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Brad was a client of the Children’s Intervention Program working with staff for Therapeutic Behavioral Services and case management, a Clinician for individual therapy, and a Doctor for medication management. He was referred to the Adolescent Choices Program by his clinician due to concerns of significant marijuana use that seemed to be getting in the way of his daily functioning.
Once the referral was successfully made, a Child and Family Therapist completed an intake with Brad to assess his level of use. The Child and Family Therapist then arranged for weekly sessions to start. Brad worked with both his Therapist and Clinician for individual therapy until it was time for the client to be transferred to adult services due to aging out. Children’s Program staff utilized the monthly Community Support Program/Riverbend Counseling Associates transfer meeting with staff from the two programs to discuss the client, assess his needs, and determine the best setting for Brad to continue services.
At the Community Support Program, a clinician completed Brad’s intake and determined that he would be best served on a specialized team for those with dual diagnoses. Both this team and Brad’s Children’s Program staff worked to transition care, with a long stretch of overlap in order to allow Brad to settle in at the Community Support Program. Brad began individual therapy with a Clinician and received psychiatric care from a Doctor and APRN. His Clinician supported Brad with engaging in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and he joined the Pre-Dialectical Behavior Therapy group. Brad expressed interest in working, so his Case Manager referred him to the Supported Employment program within the Community Support Program.
It was eventually determined that Brad no longer needed the transition care of his specialized team, and Brad moved to a different team. He began case management services and completed PreDialectical Behavior Therapy and began the full DBT program. Brad has now been a Community Support Program client for two years, during which time he has continued to work with his Child and Family Therapist for substance use treatment and has successfully decreased his use of marijuana and has recently become employed.