Riverdale Newsletter

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Riverdale Review DISTRICT 51J

Inside this issue:

1st Trimester Review 2010

‡ Superintendent’s Letter ‡ Grade School Glimpse

‡ Grade School Athletics ‡ +LJK 6FKRRO +LJKOLJKWV

‡ Alumni News ‡ +LJK 6FKRRO $WKOHWLFV

‡ + 2 &ODVV ‡ *6 +6 37& ‡ Foundation

Superintendent’s Letter by Dr. Brook MacNamara Dear Community, Riverdale School District is a unique, distinctive and successful educational organization that is working toward a focused vision that can have a profound effect on the learning outcomes for students. $PRQJ WKH PDQ\ VWUHQJWKV RI WKH 'LVWULFW ¿UVW DQG IRUHPRVW DUH RXU students. This is clearly evident in the range and depth of school activities they are involved in on a daily basis. The strength of our students is enhanced by a dedicated faculty and involved parents who shine a light on the vibrant educational community we call Riverdale.

The Riverdale School District is committed to implementing the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES) benchmarks and striving to be an exceptional learning community for all students. To support our quest to be the best school in Oregon, our principals have committed to spending two full days every week in classrooms in order to provide observational coaching to improve the teaching and learning that happens on a daily basis. In addition, I will be spending at least one day per week in classrooms to further facilitate excellent learning outcomes. We deeply value communicating with you, and ask for your understanding if we are not available to speak with you when you drop in or telephone RXU RIÂżFHV GXH WR FODVV REVHUYDWLRQ WLPH +RZHYHU LI \RX ZRXOG OLNH to meet or speak with our principals or with me, please contact our assistants who will be most happy to schedule a time for us to talk.

In the midst of evaluating best practices and broadening the capacity of our learning opportunities for our students, we are also in the process of evaluating and enhancing district-wide systems. First on our agenda is to return all of our accounting and budget SURFHVVHV LQ GLVWULFW 7KLV DOORZV XV WR ¿QHO\ WXQH RXU EXGJHWV ¿QG HI¿FLHQFLHV DQG FUHDWH HIIHFWLYH UHSRUWLQJ IRU WKH VFKRRO FRPPXQLW\ All payables, receivables, and payroll accounts are now being PRYHG ³LQ KRXVH´ 0U 0LNH 6FKR¿HOG LV RYHUVHHLQJ WKH FRQYHUVLRQ (about 80% complete) with a complete conversion date of January 3, 2011. In addition, we are awaiting our audit and evaluating all other district wide-systems with our community and staff to identify HI¿FLHQFLHV DQG HQKDQFHPHQWV 7KLV LQFOXGHV RXU :HE SUHVHQFH data systems, marketing, communication plans, funding structures, VWDI¿QJ FXUULFXODU UHYLHZ F\FOH 2UHJRQ 'HSDUWPHQW RI (GXFDWLRQ (ODE) required yearly reports (51 currently), scholarships, tuition and transfers, service contracts and agreements, facilities maintenance, evaluation and test scores, and graduation requirements. Although the list may appear daunting, we are up to the task and know that we must conduct these evaluations to determine how to enhance our outcomes for student learning while being mindful of the continual economic challenges. Upon coming to Riverdale, I made a pledge to have at least 100 conversations with Riverdale School District community members. I am pleased that these conversations are happening daily and have been instrumental in my understanding of the wealth of support, caring, and commitment shown to the students of Riverdale. It is a pleasure to work with each of you and I look forward to the transformational conversations and actions that ensure that each of our children grow up to be thoughtful in their education, about each other, and for their community. I wish all members of the Riverdale School District family a wonderful and relaxing holiday season. Respectfully, Dr. Brook MacNamara Superintendent

Riverdale Review

Grade School Glimpse by Jeremiah Patterson Riverdale Grade School – a Look Back at the First Trimester $ WULPHVWHU WKDW EHJDQ EHIRUH LW EHJDQ ZLWK D Âł6QHDN 3HHN´ event designed to let children come explore their new school, and which saw a successful “Grand Opening Ceremonyâ€? was truly highlighted not by dignitaries, visiting guests or grand speeches, but rather by children and teachers doing what they do best. Our focus, for this year and next, is on character education and school culture. We want our collective culture to match the scale and quality of the building in which we now reside. So, for this ORRN EDFN RQ D ÂżUVW WULPHVWHU ZRUWK QRWLQJ , ZLOO IRFXV RQ ZKDW children, teachers, and families have undertaken together in the name of service learning. First, it was an incredibly synchronous moment when I opened my inbox in late August and saw a request from a rising sixth grader who wanted to, in his words, “show that we are grateful for our new building by giving back.â€? Derek S. proposed, organized, and facilitated a FDQQHG IRRG GULYH WR EHQHÂżW WKH 2UHJRQ Food Bank; the can was one’s “ticketâ€? to WKH 6QHDN 3HHN If it starts with a student, then it follows that it lives on EHFDXVH RI WKH WHDFKHUV DQG FODVVLÂżHG VWDII ZKR VSHQW a full day in the midst of unpacking boxes and arranging (and then rearranging) desks with two trainers from the :DVKLQJWRQ ' & EDVHG &KDUDFWHU (GXFDWLRQ 3DUWQHUVKLS &(3 7KH IUDPHZRUN XVHG E\ &(3 XVHV HOHYHQ SULQFLSOHV to design school culture initiatives that actually stick around, because they are grounded in the context of the particular school community. Following the training, in establishing our professional development teams, a number of faculty began a year-long study to dive more deeply into the work of cementing the common agreements started this Fall. (DFK JUDGH OHYHO KDV LGHQWLÂżHG D JURXS RU LQLWLDWLYH LQ D SURJUDP we’re calling “Adopt-a-Cause.â€? (The only real guideline we agreed to was that the effort steers clear of fund-raising -we want students to be aware of the importance of donating time and energy in addition to money.) The fourth grade, Riverdale Review

for instance, was extremely active this Fall in identifying the ‘Friends of Tryon Creek’ as partners in an effort to learn about, and promote the understanding of, the devastating effects of invasive species like the English Ivy that is choking Tryon &UHHN 6WDWH 3DUN DQG RXU RZQ QHLJKERUKRRG ,I \RX FDWFK sight of them on the slope above the school with work gloves on, you’ll know what they’re up to. There is a certain dignity in doing the work of a school, even -- or perhaps especially -- the not-so-pleasant work. We are asking students this year to assist in maintaining their beautiful new campus. Seventh and eighth graders, in particular, have stepped up to the challenge of assisting our parent volunteers and custodian in cleaning up after their younger siblings, friends, and neighbors -- they wash dishes, scrub tables, DQG VZHHS XS DIWHU WKH ÂżUVW lunch period. In addition, all students are contributing to making the new compost program ZRUN :KDW VWDUWHG DV D FKDOOHQJH WR UHGXFH RXU ODQGÂżOO ERXQG waste by 50% almost immediately became a reality; we are diverting fully four cubic yards of “garbageâ€? to a hot-compost facility each week! Each morning, rain or shine, two proud VWXGHQWV FDUHIXOO\ KRLVW WKH Ă€DJV WR WKH WRS RI WKH Ă€DJSROH demonstrating exactly what is meant by “the dignity of the work.â€? The faculty had been thinking for some time about shifting the model we provide for student leadership in our school. What was a rather traditional student council -- meeting once a week to plan parties and parades -- has now become a self-selecting group of students actively learning about, and acting on, the principles of service leadership. Kindergarten teacher Sara Brounstein embraced an additional role in leading this twiceweekly elective. It was this group of students who trained the student body in the ins and outs of composting. They capped the trimester with three drives; each researched, organized, and led by an enterprising group of student leaders. Finally, Dr. MacNamara speaks eloquently about having been attracted to Riverdale because of the vision statement. It seems that vision statements are a dime-a-dozen, usually encompassing something about “life-long learnersâ€? in one FODXVH Âł VW &HQWXU\ 3URGXFWLYH &LWL]HQV´ LQ DQRWKHU DQG PD\EH HYHQ D QRG WR DQ LQFUHDVLQJO\ ³ÀDW ZRUOG ´ 2XUV KDV a simplicity and a quiet dignity that is worthy of sharing. And so we determined that the vision of this organization -- our common purpose -- should be visible in every space in the VFKRRO IURP WKH SULQFLSDOÂśV RIÂżFH WR D SUH N FODVVURRP to the science labs. Now, in addition to our behavioral “standards,â€? our vision is literally all over the school: “Teaching students to be thoughtful in their education, about each other, and for their community.â€?

Grade School Athletics by Rob Pridemore The Lady Falcons had a great volleyball season this year!!! This group of girls guided by Coach Sara Brounstein supported and respected each other both off and on the court. They were constantly demonstrating high levels of sportsmanship and basic respect for the game. Many of the team’s goals and personal goals were met this year as they continue to build as a team and create long lasting friendships. Great job this fall girls!

development and technical skills. The boys saw solid and steady growth throughout the season. Despite the team’s hard work, dedication and improvement the team just fell short of qualifying for the division 2 playoffs this fall. Great job to all of the Riverdale athletes for positively representing your school with class and dignity during this past fall sports season.

The Falcons’ girls soccer program saw a season of rapid growth this fall. Due to an amazing turnout for soccer the girls were DEOH WR ¿HOG WZR VRFFHU WHDPV this fall, Riverdale Blue and White. Both teams competed remained competitive in the Metro Christian League with their split squads. The 5LYHUGDOH :KLWH ¿QLVKHG WKH VHDVRQ LQ ¿IWK SODFH DQG TXDOL¿HG IRU WKH GLVWULFW SOD\ offs, while the Riverdale Blue WHDP ¿QLVKHG LQ D WKUHH WHDP WLH IRU WKH ¿QDO SOD\RII VSRW EXW unfortunately lost out on going to the playoffs based upon a tie-breaker that came down to goal differential between the three teams.

The Falcon boy’s division 1 soccer program successfully defended its league championship this IDOO XQGHU FRDFK 1HOV 3DLQH After a tough regular season, WKH ER\V TXDOL¿HG IRU WKH SOD\RIIV as the number two seed, and UHFHLYHG D ¿UVW URXQG E\H LQ WKH playoffs before defeating OES in WKH VHPL ¿QDO JDPH DW 5LYHUGDOH Grade School. The boys team then had to travel to Catlin Gabel to take on the #1 seeded (DJOHV RQ WKHLU KRPH ¿HOG 7KH )DOFRQœV SURYHG WR EH WRR much for Catlin Gabel as they successfully defended their league title in back-to-back seasons Congratulations to all of the boys on a tremendously successful fall soccer season. Boys Division 2 soccer team battled hard and continued to grow focusing on fundamental

2XU %RRN )DLU WKHPH ¹ +HUHœV WR 2XU +HURHV Reading Saves the Day! -is part of a weeklong event that brings the books kids love to our school in an atmosphere of fun. Because everyday heroes surround us, the heroes theme allows students to celebrate all types of heroes, from the ordinary to the extraordinary, inspired by a love for books. Riverdale’s Scholastic Book Fair begins on December 6th-10th in the Riverdale Grade School Library. 7KLV 37& WUDGLWLRQ EHQH¿WV RXU FKLOGUHQœV VFKRRO OLEUDU\ This is a great opportunity for you to cross some names off of your holiday shopping list, make a book donation to WKH OLEUDU\ DQG IXO¿OO WHDFKHUœV FODVVURRP ZLVK OLVWV %RRN )DLU +RXUV Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:

8:25am-4:00pm 8:25am-4:00pm 8:25am-3:00pm 8:25am-4:00pm 8:25am-1:00pm


Riverdale Review

High School Highlights by Paula Robinson We have completed trimester one; it is amazing what can be accomplished in such a short time. I have enjoyed getting to know so many fantastic young people. Becoming acquainted with the exceptional and dedicated staff has been an impressive treat for me as well.

Capitol Hill Literacy Project: This project takes an integrated curriculum approach, occurring in and combining skills from English, Freshman Seminar, and Art Survey 9. The freshman FODVV ZRUNV ZLWK VHFRQG JUDGHUV IURP &DSLWRO +LOO (OHPHQWDU\ School to read books, create personal hero’s journey stories, and build enthusiasm for reading as well as reading skills.

7KH $QQXDO 5+6 2SHQ +RXVH KHOG LQ 2FWREHU ZDV D KLJKOLJKW WKDW VKRZFDVHG 5LYHUGDOH +LJK 6FKRRO VWXGHQWV IDFXOW\ parents and experienced staff. Over 300 people joined us for an opportunity to hear our students speak and sample our curricula while meeting teachers and parents. Seeing our students interact with our guests and demonstrate who they are and how they represent the student body was impressive. There was a constant line in the Maverick room to sign-up for a shadow day. More than 82 students will have shadowed prior to Winter Break! Grade Level Coffees were a good opportunity to meet other parents and to share experiences. Senior night’s discussion focused on college applications, entry and search topics. Sophomore and junior nights focused more on assessment, testing and getting prepared for the college application process. The freshman evening discussion focused on development, being in high school and making the transition to a different level of expectation and focus. This was a great opportunity to learn what to expect at the next level of education for your child and enjoy informal interactions with other parents. I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet many of you in this casual forum. $Q LPSRUWDQW XSFRPLQJ HYHQW LV WKH 5+6 *UDGXDWHV 5HWXUQ for College Forum on January 5, 2011. Former Riverdale +LJK 6FKRRO VWXGHQWV ZLOO VSHDN DERXW WKHLU H[SHULHQFHV JRLQJ off to college. They will discuss issues such as, transition from high school to college, what it is like at college, athletics, their own preparedness for this change, what best prepared them, what they could have done differently, and how Senior ([KLELWLRQ SUHSDUHG WKHP 3OHDVH SODQ WR MRLQ XV 0\ VLQFHUH WKDQNV WR 3DUHQWV DQG &RPPXQLW\ IRU \RXU commitment, engagement and participation in making 5LYHUGDOH +LJK 6FKRRO VXFK D JUHDW SODFH IRU VWXGHQWV

Blood Drive: 7KH 5+6 DQQXDO IDOO blood drive took place on Oct. 29. -DNRE : DQG WKH 5+6 /HDGHUVKLS Class spearheaded this event. Organ Donation Sign-up Drive and Assembly: Sevan D. organized this event as a project for Leadership class and did a fabulous job. On Thursday, November 4, presenters from the Donate for Life Northwest presented to the entire student body, and many students signed up at the booth set up in the Maverick Room at lunch. Grade School Visits: $ JURXS RI 5+6 VWXGHQWV ZRUN ZLWK 0U 3DWWHUVRQ DW WKH *UDGH 6FKRRO WR RUJDQL]H YLVLWV RQ D UHJXODU EDVLV 'XULQJ WKLV YLVLWV +6 VWXGHQWV HDW OXQFK ZLWK *6 VWXGHQWV DQG SUHVHQW +6 SURJUDPV DQG VHUYLFH SURMHFWV


Riverdale Review

Hope Kits for Medical Teams International: +RSH .LWV DUH SHUVRQDO K\JLHQH NLWV WKDW 5+6 VWXGHQWV DUH SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU DQG VHQGLQJ WR +DLWL IRU 0HGLFDO 7HDPV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO VWDII WR GLVWULEXWH 6RSKRPRUH $QGUHZ 3 DQG WKH /HDGHUVKLS FODVV DUH organizing this drive. History 11A Honors Service: To receive honors credit, students must complete ten hours of service that addresses economic disparity in our community. Opportunities for students who wanted to go beyond the standard soup kitchen experience included tutoring with the Immigrant and Refugee Community 2UJDQL]DWLRQ ,5&2 YROXQWHHULQJ ZLWK WKH 3RUWODQG )UXLW 7UHH 3URMHFW ZRUNLQJ DW &RPPXQLW\ 7UDQVLWLRQDO 6FKRROV D VFKRRO for homeless and transitional youth, and working with people with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities through the Albertina Kerr Centers. NYLC Regional Gathering: 7KLV VXPPHU 5+6 VWXGHQWV .HOVH\ : 1DWH + DQG (OL]DEHWK % DFFRPSDQLHG E\ 6HUYLFH Learning Coordinator Becky Kennedy, attended the National <RXWK /HDGHUVKLS 7UDLQLQJ LQ 0LQQHVRWD $V D IROORZ XS WR WKLV H[SHULHQFH WKH 1</7 KRVWV DQ DQQXDO UHJLRQDO JDWKHULQJ designed to allow students to reconnect and share their experiences implementing the service projects they planned ZKLOH DW WKH 1</7 7KLV WRRN SODFH 2FWREHU LQ 6HDWWOH :DVKLQJWRQ ,Q DGGLWLRQ 1</7 VWDII YLVLWHG 5+6 IRU D GD\ attending senior panels and Leadership class. AIDS Walk: Each year, sophomore microbiology students and several staff participate in the Cascade AIDS 3URMHFWÂśV DQQXDO AIDS Walk, raising money WR IXQG +,9 AIDS treatment and prevention programs in Multnomah County, and increasing awareness about how the disease effects people in our community. This year, Team Riverdale was 40 strong and raised over $400. Look at pictures from past year and (coming soon) new photos from this years walk on the service portion of the ZHEVLWH -XQLRU 0D\D 9 GLG D ZRQGHUIXO MRE KHOSLQJ WR SODQ this event as well as recruiting team members. Sam Ziff and Laurie Lepore, and Becky Kennedy accompanied students.

Senior Exhibition: As part of their exhibition, senior 5+6 VWXGHQWV HQJDJH LQ community-based and service learning experiences in the community. This component is designed to complement their research and demonstrate how their essential questions apply to the greater community. November 29 - December 16 - Maverick Giving Cow, a %HQH¿W IRU WKH %UDGOH\ $QJOH +RXVH IRU 9LFWLPV RI 'RPHVWLF 9LROHQFH (YHU\ \HDU WKH 5+6 community comes together and supports children and mothers who DUH UHVLGLQJ DW WKH %UDGOH\ $QJOH +RXVH 2XU ³JLYLQJ FRZ´ KDV RUQDPHQWV ZLWK VSHFL¿F LWHPV WKDW SHRSOH QHHG ZULWWHQ RQ them, and students/parents/staff take an ornament and return with the item.

Alumni News Nicole West (Class of 2006) is in Thailand! Nicole DWWHQGHG ERWK 5*6 DQG 5+6 6KH JUDGXDWHG IURP :KLWPDQ LQ %LRORJ\ LQ UHFHLYHG WKH 3ULQFHWRQ LQ $VLD )HOORZVKLS DQG ZLOO EH DWWHQGLQJ <DOH LQ WKH Fall of 2011. Nicole West via email - “I am in Nan, Thailand teaching 4th and 5th Grades—and loving it! My students are adoring, eager, and completely brilliant, DQG ,ÂśYH EHHQ DEOH WR WUDYHO DV ZHOO 0\ 3ULQFHWRQ in Asia Fellowship runs through next spring and I SODQ WR DWWHQG WKH <DOH 6FKRRO RI 3XEOLF +HDOWK LQ the Fall of 2011. I will be getting my Master’s in the Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, with a &RQFHQWUDWLRQ LQ *OREDO +HDOWK ´

Riverdale Review

High School Athletics by Rob Pridemore 5LYHUGDOH +LJK 6FKRRO IDOO DWKOHWLF WHDPV DOO UHFHLYHG KLJK marks and took several academic championships this fall season. Girls Cross Country ÂżQLVKHG QG LQ WKH $ $ $ standings with an amazing WHDP *3$ of 3.98. Boys Cross C o u n t r y, B o y s Soccer, Girls 6RFFHU DQG 9ROOH\EDOO DOO WRRN VW SODFH IRU WHDP *3$ IRU WKHLU FODVVLÂżFDWLRQV %R\V &URVV &RXQWU\ ÂżQLVKHG ZLWK D WHDP *3$ RI %R\V 6RFFHU ÂżQLVKHG ZLWK D PDUN of 3.73; Girls Soccer had a combined average of 3.93; DQG 9ROOH\EDOO HQGHG WKH year with team average of 3.81. Congratulations to all of our athletes both on WKH ÂżHOG RI SOD\ DQG LQ WKH classrooms as well. The 2010 Maverick volleyball season was a one of transition this past fall. Riverdale was successful in hiring coach Craig Woods mid-way through the fall campaign, which meant a VHFRQG FKDQJH WKURXJK WKH VHDVRQ IRU WKH WHDP +RZHYHU WKH team remained dedicated and focused to their development as not only individuals and as a team. The young Maverick squad ZLOO RQO\ JUDGXDWH WZR SOD\HUV VHQLRUV 0ROO\ 0 DQG 'XVWLQ 3 off of its 11 girl roster. With so many returning girls set to return next season and a new coach in place the Mavericks look poised to improve in the Northwest League. Cross Country hits the ground running at Riverdale. For the ÂżUVW WLPH HYHU 5LYHUGDOH ÂżHOGHG ERWK D ER\V DQG JLUOV &URVV Country team during the fall of 2010. The team led by newly hired head coach Whitney Smart successfully competed in QLQH PHHWV LQ WKHLU ÂżUVW VHDVRQ UDQJLQJ IURP WKH EHDFKHV of Cape Kiwanda, to the gravel and asphalt of Tualatin +LJK 6FKRRO %RWK WHDPV H[SHULHQFHG WUHPHQGRXV JURZWK WKURXJKRXW WKHLU ÂżUVW VHDVRQ ZLWK PDQ\ DWKOHWHV FRQVLVWHQWO\ improving upon their personal bests during the year. Both juniors Devin E. and Evan M. were the top placers for the boys at districts ÂżQLVKLQJ WK DQG 17th respectively. The girls saw sophomores Julia Riverdale Review

% DQG &KORH / ÂżQLVK UG DQG WK &RQJUDWXODWLRQV WR WKH DOO UXQQHUV RQ D ZRQGHUIXO ÂżUVW VHDVRQ *LUOV 6RFFHU ÂżQLVKHG D KDUG IRXJKW VHDVRQ UDQNHG WK LQ state. After yet another transition to a new soccer league, WKH 0DYHULFNV ÂżQLVKHG WKH VHDVRQ ZLWK D UHFRUG LQ DQ extremely tough new league that saw only two teams qualify for state this year. Riverdale started out strong in the pre-season with a 3-0-1 record before playing in arguably the strongest league in the state with three teams all ranked within the top 5 according to OSAA VWDWH UDQNLQJV 7KH 0DYHULFNV JUDGXDWH ÂżYH VHQLRUV RII RI WKLV \HDUÂśV URVWHU DQG VDZ ÂżYH SOD\HUV UHFHLYH DOO OHDJXH KRQRUV including Claire S. and Ellie B. with second team honors. Molly C., Isabel J., and Jennifer M. also received honorable mention. Boys Soccer has HDUQHG LWV ÂżUVW HYHU League Championship DQG ÂżQLVKHG WKH UHJXODU season ranked 2nd in state. It has been a VHDVRQ RI PDQ\ ÂżUVWV for the Mavericks. The Mavericks hosted and ZRQ WKHLU ÂżUVW HYHU OSAA playoff game on Tuesday, November 9th at Lewis and Clark vs. Rogue River. The Mavericks fell to a tough St. Marys squad 1 to 0 in the State Quarter Final round. Riverdale started the pre-season with a record of EHIRUH EHJLQQLQJ OHDJXH SOD\ ZKHUH WKH\ ÂżQLVKHG DV &R Champions of Special District #1 with a 6-0-1 league record, and a 12-1-1 overall record. This is the fourth straight soccer VHDVRQ WKH 0DYHULFNV KDYH TXDOLÂżHG IRU WKH VWDWH SOD\RIIV under two time Special District #1 coach of the year Tendu Sherpa. This year saw six players receive honors: First team $OO 'LVWULFW 6HQLRUV 6KDQW ' $EGXO $ + DQG 5HHG / 6HFRQG WHDP DOO 'LVWULFW -XQLRUV 6FRWW + /LQFROQ : and freshman Ben F.

H2O CLASS/Fall 2010 By Elizabeth B. Class of 2013 5LYHUGDOHÂśV FRQQHFWLRQ WR + 2 IRU /LIH EHJDQ LQ 6HSWHPEHU RI 2008 as a science and service learning elective FDOOHG + 2 7KH 12-week course included studying a wide range of student-generated water-related topics and raising money WR EHQHÂżW D VFKRRO in Kenya in need of a clean, constant water supply. Riverdale continued the elective class in 2010, DQG WKH PRQH\ IXQGUDLVHG ZLOO EHQHÂżW 5XKDDPD 3ULPDU\ School in Uganda. Our Class: :DWHU 3URMHFWV Each student chose a water related topic to research. Students were responsible for planning and presenting their ÂżQGLQJV WR WKH FODVV in an informative and creative way. Students took a diverse approach using different educational strategies including activities and games. These student-led OHVVRQV RIWHQ LQFOXGHG 3RZHU3RLQW SUHVHQWDWLRQV DUWLFOHV LQ the news, debates, art projects, and labs. Topics included K\SR[LD EOXH KROHV ÂżVKLQJ SUDFWLFHV ERWWOHG ZDWHU DQG WKH *UHDW 3DFLÂżF *DUEDJH 3DWFK 6WXGHQWV ZHUH encouraged to look at the topic of water from a biological, chemical, economical, and ecological perspective. Our Field Trips: 3RUWODQG )RXQWDLQ :DON 6WXGHQWV WRRN D ÂżHOG WULS WR GRZQWRZQ 3RUWODQG to explore numerous fountains while logging in approximately 5 miles. Each of the 12 fountains we visited had a rich history involving their functionality to the City of

3RUWODQG DQG DQ LQWULJXLQJ DUWLVWLF GHVLJQ :KLOH GRZQWRZQ ZH DOVR VDZ 7+( '((3 6($ ,0$; DW 206, DQG DWH OXQFK DW one of the food cart parking lots. %XOO 5XQ 5HVHUYRLU 7KH 3RUWODQG :DWHU %XUHDX OHG RXU FODVV RQ DQ H[FOXVLYH SULYDWH WRXU RI 3RUWODQGÂśV PDLQ ZDWHU VRXUFH Bull Run Reservoir. Students were thrilled to be invited inside of the humongous dam that holds back our city’s water supply. We pulled water samples and ran some of the water quality tests that people at Bull Run Reservoir run multiple times HYHU\GD\ WR HQVXUH 3RUWODQG KDV D FOHDQ DQG FRQVWDQW ZDWHU supply. Our Fundraisers: 7KH + 2 FODVV KDG D Âł'DQFH Committeeâ€? that met every week WR SODQ WKH GDQFH Âł$TXD 3DORR]D ´ Since the dance was close to +DOORZHHQ WKH FRPPLWWHH RSWHG WR PDNH WKH WKHPH +DOORZHHQ DQG WR HQFRXUDJH +DOORZHHQ FRVWXPHV The committee was able to plan a very successful dance while coming in under budget and raising over $2,100 towards the goal of $5,000. Many people in the Riverdale student body attended the dance in costume WR VXSSRUW 5XKDDPD 3 6 6WXGHQW 6FRWW + GRQDWHG KLV time to DJ the event. Microbe Sale- The “Microbe &RPPLWWHH´ DGYHUWLVHG DQG VROG 3OXVK 0LFUREHV WR SDUHQWV teachers, and students. “Krispy Deliveryâ€?- The Krispy Kreme Committee sold Krispy GRXJKQXWV RQ WZR RFFDVLRQV IRU DQ LPSUHVVLYH SURÂżW + 2 IRU /LIH 6KLUWV 7KH “T-Shirt Committeeâ€? sold + 2 IRU /LIH 7 VKLUWV DQG sweatshirts. Students and teachers purchased the shirts before school, at lunch, and after school. 3DUHQWV ZHUH DEOH WR purchase a t-shirt or two at school functions.

Riverdale Review

Riverdale Grade School and High School PTC Newsletter

Busy Fall for RGS & RHS Parent Teacher Clubs! RGS PTC Highlights 7KH )DOO LV DOZD\V D EXV\ WLPH IRU WKH 5*6 3DUHQW 7HDFKHU &OXE DQG WKLV )DOO KDV EHHQ SDFNHG ZLWK HYHQWV IRU WKH 37& 7KH 37& KRVWHG D ³/HPRQDGH &RRNLHV´ :HOFRPH IRU 1HZFRPHUV LQ August and kicked off the school year with a ³6QHDN 3HHN´ IRU UHWXUQLQJ VWXGHQWV RQ /DERU 'D\ 7KH 37& DOVR KRVWHG WKH DQQXDO %DFN to-School Coffee and a Newcomers’ Coffee in September and provided refreshments at the Grand Opening in early October. The Riverdale ladies enjoyed splendid weather RQ 6HSWHPEHU IRU WKH /DGLHV¶ 6WDJ +LNH LQ :DVKLQJWRQ 3DUN DQG WKH GLQQHU DW 7RULH Laurent’s lovely home.

,Q DGGLWLRQ WR KRVWLQJ VHYHUDO HYHQWV WKH 37& KDV DSSURYHG H[SHQGLWXUHV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ programs: ‡6FLHQFH HTXLSPHQW IRU WKH WK WK JUDGH FODVVHV ‡&KLOGUHQ¶V $XWKRU 6HULHV ZRUNVKRS ZLWK QHZ 5LYHUGDOH SDUHQW DQG ORFDO DXWKRU 'DYLG 0LFKDHO Slater ‡)LQDQFLDO $LG IRU ¿HOG VWXGLHV Upcoming PTC events that you will not want to miss: ‡'HFN WKH +DOOV 3DUW\ 3DFN 1RYHPEHU ‡%RRN )DLU LQ WKH 5*6 /LEUDU\ 'HFHPEHU ‡37& &RIIHH RQ 'HFHPEHU DW WKH %RRN )DLU LQ WKH /LEUDU\ ‡-RDQQD 5RVH VSHDNHU IURP :RUGVWRFN ZLOO SUHVHQW WR . 3DUHQWV How Can I Help My Child with Writing without Taking Over? –January 13 from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Commons ‡&RPPXQLW\ 3LQJ 3RQJ 7RXUQDPHQW ± -DQXDU\ ‡+RZDUG +LWRQ ORFDO FRXQVHORU DQG DXWKRU RQ ER\V¶ LVVXHV ZLOO EH VSHDNLQJ RQ 7KXUVGD\ January 20 in the Commons ‡37& :LQWHU 3DUW\ RQ )HEUXDU\ 7KH 37& LV IRUWXQDWH WR KDYH VXFK D GHGLFDWHG JURXS RI SDUHQWV DW 5*6 WR VHUYH RQ WKH ERDUG to chair programs or to volunteer. Each week, over 30 parents help with lunch service, recess duty and any one of a number of activities, like Teacher Appreciation and Art Literacy. It is an amazing community and I want to thank all of you for your support! Regards, Diane Macdonald 5*6 37& 3UHVLGHQW

Riverdale Review

Riverdale Grade School and High School PTC Newsletter RHS PTC Highlights 7KH +LJK 6FKRRO 3DUHQW 7HDFKHU &OXE LV SURXG WR KHOS PDNH WKH IROORZLQJ VHUYLFH OHDUQLQJ SURMHFWV possible throughout the year: ‡ &DSLWRO +LOO /LWHUDF\ 3URMHFW LQFOXGLQJ D JXHVW OHFWXUH IURP FKLOGUHQ¶V ERRNV IURP DXWKRU (ULF Kimmell. ‡ Blood Drive ‡ Organ Donation Sign-up Drive and Assembly ‡ *UDGH 6FKRRO 9LVLWV ‡ +RSH .LWV IRU 0HGLFDO 7HDPV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ‡ +LVWRU\ $ +RQRUV 6HUYLFH ‡ 3ODQQLQJ $FKLHYHPHQW *DS &ODVV IRU 7KLUG 7ULPHVWHU ‡ 1</& 5HJLRQDO *DWKHULQJ ‡ AIDS Walk ‡ Senior Exhibition- community-based and service learning component of their exhibition projects ‡ 6HQLRU )LHOG 7ULS WR 3RZHOO¶V 0XOWQRPDK &RXQW\ /LEUDU\ ‡ )LHOG 6WXGLHV 6HUYLFH 3URMHFWV ‡ 3ODQQLQJ 6RSKRPRUH 6HUYLFH 'D\ ‡ Upcoming service projects: ‡ Anatomy Trip to Medical Teams International Real Life Exhibit and Warehouse Service ‡ (QJOLVK % 2UDO +LVWRU\ 3URMHFW LQ DQ $VVLVWHG /LYLQJ )DFLOLW\ ‡ 0DYHULFN *LYLQJ &RZ D %HQH¿W IRU WKH %UDGOH\ $QJOH +RXVH IRU 9LFWLPV RI 'RPHVWLF 9LROHQFH ‡ Creating Service Calendar ‡ Updating Service Website ‡ +LVWRU\ % 0HUF\ &RUSV 9LVLWV DQG .LYD 0LFUR OHQGLQJ 3URMHFW +DYH D ZRQGHUIXO KROLGD\ Debra Millegan 5+6 37& 3UHVLGHQW

Party Pack <RX DUH LQYLWHG WR D 37& 3DUW\ 3DFN :RPHQ¶V +ROLGD\ 'HFRUDWLQJ (YHQW Leave your husband at home and join the women of Riverdale and discover fabulous new holiday decorating tips from premiere interior designer, Sheri’ DeGeer at the lovely KRPH RI .ULV &ROOLQV 7KHUH ZLOO EH HOHJDQW &KULVWPDV DQG +DQXNNDK LGHDV WKDW \RX FDQ XVH IRU \RXU RZQ KROLGD\ GHFRUDWLQJ ,WHPV ZLOO QRW EH IRU VDOH DW WKLV HYHQW <RXU generous hosts are Kris & Josh Collins (1st Graders), Michele & David Rosenbaum (5th Grader), and and Sheri DeGeer, DeGeer Interiors at www.DegeerInteriors.com or 7KH WLFNHW SULFH IRU WKLV 3DUW\ 3DFN LV SHU ZRPDQ DOO RI ZKLFK JRHV WR WKH 37& /LPLW JXHVWV 6LJQ XS RQOLQH DW WKH 5LYHUGDOH 37& 6WRUH KWWSV ZZZ secure-sam.com/riverdale.bonzidev.com/frameset.php?sLocation=/riverdale.bonzidev. FRP VDP VWRUH LQGH[ SKS <RX FDQ FRQWDFW &DWK\ 0LFN DW LI \RX KDYH any questions.

Riverdale Review

Riverdale Grade School and High School PTC Newsletter HS KUDOS! Kudos to ALL the parents who help make our school community thrive! We have enjoyed so many events, activities and programs this Fall, none of which could happen without our GHGLFDWHG YROXQWHHUV ³7KDQN <RX´ HVSHFLDOO\ WR WKH IROORZLQJ

‡ 'HEUD 0LOOHJDQ IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& 3UHVLGHQW D VHFRQG \HDU ‡ %DUE 5HLG IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& 3UHVLGHQW (OHFW ‡ 5RJHU 7RELQ DQG &ODLUH .ODKQ IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& &R 7UHDVXUHUV D VHFRQG \HDU ‡ 6X]DQQH 6ZDUW IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& 6HFUHWDU\ D VHFRQG \HDU ‡ 6\GQH\ 6WHLGOH IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& %RRVWHU &KDLU H[WUDRUGLQDLUH ‡ &KULVWLH 6ZDQVRQ IRU VHUYLQJ DV 37& &RPPXQLFDWLRQV &KDLU DQG UHYDPSLQJ WKH 37& ZHEVLWH ‡ .LUVWHQ 9ROODQ %DUE 5HLG DQG DOO WKH 6RSKRPRUH &ODVV 3DUHQWV IRU SURYLGLQJ D wonderful staff dinner during conferences ‡ &DWK\ 0LFN DQG 6XVLH *HDU IRU ¿QLVKLQJ XS D IDQWDVWLF \HDU RI 3DUW\ 3DFNV ‡ Susie Keeton for her work on the Winter Fundraiser and promoting it at all grade 3DUHQW &RIIHHV ‡ .LUVWHQ 9ROODQ IRU KRVSLWDOLW\ DW JUDGH 3DUHQW &RIIHHV ‡ -LOO +DOO DQG -HQQLIHU )LHOG IRU RUJDQL]LQJ FROOHJH YLVLWV DQG FROOHJH URRP ‡ Cathy Mick as Girls Soccer Team parent ‡ Gena Douzdjian as Boys Soccer Team parent ‡ -RG\ +LOOV IRU 0DYHULFN 6SLULW :HDU VDOHV DQG GLVSOD\ ‡ Karen Fettig for creating athletics bulletin boards ‡ Danette Molinari for Senior Night Roses ‡ <YRQQH *UHHQ IRU SURYLGLQJ &RQFHVVLRQV DW JDPHV ‡ Don Christmann for designing the Fall sports program ‡ *UDHPH 3DUNLQ IRU %RRVWHU 0HPEHUVKLS 6DOHV ‡ 3DP :DUH IRU UHFUXLWLQJ 6SRUWV 3URJUDP VSRQVRUV ‡ Kathy Sanders for taking on Scrip promotion another year ‡ Teri Woo for organizing Carpools ‡ Rose Money Rooper for organizing the Saturday Academy Summer Internships information night

GS KUDOS! Kudos to ALL the parents who help make our school community thrive! We have enjoyed so many events, activities and programs this Fall, none of which could happen without our GHGLFDWHG YROXQWHHUV ³7KDQN <RX´ HVSHFLDOO\ WR WKH IROORZLQJ ‡ &DUOD 9DQ +RRPLVVHQ IRU %DFN WR 6FKRRO &RIIHH ‡ Nicole Grayson, Minnie Cooper & Diane Macdonald for Newcomers Events ‡ /DXUD 0DUWLQ .DWK\ +LFNPDQ IRU /DGLHV 6WDJ +LNH ‡ Torie Laurent for Ladies Stag Dinner ‡ Susan Stern for Sally Foster Fundraiser ‡ Allison Sherman & Allison Kehoe for Art Cards ‡ 3HQHORSH )DLQ IRU 5LYHUGDOH 6KRSSLQJ 'LQLQJ )XQGUDLVHUV ‡ 0DU\ .UXPPHO $OOLVRQ .HKRH -HQQ\ )UHHPDQ %HWV\ (GZDUGV IRU /XQFK 3URJUDP & Server Scheduling ‡ 0DU\ 3RWWHU IRU 3OD\JURXQG 'XW\ 6FKHGXOLQJ ‡ Lanelle Fechner & Maya Klein for Directory ‡ /HVOLH 0DKOHU 3HQHORSH )DLQ DQ DZHVRPH 7HDFKHU $SSUHFLDWLRQ &RPPLWWHH ‡ :RQGHUIXO 5RRP 3DUHQWV $UW /LWHUDF\ 9ROXQWHHUV ‡ 3DUW\ 3DFN +RVWV +RVWHVVHV

Riverdale Review

From the Foundation Dear Riverdale Families and Friends, :H KDYH MXVW ODXQFKHG WKH $QQXDO &DPSDLJQ IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI Riverdale School educational programs. This year our goal is $750,000 DQG ZH KRSH WR DFKLHYH WKDW JRDO E\ VLJQL¿FDQWO\ EURDGHQLQJ SDUWLFLSDWLRQ of school families, alumni, staff, and neighborhood community members. We recognize, with deep gratitude, that District residents just approved ORFDO RSWLRQ IXQGLQJ IRU RXU VFKRROV IRU WKH QH[W ¿YH \HDUV 6WDWH DQG local option funding cover 71% of Riverdale’s annual operating budget. Tuition paid by out-of-district students at both the Grade School (20% of the student body is out-of-district) and at the +LJK 6FKRRO LV RXW RI GLVWULFW FRYHUV of the annual operating budget. The Riverdale School District Foundation now seeks to raise the remaining 11% of operating costs. Although funding for public education in Oregon LV VKULQNLQJ \HDUO\ RXU VWXGHQWV DUH ÀRXULVKLQJ in an environment that has been insulated by the generosity and foresight of our community. As this insulation is as essential as it has ever been, the Foundation Board is fully committed to facilitating the community’s long-standing support for Riverdale Schools and in this role we will be UHDFKLQJ RXW WR \RX IRU \RXU ¿QDQFLDO VXSSRUW Our neighborhood is attracting families seeking the quality of programming we offer but that is increasingly unavailable in public schools in Oregon. We are also attracting families willing to pay tuition for what makes Riverdale Schools unique – our sense of community and the shared expectation for high quality programming. We have a valuable product to offer in uncertain times. We can all work together to protect that value and ensure that Riverdale maintains its excellence and competitiveness in today’s educational environment. As we enter the holiday season, please accept our best wishes. We hope you will consider the Riverdale School District Foundation among your year-end giving priorities. Sincerely, /HVOLH 2 *RVV 3UHVLGHQW On behalf of the Riverdale School District Foundation Board of Directors

Riverdale Review

Calendar Highlights Nov 22-26


Stay Connected

Mon. Dec. 1


Dec. 6-10

GS Book Fair, GS Library

Riverdale School District encourages you to stay connected. You can stay connected by signing up for electronic communication. To sign-up to receive electronic communication, please go to the Riverdale School District home page – www.riverdale.k12. or.us and click on Stay Connected DQG ¿OO LQ \RXU information.

Thu. Dec. 9

GS Winter Concert, Grades K-4

7:00 pm

Sat. Dec 11

7th & 8th Grade Winter Formal, GS Commons

7:00 pm

Mon. Dec 13

Regular School Board Meeting, GS Commons

6:00 pm

Thu. Dec. 16


9:30 am

Dec 20-Jan 1

Winter Break No School Grades K-12

Mon. Jan 3

K-12 Students & Teachers return

ONLINE CALENDAR Use the “Calendar� link on the Riverdale School District homepage to view the most current information on school events.

Wed. Jan 5


7:00 pm

Mon. Jan 10

Regular School Board Meeting, GS Commons

6:00 pm

Fri. Jan. 14

+6 0XVLFDO Return to the Forbidden Planet @ Broadway Rose Theatre +6 0XVLFDO Return to the Forbidden Planet @ Broadway Rose Theatre +6 0XVLFDO Return to the Forbidden Planet @ Broadway Rose Theatre Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—No School Grades K-12

35,1&,3$/6 :((./< 1(:6/(77(5 ¹ ‡ *5$'( 6&+22/ ¹ -HUHPLDK 3DWWHUVRQ 3ULQFLSDO Riverdale Grade School -weekly updates. (electronic – blog format, and posted on the Grade School section of the website) ‡ +,*+ 6&+22/ ¹ 3DXOD 5RELQVRQ 3ULQFLSDO 5LYHUGDOH +LJK 6FKRRO ¹ ZHHNO\ XSGDWHV HOHFWURQLF blog format, and posted on the Grade School section of the website) ',675,&7 0217+/< (/(&7521,& 1(:6/(77(5 – Newsletter emailed and posted on the 15th of each month during the school year. 6&+22/ %2$5' 0((7,1*6 %RDUG 0HHWLQJV are open to the public, and are held on the second Monday of each month at Riverdale Grade School in the Commons. (note February date change) 48$57(5/< 5,9(5'$/( 5(9,(:¹ $ ORRN EDFN DW WKH SHUYLRXV WULPHVWHU ¹ +6 *6 DQG *UHDWHU Riverdale Community) ( 1HZV ¹ ,PSRUWDQW 'LVWULFW DQG +LJK 6FKRRO 1HZV outside of regularly scheduled communication. 37& 3$5(17 3$&. ¹ :HHNO\ LQIRUPDWLRQ GHOLYHUHG to you via email and posted on the Website every Friday.

Sat. Jan. 15 Sun. Jan. 16 Mon. Jan .17 Fri. Jan 21 Fri. Jan 21

9:15 am

7:30 pm 7:30 pm 2:30 pm

Mon. Feb. 7

. ²ò GD\ *6 RXW # SP +6 RXW # SP

+6 0XVLFDO Return to the Forbidden Planet @ Broadway Rose Theatre 7:30 pm +6 0XVLFDO Return to the Forbidden Planet @ Broadway Rose Theatre 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm &RPPXQLW\ 3LQJ 3RQJ 7RXUQDPHQW GS Commons 3URJUHVV 5HSRUWV 0DLOHG +6 3DUHQW 7HDFKHU &RQIHUHQFHV²1R 6FKRRO *UDGHV Regular Day for GS +6 3DUHQW 7HDFKHU &RQIHUHQFHV²1R 6FKRRO *UDGHV Regular Day for GS Regular School Board Meeting, GS Commons 6:00 pm

Wed. Feb. 9 Wed. Feb. 16

*6 37& 0HHWLQJ 9:00 am +6 -XQLRU 3DUHQW 1LJKW 0DYHULFN 5RRP 7:00 pm

Mon. Feb. 21


Sat. Feb. 26


Mon. Feb. 28


7:00 pm

Tues. March 1


7:00 pm

Wed. March 2


9:15 am

Thu. March 3

Cabaret Open Rehearsal (public invited)

7:30 pm

Fri. March 4

Cabaret Dinner Show

6:30 pm

Sat. March 5

Cabaret Family Show

7:30 pm

Sat. Jan 22 Sun. Jan. 23 Tues. Jan. 25 Thu. Jan. 27 Fri. Jan. 28

Wed. March 9


Thu. March 10

End of 2nd Trimester

*Please refer to the District Calendar @ www.riverdaleschool.com for up to the minute calendar information.

Riverdale Review

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