’s The Apostle A Life of Paul Precepts study book The Holy Spirit Unleashed in You. Please contact Colleen with any questions: cbrisben3@comcast.net or 303.993.7040.


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

by Colleen Brisben

Fabulous skin in the new season What an exciting time this is for you and your esthetician! The days are getting shorter, cooler and the air is becoming dryer, now we can really be proactive in repairing any damage done by the long sunny summer days. All is not lost, this is a time of transition and the best skin care routines can repair and correct the damage done. Although we have worn our sunscreen and hats, there is no escaping the suns damaging effects, reflection off of the water, sand and pavement. Chlorine, saltwater, thick sunscreens and any sweat will all contribute to “not so great” conditions such a dull and sluggish complexion, along with discoloration and dehydration.

Conveniently located in the Genesee Town Center next door to the Hideaway. Recently voted The Best Of The Best in Waxing in Golden.

That’s why we are so anxious to get our hands on your lovely faces to deep clean, and exfoliate by sloughing off that dull skin; peel and exfoliate with a number of modalities to help unfold healthier, plumper, brighter, beautiful skin. We have an incredible line-up of back to school specials to start the process of repairing that damage to unfold fabulous, healthy and beautiful skin.

skin care & boutique 303.838.0499

Sometimes the best escapes are in your own backyard… ·Facials ·Waxing ·Microdermabrasion ·Micro Needling ·Massage ·Peels ·Dermaplaning ·Spray Tanning ·Botox/Fillers ·Boutique and Gift Items

Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off any Facial or Massage Buy 1 Get 1 Free Microdermabration Buy 1 Get 1 Free Dermaplaning Buy 1 Get 1 Free Rejuvapen Buy 1 Get 1 Free Spray Tan Call today for a free consultation or to make an appointment so that you too can have healthier more radiant skin. Sign up online at our web-site www. skincarebyzoe.com and receive a free Eyebrow Shaping.

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Genesee Mountain Fitness September 1, 2014


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Here at Genesee Mountain Fitness, we are celebrating our 7 year anniversary of being in business! Members and Non-Members, please stop by and check it out! Take advantage of our ONE DAY ONLY discounts:

Tami & Lisa, Co-Owners of Genesee Mountain Fitness

At Genesee Mountain Fitness we care about the health and fitness of our members. The mission of our fitness center is to help our members achieve their specific fitness goals. Whether you want to improve athletic performance, increase flexibility, shed a few pounds, strengthen core muscles or get in shape, we offer a range of member benefits that focus on you. Lisa Holland and Tami Poortman are co-owners of Genesee Mountain Fitness. They are dedicated to quality training, creating a peaceful environment, and one-on-one connections with our customers. At Genesee Mountain Fitness, we offer: Gym Membership with 24 hour access, Class ONLY Membership, Personal Training, Private and Group Pilates Reformer Training, Massage, Cardio and Weight Machines, Free Weights, Group Exercise Classes (Cycling, Barre Tone, Yoga, Pilates, Stretch, Silver Sneakers, Zumba, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)) We hope we will get the chance to meet you!


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

20% off all Personal Training Packages 20% off all Pilates Packages FREE body composition screening (Walk-ins Welcome!) New Pilates Clients ONLY: 5 Private Sessions for JUST $200!!!! (this package is good for ONLY 3 weeks) NO Enrollment for Gym Membership and Class ONLY Membership There will be FREE food and drinks!

Conveniently located in the Genesee Town Center: Genesee Mountain Fitness 25938 Genesee Trail Road, Ste #160 Golden, CO 80401 (303) 526-5997 www.geneseemoutainfitness.com

Directory A New Neighborhood Directory is in the works, but we need your help! We are in the process of creating a new Riva Chase neighborhood directory. The directory will be made available on the website in the login portion so that all of our contact information is protected. It will also be password protected. Once we have this digitally, we will update it continuously. You will have the ability to download it or access it at your leisure online, you’ll just need to remember the password which will be sent out with the new directory via email.

Welcome to the Neighborhood! Bernard and Shirley Mullins 22304 Anasazi Way

Please email the information below to rivareader@gmail.com I know some of you have already given me your information, and some of you filled out the form at the neighborhood picnic on clean up day. This is for those of you who have not provided me new information, you will be left out of the director y. Only provide me the information you wish to be published. If you do not provide me new information, I am assuming you do not want to be in the new directory, even if I have your old information.

Welcome to the Neighborhood! Chase Honnecke Sara Logan-Honnecke 22654 Anasazi Way

Thank you for your help and I appreciate your patience while I pull this together. Sincerely, Roz Birkelo Name Address Home Phone Cell Phone(s) (Whose belongs to whom) Email Address(s) (Whose belongs to whom) Name of Children (optional) Name of Pets / type (optional) Preferred method of contact Do you want to be in the directory? (Y/N) Do you wish to receive the Riva Reader (Y/N)

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Dinner, Cocktails and a Colorado Sunset! Visit Mount Vernon Country Club soon to see our new renovation. Schedule a tour and enjoy a complimentary cocktail or dessert on the Club’s new deck. Contact Linda, 303-526-3135 or Linda@mountvernoncc.com for membership information. Please visit our website for detailed information about your neighborhood club, www.mountvernoncc.com The club is opening its doors to the community for the events below. Please join us at any, or all of these entertaining events. MVCC’S FIFTH ANNUAL CAR SHOW - FREE, Sunday, 9/14, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, (Weather Permitting) Please call Nick to display your car, 303.526.3130. SKI TICKET EVENT! Tuesday, 9/23, 5:30 - 8:00 pm. Purchase Discounted Season Passes and Tickets!

FALL JAZZ SERIES AT THE CLUB 6 - 8 pm DINNER, 8 pm SHOW Jane Bunnett Jazz Concert, Friday, 9/19, Carmen Lundy Jazz Concert, Wednesday, 10/8. Dinner and concert $49.95; Concert only $20.00, both shows. The Fabulous Concert Jazz Orchestra, 19 Piece Jazz Ensemble, Directed by Franz Roehmann, Tuesday, October 7th. Some of the best jazz musicians in the Denver area! Dinner and show $39.95; Concert only $15.00 Reservations required for our jazz series 303.526.0616 by Linda McFarlin, Director of Marketing and Membership


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Neighbor to Neighbor Contractor Recommendations Recommendations will remain in the RR for two issues.


For kitchen or any other cabinetry, I had tremendous success with Pete Dumanovsky (303) 669-3940. His attention to detail was unparalleled, he did the work himself (not just managing a team), he works very hard, and his rate is reasonable. John Carpenter

Plumbing, Heating, Electrical

Comes highly recommended by Joy Lawrance. She can’t say enough good things about their service and their rates. Applewood, Ryan Ziehr | 303-328-3000


Greetings: My name is Gary Sohrweid and we live here at 730 Summerwood Drive. We just had a carpeted staircase converted into an oak staircase with black walnut inlay on the landing. The work is beautiful and of high quality. Two of my neighbors, also have had their floors refinished and new floors installed. We all have used ROONEY HARDWOOD FLOORS. We all endorse this Company whole heartedly and we all are Riva Chase property owners. Ph: 303-907-8604 Gary Sohrweid

General Contractors

Mile High Contractors | Contact MerriLou Flake 303.883.3866 They completely remodeled my master bathroom and did a great job. Quality workmanship, competitive prices, and great customer service. They are General Contractors and can perform all types of work at your home. Highly recommended. Brenda Shuler


We would like to recommend Caribou Contracting for your home remodel projects. We needed a lot of work done on the wood trim on our windows and framing around some doors all around our home and Josh, the owner of Caribou Contracting, did a great job replacing or fixing on the rotted/ broken wood trim and framing. Josh was a pleasure to work with - he was very responsive and reliable and got the job done when he promised. He took great pride in his workmanship and did a remarkable job. His company does all sorts of remodeling projects -- installation of basic trim to full additions and reconfigurations. Over the years his company has done a lot of kitchen and bath remodels and general home improvement, and they mainly work within a 20 mile radius of Golden. You can reach Josh at 800-452-0899 and his website is cariboucontracting.net. Patrick Green & Mashenka Lundberg

Tile Work / Remodel

My husband and I recently had our master bathroom remodeled and had extensive tile work done. We are very pleased with the work done by Al Thibodeaux with New Creations In Tile & Stone out of Evergreen. He was very meticulous and worked hard to exceed our expectations on our floor and shower of our bathroom. We will definitely be using him again for future tile work. Maureen and Erich Kirsch New Creations In Tile & Stone Al Thibodeaux | www.tileneeds.com Cell: 303-704-6716 | Office: 720-287-0236


This one is a must! In home massage. Jamie gives one of the best massages I have had and she brings her salon quality table with. Amazingly reasonable for this kind of service too. Jamie Schadel (303) 732-4223 / (303) 618-8691 Kay Talley


For any type of local moving (e.g. A Piece of Large Furniture). I had a good deal of success with Hediger Moving. The owner, Steven Hediger lives on Lookout Mountain, and he and his assistant did a careful job with a very large and heavy piece of furniture for me. His number is (303) 526-9105. John Carpenter


I can’t recommend John highly enough – he has done two of our homes, a rental property and many friend’s homes. He is not the least expensive but they do what they say and are top notch. John Williams | Ph: 303-864-9247 | Cell: 720-849-3921 Roy Roux


I’d like to add the name of our roofer of 17 years to the list of contractors used by a HOA. His name is Kent Eckhardt, company name: CRAFTECH Roofing, Inc. Cell: 720-313-0046. Ann Nutt

House Keeping

Lucinda Griffin is very thorough and reliable. She cleans a few homes here in Riva Chase. Phone # - 303-487-6136. Cell: 720-841-3863 Joy Lawrence

Carpet & Upholstery

Academy Services Corp. 303-279-7214. We have been using their services for over 20 years and have always been happy with their services. In addition to carpet and upholstery care, they also clean wood floors, stone floors, grout, and power wash decks and garage floors. Please give them a try! Karen Carson


I would recommend RCM Lawn and Landscape (303-232-5755), owned by Robert McCullough, who just did our yard. With Winston out of commission, it was he who mowed our lawn. Ann Nutt

Window Cleaning

We just had our windows cleaned last week by a new company and are very happy with their work. The name of the company is Restoration Window Cleaning, the owner is Shawn Sibert and his number is 303-917-5274. Gary & Karen Carson


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Who Ya Gonna Call? HOA Covenant Rules, Permissions & Enforcement Property grading and drainage Community Forum Cleanup Day & Spring Picnic Holiday Decorations Autumn Chili Cook-off / Fundraiser "Oh What Fun" Annual Dinner Annual Garage Sale Water and Sewer Tap Fee and Irrigation Permit Water Bill Water and Sewer Problems Roads and Signs Borders along Forest Hills and Eastwood Utility Easements Drainage Ditches Gate House, Front Signs & Gates Clickers Trails and Open Space Ponds Gazebo and Play Area Snow Plowing Public Landscaping Web Sites



Comments See covenants received with home purchase or go to this link to download them from the Riva Chase Website. http://rivachasehoa.com/index.php/homeowners/residential-standards

x x

Any change that affects road stability or community drainage

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x



Riva Reader

See District Rules and Regulations See District Rules and Regulations Only up to beginning of service lines See title documents Can be purchased through the HOA, but falls under FHMD

There are two different websites. One for the HOA & one for FHMD. The Riva Reader is provided as long as a volunteer is willing to take time to do it. It provides information for both the HOA and FHMD.

Balance Sheet provided by John Carpenter HOA Treasurer

Riva Chase HOA Balance Sheet Summary As of September 4, 2014

ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts Accounts Receivable Other Current assets Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Builder Deposit Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Total Liabilities & Equity

Total $43,886.16 0.00 784.00 $44,670.16 $44,670.16 6,500.00 -­‐6,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $44,670.16 $44,670.16

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Classified My name is Brock Schram, I am 9 years old, and I would love to watch your pets (with some help from my parents) when you’re not able to watch them. I will do a very good job to keep your pets safe and healthy. Contact Brock Schram at: 303-918-7425

HOME SERVICES Lawn work | Snow Shoveling Two ‘Local’ Boys Ages 10 and 8 • Lawn work - picking up pine cones, raking needles/leaves • Light snow shoveling walkways • Pet sitting - walking dogs, feeding pets • House sitting - water plants indoor/outdoor, checking on house Bryan and Adam Shuler 303-526-0817

Classified Ads are free for our residents. Please Email your ad to rivareader@ gmail.com. Ads can include services or items for sale. For classified, please contact rivareader@gmail.com To add your name to our mailing list, please contact the Riva Reader at rivareader@gmail.com

Please register your phone with CodeRed in Jefferson County to receive timely alerts and emergency information.


Riva Reader | July / August 2014

Credits EDITORIAL Managing Editor Creative Director Roz Birkelo

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Pam Bent Roz Birkelo Colleen Brisben John Carpenter Dana Inman Dale & Cheri Kinzler Joy Lawrance Ann Nutt Catherine Zoe Plant

If you have an article you’d like to write for our Riva Reader, please submit your article by Emailing rivareader@gmail.com To purchase ad space, the rates below apply to the digital output of the Riva Reader which will remain online indefinitely. Prices are per publication. Business Card $25 1/4 page $50 — 1/2 page $75 Full page $100 For information on advertising, please Email rivareader@gmail.com.

We’d love to hear from you! Send us comments, questions, or letters to the editor or submissions for consideration. Email to: Roz Birkelo rivareader@gmail.com (303) 506-713

If you haven’t registered for Riva Chase’s new website, you are missing out on valuable information! Please go here to register: http://rivachasehoa.com/index.php/login/register then verify your email address and log on. Click the “Secure Site” tab for things like our Neighborhood Directory and Neighborhood Pictures. Contact Karen Buelter if you have any questions or comments regarding the website. kbuelter@yahoo.com | www.rivachase.com

July / August 2014 | Riva Reader


Riva Chase is the best of all worlds.

You can easily access all that the greater Denver area has to offer. Yet still enjoy all the natural beauty, wildlife and tranquility found only in the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains. Live at Riva Chase. And make your dreams come true.

Exit #256, I-70 - south access Road heading West, on Genesee Ridge, and south on Forest Hills Drive. | www.rivachase.com


Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo

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