Riva Reader July 2013

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Riva Reader | July – August 2013

2 National Night Out

Jefferson Co. Sheriff’s Dept.


The Myth of the Poop Fairy


Clean up Day


Wildlife Photography


See the pictures

Followed by wildlife info

New Waste Service Company from WM to Alpine

Plus Riva Chase Real Estate Report Deputy Liaison Program Operation Paperback July / August 2013 | Riva Reader



Connect with neighbors

Keep the neig

Make it easy for neighbors to stay in touch and share useful local information.

Neighbors look other and send everyone safe.

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

RIVA CHASE HOA invites you to celebrate National Night Out August 6, 2013 A connected Neighborhood is a safer neighborhood.

ghborhood safe

Share goods and advice

k out for each d updates to keep

Trust neighbors for anything from borrowing a ladder to finding an awesome babysitter.

On Tuesday, August 6, 2013, Riva Chase HOA invites the residents of our community to organize and celebrate during the 2013 National Night Out by throwing a block party with your neighbors.

Help build positive relationships between neighbors and help promote the safety of our community. For more information about National Night Out, visit National Night Out at http://www.natw.org. July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


From the Editor

Roz Birkelo

One of the reasons I love living in the foothills, aside from the spectacular views and the proximity to anything outdoors you want to do such as hiking and skiing, is the wildlife. I absolutely love all the different species of animals we have up here and never tire of seeing them roaming our neighborhood, especially this time of year when all the babies are around! However, we need to be reminded that we live in a shared environment, one we need to take seriously, especially concerning those animals that are predators such as mountain lions, bears, and coyotes. And as fascinating as they are to observe, they can be a nuisance so I’ve decided to dedicate this issue to our furry friends, big and small. Let’s not forget that we have moved into their territory, so this issue is a reminder of how to enjoy their presence while protecting our properties and loved ones. On that note, I hope you enjoy the many pictures I have distributed throughout the issue. I’m also excited to share with you an article by Martin Pyykkonen, one of our residents, who agreed to share his passion of photography and how he photographs wildlife. He has shared some amazing photographs for our current issue and I want to thank him for taking the time to contribute such a useful and informative piece. In addition to the above, I also want to personally invite everyone to have a block party on August 6th in conjunction with National Night Out. My side of the neighborhood tries to get together a couple of times of year with block parties and holiday celebrations and it’s so comforting knowing your neighbors and feeling like you have people close by you can count on. The National Night Out event is aimed to do just that—bring communities together. A connected neighborhood is a safer neighborhood, and although we live in one of the lowest crime rate areas around, there are other reasons we need to stay connected such as early alert communication in the event of a wildfire. Do your part in keeping our community safe and connected. Plan a block party and help promote neighborhood camaraderie.

Roz is currently the Secretary for the HOA. She has a Bachelor in Arts and Art Education with an emphasis on Graphic Design. She is currently working as a Sr. Engineering Technician for the Bill Barrett Corporation in downtown Denver.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Warm regards,



July / August 2013

in every issue

Cover Photo Courtesy of Kay Talley


hoa president’s message


real estate report


fhmd report


board meeting minutes


financial report


riva reader mail


National Night Out, Aug. 6


decorating tips


Deputy Liaison


neighbor to neighbor


bible study news


in this issue


Clean up day photos


The Myth of the Poop Fairy

book club news


Annual Meeting


adopt a place


Wildlife Photography Tips


homes for sale


Wildlife Information




Operation Paperback


Alpine Waste Management


Fire Health / Fire Risk


RC Fire Mitigation

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Photo Courtesy of Martin Pyykkonen


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

President’s Message by Joy Lawrance

There are simply not enough thanks to go around to all the neighbors who participated in our recent Clean-Up Day. If I start to name names, I’m sure to leave someone out, so I will just say that YOU know who you are, and LOTS of people know what you did! From the intensive thinning along Eastwood, to the BBQ picnic….it takes a lot of effort, and it is more appreciated than you can realize.

Joy Lawrance President, Riva Chase HOA

Because of the massive effort to thin trees for fire mitigation, it’s been suggested that we separate that event from CleanUp Day in the future. According to sources who have inspected Riva Chase there is still much that needs to be done. In light of the disastrous fires Colorado has had so far this year, I know that everyone is keen to protect our beautiful neighborhood as much as possible. To all our new neighbors, a hearty welcome to Riva Chase! We try very hard to make sure that we get current homeowner information (phones/emails) – and if you feel you have been overlooked, please let us know. Please know that you are always welcome to attend any board meeting. They don’t last long, and we always look forward to having our neighbors attend. I appreciate the continued support I get from the board, and from many of you in the community.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Riva Chase RealtoEstate Statistics Pricing Your Home Get Top Dollar prepared by Jerry Ballard

Your Listing Price Determines the Buyer Traffic 2013 Year to Date Sales Statistics - Foothills Communities Homes/Townhomes Sold - 2013 YTD Riva Chase Genesee Paradise Hills/Lookout Mtn Spring Ranch North Evergreen (All) Average Days on Market Riva Chase Genesee Paradise Hills/Lookout Mtn Spring Ranch North Evergreen (All)

$300K-$399K 1* 2 0 Asking Price 0 34

10 to 15% above market 196

Market Value

Average Net Price (ALL SALES) Riva Chase Genesee Paradise Hills/Lookout Mtn Spring Ranch North Evergreen (All)

90 N/A N/A 73

$682K * $628K $724 $1.01 Mil $523K

$400K-$499K 0 11 0 0 28

$500K-$599K 0 7 1 0 20

N/A 121 N/A N/A 79

71 9 N/A 153

10% N/A

* Includes Townhome Sale

$600K-$699K $700K-$799K 1 0 13 10 2 0 0 2 Percentage of16 12

Prospective Buyers Willing to Look At 152 N/A Your 64 Home 105 65 N/A 84

N/A 173 114

$800K-$899K 1 0 0 0 7 570 N/A N/A N/A 259

$900K-$999K $1 Mil + 0 0 Percentage of 1 2 Price0Retained 1 from 030 to 120 2 2 9


N/A 344 N/A N/A 17

N/A 13 10 219 366


The Buyer 10% Below Pool 90% Showings and sales were stronger under the mid $700K level. Interest rates are rising now and can have a significant effect on afford-

All data taken from METROLIST, INC.® Denver, Colorado

ability for buyers. Sellers that are contemplating the sale of their home may want to give strong consideration to excellerating their schedule considering the effects that rising interest rates will have on the sales price of their home, even while demand remains fairly strong and inventory levels are low.

There are several factors that determine the success of selling a home at the highest possible market price. One of the primary 22294 factors isAnasazi pricing theWay home correctly. This graphic is a representation of what a seller can expect as a result of what price they list their home at. The most successful sellers price their home to attract the largest pool of buyers in the market value range. Sellers that are highly motivated by timing alone may chose to price their home at the lower end or below market value to achieve a fast sale. On the other end of the scale, it is always tempting to price the home above market value in hopes that a “special” buyer will come along and fall in love with the home. That strategy is rarely successful. In fact, the home may eventually be stigmatized from being on the market for a significant number of days without an offer. Buyers, as well as Prepared wrong by Jerry 7/5/2013 agents may begin to perceive that there is something with the home. Over time, the seller usually comes to the realization that their expectations may have been unrealistic and they adjust the price closer to market value. At this point, the excitement by potential buyers and agents is usually passed and that traffic has already left to purchase other properties. If the seller has a mortgage, many times the difference between overpricing and actual market value is the interest the seller paid while the home remained on the market. Keep in mind, if that “special” buyer does show up, the home will still have to make it through the appraisal process for the buyer’s mortgage. Don’t make that mistake. Have your Realtor determine the real market value by carefully Listed By: Ballard Professionals compiling a comparables market analysis and set up a tour to show you competing homes on the market. These actions will help you can determine how to achieve the highest market price in the shortest period of time. - jb

Recently Sold

Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Al Kai & Luz Aragon Pablo & Victoria 22294 Anasazi Way

Ballard Professionals

Real Estate Group, Inc. BallardProfessionals@comcast.net


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Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Page 1

Jerry & Debbie Ballard Service ~ Ethics ~ Knowledge 5280 Magazine Five-Star Real Estate Professionals Award 2011, 2012 & 2013 #1 in Riva Chase Home Sales - Providing our Friends and Neighbors with Professional Real Estate Services

Deputy Liaison Program

by Deputy M.B. Harris

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office developed the Deputy Liaison program in 2004 as a way to improve communication between our department and our citizens. Through the Deputy Liaison program, precinct deputies are assigned to certain homeowner associations (HOAs), apartment complexes and businesses. Liaison deputies are responsible for making consistent, periodic contact with assigned groups to stay informed about community concerns or unresolved issues. The information gathered from the deputies’ frequent contact with community groups will assist each deputy and the Sheriff’s Office as a whole in addressing the concerns and needs of the community through partnership with law enforcement. It also provides another conduit through which the Sheriff’s Office can communicate crime and safety information to the county’s residents. Through the SMART Jeffco process, we can then identify problems, establish action plans and measure progress. I think the program goes back to our mission statement: The mission of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is to work in partnership with our diverse communities in providing excellence of service, criminal justice

education and to promote mutual trust and respect. As far as your liaison, I have been with the Sheriff’s Office for about 15 years. I returned to patrol last year after being assigned to the Directed Operations Unit, which is a small unit tasked with dealing with career criminals. I have been apart of the liaison program since it began again in 2004. Vacation checks are a service that the Sheriff’s Office provides to citizens, free of charge. You can call 303 -271-0211 (the non emergency number for the Sheriff’s Office). A deputy will be dispatched to call you back. We will obtain some information over the phone such as contact numbers, days gone, etc. The vacation check goes into an electronic district book, that we access via computer. The check will list the dates and times of checks, as well as information regarding the check (i.e. the contact information or things of note).

Deputy M.B. Harris 1200 Jefferson County Sheriff ’s Office Patrol Division, North Precinct 200 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, CO 80401 Dispatch 303.271.0211

Canyon Area Residents for the Environment (CARE) is the umbrella homeowner’s group serving a community of 10,000 people living on the 5 mountains bordering Mt. Vernon Canyon west of Golden, Colorado in unincorporated Jefferson County. Our Purpose is to preserve and enhance our community and environment. For more information: www.carejeffco.org July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Clean-up, 2013

by Winston Nutt

A Big thank you to everyone

BRAVO ZULU . . . . Navy speak for WELL DONE, an apt summation of our 2013 Cleanup efforts. Note that this article is titled Cleanup 2013 and not Cleanup Day, an archaic misnomer that’s no longer descriptive. Cleanup 2013 began with fire mitigation (tree thinning) six weeks prior to June 8th and continued a week beyond until the last of the slash was removed from Eastwood Drive. Dick Shaw organized and led a group of ten volunteers who, armed with knowledge gained from a forest service consultant by Dick and Ted Laves, thinned trees during several weekends. This protracted effort helped protect our water tank along with its control facility, and Eastwood Drive, a major egress route. Obvious confirmation that Cleanup 2013 was a success was the huge amount of slash collected compared to years past, the most since Cleanup’s inception in 1999. In addition to common area tree thinning, homeowners participated in fire mitigation by clearing their own properties. Some statistics: Last year we utilized one chipper and filled two 30 yard rolloff containers to overflowing. This year we utilized 3 chippers, filled two 40 yard rolloffs and a total of 6 ½ trim truck loads averaging 13 cu. yds. each. The previous collection record (2012) was 62 cubic yards (9.8 tons). 2013 collection totaled 164 cu. yds. Including 104 cu. yds. (16.4 tons) on June 8th and an additional 60 cu. yds. (9.5 tons) on June 13th and 14th a grand total of (25.9 tons). That’s 2.6 times the previous record, or 51,800 10

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

pounds of slash that was lifted, dragged and chipped by your neighbors in support of the community. More than 30 volunteers, (too many to include and fearful that I might miss some will not be mentioned here) appeared on cleanup day. Thanks to all who volunteered. Ron Kordof assumed responsibility for disposing of the remainder the week following cleanup day. On very short notice, a dozen volunteers appeared to chip slash on the 13th, and the job was finished on the 14th, with just two volunteers, Ron and Gary Sohrweid, who along with two Schulhoff employees, disposed of 33 cu. yds. (5.2 tons). Well done super-volunteers Ron and Gary—and many thanks.

Cleanup is and has been a community effort for 15 years. Approximately 17% of the residents participate in Cleanup most years and many of the same faces, albeit somewhat older looking, appear year after year. Honorable mention to those who performed specific tasks including Dick Shaw, Ron Kordof, Gary Sohrweid and Jerry Ballard who volunteered their vehicles to pull trailers. Roz Birkelo was our resident photographer for the second consecutive year (be sure to wear serviceable pants that won’t split if Roz is around).

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Tuesday, August 6th Organize a block party on your street And get to know your neighbors. www.natw.org

EDITORIAL Managing Editor / Creative Director Roz Birkelo Our annual guard house cleanup makes a good first impression for visitors. The guard house gang, led by Leslie Mack, beautified the guard house area, this year substituting 30 bags of rubberized mulch in lieu of plants. If the ubiquitous deer take a liking to rubberized mulch, we’ll need to re-think it again next year. An outstanding picnic was planned and set up by John Carpenter, his daughter Cassidy, Betsy Christiansen and Colleen Brisben. The food and beverage selection along with the setup were excellent. Thanks for a great job. Potpourri. The community’s cleanup effort took a big stride toward fire mitigation again this year. By noon, Saturday, we simultaneously ran out of storage capacity and Schulhoff employee time. In neither respect could we have processed more on Saturday which is why the chipping was continued to the following week. One volunteer was overheard at the picnic describing the great bonding experience cleanup provides; if you haven’t volunteered in the past, please consider doing so in the future. Forest Hills Metro District has agreed to share a portion of the costs associated with chipping and hauling. Finally, our community efforts have been recognized outside the community; the following was forwarded by Adam Goldman: “I have been keeping informed on the mitigation progress through Adam Goldman. Your community is doing an excellent job. Please let everyone involved know how very much it is appreciated by the fire district.” Brian J. Zoril, Fire Chief Foothills Fire Protection District

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Judy Bertrand Roz Birkelo Colleen Brisben Deena Green M.B. Harris Bryan Kelly Dale & Cheri Kinzler Ron Kordof Joy Lawrance Jacqueline Pedlow Martin Pyykkonen Dick Shaw Christina Shea Winston Nutt Andrea Webber

We’d love to hear from you! Send us comments, questions, or letters to the editor or submissions for consideration. EMail to: Roz Birkelo rivareader@gmail.com (303) 506-713

For classified, please contact rivareader@gmail.com To add your name to our mailing list, please contact the Riva Reader at rivareader@gmail.com

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader



Riva Reader | July / August 2013

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


The Myth of the Poop Fairy

Republished from: Jeffco.us

Like the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot, the fabled poop fairy has been the stuff of legend. Flying undetected in parks, neighborhoods and schoolyards, she was said to follow close behind dogs and their owners, picking up what the dog left behind before flying off to the next canine creation. A widespread belief that she existed seemed to reassure some that cleaning up after one’s dog was optional.

stream corridors. Humans who come in contact with creek water can also face health hazards.

In response to a growing number of poop piles, and a growing number of citizen complaints, the Jefferson County Animal Control office has partnered with local park districts and homeowner associations to bring you this public service announcement:

*Part 3 Regulations, Chapter 5 Animals, Section 1, D4h

4. County Ordinances Require Cleanup Jefferson County ordinances* make “failure to clean up dog feces in public places” a petty offense with a fine of at least $30. Many local park districts have similar regulations and fines.

The Poop Fairy Campaign Volunteers are available to provide poop bags and flyers and to speak with residents about the importance of keeping our parks and trails poop-free.

The Facts About Dog Poop 1. Dog Poop Doesn’t Biodegrade Like Wild Animal Poop Because we feed our dogs food that’s different from the food wild animals eat, dog waste does not biodegrade quickly like wild animal waste. And due to the large number of pets in suburban neighborhoods and local parks, this hardy dog waste accumulates. 2. Dog Poop Parasites




How You Can Help Please share this message with your friends and neighbors. Together, we can debunk the poop fairy myth and clean up our county. _________________________ Riva Chase Poop Bags You’ll notice that there are poop bag dispensers distributed in our neighborhood. Won’t you please do your part and pick up after your pet? _________________________

Dog waste can contain harmful organisms like E. coli, Giardia, Salmonella, roundworms, hookworms, and Cryptosporidium. These can be passed on to you or your pet and may cause health problems. 3. Dog Waste Pollutes Groundwater, Water Bodies Bacteria in dog waste can harm water quality in creeks and rivers and alter the ecosystems of these


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Like the Poop Fairy on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/ thereisnopoopfairy

There is no poop fairy.

Please clean up after your dog. Dog waste doesn’t biodegrade like wild animal waste. It sticks around for a long time. Meanwhile, it contains harmful bacteria, pollutes groundwater, and smells disgusting on the bottom of a shoe. Please help keep parks, trails and neighborhoods free of poop piles by packing out your dog’s waste. A message from Jefferson County Animal Control and your local park district. July / August 2013 | Riva Reader Visit http://animalcontrol.jeffco.us


Riva Reader Mail This is a nation that succeeds at maintaining and growing successful non-profit organizations through the dedicated work of volunteers. Riva Chase is the community it is because of those of our neighbors who selflessly serve through the HOA and the Metro District. My thanks to each of you who have given of your time and talent this past year and for your continuing commitment to the future well-being of our community. New West Institute LLC Bruce Vincent, Principal 740 Summerwood Drive, Golden, CO 80401-9277 303-638-2426

Riva Reader | July / August 2013 Photo of Roz Birkelo 16Courtesy

Annual Meeting

by Ron Kordof

Recap and information Your Annual Meeting for the homeowners of Riva Chase was held on Wednesday evening, June 19th, at the home of Ann and Winston Nutt. While homeowner attendance was on the lean side we did have the requisite minimum 10% of homeowners present and voting for the new Board of the Home Owner Association (HOA). There were no new volunteers to serve on the Board and all current Board Members were re-elected for another year. The meeting started by introducing our new Deputy Sheriff, Mike Harris, who was most anxious to help under any and all circumstances, explaining the variety of services he and his department can provide, including a periodic check of houses during vacation absence. Any of you who meet Mike will find him most amiable and eager to serve the community. Ann Nutt gave a report on the Architectural Control Committee (ACC); John Carpenter reported on the HOA finances; and Kathy Harms reported on new homeowners—all of which were fairly routine reports. Ted Laves of the FHMD board also gave an interesting update, which explained the issues surrounding the repairs to the Eastwood gate and associated pavement. He also introduced our new manager, Christina Shea of Blacklock Integrated Services Inc., whose office is in Evergreen and who we are likely to see much more often in this area, compared with her predecessor. One particular issue Ted brought up is the unfortunate disposal of paper towels in toilets that wind up clogging the sewer system. If any of you have house maids you might check to see if they’re aware that such a practice is not very helpful. Thank you. Winston gave a report on the Clean-up Day and all the statistics that showed something like a 275% increase in the amount of slash that needed to be disposed of this year. As most of you may be

aware, we had to call for extra volunteer help and spent nearly another week in getting the chipping and removal job done. There was a brief mention of the possibility of rethinking the whole Clean-up and Picnic Day in the future, and separating it from what is clearly becoming a fire mitigation issue for the community as a whole, as distinguished from simple yard debris. No doubt there will be more discussion on this in the coming months and you are all encouraged to participate in the deliberation and decision process—after all, it’s your homes and your personal safety that’s at stake. The Board has been reviewing options and bids on who should be the community waste and recycling contractor, since the services provided by Waste Management (after the purchase of Evergreen Disposal) have resulted in numerous complaints. The Board has notified Waste Management that their services will not be needed after July 31st and our new provider is Alpine Waste and Recycling (a local company from Evergreen) effective August 1st. More information will follow. Proposals to continue the Neighborhood Watch program and participation in National Night Out were also made and approved – more information will follow. A hard copy of the Riva Reader was presented for all to see. Our very own Roz Birkelo has done an outstanding job in putting it together, as you have seen so far in the online content. The hard copy got rave reviews and we may be exploring the feasibility of printing and distribution of an abbreviated shortened version that will help promote the message of what a desirable community we have here, and that will help with our unique form of branding (compared with Genesee or Lookout Mountain). That should enhance potential home buyer interest in Riva Chase, which in turn can result in preserving and increasing our property values. July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Wildlife Photos

by Martin Pyykkonen

Photography tips / Camera settings

The best equipment set-up for wildlife, not surprisingly, is a digital SLR (DSLR) camera and a long enough lens to get wildlife detail from a distance. A new breed of camera in recent years are all-inone “super-zoom” cameras (also known as bridge cameras). All of the major camera makers have one in their line-up and they can go up to an equivalent of 700mm or higher. They’ve been marketed as great vacation cameras (one camera with a noninterchangeable lens) and offer the next best thing to a DSLR with a long lens. If you have a more basic point and shoot, you should still have reasonable telephoto zoom range to pull in for a tighter wildlife shot if the animal is within your property or nearby.

We all live here in an area that is abundant in wildlife. Along with action and sports photography of my kids, wildlife has been my favorite area of photography since moving into Riva Chase twelve years ago. Here you can see a few of the wildlife photos I’ve taken over the past few years (I admit the leopard was not in Riva Chase!) There are a lot of things to consider, but I think most people can get decent photos with a few key things to keep in mind, including; • Have your camera nearby and ready to shoot (best with a long lens and monopod) • Set a few key things to be best ready for moving wildlife (lens, shutter speed, ISO) • Try to get as a sharp a photo as possible with the camera (sharpening later is limited)


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

The best tip I can give is what may sound obvious, but even I’ve missed a few shots because of not being ready. The wildlife won’t make appointment or give any advance notice for you, so be ready with a camera ready to fire! The elk in the photo sat on our neighbor’s lawn for awhile so that was easy, but I caught the fox looking guilty after it had found an open box of cupcakes after an outdoor party was over. The fox froze in place for just a second for me to get the shot before it ran away. A monopod is also great have to have handy. You’ll need some support to hold a camera with long lens and a monopod is more nimble and flexible than a tripod for wildlife. I also always use a monopod for my kids’ sports from the sidelines. Monopods are much less expensive that good tripods, and I think they’re well worth the investment if you like action, sports or wildlife photography. I try to keep a camera ready with a long lens out in the open in the house (not stuffed in a camera bag) and ready to grab on short notice. I also recommend having it set right for the most likely lighting conditions.

Most of the time, the more interesting wildlife is seen near dawn or dusk, so your camera should be set to a higher ISO setting. The ISO number range for your camera is effectively the equivalent of “film speed”, or its ability to see to shoot in lower light. The higher the ISO number, the faster it is or in other words is able to shoot in lower light. If you’ve bought a DSLR or superzoom point and shoot within the last 2-3 years, you should be able to set the ISO in a range of 1200-1600 or even higher and get good quality shots in lower light conditions. I also recommend that you don’t go at the highest ISO rating your camera has, because then you can get “digital noise” (which is the same as film grain or that snowy white look on an old TV – now, I’m really dating myself!).Also, you can probably leave the camera on “program” or “auto” and you’ll get acceptable photos, but a better way is to shoot in aperture priority with the lens aperture wide open (typically f2.8 or f4, depending on your lens), which will give you the fastest shutter speed available to minimize motion blur (and will also blur the background which is effective to isolate wildlife subjects). This latter point doesn’t work as well if an animal is coming quickly towards you because of auto-focusing limits, but I guess if it’s a bear coming towards you, you’re probably not standing still to take a photo! I recently missed getting a good quality shot of a bear at 5:30AM crossing in the backyard because although my camera was handy, I didn’t have it properly set for low light conditions.

Another tip is regarding “white balance”. There is a lot to this, but one simple thing to do for vibrant color with wildlife is set your camera’s white balance to ‘cloudy’. This is essentially tricking the camera so that it adds more color saturation to compensate for what you’ve told it is a cloudy day. If you just leave your camera on a default setting, the photos will often look flat and lack the vibrant color that your eyes see. Depending on your specific camera, there may also be a “landscape” setting in one of the scene modes, which in most cases should accomplish the same thing as cloudy. One final techie tip is regarding “high dynamic range” (HDR). This refers to trying to balance lighting when it’s mixed and there is a high contrast range between sun and shade/shadows. Near dawn and dusk this isn’t an issue, but if it happens to be mid-day and there is bright sun and say a deer in the shade of trees, the lighting will be harder to balance. It’s just within the last year or so that digital cameras have become much better at HDR. Check your camera, and if there is an “auto-HDR” setting, go ahead and enable it so you’re prepared to shoot.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Photo Courtesy of Cheri Kinzler

Photo Courtesy of Diana Myers Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Reper

Photo Courtesy of Kathy Harms

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Photo Courtesy of Elena Sewalk


Photo Courtesy of Cheri Kinzler

Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo Photo Courtesy of Colleen Brisben

Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo

Photo Courtesy of Cheri Kinzler

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader

Photo Courtesy of Joy Lawrance


Wildlife Information Do not feed the animals

information compiled from the Jeffco Sheriff’s website

Nuisance Wildlife Assistance Colorado is known for its abundant wildlife, and animals inevitably find their way into our communities. While most people are fascinated or delighted when wildlife, such as deer or elk, wander into their neighborhoods, these incidents can cause serious problems—for instance, when a coyote is stalking your pet or a raccoon manages to claw its way into an attic. Jefferson County Animal Control Officers are not authorized or trained to handle nuisance wildlife; however, there are many resources available, nonprofit and for-profit, to manage the situation. For a list of such agencies, please visit the Jefferson County Sheriff’s web page at http://jeffco.us/sheriff/ animal-control/wildlife/

Dead Animal Removal Animal control officers often remove stray, dead animals from the road or residential/commercial property as a courtesy to citizens if the animal weighs less than 100 pounds. If reaching the animal is deemed unsafe or otherwise prohibitive, officers will not attempt to remove it. Large Dead Animal Removal Colorado State Patrol 303-239-4501

(bats, skunks, raccoons, etc.) known to transmit this incurable disease to pets and people. All dogs must be vaccinated after reaching 6 months of age. Keep the rabies certificate as proof of current vaccination for licensing and proof of ownership.

Coyotes in the Front Range Coyotes are extremely adaptable and can thrive in urban areas. From downtown Denver to the smallest suburb, coyotes are not new to residential communities. They can and will be found in any neighborhood that provides their basic needs – food, water, shelter and space. Be prepared to protect yourself and your pets.

When are Coyotes a Risk to You? Although naturally curious, coyotes are usually timid animals and normally run away if confronted. Coyote attacks on humans are rare. In many cases these attacks occur as a result of people feeding coyotes. Coyotes have adequate food supplies and are capable of surviving in the city without our help. A coyote that associates humans with food may become demanding and aggressive. A coyote that bites a person must be destroyed. By feeding coyotes you put yourself, the neighborhood and coyotes at risk. It is unlawful to feed or intentionally attract coyotes in Jefferson County [CPW regulation #021].

For emergencies Involving Wildlife on the Roadway On County Roads Jefferson County Road and Bridge 303-271-5200 State Highways Colorado State Highway Department 303-757-9514

Report people feeding coyotes to Colorado Parks and Wildlife at 303-291-7227.


If a coyote attacks a human

Jefferson County is the home of many wildlife species 22

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

If you have an incident with a coyote If a coyote attacks your pet, or if you have an unexpected encounter with a coyote in which the animal appears aggressive, please report the incident to Animal Control at 303-271-5070 or 303-277-0211 after normal business hours.

In the case of a coyote attack on a human, call 911. The

Photo Courtesy of Cheri Kinzler

Sheriff’s Office will respond and will notify the Division of Wildlife so that DOW can track and/or destroy the animal.

Avoiding Coyote Conflicts – Be Prepared If you have concerns about encountering a coyote, you may want to keep a deterrent handy. Deterrents can include rocks, pots and pans, vinegar in a water gun, air horns or a repellent spray.

Why are they Here? Residential areas provide habitat for coyotes. Plentiful food sources exist, such as mice, rabbits and voles. These small animals feed on birdseed, berries and garbage, which are commonly found and easily accessible. Shelter and water can be found in landscaped parks and yards. Space is plentiful throughout parks, trails and natural areas. As coyotes have adapted to the presence of humans, they have lost their natural fear of us.

What Attracts Coyotes to Your Neighborhood? Coyotes are attracted to neighborhoods due to the

availability of garbage, pet food and even pets, which coyotes see as prey. The following list illustrates some of the attractants that draw coyotes close to people. Remove these attractants to discourage coyotes from visiting your property: • Outdoor pet food or water • Birdseed or food sources that attract small mammals • Accessible garbage or compost • Fallen fruit or berries from trees or shrubs • Shrubs, woodpiles, decks or any other structure that can provide cover or be used as a den • Dogs and cats allowed to roam free, and/or female dogs in heat

Discourage a Coyote’s Approach Every citizen can help both people and coyotes by taking action to re-instill them with a healthy and natural fear of people. Clap your hands, yell, honk an air horn or throw small rocks or sticks when you see coyotes so they can relearn to avoid humans.

Be as big and loud as possible July / August 2013 | Riva Reader



Wildlife: continued from page 23 • Wave your arms, clap and throw objects at the coyote • Shout in a loud and authoritative voice • Do not run or turn your back on the coyote • Face the coyote and back away slowly

information c


Teach Your Children Never approach wild animals or dogs you don’t know! If a coyote approaches you, wave your arms, stomp your feet and tell it loudly to go away!

Call for help If the animal doesn’t leave, walk out of the area, keeping the animal in your sight.

How Can you Protect your Pet? Coyotes may view domestic pets as a food source, and large dogs as a threat or possible mate. Coyotes have taken pets from backyards, open spaces and even right off the leash. Keep your pet current on vaccinations. Reduce the risk to your pet by following these guidelines:

Cat Owners The only way to guarantee your cat’s safety is to keep it indoors. Outdoor cats also face potential death from cars, diseases, foxes, parasites, raccoons, dogs and birds of prey, such as owls.

Dog Owners • Always supervise your pet outside, especially at dawn and dusk. • Keep your dog on a short leash while recreating avoid retractable leashes. • Do not allow your dog off leash. • Do not allow your dog to play or interact with a coyote. • If possible, pick up your dog when coyotes are visible. • Avoid known or potential den sites and thick vegetation. Like domestic dogs, coyotes will defend their territory and their young. • If you must leave your dog outside, secure it in a fully enclosed kennel. See the Jefferson County Sheriff’s website for more information: http://jeffco.us/sheriff/animal-control/wildlife/ 24

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Do not feed the deer It is illegal in Colorado to intentionally place or distribute feed, salt blocks or other attractants for big-game animals. This problem is mainly associated with deer. “People who feed deer do more harm than good,” said Trina Lynch, a district wildlife manager with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife. According to Lynch, there are several reasons why a Colorado law passed in 1992 makes it illegal to feed big game animals. One important reason is that deer are the primary prey of mountain lions. “Concentrating deer by feeding can attract mountain lions well within the city limits. It may become necessary to kill these lions for public safety,” she said. The normal feeding behavior of big game animals allows them to spread out as they graze or browse. Artificial feeding disrupts that behavior and prompts deer to crowd together in small areas where they are more likely to be chased by dogs and hit by cars. For more information, please visit the CP&W website.

When Mountain Lions Meet People Mountain lions are generally calm, quiet, and elusive. They tend to live in remote, primitive country. Lions are most commonly found in areas with plentiful deer and adequate cover. Such conditions exist in mountain subdivisions, urban fringes, and open spaces. Consequently, the number of mountain lion/ human interactions has increased. This increase is likely due to a variety of reasons—more people

rado Parks and Wildlife

compiled from the CP&W Website:


Photo from the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website.

moving into lion habitat, increase in deer populations and density, presumed increase in lion numbers and expanded range, more people using hiking and running trails in lion habitat, and a greater awareness of the presence of lions.

If you encounter a mountain lion People rarely get more than a brief glimpse of a mountain lion in the wild. Lion attacks on people are rare, with fewer than a dozen fatalities in North America in more than 100 years. Most of the attacks were by young lions, perhaps forced out to hunt on their own and not yet living in established areas. Young lions may key in on easy prey, like pets and small children. No studies have been done to determine what to

do if you meet a lion. But based on observations by people who have come upon lions, some patterns of behavior and response are beginning to emerge. With this in mind, the following suggestions may be helpful. Remember: Every situation is different with respect to the lion, the terrain, the people, and their activity. • When you walk or hike in mountain lion country, go in groups and make plenty of noise to reduce your chances of surprising a lion. A sturdy walking stick is a good idea; it can be used to ward off a lion. Make sure children are close to you and within your sight at all times. Talk with children about lions and teach them what to do if they meet one. • Do not approach a lion, especially one that is July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


• •

feeding or with kittens. Most mountain lions will try to avoid a confrontation. Give them a way to escape. Stay calm when you come upon a lion. Talk calmly yet firmly to it. Move slowly. Stop or back away slowly, if you can do it safely. Running may stimulate a lion’s instinct to chase and attack. Face the lion and stand upright. Do all you can to appear larger. Raise your arms. Open your jacket if you’re wearing one. If you have small children with you, protect them by picking them up so they won’t panic and run. If the lion behaves aggressively, throw stones, branches or whatever you can get your hands on without crouching down or turning your back. Wave your arms slowly and speak firmly. What you want to do is convince the lion you are not prey and that you may in fact be a danger to the lion. Fight back if a lion attacks you. Lions have been driven away by prey that fights back. People have fought back with rocks, sticks, caps or jackets, garden tools and their bare hands successfully. Remain standing or try to get back up!

Who do you call? The Colorado Division of Wildlife is responsible for managing, conserving, and protecting wildlife. Your concerns about wildlife are our concerns as well. If you have an encounter with a lion or an attack occurs, immediately contact the Division of Wildlife, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm, as listed below. Before or after these hours, contact the Colorado State Patrol or your local Sheriff’s department. To report a sighting, please contact the Division during normal business hours. Your information is very valuable to us. Division of Wildlife Headquarters (Denver): 303-297-1192, or Northeast Region CPW Office (Denver): 303-291-7227

For more information on Mountain Lions There is an informative video on mountain lions on the CP&W website.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Living with Bears Today, bears are sharing space with a growing human population. Curious, intelligent, and very resourceful, black bears will explore all possible food sources. If they find food near homes, campgrounds, vehicles, or communities, they’ll come back for more. Bears will work hard to get the calories they need, and can easily damage property, vehicles, and homes. Bears that become aggressive in their pursuit of an easy meal must often be destroyed. Every time we’re forced to destroy a bear, it’s not just the bear that loses. We all lose a little piece of the wildness that makes Colorado so special. So please, get the information you need, and share it with your friends, neighbors, and community. If you need more, we’re here to help!

Help Keep Bears Wild Get in the habit of being bear-responsible. It’s like recycling—at first it’s a little extra effort, but soon it becomes a better way to live. And you can be proud you’re helping to make Colorado a better place for people and bears. • Don’t feed bears, and don’t put out food for other wildlife that attracts bears. • Be responsible about trash and bird feeders. • Burn food off barbecue grills and clean after each use. • Keep all bear-accessible windows and doors closed and locked, including home, garage and vehicle doors. • Don’t leave food, trash, coolers, air fresheners or anything that smells in your vehicle. • Pick fruit before it ripens, and clean up fallen fruit. • Talk to your neighbors about doing their part to be bear-responsible. • If You See a Bear • If a bear comes near your home, do your best to chase it away. Yell, blow a whistle, clap your hands, and make other loud noises. But never approach or corner a bear.

Won’t you do your part?

C O L O R A D O PA R K S & W I L D L I F E

Keep Bears Wild Pledge Take the pledge and get this window decal for your home.

We understand that when bears learn to use human food sources, they can damage property, and may become aggressive. These bears often must be destroyed. We know that only people can prevent problems with bears. We commit to doing our part to keep bears wild.

We pledge to: q Store our trash in a bear-resistant container or enclosure or put trash out only the morning of pickup, not the night before. q Feed birds only when bears are hibernating, or q Bring our bird feeders in every night while bears are active (generally April through mid-November) or hang them 10 feet off the ground and 10 feet from anything bears can climb. q Store our pet food, bird seed and livestock feed inside in a secure area. q Lock bear-accessible doors and windows in our house, garage, car and outbuildings at night and when we leave home. q Keep our garage door closed, even when we’re home. q Keep food, beverages, scented toiletries, candles and other attractants out of the sight, smell and reach of bears. q Keep no food, trash, air fresheners, coolers or scented products in our car. q Bear-proof our compost area, or we won’t compost food scraps.

Name(s): ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signature (s): ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Telephone: ( _______ ) _______________________________ Area Code

Bear Aware Volunteer (if known): ________________________ ___________________________________________________

q Clean our BBQ grills after each use or store them inside.

District Wildlife Manager (if known): _____________________

q Pick any fruit before it ripens and pick up fallen fruit promptly.


q Keep our unattended pets and livestock in a secure enclosure at night.

Please detach and keep the bottom copy and mail the original to: Bear Aware Program, Education Section, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216, and we’ll send you your Keep Bears Wild window decal.

q Share information about bear-proofing with our neighbors and friends.

Visit www.state.co.us/bears for more information on living and playing in bear country.

Colorado ParKS & Wildlife • 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 • (303) 297-1192 • www.wildlife.state.co.us/bears July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Bears Need Your Help “Colorado Parks and Wildlife is charged with protecting and preser ving the state’s wildlife. Ever y time we must destroy a bear, it’s not just the bear that loses. We all lose a little piece of the wildness that makes Colorado so special.”

Please do your part by “bear proofing” your home.

Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo Taken on Chippewa Lane in May, 2013


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Meet your FHMD BOD Judy Bertrand Director

Judy has lived in Riva Chase for fifteen years and was president of the HOA prior to becoming a FHMD board member. Over the years she has worked in Finance, Accounting, IT and Project Management for IBM as well as done financial/ business planning, budgeting, strategic planning, and capital budgeting. She has a Bachelors in Finance and a Masters from the University of Denver. Judy can be reached at judyolopc@comcast.net.

John Klinowski Treasurer

My wife (Cindy) and I moved to Riva Chase in November, 1999.. We moved from a resort island off the coast of Georgia. We are both college educated with masters degrees ‌from well respected universities. We have two now married sons‌One is a successful attorney in my home town of Chicago and the other is CEO of our business in Florida. We have two Yorkshire terriers to add to our enjoyment of this beautiful area. John can be reached at klinowski82@comcast.net.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Ted Laves President

Ted Laves has lived in Riva Chase since 2004 when he moved here from Chicago. Ted graduated from Cornell University and holds an MBA and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has spent most of his career in the telecommunications industry where he has held both technical and management positions at both a large corporation and at several start ups. Ted and his wife Mary enjoy walking their two dogs, mountain climbing, gardening and visiting their grown children in California. Ted can be reached at ted_laves@yahoo.com.

Tom Napp Secretar y

Tom and Kathy Napp moved to Riva Chase in 2006 after living in Lakewood for several years. Tom graduated from the University of Denver College of Law in 1984 and currently is in solo practice specializing in general civil and commercial law. He has been a member of the FHMD Board since 2011. He can be reached at tomnappfhmd@comcast.net.

Roy Roux Director Roy & Angie Roux have lived in Riva Chase since 2005 and enjoy golfing, skiing and walking their dogs. Roy has been in the oil & gas business for 31 years as a geoscientist and investor. He joined the FHMD Board in February of 2013. Roy can be reached at roy.roux@comcast.net.

Forest Hills Metro District What is FHMD?

The Riva Chase Homeowners Association currently collects dues of $88 per year to cover events and activities that are social in nature. For example our annual clean-up day, chili cook off, Christmas party, publication of our directory, Riva Reader and governing document manual. A critical aspect of the Homeowners Association is the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) which enforces the Covenants and Rules and Regulations of Riva Chase. Board Members are elected by the homeowners. Forest Hills Metropolitan District (FHMD) is a local government established by the Court to collect property taxes and charge user fees for other services (i.e. water and sewer). We currently collect around $450,000 of property taxes from Riva Chase homeowners and our income for the current year is estimated at $230,000 for water and sewer fees. FHMD is responsible for common areas; including gates, roads, ponds, trails, snow plowing, mowing, and street sweeping. We are also responsible for providing water and sewer services to the homeowners/taxpayers. The FHMD Board is elected by the registered voters within FHMD (Riva Chase) so we have a fiduciary responsibility for how we use the taxpayer’s funds and must abide by strict statutory regulations. These include complying with TABOR (Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights), Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), Colorado Open Meeting Act (COMA), accounting, budget preparation, financial statements, performing an annual Audit and submitting various documents to the State of Colorado. Note: If a homeowner wants to determine how much they are paying to FHMD, their property tax statement will provide this information: 1. Take the Market Value of the home provided by the County x 7.96% to get the Assessed Value. (This is already provided, but in case someone wants to know how the Assessed

by Judy Bertrand

Value is determined, this is it.) 2. The property tax statement shows the Mill Levy by taxing entity. FHMD’s mill is currently 55.785 3. Take the Assessed Value x (the Mill Levy/1000). Taxes are charged based on each $1,000 of value so must be divided by 1,000. 4. This is the dollar amount paid to FHMD each year. Example: Market Value of Home $600,000 x 7.96% = Assessed Value of $47,760 Mill Levy - 55.785/1000 = .055785 Assessed Value - $47,760 x .055785 (Mill Levy) = $2,664 (paid to FHMD) This should provide incentive for the homeowners to attend FHMD Board meetings, as homeowners are currently paying between $1,776 and $5,773 annually in property taxes to FHMD for services; and this does not include water and sewer charges. Decisions made by the FHMD Board affect how homeowners’ tax dollars are being spent. Homeowners should provide input as to how the FHMD Board can best utilize their tax dollars to maintain and increase their home values. For questions or concerns, please contact any member of the BODs via their email(s) on page 28. Management Office: Blacklock Integrated Services, Inc. 1202 Bergen Parkway, Suite 314 Evergreen, CO 80439 Phone: 303-526-4266 Fax: 303-526-1257 Emergency: 303-426-3187 July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Forest Hills Metropolitan District Report by Christina Shea

KTL Solutions, Inc. & Blacklock Integrated Services Inc. The District has recently changed the firm that provides water and sewer system billing, management and maintenance services. KTL Solutions will be on site taking care of repairs and maintenance and providing oversight to the District’s contractors as related to landscaping, snow removal, road repairs, etc. Blacklock Integrated Services will be handling the utility billing, serving as the general manager and providing administrative support services to the Forest Hills Metropolitan District Board of Directors. Christina Shea Blacklock Integrated Services Inc.

KTL and Blacklock will also be working with the Homeowners Association in order to support residents’ needs within the community. We appreciate your

understanding as we work through the transition and related change in billing software. The remittance address for water and sewer payments is: Forest Hills Metropolitan District 25958 Genesee Trail Road #232 Golden, CO 80401 Payment by Mail or Drop-Off: Please use the address above. This is a private mail box located within the Genesee Store at the Genesee Town Center, so you may also drop off your payments, but enclose your remittance in a sealed and addressed envelope to the store’s staff whenever the store is open. No cash please. Direct Pay Customers (customers who have done a one-time authorization with Forest Hills for this service): Automatic debiting (also known as ACH) from your bank account will continue for those residents who currently use this service unless you have changed your bank account. 32

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Ted Kuettel KTL Solutions, Inc.

Online Bill Pay (customers who log into their bank’s online system and direct the bank to make payments to payees): Please update the Payee address in your bank’s online banking system so that checks will be mailed to the correct remit to address, above. For any questions or concerns about your bill or about District operations please contact the new District Manager, Christina Shea, at the address above or Phone: 303-526-4266 Fax: 303-526-1257 Email: csbis@msn.com

The After Hours Emergency Answering Service number remains unchanged at 303-426-3187. Monthly Board of Directors Meetings are scheduled for 2nd Wednesdays at 6 pm, please check postings for updates or the website: http://www.fhmd.net.

Forest Hills wastewater treatment facility has been experiencing problems because of wipes and paper towels being flushed down the toilet. These items are then caught at the intake debris screen (see photo) at the sewer plant and must be manually removed to avoid a spill or damage to the system. We ask your cooperation in overcoming this problem by not flushing items down the toilet.

Your wastebaskets and trash bins are the best place for products that cause damage to the Forest Hills wastewater collection system, treatment facility and effluent. For needle and medications disposal, please contact the prescriber for proper disposal.

NO FLUSH ITEMS Paper Towels Wet Wipes Grease, fat or oil Feminine products Cat Litter Diapers

Needles Medication Cotton Swabs Cotton balls Cigarettes Condoms Front End Screen with bucket of towels

District Contacts District Board Roy Roux



Tom Napp



Ted Laves



John Klinowski



Judy Bertrand





District Management Christina Shea

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Operation Paperback A worthwhile book drive

Do you have old books cluttering up space? What about DVDs cluttering your shelves where new and better ones could be? Would you like to clear that space and provide entertainment for others? Now you can.

Operation Paperback is an organization that collects adult hard- and soft- back books, DVDs, magazines, playing cards, and thank-you notes, to give to US soldiers overseas. Please, no romance books. A hand written thank you note would also be appreciated to send to our soldiers. Cash donations are accepted, and any money collected will go toward 34

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

by Jacqueline Pedlow

shipping costs. It costs roughly 25 cents to ship one book to Afghanistan. Any extra monetary donations will go to buy more books to send to our soldiers. As a seventh grader, I have collected 352 donations, and I am hoping to reach my goal of 500 books. If you would like to make a donation, please drop all books, magazines, DVDs, thank you notes, and cash donations off at 22663 Anasazi Way. The deadline is Saturday, August 10th. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at jpedlow@sacactuaries.com. Thank you for your support.

New Trash Removal Service RC Switches from WM to Alpine Alpine Waste & Recycling is the largest fullyintegrated independent waste and recycling company in Colorado. Alpine specializes in meeting the needs of commercial, industrial, HOA, and retail customers. Alpine offers every type of non-hazardous solid waste collection service available, including recycling, commercial garbage disposal, and commercial compostable waste collection.

QUESTIONS 1. Could you provide some more details on this change? Is this a mandated change from a regulatory perspective in Jefferson County/Golden? Do we know yet if rates will be comparable to current rates with Waste Management? 2. When you mention that recycling will be included but not until 2 October, does that mean that between 7 August & 2 October there will be no recycling pickup? 3. Why is it going to take 2 months to initiate recycling?

Many years ago we (the HOA) agreed to have Evergreen Disposal be the sole trash company for our neighborhood, rather than having several companies coming in different days of the week. Since the time at which Evergreen was sold to Waste Management, there have been many complaints. We checked out several options, including trying to resolve issues with WM, but decided upon Alpine. Nothing is mandated, this is just an agreement that the HOA Board has decided upon. The new rate with Alpine should be a bit lower than our previous contract with WM—we calculate around $16/ month.

4. We just moved to Riva Chase and have a question regarding the notification. Are we, the homeowners responsible from canceling service?

Alpine currently services Genesee with high marks from them. We feel they were the best fit for the community. As for the inconvenience with recycling, we still felt the move with Alpine was the least problematic choice.

5. What do we do with recycling until then? Why the switch? (I was having problems with Waste Management - were other neighbors also?)

Please check out www.goldenrecycling.org for recycling options during the interim.

August 7 – Waste Service Begins (Wednesdays, weekly)

Alpine Waste & Recycling Dana Nieto 7475 E. 84th Ave. Commerce City, CO 80022 Phone: 303-501-6781 www.alpinewaste.com

October 2 – Recycling Begins (Wednesdays, bi-weekly) July / August 2013 | Riva Reader



Riva Reader | July / August 2013

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Why Alpine?

by Joy Lawrance

Why switch from Waste Management?

Several homeowners have asked why we are changing trash companies , and what is the benefit. First, a little history. About 12 -15 years ago, there were several trash companies coming into Riva Chase, which meant that trash was out (and trucks coming through the neighborhood) at least 3 days every week. It was decided that we would choose one company to service the community, and that company was Evergreen Disposal. ED was a small, local company that offered good service, and was very helpful to us for our Clean Up Day needs (rolloff dumpsters and such). Recently, ED sold the company to Waste Management. WM was not very receptive to keep the arrangements we had with ED re: our Clean-Up Day needs, and of late there have been complaints from many homeowners about the level of service they have provided. (Unannounced change in pick-up times, difficulty of getting through to customer service, difficulty of getting them back out here if they missed a house…etc.) During the research for Clean-Up Day, it was found that Alpine Waste & Recycling (used by Genesee foundation) was easy to get on the phone, and was very helpful for our needs. We asked them to submit a proposal to serve the community. We also got a proposal from WM for comparison. Bottom line, Alpine (again – a locally-owned company that is very highly regarded in the industry, and is a very “green” firm) gave us the best price, and agreed to bill homeowners individually on a quarterly basis.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Their price is based on the community as a whole (including Panorama Point) – and the cost per home should be LESS than what we now pay….plus it will INCLUDE recycling every other week. Alpine is preparing a letter to homeowners and will explain their policies in full, and hopefully that will answer any of your other questions. We hope you understand that it is in the interests of Riva Chase to have ONE company picking up Trash on ONE day of the week. We have been assured by WM that if you have already paid beyond the July 31 date, you WILL get a refund. If you will let us know when you have made your final arrangement with WM, it will be helpful to us. We are notifying everyone via email, as well as snail mail in the hopes that we don’t miss anyone. — The Riva Chase HOA Board

Soak in new sunscreen labeling

by Kim Painter

Republished from USA Weekend - June 7-9, 2013

At first glance, the sunscreen bottles on store shelves may not look different. But look closer. As part of new FDA labeling rules, gone are misleading terms such as “waterproof” and “sunblock.” Added are warnings that some products don’t protect against wrinkles and skin cancer and that others do as part of a larger sun-protection plan. Here’s what you need to know:

SPF numbers still matter. This is the number that tells you how well a product protects you from sunburn, caused by ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Choose products with SPF of at least 30 to 50, says Henry Lim, chief of dermatology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Remember: Protection only works if you apply product liberally and often.

Broad-spectrum claims must be proved.

Dermatologists have long recommended broadspectrum sunscreens, those that offer protection from both UVB and UVA rays. Now products must pass a test before they make that claim.

Low SPFs have warnings. Products with SPFs below 15 must carry warnings that they protect against sunburn, not skin aging or cancer.

Water-resistant doesn’t mean waterproof. New labels can claim water resistance, but they must tell consumers how often to reapply the product when swimming or sweating (every 40 to 80 minutes).

Sunscreen alone is not enough. “Sun protection is a total package” and includes shade, broad-brimmed hats and common sense, Lim says.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Fire Health / Fire Risk Assessment of Riva Chase

In December 2008, the Colorado State Forest District did a Fire Health/Fire Risk Assessment on Riva Chase. Work performed during the on site assessment included analysis of current and possible future forest health issues on the 235 acre property. The issues addressed in the forest health assessment related to forest insects, forest diseases and invasive species. An analysis of hazardous fuel conditions relating to fire risk was also performed for the entire 235 acres as well. The fire risk issues addressed were related to the presence of hazardous fuel loading and the analysis of defensible space zones around structures in the metro district. All open space tracts in the Metro District were assessed as well as most of the private properties. The open space tracts were assessed using a walk through assessment where all forest health and fire/ fuel issues on the tracts would be identified in detail. The individual private properties were assessed using a rapid “driveway� assessment to determine

what is generally affecting each property. This report has been created to present the findings of the assessment to the Board of Directors and the residents of the Forest Hills Metropolitan District. With these findings, prescriptions and management recommendations for mitigating forest health and fire risk issues will also be presented. These management recommendations for forest health enhancement and fire and fuels mitigation will address the best ways for cutting and thinning trees on the property for maximum benefit to the forest stands on the property. The open space assessments and recommendations will be presented first in the report followed by the individual property

assessments and recommendations.

To review this report and access other valuable information regarding fire mitigation and creating a defensible space, please see the links below.

Forest Hills Metro District/Riva Chase

Forest Health/Fire Risk Assessment Report

Prepared by: Kirk A. Will Assistant District Forester CSFS-Golden District December 2008

http://issuu.com/rivachase/ docs/forest_hills_state_ forester_s_fire_


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

http://issuu.com/rivachase/ docs/defensiblezones


RC Fire Mitigation

by Dick Shaw

A necessary step for our safety

A volunteer group of residents got together five times on the weekends during April and May to thin the overgrown trees along Eastwood Road right of way and in three of the FHMD areas adjacent to Eastwood Road and the water tank. Ted Laves, Adam Goldman, Winston Nutt, Barry Brisbane, Betsy and Dana Christianson, Dave Conyers, Dave Castanon, John Hillyard, Joe Carpenter and Dick Shaw spent over 85 hours working on this project. We cut down and dragged to the road several thousand small trees. We also trimmed low hanging limbs on dozens of large trees near the road and near our power and water infrastructure. This was the second year of this volunteer effort and we accomplished about double the amount of work that was done in 2012. It is hard and sometimes dangerous work. Each volunteer signed a liability waiver and agreed not to receive any compensation. There were no injuries. But this was only one more small step in the overall goal of proper forestry management and fire mitigation in Riva Chase. This volunteer project will need to continue for at least five more years to approach these goals. For example, there are numerous areas that have not been touched yet and most of the areas that were thinned were only partially thinned. Only one area, on the west side of Carpenter’s corner, was about 90% thinned to the Forest Service guidelines. The area thinned was limited to the Eastwood Road right of way, approximately 18 feet back from the pavement. The private property next to the thinned area was not

touched. The thinned area and the un-thinned area behind it show quite a contrast. The volunteers have helped accomplish many good things. Here are a few. 1. For the heath of our forest, the thinned areas will offer the remaining trees a better opportunity to survive a beetle infestation and our continuing drought conditions. These trees will be less stressed since they will have less competition for the moisture and sunlight that they had in the overcrowded conditions before the thinning. 2. If a small fire were to start in the thinned areas from a lit cigarette carelessly being thrown by the road, it will be a little easier to control. Depending on the fire conditions at the time, this could make a huge difference. 3. Also depending on the fire conditions, Eastwood Road might remain passable for a few more minutes if the trees along both sides of the road were in flames. The volunteers removed over 20 tons of trees that would otherwise be fuel along Eastwood Road in the event of a wildfire. Those of us who depend on Eastwood Road as our emergency evacuation route will have an improved probability of escape if a sudden wildfire engulfed our community. 4. And finally, to me the trees look better when they are thinned. I think this will show our visitors and future homeowners that we are taking care of our forests and care about the aesthetics of our community.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Defensible zones

Picture off of Eastwood Dr. Tree thinning effort Photo Courtesy of Roz Birkelo

• Remove stressed, diseased, dead or dying trees and shrubs. • Remove enough trees and large shrubs to create at least 10 feet between crowns. • Remove all ladder fuels from under remaining trees. Prune tree branches off the trunk to a height of 10 feet from the ground or 1/3 the height of the tree, whichever is less.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Excerpts from

Colorado State Forest Service Quick Guide Series

Fire 2013 I – link found on page 32 of the Riva Reader Zone 1 is the area nearest the home and other structures. This zone requires maximum hazard reduction.

Zone 2 is the transitional area of fuels reduction between Zones 1 and 3.

Zone 3 is the area farthest from the home. It extends from the edge of Zone 2 to your property boundaries. There is so much important information and great advice in this guide, I cannot encourage you enough to read it. Below is just a reminder of some of the things you should do as often as necessary around your property. Clear roof, deck and gutters of pine needles and other debris.

Sharing information and working with your neighbors and community will give your home and surrounding areas a better chance of surviving a wildfire. Photo: CSFS

Mow grass and weeds to a height of 6� or less. Rake all pine needles and other flammable debris away from the foundation of your home and deck. Remove trash and debris accumulations from the defensible space. Check fire extinguishers to ensure that they have not expired and are in good working condition. Check chimney screens to make sure they are in place and in good condition. Remove branches that overhang the roof and chimney. Properly thin and prune trees and shrubs within Zones 1 and 2. Dispose of slash from tree/shrub thinning.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


New Legislation Helps Homeowners With Wildfire Mitigation Costs June 22, 2013 4:23 PM | Republished from

DENVER (CBS4) – Homeowners who want to do wildfire mitigation now have access to millions of dollars in matching funds from the state. Months before the Black Forest Fire state lawmakers were already sounding an alarm. “I think one of the things that got a little bit overlooked this session was the number of bills we had dealing with fire prevention and fire mitigation,” said Sen. Andy Kerr, D-Jefferson County said. Kerr says wildfires will happen. The laws passed — more than a half dozen this year — are focused on lessening their intensity by reducing their fuel.

“When I’ve talked to folks who live in the red zone, the number one reason they say have not done mitigation is time and the cost to them out of pocket,” Kerr said. Lawmakers re-authorized a 2008 bill that provides tax credits for 50 percent of a homeowners mitigation costs up to $2,500. But that only helps so much if neighbors don’t mitigate as well. So they passed another law aimed at helping entire communities do mitigation. It provides nearly $10 million in matching grants for not only local governments, but homeowners associations.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

“Ultimately what that means is we’ll be putting almost $20 million worth of work on the ground,” Lisa Dale with the Department of Natural Resources said. That kind of large scale mitigation is what lawmakers hope will reduce the damage caused by fires. “It would be great if next summer we might hear about some small fires, but they don’t get blown up into the big ones kill people and destroy homes,” Kerr said. In addition to financial help, the state forest service offers information on everything from how to set up a community wildfire protection plan to fire-wise building materials and landscaping. A state forester will even come to homes to do an assessment of a home’s fire risk. Wildfire Resources - Visit CBSDenver.com’s Wildfire Resources section. http://denver.cbslocal.com/guide/wildfire-resources/ - Read recent Wildfire stories. http://denver.cbslocal.com/tag/wildfires/

720-210-7643 Experienced Professional Painting

Fire Resistant Paint Other fire mitigation options Anyone who lives in the foothills is susceptible to wildfires. Fire mitigation is always a top priority for homeowners in Riva Chase and can save your home when implemented regularly. Many homeowners are not aware there are new products available to help protect your home from fire damage. One of those products is fire resistant paint. These types of paints work best on wood siding and decks but can also be used on interior walls and ceilings. Fire resistant paint is available in a variety of colors but it is designed to be used like a primer and usually applied underneath regular latex paint. How it works: When the paint is subjected to heat, it “expands� into a layer of carbonaceous char. This foam like layer grows thicker when heated, producing a char insulation that does not conduct heat well. The effect can allow more time to vacate a dangerous situation and/or fight a fire, potentially limiting damage. Another step homeowners can take to prevent fires is gutter cleaning. Dirty gutters contain dry leaves, pine

by Bryan Kelly

needles and twigs that are an easy target for an errant spark. Before you know it, embers can develop into a raging fire. Spending a few hours cleaning your gutters could save your home should a fire ignite near by. Tall Pines Painting is available to help you paint your home, deck, and clean out those cumbersome gutters for you. Please contact us today to schedule a free estimate. Tall Pines Painting, Inc 607 10th Street, Suite 205 Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 720-289-9260 | Fax: 303-421-4299 Email: bryan@tallpinespainting.com

Note: It is important to remember that no substance is completely incombustible. The paint does not extinguish or stop fire; it only contains it and protects the structures to which it is applied for a short amount of time.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Decorating Tips Don’t forget the deck!

With the summer upon us - its important to make your home and deck an ideal spot for gathering with friends. Decorating to make your space, above all, livable is the most important goal for me to achieve when helping others on their homes. I love to have fun by adding a chevron pattern on a chair or ottoman along with some chevron throw pillows placed on a sofa. You could mix in other coordinating prints to help make your space unique.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Some other popular prints that are generating buzz would be the trellis or IKat prints. It’s amazing how a few small changes can make huge difference in the way your room will look!! I would love to help you with your home if you are ready to make some changes.

by Deena Green

Neighbor to Neighbor Contractor Recommendations Recommendations will remain in the RR for two issues.


For kitchen or any other cabinetry, I had tremendous success with Pete Dumanovsky (303) 669-3940. His attention to detail was unparalleled, he did the work himself (not just managing a team), he works very hard, and his rate is reasonable. John Carpenter


I highly recommend Joel Ebersole with EES electrical (303) 819-5488. I have used him several times now, and he is very affordable, trustworthy and easy to do business with. Latifa Rothrock

Plumbing, Heating, Electrical

Comes highly recommended by Joy Lawrance. She can’t say enough good things about their service and their rates. Applewood, Ryan Ziehr | 303-328-3000


Greetings: My name is Gary Sohrweid and we live here at 730 Summerwood Drive. We just had a carpeted staircase converted into an oak staircase with black walnut inlay on the landing. The work is beautiful and of high quality. Two of my neighbors, also have had their floors refinished and new floors installed. We all have used ROONEY HARDWOOD FLOORS. We all endorse this Company whole heartedly and we all are Riva Chase property owners. Ph: 303-907-8604 Rick Rooney

General Contractors

Mile High Contractors | Contact MerriLou Flake 303.883.3866 They completely remodeled my master bathroom and did a great job. Quality workmanship, competitive prices, and great customer service. They are General Contractors and can perform all types of work at your home. Highly recommended. Brenda Shuler


We would like to recommend Caribou Contracting for your home remodel projects. We needed a lot of work done on the wood trim on our windows and framing around some doors all around our home and Josh, the owner of Caribou Contracting, did a great job replacing or fixing on the rotted/ broken wood trim and framing. Josh was a pleasure to work with - he was very responsive and reliable and got the job done when he promised. He took great pride in his workmanship and did a remarkable job. His company does all sorts of remodeling projects -- installation of basic trim to full additions and reconfigurations. Over the years his company has done a lot of kitchen and bath remodels and general home improvement, and they mainly work within a 20 mile radius of Golden. You can reach Josh at 800-452-0899 and his website is cariboucontracting.net. Patrick Green & Mashenka Lundberg

Landscape & Snow Removal

We have employed Robert McCullough for the past five years. He and his crew are reliable, communicative and reasonable. RCM Lawn & Landscaping | (303) 232-5755 Kay Talley


This one is a must! In home massage. Jamie gives one of the best massages I have had and she brings her salon quality table with. Amazingly reasonable for this kind of service too. Jamie Schadel (303) 732-4223 / (303) 618-8691 Kay Talley


For any type of local moving (e.g. A Piece of Large Furniture). I had a good deal of success with Hediger Moving. The owner, Steven Hediger lives on Lookout Mountain, and he and his assistant did a careful job with a very large and heavy piece of furniture for me. His number is (303) 526-9105. John Carpenter


I can’t recommend John highly enough – he has done two of our homes, a rental property and many friend’s homes. He is not the least expensive but they do what they say and are top notch. John Williams | Ph: 303-864-9247 | Cell: 720-849-3921 Roy Roux We just had interior painting done at our house at 858 Eastwood Drive. We had three contractors bid the job and we actually chose the highest, because of the impressions we had from the interview/bidding process. The contract was given to Colorado Commercial & Residential Painting (303.574.1740) and their sub was a Mexican family that did an excellent job. The owner, Wayne Wright, is the one we negotiated the entire transaction with and he went out of his way to please us. Ron Kordof

I have used Tall Pines for ALL my painting needs. Inside, outside, on my deck—everything. They are professional, reliable, detail oriented, and extremely honest and fair. Make sure to include them on your list of possibilities. Bryan Kelly | 720-210-7643 http://www.tallpinespainting.com Roz Birkelo

Window Cleaning

We have used several different window cleaners over the years and from our experience these folks are clearly (no pun intended) the best quality and fair price. Guys with Squeegees | 303-284-7373 www.GWSWindowCleaning.com Jerry Ballard

House Keeping

Lucinda Griffin is very thorough and reliable. She cleans a few homes here in Riva Chase. Phone # - 303-487-6136. Cell: 720-841-3863 Joy Lawrence

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


RC Book Club by Andrea Webber The last Riva Chase book club was held on June 12. Andrea Webber hosted the meeting at her home at 1091 Sleepy Hollow Road. The weather was perfect. The group sat on her beautiful deck surrounded by lush pines. All the guests brought really great tasting treats to share. We read two books for this particular meeting, one written by Riva Chase book club members Joy Lawrance and Kay Talley. Make Me Alive Again —a non fiction book and a startling narrative that will challenge the reader’s pre-conceived notions about life after death. Make Me Alive Again reveals details of an after-life that has never before been chronicled. The other book the group read was Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander. As he lay in a coma, neurosurgeon Eben Alexander explains that he “journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence [where] he met and spoke with the Divine source of the universe itself.” What followed was a very stimulating discussion about everyone’s feelings and beliefs about life after death. In the end, we decided to break out the Italian Grappa and talk about lighter things. For more information about the book club, contact Joy Lawrance, Joy.of.Travel@comcast.net.


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Chippewa Block Party June 29, 2013

Photo Courtesy of Tracie Castanon

RC Bible Study The Riva Chase Women’s Bible study is meeting over the summer on Thursday mornings at the Cabrini Shrine facility to discuss Priscilla Shirer’s book Discerning the Voice of God – How to Recognize When God is Speaking. This book study is open to anyone and will conclude August 29th, 2013. Our fall study will kickoff September 12, 2013 with a brunch to welcome newcomers and those interested in getting more information. We will begin the DVD series, which is Beth Moore’s study on James (Mercy

by Colleen Brisben

Triumphs Judgment), on September 19, 2013. This is a very practical study which encourages us to put our faith into action with topics such as joy, hardship, wisdom, the power and danger of our words, humility and prayer. Our fall meetings will be at 22545 Treetop Lane, at the home of Colleen Brisben. Please email any questions to cbrisben3@comcast.net.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader



Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Photo Courtesy of Colleen Brisben

Adopt a place in Riva Chase by Dale & Cheri Kinzler

We still have orphan streets and areas that need “parents” so please let us know if you can help tidy up our beautiful community.


1. Sign up for at least one place; you may sign up for more than one. 2. Several families can sign up for the same place.


1. Trash pickup 2. Keep fire hydrants free of ice and snow in the winter months. 3. Report other concerns (such as maintenance issues, water leaks, dangerous conditions, etc.) to Christina Shea Blacklock Integrated Services, Inc. 1202 Bergen Parkway, Suite 314 Evergreen, CO 80439 303.526.4266 or Email: csbis@msn.com

Streets marked in white still need “parents.” In addition, the park & playground needs a volunteer.

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Homes for Sale in Riva Chase, Golden, CO For Sale 22061 Chippewa Ln Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: Fuller Sotheby`s Int`l Realty


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 6 4

3291 $197

DOM Built

List Sold

45 1993


Open Sunny Floor Plan and Big Windows Characterize This Family Home With Space For Entertaining, Working and Playing. Hardwood Foyer Opens To The Living Room With Deck Access. Large Main Floor Study Can Double As A Bedroom With Bath Across The Hall. Slab Granite Kitchen Has Tumbled Marble Backsplash Plus Stainless Steel Appliances, Wine Refrigerator and 2 Breakfast Bars. It Opens To The Family Room With Stone Gas Fireplace, Floor-To-Ceiling Glass and Deck Access. Upstairs Is The Roomy Vaulted Master With 5-Piece Bath Including Jetted Tub ...

For Sale

852 Willobe Way Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: The Digiorgio Group

List Sold

List Sold $900,000

Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 6 7

5224 $172

DOM Built

List Sold

22 1982


Beautiful Family Home, Located In The Exclusive Gated Community Of Riva Chase. Mountain Living At Its Best, Only 25 Minutes To Denver and Less Then 1 Hour From World Class Sking. Wooded Site With Circular Drive and Exclusive Covered Entry. Vaulted Open Floor Plan Letting In Lots Of Light. Soaring 25 Ft High Foyer With New Travertine , Opening To Both Dining and Living Room. Truly Gourmet Kitchen With Center Island Hood, Double Wolf Oven, Gas Burners and Huge Griddle. Coffee Bar, Separate Sub Zero Fridge and Freezer, Bbq On Adjoining Deck. Huge ...

Photo Courtesy of Martin Pyykkonen


Riva Reader | July / August 2013

For Sale 901 Mount Rose Way Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: Coldwell Banker Residential 56

711 Summerwood Dr Golden, CO 80401

4 4

4227 $183

DOM Built

List Sold

59 1995


List Sold $674,500

Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 5 6

3428 $197

DOM Built

List Sold

19 2000


Luxurious Yet Intimate Custom Home Located In Prestigious Riva Chase Subdivision (Genesee). Mountain Living Less Than 20 Minutes From Downtown. This 5,035 Square Foot Stone/Stucco Home Sits On Half An Acre and Boasts Wonderful Views, 3 Patios/Balconies, An Oversized 4 Car Garage, Upgrades Everywhere, and Lots Of Storage Space. Built In 2000 This Is One Of The Newer Homes In Riva Chase, Stone/Stucco (All Sides Masonry), Formal Entry W/Maple Hardwood Floors, Stunning Curved Staircase With Formal Chandelier, Formal Dining Room With Chandelier ...

For Sale 22473 Anasazi Way Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: Kitz and Associates, Inc.


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt

Location! Location! Location! Stunning 2+ Acre Mountain Retreat. Fabulous Place To Call Home Year Round Or A Wonderful Vacation Home! This Custom Ranch Style Home Has Sensational Views From Every Window and From The Wrap Around Deck. The Main Floor Master Features Double Vanities, Soaking Tub, His/Her Closets, Cozy Fireplace, and Patio Access. The Large Study Is Also Located On The Main Level and Has A Built In Desk and 2 Closets. Could Be Used For Guest Bedroom. The Kitchen Features A Double Oven, Gas Fireplace, Maple Cabinets, and Breakfast ...

For Sale

Listed By: Broker Direct Of Colorado

List Sold

List Sold $615,000

Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 5 4

2212 $278

DOM Built

List Sold

116 2004


Nestled In The Foothills, Enjoy This Beautiful Modern Contemporary Home With Great Sun Exposure In The Gated Riva Chase Community. Mountain Living Just Minutes From Downtown Denver With Mountain and City Views. This Custom Home Features A Large Main Floor Master Including A 5 Piece Master Bath, A Beautiful Granite Surround Gas Fireplace In Main Living Area and A Main Floor Office. Relax In This Stunning High End Gourmet Kitchen With Breakfast Bar, Granite Countertops, Under Cabinet Lighting, Granite Tile Flooring and Custom Glass Tile Back ...


721 Summerwood Dr Golden, CO 80401

List Sold


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 4 4

1930 $246

DOM Built 277 2002

List Sold


You Can`t Beat This Location! Close To Ski Resorts, Easy Access To I-70, C-470 and 6th Ave. Commute To Dia and Denver Etc. Is A Breeze. Built In 2002 With 3,057 Total Finished Sq. Ft. This Beautiful Home Shows Pride Of Ownership, Well Maintained and Clean. Bright, Open Floor Plan. Main Floor Master Has Spa-Like Updated Master Bathroom and Large Walk-In Closet. Two Additional Bedrooms On The Main Floor Share A Full Bathroom. Enjoy The Vaulted Ceilings and Designer Paint Throughout. The Spacious Open Kitchen Features Gas Cook Top, and Birch ...

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


For Sale

21910 Anasazi Way Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: Fuller Sotheby`s Int`l Realty

List Sold


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 4 6

6385 $153

DOM Built

386 2004

List Sold


Stunning Value For Pristine Home With Exceptional Open Floor Plan and Sparkling City Light Plus Spectacular Sunrise Views! Main Level Living Features A Wood Study With Built-In Book Shelves, Two-Story Living Room With A Wall Of Glass and Central Gas Fireplace, Master With Private View Balcony and Luxury 5-Piece Bath With Views, Seamless Shower Door and Claw Foot Tub. The Beautiful Chefs Kitchen Has Sub-Zero Refrigerator, Dacor Stainless Steel Double Ovens, Wolf 5Burner Cook Top and Adjoins A Gathering Room With Gas Fireplace Plus A Glass ...

For Sale

22525 Treetop Ln Golden, CO 80401

List Sold


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 5 8

5160 $223

DOM Built

1946 1998

List Sold


Stunning Mtn Contemp Estate. Gated Comm, Gourmet Kit, Butler Pantry, Wine Cooler, Natural Stone Flrs. Counters, Fireplace Surrounds Thru Out Home, Maple Cabinetry, Hand Hewn Spruce Beams, Faux Painting, Outdoor Water Feature, Sweeping Mtn/City Views. Sold Price= Sold Term= Square Feet=5160 Sr High Multiple=9945 Sr High#=9945 Sr High:=Golden Listed By: Coldwell Banker Residential 28

For Sale

23055 Whispering Woods Golden, CO 80401

Listed By: RE/MAX Alliance

1052 Sleepy Hollow Dr Golden, CO 80401


Riva Reader | July / August 2013


Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 5 5

3975 $201

DOM Built 31 1995

List Sold 04/08/13

This Privately Located Lot Is In The Back Of Riva Chase and Yet 5 Minutes To I-70 With No Road Noise. Several Decks To Enjoy The Serenity Of Over 2 Acres. Open and Bright Floor Plan With Soaring Windows. Spectacular Entry Way With Custom Transom Windows. The Kitchen Is A Cooks Paradise Open To The Great Room With Granite Countertops, An Island Complete With Cooktop and Sitting Area, Pantry and Doors That Open To The Deck. The Master Bedroom Is A Wonderful Get-A-Way With A 5 Pc. Bath, Fireplace, and Sitting Area Or Office. The Lower Level ...

For Sale

Listed By: Ballard Professionals

List Sold

List Sold $854,000

Beds SqFt Baths $/SqFt 5 6

3968 $215

DOM Built 93 1994

List Sold 04/03/13

Located In Riva Chase Estates, An Exclusive, Gated Community In The Foothills Just 20 Minutes From Denver, This Fabulous Five Bedroom, Five and One Half Bath Executive Home Features The Popular Floor Plan Of An Open Kitchen and Great Room, Formal Dining and Living Room As Well As The Study All On The Main Floor. Rare, Main Floor Master Bedroom Suite With Five Piece Bath, Two Sided Fireplace and Sitting Area. Three Spacious Bedrooms With Their Own Private, Full Baths On The Second Floor. Fully Finished Basement With Walkout Has An Expansive ...

Photo Courtesy of Elena Sewalk

July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Bi-monthly Minutes from meeting of the BOD Riva Chase HOA Annual Meeting June 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m.

22876 Solitude Lane, Golden, CO 80401


Officers Present: Joy Lawrance, President John Carpenter, Treasurer Gary Sohrweid, 3rd Vice President Ron Kordof, 2nd Vice President Ann Nutt, 1st Vice President Roz Birkelo, Secretary Called to order 7:10 p.m. 1. Deputy Sheriff Michael Harris spoke and introduced himself to the members. He is the new liaison for Riva Chase and spoke about many services the sheriff department provides. Contact: www.jeffcosheriff.com / non emergency # is 303-­‐271-­‐0211 (cops) 2. Prior Minutes reviewed via email and approved. 3. Treasurer Report: John Carpenter 2013 HOA Dues – all but 2 homeowners have paid in full. Balance Sheet submitted. 4. ACC / There is a new home being built on Sleepy Hollow Dr. and the new homeowners have been in touch with ACC. 5. Kathy Harms 3 new homeowners, 9 houses for sale, 1 under contract 6. Forest Hills Metro District: Ted Laves 1. Introduced new Management Co. representative, Christina Shea of Blacklock Integrated Services, Inc. / 303.526.4266 (Evergreen Office) 2. New Punch list of items that need to be addressed is online 3. Water Restrictions are still in affect (as of May 1, 2013) 4. FHMD is not the same as ACC… FHMD is responsible for road damage, easements, water and sewer, and erosion 5. Water & Sewer lines are being clogged by paper towels thrown away in the toilets. Please make sure these towels are disposed of properly. 6. Maintenance man will be in the neighborhood weekly doing various odd jobs for FHMD and Riva Chase. 7. Clean Up Day – Winston Nutt 6 weeks of precutting. Clean up 2013 day goal is to increase fire mitigation. Great success. Riva Reader | July / August 17% participation in the neighborhood.

Minutes – continued

Water tank area was included this year to help protect our water source. FHMD split some of the costs for this event. Main area of focus is Eastwood Dr. where tree thinning is necessary in order to evacuate if fire takes over both sides of the road.

New Business 1. Trash Collection agency changed to Alpine Waste & Recycling Takes effect Wednesdays, August 7th. Individual billing to homeowners on a quarterly basis. Recycling will be every other week but will not start until October 2. 2. Proposal to continue Neighborhood Watch Program Accepted. 3. Proposal to participate in National Night Out accepted. 4. Annual Meeting Board of Directors Voted upon. No new candidates running. Existing board voted into office unanimously by 10% of the neighborhood. Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 p.m.

Photo Courtesy of Molly Iskalis July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Balance Sheet As of June 19, 2013

provided by John Carpenter HOA Treasurer

Almost all of the homeowners paid their dues on time for 2013...Thanks! We need these funds to ensure the vitality of the Riva Chase HOA. As a reminder, there is a five dollar per month late fee for those dues that are not paid on time.

Riva Chase HOA Balance Sheet Summary June 19, 2013 ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts Accounts Receivable Other current assets Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Receivable Other current assets Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 58

Riva Reader | July / August 2013

Total 48,545.80 -­‐105.00 2,722.00 $51,162.80 $51,162.80 6,500.00 -­‐6,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 51,162.80 $51,162.80

Classifieds CHILD CARE / NANNY Riva Chase Baby sitter Available Mature, reliable, responsible high school freshman available to baby sit. Great with kids, Red Cross certified, lots of experience. Riva Chase resident. References available. Call Sarah - 303-526-2391 HOUSE SIT / PET SIT / CHILD CARE Mature 18 year old, college student available to house sit, pet sit, and baby sit. Have local references from Genesee and Riva Chase. Drew Pyykkonen - 303-324-9145 mammothoutlaws@comcast.net

Classified Ads are free for our residents. Please Email your ad to rivareader@gmail.com. Ads can include services or items for sale. If you have an article you’d like to write for our Riva Reader, please submit your article by Emailing rivareader@gmail.com To purchase ad space, the rates below apply to the digital output of the Riva Reader which will remain online indefinitely. Prices are per publication. Business Card $25 1/4 page $50 — 1/2 page $75 Full page $100 For information on advertising, please Email rivareader@gmail.com.

HOME SERVICES Lawn work | Snow Shoveling Two ‘Local’ Boys Ages 10 and 8 • Lawn work - picking up pine cones, raking needles/leaves • Light snow shoveling - walkways • Pet sitting - walking dogs, feeding pets • House sitting - water plants indoor/outdoor, checking on house

If you haven’t registered for Riva Chase’s new website, you are missing out on valuable information! Please go here to register: http://rivachasehoa.com/index.php/login/register then verify your email address and log on. Click the “Secure Site” tab for things like our neighborhood Directory and Neighborhood pictures. Contact Karen Buelter if you have any questions or comments regarding the website. kbuelter@yahoo.com | www.rivachase.com

Bryan and Adam Shuler 303-526-0817 July / August 2013 | Riva Reader


Photo Courtesy of Martin Pyykkonen

Riva Chase is the best of all worlds.

You can easily access all that the greater Denver area has to offer. Yet still enjoy all the natural beauty, wildlife and tranquility found only in the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains. Live at Riva Chase. And make your dreams come true.

Exit #256, I-70 - south access Road heading West, on Genesee Ridge, and south on Forest Hills Drive. | www.rivachase.com


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