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Music + Culture




e cast of e Oce! A Musical Parody. | JEREMY DANIELS


A Non-Martial Artist

King Hu’s martial arts epic A Touch of Zen is not your standard Hong .ong action film. It has an atypical protagonist in .u (&hun Shih , a somewhat clumsy artist who gets caught up in the life of the beautiful fugitive <ang (Feng Hsu . <ang’s father tried to e[pose the corruption of General Shih, the head of the secret police. 1ow he’s dead and <ang’s on the run from General Shih and his men. A Touch of Zen has a strong spiritual element to it, with holy men and ghosts playing a part in the action. A newly restored version of the film, complete with original &inemascope framing and saturated colors, is showing at  p.m. Thursday, February , at :ebster 8niversity’s 0oore Auditorium ( (ast /ockwood Avenue; www.webster.edufilmseries . Tickets are 5 to .

FRIDAY 02/28


King Hu’s A Touch of Zen screens ursday at the Webster Film Series. | (C) JANUS FILMS

the 4 &ollective looks to make the celebration of nonbinarytransgender plays and people an annual event. The second edition, Transluminate 2020, features five new short plays. =ach Barryte and 5achel Bowens5ubin’s ȊAnother .inȋ is about a human who wants to transform into a different species but is undecided about which to choose; with the aid of a spaceship, the person travels the gala[y in search of the ideal new species. ȊTranscodicil,ȋ by 3eter Dakutis, is about transgender couple -oe and Shawna. -oe is carrying their baby, a fact that may stop him from receiving his inheritance because of a codicil added to his aunt’s will at the behest of -oe’s transphobic mother. Transluminate  takes place at  p.m. Thursday and Friday, and at  and  p.m. Saturday and Sunday (February  to 0arch  at the &hapel (8 Ale[ander Drive; www.theqcollective.theater . Tickets are  to 5, but the Thursday night performance is paywhatyoucan.


Leap Day Battle

this month, so with one e[tra day in February courtesy of the /eap <ear, what team will the Blues play" The Dallas Stars, of course. The teams are currently battling for first and second place in the &entral Division and the :estern &onference, so this is a classic e[- ample of a fourpoint game. And with only si[teen games left in the regular season, every win counts. The Blues and Stars face off at  p.m. Saturday, February , at the (nterprise &enter ( &lark Avenue; www.stlblues.com . Tickets are 5 to .


The women of the Arch Rival Roller Derby teams are down to their final two games before the championship, and two of the teams remain unbeaten. The 08s and the Smashinistas will face off at  p.m. Saturday, February , at the 0idwest Sport Hockey &omple[ in 4ueeny 3ark (5 :eidman 5oad; www.archrivalrollerderby.com , and only one team will still be unbeaten when it’s all over. In the second bout of the night, the Stunt Devils will go against the 5ebel Skate Alliance. It’s also alumni night, with the league’s early stars coming home to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of St. /ouis’ ladies flattrack


Two unbeaten roller derby teams clash on Saturday. | BOB DUNNELL

roller derby. Tickets are 8 to .

SUNDAY 03/01

The Best of China

0ore than 5, years of &hinese culture are celebrated through the ancient art of &hinese classical dance in the forevertouring Shen Yun. A full orchestra, lavish costumes and hightech scenery combine to deliver a feast for your senses, while more than  dancers recreate the tales of poets, philosophers, generals and supernatural beings. Shen <un takes place at  and  p.m. Saturday and  p.m. Sunday (February  and 0arch  at the Stifel Theatre ( 0arket Street; www. stifeltheatre.com . Tickets are 8 to 5.

MONDAY 03/02

Positively Hitchcockian

5ichard Hannay goes out for some light entertainment one night, which is interrupted when shots ring out in the theater. He soon ends up with a mysterious woman in his arms, who reveals that she’s a spy trying to track down a cabal that’s going to sell

British military secrets. Before the night is out, she’s dead and Hannay is on the run. All he knows about his hunters is that they have something to do with the mysterious Ȋ Stepsȋ and the group’s leader is missing the tip of a finger. Alfred Hitchcock’s 5 thriller The 39 Steps was ground ]ero for many of his most popular themes. There’s a 0acGuɚn (the une[plained military secrets , the arrival of a beautiful blonde (0adeline &arroll who wants nothing to do our hero (despite being handcuffed to him at one point and the everyday man (5obert Donat who is forced to flee for his life. The &lassics in the /oop film series presents The 39 Steps at  and  p.m. 0onday, 0arch , at the /andmark Tivoli Theatre (5 Delmar Boulevard, 8niversity &ity; www.landmarktheatres.com . Tickets are .5.


Scranton Sings!

The Office has been off the air for about seven years now, not that you can tell. 3eople (particularly younger people still religiously watch — and quote — 1B&’s fau[ documentary about the employees of a Scranton paper supplier and their ineffectual manchild boss. Is it because the sitcom is essentially comfort food in a world with fewer comforts every year" Is it because of the internet nostalgia machine, which constantly repackages clips, celebrates the anniversaries of major events within the show and offers new theories on the true identity of the Scranton Strangler (it was Bob 9ance, 9ance 5efrigeration " :hatever the reason, the show remains a touchstone for a couple generations. (nter The Office! A Musical Parody. This twohour show recreates the biggest moments in the show through the magic of song, with winks and nods toward the later jobs of the various actors. The Office! A Musical Parody is performed at 8 p.m. :ednesday through Friday,  and 8 p.m. Saturday and  p.m. Sunday (0arch  to 8 at the Grandel ( Grandel Square; www.thegrandel.com . Tickets are  to . n

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