VIVA Earth Issue 2013

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Earth ISSUE 2013

your premium women’s natural health magazine

t a k e m e

SARAH Chalke Life lessons learned on the way to Hollywood

4 fast, fresh, fun

Celebrity Recipes Simple Steps to

Super Skin

Pregnancy Supplements,

your baby and you


Compliments of

publications mail 40678000

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2013-03-25 9:52 AM


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2013-01-17 4:36 PM

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2013-03-22 4:18 PM

Stomach-Friendly VITAMIN C Gentle · Effective · Affordable As the body’s primary antioxidant, vitamin C supports so many aspects of human health. We also value it for immune support, particularly in cold and flu season. For all these reasons, it is vital to maintain optimum levels of vitamin C. However, for some people, the acidic nature of vitamin C supplements can cause gastrointestinal problems or heartburn. Non–Acidic Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C from Sunkist® Vitamins provides the same stomach-friendly immune support as the leading esterified C formula — at a fraction of the price! Non-Acidic Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C is well absorbed and gentle on the digestive tract. It is buffered with calcium, which helps prevent stomach irritation. Capsules are convenient and easy to swallow.

Sunkist Stomach-Friendly Vitamin C Gentle on the Stomach Non-Acidic Highly Absorbable Easy to Swallow Capsules Buffered with Calcium Great Low Price Available in 500 mg and 1000 mg capsules

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2013-03-22 4:18 PM


editor's letter


Founder/Editor-in-Chief Olivier Felicio West Coast Entertainment Director Bonnie Siegler Health Editor Philip Rouchotas Editorial Interns Alex Gabriel, Masha Gladchenko


Art Directors James March & Sarah Vincett Designer Mat Wilson Design Intern Julia Grzeskowiak

contributors Chrissie Blaze • Anthony Brennan • Paul Brent Robert Dadd • Brian Davies • Kate Daley • Frank de Jesus Rahim Kanji • John Koveos • Irina Lytchak Margot McKinnon • Pete Monaco • Sarah O’Connor Donna Pace • Andrew Patterson • Sue Riedl Rebecca Rosenblat • Lynne Shuttle worth Paul Sych • Lorna Vanderhaeghe

Spring into happiness and health It may be hard to imagine right now, but summer is just around the corner and we’re gearing up for the warm days ahead.

photographers Elisabeth Caren • Mark Bennett hair Gregory Russell makeup Lisa Ashley stylists Jeff Kim

President Olivier Felicio Editorial Director Gary Butler

In this issue, we’re featuring several, amazing solutions to beat the cold weather in respect to your skin health. Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe explores the benefits of gamma linolenic acid when it comes to improving your skin from the inside out, while Kate Daley lists the key steps toward achieving a healthy radiance right in time for the summer. We also give you a glimpse into the celebrity world of cooking with a few recipes from the rich and famous, including a tahini-inspired spread from Alicia Silverstone, black bean soup from Gloria Estefan, chicken ceasar salad from Kristi Yamaguchi and yogurt chicken from Reba McEntire. Be sure to try these out in the comfort of your own home!

Controller/Operations Melanie Seth Finance Administrator Henry Fonseca

rive gauche media email:, telephone: 1-877-547-2246, fax: 905-509-0735, or send your cover label and new address to: VIVA Magazine, 60 Bloor St., West., Suite 1106, Toronto, ON, Canada M4W 3B8 advertising information Olivier Felicio

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416-203-7900 x 6122 National Sales Manager Paul Airut

Olivier Felicio

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Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Creative Business Coordinator

Send comments to:

Erin Poredos 416-203-7900 x 6128 TM

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Published by Rive Gauche Media Inc. Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement No. 40678000. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any advertisement and any and all representations or warranties made in such advertising are those of the advertiser and not of the publisher. The publisher is not liable to any advertiser for any misprints in advertising not the fault of the publisher and in such an event the limit of the publisher’s liability shall not exceed the amount of the publisher’s charge for such advertising. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, in all or part, without the express written permission of the publisher. All rights reserved. ©Copyright 2013 Rive Gauche Media Inc. VIVA Magazine is pleased to review unsolicited submissions for editorial consideration under the following conditions: all material submitted for editorial consideration (photographs, illustrations, written text in electronic or hard copy format) may be used by VIVA Magazine Inc. and its affiliates for editorial purposes in any media (whether printed, electronic, Internet, disc, etc.) without the consent of, or the payment of compensation to, the party providing such material. Please direct submissions to the Editor, VIVA Magazine.

2013-03-25 10:07 AM

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eco chic

24 Balanced spending












Cover story SARAH CHALKE

42 | GENIUS IN A BOTTLE The power of essential oils 46 | PREVENTING PRE-ECLAMPSIA Stop high blood pressure in its tracks 48 | SUPPLEMENTAL & ESSENTIAL Enhance your pregnancy with vitamins 52 | ADRENAL ADROITNESS Listen to your body

page 17 eco chic


78 | 6 STEPS TO SUPER SKIN The best in skin care solutions 86 | travel Discover Colorado 88 | liVING ‘GREEN’ IS IN Head up a healthy household 90 | TRUST ME ON THIS... Trusting your other half

page 86 discover colorado

page 78 6 steps to super skin

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• to find your favourite brand • to see your type of tea with color navigation • to identify your favourite flavour with illustrations

Four O’clock® is a Canadian Made line of Organic, Fairtrade Certified specialty teas. Available in gourmet and health food stores across Canada.

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2013-03-22 4:28 PM

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C ontents HEALTH

42 feature The power of oil 46 FEATURE Pregnancy awareness 48 feature Supplements and your baby 52 feature Fighting stress BALANCED LIVING

56 What’s in your fridge? Luisa D’Oliveira 64 Balanced living Leeza Gibbons Jaimie Alexander BEAUTY


72 GET THE LOOK The after glow


76 Beautiful Inside & Out Product tips for pregnancy page 66 jaimie alexander

78 beauty tips 6 steps to super skin YOUR LIFE

86 travel Discover Colorado 88 Feature The path to ‘green’ living 90 relationships Trusting your other half page 42 genius in a bottle

94 fitness Detoxing with exercise

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contributors DONNA PACE

Passionate about helping others look and feel their very best, Donna Pace focuses on beauty from the inside out. She is an accomplished certified esthetician, electrologist, laser technician and registered holistic nutritionist, with more than 30 years of experience in the beauty and wellness industry. Donna is also the founder of Jade Holistic Spa and Gift Boutique. Check out her beauty expert advice on page 74. PHILIP ROUCHOTAS

A practicing naturopathic doctor since 2004, Dr. Philip Rouchotas’ areas of clinical focus include metabolic syndrome, autoimmune conditions, and psychiatric concerns. Philip serves as an associate professor at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) and he is the Editor-in-Chief of Integrated Healthcare Practitioners. He wrote this issue’s story on the importance of using supplements during your pregnancy on page 48.

Got a story you want to share? Send it to: Read more articles on VIVA’s website:


Los Angeles-based Entertainment Director Bonnie Siegler has been covering the celebrity circuit for more than a decade. Her resume includes two books, combining her knowledge of celebrity living and entertaining, as well as contributing to magazines such as Elle, Redbook, InStyle and Shape. For this issue, Bonnie interviewed cover girl Sarah Chalke on page 58.


As a certified psychotherapist, relationship and sexuality therapist, and life coach, Rebecca Rosenblat is also the host of the call-in TV show Sex @ 11 with Rebecca. She is critically acclaimed as a public speaker and life-changing force, influencing a captive audience of millions. Rebecca wrote this issue’s article on developing trust when it comes to your relationship on page 90.

Behind the scenes Even with her hair in a ponytail and no makeup, Sarah Chalke was stunning and full of energy when she walked through the door of our photo shoot inside a Hollywood studio. “I even brought some of my own outfits,” she said emptying her full hands and doing a few dance steps to the upbeat music. With the glam team assembled, talk was animated and fun with little show biz mention. Choosing wardrobe and accessories proved to be difficult – not because Sarah didn’t look good in the clothing and stilettos, but because she looked fantastic in everything.

Check out our revamped Facebook and Twitter pages! Just like Viva, they’re fresh and fun and packed with great tips. “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for giveaways, behindthe-scenes pictures and exclusive content!


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2013-03-25 1:12 PM

Smart Hormone Solutions by Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS

Stop Hot Flashes and Night Sweats I was thrilled when Dr. Oz recently recommended sage for night sweats as my new supercharged Menosmart Plus formula contains 300mg of sage to ensure rapid reduction of night sweats and hot flashes. Along with the right type and dose of sage, Menosmart Plus also contains black cohosh, dong quai, gamma oryzanol, vitex and hesperidin to provide relief of menopausal symptoms fast. Black cohosh is so safe that it has been used in women with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer who are taking the drug Tamoxifen. Vitex, another herb in Menosmart Plus, helps to enhance progesterone levels and reduces male facial hair growth in menopausal women. If you are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and still get hot flashes and night sweats, take Menosmart Plus along with your HRT to ensure that you never have to suffer again. Use Menosmart Plus along with Sleepsmart for deep, restful sleep.

Conquer Stress, Improve Sleep and Boost Energy Chronic stress negatively affects the adrenal glands causing adrenal exhaustion. In women the adrenals are the back-up hormone system making estrogen, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone. Women who have good functioning adrenals have virtually no menopause symptoms. And if your adrenals are tired you just can’t handle stress, you develop belly fat weight gain, you fall asleep fine but wake up several hours later and can’t fall back to sleep until 4 am and you need coffee to keep you going. Adrenasmart helps reverse adrenal exhaustion fast. Adrenasmart keeps you calm and helps you deal with life’s stressors. In men with tired adrenals they develop a beer belly and breasts. Adrenasmart for men and women.

Reverse Low Thyroid and Stop Weight Gain, Constipation and More Low thyroid affects 23% of Canadians. Get a Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test but ask your doctor for the result. A normal range for the TSH blood test is 0.5 to 5.5. Your doctor will only diagnose you with low thyroid if your TSH level is over 5.5. But research shows that you will have symptoms when your TSH is above 2.0. If you have a TSH level higher than 2.0 and have the classic symptoms of low thyroid (weight gain and stubborn weight loss, cold hands and feet, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, low mood, no sex drive and irritability), then you need Thyrosmart. Approved by Health Canada, Thyrosmart contains nutrients that enhance thyroid hormone. Low thyroid makes you feel like you are pushing yourself through the day. Thyrosmart is safe and effective and works fast to optimize thyroid health. For men and women.

Balance Hormones Fast and Stop Acne breakouts In women hormonal acne occurs mid cycle and clears for a few days only to reappear again. Women with hormonal acne secrete testosterone in excessively high amounts during ovulation causing acne on the face, hair line, chin, chest and the back. Hormonal acne is not just a teenage problem. Hormonal acne is very common during the perimenopause years when incompetent ovulation occurs as you head towards menopause. Estrosmart solves hormonal acne by balancing hormones naturally. Four capsules of Estrosmart will eliminate hormonal acne within 2 full menstrual cycles. Estrosmart not only clears acne but makes periods effortless, controls endometriosis, PCOS, breast and ovarian cysts and so much more. Estrosmart is a girl’s best friend.

Read An A-Z Woman’s Guide to Vibrant Health FREE at under the book button

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2013-03-22 4:40 PM

How do you define

Balanced Living?

Sarah Vincett Position at Viva Designer On balanced living I love my work and enjoy bringing the stories in Viva to life with beautiful photographs and design. Still, I value my personal time, and outside of work, I lead an active life singing in a choir, taking pilates classes and spending time with family and friends. Leading a balanced life means finding time to squeeze in the activities that I love, even when it seems hard to fit everything in! I enjoy taking advantage of what the city has to offer, such as going to see plays, visiting art galleries and frequenting the many delicious and unique restaurants and coffee shops tucked away in interesting places. Although I love living in the city with all it has to offer, one of my other favourite things is to get away from the hustle and bustle and spend time at my family cottage where I can relax and rejuvenate.

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Treating pain is only natural

A set of beautiful handmade candle holders! Just send us a quick email

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For cozy nights Featured in our November Gift Issue, these rustic and beautiful WoodaCooda candle holders are crafted by Roger Elander from standing juniper trees in Golden, British Columbia. The naturally weathered and knotted wood has a striking marbelized pattern that will add a touch of nature to any room. Pop your beeswax candles into them, and bask in the glow of the candlelight on a cozy night.

Discover A.Vogel’s range of safe, effective options to relieve pain and even protect cartilage from longer term damage.

• Clinically proven effective for all types of muscle and joint pain • Safe to take with other medications • Fresh ingredients = maximum results L C A LY EN





Designed by nature. Proven by science.

Pioneer In Natural Health - since 1923


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Fall in love and down the rabbit hole with this masterfully crafted candleholder. The Rabbit in Wonderland Metal Candelabra is a surreal chef-d’oeuvre, crafted from 100 per cent recycled aluminum, allowing you to begin your adventures in Wonderland without leaving the house. (Artecnica, $90)


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eco chic summer comfort

This halter dress is made with 100 per cent organically-grown cotton. Its plant fibres were grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and it was coloured with the lowest-impact dyes available. The Sur-Mer Dress is perfect for taking strolls in the summertime, and especially for days at the beach. It’s easy to throw on over a bathing suit, and the open, airy smock design at the back makes it very versatile. (MEC, $39)

Buckle up

The original and classic looking English Retread Seat Belt, made from recycled tire truck inner tubes, does more than keep your pants up, it adds a sleek finishing touch to your look. Available in three sizes and five colours that peek through the circular cutouts, this item is a great accessory for both men and women. (, $32)

Don’t freak out

Accessorize your beverage with The Freaker, a handy one-size-fitsall bottle insulator. It’s an extremely stretchy and versatile holder that keeps your hands dry and your drinks cool— or hot. Locally made in the U.S. by a small entrepreneurial team in a familyowned mill, it comes in an array of kooky colours and designs. (Freaker USA, $11)

Sustainable Income

Each 100 per cent, vegan 2 Panel Cork Wallet is a handmade, fair trade product, with its own unique markings. It features eight credit card slots and a full-length note section. Corkor wallets are safely harvested from cork oak trees, and are soft and silky to the touch. (Corkor, $40)

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Candy Striper

These classic red and white Paper Straws look like oldfashioned candy, and make the perfect party favours for BBQs, birthdays, baby showers or any other special event. Made entirely out of paper, they’re biodegradable and can even be composted in your backyard. (Greenmunch, $4.50/12)



These unique, made-to-order Log Seating/Tables are crafted from stumps salvaged from an abandoned lot when the tree dump was closed during a Toronto city services strike in 2009. Walnut legs hold the stumps up, and butterfly nuts keep the splits together. (Brothers Dressler, $800+)

Keeping the teeth healthy and the mind playful, this visually stimulating Twist Teether is a chew tool perfect for developing the teeth and gums and was created using foodsafe recycled plastic milk containers. Let the biting begin! (Green Toys, $12.95)

Hot to trot

Your coffee run just got eco-friendly, thanks to the Eco on the Go reusable drink tote. The easy to clean and carry bag is sturdy enough to hold a variety of beverage shapes and sizes in its multiple compartments. It folds for easy storage, unlike those pesky cardboard trays that end up on the floor of your car. (Balanced Day Bags Inc., $14)

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eco chic

Fill ‘er up

The Hydros Filtering Water Bottle contains a coconut-based carbon filter that removes chlorine, chloramine and particulates from tap water. Each filter lasts for three months or 150 uses, offers an average savings of $400 and keeps 200 plastic water bottles out of landfill. The bottle is made of BPA-free/phthalate-free plastic. (Greenmunch, $24)

shoulder accessory

Fully made from hemp and organic cotton, this Prana Dakota Medium Zip Pack is great for festivals and other outdoor occasions like drum circles or walkabouts. It has a fully lined main compartment, with three front zipper pockets and a removable shoulder strap. Available in olive, sunray or natural prints. (MEC, $62)

Green Piece

From watches made with corn resin, conflict-free diamonds, bamboo and cork to recycled content in its packaging, Sprout Eco-friendly Timepieces use materials that are environment-friendly. The corn resin used in some models is 99 per cent recyclable and as hard-wearing or long-lasting as synthetic plastic. (Sprout Eco-friendly Timepieces, $30 - $80)

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Sleep worry-free while your toddler is safe and sound with this guaranteed rash-free overnight Organic One Size Cotton Diaper with a natural interior providing the utmost in comfort. (Happy Heinys, $.)


The ultimate head companion for a baby’s sensitive skin, this unbelievably soft Bamboo Padded Baby Hat is lined with a removable pillow and is available in cream, pink and blue. (Honeydumplings, $.)

Let’s clear some things up about allergies

There are ways to fight allergies and their symptoms without side effects. In a clinical study, 88.5% of participants saw an improvement in their symptoms using A.Vogel products for allergy relief.



Manage allergic reactions, reduce acute symptoms and treat related problems like sinusitis safely and effectively. The results are clear.

Designed by nature. Proven by science.


Made with / cotton/poly Flex Fleece fabric, this fuzzy hoodie will keep you toasty while your good deeds give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. For every item Ten Trees sells,  trees are planted. The company’s projects stretch around the globe, from Mangroves in Honduras to Mahogany in the Phillipines. (Ten Trees Planted, $) Pioneer In Natural Health - since 1923


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eco news


Designing L auren Conrad designed eight breast cancer sur vivor dresses for a gala s h e h o s t e d i n L o s A n g e l e s . S h e c u s t o m i z e d e a c h p i e c e t o f i t t h e w o m e n ’s p e r s o n a li t i e s, a n d t h o u g h s h e t h o u g h t t h e w o m e n w o u l d c h o o s e p i n k s h a d e s, “t h e y w e r e, li ke, ‘ B l u e! G r a y! B l a c k!’ ” s a y s C o n r a d . T h e e v e n t b e n e f i t e d S u s a n G . Ko m e n f o r t h e C u r e, a f o u n d a t i o n f o r b r e a s t c a n c e r r e s e a r c h .

Food for fa m i l i e s Matt Damon put on his chef hat to help cook at a New York “Cooking Live” charity event to raise money for the Family Reach Foundation. Funds went towards helping families of kids with cancer. “I can make a beef Stroganoff if forced,” Damon says. “However, I’m a terrible cook.”

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My Life. My Own. My Progressive.

My Life.

Sometimes I think my body needs help to keep up with me. I still want to look and feel healthy, so I’m not going to take it sitting down. Taking supplements that are tailored to my life makes more sense to me than leaving it to chance. Progressive MultiVitamins for Women 50+ support my needs for cardiovascular health and helps maintain more youthful levels of estrogen that my changing body needs. Progressive is made with ingredients from nature, balanced by a real naturopathic doctor for my needs. With a life on the run, I don’t want to just hang around. Look for Progressive at Health Food Stores everywhere and in the Loblaws Natural Value section.

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2012-12-31 2013-03-22 6:04 4:48 AM PM


balanced spending

Time for


G u c c i T i m e p i e c e s & J e w e ll e r y h a s p a r t n e r e d w i t h C h i n e s e a c t r e s s L i B i n g b i n g t o l a u n c h a li n e o f s u s t a i n a b l e w a t c h e s a n d j e w e ll e r y. T h e s p e c i a l e d i t i o n L i B i n g b i n g B a m b o o t i m e p i e c e f e a t u r e s a c i r c u l a r b e ze l m a d e o f li g h t b a m b o o . T h e watch has a stainless steel and bamboo bangle that incorporates G u c c i ’s i c o n i c H o r s e b i t c l a s p m o t i f s . T h e b e a d e d b r a c e l e t i s c r a f t e d f r o m c o n t r a s t i n g b a m b o o p i e c e s a n d m il k y w h i t e Ta g u a n u t b e a d s . A s u s t a i n a b l e m a t e r i a l a l s o k n o w n a s “v e g e t a b l e i v o r y,” Ta g u a t a ke s t h e p l a c e o f i v o r y p r o d u c t s f r o m a n i m a l s s u c h a s e l e p h a n t s, w h a l e s o r w a l r u s e s . ($ 9 9 5 )

W E AR IT FOR W IL DERNESS You can support CPAWS, Canada’s voice for wilderness since , by wearing a distressed caribou emblazoned t-shirt. The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) has been a leader in creating nearly half a million square kilometres of protected lands. By cooperating with governments, local communities, industry and indigenous peoples, CPAWS works to preserve Canada’s natural spaces. Men’s t-shirts are available in charcoal, featuring a green caribou design, while women’s t-shirts come in navy, featuring a turquoise design. ($.)

There is a safe, effective natural remedy for all the symptoms CALLY of BPH. P OV EN


Science has spoken.


Designed by nature. Proven by science.

Pioneer In Natural Health - since 1923


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2013-03-25 2:33 PM

Designed by nature. Proven by science.


• Clinically proven effective and safe • Prevents infection, relieves symptoms, builds immunity • Fresh ingredients = maximum benefits


Fight cold and flu with A.Vogel : PROV

New results! The largest clinical trial conducted on Echinacea determined that Echinaforce® is an powerful ally in the prevention and treatment of cold and flu.

Win a trip for two to Switzerland !

Pioneer In Natural Health - since 1923


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2013-03-25 2:41 PM


eco buzz

Pink power

January Jones, Giuliana Rancic, Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth, Liv Tyler and Elizabeth Hurley are contributing to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation via their own pink power. Each has autographed a leather saddlebag handbag and stocked it with their everyday essentials. They were auctioned off—two every week—with all profits going to the organization.

G o o d - c au s e gol fing K i e f e r S u t h e r l a n d, J e s s e M e t c a l f e, R a y m o n d C r u z, a n d D e n n i s H a y s b e r t were among the star s who teed of f for t h e P r i m e t i m e E m m y C e l e b r i t y Te e O f f w i t h a ll p r o c e e d s b e n e f i t t i n g t h e Te l e v i s i o n A c a d e m y F o u n d a t i o n ’s educational and archival programs.

Beating diabetes A t t h e C a r o u s e l o f H o p e B a ll, m o r e t h a n $ 2 . 5 m illi o n w a s r a i s e d f o r t h e C e n t e r f o r C h il d h o o d D i a b e t e s . G u e s t s i n c l u d e d G e o r g e C l o o n e y, Neil Diamond, Sidney Poitier, J a n e F o n d a, Julianne Hough, Smokey Robinson and Jennie Gar th. Shirley MacL aine presented t h e B r a s s R i n g A w a r d t o C l o o n e y.

F i g ht in g t he b ig ‘C ’ Gwyneth Paltrow hosted the 3rd Stand Up For Cancer telethon from London, England. With the help of performers such as Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys and Coldplay, fellow celebs helped raise funds for the fight against cancer. Those donating their time and money included Matt Damon, Michael Douglas, Sofia Vergera, Tom Hanks, Justin Timberlake and Samuel L. Jackson. Paltrow lost her father, Bruce, 10 years ago to cancer.

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activfuel+ is an all-natural sports nutrition supplement specifically designed to fuel your body - both before and during your workout. With dosing tailored to your intensity, activfuel+ increases energy, improves performance and stamina while relieving fatigue. It also works to decrease physical stress and damage to the body, for faster recovery time. Containing only safe, natural, and research proven ingredients, and without artificial flavours, sweeteners or preservatives, activfuel+ is a convenient, great tasting addition to your workout – It’s your body and your workout, fuel it your way. |

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2013-03-22 5:13 PM

When it comes to your immune health:

” or trust Ester-C


with 24-hour immune support

Don’t take chances. Eat healthy, get your rest—and take Ester-C® every day. Taken just once a day, Ester-C® absorbs into your system and stays there to deliver 24-hour immune support and potent antioxidant activity. So now more than ever, trust your immune health to Ester-C®… Nothing Else Works Like It.

One daily dose works for 24-hours Available wherever natural health products are sold. • 1.800.663.4163

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Ester-C and Ester -C logo are reg. TMs to The Ester C Company

2013-03-22 5:17 PM


Once Bitten

For thousands of years, garlic has been an essential culinary and medicinal ingredient. No other food has come close to garlic in terms of sheer mythology; elevated over time to a super-food, it has been believed to contain properties that ward off everything from vampires to the plague. Though the populist “facts” mostly constitute fiction, what is true is not only that garlic’s pungent fl avour packs quite a bite, but also that garlic is full of anti-oxidants and can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol — and it boosts the immune system. Little wonder that garlic is a fundamental ingredient in most of the world’s cuisine. Once bitten, and again...


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Recipes of the

rich and famous by bonnie siegler

The rich and famous aren’t so different from you and me. They enjoy f lavourful foods, and even come up with ways to keep their weight in check with low-fat recipes that still please the palate. Here are a few recipes from some of VIVA’s favourite celebrities for you to try out in your own kitchen. Enjoy!

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The actress and mom switched from a meat-and -sugar habit years ago to a clean diet full of foods picked from her very own garden. “I feel more present and clear-minded by eating fresh and real food, not processed,” she states. “I make this tahini spread using a fresh lemon from my garden.”

½ cup tahini ½ cup water Juice from  lemon - cloves of garlic, chopped Sea salt and ground black pepper to taste Combine ingredients in a blender to make a smooth, creamy sauce.

Alicia Silverstone’s ta hini-ins pir ed s pr e a d


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Gloria Estefan’s

bl ack bean soup

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“I have an American head and Cuban heart,” says the singing sensation and owner of several Miami restaurants. “We eat really healthy around the house and I tried to infuse that into the menus at the restaurants, but I won’t give up flavour – I like to have a little zest to my foods. And black beans are so full of protein.”

 pound dried black beans, rinsed  tablespoons virgin olive oil  red or green peppers, chopped (about  cups)  large onion, chopped (about  ½ cups)  carrot diced (about ½ cup)  cloves garlic, minced  tablespoon sugar  teaspoons salt ½ teaspoon pepper  ¾ teaspoons dried oregano  cans fat-free chicken broth  teaspoons sherry wine or vinegar In a pot over high heat, combine the beans with enough water to cover them by  inches. Bring to a boil and cook for  minutes. Remove from the heat and let stand for  hour. Drain and rinse the beans and set them aside. In the same pot, heat oil over a medium heat. Add peppers, onion, carrot and garlic; cook until vegetables soften, or for  minutes. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar, salt, oregano and pepper; continue cooking and stirring for  minute. Add broth and cover; simmer for  minutes. Add  cups of water and the reserved beans. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the beans are tender, or for - ½ hours. Remove from the heat; stir in sherry wine or vinegar. Garnish with cilantro if desired. EARTH ISSUE 2013 VIVAMAGONLINE.COM

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“When I was skating professionally, I needed good health for endurance – now I need it for my family,” says the former pro skater and “Dancing With The Stars” champion. “I’m no galloping gourmet but I have a few simple and nutritious cooking tricks up my sleeve. This salad is great when you need a light lunch or dinner in a snap.” / cup low-fat Caesar salad dressing  tablespoons Dijon mustard  teaspoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed ¾ pound boneless chicken breast - cloves of garlic, minced  bunch romaine lettuce, washed and torn into bite-sized pieces  cherry tomatoes, halved  slices whole grain bread Preheat the broiler. In a small bowl, combine the salad dressing, mustard and lemon juice. In a separate bowl, reserve half the dressing mixture. Place the chicken, garlic and remaining dressing in a large Ziploc bag, seal and shake to coat chicken with dressing and marinate for  hours in the refrigerator. Lightly mist the broiler pan with non-stick spray. Place the skinless, boneless chicken on the pan and broil for about  minutes, turning once. Let the chicken cool for  minutes. Meanwhile in a large bowl, combine lettuce and tomatoes. When the chicken is ready, cut it into strips on a diagonal. Add the chicken and the rest of the dressing to your salad. Toss and serve with whole grain bread.


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Kristi Yamaguchi’s chicken caesar salad


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Reba McEntire’s

yogur t chicken 36  VIVAMAGONLINE.COM EARTH ISSUE 2013

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“We used to eat red meat almost every day growing up,” says the country music sensation and star of TV’s “Malibu Country.” But today, Reba and her family have “all but given up eating red meat, opting more for chicken, fish and salads. I’m not a gourmet cook, but I do love trying different recipes.”

 cup lowfat, plain yogurt Juice of - lemons  teaspoon curry powder  teaspoon cumin  teaspoon cinnamon  garlic cloves, minced  large boneless, skinless chicken breast halves Salt to taste Wash the chicken breasts, cut in half and pat them dry. Make shallow cuts in the chicken. Mix the yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, curry, cumin, cinnamon and salt together. Place the mixture and chicken in a Ziplock bag, squeeze out the air and seal shut. Shake the bag until each chicken breast is coated. Refrigerate with the ingredients for at least  hour. Spray the broiler pan with non-stick spray. Place the chicken on the pan and brush with extra yogurt mixture. Broil about  inches from bthe roiler for at least  minutes. Turn the chicken, coat it and b`roil other side. Serves .


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special information feature

Omega 3-6-9 By Robert Dadd Essentially Speaking… Alpha linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3) and Linoleic acid (LA, omega-6) are the two “parent” polyunsaturated fatty acids of these groups and the only two considered essential as our bodies cannot manufacture them and they must be obtained from our diet. Omega-9 fatty acids are monounsaturated fatty acids that are healthy oils but are considered non-essential. Every cell, tissue, gland and organ is dependent upon the presence of these EFAs (essential fatty acids). They are an important main structural component of every cell membrane, are necessary for cell growth and division, and regulate vital cell activity.1 Metabolic Magic ALA is converted in the body to its longer chain metabolites, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). There are many factors that affect how well this conversion process works: gender (women convert better than men), age (the conversion process may be less efficient with age), diet (vegetarians/vegans have upregulated conversion2, certain vitamins and minerals are needed for the conversion, diets high in saturated fat, excess omega-6, and high in carbohydrates impair the conversion) and health status (certain health conditions like eczema and diabetes have been linked to impaired conversion) are some main ones.

be antiarrhythmic (prevents abnormal heart beats), antithrombotic (prevents blood clots), antiatherogenic (prevents narrowing of the arteries due to fatty plaque buildup), reduce inflammation, reduce blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides, and raise the good HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. The Lyon Heart Study was a large and well conducted study that provided heart attack survivors with diet advice and an oil supplement rich in ALA. The study achieved a 50 to 70 per cent reduction in the number of “cardiac events” that took place over a four year period.4 The Indo-Mediterranean Diet Heart Study was another large trial (1,000 people) showing supplementation with omega-3 EFAs reduced the incidence of heart attacks. Many more studies have been conducted that all contribute to a large body of good quality evidence for using omega-3 EFAs as part of a preventative effort to reduce heart attacks and strokes.5

Omega-3 essential fatty acids play an important role in cardiovascular health (among other roles). They have been shown to

The Myth of Omega-6 and Inflammation Omega-6 fatty acids have also long been associated with a lowering of LDL cholesterol and a reduction in cardiovascular disease. The hypothesis that omega-6 fatty acids lead to increased inflammation in the body actually has minimal evidence to support it. The American Heart Association recently published a research review of omega-6 fatty acids that recommended at least five to 10 per cent of daily energy intake from omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in order to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.6,7 A population study among Japanese men found that both omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet was connected with lower overall inflammation in the body.8 This makes sense considering some omega-6 fatty acids like GLA (gamma linolenic acid) have long been known to be anti-inflammatory. Finally, a 2010 meta-analysis recommended replacing saturated fat in the diet with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). This review found that “each 5 per cent increase in the proportion of energy obtained from PUFAs reduced the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) events by 10 per cent.”9

References 1. U. Erasmus, Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill. 1993. 2. Davis BC et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Sep;78(3 Suppl):640S-646S. 3. de Lorgeril M, et al. Circulation. 1999 Feb 16;99(6):779-85. 4. Stark AH et al. Nutr Rev. 2008 Jun;66(6):326-32.

5. Schwalfenberg, G. Can Fam Physician. 2006; 52:734–740. 6. Willett C et al. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2007;8 Suppl 1:S42-S45. 7. Harris WS, et al. Circulation. 2009 Feb 17;119(6):902-7. 8. Poudel-Tandukar K, et al. Nutr Res. 2009 Jun;29(6):363-70. 9. Mozaffarian D, et al. PLoS Med. 2010; 7(3): e1000252.

Fats that Heal... Much attention has been paid over the years to EPA and DHA’s health benefits but ALA itself is the fatty acid that is considered essential in the omega-3 family and it has its own health benefits. These include neuro-protection, as well as cardio-protective effects such as improved vascular tone, heart rate, blood lipid levels, inflammatory responses, blood pressure, and reduced hardening of the arteries.3

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2013-03-22 5:24 PM

HEALTH Seeing the light Here in the northern hemisphere, seasonal changes bring a radical difference in darkness and light. Sometimes we experience changes in mood and well-being commensurate with gains and losses of sunlight. Our ability to overcome feeling down can depend on the food we eat, the supplements we take, how much exercise we get and how much time we spend outside. The health features in this issue of VIVA are all about helping you find these well-travelled paths to feeling better. Don’t just see the light — be it.


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building beautiful skin requires gamma linolenic ac i d — a n d t h e r e ’s o n ly one way t o g e t i t

By Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe, MS

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ody was looking at her childhood photos, taking note of her beautiful, glowing skin, and realized at , that it was already showing signs of aging. Rhianna, at , was shocked by how quickly after menopause her skin appeared dull and wrinkled. Madison, , delivered a beautiful baby boy; however, within weeks, his head was covered in cradle cap, and the folds of his arms had developed eczema. Fatty acid deficiency is the cause of all these people’s skin troubles — though not just any fatty acid. Beautiful skin requires a very special essential fatty acid called Gamma Linolenic Acid, also known as GLA, which builds better, more beautiful skin from the inside out. GLA is called “essential” because we have to get it from the food we eat. Sadly, the North American diet is comprised predominantly of bad fats from red meats and processed foods devoid of “good” fats. Even for those who eat well, an enzyme called the delta--desaturase is often impaired, which means you can’t make the good fats, such as GLA, from the foods you eat. The only way to get this important fatty acid? Believe it: from a bottle. borage oil

Your dermatologist most likely won’t tell you about younger-looking skin that’s bottle-bequeathed. GLA is found in borage oil ( to  per cent) and, to a lesser extent, evening primrose oil ( to  per cent). Fish and fl ax oil do not provide any GLA, and can make skin diseases worse. Consuming GLA oil is the fastest route to gorgeous skin. Common reasons why the enzyme in the body that makes GLA does not work include: low thyroid, viral infections, diabetes and prediabetes, menopause, aging, sugar consumption (on average, we eat  pounds of sugar per person, per year), and a deficiency of vitamins C, B, B, zinc and magnesium. Th is is why we must supplement with GLA. the studies

Jody will be happy to know that in one study, younger women were given GLA oil supplements and in less than  days, their skin was not losing as much moisture. More than one third of those who started the study with skin rashes and irritation, had none by the time the study was completed. Plus, GLA oil reduced dry skin and made their skin glow. Just think: if we started taking GLA oil as children, we may not wrinkle at all. Make sure your GLA oil supplement delivers  mg per serving. Many

GLA supplements just list the total oil content, and you must read the fine print for the actual yield. gla, menopause and skin

In women who have undergone menopause, the enzyme that converts fatty acids from our food into GLA no longer works. GLA makes your skin luminescent, dewy and glowing. Without sufficient GLA, the skin becomes dry, rough and wrinkled. To return your skin to its youthful glow after menopause, supplement with GLA. It also reduces infl ammation in the skin associated with rashes and rosacea, which are common in menopausal women. gla, eczema and skin rashes

Not only is GLA important for preventing and treating wrinkled, dry skin — it also helps to maintain the natural water loss barrier in the skin as well. Skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis, cradle cap, acne and dry skin occur when we are deficient in GLA. It’s vital for keeping skin cells moist and strong, improving the protective function of the skin. In a study,  adult patients given  mg of GLA per day for eczema had a  per cent improvement rate over  weeks. Eczema is a common problem in infants and children. GLA oil is safe for all ages, without the side effects seen with steroid creams. During pregnancy, moms need extra GLA to ensure the baby does not become deficient. Madison’s baby has common signs of infant GLA deficiency. Cradle cap and infant eczema or dry crusts on the skin that occur on the scalp, face, armpits, chest and groin area can be treated with topical GLA oil. In one study,  infants with dermatitis were given twice daily topical applications of GLA oil for six weeks, with complete relief. One teaspoon of GLA oil containing  mg of GLA should be applied twice a day. gla and acne

GLA oil has also been found to inhibit male hormones in the skin that are associated with acne. If you have acne, take GLA oil with food and apply GLA oil externally to the acne-prone areas, for excellent results. Research studies found that when GLA oil was applied to cystic acne, a reduction in breakouts occurred; the formation of new cystic acne was halted; and male hormone levels in the skin were also reduced. Funny to think that society spends billions of dollars annually on cosmetic treatments, yet the solution for beautiful skin can be found in a bottle of GLA oil. Well, the wrinkle-free last laugh can be ours. Lorna Vanderhaeghe, MS is Canada’s leading women’s health expert. She is the author of 12 books.


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Fun-shaped multi vitamins No artificial flavours or colours Great-tasting flavours

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Kids Supplements

Loved by Kids, Trusted by Moms! Introducing Treehouse™ Kids Supplements — high-quality vitamins and more that are specially made for little bodies. Kids love staying healthy with their favourite Treehouse characters. Moms love that they’re made with all-natural flavours and colours. Brought to you by the makers of webber naturals®.

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Treehouse logo™ is a trademark of the Corus™ Entertainment group of companies. All rights reserved. Franklin™ Kids Can Press Ltd. Franklin characters © 1986 Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark. All related logos ™ Corus Entertainment Inc. group of companies. All rights reserved. Max & Ruby © Rosemary Wells Licensed by Nelvana Limited. NELVANA is a registered trademark of Nelvana Limited. CORUS is a trademark of Corus Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.

13-01-23 12:45 PM 2

2013-03-25 3:23 PM


health feature


Don’t forg et to consult yo ur healthcare prac tit ioner for any heal th concerns.

Preventing pre-eclampsia Good nutrition and moderate exercise can go a long way in preventing high blood pressure during pregnancy By Brian Davies, BSC, ND


here’s a lot to think about when preparing for a healthy pregnancy. Most women are concerned about the nausea that can arise in the first trimester; however, several other concerns may also develop during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia, or high blood pressure that arises in pregnancy, is hard to prepare for, and occurs in roughly three per cent of Canadian women who become pregnant 1. Although what causes elevated blood pressure to occur during pregnancy is not known, awareness and

simple preventive strategies (as with most health conditions) are essential in supporting a healthy prenatal experience. The first weeks

Pre-eclampsia typically arises after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, when blood pressure starts to climb to levels above the standard systolic pressure of 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg, respectively. Checking and recording your blood pressure prior to pregnancy, when you become pregnant, and occasionally during your pregnancy, can help you monitor for signs of these changes.

Laboratory evaluations have also been extremely helpful in screening for risk factors that may be associated with preeclampsia. It’s a good idea to have your blood tested for serum concentrations of aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), albumin, total bilirubin, prothrombin time ratio (PTT), 25-OH Vitamin D and uric acid levels. These tests have all been found to be predictive in the risk of pre-eclampsia.2,3,4 The usual suspects

Also known to increase the risk of

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When it comes to your baby

only the #1 for pregnancy will do

pre-eclampsia in women are “the usual suspects”: pre-existing high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. These health concerns should be tackled prior to pregnancy to dramatically lower your risk of many complications that can arise during pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia. One example of a lifestyle change that has been proven to lower the risk of preeclampsia is exercise. Regular exercise, prior to and during pregnancy, has been found to reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia along with the risk of excess weight gain and gestational diabetes. Consider joining a prenatal yoga class or going to a prenatal aqua-fit or aerobics class. Traditional Pilates is also a great way to stay fit during pregnancy and has a strong emphasis on diaphramatic breathing, which makes every pregnancy a lot smoother.

Nutrient Magnesium

A healthy diet plays an essential role in preventing unwanted complications before and during pregnancy. A special focus on whole foods, including lean proteins, nuts and seeds, vegetables and healthy fats is essential. TCM TIP

Taken from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a diet tip to prevent excessive swelling while pregnant involves avoiding excess amounts of raw fruits and vegetables, as well as “cold” foods and drinks that are high in refined sugars, such as juice and soft drinks. All of the above diet and lifestyle tips can help you have a healthy and safe prenatal experience.


nat ur a l sources

300 mg per day Vegetables with food (Caution: may cause diarrhea)


1,000 mg per day with food

Vegetables and nuts

Vitamin C

1,000 mg per day with food

Vegetables and fruits

400 IU per day with food

Nuts and seeds Leafy green vegetables

Vitamin E (tocotrienols and tecopherols)

Helping to make healthy moms and babies worldwide over the last 25 years, Pregnacare® has always contained the recommended level of folic acid† and 18 supportive vitamins minerals & nutrients. Pregnacare® is supported by unique clinical research with moms-to-be1,2. In fact, it’s the only pregnancy brand that is clinically proven effective and easy to take without causing nausea1,2. Trust Pregnacare® for the most important time of your life.

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References . Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol.  Aug;():-. . BJOG.  Jun;():-. . Am J Hypertens.  Jun;():-. . J Obstet Gynaecol Can. Oct;():-. . Hypertension.  Nov;():-. .

better supermarkets, pharmacies, & health stores. Distributed by:

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†Folic acid contributes to tissue growth during pregnancy. Pregnacare has always contained 400mcg folic acid, the level recommended for all women from the start of trying to conceive. ††Based on a survey of 1000 midwives. 1 Agrawal, R. et al. Prospective randomised trial of multiple micronutrients in women undergoing ovulation induction, Reproductive BioMedicine December 2011., 2. L Brough et al. Effect of multiple-micronutrient supplementation on maternal nutrient status, infant birth weight and gestational age at birth in a low-income, multi-ethnic population. British Journal of Nutrition (2010), 104, 437-445. *200mg DHA in addition to the recommended daily intake of 250mg DHA / EPA for adults - Annex 1 of Commission Regulations (EU) No. 440/2011.


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health feature


Essential &

Strategies to reduce disease risk of offspring via supplementation during pregnancy Philip Rouchotas, MSc, ND Bolton Naturopathic Clinic,


n exciting, important area of research receiving a lot of attention in recent years involves pregnancy influences. Exposure of a fetus to a wide array of influences has been clearly demonstrated to deliver a positive or negative impact to the resulting offspring’s health, measurable many years after the child’s delivery. Exercise, increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, and a low-stress environment during pregnancy offer measurable,


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crucial benefits for many years following childbirth. Major stress events (death of a loved one, loss of a job), antibiotic use, smoking or excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy result in measurable detriment to the child for many years post-delivery. The focus of this article is to describe a selection of natural health product supplements supported by impressive scientific evidence of delivering important benefits when supplemented during pregnancy for the health of the resulting offspring. Folic acid

The best publicized supplement for use during pregnancy to prevent disease in the resulting offspring is folic acid. It is ideal to be supplementing folic acid for several months prior to pregnancy to obtain the benefit of reduced risk of neural tube defects in the child. It is estimated that supplementation with folic acid prior to and during pregnancy reduces risk of neural tube defects by 72 per cent1. Most women should consume 1mg (1000mcg) of folic acid per day for two to three months prior to becoming pregnant. Women considered at high risk for a child with neural tube defects are advised to consume 5mg (5000mcg) per day. Multivitamin

Above and beyond the impact of folic acid, a daily multivitamin is highly advisable for pregnant women. Use of a multivitamin during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of five congenital abnormalities (cleft palate, heart defects, etc.) and three pediatric cancers2,3. The multivitamin should contain very low, or zero, vitamin A and beta-carotene. Fish oil

Supplementation of fish oil during pregnancy has been shown to deliver a long list of important outcomes to the resulting offspring. More rapid development of visual acuity, auditory processing, and improved IQ have all been demonstrated, as has improved prosocial behaviour during childhood years. More recently, it has also been shown that infants whose mothers supplemented fish oil during pregnancy are at reduced risk of developing atopy: wheeze, eczema, asthma.4,5,6


and scientists discover new roles for these microorganisms every day. A fetus, however, has a sterile colon — there are no bacteria present. The colon of a newborn is inoculated (receives its first bacteria) upon delivery. The appropriate bacteria to receive are introduced during a vaginal birth (as the baby leaves the birth canal, it picks up bacteria from the mom). A very different, and detrimental array of bacteria are picked up by the child during C-section deliveries. Supplementation during pregnancy with a probiotic has been shown to powerfully reduce a child’s risk of atopy7. Probiotics can also be administered directly to a newborn baby, and is especially important among children who have been born by C-section. It is highly advisable to consult with a naturopathic doctor when seeking to administer a probiotic directly to a newborn infant. Vitamin D

Guidelines have recently changed regarding what is considered an appropriate blood level of vitamin D. Based on these revisions, virtually all Canadians are deficient in vitamin D (unless they are already taking a supplement)! Specific to pregnancy, studies have shown that children born to mothers who supplemented vitamin D while pregnant are at reduced risk of developing type I diabetes as children.8

The study of influences in pregnancy and their impact on the health of offspring is a fascinating area that will continue to evolve in the years to come. It is incredible that simple things done during pregnancy can have such a profound impact on the health of the child throughout their entire life! There is clear scientific evidence to support the recommendation for pregnant women to supplement with folic acid, a multivitamin, fish oil, probiotics, and vitamin D prior to and throughout their pregnancy. References: 1. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Oct 6;(10):CD007950. 2. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2006 Aug;28(8):680-9. 3. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 Feb;50(2 Suppl):487-9. 4. BJOG. 2011 Jul;118(8):916-25.


5. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Mar;87(3):548-57.

Adults, and children very shortly after birth, possess more bacteria in their colon than they do cells in their entire body! The types of bacteria in the colon have immense impact on our health,

6. Lancet. 2007 Feb 17;369(9561):578-85. 7. Epidemiology. 2012 May;23(3):402-14. 8. Diabetes. 2012 Jan;61(1):175-8.

EARTH Issue 2013

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health expert


advice from the pros

Dr. Brian Davies, BSc, ND

A c o u p l e o f m o n t h s a g o, I g o t a s t y e i n m y e y e . I e n d e d u p u s i n g e y e d r o p s, b u t I ’m w o n d e r i n g i f t h e r e ’s a n a t u r a l a l t e r n a t i v e t o c l e a r u p s t y e s .

I o f t e n g e t d e p r e s s e d, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n the sun-star ved winter and spring seasons. W h a t s h o u l d I d o — b u y a s u n l a m p?

– Dahlia, Toronto, Ont Dear Dahlia,

– Dana, Prince Albert, Sask. Dear Dana,

I have successfully treated several eye styes for my clients, using different homeopathic remedies. The right remedy to use has depended on the individual client in every case. Several remedies that may be classically used to treat styes are graphite, sulphur or conium. To be effective, a very low “potency” remedy should be used frequently, either in eyedrops or dissolved under the tongue, three to six times per day. Hygiene is very important in the prevention of styes. Because they can occur from oil buildup, keeping the eyes clean and dry, along with avoiding rubbing your eyes, will often help prevent a stye from developing.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a very common concern for many people. The good news is that there are many reasonable lifestyle options and treatments available for achieving and maintaining a happy mood throughout the year. Clinically, one of the most important treatments for SAD is vitamin D3. I often suggest having your 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels tested before taking vitamin D3, to get an idea of your ideal dose and whether your vitamin levels are low in the first place. Safe dosages of vitamin D range from 1,000 to 4,500 IU per day; however, on occasion doses may exceed 5,000 IU per day with clinical supervision. Commonly, SAD sufferers begin feeling better from vitamin D treatment when their serum levels are above 120 nmol/L. Other treatment options that help combat a seasonally low mood are exercise and diet. It’s important to avoid excess refined sugar and grains, along with trying to follow a moderate exercise regime of 30 minutes, two to three times per week. Above and beyond proper diet and lifestyle, I often prescribe L-tryptophan or suggest 5-HTP to help regulate sleep and improve mood. Taking high-quality omega-3 fish oil and multivitamins can also be a helpful tool.

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2013-03-22 5:38 PM


health feature

Adrenal adroitness

Stressed out? You may need to take supplements to help your adrenal glands cope By Dr. Brian Davies, ND


re you ever physically tired yet still emotionally wired? It’s no wonder, with today’s busy lifestyle, that more people have some degree of physical and/ or emotional burnout, resulting in stress on the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are an essential part of our hormone system, and produce very important “feel good” hormones when our bodies are in balance. However, when long-term emotional and/or physical stress takes over, we can get hormonally out of whack. And although

it’s important to evaluate the level of adrenal imbalance, it’s essential to address the causes of stress on the body. assess the cause

Assessment starts with a thorough history, along with objective laboratory testing. Think back to when you felt really good, and start documenting the life events that may have caused you stress from that point on. Having your doctor test for the hormone DHEA-S, along with a complete blood count, are key initial assessments that will evaluate

the degree of exhaustion and causes of stress on the body. DHEA is an adrenal hormone that plays a vital role in physical and emotional well-being. If you are found to have low DHEA-S levels, then you are likely feeling exhausted. A complete blood count can reveal a lot of information about the body, including information about emotional stress, infections (such as chronic viruses, parasites and bacteria), environmental or food allergies, vitamin B12 and folic acid, iron and zinc levels.

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common symptoms and causes

The key to treating adrenal dysfunction is removing the underlying causes of stress, along with balancing the blood sugar hormones, cortisol and insulin. Eating plenty of healthy fats, proteins and vegetables is a must, as is limiting refined starches and sugar.

health feature Lorna Vanderhaeghe Adrenasmart (90 vegetarian capsules)

Omega Alpha B-Complex (60 caps, $21.99)

Sleep is a key lifestyle factor to supporting recovery from any degree of chronic stress. Thus, solving sleep problems helps greatly with recovery. moder ate e xercise

Finally, people are often surprised by the suggestion of limiting physical exercise for several months to yoga, Pilates, walking or hiking. Meditation can also have profound effects on reducing stress and inflammation in the body. In all exercise and meditation practices, deep abdominal breathing is essential.

Yogi Egyptian Licorice™ tea (16 tea bags, $5.49)

Signs and Symptoms


Physical exhaustion

Emotional stress

Emotional exhaustion

Chronic viral infections


Chronic bacterial infections


Parasitic infections

Hot flashes/ night sweats

Nutrient deficiencies

Chronic pain


Loss of sex drive

Chronic pain

Digestive complaints




Acne (and other skin concerns)


Menstrual irregularities


Weight gain

Various NOTE

Prices may vary by location.

nutritional support for the adrenal glands Rhodiola  to  mg per day away from food Regulates blood sugar and supports mood. Safe to be used short-term. Not to be used by children or during pregnancy. Vitamin C , to , mg per day with food Essential nutrient for adrenal recovery. Safe to be used long-term. High doses may cause loose bowels. B vitamins (especially Vitamin B) Varies based on the vitamin. Take with food. Essential vitamins for adrenal recovery. Safe to be used long-term. High doses of B vitamins may cause nausea. Licorice  mg per day away from food Helps support cortisol and aldosterone. Caution is required, as licorice can interact with many medications and may raise blood pressure in some people. Not to be used by children or during pregnancy.

Panex Ginseng  mg per day away from food Improves energy and vitality. Safe for short-term use. Not to be used by children or during pregnancy. DHEA  to  mg per day Essential adrenal hormone. Minimal doses of bioidentical DHEA are recommended. Not recommended with risks of certain cancers. May cause acne and oily skin. Estrogen . to . mg per day as a bio-estrogen cream or drops Essential adrenal hormone in men and post-menopausal women. Minimal doses of bioidentical estradiol (and estriol) are recommended to support symptoms. Not recommended with risks of heart and stroke disease, or certain cancers.

Don’t forg et to consult yo ur healthcare prac tit ioner for any heal th concerns.

Progesterone  to  mg per day (cream, capsule or drops) Essential adrenal hormone in men and post-menopausal women. Minimal doses of bioidentical progesterone are recommended to support symptoms. Not recommended with risks of heart and stroke disease, or certain cancers. Pregnanolone  mgs per day as a cream or capsule Essential hormone precursor to support adrenal recovery. Minimal doses of bioidentical pregnanolone are recommended. Very little safety information is available. see a practitioner

Nutr itional support and treatment for adrenal concerns varies greatly, depending on the underly ing cause. Work w ith a knowledgeable medical practitioner who will perform a proper eva lu at ion a nd t reat ment of t he underlying causes of stress on your body.


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special information feature


We all know that almost everything from the ocean is good for us. What most people don’t know is how valuable sea vegetables can be for our health. In ancient civilizations such as Japanese, Aztec and Greek, algae was a prestigious healing food. Recently, sea vegetables have found their way into a healthy North American diet. Why are sea vegetables so powerful? Well, the solar system’s most powerful star is the sun. Sea vegetables, through the process of photosynthesis, absorb

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By John Koveos, B.Sc, Nutr ition

solar energy from the sun. This process converts solar energy into a chemical energy to fuel life as we know it. This healing energy is channelled up the food chain via algae, so the closer our diet is to algae, the more easily we can consume the healing energy of the sun. Sea vegetables are the first food on Earth and first on the food chain, and as a result, the most important. Combining sea vegetables creates a multitude of health benefits.

Of the thousands of strains, the following are superfoods:


Spirulina and Aphanizomenon flosaquae (E3 Live) are two blue-green algae. Their name comes from the visible blue (phycocyanin) and green (chlorophyll) hues. Studies show improvements in cardiovascular health, blood pressure, cholesterol and even diabetes. A study suggests extract of AFA cellular concentrate may act to promote the proliferation of human stem cells. (Med Sci Monit. 2010 Jan;16(1):BR1-5.) C hlorell A

Chlorella (a green algae) is named after pigments chlorophyll-a and -b. These pigments have a unique ability to bind with mercury, lead and cadmium, and are known for their heavy metal “detoxifier” benefits. Chlorophyll from chlorella has a superior ability to safely remove these toxic metals. A study concluded chlorella has the potential to relieve symptoms, improve quality of life and normalize body functions in patients with fibromyalgia, hypertension or ulcerative colitis.

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special information feature


Chlorella S c h i n o u ss a w h i t e a l g a e

Schinoussa white algae is the world’s oldest living organism (known as Posidonia Oceanica). It is endemic to the Mediterranean, and the tiny Island Schinoussa even has a cove named after it. This algae/sea grass gets its name from the whitening effects of the sun. Recent scientific studies have identified chicoric acid in Schinoussa white algae; previously it was only thought to exist in echinacea. Schinoussa white algae have immune, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties. Furthermore, it may speed up the healing process. Kelp (b rown a lg a e )

Kelp (brown algae) is known for its iodine content and is needed for healthy thyroid hormone production; plus, it acts as a preventative against a sluggish thyroid. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the common thyroid challenges. The thyroid gland has a huge impact on our overall health. Kelp’s concentrated minerals also include potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Red m a rin e a lg a e

In 600 BC, China documented that red algae was food suitable for a king. In Chinese medicine, this algae allows the flow of qi. By maximizing qi, it optimizes wellness and produces energy. Red algae are rich sources of minerals, polysaccharides, protein, enzymes and fibre. Red algae are found to be 20 times more mineral potent than land plants. Research since the 1970s has shown that red algae are a rich source of lysine, which combats cold sores and herpes.

Traditional Japanese cucumber salad and kelp N o va S c o t i a D u l s e

Nova Scotia Dulse, a red sea vegetable, is notable for its high mineral and protein content, particularly iron and potassium. Dulse has 34 times as much potassium as a banana and a high concentration of other minerals. One study found a total of 112 different minerals and trace elements in a collection of red seaweed, including copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Dulse has an unusually large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid and an unusually high concentration of EPA and DHA. B l a dd e r w r a c k ( B ROW N AL G AE )

Bladderwrack is popular for its antiobesity benefits due to naturally occurring l-fucose compounds. Iodine levels are also high, which can support healthy weight loss. Other various uses are to improve skin quality, blood glucose, insulin and insulin sensitivity. In a skin study, adding 1 per cent bladderwrack to skin cream helped reduce skin thickness and increase skin elasticity. (J Cosmet Sci. 2002 Jan-Feb;53(1):1-9.)

Another study showed 500 mg of brown seaweed was able to decrease glucose and insulin AUC values while increasing insulin sensitivity . (Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2011 Dec;36(6):9139. Epub 2011 Nov 16.)

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2013-03-25 4:12 PM

what's in your fridge



Luisa D' Oliveira

Occupation: Actress (Cracked, 50/50, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief )

Photograph by Mark Bennett

Olympic Organic Sour Cream A great addition to salad dressings, soups and even baking, this thick, rich sour cream is full of protein and calcium—and it’s organic. (250 ml, $3.99) Manuka Health (Gold) Manuka Honey It’s medicinal, and it’s also a sweet treat! Not only does this 100 per cent natural New Zealand honey taste amazing, it can also be applied topically to heal wounds. (250 g, $30.99)

Secret food vice? Definitely cheese. I haven’t met a cheese I didn’t like. Number one comfort food? A great plate of southern Italian pasta. Biggest food challenge? Staying on top of my home-cooked meals. I love cooking; however, if I’m having a particularly busy week and need fast meals, I don’t eat as well. What keeps your diet balanced? Delicious food! As long as I allow myself some pizza, pasta and sweets here and there, I have no problem eating healthy most of the time. Any allergies or dislikes? Luckily, I’m not allergic to anything. I dislike poorly made dishes. What must always be in your fridge? Almond milk, arugula, fruit, cheese and hummus. Go-to meals? Roasted chicken with arugula salad or whatever kind of soup I’ve whipped up that week. If I’m crunched for time, a plate of hummus, pita and whatever meats and cheeses I have around. Strangest food you’ve tried? Sautéed fish maw in Thailand. Fish maw is an air-filled

Camino Orange Dark Chocolate There’s something sensational about combining orange with chocolate— perhaps it’s that citrusy bite that melds so well with the richness of dark chocolate. (100 g, $4.29)

Favourite dish or food to eat in the summer? In the winter? I had unbelievable pesto lamb kebabs last summer. In the winter...a hot bowl of tomato soup with Parmesan. Favourite meal to prepare for guests in your home? Any dish that’s shared out of one large plate. It brings people together. My favourite is my boyfriend’s family recipe for pasta sauce, with an arugula salad. Most used/favourite ingredient to cook with? Arugula. I have an arugula salad with almost every meal. It’s great in sandwiches, wraps and burgers. What have you been busy with over the last year? I’ve been working on the new CBC series Cracked, playing a detective solving difficult crimes involving mental illness. Earlier, I shot the film Red Machine. It’ll be in theatres this year. What’s next? Relaxing! After how busy I’ve been, I’m glad to take a breather.

Just Juice – Field Berries It’s so good, you’ll want to drink this pure, all-Canadian juice every day. Rich in antioxidants, it provides a full spectrum of polyphenolic compounds to protect the brain and eyes. (1 L, $14.99)

Prices may vary by location.

organ that allows a fish to control its buoyancy. It was a bit much for me.

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special information feature


Silica By Robert Dadd

Orthosilicic acid (or just silicic acid) (H4SiO4) is the water soluble form of silica. It is the form found in plants and the ocean. It is also the form best absorbed and utilized by the human body in connective tissue, bone, hair and nails.

A number of animal studies and cell studies have shown that silica plays an important role in collagen synthesis and bone density. Human studies have also carried on with these findings as well.

Silicon dioxide (SiO2), however, is difficult to digest and is the form of silica found in glass, sand, and dessicant packages (among other industrial uses).

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found significant benefits with silicon supplements for aging skin, brittle nails, and brittle hair. Fifty women with sun-damaged skin were given either 10mg silicon daily (as orthosilicic acid) or a placebo for 20 weeks. Measurements of skin roughness and elasticity showed improvement in the silicon group as compared to the placebo group. Brittleness of hair and nails also improved.1

Silicon (Si) is the mineral element and then “silica” is a loose term for both orthosilicic acid and silicon dioxide compounds that combine silicon with other elements. Spring horsetail is one of the best sources of orthosilicic acid and it can be extracted from the plant using a gentle, hot water extraction process if done early enough in the plant’s life cycle. Flavonoids, trace minerals and complex sugars also are extracted along with the orthosilicic acid to provide a whole plant matrix, which aids absorption of the silica. As you age, collagen, the binding element that literally holds your body together, deteriorates and loses its natural elasticity, resulting in loose skin, thinning hair and brittle nails. When there is plenty of collagen in the body the skin has a youthful glow and elasticity that prevents wrinkles. One of the main components of collagen is silica, which supplies silicon. Silicon is a constituent of the enzyme prolylhydrolase, which helps the body produce collagen and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). In addition, silicon is directly found in protein complexes that include GAGs. GAGs are polysaccharides that attract water, sugar, and protein to make connective tissue, cartilage, tendons, and to lubricate joints as synovial fluid. These substances are essential building blocks of life for healthy bone, nails, hair, and skin.

A population based study of 2,847 people in the UK found a positive connection between silica and increased bone density in men and women. The daily intake of silica was approximately 30mg. 2 In another randomized, placebo controlled trial of 136 women, orthosilicic acid, along with calcium and vitamin D, was found to positively affect bone density better than calcium and vitamin D alone.3 A number of studies have also found that silica has the ability to prevent or decrease absorption of aluminum which means silica may play a neuroprotective role as well. References: 1. Barel A, et al. Arch Dermatol Res. 2005 Oct 5. 2. Jugdaohsingh R, et al. J Bone Miner Res. 2004;19:297–307. 3. Spector T, et al. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:85. 4. Gillette Guyonnet S, et al. J Nutr Health Aging. 2007 Mar-Apr;11(2):119-24.

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cover story

An idyllic childhood spent playing make-believe and skiing helped steer Sarah Chalke’s career south to Hollywood by bonnie siegler • photography by elisabeth caren assisted by liz bretz and dan eldridge styling by Jeff Kim of Margaret Maldonado Agency makeup by Lisa Ashley Hair by Gregory Russell of The Wall Group View the video from the photo shoot at


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cover story


ust because you leave home when you grow up, it doesn’t mean you leave all your fond memories behind as well. Hollywood actress Sarah Chalke—born in Ottawa, Ontario and raised in Vancouver, B.C.—is a case in point. Since her family still live in Vancouver and fiancé Jamie Afifi’s family are in Winnipeg, Chalke visits Canada quite often with her three-year-old son, Charlie. Best known for her role as Becky Connor in Roseanne, and more recently as Dr. Elliot Reid in the comedy series Scrubs, 36-year-old Chalke recalls an idyllic childhood full of games and make-believe. “When I was six years old, my sister and I liked dressing up and putting on plays,” she says, “and they were long ones, too. We’d go into my mother’s jewellery box, put on her necklaces and other beautiful jewellery, or go into my Dad’s closet and put on his suits and prescription glasses. Then I couldn’t see through the whole play because I would be wearing his glasses.” She laughs, as she does frequently during our conversation. “Maybe that’s why I’m an actress today. I liked dress-up and make-believe.” Ski bum

Before getting her big break as Becky, Chalke appeared in local musical productions and even taught skiing for a few years at a ski centre. “If I have one regret in life, it’s that I didn’t move to Whistler and be a ski bum. Okay, two regrets,” she says. Her other do-over in life would be to take things less seriously then she did as a young girl. “I had a school project on Sri Lanka, so I cut out each and every page for the project in the shape of an elephant. I mean, who does that at 10 years old?” Now starring as the lead role in another sitcom–How To Live With Your Parents For The Rest of Your Life—Chalke is learning how to juggle work with being mom to Charlie. “Everyone understands me having to say ‘no’ to things because I have Charlie now. You have to be home with your kid; I don’t want

to have chunks of his life that I miss. I feel really lucky that I have the option of taking him to work with me sometimes.” Motherhood incomparable

Making Charlie her biggest priority is even more important since he was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. “This disease can damage the heart if not treated quickly,” Chalke explains. “I never wanted to go public with my son’s condition, and this is the first time I’m speaking about it, because I want to help other parents. This is an intense period in my life, though nothing compares to being a mom.” There’s more to this 5’9” stiletto-loving actress than meets the eye. She is an outspoken fundraiser for the Kawasaki Foundation and a supporter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, due to a friend’s struggle with the disease, plus an aunt who is succumbing to melanoma and her grandmother succumbing to colon cancer. Sunglasses and hat

“Melanoma has a genetic link, so I’m careful in the sun; I wear a hat, sunglasses and a lot of sunscreen, and I have Charlie slathered in it too. I’ve had moles removed, so it’s a huge awareness for me,” says Chalke. Eating the right foods is also a keen interest for the former vegetarian who now includes fish—especially salmon— in her diet. This love goes back to her childhood days in Canada; the actress loved to eat apples, vegetables or homemade meatless stews. “We used to have this guy in our neighbourhood—oh gosh, at least 25 years ago—who started an organic food delivery truck,” she recalls. “My sister and I would run out and get apples, since I’ve always been a huge apple fan, or these yummy dried mangos. And we’d also get a big assortment of vegetables and make a veggie stew that we’d have for a few days.”

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Up on skis

It’s all those poignant memories, and not the red carpet events, that Chalke hopes will teach Charlie about what’s important in life. “Skiing has definitely fallen to the side since becoming a mom and working on the new show,” she says. “We took Charlie up on skis for the first time last winter, and he skied between my feet for one run.” No matter what Chalke’s form of movement, she keeps her energy up through a busy day by doing some form of exercise. Endorphin rush

“I don’t like doing the same thing every day because I get way too bored. I love yoga, which is a longer workout commitment, and I’ll do power yoga at least once a week,” Chalke says. Combine that with workout classes, a jog, hike or Pilates, and Chalke’s vigour is regularly restored. “I find the endorphin rush in exercise a great feeling. When I leave a boot camp class, I am on a real energy high.”

What is Kawaksaki Disease?

“I actually diagnosed Charlie myself by going to the Kawasaki Foundation website,” says Sarah Chalke. “It’s so often misdiagnosed, and I had taken him several times to doctors until I had to strongly request a specialist referral.” Chalke’s message to moms is to recognize these symptoms:

On the other side, after a 14-hour workday juggling acting and childcare, Chalke either retreats to a hot bath filled with lavender oils or to an acupuncture session. “I started a long time ago with acupuncture, and try to get it done once a week,” she says. “It’s just magical because it brings my stress levels down and helps with my sleep. I find when I have too much going on in my head, I get insomnia.”

1. Fever lasting more than five days 2. Rash 3. Red, bloodshot eyes 4. Red, cracked and swollen lips

Chamomile cure

Every night before reading a story to Charlie, Chalke will enjoy a cup of chamomile tea. “That was my grandmother’s cure-all. When we were growing up, if you had an ear infection—hot chamomile tea compress. If you weren’t feeling well, or even if you were feeling well, you’d have hot chamomile tea… So it’s become a bedtime ritual for me now.” With a cute yet sexy look, a warm smile and beautiful, bright eyes, Chalke is the girl who’d pass the “mom and dad” test if you took her home. Still, she’s no pushover, taking stands on everything from supporting same-sex marriage to being an ambassador for the Audrey Hepburn Children’s Foundation. “I can so relate to my current character,” says Chalke on the uptight single mom trying to balance life’s struggles. “However, I have many happy, serene days.” In three simple words, she describes one of those days. “Laughter, food, outdoors…I love being outside. It adds something to the balance of life.”

5. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

6. Swollen hands and feet and redness of the palms and soles of the feet.

Here’s how the Kawasaki Disease website defines it: “Kawasaki Disease is a serious illness characterized by inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body that primarily affects young children and infants. Kawasaki Disease is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children…Timely diagnosis and treatment (which usually includes intravenous gamma globulin) is highly effective in preventing coronary complications.”

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balanced living

Leeza Gibbons

g e t s p r oac t i v e a b o u t c o g n i t i v e h e a lt h, and feeds her brain with blueberries By Bonnie Siegler

Seeing two generations of women in her family succumb to Alzheimer’s disease, TV show host and motivational speaker Leeza Gibbons began her odyssey to better health. She set up Leeza’s Place, a support system for caregivers, after her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1999, and has penned two books, her latest titled Take 2: Your Guide to Creating Happy Endings and New Beginnings. Gibbons’ passion for health care and wellness is a continuing saga that is evident in her everyday life. To fuel her body and boost her cognitive abilities, she relies on blueberries. “They are probably the most perfect food,” Gibbons explains. “We know they boost cognitive ability with all their antioxidant value, and they’ve become my candy. I keep fresh ones, frozen ones… I keep a lot of frozen foods, actually, because I like to crunch, so if I’m in that nervous energy space, it takes a long time to go through a handful of frozen berries.”

sugar traps The working mother of three lists her nutritional staples: “Cottage cheese is a big go-to food for the protein. Almonds and nuts have been really important for me. I do have a heightened awareness of how food can impact our overall mental and cognitive health, and sense of well-being. Sure, I fall into those sugar traps occasionally, though I’ve become much more aware.” Gibbons is also mindful about regular exercise to help boost her thinking power. “I’ve finally been able to release myself from the guilt that was, for me, always tethered with exercise,” she says. “I’ve found that even a 10-minute walk can be effective to reset that emotional energy for me during the day. When my mind is tired, the remedy is to exercise my body. And when my body is tired, I know I need to exercise my brain.” Eliminating as much stress as possible is also an important key to Gibbons’ overall health regimen. “I think stress is probably the biggest precursor to all disease, and I know with memory decline that stress is the enemy. So I’m doing everything I can to manage the stress in my life, and that comes with eating right, building a realistic exercise program and nutritional supplements.”

editing toxicit y Such a practical approach to taking charge of her life and health has served Gibbons well. “I don’t think there is a middle of the seesaw,” she comments on balanced living. “So I really look at navigating and knowing some days I’m going to be tilted in friend or parenting time and others, in work and projects. There are not equal pieces of the pie; however, I make sure to keep the best piece of the pie for me. It’s as easy as saying this is who I am now. Maybe we need to edit some of the toxicity out of our lives and redistribute the emotional load. That’s what I’ve done.”

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balanced living

Jaimie Alexander

nutrition and cross-tr aining keep action star in fighting form By Bonnie Siegler

When Jaimie Alexander was growing up in Texas, she would place first, second and third in most high school wrestling tournaments, even though she had to compete against girls 30 pounds heavier. “My weight class was 128, and yet there wouldn’t be anybody to wrestle against in my weight class. It was always a challenge,” she recalls. Knowing the forms of grappling, throws, clinch fighting, takedowns and pins came in handy when Alexander reprised the role of Sif in the blockbuster epic Thor, with Sir Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth. “There’s quite a bit of physical activity involved with Thor,” says the 28-year-old actress. “I did a lot of weapons training with double-bladed spears, sword and shield, lots of weight training, running, boxing, martial arts training…you name it, we did it. It felt good, though — like I was wrestling again.” spears and swords

Unfortunately, all this physical activity came at a price. Alexander suffered an injury to her T5 and T6 discs “that took me out for a while, though I’m back at it again,” she says. “I added Pilates to all my training, and that helped strengthen my core in order to recover faster after my spinal injury. It’s important for me to maintain regular exercise, plus eat well — for my career and for my health.” Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease (a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid gland) and a small parathyroid tumour, the 5'9" actress tries to eats healthy. She snacks on roasted almonds, apples and blueberries, but admits, “I also love salt and vinegar chips.” Alexander takes a daily dose of Synthroid for her thyroid condition, and shuns most other medications, opting for natural remedies. “The small tumour sometimes takes the calcium from your bones, so they become brittle.

Still, it’s looking pretty good right now for me with my current diet. I get my thyroid checked regularly.” green powder

To boost her calcium levels, Alexander supplements with a green powder shake and a superfood mix her naturopath made for her from high-calcium, high-vitamin vegetables. She says that as she’s matured, she’s come to realize good health doesn’t mean one must be skinny. “It’s not all about what you look like; it’s about how you feel,” she says. “I want to live a healthy, balanced life, be around for my friends and family, be able to participate in sports, and have fun. That’s what it’s all about for me — living life to the fullest — and health is a very big part of that. Balanced living is harmony and getting yourself healthy from the inside out.”

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2013-03-22 5:54 PM


health feature

Down with depression When you feel down, how do you know if you’re depressed, and what can you take to feel better? By Dr. Rahim Kanji, N.D. Many people think they’re depressed when they’re actually just down, and others think they’re down when they are actually clinically depressed. So how do you know the difference? Although you need to go to a health professional to be diagnosed, here are some symptoms that can point to depression: • Changes in appetite • Changes in sleep • Depressed mood • Fatigue • Persistent irritability • Feelings of guilt/worthlessness • Inability to concentrate • Loss of interest in hobbies/things that make you happy • Thoughts of suicide

Many people who are depressed shy away from seeking care because they don’t want to take medication. However, depending on the severity of depression, there are lots of ways to treat these symptoms naturally. Although you should always contact a health care provider such as an N.D. before going on supplements, trying the natural way can be rewarding for those who don’t want to go on medication! St. Jo h n ’s Wo r t

This well-researched herb is often used by German medical doctors to treat mild to moderate depression. St. John’s Wort has been compared to Prozac in terms of effectiveness, and it has fewer side effects. It should not be combined with medication without consulting a health professional. For example, medication such as antidepressants, oral contraceptives and HA ART (for HIV) can all interact negatively with St. John’s Wort.

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health feature give these a try


A Vogel St. John’s Wort (50 ml tincture, $19.99)

Omega-3 fish oils

Prices may vary by location.

Omega-s have an important role in proper nerve and brain function, which is why they have antidepressive effects. Fish oils contain the compounds eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A higher amount of EPA to DHA is better for elevating mood. So always look for that ratio when you’re purchasing fish oil supplements. Eating more fish high in EPA and low in mercury can help boost your mood as well. Examples are Atlantic wild salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies.


Arguments against antidepressants

Organika Wild Harvested Pacific Salmon Oil (1,000 mg, $16.99)

Don’t forg et to consult yo ur healthcare prac tit ioner for any heal th concerns.

By Philip Rouchotas, MSc, ND

Holista Premium Omega-3 Fish Oil (1,000 mg, $16.99)


-HTP is a precursor in the production of serotonin, a brain hormone that’s involved in making you feel happy. It’s produced in the body from tryptophan, which is found in protein sources such as turkey, chicken, salmon and soy. Thus, if we increase -HTP, we can increase serotonin and potentially create antidepressant effects. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication works by increasing serotonin levels as well. SAM-e

SAM-e is a co-factor used by the body in the production of dopamine, another compound that makes you feel happy. Since depression commonly has a biochemical component to it—low amounts of “happy” compounds such as dopamine and serotonin—increasing dopamine can lead to antidepressant effects. SAM-e is not found in food; it is produced within the body, so it cannot be obtained through dietary changes. Acupuncture

Although the exact mechanism is not known, acupuncture has been shown in research to decrease stress hormones and release the body’s own opioids (feel-good compounds). Clinically, patients feel relaxed, grounded and less depressed after acupuncture.

World leading medical authorities have raised serious concerns about conventional treatment for depression: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s) and Triclyclic Antidepressants (TCA’s). These concerns include: • Prescriptions for antidepressants have increased five-fold over the past  years, while the prevalence of severe depression has not changed over this time period. The increase in prescriptions represents an increase in treatment of mild to moderate depression. • According to a Harvard analysis of the Women’s Health Initiative study, using an antidepressant increases a person’s risk of all-cause mortality (risk of death from any cause) by an alarming - per cent! The increased risk of death was principally due to an increase in risk of fatal stroke. • According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, antidepressants are no different from placebo for the treatment of mild to moderate depression (yet important and effective for the treatment of severe depression). • A research team reviewed all studies submitted to the FDA for approval of the antidepressant medication, citalopram. They found that out of , patients to receive the medication, after one year of treatment, only  patients had a remission and did not either have a relapse and/or drop out. Clearly, effective alternatives are required.


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and ack good nt

Conquering the cold Even though the warm weather is just around the corner, make it your top priority to pamper your locks and skin with organic ingredients. Natural oils are the key. Derived from nuts, olives, coconuts and avocadoes (to name just a few), these types of ingredients are your friends when it comes to rebounding from the chill. Rich in omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, they guarantee that you will be absolutely glowing by the time spring is, like you, in full bloom.


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get the look

The after glow

Winter will soon be a distant memory, so it’s time to glam up like these Hollywood celebs. by bonnie siegler







As winter changes to spring, Aniston keeps her skin glowing with Aveeno Smart Essentials Daily Nourishing Moisturizer with SPF 30. She applies the moisturizer after washing with Neutrogena Original Formula Facial Bar.

Through all seasons, the young star makes sure she tends to her hands as well as her face. Every day she slathers on La Mer The Hand Treatment, a silky formula that heals dry skin.

Says Saldana’s makeup artist, Vera Steimberg: “To get a sleek cat eye look, like Saldana prefers lately, use a felt tip liquid liner to create a clean, sexy shape.” Glide liner along the lashline, then extend it a quarter inch past the outer corners of the eye. Saldana likes M.A.C. Cosmetics Penultimate Eye Liner.

Wearing hats for style and warmth can give anyone a bad case of hat head. Winslet’s hairstylist, Renato Campora, preps her damp hair with olive oil-packed Fekkai Advanced Brilliant glossing cream before blow-drying. Th is helps keep the flyaways and frizzies at bay.


If you’re looking for a bar of soap that’s perfect for all skin types and good for the body and face, here it is. With the primary ingredient of Greek olive oil, this natural soap cleanses, moisturizes and soothes.


Take a trip to the warm south without leaving Canada—this rich moisturizer keeps hands soft and supple with coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower seed oil and shea butter. It even smells beautifully of coconut.


Who knew that sugar could be turned into such a gorgeous eyeliner that has even won a natural beauty award? For precise lines, and ease of application, the tip is made of rubber. Other vegan ingredients include glycerin and grapefruit seed extract.

Feel like you’re in a spa in your own home when you apply this peppermint-infused oil to your damp hair and leave it on to soak in and do its supermoisturizing work. The avocado oil, argan oil and vitamin E will leave your hair stronger and softer.

Prices may vary by location.

Tashodi Argan Hair Oil (60 ml, $14.99) Kiss my Face Olive and Chamomile Soap (115 g, $2.99)

Kiss my Face Super Hydrating Coconut (177 ml, $6.99)


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Suncoat Natural Liquid Eyeliner (7 ml, $16.99)

*See Viva’s Beauty Terminology on page 80 to increase your beauty IQ.

2013-03-25 2:03 PM

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beauty expert

insider secrets

Donna Pace, RHN, Certified Esthetician How do I grow my hair l o n g e r a n d t h i c ke r?

– Kimberly, Toronto

I h a v e v e r y d r y, r o u g h s k i n o n m y h e e l s, w i t h b i g c r a c k s . W h a t i s t h e b e s t w a y t o f i x t h i s?

– Andrea, Red Deer, Alta.

Dear Kimberly, Growing longer, thicker hair is closely linked to a healthy diet. Whole foods are the best source of vitamins and nutrients, and can improve hair growth. To boost hair growth, take a good daily vitamin supplement that includes vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Ensure you are eating a protein-rich diet of wild fish, eggs, tofu and beans, with lots of fresh green and yellow vegetables. Eating right, reducing stress and getting lots of sleep are sure ways to maximize your hair growing cycle. As your hair grows (approximately six inches per year) you need to take the best care possible, as it is essentially dead protein and cannot renew itself. Handle it with care and avoid unnecessary brushing, heat appliances and harsh hair care products. Gently massaging the scalp for a few minutes before bed will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles. Treat your hair weekly with a conditioning hot oil treatment or mask. Try massaging a little argan oil daily onto the ends. This will help keep them supple, and prevent splitting and breaking so there’s less need to cut your hair.

Dear Andrea, Dry skin on heels is usually due to a lack of moisture that can be caused by cold temperatures, dehydration, harsh products and simply not moisturizing the skin. Cracks are the result of the skin drying out, which can bleed and sometimes lead to infection. If the cracks are deep and show any sign of infection, see a podiatrist. Begin by gently removing the dead skin buildup with a foot file or natural exfoliating scrub. Or treat yourself to a pedicure to give you a good head start. To eliminate the cracks, try a nightly foot wrap with olive oil. It’s an excellent natural skin hydrator, and should be massaged into the feet, covered with cotton socks and kept on overnight. After showering in the morning, reapply olive oil or a hydrating moisturizer. Drink plenty of water to keep the body hydrated, and avoid hot showers, as hot water tends to dry out the skin. Eating a healthy diet will ensure the body has what it needs for the healing process. Also, supplement with goodquality fish oil, since dry skin often signals a lack of essential fatty acids.

Send an email with the subject line “Ask an Expert” to For more beauty articles, check out Viva’s website at

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2013-03-22 5:59 PM


beauty feature


Inside & Out Enhance your natural glow with our pre-baby beauty tips By Kate Daley


hen it comes to having a baby, eating whole foods, taking the right vitamins and hunting down the safest baby stroller may be your top priority, making your skin and hair care seem trivial. But re-examining your daily routine both inside and out is important not just to your well-being but also to your baby’s as well. The dos and don’ts can be confusing so we asked an expert to break down what to do when you have a bun in the oven. “Going chemical-free would be ideal while pregnant, since almost everything you put on your body is absorbed,” says naturopathic doctor Jessica Gurske of Kitchener, Ontario. While it’s not always possible to completely cut chemicals here is what you can change. Look out for the big buzzwords such as parabens, phthalates, triclosan and triclocarban, says Gurske. Don’t panic and start small when it comes to changing up your products.


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beauty feature


Go natural, but make sure you’re a savvy shopper, as the word “natural” is not regulated in Canada. Look up potential products on reputable sites such as the Environmental Working Group’s website, Skin Deep Cosmetics Database and if you’re really not sure about a prescription ointment or cosmetic product check in with your doctor for some advice.

Antioxidants like acai and green tea extracts, rich shea butter, olive oil, soothing aloe vera and jojoba oil, just to name a few, are all beneficial and natural. Pure cocoa butter and shea butter are extremely safe options to use on your belly, along with other pure, natural oils such as coconut. You can also make your own natural scrubs using olive oil and sugar to exfoliate the skin.

When it comes to your skincare routine, check the ingredient list on your anti-aging or anti-acne products. Many contain Vitamin A (or retinol) and salicylic acid, which should be avoided in pregnancy in high quantities. While the full strength direct application of some particular essential oils like angelica or myrrh is not recommended for pregnant people, many products don’t contain enough essential oils to cause issues, explains Bob MacLeod a co-founder of natural body care company Kiss My Face. When it comes to deodorants, look for ones that utilize natural odor absorbers like potassium alum over ones laden with triclosan and parabens, says MacLeod. The same goes for moisturizers that may contain chemical compounds. “Why not moisturize with sunflower seed oil and grape seed oil instead of mineral oil?” asks MacLeod.

For sunscreen, it’s very important to protect your skin during pregnancy as many women experience increased sensitivity but stick with safer mineral-based formulas containing physical blockers such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. What about your regular manicure and pedicure? There are many new polishes on the market that are water-based and chemical-free so just make sure to read the labels before you paint. “In general, truly natural products are a much better option than their chemical-filled synthetic counterparts, not just during pregnancy but all the time,” says Gurske. Also, when your baby does arrive, your new green routine will be healthy for him or her as well.

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2013-03-25 2:05 PM


beauty tips

6 Steps to Super Skin Fight dryness by moisturizing with plant oils and getting enough of vitamins B, C, D and E by kate daley

Every year, 27-year-old Stephanie fights a battle with her skin. Every time she showers or shaves, incessant itching and dryness on her legs is further aggravated. Her elbows feel like sandpaper, her forearms are scaly, and her regular body cream just isn’t cutting it.

What’s her solution? Start with dry brushing or exfoliating. Dry brushing is great for the lymphatic system, to help detox your body, and it sloughs off dead skin to help your moisturizer sink into the deeper layers of the dermis.

Does this ever happen to you? The good news is that you, and Stephanie, have options. We asked naturopathic doctor Melissa Chan of Toronto’s Vibrant Lifestyle for advice on natural skin fi xes.


When the humidity in the harsh, cold air drops and the indoor heat hits an all-time high, skin sensitivities and other chronic conditions can become extremely aggravated. Still, all hope of soft and healthy skin is not lost, Chan says.

While soap is generally controversial because the pH is alkaline relative to that of skin, that doesn’t mean you need to completely stop using it, says Chan. Look for products specifically made for your skin condition, be it dryness, eczema or itchiness. You can also add a homemade scrub to your routine. Try gentle exfoliants such as oatmeal, baking soda or honey. If you’re not


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beauty tips sensitive, ramp it up with more abrasive scrubs such as sugar and sea salt. Remember to keep showers or baths moderately warm (and quick) so that you don’t sap moisture from your skin. 2. SL ATHER IT ON

Using the right moisturizing product is also important. Slather on a moisturizer or body oil right out of the shower while your skin is still damp so it will get sucked in by those open pores, recommends Chan. Opt for nut oils such as shea and cocoa, which are very emollient. Other options include argan, tamanu, sea buckthorn, emu and rosehip, which are excellent for your face, hair and body. Most people tend to shy away from oils in their food or products. That said, our body needs oils in order to regulate its own production, Chan explains.


using a sharp blade to help prevent ingrown hairs. Shave alongside the grain, meaning in the direction of hair growth. Shaving in the opposite direction of the hair growth on a first pass may cause irritation and ingrown hairs. The best technique is to do a triple pass with the blade — shave once with the grain, across the grain and then against the grain. If you prefer to wax, make sure the hair is trimmed before applying the wax, and try natural ingredients such as aloe to soothe the skin afterwards. If you’re on any medication or are prone to severe irritation, avoid waxing, as it can be too abrasive for sensitive skin. 5. SAY HI TO HYDR ATION

Another big hit with Chan is virgin coconut oil. It nourishes the skin and has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties.

Drink lots of water, Chan says, and do it even if you’re not thirsty. The fact is, if you are thirsty, it’s your body’s way of telling you that it is becoming dehydrated. Drink small amounts of liquid throughout the day to keep your hydration balanced. You can also try a cool or warm humidifier to combat dry air.



Remember, if you have a serious skin condition, steer clear of any dry brushing or harsh exfoliants that may exacerbate your skin. Speak with a healthcare practitioner before trying out any new cleansers or moisturizers. Shaving, waxing and other hair-removal techniques can also exacerbate already irritated skin condition, especially in cool, dry weather.

Of course, it always comes down to your diet. Make sure to get your B, C, D and E vitamins, which can be found in whole or enriched grains, seeds and legumes, green vegetables (avocados, asparagus, spinach), seafood (fish oils) and eggs, to name a few.


If you prefer shaving over waxing, start by applying a warm towel to the skin to soften the hair, says Chan, and always make sure you’re

In addition to the 6 smart tips listed above, limiting exposure and covering up is the safest and best way to keep skin away from either extreme cold or wind, says Chan. Make a point of wearing natural-fibre clothing that is breathable, and layer on an extra thick moisturizer all over dry patches when you go to bed.

Nature’s Bounty Vitamin D3-1000 IU (200 softgels, $12.99)

give these a try

Prices may vary by location

Flora B50 Complex (90 vegetarian capsules, $16.59)

Sunkist Orange Scent Vitamin C (500 mg, 150 tablets, $6.99)

Bach Rescue Cream (30 mg, $12.99)


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Love your body and it will love you back! 3 out of 4 women will experience Candidiasis at some point in their lifetime.

Feel better in as early as 3-4 weeks and start enjoying your life again!

Restore Repair Reclaim

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2013-03-22 6:02 PM


Awesome season

With spring blossoming, we finally begin to feel more energized and motivated. Traditionally, this is the time of year for spring cleaning — in our homes and maybe even in our lives. In this season of renewal, we can take some time to look at everything from a different perspective, and start to tackle the relationship and health issues that may have been neglected over previous months. The time is now!


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special information feature

A FEEL-GOOD DESSERT Did you say avocado and chocolate?! Indulge in this amazing chocolate pudding recipe. It’s quick and easy, fair trade and organic, and made with four great ingredients: avocado + cocoa powder + coconut milk + maple syrup • by camino Chocolate pudding Makes 2 servings

Ingredients 1 organic, ripe avocado 3.5 tbsp Cuisine Camino cocoa powder 1/3 cup fair trade or organic coconut milk 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp of Cuisine Camino shredded coconut — unsweetened directions • Using a blender, mix the avocado, Cuisine Camino cocoa powder, coconut milk and maple syrup. Refrigerate the mixture for 20 min. • Pour the pudding into 2 serving bowls and add Cuisine Camino shredded coconut as a topping. You could also use a different topping of your choice (berries, nuts, etc.).

Optional: make your own chocolate cups! Ingredients 70 g of Cuisine Camino Bittersweet baking chocolate (71% cacao) 2 rubber balloons Directions • Clean 2 rubber balloons and dry them well. • Using a double boiler, melt the Cuisine Camino Bittersweet baking chocolate. Once melted, let the chocolate cool down a bit. • In the meantime, blow up the balloons until the diameter near the top reaches about 3 to 4 inches. Tie a loose knot in the balloon (you will need to untie it later). • Dip only the top 2 to 3 inches of each balloon into the melted chocolate, making sure that the surface is evenly covered. Place the balloons facing top down on an anti-adhesive cookie tray, so that the knot portion is sticking straight up. Place cookie tray in the fridge for 20 min. • Remove tray from the fridge, undo the knots at the top of the balloons and gently peel each one away from the chocolate cups. Pour the pudding into each of the chocolate cups, add the topping of your choice and serve on a plate. Enjoy!

Cuisine Camino — brought to you by a Canadian Co-operative — is a family of Fairtrade and Organic ingredients perfect for everything from home baking to gourmet delights. Cuisine Camino supports sustainable agricultural practices, local community development and partnerships with Central and South American family farmers. Connecting land and livelihood, Cuisine Camino brings organic goodness to your kitchen! Learn more about Camino and Cuisine Camino at


2013-03-22 6:07 PM

This Easter, treat your taste buds with our delicious fair trade & organic milk chocolate bunny.

Decadent chocolate with a social conscience. Fair trade and organic, making the world a more sustainable place one piece at a time.

Good in more ways than one. Unparalleled in taste, Camino chocolate bars are made with natural and ethically sourced ingredients from Central and South American family farmers. Fairtrade and Organic certified, finally you can feel at peace about the food you eat! Brought to you by a Canadian Co-operative.

Try all 12 of our delicious varieties! Panama Extra Dark, Raspberries, Milk with Sea Salt, Caramel Crunch, Coconut, Milk, Bittersweet, Dark, Almonds, Mint, Orange and Espresso.

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Scan me for more info!

2013-03-22 6:08 PM



You could win a trip to Hawaii! Buy an Olympic Dairy product, read the lid and enter online for the getaway vacation prize of a lifetime by Lynne Shuttleworth


ith spring not yet fully sprung, wouldn’t you love a getaway trip to exotic Hawaii? Olympic Dairy wants to send you there. Enter the contest online and you could be on your way. Winners of the grand prize will enjoy six days and seven nights at the oceanfront Ko’a Kea Hotel and Resort at Poipu Beach in Kauai, Hawaii. Approximate retail value, $9,000.


Th is contest runs until April 26. To enter, simply purchase any Olympic product and visit to fi ll out an entry form with your product’s UPC code. Olympic Dairy is known for its delicious premium organic yogurt and commitment to Canadians’ health and wellness. You can find Olympic Dairy products in any Loblaws store.

ESCAPE TO THE GARDEN The tropical wonderland of Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands. Quiet and majestic, this Pacific Ocean paradise offers almost 1,500 square kilometres of green perfection. The most popular area of Kauai’s south shore, Poipu Beach hosts a number of outdoor and cultural activities. Guests can participate in

everything from zip-lining to scuba-diving by day and Tahitian dance shows by night. The beach is a short distance from the worldrenowned botanical Moir Gardens. Beyond the warm sands of Kauai’s beaches, the island’s stunning mountains offer excellent hiking, fresh air and adventure. Kauai truly has all you need for a perfect getaway vacation.


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2013-03-22 6:13 PM



Peak experience Discover why boulder, colorado is a nor th americ an pic t ure of he a lth

By Bonnie Siegler


nce dubbed “the little town nestled between the mountains and reality,” Boulder, Colorado retains a  hippie ambience. With a current population of about ,, this lofty city (perched at , metres) combines a contemporary artistic sensibility with popular eco-sustainable initiatives.

along with recycling and waste reduction. The hotel achieved  per cent reduction of waste to landfi lls through its green practices, and also hosts the local Boulder community for year-’round events designed to raise awareness about global climate change and resource conservation.

In keeping with the keen, green Boulder vibe is the St Julien Hotel & Spa, located in the heart of the city. It’s an oasis in the Rockies, offering guests luxury accommodations and service, melded with Boulder’s relaxed, yet sophisticated style. “Don’t be surprised to be guided on a mountain hike in the Boulder foothills by our beverage director or an avid biker,” says Peter T. Walstra, the hotel’s general manager.

Boulder is constantly ranked as one of the most outdoorsy, healthy cities in the U.S. Additionally, it’s known to have more happy people than any other town in American history, which can be credited to its scenery and lifestyle. During my visit, I was amazed by the more than  miles of public hiking and biking trails, the numerous breweries, distilleries and wineries.

Having opened its doors in  with  guest rooms, the St Julien practices energy and water conservation

more happy people than any other town

Just one block from the St Julien is the lively, historic Pearl Street shopping area. A local gathering spot for young and old alike, its multi-block pedestrian stone street plays host to numerous annual festivals, including Shakespeare, jazz and much more.


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Just a short walk up Pearl Street is a fantastic view of the Boulder foothills, while a quick jaunt east are the famous Flatirons: steep, jagged, snowcovered mountain peaks that seem to rise almost straight up. Contrast that with the modern, wide streets full of urban hustle and bustle, plus the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado, and the magnetic pull of the city becomes apparent.



magnetic pull

After putting in a full day of dining and shopping at the Pearl Street Mall on a cold, snowy day, I went back to my comfortable St Julien room and visited the spa. I was faced with deciding between signature treatments such as the Mountain Mojito, a sugar scrub used to exfoliate dead skin and replenish with oils, and Boulder ReBuilder, geared toward athletes, using arnica gel and oil to heal sore muscles. My feet and legs ached. Could five hours of shopping be considered an Olympic sport? I opted for the Mojito treatment, made with mint from the hotel’s on-site herbal garden. It was a perfect end to a lovely day in America’s happiest city.

C a n a da’s



l e a d i n g e c o - f r i e n d ly c i t i e s

any factors go into ranking a city as eco-friendly or “green.” The city must use all its tools to enhance use of renewable resources. Clean water & its availability, air and noise pollution, traffic congestion & automobile exhaust, waste removal, etc. are all considered when ranking eco-sustainability. Calgary was noted as not just Canada’s but the world’s most eco-friendly city, determined by business analyst organization Mercer. Anyone familiar with contemporary Calgary might raise eyebrows because, on any given day, you can see a brown, traffic-induced haze of smog hovering above the skyline. According to Mercer, what boosts Calgary to the top of the list is its new $430 million wastewater treatment facility at Pine Creek. Other factors include the city’s outstanding waste removal and sewage systems.

Power Smart Partner to reduce electrical energy us — thus lowering greenhouse gas emissions. This ultimately has aided the city in saving costs in electricity, natural gas and water use. Ottawa has long been considered one of Canada’s most educated cities. More recently, it garnered praise for reducing its carbon footprint. Cost of living here ranks among Canada’s least expensive, despite recent expansion and development of green living communities and eco-friendly technology. Last fall, terra20 opened: Canada’s largest one-stop eco store (15,000 square feet), featuring 400 vendors from the Ottawa area who either make or sell eco-friendly products.

Ranked as number 4 was Vancouver [pictured], followed by Ottawa at number 14. Commonly known as the gateway to the Pacific Rim, Vancouver certainly has its share of rain and overcast skies, and yet for anyone who has visited the spacious and impeccably groomed parks, clean air, coupled with first-rate restaurants and a vibrant cultural lifestyle, make this city a top scorer in the eco-friendly category. It also has ample outdoor activities such as the Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge, Baden Powell Trail and the bike trail along the harbour for residents and visitors to take advantage of. In 1989, the city partnered with BC Hydro as a

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living feature


greener The increasing number of ‘green’ alternatives available to consumers ensures that any lifestyle can be enjoyed to the fullest By Paul Brent

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living feature



hen people think about trying to live a greener, more environmentally friendly lifestyle, they generally focus on less: less energy, less water or producing less waste in the form of garbage and recyclables.

DIY tap and bottle. Why pay to cart and store cases of bottled water when there is plenty of perfectly good H20 available straight from your tap. By using a reusable bottle, you’ll save money and keep your blue bin from overflowing.

Living greener can also include using less of the harmful chemicals that are present in everything from laundry soap to all-purpose sprays that are used to clean surfaces throughout your home.

Use less water. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Canadians are water hogs. This is possibly not surprising, given the abundance of fresh water with which nature has blessed our country. The trick is, collecting, treating and moving water to the home exhausts a lot of energy. Becoming a bit of a water miser would be good for all of us (not to mention the planet), from taking shorter showers or installing a rain barrel outdoors, to watering the lawn a little bit less.

Thankfully, a number of Canadian companies have recently introduced an array of products that do the same job as traditional cleaners based on more natural ingredients. One of those is the Eco-Max ( line of green cleaning products that rely on botanical ingredients and essential oils to do the work of chemicals. The Oakville, Ont.-based family owned company has a simple operating mandate: “Eco-Max products are all plant-based, we do not use artificial ingredients or petroleum solvents,” says Frank Borges, president and chief executive of Prism Care Corp. Borges, a chemist and cleaning industry veteran, has developed a natural line of products ranging from laundry and dish soap to sprays, and floor and carpet cleaners. An international success story, the Eco-Max line is sold in countries such as China and Russia, while benefiting from increasingly health-conscious consumers in Canada. “People have become smarter consumers; they read the labels and research the companies behind the products,” says Borges. Canadians can find similarly environmentally friendly products under the Bio-Vert brand, manufactured by Savons Prolav Inc. of Laval, Que. and the Nature Clean brand from Frank T. Ross & Sons Ltd. of Markham, Ont. Besides reducing or eliminating nasty chemical-based cleaners around the house, what else can people do to “greenify” their lives? Plenty, it turns out.

Do laundry on evenings and weekends. What’s the best time to do the laundry? When electricity is the cheapest, which in most cases, turns out to be the off-peak hours when businesses aren’t sucking up the juice. While no one is advocating a return to hand washing, the washing machine’s partner — the humble dryer — is a world-class energy drain. Whenever possible, line dry clothes and consider an inside drying rack for the winter months. Buy organic. Yes, organic foods cost more, but studies show that organically grown fruits and veggies provide more nutrients and avoid pesticides. Organic farming is also easier on the earth. The top organics to buy? According to the USDA, the “dirty dozen” of foods with the highest pesticide content (making them the best organic candidates) are: apples, celery, red peppers, peaches, strawberries, nectarines, grapes, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers and blueberries. Share the car. Do you really need two (or more) hunks of rusting steel in your driveway? According to the CAA, owning and operating a vehicle is the second-biggest household expense (ahead of grocery spending). Cost, like mileage, will vary. The cost of operating a compact car is $9,500, so anything larger, will indubitably cost more. So, what do you do? Consider switching from two cars to one, or none at all and make more use of public transit and rideshare programs like Zipcar. And for those times when you really, really need to take a family vacation, you can always go for a rental.

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All relationships require a leap of faith. Here’s how to stay in the present and learn to trust by rebecc a rosenbl at

AS a therapist, one of the most common statements i hear is:

“I have trust issues.” When I explore further, it doesn’t take long to discover that those issues generally started a long time ago — perhaps during childhood or an earlier romantic relationship. However, they continue to impact current relationships, even with people who’ve never given any reason. Basically, the world starts to feel like an unsafe place where trust is earned, not given, even though it’s crucial that a reasonable amount of trust be placed in someone from the start. This is necessary, to be fully invested in a relationship. Lack of trust means things don’t quite get off the ground, since trust is the foundation that solid relationships are built on. It truly is a leap of faith. As someone eloquently put it, “Loving someone means giving them your heart, knowing they can crush it, yet hoping and praying they don’t!” Trust comes in many forms above and beyond truthfulness and fidelity; for example, being able to rely on someone, feeling secure that they’ll always have your back, knowing that you’re important to them and so on. As such, things as seemingly insignificant as one partner being dismissive, not taking the other person’s side or going back on their word can feel quite significant. Simply put, we need to do whatever it takes to be able to trust again, albeit with caution. The brain’s emotional centre won’t allow us to let go completely, since its job is to protect us from future pain. This is why therapists feel that we can manage rather well by trusting someone between 70 and 80 per cent, even when they’ve been untrustworthy. How exactly do we get there, particularly with someone who’s broken our trust? Take the following steps:

Be clear about your needs. Figure out what needs to happen for you to be able to trust your partner, within reason, and then negotiate a fair way to implement those requests. And when they follow through consistently, it needs to count for something. If you still can’t let go, then couples counselling may be essential, to find out where the problem truly lies, and how it can be resolved fairly. Inspect your feelings. Whenever you start to feel suspicious, follow your emotions to the source and see if it’s fear that’s fuelling your mistrust, or some real reason in the present. If it’s fear, you need to recognize that and do whatever it takes to bring yourself to ease; however, if it’s a really good reason, then follow your gut instinct and/or ask for reassurance. Challenge your thoughts. Byron Katie, author of Loving What Is, suggests that when a thought causes us discomfort, we need to ask ourselves if it’s absolutely true or just an impression, how we feel when we hold onto that thought, how we’d feel if we let go of it and whether we have a good enough reason for holding onto it, in light of what we learn. Stay in the present. Tempting as it is to rehash the past, you can’t let your suspicions play out in your head like a movie. That just makes you experience something unpleasant over and over again. And every time you do, your brain treats it as if it’s actually happening, thereby grounding your mistrust all the more. So when the urge presents itself, take deep breaths from your belly, and concentrate on how you’d like to feel, versus how you are feeling. Give it time. While time may not heal everything, as you witness the effort your partner is putting into reassuring you, the transparency they’re willing to offer and their consistent commitment to your relationship, you’ll notice that those panicky moments come less often. Eventually, only certain triggers will shake you up now and then.

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First Aid that Grows on Trees!

A Fresh and Natural Approach to First Aid Tea Tree Oil from holista速 is a completely natural, traditional herbal remedy that can be applied to minor cuts, abrasions, acne and stings. Its antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties make it the ultimate product for convenient family first aid, health, and beauty. Tea Tree Oil from holista速 is guaranteed free from preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, and fumigating and irradiating procedures.

Take it for Life!

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Tea Tree


Foot Care

Tea Tree Spray from Holista® – a Powerful Natural Anti-Bacterial Spray that Smells Nice Too. A quick spritz with Tea Tree Spray from holista® will instantly refresh tired, hot, smelly feet. Our unique formulation contains peppermint and menthol, providing a cool refreshing feeling while anti-fungal Tea Tree Oil ensures foot fungus is kept away. Portable and mess-free, holista’s Tea Tree Spray comes in 30ml and 60ml spray bottles. Keep one handy in your gear, bag, purse or glove box to spray on feet and minor scrapes and cuts.

Learn more at:




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Renewal through rotation For detox and physical renewal in any season, try this series of rotation exercises by margot mckinnon • illustrations by anthony brennan

The following exercises get everything moving along your digestive tract. Your spine opens and your heart rate rises a bit; this gets the oxygen pumping and the blood flowing!


1. Lie face down with arms folded so hands are under shoulders. 2. Tighten your abdominals and hover your head off the floor. 3. Gaze forward and start to peel your chest off the ground to the base of your ribs. 4. Turn your head left and press upward with your left arm. At this point, you are arching and spiralling to the left. 5. Reverse the motion and lay head down to floor. 6. Repeat on right side. 7. Do this six times each side, alternating.


1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat. 2. Reach arms out to “T.” 3. Sway your knees to the left so your weight transfers to the left buttock. Try to keep shoulders squared. 4. Tighten your abdominals and use them to pull your legs back to centre. 5. Alternate side to side. 6. Repeat 10 times on each side.


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1. Stand with feet a little wider apart than hip distance, and raise your arms to the sides so they look like two letter “L’s.” 2. Raise your right knee to 90º and twist so that your left arm moves across the body and you twist your torso right. 3. Reverse to the start position, and repeat on the other side. 4. Note: Keep your arms high; the objective is to keep your waist long and even. Do not touch your elbows to your knees. Change the speed of any of the exercises and try them both slow and fast. Practice going slowly first to get the movement and coordination, then speed up and see how invigorated you feel!


If you have any back or spin e issues, please cons ult your health prof essional before doin g these exer cises

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beauty terms

Beauty Terminology

Increase your natural-beauty IQ with Viva’s reference guide.

COCONUT Immensely nutritious and full of antioxidants, coconut is also beneficial when used externally. Coconut is a terrific exfoliating scrub for the removal of dead skin, as well as an exceptional conditioner for hair. This functional ingredient can also be converted into coconut oil, a soothing moisturizer for dry and aging skin.

SUGAR (biopolymer) A perfect alternative to synthetic chemicals, sugar-based biopolymer is biodegradable and environmentally friendly. This natural ingredient is not only becoming a regular on the organic cosmetics list — it’s also recognized as a highly effective renewal source for restoring the skin’s elasticity, firmness and moisture.

AVOCADO OIL Your cooking basic can become your next amazing face treatment. Reputable for its anti-aging properties, avocado oil is the ultimate go-to product for hydration and renewal of mature skin. Filled with sterolins, avocado oil penetrates the skin, reducing dark spots and sun damage at the same time as adding vitamins A, D and E.

CHAMOMILE A well-known herbal treatment in the medicine world, chamomile has limitless benefits. Anti-bacterial and anti-allergenic, it’s a good solution for skin prone to redness and sensitivity. It delights the senses when used in the form of a shampoo or as a deodorant. Adding chamomile oil to water can even substitute a pricey facial toner.

*See this issue’s “Get the Look” (p72) to find out how these natural ingredients can benefit your beauty routine

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attention shoppers

this st et co bask


$ 45

Udi’s Gluten-Free Hamburger Buns Hamburgers are fun and easy to make, in any season. If you want to keep gluten out of your diet, toast up some buns from Udi; they’re also dairy-, soy- and nut-free, and contain brown rice flour. (295 g, $5.99)

Grocery Basket


Shopping all-natural, for under $50

Olympic French Vanilla Organic Probiotic So delicious, you won’t even think about all that protein, calcium and friendly bacteria you’re getting as you enjoy this thick, rich yogurt. For breakfast, snacks or dessert, it’s tops! (650 g, $4.49)


Nature’s Path Qi’a Superfood Chia, Buckwheat & Hemp Cereal Not all grains are created equal. This product contains three supergrains that are equally nutritious. Packed with protein, fibre and ALA omegas, Qi’a will rev up your energy and get you ready for your day. Cinnamon, raisins and apple give it an extra zap of flavour. (225 g, $8.99)


CARROT 44 cents BANANA 32 cents ROMA TOMATO 48 cents

Prices may vary by location.

Cuisine Camino Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate Any time is a good time to bake. This fair-trade chocolate from Peru melts evenly and blends into your cake, cookie or brownie mix. Since the chocolate contains cane sugar, melting it can quickly yield ready-made chocolate sauce. (200 g, $7.29)

Four O’Clock Rooibos Tea Low in tannins and rich in antioxidants and beneficial minerals, rooibos (“red bush” in Afrikaans) tea is made from the needle-like leaves of the rooibos shrub that grows in the mountains of South Africa. Naturally caffeine-free, this mild tea is enjoyable any time of day. Add a splash of milk and sugar for a creamy sweet treat! (16 tea bags, $4.99)

Organic Meadow Medium Cheddar Cheese When you buy a product from the Organic Meadow dairy cooperative, you’re not only doing something great for your health — you’re also supporting small, local family farms. This cheese is good enough to be enjoyed on its own, or added to your favourite recipes. (340 g, $9.99)

VIVA TASTE TEST Be a Viva taste tester! Email:

Four O’Clock Rooibos Tea This tea is now one of my nighttime favourites. – Grace

Nature’s Path Superfood I’ve discovered a new cereal to love. – Chantal

Olympic Probiotic The creamy deliciousness makes me happy. – Brianna

Organic Meadow Cheese I love this cheese with poppyseed crackers! – Janice

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TAURUS By Chrissie Blaze

(A pr. 20 -M ay 20) You work best quietly behind the scenes in early May but shine like a star during late April when your ruler, Venus, enters your sign followed by the Sun and Mars from April 19. Expect some upset or drama with your loved one; with good communication this could revitalize a tired relationship.


( M ay 2 0 - J u n e 2 1)


(Se p t. 23 - O c t. 22)

As a Gemini you enjoy new ideas, and April is overall a brilliant and creative month for you. However, an important alignment between stern Saturn and unruly Uranus on April 12 suggests you slow down, meditate, relax and think things through carefully, or you could regret something you do or say.

Keep your feet on the ground in April and don’t allow your dreams to take precedence over reality, or this can affect your decisions and relationships. When the Sun and Mars meet on April 17 use this dynamic energy to keep fit and reach your goals; you have the green light!



(J u n e 22 -J u ly 22)

( O c t. 2 3 - N o v. 2 1)

You tend to be cautious but in April the planets compel you to take the public platform. You might wish you were invisible but now is your time to be seen and use your leadership skills. It’s important to de-stress and nurture yourself with a walk by a lake or in the countryside.

There are four planets in your area of selfimprovement so make the most of this extra energy to keep fit and improve your life in all areas. Your success often comes through relationships and this is particularly true around April 24 when your ruler, Pluto, makes a lovely aspect to sociable Venus.




(Jan. 20 -Feb. 18)

Your brain is racing and ideas come thick and fast but do take the time to meditate, breathe deeply and slow down, so that you can avoid burn-out and consider your options. Around April 20, a Mercury-Uranus aspect can bring some sudden and brilliant intellectual breakthroughs; be prepared to think outside the box.


( Feb. 19 - M a r . 20)

You long for adventure with the Sun and Moon encouraging you to break away from your everyday routines. Responsibilities at home could slow things down but Saturn and Uranus on April 12 could show you a way to find balance between what you have to do and what you dream of doing.

You know how to enjoy life and live in the moment. This is especially true during the first half of April. The pace slows on April 15 when Venus enters Taurus, so remember to smell the roses now and work at improving your skills rather than rushing on to the next adventure.

On April 10, the lively New Moon in Aries joins with Mars and Venus to turn on your charm and social skills. You may feel a little addicted to love, so don’t try and build something permanent from what may be romantic illusions. Be kind, compassionate and forgiving, and your relationships will improve.




(J u ly 23 - Au g . 22)

(Au g . 23 -Se p t. 22)

You can now work steadily towards your goals but watch out for Saturn’s opposition to Venus and the Sun on April 22 and 28 which could put obstacles in your path. The Scorpio Full Moon is reminding you to take care of your health by taking the higher path and avoiding unwanted emotions.

( N o v. 2 2 - D e c . 21)

( D e c . 22 -Ja n . 19)

April begins with four planets stirring up the foundations of your life and you may feel that things are spinning out of control. It’s good to let loved ones know how you feel and while this type of heart-to-heart communication doesn’t come easily to you, it will help you feel more settled.

( M a r . 21-A pr . 19)

The Aries New Moon on April 10 brings extra energy and enthusiasm. Initiate a new project or go to the gym; it’s your time. The month gets even better around April 17 when a powerful Sun-Mars conjunction in your sign makes you unstoppable. Keep cool and aim to win!

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Take control and get back to doing the things you love to do. Don’t let pain stand in the way of living the life you want. Get moving, get going, and get active again, naturally. Our range of Pain Relief products are specially formulated to target your pain effectively and safely. To relieve joint pain and stiffness due to over activity, choose fast joint care+. For clinical strength relief of back pain that works in as little as 2 hours, choose fast back care+. And for relief of pain due to arthritis and increase your range of motion, choose fast arthritis relief+. Each contain Natural Eggshell Membrane, food for your joints, to not only relieve pain, but also repair damaged joints by providing nutrients that build cartilage, reduce inflammation and increase range of motion, plus additional key ingredients targeted to your type of pain to prevent future flare ups.

| *Natural Eggshell Membrane is food for the joints. Safe and 100% natural, Natural Eggshell Membrane is a patented, research-proven ingredient containing naturally occurring ingredients, including glucosamine, chondriotin and hyaluronic acid and Type 1 collagen – all essential nutrients for proper joint health and flexibility. ** Clinical Intervention in Aging 2009; 4:235-40


2013-03-25 3:27 PM


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2013-03-22 5:25 PM

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