3 minute read
FOUR QUESTIONS for Two Newlyweds
THURSDAY, APRIL 20. It’s 4/20 and Afroman is in court — how fitting is that?
The “Because I Got High” rapper is being sued by Ohio deputies who raided his home and then got mad when he used the footage of their bumbling raid in music videos and in merch. Did we mention they were in his home at the time? Also, BuzzFeed News is shutting down, which is a bad buzz indeed.
FRIDAY, APRIL 21. The U.S. Supreme Court says you can keep your abortion pills! Apparently letting a Texas judge instantly overturn seven years of FDA procedures was a bridge too far for everyone but Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas. Instead, we’ll get at least a year of legal wrangling and potentially the same result. Lovely.
SATURDAY, APRIL 22. Everyone’s celebrating Earth Day, but in St. Louis, we’ve given up. If we can’t recycle without having to haul our crap off to a dropoff recycling center, we’re out. (We still get to party on Mother Earth’s behalf in Forest Park, right?) Meanwhile, CITY SC tied the Colorado Rapids 1-1, thereby suggesting your Hoosier uncle may have been right when he drunkenly slurred that soccer isn’t a real sport. What kind of sport allows games to end with ties?
SUNDAY, APRIL 23. The Battlehawks are eliminated from the XFL postseason due to complicated rules involving ranking and points scored, and frankly, it’s too much to follow. Gotta keep this sportsball stuff simple. Also, RIP Tom Hall. Friends confirmed he died in a fire in Soulard Saturday night. Hall was a regular at Hammerstone’s and, per the St. Louis Blues Society, “one of the best acoustic Blues guitarists that St. Louis had to offer.” Heartbreaking. n
On a recent Friday, the fourth floor of the Civil Courts Building downtown was packed with a few dozen happy couples about to tie the knot. Judge Clinton Robert Wright, who performed the marriages one by one, kept things moving quickly without rushing any of the proceedings. He played Al Green from his phone and everyone — brides, grooms, witnesses and bailiffs — was feeling the vibe. The RFT caught up with one couple, Adam Jehle, 20, and Julia Lima, 18, who say they’ll cherish their day at court forever.
How did you guys meet?
Lima: It’s kind of crazy. I made a Google form because I was trying to meet someone. I was like, “Fill this out if you want to go on a date with me.” I posted it as a joke. Then he slid up in the form and filled it out.
When did you start talking about marriage?
Jehle: Pretty soon after we started dating. We had such a great connection. We were so similar in every single way, and different in the best ways. We both agreed that, “Why should this end?”
What was everyone’s reaction when you said, “We’re getting married? We’re getting married at the courthouse. We’re doing it quickly, no long engagement.”
Lima: My parents were super excited because they love him. His mom was pretty shocked just because of the fact that we’re young, but they were really supportive.
Jehle (who’s studying to become a commercial pilot): My flight instructor thought I was messing with him at first because I told him I wouldn’t be available today.
How did you feel about the way the courts ran the ceremony?
Lima: I was a little nervous because there were a lot of people there watching, but it went pretty fast. And it was nice that everyone was clapping for everyone. I felt really supported.
—Steven Bizub on Facebook commenting on our post “St. Louis Celebrates 4/20 with Deals, Food, Parties and More,” April 20, 2023
Dumpster Watch
Date and time: April 13, approximately 2:30 p.m.

Location: Shaw
What happened: The dumpster’s bottom deteriorated. The dumpster was then flipped about three weeks before this picture was taken, according to a neighbor. Ability of trash trucks to collect trash from this dumpster: 0

Neighbors’ determination to still throw trash there: 10
Caution tape effectiveness: nonexistent
Proximity to a functioning dumpster: within eyesight
Escape Hatch
We ask three St. Louisans what they’re reading, watching or listening to. In the hot seat this week: three people at Ted Drewes.
Jim, retired and self-proclaimed custard lover
Watched: Ant-Man and the Wasp
“I don’t listen or read much, but I’m a big movie fan. Mostly action and superhero movies. I’m going to see Dungeons and Dragons.”
Braydon, high school student
Reading: The Giver by Lois Lowry
“I had to read it for school. Really like that one, super good. I’m on the hunt for a new book. But I mostly like sports and science fiction.”
Sam, college student and math nerd
Listening to: (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? by Oasis, Straight Up by Badfinger, Discipline by King Crimson
“I’m not listening to podcasts at the moment, but I am listening to these albums in their entirety.”