Riverfront Times October 31, 2018

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“ We want to let Missourians know about the Middle East, culture, food, everything. The other thing is I’m a big fan of the refugees. I myself came from the Iraq War in 1991, and there wasn’t much help even though I was just seven years old. So I want to be available for these people if I can. This is home for them now, so we have to help them in any way we can.”


Emma JabEr, photographEd with middlE EastErn FEstival co-FoundEr JEssica buElEr at midtown FarmErs markEt on octobEr 27, 2018







Publisher Chris Keating Editor in Chief Sarah Fenske

COVER Hyde Park Is Ready for Its Comeback It boasts some of St. Louis’ loveliest architecture, entrepreneurs setting up shop and the NGA opening on its doorstep. Could Hyde Park’s moment finally be here?

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A R T Art Director Evan Sult Contributing Photographers Mabel Suen, Monica Mileur, Micah Usher, Theo Welling, Corey Woodruff, Tim Lane, Nick Schnelle P R O D U C T I O N Production Manager Jack Beil

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How to Vote Smart on All Those Pot Props Written by



f you’re looking for the elegant simplicity of democracy, the November 6 Missouri election is not it. It is instead a rolling party bus containing one of the most closely watched Senate races in the country, ballot measures to raise the minimum wage and redraw statehouse districts, and, on top of all that, three separate measures to legalize medical marijuana. And getting a handle on this weed stuff is much more complicated than, say, McCaskill versus Hawley. Two of the medical marijuana measures are constitutional amendments, meaning only the one with the top vote total goes into the constitution. A third measure would legalize medical cannabis by creating a new state statute, which means it could pass concurrently with a constitutional competitor and still go into effect. And that’s before even getting to the details within each measure. Here’s a quick overview: Amendment 2 is backed by legalization activists. Yes, they failed to get the job done in 2016, but they’re true believers who want to see medical marijuana legalized and think this is the year to do it. As such, their measure is the most clear cut and has won the most backing from groups that care about this issue. Amendment 3 is the pet project of a lawyer/surgeon/millionaire who claims his plan to legalize weed can fund a cure for cancer. If you want to entrust one dude with arranging Missouri’s medical-marijuana industry and the brand-new state agency it would fund — a research center tasked with curing incurable diseases — this is your amendment. Proposition C is funded entirely

Voters could finally legalize medical marijuana in Missouri, but a trio of ballot measures means you'll need to vote strategically. | SHUTTERSTOCK by dark money. Somebody wants medical marijuana legalized, and they’ve hired Rex Sinquefield’s pet group to do it. If that’s your cup of THC-tinctured tea, this is your proposition. Want a little more detail? Have a particular component of medical marijuana (cost, access, flexibility) that matters most to you? Here’s how to vote depending on your particular concerns. If you want patients to be able to grow their own weed: Vote yes on Amendment 2. You must also vote no on Amendment 3 (since its passage could cancel out 2’s success). This one is simple. Of the three ballot measures, Amendment 2 is the only one that allows patients to cultivate up to six plants, though they would also have to register with the state and pay a $100 annual fee. If you want medical cannabis at its absolute cheapest: Vote yes on Proposition C — and only Proposition C. Although Prop C is backed by a bunch of secret donors (and Rex Sinquefield’s lobbyist), it’s clear on one point. Its proposed sales tax, 2 percent, is the lowest of the three measures. Amendment 2 would set a 4 percent tax, and Amendment 3 tops the group at 15 percent. And keep in mind: If one of the constitutional measures passes, its tax could very well stack on top of Prop C’s. So if low prices are your

main concern, you might want to put all your eggs in this basket. If you think cannabis sales should bolster Missouri revenue: Vote yes on Amendment 2. Amendment 2’s plan to legalize medical cannabis would cost the state an estimated $7 million per year, but it would kick $18 million into Missouri’s coffers. Part of the money would fund regulation and licensing of the state’s new cannabis industry, but the proposal also creates a fund for veterans’ health care and workforce development. (Note: Although Amendment 3’s tax rate is higher, at 15 percent, that proposal would attempt to funnel all its revenue into the research institute controlled by the proposal’s author and funder.) If you think constitutional amendments are BS: Vote yes on Proposition C and no on the others. Missouri is a state with bicameral legislature, but it struggles to get things done, leading to a wave of constitutional amendments presented as ballot measures. Some critics warn this isn’t a real solution to the state’s legislative paralysis, and implementing these amendments can create years of legal headaches. Unlike Amendment 2 and Amendment 3, Prop C’s state statute could conceivably be tweaked by lawmakers, but the campaign’s spokesman, Travis Brown, says that flexibility will be a boon when responding to a brand-new industry. If you care about endorse-


ments: Vote yes on Amendment 2, and no on the others. New Approach Missouri’s plan is the one that’s lined up support from drug reform groups like the Drug Policy Alliance and the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. It’s also been endorsed by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Joplin Globe. If you just want medical marijuana, and don’t care if the details end up being a clusterfuck: Vote yes on all three. That ensures your greatest odds that at least one will pass. It might mean high taxes. It might put Sinquefield’s lobbyist in control. It might mean a rich lawyer decides who gets pot, and when. But hey, medical marijuana! If you are literally Dr. Brad Bradshaw: Vote yes on Amendment 3 and no on the others. Hey, you paid for it, go right ahead and vote. If you’re just in this for recreational weed: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Sorry, it’s not happening this year, unless the federal government does something truly spectacular and upends the prohibition on cannabis for the entire country. The Trump administration is apparently seeking public comment on potential marijuana reforms, but that administration is also a rat’s nest of conflicting ideologies, so there’s no way to tell. Then again, there’s always Canada. n




The Scariest House on the Block Written by



hen aiming to bring a community closer together, building a giant demonic clown face with sharp teeth around the frame of your front door might not be conventional, but for two Soulard residents, it’s working splendidly. Bill Shelton and Terri Lacey are a married couple who run the marketing agency Left Field Creative together. Both grew up in small towns prior to moving to St. Louis, leaving them nostalgic for the sense of community in places where everyone knows each other. And Halloween, they say, provides the perfect opportunity to facilitate that in the big city. Ever since they purchased their home on South 13th Street in 1997, the couple has been providing over-the-top experiences for trickor-treaters brave enough to set foot inside. (Yes, when it comes to this house, you have to go in to get your candy.) They brag that they made no less than 23 kids cry last year. But that terror comes with a big payoff. The reward for braving the home’s hellish landscape? King-sized candy bars. The couple has committed to a different theme each year. One year was a funeral, with Shelton and Lacey clearing out their living room to make space for a rented casket. On Halloween night, kids were greeted at the front door by

Terri Lacey and Bill Shelton go all-out for Halloween. This year is no exception. | SARAH FENSKE someone dressed as a pastor offering condolences. The kids had to reach into the actual casket in order to receive their candy. Another year they went full zombie, with a costumed Shelton literally chasing down a trick-or-treater all the way back to his parent’s car. (The kid’s dad was a good sport; as Shelton “chased” the car down the street, the trick-or-treater’s father killed the engine and pretended it wouldn’t start up again.) But this year might take the cake. “This is Year One for the psycho killer clown theme,” Shelton says — a freakish design that the RFT blogged about earlier this month. Lacey handpainted the giant clown face around their front door, a task that took eight hours. Shelton and Lacey typically keep their theme a secret until Halloween night — the better to surprise trick-or-treaters. This

year was an exception, with the giant clown head making their theme a bit more obvious than previous ones. But a house with a giant clown head has a lot going for it without the element of surprise, anyways. The couple say their house is itself an element to the madness; they claim to hear footsteps, see shadows poke around corners and experience their TVs turning on without their input. “There are lots of souls moving through the house,” Shelton says. As for Lacey, at one point she refused to go into the basement alone for six months because of an otherworldly encounter where she felt a strange presence and pressure in her head as the darkness of the basement seemed to rush towards her. At a later point, Shelton decided to charge in and confront the spirit — only to have the same

STREAK’S CORNER • by Bob Stretch





experience. In order to avoid upsetting the spirits, they now visit the basement with lighted candles in hand to speak to the ghosts and warn them about any future renovation plans. (Friends visiting from out of town, they note, typically opt to stay in a hotel.) But this year, they’re not just going all out for Halloween. They’re attempting to bring the whole neighborhood in on it. Shelton and Lacey have formed a “grassroots movement” called Trick or Treat Soulard, which they describe as a way to provide a safe place to bring the community closer together through Halloween festivities. More than 60 homes in Soulard confirmed they will be handing out candy on Halloween night. The couple has provided maps and directions for the houses involved on the Trick or Treat Soulard Facebook page as well as NextDoor. “Soulard is more than just bars, restaurants and Mardi Gras,” Shelton says. “We are trying to create a place for kids to be kids and have a safe Halloween.” “Some people in the neighborhood used to think we were sadistic,” Lacey adds. But these days, their DIY haunted living room has become a tradition — and people who visited as children are now adults bringing their children by for a candy bar. Still, Halloween on South 13th Street is not all warm and fuzzy. They’re happy to make kids smile and to scare the crap out of them in equal measure. Shelton recalls a child once shouting from the window of a passing school bus, “There’s the crazy motherf***er with the zombie house!” For a guy who’s spent more than two decades celebrating Halloween, there could be no greater compliment. n

Former Cop Killed in TGS Written by



retired St. Louis police sergeant was killed during a gun battle Monday morning outside his home a block south of Tower Grove Park, police say. Ralph Harper, 67, was shot about 7:30 a.m. in the 3100 block of Lackland Avenue and rushed to the hospital, where he died shortly after. Speaking outside the hospital, Chief John Hayden told reporters there had been some kind of confrontation, apparently a robbery attempt, and the sergeant and his assailant had traded gunfire. “It hit very close to home, because I knew the sergeant personally,” Hayden said, his voice breaking as he addressed the media. Harper had retired about a decade ago after 35 years on the force, Hayden said. “We’re all mourning together.”

Retired Sgt. Ralph Harper. | COURTESY SLMPD

A St. Louis officer surveys the scene where a retired officer was killed Monday. | DOYLE MURPHY The gunman may also have been hit during the confrontation. He is believed to have fled the shooting in a dark-colored SUV. Hayden says a dark-colored SUV dropped off a gunshot victim at the hospital this morning shortly after the incident. “We’re still trying to figure out

if that person was related (to the shooting),” Hayden said. Police were able to stop the SUV and were questioning at least one other occupant. The sergeant is part of a law enforcement family. Harper was one of three siblings who worked for the St. Louis Metropolitan

Police Department. On Monday morning, he had just let his wife out of his vehicle when he was approached by the gunman, the chief said. “We know there was a confrontation,” Hayden said. “We know there was an exchange of gunfire.” Police filled the normally quiet neighborhood on Monday. Lackland is one block long and runs into Arsenal on its northern end. Officers had the intersection taped off as detectives worked from house to house. n


liquid & lace







Bike Parts Are on the Way Written by



he recent shortage of Lime bikes in St. Louis is nearly over, as the company now says a critical shipment of parts will allow its local staff to repair its fleet of broken bikes at long last. Those parts are set to arrive here this week, according to a spokesman. In September, city records show, St. Louis was down to just 200 ride-share bikes — a dramatic decrease from the 1,500 here in July. And while city officials can’t break down the number of bikes per company, as that data is proprietary, it’s reasonable to assume that all 200 bikes are Limes. It’s now the only bikeshare game in town. Much of the problem: damage. St. Louis can be pretty rough on bikes. Earlier this month, the mayor’s office claimed that as many as two-thirds of St. Louis’ Lime bikes were too damaged to ride. While waiting for parts to fix them, the company stashed hundreds of bright green bikes behind what was once a lacquer manufacturer in Dogtown. Last Thursday afternoon, the bikes could be seen peeking over a fence, as if trying to



escape a mass grave. Beyond the fence, a walking path separated two vast green bicycle mountains. “Those bikes are not junk,” says Lime spokesman Adi Raval. “Once the parts are there, we will be able to fix them.” In the mean time, we’ve enjoyed a glut of scooters on the streets. Lime’s scooter service launched in July, and the scooters have been way fun (and also pretty rough on the St. Louisans who ride them). Raval declined to get into specific numbers of bikes versus scooters, but he did acknowledge that the company had to adjust its supply of vehicles to St. Louis while the bike parts issue was sorted out. “We did increase the number of scooters,” Raval says. “When the parts will come next week, and we get the repairs implemented, then the balance will go more into the favor of bikes.” Raval pointed out that that the company is not eyeing a fixed ratio of bikes to scooters; rather, Lime is hoping to adjust those levels based on the public’s preference and feedback. In the mean time, St. Louis has embraced the scooters — the St. Louis Post-Dispatch previously reported that in August some 80,000 scooters were rented, compared to 15,000 bikes. Another factor in the dearth of bikes was the August pull-out of bikeshare competitor OFO, which yanked its St. Louis


It's not a mass graveyard, says Lime, but rather a hospital waiting room. | DANNY WICENTOWSKI service in the midst of a multi-city retreat. Hundreds of OFO bikes appear to have been lost along the way, with the remaining bikes donated to a local non-profit.


But that’s not the case with Lime, or at least not yet. The repaired bike fleet is expected to operational in a matter of weeks — just in time for winter. n

Riverfront Times’ 5th Annual

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Even considering the panoply of ills that affected post-World War II St. Louis (white flight, GI loans that made county living attractive, racial unease, poor public transport … the list does go on), Hyde Park still had the buildings (gorgeous), the land (plentiful) and the roads (right along I-70) to avert crisis. But the flight from north city was severe even by Rust Belt standards, and with a rapidly declining population, many of the buildings tumbled or languished.

And so the roads became cut-throughs out of, instead of into, a neighborhood that dates back to the 1840s, with early-twentiethcentury density that would’ve been the envy of any corner of St. Louis. Settled by German immigrants, Hyde Park was originally a township named Bremen. Though a street with that name appears on the map today, the township was annexed and renamed after the park in its center. Today the neighborhood, a misshapen triangle tucked alongside the highway between Old North and Fairgrounds Park, is 84 percent black. Its housing units are 45 percent vacant. Yet despite long periods of decline, Hyde Park never fully cratered. Enough people either clung to their businesses

or homes or elected to find their bliss here despite troubling trends that they created an environment that’s been close to full-scale re-blossoming for decades now. One keen north city observer says that at least three waves of redevelopment have almost happened in Hyde Park over the past 30 years. That some happened in part, but not whole, only adds to the intrigue. Driving through the neighborhood or walking its blocks, you can see the spurts of activity, set against the losses of past decades. And in 2018, some key indicators suggest a tipping point is finally within reach. Neighboring Old North has become a destination for art lovers and urban homesteaders, even as the National GeospatialIntelligence Agency is building a new home for its 3,000 employees in nearby Carr Square. And within Hyde Park itself, restaurants are opening, rather than closing. New homes are selling for low six-figure sums (even though you can still get the shell of a vacant for $2,500, condition emphatically as-is). Building permits issued in the neighborhood in 2018 to date are valued at

Renovations bring out the details built into many Hyde Park homes. | FLICKR/PAUL SABLEMAN Continued on pg 16






Continued from pg 15

$4.2 million. Some whole blocks still have broken-teeth syndrome, with ugly gaps between the intact housing stock, while some buildings threaten to implode before the clock strikes 2019. And the 2014 demolition of the 119-year-old

Bethlehem Lutheran Church felt like a great loss. But Chris Naffziger, a blogger on history, architecture and preservation for St. Louis Magazine as well as his own site, St. Louis Patina, feels bullish on Hyde Park’s future. For all the neighborhood’s troubles, he says, “there’s so much good news.” In addition to a food renaissance, with several

exciting new restaurants opening their doors, “there is all sort of historic rehabbing and new construction happening for affordable housing, and there is a strong neighborhood association. “The architecture is equal to Lafayette Square. Benton Park or Soulard. Yes, it is. I stake my reputation on it. I think in ten years, Hyde Park could be a model for

creating an equitable and thriving north St. Louis community.” And if that happens — if the skeptics are wrong and the optimists are right — it won’t be because of any grand redevelopment scheme, or because of the NGA or because of a big plan out of City Hall. It will be because people invested in a community that others had given up on. Here are three of their stories.

Alderman Brandon Bosley works the room at the River Lillie, one of two newly opened eateries in Hyde Park. City Commissioner of Recreation Evelyn Rice, center, hears him out. | TOM HELLAUER

The Politician: Brandon Bosley


ooking out from the front door of his office on the 1400 block of Salisbury, Alderman Brandon Bosley can spy a little of everything. An empty lot. An empty building just behind that. Painters, dabbing at the windows of the newly opened River Lillie cafe. And cars. Hundreds and hundreds of cars, making their way east and west on Salisbury. He hopes they’re seeing something new in the 2018 version of Hyde Park. “There’s a certain energy you feel when you drive through Hyde Park,” says Bosley, 31. “We need residents to come in and support any commercial base that we have and if we build commercial



spaces without residents, we’ll have to entice people to come in and spend their money. We’ll maybe have to make it a place where they want to live. And though they don’t exactly go hand in hand, we want to build a place where people want to live.” To do that, it’s not just about numbers. It’s about, yes, people. He actively encourages neighbors to wave when a car’s slowly driving the street, the driver maybe taking down information in a notepad or their phone. He wants them pushing the neighborhood on that level. “We want neighbors to have investments they feel can be protected,” he says. “The more energy we can build up in the communi-


ty, we can show it’s good investment. We’ve got one of the busiest streets in the entire city and in any other city, it’d be lit up with commercial development. Thousands of people are passing by every day and things do take time to change, but we need to work faster to make it an attractive area to be in. For me, I see opportunity. “In most parts of the city, you don’t see vacant lots like we have,” he adds. “So people can complain about them, but here we can build from the ground up. When I get calls, people inquire about having to rent, you’d have to work with a pre-existing structure. But here we can visualize anything we want as a community. We can conceptualize anything. Our area’s historic, we do have historical buildings, but also a lot of open land.”


Bosley comes from a political family, his surname known to even casual watchers of city politics. His dad is Freeman Bosley Sr., and his mother Lucinda Frazier serves as the ward’s committeewoman. Freeman Bosley Jr., his half-brother, served as St. Louis mayor from 1993 to 1997. A sister, Lakeysha Bosley, will be the 79th District’s representative in Jefferson City after the November election. Brandon Bosley was elected to the post in April 2017, after defeating five other candidates in the Democratic primary. He previously worked for the city’s parking division and, according to a St. Louis Public Radio profile, is also a computer programmer who has created smartphone games. He was one of six new aldermen to join the board after the 2017 elections.

He’s earned respect from his colleagues. “I’ve been really impressed with the thoughtful approach Brandon Bosley has taken to legislation,” says Alderwoman Cara Spencer. “It’s easy to assume that with a name like Bosley he was handed the job, but it’s clear that Brandon works hard for his community and for the city as a whole. Where sometimes there is a clear north/south division, Brandon is always one of the first to transcend geographic and racial boundaries.” Says Annie Rice, “Brandon sees the forest through the trees, and even when we disagree, I know that Brandon is working hard with his and our community’s best interests at heart.” He’s not afraid to court controversy. He lists something he’d like to bring to Hyde Park that would be a third rail in many parts of the city: a Walmart. Whether within the boundaries of the neighborhood, or one nearby, Bosley sees both the need and want for bigbox development. He sees it as something that could spur more human-sized projects. “I would take any large commercial development that would bring in traffic to support a corridor of mom-and-pop stores,” he says. “To bring up the tax base, get more money flowing through the neighborhood. One large business would help us eat off of that traffic and give a boost to the morale of the neighborhood.” Over and over, he ponders the role of Salisbury Street. How it en-

ters the city’s street grid at the end of the McKinley Bridge to Illinois. How it heads east, then curves into its new name, Purnell. And how Purnell quickly turns into Jefferson, mere minutes from the NGA site. From Bosley’s storefront office to the edge of downtown, it’s only an eight-minute drive. Proximity, Bosley says, will eventually prevail over a lot of other past issues. “The most positive thing,” he says, “is that this is the only street in the entire city that takes you north and south, from one side of the city to another state. It’s extremely unique. You’re close to 40, 70, Illinois. And all of that is the pipeline, the infrastructure to have an amazing amount of development in this area: commercial and grassroots. Everything’s about transportation, and having one of the busiest streets in the city can help us change everything. “It’s a place, I might add,” he says, “that is very close to downtown. People can sit on their porch and see the Arch. It’s beautiful from an opportunity perspective. There’s nowhere to go but up. When lots aren’t being cut, it’s frustrating. When the city isn’t capable of maintaining thousands of vacant lots and houses, there’s frustration that can come from that. When a space becomes empty and we’re not adding more people, when we have more people leaving, it creates an impression.” Another impression? “In Hyde Park there’s no racism,” he says, a statement echoed

“We've got one of the busiest streets in the entire city and in any other city, it'd be lit up with commercial development. For me, I see opportunity.”

Brandon Bosley’s family has a long history in Hyde Park. | FLICKR/PAUL SABLEMAN





Julie Longyear has spent a decade rehabbing her home. “Here, you’re a little closer to your neighbor, you have to work more together,” she says of Hyde Park. | TOM HELLAUER by a few. “White and black people work together here. When you have neighborhood disputes, it’s over how a neighbor parks a car,

or music that’s too loud. There’s not a high population of white people, but the ones here get along. Racially, there is not an issue.”

The Resident: Julie Longyear


ulie Longyear is one of the residents who does wave to people driving by, even though her block is a relatively quiet one, with North Park Place dead-ending up against I-70. She’s a few houses removed from the passing highway, with the hum less pronounced than even a few homes to the east. To Longyear, 41, the sound has become a natural part of the environment, a complementary tone to the wind rustling through the heavily wooded block. Other residents on her block have been here longer, but she’s logged real time, too, with about thirteen years of residence in a home that she’s slowly rehabbed as time and money have allowed. As time has gone on, she’s become an unofficial spokeswoman, though she blanches at the term. For whatever reason, perhaps her public role as the owner of Blissoma (a holistic, raw, organic and vegan skincare line) or other



appearances in media, when discussion about Hyde Park boils up, she’s suggested as a go-to. Her patient, nuanced replies suggest another good reason, too. “My neighbors Don and Nancy,” she says, nodding down the block, “have been here over 30 years. Probably 40. They were in the first wave of rehabbers in the 1970s, part of the Hyde Park Restoration Group that got the historic district put in place. They were more organized than even the folks in Old North. But they lost momentum. Partly that was due to crack moving into the area in the 1980s, which fucked things up pretty badly. There was an increase in violence and drug problems in that particular time period, which drove a lot of people away and gave a reputation of being pretty violent.” In a sense, Longyear figures, “the whole American Dream changed. People used to live in tighter-knit communities like this. The whole perception of raising a family,


buying a house … people wanted a bigger piece. Here, you’re a little closer to your neighbor, you have to work more together.” And you may also have to work more for yourself. Longyear points to her own house, which is not quite finished even after a decade of work. She can recall nights and weekends spent on projects, rather than socializing. Dollars could have alleviated some of the work, but she chose to attack the problems herself, rather than bidding out the work. Partially, that’s due to her abilities. It’s also partly due to wanting to keep her house within the parameters of neighborhood housing values. She references, for example, a home recently opened up by the death of its owner. She feels that someone could live in the house, but the lack of updates, a bad HVAC system and a general sense of wear makes it the type of property that could also slide from recently inhabited to problem property within a short period of time. “I’ve said this for a long time,” she says. “There needs to be some type of financial partnership between the city and local lending institutions, which would be a huge help for some of these properties. Redevelopment loans could be accessible, more open. Instead of just tax credits, some


other mechanisms for construction work or reinvestment could happen. Developers could get gap funding. It’d be a big help to get more individual developers up here, truly invested in the neighborhood itself. It’s not doing the city any good to have LRA [land bank] properties rotting away. If there was some sort of extra loan, where you didn’t have to come up with all the money on the front end, where there was a way to fund that gap ...” Longyear has been awaiting changes in Hyde Park but admits that the neighborhood’s long-term prospects remain a bit up in the air. Sure, there are some restaurants now and some key buildings have been preserved, but the overall density is still low, public transportation is dodgy and food stores are scarce. The amenities that draw interested parties flag, at times, compared to similar neighborhoods in other parts of the city, despite the best guesses of real estate agents and trend watchers. Initially, Longyear moved to the area while married and living on the western edge of the city, on Dogtown’s border with Richmond Heights. She and her spouse were part of an early 2000s run on some of Hyde Park’s most handsome homes. Unfortunately, they bought just prior to

the housing bubble’s burst. Their home, purchased at $120,000, suddenly stood out from neighbors going for $60,000. Longyear recalls a real-estateagent friend who felt Hyde Park had some of the same ingredients for renewal that Lafayette Square once had. After being discovered by rehabbers who brought back a neglected neighborhood one house at a time beginning in the late 1960s, Lafayette Square has solidified its place as one of the city’s best comeback stories. “While Hyde Park wouldn’t ever be as densely populated,” Longyear says, “it seemed the opportune moment to invest here and get in. I liked the building and the price and knew it was a long haul.” Her place, while not finished to her full satisfaction, has the curb appeal of those homes in Lafayette Square, a handsome brick building on a tree-filled street. But there’s a vacant lot across the street and some board-ups just around the corner, and, with it all, it’s hard for outsiders (and even some insiders) to believe that Hyde Park can turn the corner away from Hype Park. Still, for Longyear, the neighborhood has been a good choice. “I really like my time here,” she says. “My neighbors on the street are fantastic. I love that there’s no traffic, while my friends are in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Hampton. There aren’t many stoplights and I can sail down Jefferson with no problems. Even

though I do have to drive for restaurants, they’re still not far away, maybe twenty minutes to most things. It’s one of the most affordable areas for the size of the buildings, and I’m paying a quarter of what other people are paying a month. That has its advantages. “I like seeing things move and seeing how a change can come about. I’m not driving the whole thing, I’m just doing my little part. But I get the sense that something big could happen here, should happen here. I hope to get to watch that happen. It’d be exciting, but not everyone gets their jollies off of signs of progress. Most people want a sure thing, not potential. “I’m weird,” she adds. “I have sort of a love affair with derelict buildings, but I also really wanna see key pieces of architecture saved. It’s a both/and equation for me. I like the neighborhood. I like living in an old neighborhood, and I like things with potential, too. There’s a real sense of being happy when another, goodquality person is taking care of a building. There’s not much concern over whether you’re black or white when someone’s moving in here. If you’re invested in a building, you’re happy to see someone decent as your neighbor.” Hyde Park, she says, “has always been a little different than other city neighborhoods. So much remains to be sorted out. I’m stuck here for a while longer — I’ve got more work to do.”

“It's a both/and equation for me. I like the neighborhood. I like living in an old neighborhood, and I like things with potential, too.”

A two-family mansion in Hyde Park undergoes renovation. | FLICKR/PAUL SABLEMAN





Telie Woods and Zahra Spencer opened their restaurant, Jerk Soul, in a neighborhood they saw as having everything needed for success. | TOM HELLAUER

The Business Owners: Telie Woods and Zahra Spencer


elie Woods, 42, and Zahra Spencer, 33, freely admit they wouldn’t be in Hyde Park if not for bad weather. As the couple first told the RFT’s Cheryl Baehr a few months ago, they had been planning to open a restaurant in St. Thomas, with Woods relocating from Chicago to be with his longdistance sweetheart in the Virgin Islands. Just one week after Woods arrived, Irma struck, devastating the island. Spencer stayed with her family in St. Thomas, but Woods evacuated by boat to Puerto Rico. And then came Hurricane Maria. A St. Louis friend of Woods’ helped him secure a ticket on one of the last flights out of San Juan before the hurricane hit. And after that, he ended up in St. Louis, too. As Baehr wrote, “The pair still wanted to open a restaurant, but



now that the islands were devastated, they knew they could not do it in St. Thomas. Something told [Woods] to begin searching St. Louis for a space, and within three days, he’d found a completely renovated restaurant waiting for its first tenant in the middle of the Hyde Park neighborhood. Immediately, he knew it was the right fit.” Not long after, Spencer joined him, and they opened Jerk Soul. Now clicking as a takeout-only operation, Jerk Soul runs six days a week, the pair taking off for the sabbath on Saturday. “That’s probably the most busy day for a lot of restaurants,” Woods says. “But we’re not open because of our faith. Yes. Saturday is the original sabbath, a high holy day. We actually don’t do any work on that day, whatsoever.” That leaves the other six days, though. And on those they work hella hard.


On a recent Friday afternoon, between the lunch and dinner rushes, a small crop of folks gather in Jerk Soul’s small, shallow lobby. In the seriously expansive kitchen, Spencer works the ovens while Woods dodges a small rain shower at his uncovered grill alongside the building, cooking up some of the 120 pounds of chicken the pair serve on an average day. Located about a half block from the park version of Hyde Park, Jerk Soul is now part of an emerging restaurant zone. Just down the block is the Cornerstone Cafe. It was founded in 2003 by Denise and Dan Ulmer, who on a recent day are working alongside three of their six kids as grandchildren bounce through the candy-colored restaurant. The building was once (amazingly) known as Beaver’s Pizza, among other concepts, before the Ulmers began their successful run. Their clientele comes largely from workers at nearby businesses, who stop by for lunch, served atop formica tables; delivery is also available. Across the street from them is the River Lillie, which offers a va-


riety of fare in a freshly rehabbed, sit-down space. Highlighting a breakfast-and-lunch menu, with an emphasis on “chicken, fish and burgers,” the room is also home to select nights of live entertainment. Owner Maggie Hourd-Bryant told the RFT she’d come to St. Louis to pursue her PhD at Wash U — and, after originally settling in Clayton, found a home in the Fairgrounds neighborhood. As soon as she saw the “for lease” sign on the River Lillie’s newly renovated building, she knew she wanted to open a restaurant there. “If we can rebuild it, we can reclaim its former glory,” she said in August. “It’s not about new developments but about accessing what is already available here — the buildings and the people in the community.” The more the merrier, says Woods, figuring that attention on one restaurant can only help the next. “Obviously, we’re a new business, so we want to ask where people have heard of us,” he says. “A lot of people say, ‘Hey, we’ve seen you through social

media.’ Fifty percent, though, are word of mouth. ‘My coworker recommended me to you guys,’ or, ‘It was lunchtime and I saw a plate, where’d you get that from?’ ‘Jerk Soul on Salisbury.’ That’s combined with the actual neighborhood. “The buzz about us here has been pretty amazing. People are like, ‘Hey, there’s this new place in Hyde Park. The prices are good and the food is nourishing.’ It’s an underserved area and they were looking for something like this. Let’s be honest: It’s a food desert. For a lot of people around here, there haven’t been a lot of fresh food items. They want to eat more healthy and are tired of eating pizza out of a gas station. I think we’re partly providing a solution to a local problem.” For years, the neighborhood’s previous alderman would tout the street as having the potential to be the next Beale Street, or, as audaciously, the next Bourbon. Right now, a marginally more robust Salisbury Street would be plenty for many residents. Jerk Soul hopes to be part of that, providing a place that’s actually making it, as opposed to a drawing on paper. “Yeah, that’s a fact,” says Woods. “I don’t feel any pressure, as far as that goes. I feel some responsibility, though. I feel that we’re responsible to not just be successful for six months, but for the next six

years. That’s what we’re looking at, the long term. We’re excited at the coming updates to the area, to be kind of a flagship business and help lead the charge.” As for Spencer, she hopes the carryout eatery might lead to a second shop. “We’re probably wanting to have a sit-down,” she says. “We want the full experience. Good food served in a good atmosphere. Maybe create some Caribbean vegan food, since we don’t want to disappoint our meatless friends.” Mind you, there are vegetarian options at Jerk Soul now, though it’s the chicken that’s proven key to drawing new customers. Another, bigger key is getting people into the idea that Hyde Park is not all that far from where they work or commute. Asked for her pitch to customers who are unaware of Hyde Park or disinclined to visit north city, Spencer offers an interesting twist. “I would tell them that Hyde Park is a community of smiles and diversity,” she says. “There’s a community within a community here. There’s so much opportunity here, with a lot of buildings that people are starting to buy and renovate. It’d be a missed opportunity to not venture into this area. They’re doing themselves a disservice in not coming down here.” n

“I feel that we're responsible to not just be successful for six months, but for the next six years. We're excited at the coming updates to the area, to be kind of a flagship business and help lead the charge.”

Jerk Soul is drawing attention from outside the neighborhood’s boundaries. | CHERYL BAEHR








Time for Ilhan documents a Somali-American’s 2016 campaign win. | COURTESY OF CINEMA ST. LOUIS

FRIDAY 11/02 Young Love Sergei Prokofiev’s ballet Romeo and Juliet may be best known for the frequently excerpted “Montagues and Capulets,” a piece of music that’s been sampled by everyone from Sia to A Tribe Called Quest. But within the ballet, it serves a very important moment in the story. At the onset of “Montagues and Capulets” the prince of the city orders the fighting to cease between the families, which leads into the Capulets’ Ball where Juliet sees Romeo for the first time. It contains strife and young love, two big themes in the story. Lis-




ten for it when you’re watching Saint Louis Ballet’s production of Romeo and Juliet at 8 p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday (November 2 through 4) at the Touhill Performing Arts Center (1 University Drive at Natural Bridge Road; www.stlouisballet.org), and see how it works to bridge the gap between the warring families. Tickets are $35 to $69.

SATURDAY 11/03 For Those Who Gave All After two years of renovations, the Soldiers Memorial Military Museum is ready to welcome the public. The $30 million project revitalized its exterior and interior, while also bringing the 50-yearold structure in line with ADA requirements. You can get your first look at the interior on Saturday, November 3, at the Grand Reopening Ceremony, just in time for Veterans Day. The ceremony starts at 9 a.m. with a musical performance honoring veterans. At 10 a.m. keynote speaker Brigadier General Jeannie M. Leavitt (a St. Louis native who was the first female fighter pilot in the U.S. Air


Force, as well as the first woman to command a USAF combat fighter wing) officially opens the museum. Soldiers Memorial now has increased exhibition space and two new exhibits: St. Louis Service, which documents St. Louis’ military history from the Revolutionary War to today’s international conflicts, and World War 1: St. Louis and the Great War. Both exhibitions feature numerous historical artifacts, interactive displays and oral histories. The Court of Honor across the street from the museum has also been revamped to include memorials to St. Louis service people who died in the Vietnam War, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Admission to Soldiers Memorial is free.

makes it an excellent family film. But have you ever seen it with the music performed live by the St. Louis Symphony? Conductor Gemma New leads the SLSO through Danny Elfman’s score while the film plays on the big screen at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday (November 2 to 4) at Powell Hall (718 North Grand Boulevard; www.slso.org). Broadway star Ken Page, the St. Louis native who provides the voice of Oogie Boogie in the film, will be present at all showings. Tickets are $35 to $73.

They Kidnap Sandy Claws

Ilhan Omar became the first Somali Muslim woman elected to state office in America in November 2016, proving that the American dream was still alive. How the hijab-wearing, first-time candidate won her race is chronicled in Norah Shapiro’s documentary Time for Ilhan. Facing both cultural chauvinism (politics is a male-only arena in Somali culture) and her adopted country’s hostility to both people of color and immigrants, Omar based her campaign on principles and hard work. Time for Ilhan screens as part of this

Halloween is officially wrapped up for another year, but no matter. Jack Skellington, the king of Halloween Town, wants to try his hand at Christmas, which seems more jolly than his usual work. Henry Selick and Tim Burton’s stop-motion animated musical The Nightmare Before Christmas is a favorite of kids who like a little scare and adults who love Halloween and musicals, which


SUNDAY 11/04 Madam Candidate


Her name was Sandra Bland. | COURTESY OF CINEMA ST. LOUIS year’s St. Louis International Film Festival at 4 p.m. Sunday, November 4, at Washington University’s Brown Hall (Forsyth and Skinker boulevards; www.cinemastlouis. org). Tickets are $10 to $13.

Vuyo Dabula stars in Five Fingers for Marseilles. | COURTESY OF CINEMA ST. LOUIS

(6350 Delmar Boulevard, University City; www.cinemastlouis.org). Tickets are $10 to $13.

Jailhouse Crock

MONDAY 11/05 The Way of Tau

Sandra Bland became a national concern when she was found dead, hanging from a noose in a Texas jail cell. What happened to the politically active young woman from Chicago? The police pulled her over for failing to signal a lane change, and the situation escalated to Bland being taken into custody. Three days later she was dead. Ten days after her death, filmmakers Kate Davis and David Heilbroner began documenting the two-year investigation with the legal team hired by the family. Did Bland kill herself, as the police allege, or was she killed in jail? Davis and Heilbroner’s documentary Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland contains new, unsettling details about the case as well as footage of Bland discussing her life and thoughts about race in America. Say Her Name is part of the St. Louis International Filmmakers Festival, and is shown at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, November 4, at the Landmark Tivoli Theatre

Twenty years ago the remote town of Marseilles, South Africa, was under the iron fist of a remorseless police force. Its only opposition came from the Five Fingers, a young group who fought fire with fire. The most fiery of the bunch is Tau, who killed two officers and has just been released from a long stretch in prison. Despite his reputation as a ruthless outlaw, Tau has forsaken his violent youth and wants only to resume a normal life in Marseilles. Unfortunately, modern Marseilles hasn’t changed all that much, and maybe Tau hasn’t either. South African director Michael Matthews grafts the mythology of the American Western onto Apartheid-era South Africa in his stylish and violent Five Fingers for Marseilles. It screens as part of the St. Louis International Film Festival at 9:30 p.m. Monday and noon Sunday (November 5 and 11) at the Landmark Plaza Frontenac Cinema (1701 South Lindbergh Boulevard; www.cinemastlouis.org). Tickets are $10 to $13.

TUESDAY 11/06 Life with Lenny Leonard Bernstein left his fingerprints all over the twentieth century. He forged a path for American conductors to follow, he composed some of the most popular music of all time and he partied with the Kennedys in Camelot and John Lennon at home. Jamie Bernstein, Leonard’s eldest daughter, wasn’t focused on her father’s celebrity or prodigious musical talent. He was instead Dad, who smelled of cigarettes and started composing at 4 a.m. while still in his battered

bathrobe. 2018 is the centenary of Leonard Bernstein’s birth, and in his honor Jamie has written Famous Father Girl: A Memoir of Growing Up Bernstein. In it the younger Bernstein sheds insight on the private life of the man who taught her to value all that was beautiful in the world, whether it was Beethoven or the Beatles, the world of art, or the simple joys of good friends and good times. The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival welcomes Jamie Bernstein, who will discuss her book and her dad at 1 p.m. Tuesday, November 6, at the Jewish Community Center (2 Millstone Campus Drive, Creve Coeur; www.stljewishbookfestival.org). Tickets are $20. n

The cenotaph honors the 1,075 St. Louisans who died in WW II. | COURTESY OF THE MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY






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Immigrant Song A St. Louis school teaches only refugees and immigrants. Day One tells its story Written by

DUSTIN STEINHOFF Day One Directed by Lori Miller. One screening at 7 p.m. Saturday, November 3, at the Gathering (2360 McCausland Ave.; www.cinemastlouis.org).


or nearly ten years, Nahed Chapman New American Academy has helped refugee and immigrant children adjust to a new life in St. Louis. Now the transitional public school and its students are being featured in Day One, a documentary set to premiere at the 2018 St. Louis International Film Festival. Day One is directed and produced by Los Angeles filmmaker Lori Miller. Miller has acted as a producer for documentaries in the past and has directed segments of those films, but Day One marks her first time directing an entire film. “It has been a great transition. I guess as a woman, I kind of saw myself in a supportive role to other people,” Miller says. “It was exciting for me to try and tell the story without relying on somebody else.” Part of the St. Louis Public Schools, Nahed Chapman New American Academy helps children coming from war-torn countries who have experienced trauma and do not speak English well. The students study at this school until both they and the faculty agree they’re prepared for regular public school. “It helps them get acclimated before being thrown into public schools,” Miller says. Miller and her crew filmed on and off at the school for the duration of a school year, ending in June 2017, and collected roughly 80 to 90 hours of footage.

Day One cinematographer Brian O’Connell enjoys a light moment with Nahed Chapman students. | LORI MILLER Miller was introduced to the subject of the documentary by Peter Tao, a friend and longtime St. Louis resident. Tao’s father was an immigrant from China who came to the U.S. to teach at Washington University. After growing up as one of few immigrants in the city, Tao became interested as an adult in refugee resettlement and immigration in St. Louis. Although the two friends studied architecture in colleges in New York at the same time — Miller at Barnard College and Tao at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation — they actually met during a trip to China. “We stayed friendly over the years,” Miller says. “I was actually his wife’s roommate in graduate school too.” Tao had learned about Nahed Chapman New American Academy through the International Institute of St. Louis. Through a project with Washington University and the Construction Forum STL, Tao and other members of the community helped raise $200,000 to build a soccer field play structure for students. Miller describes Tao as “outspoken” about topics he is interested

in. “He wooed me over [during] a period of time to look at the school, look at the subject,” Miller says. Tao had initially suggested using the building of the exterior school grounds as the film’s focus. Miller had to shut the idea down, telling him, “I can’t make a film about it because you already did it.” Still, Miller was interested in the school. She came to St. Louis with the film’s director of photography, Brian O’Connell, in the early fall of 2016. It only took one day at the school to set their course. “We were speechless by the end of the day. We had never met people like this,” Miller says. “There were so many stories to be told and we were just smitten with the idea.” The film features accounts from students of what their lives in their previous homes were like. They range from having to walk hours just to get to school to having to leave their friends and life behind to flee violence and war. The stories were still fresh in the students’ minds. Miller took precautions to tell their stories respectfully. “This was kind of a delicate issue, because the children were so traumatized, and I did not want to make it worse for any of them,”


Miller says. To prevent that, Miller worked closely with the school’s educators, whom she calls “just the most inspirational people I’ve ever met.” The teachers knew the children’s backgrounds and life stories, so Miller would sit down with them and talk one on one or in groups to decide how to get the best and most diverse group of students for the film. Miller’s initial vision featured fewer kids and would have gotten into their lives in more detail, but this changed during the time they spent filming. The film still features a wide variety of refugee and immigrant students who describe their time in their home countries, but the film mostly focuses on their lives in St. Louis and how the school and its faculty help them acclimate to a brandnew country after their childhood traumas. “By really focusing on the teachers, educators, school and community, the idea of this movie is how everyone who can get an education can contribute and have a good life,” Miller says. When it came time to interview the students for the film, Miller found that they were confused as


Continued on pg 26




SLIFF Into Music Our critic chooses the best music documentaries from the St. Louis International Film Festival Written by



very year when it comes time to navigate through the maze of St. Louis International Film Festival offerings, I invariably start by turning to its music documentaries. More than just the cinematic equivalent of comfort food, recent films about popular music fall somewhere between cultural archaeology and human interest, telling stories of the bands you’ve never heard of (but should), the one-hit wonders who faded away and the no-hit wonders who never fit in. Most of these films aren’t about superstars, and with good reason. While the biggest names in music have no problem getting their stories told in one medium or another, a smaller wave of films have given voice to the lesser known people: the session men, the backup singers, the engineers and producers and the others who got away. All of the four films below screen as part of the festival. Visit cinemastlouis.org for more information.

Boom 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, at the Stage at KDHX Boom is a particularly warm-spirited example of Top-40-excavation


Continued from pg 25

to why anyone would want them to describe their lives in their home countries. “Because this is the life that they live and these things seem normal to them, I don’t think they completely understood how fascinating and informative their stories were to other people,” Miller says. “I would ask them about the schools they used to go to and they would look at me like, ‘Who cares?’ So then Bryan and I would



Loretta Long and Ellis Haizlip on the set of Soul!, the first weekly TV program devoted to black culture and ideas. | COURTESY OF CINEMA ST. LOUIS work, a generous history of a band who escaped obscurity — just barely — and are happy to tell the tale. The Sonics were a product of the early-’60s Northwest party-rock boom that gave us Paul Revere and the Raiders and a half-dozen versions of “Louie Louie.” The band’s secret weapon was that its members played REALLY LOUD, and their unique sound gave them two chart-toppers — “The Witch” in ‘64 and “Psycho” in ‘65 — but only on charts in Washington and Oregon. After a brush with rock & roll fame (including a disastrous gig packing up the Shangri-Las), the members went their own ways, unaware that their persistent producers would spend the next few decades spreading the word and creating a sizable fan base in Europe, where they were seen as the proto-punk precursors to the raw sounds of

the Stooges or MC5. Interviewing the members 50 years after their first success, filmmaker Jordan Albertsen describes his own discovery of their music and strikes the right balance of historical perspective and personal investment. The musicians, mostly elated by their late-life revival, are unpretentious and generous. They can discuss the sense of failure and the emotion that comes from being in a band that isn’t working — really, it’s not unlike dealing with family problems — but enough time has passed to let them see their story with humor.

I had never heard of Luxury, the subject of Parallel Love: The Story

of a Band Called Luxury, but its story turns out to be as unpredictable and driven as its music. With a harsh sound that recalls both postpunk bands like the Smiths and the sweet vocals of Rufus Wainwright, the musicians in Luxury got together at a Christian college in Georgia and, despite their anguished sexuality and raw lyrics, were set to become superstars in the modest world of Christian rock. Then fate intervened in the form of a serious automobile accident. Though the band members still record together today, more than twenty years later, the accident seems to have transformed them. There’s an interesting balance in Matt Hinton’s film, a dual story about musicians who appear to have recorded nearly every minute of their careers while becoming increasingly introspective

work with them. They didn’t think it was so unique.” Miller and her crew shot the film during President Trump’s first year in office. While Miller had not planned on including a political aspect in her film, the timing made it nearly impossible to ignore. “When President Trump was elected, there was so much fear, anxiety and difficulty in the community. It was hard to tell that story in that particular year without touching on the political aspect,” Miller says. “It wasn’t about how I felt about politics, but rather how

the political climate was affecting this community and what it was going to do to them.” While directing and producing a documentary is a daunting task, Miller doesn’t hesitate on the question of whether she’d do it again. “[Both directing and producing] doubles the stress level, which is already high whenever you make a film,” Miller said. “Overall, it was wonderful and I hope to direct again in the future.” In addition to the Day One premiere that will take place during the St. Louis International

Film Festival, the film will also be shown at nearly a dozen schools in the St. Louis area through the “Cinema for Students” program provided by Cinema St. Louis, which also sponsors the film festival. “My dream would be to show the film in as many schools as possible,” Miller says. She also plans on having a screening tour in early 2019 as well as small theatrical releases and advance screenings in other cities. “We’re hoping that with St. Louis watching at the festival, that will help it get some momentum going,” Miller says. n


Parallel Love: The Story of a Band Called Luxury 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, at the Stage at KDHX


in their personal lives.

Bathtubs Over Broadway 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2 at .ZACK Heard any good songs about silicone lately? Steve Young was a comedy writer for The Late Show on a routine assignment — finding strange and obscure records that David Letterman could mock on television — when he made a musical discovery that changed his life: industrial musicals. Young soon immersed himself into the largely uncelebrated world of notquite-ready-for-Broadway shows

of personal discovery, history and genre recreation. It all comes together in an inspired ending, a Broadway fantasy brought to life.

Mr. Soul!

7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, at Washington University’s Brown Hall

Although it contains brief musical performances by Stevie Wonder, Ashford and Simpson, Earth, Wind & Fire and many other significant R & B acts, Mr. Soul! is about much more than a handful of memorable hits. From 1968 until 1973 (when President Nixon did his best to tone down public broadcasting), pro-

The Sonics were a success, but not until years later. | COURTESY OF CINEMA ST. LOUIS that were subsequently performed at trade shows and conventions, occasionally commemorated with privately pressed cast albums and then forgotten. For about half of Bathtubs Over Broadway, Young guides the viewer through a few of his discoveries, trading rarities with other collectors (including Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedys) with a kind of Midwestern gee-shucks naivete that recalls his former employer (Letterman is also one of the film’s producers). By the time he uncovers a rare film of 1969 plumbingthemed romance The Bathrooms Are Coming! and manages to meet one of its performers, you begin to see that this odd hobby has transformed his life. When his work is up-ended by Letterman’s decision to retire, Young forms a new network of friends as he tracks down the performers (including Martin Short and Chita Rivera) and the composers responsible for the likes of You Belong in a Dodge and Diesel Dazzle. Director Dava Whisenant combines the obscurity of the subject with the enthusiasm of the host to create a wonderful blend

ducer and host Ellis Haizlip took advantage of the still-growing National Educational Television network (now PBS) to introduce Soul!, the first weekly program devoted to African-American culture and ideas. Yes, music was a big part of it, but only one patch in a cultural quilt that included the Last Poets, the Alvin Ailey Dancers, poet Nikki Giovanni, James Baldwin, activists, politicians and almost anyone speaking out for their community. As directed by Melissa Haizlip and Sam Pollard, Mr. Soul! is a guided tour through the archives that explores the show’s place in the debates of the time. Using historical footage to follow the thread from ‘73 to the present, it’s also a reminder of how the media can reflect and influence the world around it — and yet so often fails to do so. At a time when “Peak TV” seems to refer to whatever recycled comic book characters and Scandinavian torture-porn your cable network has decided to push this month, programming like Soul! seems like an underground experiment, a lost cause that official histories of mass media would rather ignore. n





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There aren’t many businesses named after Adam Sandler movies, but at the Blue Duck, the food is as whimsical as its “Billy Madison” reference. Originally founded in Washington, Mo., owners Chris and Karmen Rayburn opened the Blue Duck’s Maplewood outpost in 2017, bringing with them a seasonal menu full of American comfort-food dishes that are elevated with a dash of panache. Start the meal with the savory fried pork belly, which is rubbed with coffee and served with a sweet bbq sauce and root vegetable slaw. For the main event, the Duck’s signature DLT sandwich substitutes succulent smoked duck breast instead of the traditional bacon, adding fried egg and honey chipotle mayo along with lettuce and tomato on toasted sourdough. Save room for dessert; the Blue Duck’s St. Louberry pie – strawberries and blueberries topped with a gooey buttercake-like surface – is a worthy tribute to the Gateway City.

In January, Doug Fowler made big changes to Thurman’s in Shaw, and it’s paid off big time. A year and a half after taking over the old Thurman’s Grill location, Fowler switched from burgers and traditional bar fare to hearty handheld Mexican grub to great acclaim. Everything on Thurman’s menu now is designed for maximum portability – perfect for both full dinners and light bites on the go. The street tacos and giant burrito have earned love from Shaw residents, with tortillas bursting with a choice of mouthwatering meats, fish or vegetable mix plus all the fixings. Looking to scoop up deliciousness? Try Thurman’s chips with frijoles dip (traditional or vegetarian), spicy salsas, queso (chorizo or vegetarian) or smooth guacamole. Polish off a meal with churros sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and served with warm chocolate dipping sauce. Don’t forget drinks! Thurman’s goes well beyond its tasty margaritas, with plenty of craft cocktails, wines and beers available.





314.349.1933 6335 CLAYTON AVE, ST. LOUIS MO, 63139

314.499.7488 2130 MACKLIND AVE, ST. LOUIS, MO 63110

At Stone Turtle, a classic American gastropub menu finds a way to fit right in with Dogtown’s Irish history. Principal owner and general manager Nick Funke drew on his years in the restaurant business in both St. Louis and New York and on Stone Turtle chef Todd Bale’s expertise to develop the signature menu. In a neighborhood known for burgers and drinks, Stone Turtle instead offers elevated dinners that are perfect for date night. Fried burrata serves as a much-lauded appetizer, exploding when a knife cuts into the breadcrumb-coated molten cheese. Mushroom gnocchi continues the cheesy goodness, mixing marsala mushrooms and garlic alongside spinach and goat cheese in tiny pasta curls. The highlight of the menu is the savory pork chop, cut thick and served with jus and creamy grits. But true to Dogtown roots, whiskey does take a star turn, with the Smoked Old Fashion appearing on many “must-try” lists in St. Louis.

Housed in a retro service station, J. Smugs GastroPit serves up barbecue that can fuel anyone’s fire. Married teams of Joe and Kerri Smugala and John and Linda Smugala have brought charred goodness to the Hill neighborhood, nestled among the traditional Italian restaurants, sandwich shops and bakeries. Part of St. Louis’ ongoing barbecue boom, the J. Smugs’ pit menu is compact but done right. Ribs are the main attraction, made with a spicy dry rub and smoked to perfection. Pulled pork, brisket, turkey and chicken are also in the pit holding up well on their own, but squeeze bottles of six tasty sauces of varying style are nearby for extra punch. Delicious standard sides and salads are available, but plan on ordering an appetizer or two J. Smugs gives this course a twist with street corn and pulled-pork poutine. Several desserts are available, including cannoli – a tasty nod to the neighborhood. Happy hour from 4 to 7pm on weekdays showcases half-dollar BBQ tastes, discount drinks, and $6 craft beer flights to soothe any beer aficionado.



314.449.6328 5257 SHAW AVE, ST. LOUIS, MO 63110

314.652.5666 5200 OAKLAND AVE, ST. LOUIS, MO 63110

Carnivore fills a nearly 4,000-square-foot space on The Hill with a dining area, bar lounge, and adjoining outdoor patio gracefully guarded by a bronze steer at the main entrance. Always embracing change, Joe and Kerri Smugala, with business partners Chef Mike and Casie Lutker, launched Carnivore STL this summer. As the Hill’s only steakhouse, Carnivore offers a homestyle menu at budget-friendly prices appealing to the neighborhood’s many families. Steak, of course, takes center stage with juicy filet mignon, top sirloin, strip steak and ribeye leading the menu. Customize any of the succulent meats with sautéed mushrooms, grilled shrimp, or melted housemade butters, such as garlic-and-herb and red wine reduction, on top of the flame-seared steak. Other main dishes include a thick-cut pork steak (smoked at J. Smugs) and the grilled chicken with capers and a white wine-lemon-butter sauce. St. Louis Italian traditions get their due in the Baked Ravioli, smothered in provel cheese and house ragu, and in the Arancini, risotto balls stuffed with provel and swimming in a pool of meat sauce. With an exciting new brunch menu debuting for Saturday and Sunday, Carnivore should be everyone’s new taste of the Hill.

A new restaurant with a meaningful cause has sprouted up near the Saint Louis Science Center. Bloom Café is a breakfast and lunch spot with a mission – empower people with disabilities through job training while providing a tasty menu full of sandwiches and sweets. An endeavor from Paraquad, a disability resources nonproft, Bloom Cafe makes good on its promises. Trainees work under culinary director Joe Wilson to prepare a variety of fresh dishes (including plenty of vegetarian and gluten-free options) that are perfect for a lunch date, a business meeting or a family meal before fun in Forest Park. For a morning jolt, try the breakfast burrito, stuffed with sausage, egg and pepperjack cheese and topped with tomato salsa. At lunch, the reuben stands out, making mouths water with a smoky, juicy corned beef brisket, sauerkraut, melted Swiss cheese and tangy Thousand Island sandwiched between swirl rye bread and toasted. A rotating array of pastries is available daily, but you’ll definitely want to pick up the cinnamon roll – cinnamon and sweet glaze make their way into every nook of the light dough for a delight in every bite.












Crispy Edge serves traditional potstickers (as shown above, with citrus ponzu glaze and daikon microgreens), but things only get more interesting from there. | MABEL SUEN


Stick It Real Good A potsticker-themed restaurant might sound like a gimmick. But Crispy Edge delivers genuine flavor Written by

CHERYL BAEHR Crispy Edge 4168 Juniata Street, 314-310-3343. Fri.-Sat. 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. (Closed Mon.-Thurs.)


t the Crispy Edge on a recent glorious autumn Sunday, the only thing sunnier than the weather was owner David Dresner’s disposition. “Happy potstickers!” he called to our party as we walked out the door, a goodbye that was no gimmick but rather an earnest expression of enthusiasm for all

things dumpling. Coming from anyone other than Dresner, the sendoff might seem ridiculous. However, a passion for potstickers is woven into the very fabric of Dresner’s being. And it’s not a recent development. He’s been this way ever since he was a little kid, making dumplings alongside his grandfather in the Chicago suburbs. At first, it started out simply as a way to connect. After successfully battling cancer, his grandfather left a career in the military and business to go to culinary school, and he was eager to share his passion for food with an equally eager Dresner. But it wasn’t just any food that would bring the pair together. Dresner’s grandfather was a Korean War veteran, and he’d fallen in love with the Korean dumplings called mandu when he was serving abroad. It was his culinary go-to, and some of Dresner’s fondest memories involve hanging out with his grandpa, hands covered in dough. Those experiences served as a jumping-off point for Dresner’s own love affair with dumplings.

As a kid, he would stop at a local chop suey restaurant on his way home from school, eating as many as he could before returning to a mother annoyed he had spoiled his dinner. Every chance he got, Dresner was eating potstickers, and as he got old enough to cook on his own, he used them as a vehicle for culinary exploration, creating recipes and perfecting his dough as he translated all of his favorite flavors into his favorite food item. In hindsight, Dresner seems destined for a career as a potsticker entrepreneur, but he did not set out with that in mind. After graduating from Washington University’s Olin School of Business, he launched Sleeve a Message, a company that creates custom beverage sleeves and drink coasters. The success of that business got him to thinking: Why not combine what he had learned with his passion for potstickers? It had long bothered him that mass-produced potstickers lacked the quality he craved in both the dough and the fillings. Surely, he thought, he could find a way to do it better. Dresner originally launched


Crispy Edge in 2013, intending it to be strictly a wholesale potsticker manufacturer, and that model still stands (that the restaurant is not his main business explains the limited, weekends-only hours). However, after purchasing the former Grand Oak Hill Community Center as his production facility, he began offering his potstickers to the public in a series of pop-up dinners in the retail space of the Tower Grove South building. The success of those events helped the dining business take on a life of its own, and before he knew it, he was hosting private dinners, adding cocktails and sake, and offering regular hours for customers to come in and experience his creations. In other words, he was running a restaurant. As a first-time restaurateur, Dresner had the business sense to bring on others with experience in the industry, in particular Tori Foster, who serves as his executive chef. Foster, a Johnson & Wales alum and graduate of Saint Louis University’s nutrition program, has helped Dresner refine his vision from a culinary stand-


Continued on pg 33





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A social enterprise program of

Bloom Café serves a fresh take on casual dining while helping people with disabilities grow their independence through a unique job training program. Just steps away from Forest Park and the St. Louis Science Center, Bloom Café serves breakfast and lunch six days a week.


Continued from pg 31

point and has also been instrumental, with manager Jesse Stuart, in executing the restaurant side of the business. Their experience shows through in the design. Painted wall to ceiling in deep indigo, the cool, loungelike room has an intimate feel that seems tailor-made for date nights. Wooden two-seater tables provide seating, along with a communal version down the room’s middle, while a small bar sits at the back of the room. The walls are decorated with black-and-white photographs of Asian street scenes, and a living wall of microgreens not only provides ingredients for many Crispy Edge dishes but also casts a soft, pink glow over the room from its grow lights. Dresner says the dark palette was chosen to provide dramatic contrast to the light-hued potstickers. You could eat Crispy Edge’s offerings blindfolded, however, and still appreciate them. Deemed “global-inspired potstickers,” the dumplings are a fun vehicle for an eclectic mix of international flavors, including the “Azteca,” a pil-

At brunch, the “bread pudding” entree comes with an apple-pie potsticker. | MABEL SUEN low of rustic, nutty dough flecked with chia seeds and stuffed with cilantro-laden bean dip. The texture is excellent: firm yet yielding, thick enough to contain the contents but not so dense as to be doughy. A warm tomato salsa provides a bright, piquant dipping

sauce, while the lime crema drizzled on the plate adds richness. That Latin-inflected food works so flawlessly in potsticker form confirms Dresner is on to something. The “Chorizo Date” potsticker pairs mild, paprika-forward sausage with the sticky fruit. The


date’s flavor is muted, but provides a subtle sweet backbeat to the savory meat. The filling is nestled in turmeric dough, which gives the potsticker an earthy warmth. Pea shoots garnish the dish and lemon-pepper cream is served on the side in a ramekin for dipping. The sauce is fine enough but does not stand up to the deep flavors of the turmeric and chorizo. I found it unnecessary and opted to eat the potsticker without it. Crispy Edge’s “traditional” potsticker is Dresner’s ode to the dumplings that made him fall in love with the form. Savory cabbage and pork, kissed with black pepper, comprise the interior; the thick exterior dough is perfectly caramelized and the seam fries up to a crisp. One bite makes you understand Dresner’s choice of names: It’s a solid version of a classic dumpling. My only quibble is that I wished for more filling; there wasn’t enough to prevent it from being overpowered by the show-stopping wrapper. The “Buffalo Chicken” does not have that problem. Here, the fiery Buffalo chicken filling perfectly fills its garlic-herb dough shell; the finely minced meat is mixed


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with just a touch of cream for a wonderful richness. The decadence is cut even more by Buffalo sauce that is glazed over the postickers. Cilantro-lime sauce is paired with the dish for dipping, adding creaminess but not much in the form of additional flavor. The stickers, however, are good enough on their own that you don’t miss an extra condiment. In addition to the standalone potstickers, Crispy Edge serves a handful of dumpling-centric entrées for dinner. “From the Sea” pairs the traditional pork-andcabbage potsticker with beautiful, thinly sliced seared ahi tuna and wasabi-dressed cucumbers cut so thin they are translucent. You’d be happy to get such a beautiful piece of fish at a sushi restaurant. Likewise, the St. Louis-style ribs in the “For the Party” entrée compete with the city’s top barbecue spots. Glazed in tangy, sweettomato barbecue sauce that has caramelized, forming a sticky coating on the meat, the succulent meat easily pulls apart, revealing a buttery layer of fat. The ribs rest

atop impossibly rich bacon-andcheddar mashed potatoes and are served with the restaurant’s “Buffalo Chicken” potstickers. It says something that my favorite dumplings at Crispy Edge barely registered in this dish because I was so mesmerized by these perfect ribs. And Dresner does not stop there. A full potsticker-focused brunch menu is also available on Sundays with such dishes as huevos rancheros, which here combine “Azteca” potstickers with over-easy eggs, bright tomato salsa and cojita cheese. Quiche is represented in potsticker form as chive dough filled with velvety goat cheese and eggs and served with a side of luxurious tomato hollandaise. Though I appreciated the idea of the “Biscuits and Gravy” potstickers — sausage-filled dumplings covered in sausage gravy — I wanted more spice to the meat. I preferred the “Bagel and Gravlax,” a nod to Dresner’s Jewish heritage, which features an “Everything Bagel Potsticker” covered in house-cured salmon, capers and lemon cream. Though the dough did not quite have the aggressive seasonings of a traditional everything bagel and the texture was on the mushy side, I

loved the interplay of the salmon, capers and the herbs present in the dough. Crispy Edge was featuring two seasonal potsticker desserts on my visit. The first, a pumpkinfilled dumpling, is awe-inspiring, capturing the essence of a homemade pumpkin pie but providing the guilty pleasure of a fried apple pie. Covered in bourbon whipped cream, it’s fantastic. A collaboration with Eckert’s is equally excellent. Apple-filled potstickers are topped with toasted pecans and caramel sauce — evocative of a candy apple, only better. Someone who can come up with such a fun, whimsical concoction as a candy-apple potsticker clearly has a lot of love in his heart for the dumpling art form, and Dresner’s genuine passion is unquestioned. Since he opened, however, he has been met with a good amount of criticism, not so much about the execution, but whether he should be producing Asian-inspired food in the first place. Dresner bristles at any mention of cultural appropriation, insisting that his point is not to “elevate” or change an already perfect food but to take it in a heretofore unexplored direction. If we start putting up fences

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around what people are allowed to cook, he says, we head down a dangerous path. I’m sympathetic to both arguments. A dear friend is the daughter of immigrant parents who toiled away hand-making dumplings into the wee hours of the morning so they could eke out a living to support their family. She cringes at what she sees as a white man yuppifying her parents’ food and using her experience as a gimmick. Yet I am also moved by Dresner, whose love of potstickers was sparked by his relationship with his grandfather and still remains a way for him to connect with those memories. The earnestness to what he is doing is undeniable. Dresner says he sees Crispy Edge as a way to pay tribute to the potsticker, and that what moves him most about Asian cooking culture is how family-centric it is. Perhaps he and my friend have more in common than is at first apparent. If the potsticker is a vehicle for making outsiders see that, then Dresner is right: It is the perfect food.

Crispy Edge Traditional potstickers (3 pieces) ............. $5 ”Bagel and Gravlax” ................................ $11 ”For the Party” ......................................... $16




Qui Tran Knew the Business Was Crazy Written by



echnically, Qui Tran is the founder of Nudo House (11423 Olive Boulevard, Creve Coeur; 314-274-8046) and the face of his mother’s restaurant, Mai Lee (8396 Musick Memorial Drive, Brentwood; 314-645-2835), but he’s best known throughout the St. Louis food-and-beverage community as its biggest cheerleader. However, Tran admits he was not always so enthusiastic. “I hated it!” Tran laughs when he reflects on what it was like growing up in the restaurant business. “I never went on spring break, never went to parties or sleepovers. We were always working. I remember my parents bought me a BMX bike when I was twelve or thirteen, and I was so excited to go out and just ride it, but they told me that I had to ride up and down Delmar and pass out fliers for the restaurant.” That restaurant, Mai Lee, has become a St. Louis institution since Tran’s mother founded it in 1985. But though it’s achieved the kind of success restaurateurs dream of, it was not always easy. All through Tran’s childhood, his mom worked from morning into the night, building a business around traditional Vietnamese cooking — a style of cuisine that was then unfamiliar to the city’s diners. Her gamble paid off, but even so, Tran was not ready to follow in her footsteps. Instead, he graduated from high school and attended Saint Louis University to study business but did not finish his degree, opting to jump directly into the workforce. He landed at a financial consulting firm in the Central West End and felt like he was cruising along in his career until one day, he was hit with a re-

Nudo House’s Qui Tran grew up at Mai Lee, his mother’s acclaimed Vietnamese restaurant. | JEN WEST ality check. “I had this vendor come in and try to sell me a 40-year loan,” Tran recalls. “I thought, ‘I’m supposed to be helping people get out of debt. What if I sell this to them and they go bankrupt and I’m the person who ruined their lives?’ I couldn’t do it. I saw the bubble was going to happen, and I had to get out.” In the back of his mind, Tran knew he would end up in the restaurant business, and after leaving the financial company, he went straight to work for his mom, helping her transform Mai Lee into the juggernaut it is today. In the process, he developed a passion for food that was sparked by the growing St. Louis restaurant scene. As he dined out around town, he noticed the then-new kids on the block — Kevin Nashan of Sidney Street Cafe, Gerard Craft of Niche — and was inspired by their willingness to try something new. Tran could have rested on Mai Lee’s laurels, but that would not be his style. Instead, he pushed himself to expand his skillset, opening Nudo House to national acclaim in

July 2017. Together with business partner Marie-Anne Velasco, Tran traveled the country, studying under ramen master Shigetoshi Nakamura to transform a business idea into one of the country’s best ramen shops. Even after the success he’s achieved, Tran still looks back on his decision to get into the restaurant business as a crazy idea, and admits he does question his own sanity. “I’ve always appreciated anyone who is crazy enough to be in the business and have to give them mad love and respect because it’s hard,” Trans says. “It’s long hours; you are always away from your family. You have to admire those other people who are as stupid as I am.” Tran took a break from the kitchen to share his thoughts on the St. Louis restaurant community. What is one thing people don’t know about you that you wish they did? My wife comes up with all of my great ideas. If she wouldn’t have taken me to a ramen place, I wouldn’t have opened Nudo. We


went to a place in Chicago ages ago and I was like, “Why is no one in St. Louis doing this?” She looked at me and said, “Why don’t you do it?” Also, the “Pho Dip” and soft-serve ice cream are her ideas. I don’t have any ideas of my own. I am just a dumb restaurant dude. Haha! What daily ritual is non-negotiable for you? I wake up, and no matter how tired I am, I smile at myself in the mirror. I do this so that it will remind me to go smile at someone else and say hi to a complete stranger. You never know; it could change their life. This guy I smile at might have been pissed at some Asian person who cut them off. I always smile at people and strike up conversations with strangers. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I wish I could teleport myself, because that way I could be everywhere at any time. I get calls from one restaurant while I’m at the other saying “such and such is here,” and I feel bad that I can’t be there to say hello. If I


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could teleport, I could say hi to everyone and tell them I appreciate them coming in and spending money with me. What is the most positive thing in food, wine or cocktails that you’ve noticed in St. Louis over the past year? The food community coming together is the biggest thing. There is so much fundraising being done, and the food community is always ready to come together for a greater cause. I love that about St. Louis. Even though we can’t afford to do some of them, we still do them because some restaurant friend asked me to. I will get on the next plane to help with that event. That’s what I love about St.

Louis. What is something missing in the local food, wine or cocktail scene that you’d like to see? More Latin food. We have Frittanga, Plantain Girl and Mango. Those are the only places I know of — and they are doing a fantastic job. I like them all, but I would like to see even more. Like, we don’t have a Cuban restaurant. What’s that about? Who is your St. Louis food crush? Loryn Nalic of Balkan Treat Box. I want to hug her every time I see her because her food is so outstanding. Who’s the one person to watch right now in the St. Louis dining scene? Matt Daughaday at Reeds American Table. I think he is really coming into his own and is going to start making some noise. He’s al-

ways been one of my favorites, but he’s been in the game for a while now and is becoming seasoned. His food is so well thought out. He understands food. Watch out. He is going to start doing more, and people will know who he is. Which ingredient is most representative of your personality? MSG. People think it’s artificial but it’s not. It’s a natural substance: sugar and salt. It’s just enough salt to alleviate your cravings and just enough sweet to make you smile. If you weren’t working in the restaurant business, what would you be doing? Nothing. Maybe a Walmart greeter. Name an ingredient never allowed in your restaurant. Nothing. I allow everything because I want to try everything.


South-City Faves Say Goodbye


oth Grove East Provisions (3101 Arsenal Street, 314802-7090) and Quincy Street Bistro (6931 Gravois Avenue, 314-353-1588) have closed their doors. Grove East Provisions, a quaint neighborhood food counter and market in St. Louis’ Tower Grove East neighborhood, came first with an announcement October 21 on its Facebook page. Its post stated simply, “After four fantastic years, Grove East Provisions is closing its doors. Many thanks to everyone for your support and patronage over the years.” No additional details were given; owner Barry Kinder didn’t respond to our message seeking additional information. Kinder, a professional drummer, opened the shop in 2014 after returning to the United States from Europe where he worked as a touring musician. His time abroad exposed him to the beauty of the quintessential corner market, and when he returned to his hometown, he lamented that there was nothing similar to what he had experienced overseas. Kinder opened his shop as half grocer, half lunch counter, serving packaged wine and beer and

Quincy Street Cafe first opened its doors in 2011. | JENNIFER SILVERBERG basic essentials alongside a handful of simple yet well-executed sandwiches and soups. His chicken noodle soup, in particular, developed a cult following and was one of the many bright spots we noted in a glowing review. Sandwiches and soups were not Grove East Provisions’ only claims to fame, however. In addition to the restaurant and market, the kitchen served as a commissary for the now-shuttered Red Fox Bakery, recognized during its run as producing some of the city’s best bread. When the bak-

ery ceased operations in the summer of 2016, Kinder took over the bread-making after learning the trade from Red Fox’s bakers. That “go with the flow” attitude encapsulated Kinder’s approach. Over the years, he added brunch, pizza and evening hours, tweaking each new concept along the way. He admitted on many occasions that the restaurant was a work in progress, and he never shied away from trying something new or stopping something when it just didn’t work out. His store will be missed.


The cool thing is that now you see things like shrimp paste or fermented fish sauce in everyone’s kitchens because we have blended styles of food. We allow everything because we want to be able to try everything and mix and match. What is your after-work hangout? A cigar with friends or at home with my wife and dog Snow Pea. What’s your food or beverage guilty pleasure? For drinks, it’s Champagne. For food, it’s dessert. I wasn’t a dessert person until I met my wife. Now, I will eat three courses of dessert by myself and not feel bad about it. What would be your last meal on earth? Mom’s caramelized pork ribs with pickled mustard greens and chile peppers on the side. n

And so, too, will Quincy Street Bistro, the much-loved Princeton Heights neighborhood spot. Its owners announced last week they would be closing their doors on Sunday, October 28. The restaurant had been open for seven-and-a-half years. “Thank you to our wonderful staff, some who have been with us from the beginning,” owners Mike and Sue Enright said in a press release. “We’d also like to thank our guests. Your support motivated us to be the best we could be. Our guests have truly been a family to us.” Opening in 2011, Quincy Street originally offered a lengthy selection of crowd-pleasing bar-andgrill fare. But one year later, the Enrights hired a young chef who quickly became a star. Rick Lewis is their son-in-law, and in 2014 he became the first St. Louis chef to be nominated for the James Beard Foundation’s “Rising Star Chef of the Year” award. “I’m still kind of shocked,” Lewis told us at the time. “It’s just crazy to me because a lot of those places are nicer, fine-dining restaurants, and we’re just a blue-collar neighborhood joint that’s just trying to put out good food. It’s very cool.” While Lewis has since departed (first for Southern and now Grace Meat + Three), Quincy Street remained “very cool.” The Enrights said they were sad to say goodbye. “It has been a bittersweet decision, but we are excited for what the future holds,” they explained in their release. “We look forward to traveling, spending more time with our family and our next adventure together!” n








COME TASTE WHAT OTHERS ARE TALKING ABOUT! The eponymous Bella, center, with Corey James, left, and Austin Blankenship. | COURTESY OF BELLA’S

Kalbi Taco Shack


Beloved Shop Is Back Downtown Written by



ike many downtown loft dwellers, Corey James and Austin Blankenship were big fans of Bella’s Frozen Yogurt, the independently owned froyo shop at 11th Street and Washington. It wasn’t just proximity, although they lived right across the street. It also served really good yogurt. But after Bella’s closed three years ago, James and Blankenship didn’t just mourn its passing like its other fans. The partners decided to do something about it. On October 6, the two opened the doors to Bella’s Frozen Yogurt (1021 Washington Avenue, 314-553-9261). It’s got the same name, the same teal accents and even the same yogurt supplier. But it is, in some ways, a much different shop. It’s not just that James and Blankenship are unaffiliated with the shop’s previous owners, or that they’ve done some renovations (woodwork and subway tiles now join exposed brick accents). It’s that they have ambitious plans for a host of collaborations with local food purveyors, a line of offerings that include gluten-free, sugarfree, vegan and dairy options, and even a full line of smoothies that use frozen yogurt as the base. And every day, they buy the fruit

they’re using for toppings fresh from the farmers’ market. “It’s not a traditional frozen yogurt shop,” Blankenship says. “We wanted it to be a place where everyone could come and get something to eat.” So why keep the name? “Our dog is named Bella,” Blankenship says — a remarkable coincidence, as both the cockalier and her tealblue collar predated the original shop. It felt like a sign. Bella’s offers plenty of tables for eating in — and will be adding sidewalk seating in the coming days. Before they opened the shop, James was a hairstylist; Blankenship spent fifteen years as a supervisor with McDonald’s. In April, he left that career to focus on Bella’s, and both partners are now all-in. Stop by for a visit, and you’ll surely meet one or both. The partners are getting their yogurt from Honey Hill Farms in Arkansas, but one machine will always be reserved for a flavor they make in-house, Blankenship says. Right now, that’s five spice, an autumnal blend suggestive of chai tea or pumpkin pie. It initially sold out in just a few days, as did a collaboration with Red Hot Riplets (yes, really). “We’re getting everything as much as possible from St. Louis,” Blankenship says. “We don’t want to be like a chain frozen yogurt shop that is everywhere.” But as much as they want to push the creative envelope, Bella’s also meets simpler needs. “We hated when the original Bella’s closed, because the owners did everything so well,” Blankenship says. “We loved coming here. There just aren’t that many dessert options downtown.” Bella’s is open daily from noon to 9 p.m. n

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58hundred Hopes to Become Your Neighborhood Hang Written by



ark Del Pietro is no stranger to the restaurant business, having run one successful concept after another — Portabella, Shiitake, Luciano’s, Del Pietro’s — over the last two-plus decades. On October 2, he added another feather to his cap with the charming neighborhood spot 58hundred (5800 Southwest Avenue, 314-29-5799). After closing the Central West End location of their butchery concept the Block, Del Pietro and his partner, Brian Doherty, were on the lookout for a new space. The brothers-in-law knew that they wanted to open a restaurant that would become a part of the neighborhood fabric, like the Webster Groves location of the Block has, but they first needed to find the right neighborhood. That happened when they learned that Lou C’s Bar & Grill had closed, freeing up a charming space on a residential street in the city’s Southwest Garden neighborhood. Del Pietro and Doherty did not want to simply do another location of the Block, however — a decision influenced by their wives. Though Del Pietro and Doherty have made their names at the helm of meat-focused restaurants, their spouses are both vegetarians. The partners decided to honor their wives’ preferences by devoting a significant portion of 58hundred’s menu to non-meat dishes, dubbing it a “butchery and garden.”

58hundred is in the Southwest Avenue building that was previously home to Lou C’s Bar & Grill. | CHERYL BAEHR The spirit of bringing people together drives everything Del Pietro and Doherty do at 58hundred. As Del Pietro explains, though he wants the restaurant to appeal to locals regardless of whether they are celebrating a special occasion or just coming in for a casual dinner, it’s the casual part they think of as the restaurant’s main customer base. “We want to be a place where people can come in three times a week,” Del Pietro says. “They can get a burger and a beer and not think of us as an occasion place.” To ensure that vision comes to fruition, Del Pietro and Doherty purposely kept 58hundred’s price point reasonable and the menu accessible to different moods. A white-cheddar-covered burger

costs just $9, fries included; a grilled three-cheese sandwich $8. Even the entrees, which benefit from Del Pietro’s masterful touch, are reasonably priced: The most expensive dish on the menu, a petite filet, is $19. Though the restaurant is not yet three weeks old, Del Pietro is optimistic about its reception. “We’ve already started regulars this quickly,” he says. “Guys drive up in their golf carts; when people walk into the bar, they often see someone from the neighborhood that they know and say hello across the room. It’s pretty cool.” 58hundred is open for dinner Monday through Saturday nights, beginning at 5 p.m. Del Pietro purposely does not post a closing hour because he wants guests


to feel welcome regardless of when they come in. “I have two kids in high school,” he laughs. “I’m not turning anyone away.” Del Pietro and Doherty plan to add lunch service and additional hours on Sunday once they get their feet underneath them. They also hope to soon make available an upstairs private events space. In the meantime, their guests can enjoy a simple evening dinner — or an elegant one if they so choose. Whatever their mood, Del Pietro insists he is there to accommodate. “We just wanted to give people options,” Del Pietro explains. “We wanted to bring something different to the neighborhood, and I think we have done that.” n







Rocking the Boat YOUPEOPL’s politically charged debut EP is a rock & roll triumph Written by



randon Mason and Chan Maurice Evans had existed in the same circles for years but had never formally met. Both played in experimental rock bands that dabbled in shoegaze and psychedelia; Mason, a bassist and keyboardist, played in Helium Tapes, and Evans played drums for Ghost in Light, among others. They occasionally had friends and even bandmates in common. Despite this, they never really crossed paths. Upon reflection, they note how odd that was. For aside from a shared musical affiliation, Mason and Evans were often the only black men in their rock bands. Some nights they would each be the only person of color in the club. The group that the pair created is called YOUPEOPL — one word, all caps, declarative in name and appearance but subtle in its deployment of electro-beats, stacked harmonies and guitar crunch. On its debut EP ...are we, the music is produced solely by Mason and Evans; in concert, the band is rounded out by Syrhea Conaway on bass, Brandon Patton on guitar and Philip Zahnd on drums. Of the five, Zahnd is the only white person, a rare ratio for a rock-centric band in St. Louis or any other city. “That was definitely a conscious decision to look for more musicians of color, and I’m glad I did it,” says Mason. “It’s a weird space to navigate, being a black musician in a mostly white scene. We deal with it daily in the corporate world and being a minority by definition. I wanted to sit down with other black musicians and get their take on it.” Evans notes that he was late to learn of black musicians’ imprint



Brandon Mason, Brandon Patton, Syrhea Conaway, Chan Maurice Evans and Philip Zahnd are YOUPEOPL. | DARIAN WIGFALL on what became known as rock & roll — he name-checks Chuck Berry, Jimi Hendrix and the Isley Brothers, and both he and Mason refer to the arrival of the all-black rock group Living Colour in nearmessianic terms. “People would always ask, ‘Why are you playing rock & roll? Why are you playing that white-boy stuff?’” Evans recalls. “I don’t know, man, I just like it. I love the way it sounds and the way it feels. Just because it’s not hip-hop doesn’t mean that a person of color can’t do it.” When Mason was looking to start a new project, right around the time of the 2016 elections, Evans was at the top of his list for possible collaborators. “I just messaged him and told him that I was into doing something maybe a little political — the social climate was pushing me to put something out there,” says Mason. “I’m not a lyricist but I wanted music with some content that might push people to think a little bit.” The timing was fortuitous; not 24 hours before receiving the message, Evans had parted ways with the entrancing synth-wave group


CaveofswordS, and he was looking for a new project. The idea of making politically energized music appealed to him, and as a multi-instrumentalist and singer, Mason’s offer gave him a chance to play more than a supporting role. “You’re angry? I’m angry too,” Evans recalls thinking. “Let’s do something.” Evans describes a flurry of political activism and art that inspired “You People,” the album’s last track — marches, riots, protests that sprung up locally after Ferguson and that have not abated in the age of Trump. “I had to dive into it, and it was just bursting,” he says. “I think a lot of that was just stream of consciousness; it was written in a very frantic state.” Evans credits Jeff Buckley for inspiring the song’s orchestral flourishes and slow-burn crescendoes. Evans is an elliptical writer, circling around his statements and never landing like slogans or bumper-sticker rhetoric. “Most people can only listen to so much of a sermon,” he says. Instead, the track floats in ethereally and builds off of Evans’ strong, vibrato-heavy vocals, which speak in


sometimes-cryptic quatrains but center on how we treat “the other” in society. “I was blown away,” Mason says of the initial demos of the track. “I don’t think we’re trying to be a 100 percent political band in the 1980s, Reagan-reactionary sense, but it’s interwoven with being alive in America right now. Everything is fraught with fear. A lot of the songs deal with relationships — it’s kind of brave, to me, to love in this era. I think there’s a balance we’re trying to strike on subject matter.” That balance is key to YOUPEOPL’s approach in its debut EP; the band was sprung from a sense of anger and political unrest, but you’ll find nothing polemical in the gossamer grooves Mason and Evans created. For Evans, the band’s circuitous approach to songwriting and its atypical mix of genres is in keeping with how the members came together — to use shared experience to create something new. “Yes, we have elements of rock,” he says, “but it’s just kind of a thumb in the nose to what everyone was expecting.” n



The Upstairs Lounge Has Closed After 26 Years

Concept Album Sings the Song of Bread Co.

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Written by



he concept album has been a potent weapon in the songwriter’s arsenal ever since Woody Guthrie’s Dust Bowl Ballads chronicled the devastating economic hardship wrought upon migrant workers in California during the drought and erosion of the 1930s. Since then it has been employed to devastating effect by artists including Pink Floyd, whose classic The Wall tells the tale of a man grappling with his place in society as he plunges further into isolation and insanity; Weezer, whose album Pinkerton deals with matters of sexual frustration and lost love while taking inspiration from Puccini’s Madame Butterfly; and Kendrick Lamar, whose To Pimp a Butterfly takes a hard look at the pressures and pitfalls of being a black artist and entertainer in America. Well, get ready to mark another notch on the wall for the potency of the form, because Koo Koo Kangaroo just released a new concept album, and the subject matter is no less vital than those mentioned above: specifically, the virtues of St. Louis Bread Co. The album, entitled Fast Casual, just came out last month, and every bit of it is a celebration of the somewhat-pricey-but-pretty-tasty Bread Co. food St. Louisans have been enjoying ever since the chain opened its first store in Kirkwood in 1987. (Since Koo Koo Kangaroo is based in Minneapolis, all of its references are to “Panera Bread” rather than the chain’s real name, but we know what time it really is.) Along with the release of the album, Koo Koo Kangaroo has also launched a new Bread Co.-based

The members of Koo Koo Kangaroo. | PRESS PHOTO blog called Bread Boys. In it, the duo explains what inspired them to write an entire record about soups and sandwiches: We’re a touring band and we make our living by playing live events all over the place. That means for weeks at a time we dine at restaurants and bars. Those meals can be wonderful and delicious! But most of the time we’re looking at greasy, fried food that is best consumed in moderation. Over the last few years we’ve made a point of dining at Panera Bread when we’re on the road, and with over 2,000 locations across the county, they’re easy to find! The band cites the stores’ relatively healthy food, consistency and its coffee lounge as the three main reasons for its brand loyalty (and artistic inspiration). On the record, its songs extol the virtues of salads and “pick two” menus over party-pop beats written to excite children (Koo Koo Kangaroo’s fan base is predominantly in the ten-years-of-age-or-under demographic). On gift-giving, from lead track “Gift Cards”: I can get something fantastic if I have that piece of plastic step right up maybe pick two so much choice love this menu If y’all need gift ideas for me me no need to go on shopping spree spree very specific currency see

Panera store credit’s my plea plea On difficult decisions, from “U Pick 2”: I’m the type of person who can’t decide anything Stuck at a four way stop, left right or straight? I wanna eat way more than one thing I can’t be expected to choose and I see so much that I want on this menu when you’re looking for food you pick two let me show you the move you pick two On internet connectivity, from “WiFi”: I bought a coffee to use the WiFi I bought a coffee to use the WiFi I hope they don’t notice that my cup is dry I bought a coffee to use the WiFi The WiFi The WiFi I really really really like the WiFi The WiFi The WiFi There’s nine tracks of this. It’s absolutely perfect music for brainwashing your kids into being excited about eating a Fuji apple salad and soup out of a bread bowl. And hey! Those kids will have a chance to see their new health-food heroes in the flesh next month when Koo Koo Kangaroo hits the Duck Room at Blueberry Hill for a November 29 show. A word of warning to the band, though: Remember, around these parts we call it “Bread Co.” Keep that P-word outta your mouths and you’ll do just fine. n


any closures are called “the end of an era,” but one announced last week, on October 24, marks the end of an entire empire. In a Facebook post, the Upstairs Lounge (3131 South Grand Boulevard; 314-358-2004) announced that it would close this weekend, with November 2 serving as its last night in business after several decades. The legendary little nightclub ruled over the corner of South Grand and Hartford Street for more than a quarter of a century. But when the owner of the Upstairs Lounge, Tu Tien Tran, died early this year, the fate of the club became uncertain. Tran’s family is in the restaurant business — his parents owned South Grand mainstay Mekong Restaurant, which long operated just downstairs from the Upstairs Lounge, and his sister, Bay Tran, opened Tree House, the vegetarian restaurant a couple blocks down South Grand. But they are restaurateurs, not nightclub hosts, and after Tu’s passing the long-term future of the unlikely dance-music haven seemed up in the air. Tran was often called “the Godfather of St. Louis EDM,” for good reason. He usually kept his club open every night of the week, and “the Upstairs” earned a reputation as one of the few places St. Louisans could consistently find a poppin’, joyous dance floor. And though the club’s reputation was built on genres like techno, house, dubstep, hip hop and drum & bass, Tran also allowed all other types of musical events to be held at his little castle high on the corner. As a result, the venue was frequented by a broad spectrum of music-loving St. Louisans. Even as Mekong closed, Upstairs seemed to limp along for most of the year, still offering event nights, although not nearly as frequently. The club’s survival came in large part to Dino Taca, a former Upstairs Lounge employee and close family friend of the Trans, who took over dayto-day operations after Tu passed. With Taca’s efforts, combined with booking by Adrian Gough, the Upstairs still somehow remained a destination to get your boogie Continued on pg 45




2 Live Crew, definitely not banned in the STL. | VIA ARTIST WEBSITE


2 Live Crew Is Coming to Town and We Are Hyped Written by



he revolution is coming, and we’re beginning to think that it might start in a strip club. It’s not just that Stormy Daniels has come closer than most of us to saving America by taking on Trump’s lies. It’s that “adult entertainment” venues have long been on the front lines of the battle against moralists who would seek both to silence us and have us cover our nipples. In a time of self-censorship and appeasement, these are the heroes (and heroines) we need. In 1989, Miami rap group 2 Live Crew was dragged into the fight and became a symbol of free speech and proud champion of the First Amendment (our personal favorite). The group’s third album, As Nasty As They Wanna Be, caught the attention of the American Family Association — a fundamentalist Christian group that sought to impose biblical val-





ues on the general public. That kicked off a chain of events that resulted in 2 Live Crew’s album being the first in history to be classified as legally obscene, with cops even setting up sting operations to arrest record-shop owners who sold the “Me So Horny” LP. It sparked a yearslong debates over the definition of obscenity, led to discussions on the various applications of the First Amendment and exposed the racism involved when black entertainers aren’t allowed to speak about female parts even as white women like Madonna actually show them. (And it sparked a favorite rant from anti-moralist Christopher Hitchens.) But the band remained undaunted. A few years ago, former band spokesman and sometimes current member Luther Campbell (aka Luke Skyywalker, aka Uncle Luke) was in St. Louis to judge a “short shorts” contest at the since-closed Sound Bar. Campbell reportedly offered contest participants money to give each other oral sex on stage. Some did (and many videos were taken and posted to social media) before the club apparently kicked Campbell out and banned him from the property. So if that happens at a regular bar, what goes down (huh huh) when 2 Live Crew members show up at an actual strip club? There’s only one way to find out. Get yourself to the Hustler Club in Washington Park, Illinois, on Saturday, November 3. Though the club is Continued on pg 45



open all night on Saturdays, this is the weekend when daylight savings happens at 2 a.m. Sunday — traditionally the longest, wildest bar night of the year at what is easily the St. Louis area’s wildest strip club. It will only cost you $25 at the door (and the band plays at midnight), but we’d suggest getting one of the party packages offered by the club and making a night of it. For just $300 you get ten VIP admissions and three bottles of booze with juice and soda mixers. Or if you’re a baller, get the $2,880 package that comes with “$1,000 in Beaver Bucks to purchase couch dances from the Hustler Honeys” and please slip us an invite. If you’re still not convinced that Uncle Luke is a hero and that 2 Live Crew is at least as important to American history as Warren G. Harding, check out the excellent documentary Banned in the U.S.A. (yes, the Boss gave the Crew permission to use that tune and phrasing) and get yourself educated. n

on in St. Louis. Then came the news: November 2 would be the club’s last night. The Facebook post said that “the building has been leased and the decision has been made to not renew the liquor license to make way for new ownership.” Reached by phone, Taca said the Trans had allowed the club to continue to operate even after Mekong’s closure. However, they’ve now got someone willing to lease the restaurant space, and with all the utilities and licenses under a single entity, it didn’t make sense to attempt to keep the bar going. Taca says he’s still hopeful Upstairs Lounge might reopen someday, some way, in some capacity: “There’s still a small chance.” But for now, he says, it’s clear that it’s time to say goodbye. In the meantime, Gough says the event scheduled for November 2 will be turned into a major blow-out celebration, with other events in the nights leading up to it. The club’s Facebook post encourages everyone who’s loved the place over the years to stop in over the next few days to say goodbye, to “share a drink and a story, and dance the last dances.” See you there. n

Continued from pg 44

Continued from pg 43

DJs Matt Leach and Josh Levi host NIGHTVISION at the Upstairs Lounge in 2010. | LEE HARRIS

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Orgone. | RYAN CHIN

Orgone 8 p.m. Friday, November 2. Old Rock House, 1200 South Seventh Street. $15. 314-588-0505.

Orgone likes to call itself “California Soul,” but what comes from the band feels more like a mish-mash of several American soul styles. A spin through this year’s Undercover Mixtape shows some of those influences: A cover of the Meters’ deathless NOLA funk track “Look-aPy-Py” is followed by a blistering take on


BIG RICH MCDONOUGH & RHYTHM RENEGADES: 7 p.m., $5. BB’s Jazz, Blues & Soups, 700 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-436-5222. BLACK LIPS: w/ Surfbort 8 p.m., $18-$20. Blueberry Hill - The Duck Room, 6504 Delmar Blvd., University City, 314-727-4444. BOUNCE HOUSE: w/ Sorry Scout, Granddad, Tiger Rider 8 p.m., $10. The Heavy Anchor, 5226 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, 314-352-5226. DIY HALLOWEEN 2018: 9 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. LEAH OSBORNE: 5:30 p.m., free. Broadway Oyster Bar, 736 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-621-8811. MISFITS TRIBUTE NIGHT BY WE BITE: w/ Somewhat Damaged, Gravitational Constant 8 p.m., $10-$12. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. TORREY CASEY & SOUTHSIDE HUSTLE: 10 p.m., $5. BB’s Jazz, Blues & Soups, 700 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-436-5222. VOODOO WEEN: 9:45 p.m., $8. Broadway Oyster Bar, 736 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-621-8811.


BIG GIGANTIC: w/ Flamingosis 8 p.m., $29.50$32. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis,

Aretha Franklin’s “Think,” and a bevy of originals, instrumentals and guest vocalists pop up throughout. Orgone wraps up a busy year with the just-released Reasons, which brings a few dashes of uptown sophistication to a band that isn’t afraid to break a sweat. Lead single “We Can Make It” features vocalist Adryon de Leon, who will join the band for its gig at Old Rock House this week. Line that Groove: St. Louis’ own soulfunk sextet the Grooveliner opens the show. —Christian Schaeffer 314-726-6161. BLACK MOTH SUPER RAINBOW: 8 p.m., $17-$20. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. JADEN CARLSON BAND: 9 p.m., $8. Broadway Oyster Bar, 736 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-621-8811. KEVIN GATES: 8 p.m., $45-$99. Pop’s Nightclub, 401 Monsanto Ave., East St. Louis, 618-274-6720. LOCATE S,1: w/ Glued, Zak M 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. PORCHES: w/ Girlpool 8 p.m., $18-$20. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929.


ARIANNA STRING QUARTET: 8 p.m., $29. Blanche M Touhill Performing Arts Center, 1 University Dr at Natural Bridge Road, Normandy, 314-516-4949. BASS DRUM OF DEATH: 8 p.m., $15. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. BLUES TRAVELER: 8 p.m., $30-$35. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. THE CONTORTIONIST: w/ Intervals 8 p.m., $22-$79. Fubar, 3108 Locust St, St. Louis, 314-289-9050. FELIX CAVALIERE & GENE CORNISH’S RASCALS:

Continued on pg 48





ile Farm, 3 of 5 6:30 p.m., $7. The Heavy Anchor, 5226 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, 314-352-5226. A TRIBE CALLED RED: 8 p.m., $12-$15. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929.





Five sure-fire shows to close out the week

95.5 THE LOU’S DISTRICT RHYTHM SERIES: w/ Keri Hilson, Bobby V. 5 p.m., TBA. Ballpark Village, 601 Clark Ave, St. Louis, 314-345-9481. BIT BRIGADE PLAYS MEGA MAN II: w/ Thor Axe 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. THE BROKEN HIPSTERS: 8 p.m., $5. Hwy 61 Roadhouse and Kitchen, 34 S Old Orchard Ave, Webster Groves, 314-968-0061. CHARLIE DANIELS BAND: 7 p.m., $37.50-$67.50. River City Casino & Hotel, 777 River City Casino Blvd., St. Louis, 314-388-7777. CIRCA SURVIVE: w/ La Dispute, Queen Of Jeans 8 p.m., $29.99-$35. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. DAVID CROSS: 8 p.m., $37.50. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. DR. JENNIFER PASCUAL: 2:30 p.m., $17. Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, 4431 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, 314-373-8200. LAUREN SANDERSON: w/ Sizzy Rocket 8 p.m., $10-$55. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. TRANSITIONS: 4 p.m., free. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 327 Woods Mill Road, Manchester, 636-381-6685.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Bass Drum of Death

8 p.m. The Firebird, 2706 Olive Street. $15. 314-535-0353.

Even if Bass Drum of Death’s 2018 record Just Business feels glossier than past efforts, its sound remains fiercely loyal to the holy scriptures of garage rock. From frontman Josh Barrett’s early days slinging fuzzy riffs over a single bass drum to the heavy weight of the full band’s noise, the songs deliver, with a blissful hum that’s as essential as ever. Some music lovers may value digging through the rough to find polished gems, but there’s no discounting a down-to-earth and accessible band. Bass Drum of Death might not be a familiar name, but Barrett and company have been hiding out under our noses with songs featured in movies, TV shows, video games and commercials since roughly 2011.

Precious Child w/ Sea Priestess, Eric Hall & Aiko Tsuchida 8:30 p.m. Flood Plain, 3151 Cherokee Street. $7. No phone.

By building its industrial sound with a bold vocal approach, simple riffing and ambient washes, Precious Child offers an inclusive set with layers to peel back. Yet its recent video for “Hollow” shows its odd pop’s sharp teeth, gluing clips of self-harm and mutilation to a cold and unnerving song. Known more for its role as a gallery than a concert venue, Flood Plain is the perfect space for Precious Child, who is both a visual and sound artist in addition to a musician.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 A Brief History of Planned Obsolescence presented by Hearding Cats Collective 8 p.m. The William A. Kerr Foundation, 21 O’Fallon Street. 314-436-3325.

This show sits firmly outside the bounds of a typical concert, with an experience that’s multi-faceted and multi-leveled. The north riverfront space, which used to be a bathhouse eons ago, is just as much a part of the event as the amalgam of video artists, musicians and performers that will fill all three floors. Eight large-scale projections will bathe the building in three video Continued on pg 49




Bettye LaVette. | CAROL FRIEDMAN

Bettye LaVette 8 p.m. Friday, November 2. Delmar Hall, 6133 Delmar Boulevard. $35 to $37.50. 314-726-6161.

Bob Dylan has had all manner of interpreters, but none like Bettye LaVette. On Things Have Changed, this year’s compelling suite of Dylan songs, the singer argues that she isn’t just one of our greatest living soul singers but a true diva in the same sense as Nina Simone, her closest analog. She turns lesserknown Dylan compositions like “Mama,


Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989.


Continued from pg 47

6 p.m., $50-$88. Family Arena, 2002 Arena Parkway, St Charles, 636-896-4200. HITCHCOCK AND THE HITMEN: 9:30 p.m., free. The Frisco Barroom, 8110 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, 314-455-1090. HOT RIZE: 7 p.m., $35-$45. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. HOT RIZE: 8 p.m., $35-$45. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. KEVIN GATES: w/ Yung Bleu 8 p.m., $40-$45. Pop’s Nightclub, 401 Monsanto Ave., East St. Louis, 618-274-6720. NICK CANNON’S “WILD ‘N OUT LIVE”: w/ Katt Williams 6 p.m., $30-$175. Enterprise Center, 1401 Clark Ave., St. Louis, 314-241-1888. ORGONE: 8 p.m., $15. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. PIRATE SIGNAL: w/ The Tennis Lesson, The Mercs, Lunar Fuse 8 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. PRE-PHILADELPHIAPOLOZA: w/ Sophisticated Babies, Stone Sugar Shakedown, Scandeleros 9 p.m., $8. Broadway Oyster Bar, 736 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-621-8811. ROOTS OF A REBELLION: 9 p.m., $10-$13. The Bootleg, 4140 Manchester Ave., St. Louis, 314-775-0775. WILL HOGE: 8 p.m., $20-$25. Off Broadway, 3509


You’ve Been On My Mind” and “What Was It You Wanted?” into strange battlegrounds where her voice, like a flaming, desolating sword, cuts to the bone and lays bare her and perhaps even Dylan’s soul. “Fierce” and “haunting” barely begin to describe the emotional power of Bettye LaVette’s blues. Under the Covers: “It’s like I’m in bed with them,” LaVette has said of how she has her way with Dylan’s songs. “You can’t tell me how to make love to them.” —Roy Kasten

ALL ROOSTERED UP: noon, free. Broadway Oyster Bar, 736 S. Broadway, St. Louis, 314-621-8811. ARC IRIS RELEASE SHOW: w/ Tristen, David Beeman 8 p.m., $12. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. BOOTYGROOVE: 8 p.m., $15. Blueberry Hill - The Duck Room, 6504 Delmar Blvd., University City, 314-727-4444. THE DRIFTAWAYS: 11 p.m., free. Halo Bar, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-1414. A FUNKY-A-FARE: 7 p.m., $7-$10. Boathouse, 6101 Government Drive, St. Louis, 314-367-2224. MISSOURI BREAKS: 9:30 p.m., free. The Frisco Barroom, 8110 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, 314-455-1090. MY POSSE IN EFFECT: A TRIBUTE TO THE BEASTIE BOYS: w/ Discrepancies 8 p.m., $15-$20. Delmar Hall, 6133 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. ROCK ‘N ROLL FOR REFUGE: w/ Arvell & Company 7 p.m., $75-$115. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. SHIVER: 9 p.m., free. Nightshift Bar & Grill, 3979 Mexico Road, St. Peters, 636-441-8300. SLIGHTLY STOOPID: w/ Hirie 8 p.m., $35-$37.50. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. THE PLUS ONE WEDDING SHOW: TODD AND MAGGIE GET MARRIED: w/ Dubb Nubb, Sunsulking, Frag-


ARIANNA STRING QUARTET: 7:30 p.m., $10. UMSL at Grand Center, 3651 Olive St, St. Louis. THE BUSH SISTERS: 8 p.m., $55-$99. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. AN EVENING WITH SCHUBERT AND BEETHOVEN: 7:30 p.m., $5-$12. UMSL at Grand Center, 3651 Olive St, St. Louis. FOR THE BIRDS: 7:30 p.m., $38. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900.


AFTER THE BURIAL: w/ The Acacia Strain 6 p.m., $20-$24. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. THE ALARM: 8 p.m., $20. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. CHRISTINA AGUILERA: w/ Big Boi 8 p.m., TBA. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314-499-7600. EL TEN ELEVEN: 8 p.m., $15-$17. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. FOR THE BIRDS: 7:30 p.m., $38. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. (SANDY) ALEX G: w/ Half Waif 8 p.m., $15-$18. Blueberry Hill - The Duck Room, 6504 Delmar Blvd., University City, 314-727-4444.

THIS JUST IN THE 4TH ANNUAL HO HO HARDCORE SHOW: W/ Kublai Khan, Left Behind, Cavil, Polterguts, Life Sucks, Brute Force, Wed., Dec. 19, 6 p.m., $15. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. ADVANCE BASE: W/ Hunter Dragon, From a Cloud, Wed., Nov. 21, 8:30 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. THE AMERICAN PROFESSIONALS: W/ Consiglio, Sauer and Eide, Keokuk, Fri., Nov. 23, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. ARIANA GRANDE: Sat., April 13, 7 p.m., TBA. Enterprise Center, 1401 Clark Ave., St. Louis, 314-241-1888. AS IT IS: W/ Point North, Sat., Feb. 16, 6 p.m., free. Fubar, 3108 Locust St, St. Louis, 314-289-9050. BAD WIRES: Breath Fire, Thu., Nov. 29, 9 p.m., $5. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. BASSAMP AND DANO: W/ The Fighting Side, Shame Finger, Fri., Nov. 9, 8 p.m., $5. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis,



David Cross 8 p.m. Sunday, November 4. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Boulevard. $37.50. 314-7266161.

You most likely know him as Tobias Fünke, the clueless analyst/therapist (though abbreviated to a deeply unfortunate portmanteau) from the cult television series Arrested Development. Or maybe you know him better as Bob Odenkirk’s shorter, balder comedic partner on HBO’s Mr. Show. One thing is for sure, and that’s if you’re a citizen of the city of St. Louis, you likely do not know David Cross from catching his standup performance at a local club. That’s because it’s been more than 314-328-2309. BLANK: W/ Syna So Pro, Body Leash, Fri., Nov. 16, 9:30 p.m., $5. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. BROTHER FRANCIS AND THE SOULTONES: W/ Jr. Clooney, Two Cities One World, Thu., Nov. 29, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. BUILDINGS: W/ The Conformists, Maximum Effort, Sat., Nov. 10, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. CELIA’S YULETIDE EXPRESS: W/ Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship, Fri., Dec. 21, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. CHAPTERS: W/ Embracer, Houseplant, Biff K’Narly and the Reptilians, Sat., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., $7. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309.

fifteen years since a disastrous set at Saint Louis University led to Cross dubbing St. Louis “the most humorless city in America.” It would seem that the student-run group that booked him at the Jesuit school was not familiar with his caustic, atheistic comedic style, nor did they take kindly to it. But time heals all wounds, as they say, and Cross is finally coming back, telling RFT in early October he was ready to give the city another shot. Second Chances All Around: “I want to flip this script,” Cross told RFT. “Let’s stay humble and grounded. St. Louis is giving me another chance, and I appreciate the opportunity.” —Daniel Hill

CHRIS KNIGHT: W/ Charley Crockett, Sat., Jan. 12, 8 p.m., $25. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. DESIRE LINES: W/ Lonesome Heroes, Justin Johnson, Sat., Feb. 16, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. THE DRIFTAWAYS: Sat., Nov. 3, 11 p.m., free. Halo Bar, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-1414. FANGS: W/ Ex Oh Ex, Docere, Fri., Dec. 7, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. FLESH MOTHER: W/ Coffin Fit, Dear Satan, Vacation Drugs, Thu., Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., $7. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. THE GOOD DEEDS: W/ Mt. Thelonious, Prairie

Continued on pg 50





OUT EVERY NIGHT Continued from pg 49 Rehab, Fri., Dec. 7, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. THE HOLY HAND GRENADES: W/ The Many Colored Death, Ben Diesel, Fri., Nov. 9, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. HOOTEN HALLERS: Sat., Dec. 22, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. JAKE SIMMONS & THE LITTLE GHOSTS: W/ Fight Back Mountain, Moses Moses, Mon., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m., $5. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. LALAH HATHAWAY: W/ Raheem DeVaughn, Lyfe Jennings, Sun., Feb. 17, 7 p.m., $59-$99. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314-499-7600. THE LANGALEERS: W/ The Potomac Accord, Aquitaine, Fri., Dec. 14, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. LASSO SPELLS: W/ Desire Lines, Boreal Hills, Thu., Nov. 15, 8 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. LES GRUFF AND THE BILLY GOAT: Sat., Nov. 17, 11 p.m., free. Halo Bar, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-1414. LES GRUFF AND THE BILLY GOAT ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: W/ Elliott Pearson and the Passing Lane, Sat., Dec. 8, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. LOCATE S,1: W/ Glued, Zak M, Thu., Nov. 1, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. MOON THIEF: W/ Everybodies, Rear Window Ethics, Sat., Nov. 24, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. MOTOR JAXON: W/ Accelerando, Thank You Jesus The Band, Fri., Nov. 30, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. OLD WOUNDS: W/ SeeYouSpaceCowboy, Chamber, Reaver, Brute Force, Thu., Nov. 8, 7 p.m., $10. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway,


Continued from pg 48

wednesday october 31 9:45pm Urban Chestnut Presents

the voodoo players

PLAY Ween on halloWEEN show thursday november 1 9pm

jaden carlson band from boulder co. 17 year old guitar phenom friday NOVEMBER 2 10 PM


the voodoo players

tribute to the allman brothers friday november 9 10 pm

seth walker band

formats: analog, digital and vector scanning. If the abundant sound and stimuli feel a bit abstract, consider the overarching theme — this night explores the relationship between changes in media format and consumption, and the human condition of racing to keep up with it all.

Arc Iris Album Release Show w/ Tristen, David Beeman 8 p.m. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Avenue. $12. 314-498-6989.

Providence, Rhode Island-based indie outfit Arc Iris must love St. Louis, because not only is it coming through once again, but it’s naming this night at Off Broadway the official album release for its new Icon of Ego. The band has widened its diameter to pop with a theatrical vibe. There’s a lot of experimentation on this new album, but it has more to do with structure and harmonic blending than just piling on effects. The night wlll be made even more expansive with the inclusion of supernova songstress Tristen and St. Louis’ own pop-faring David Beeman.

from new orleans





St. Louis, 314-328-2309. ONE WARM COAT BENEFIT SHOW: W/ The Midlife, Better Days, Slow Damage, Tensions Rising, Arm’s Length, Sat., Nov. 17, 7 p.m., $7. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. PAULA POUNDSTONE: Sat., Feb. 2, 8 p.m., $41.50$44.50. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. PIRATE SIGNAL: W/ The Tennis Lesson, The Mercs, Lunar Fuse, Fri., Nov. 2, 8 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. THE RED-HEADED STRANGERS ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: W/ Aught Naughts, LS XPRSS, Sat., Dec. 1, 9 p.m., TBA. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. THE REPUTATIONS: W/ Mammoth Piano, The Native Sons, Sun., Nov. 11, 7:30 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. THE ROOT DIGGERS: W/ Mound City Slickers, Three Crooked Men, Sat., Dec. 29, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. RUSTY NAIL: W/ Lumet, Golden Curls, Sat., Nov. 17, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. SENSOR SHAKE: W/ Lumet, Golden Curls, Fri., Nov. 16, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. SHRED FLINTSTONE: W/ Necessities, Slow Boys, Young Animals, Wed., Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m., $5. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. SILVER TALON: W/ Speedclaw, Acid Leather, Blackwell, Fri., Nov. 23, 7:30 p.m., $10. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. SILVI, SILVI: W/ Ross Christopher, Sat., Dec. 22, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. SLEEPING WITH SIRENS: W/ Ashland, Wed., Nov. 7, 8 p.m., $25. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. SMINO: Fri., Dec. 14, 8 p.m., $25-$27.50. The Pag-

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Bit Brigade w/ Thor Axe 8 p.m. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave. $10. 314-498-6989.

Have we reached the point where games can be held in high esteem alongside film and music? Some would argue no. For the rest of us, not only is the artistic value of games a settled fact, but we already know the classics, and if there’s a video-game equivalent of the Criterion Collection, 1988’s Mega Man 2 would no doubt be featured. Bit Brigade pays tribute to the timeless NES cart by performing the soundtrack live with a full band while a player speedruns through the game on an on-stage projector. This is no small feat, as both the songs and the game itself are absurdly difficult to play, much less play flawlessly. Now, if only someone could gently tell Bit Brigade that its advertised “Bit Brigade Performs Mega Man II” is a mistake — Mega Man II is a Gameboy title that’s actually an entirely separate game than Mega Man 2. —Joseph Hess Each week we bring you our picks for the best concerts of the weekend. To submit your show for consideration, visit riverfronttimes. com/stlouis/Events/AddEvent. All events subject to change; check with the venue for the most up-to-date information.

OUT EVERY NIGHT Continued from pg 50 eant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. STAGHORN: W/ Anodes, Reaver, Sun., Nov. 25, 8 p.m., $7. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. STANK THUNDER: W/ Hands and Feet, Sat., Dec. 1, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. THE STATE PROPERTY REUNION TOUR: W/ Beanie Sigel, Freeway, Young GUNZ, Peedi Crakk, Wed., Nov. 21, 8 p.m., $25-$50. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. STEVE HAUSCHILDT: W/ Temporal Marauder, DJ Negative Spaces, Thu., Dec. 6, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. STILL WOOZY: Mon., Jan. 28, 8 p.m., $12-$15. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. STOVE: W/ Complainer, Maneka, Glued, Thu., Dec. 6, 8:30 p.m., $8. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. SUBTROPOLIS: W/ Drew Gowran, Thu., Dec. 20, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. TROPA MAGICA: W/ Banana Clips, Mon., Nov. 26, 8 p.m., $10-$12. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. WAITING FOR FLYNN: Fri., Nov. 16, 11 p.m., free. Halo Bar, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-1414. WOOD CHICKENS: W/ Bucko Toby, Echo Shampo, Sun., Nov. 18, 8 p.m., $5. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. WYVES: W/ Bastard and the Crows, Tue., Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. ZIGTEBRA: W/ Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship, Bounce House, Party Dress, Sun., Nov. 18, 9 p.m., $7. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100.


ADIA VICTORIA: Tue., Feb. 26, 8 p.m., $12-$14. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. AMANDA SHIRES: Thu., Nov. 29, 8 p.m., $20-$35. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. ASHES TO STARDUST: THE MUSIC OF DAVID BOWIE: Wed., Nov. 21, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. BIG FREEDIA: Fri., Dec. 14, 9 p.m., $35. Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, 3750 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-535-4660. BOB SEGER AND THE SILVER BULLET BAND: Fri., Nov. 30, 7 p.m., TBA. Enterprise Center, 1401 Clark Ave., St. Louis, 314-241-1888. THE BOTTLE ROCKETS: Sat., Nov. 24, 8 p.m., $20. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. BRIAN WILSON: W/ Al Jardine, Blondie Chaplin, Thu., Nov. 15, 6 p.m., $55-$100. Family Arena, 2002 Arena Parkway, St Charles, 636-896-4200. BRONCHO: Thu., Dec. 13, 8 p.m., $15. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. BRUISER QUEEN: W/ NIL8, Spacetrucker, Thu., Nov. 22, 7 p.m., $10-$12. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. CLOUD NOTHINGS: W/ Nap Eyes, Wed., Nov. 14, 8 p.m., $15. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. CRACKER, CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN: Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m., $40-$50. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. DR. DOG: W/ The Nude Party, Mon., Feb. 25, 8 p.m., $20-$28. Delmar Hall, 6133 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. ELVIS COSTELLO & THE IMPOSTERS: Wed., Nov. 21, 8 p.m., $35.50-$128.50. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314-499-7600. HOOTEN HALLERS: Sat., Dec. 22, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. INTERPOL: Sat., Feb. 9, 8 p.m., $30-$40. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161.

KOO KOO KANGA ROO: W/ Kitty Kat Fan Club, Thu., Nov. 29, 6 p.m., $15. Blueberry Hill - The Duck Room, 6504 Delmar Blvd., University City, 314-727-4444. KURT VILE AND THE VIOLATORS: W/ the Sadies, Sun., Feb. 24, 8 p.m., $25-$30. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO: Sun., Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m., $30-$45. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. LES GRUFF AND THE BILLY GOAT ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: W/ Elliott Pearson and the Passing Lane, Sat., Dec. 8, 8 p.m., $10. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. LET’S NOT RECORD RELEASE SHOW: W/ Mammoth Piano, the Defeated County, Fri., Nov. 16, 8 p.m., free. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. LOJIC: W/ Common Jones, Midwest Avengers, Mathias and the Pirates, Sat., Nov. 24, 8 p.m., $10-$12. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. LUCERO: W/ Strand of Oaks, Sat., Nov. 17, 8 p.m., $25-$35. W/ Strand of Oaks, Sun., Nov. 18, 8 p.m., $25-$35. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. MAXWELL: Thu., Nov. 15, 8 p.m., $32-$122. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314-499-7600. MIDWEST AVENGERS: W/ Anthony Lucius, Sat., Jan. 19, 8 p.m., $20. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. NATHANIEL RATELIFF & THE NIGHT SWEATS: W/ Albert Hammond Jr., Fri., Nov. 30, 8 p.m., $25$59. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314-499-7600. NONAME: Wed., Jan. 23, 8 p.m., $25-$30. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. OF MONTREAL: W/ Reptaliens, Thu., Nov. 15, 8 p.m., $20-$23. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. PALE DIVINE: Sat., Dec. 15, 8 p.m., $25-$40. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-7266161. PATTON OSWALT: Sat., Dec. 1, 8 p.m., $40-$85. Family Arena, 2002 Arena Parkway, St Charles, 636-896-4200. PAULA POUNDSTONE: Sat., Feb. 2, 8 p.m., $41.50$44.50. The Sheldon, 3648 Washington Blvd., St. Louis, 314-533-9900. POKEY LAFARGE: Thu., Dec. 27, 8 p.m., $20. Fri., Dec. 28, 8 p.m., $20. Off Broadway, 3509 Lemp Ave., St. Louis, 314-498-6989. PONO AM: W/ The Schizophonics, Fri., Nov. 16, 9 p.m., $7. The Heavy Anchor, 5226 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, 314-352-5226. THE RED-HEADED STRANGERS ALBUM RELEASE SHOW: W/ Aught Naughts, LS XPRSS, Sat., Dec. 1, 9 p.m., TBA. Foam Coffee & Beer, 3359 Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, 314-772-2100. RIFFS FOR GIFTS: W/ Outrun The Fall, ThePour, Steeples, Monkh & The People, The Matching Shoe, Silent Hollow, Sat., Nov. 24, 6:30 p.m., $10. Pop’s Nightclub, 401 Monsanto Ave., East St. Louis, 618-274-6720. SAMANTHA FISH: Sun., Dec. 30, 8 p.m., $20. Mon., Dec. 31, 9 p.m., $60. Old Rock House, 1200 S. 7th St., St. Louis, 314-588-0505. SMASHING PUMPKINS: Sat., Dec. 1, 7 p.m., $35. Stifel Theatre, 1400 Market St, St. Louis, 314499-7600. SMINO: Fri., Dec. 14, 8 p.m., $25-$27.50. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. SMOKING POPES: W/ Amuse, Sat., Nov. 17, 8 p.m., $15-$18. The Firebird, 2706 Olive St., St. Louis, 314-535-0353. ST. PAUL & THE BROKEN BONES: Fri., March 22, 8 p.m., $25-$40. The Pageant, 6161 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, 314-726-6161. STAGHORN: W/ Anodes, Reaver, Sun., Nov. 25, 8 p.m., $7. The Sinkhole, 7423 South Broadway, St. Louis, 314-328-2309. STEVE MARTIN AND MARTIN SHORT: W/ I’m With Her, Jeff Babko, Sat., Dec. 1, 8 p.m., $60-$265. The Fox Theatre, 527 N. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, 314-534-1111. STRFKR: W/ Shy Boys, Sun., March 3, 9 p.m., $20-$24. The Ready Room, 4195 Manchester Ave, St. Louis, 314-833-3929. SUBTROPOLIS: W/ Drew Gowran, Thu., Dec. 20, 9 p.m., free. Schlafly Tap Room, 2100 Locust St., St. Louis, 314-241-2337. n









SAVAGE LOVE FLOORED BY DAN SAVAGE Hey, Dan: I’m a 40-year-old married straight woman. I gave birth to our first kid in 2015 and our second earlier this year. My perineum tore and was stitched both times. I have not been able to have sex with penetration since having our second child. My OB/GYN said I’m “a little tighter now” due to the way the stitching was performed. My husband is very well endowed and I can’t imagine how on earth I’m ever going to get that thing back in me, let alone enjoy it. We have a history of pretty hot sex and I really miss it. I’ve been searching online for some sex toys to help me. I’ve never used sex toys before. I’ve always been able to have thrilling orgasms easily without any devices. I still can with manual stimulation. But I want to have sex with my husband. I’m confused and I just don’t know what I need to help me open back up and get through the pain. Please help! Thanks In Advance “Unfortunately, this situation is very common—but luckily there are options to help her get her groove back,” said Dr. Rachel Gelman, a pelvic floor physical therapist at the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center (pelvicpainrehab.com). Also sadly common: OB/GYNs shrugging off concerns like yours, TIA. “I see that all the time,” said Dr. Gelman. “Part of the problem is that the pelvic floor/muscles aren’t on most doctor’s radar. That’s due to many factors — cough, cough, insurance companies, cough, our dysfunctional health-care system, cough — but to water it down, it’s the OB/GYN’s job to get someone through pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. And when that’s accomplished, the feeling is their job is done.” But so long as you’re not able to have and enjoy PIV sex with your hung husband, TIA, there’s still work to do. “TIA needs to see a pelvic floor physical therapist,” said Dr. Gelman. “A good PT would be able to assess and treat any pelvic floor

dysfunction, which is often the primary cause or a contributing factor for anyone experiencing pain with sex, especially after childbirth.” At this point Dr. Gelman began to explain that pushing a living, breathing, screaming human being out of your body is an intense experience, and I explained to Dr. Gelman that I’ve had to push a few living, breathing, screaming human beings out of my body, thank you very much. Dr. Gelman clarified that she was talking about “the trauma of labor and delivery,” something with which I have no experience. “Labor and delivery can have a significant impact on the pelvic floor muscles which can cause a myriad of symptoms,” said Dr. Gelman. Pain during PIV sex sits high on the list of those symptoms. “The fact that TIA had tearing with the deliveries means she most likely has scar tissue, and a PT would again be able to treat the scar to help decrease any hypomobility and hypersensitivity,” said Dr. Gelman. “A pelvic floor specialist can also instruct her in a home program which may include stretches, relaxation techniques, and dilators — dilators are graduated cylinders that are inserted vaginally to help stretch the vaginal opening and promote relaxation of the pelvic floor.” A set of “graduated cylinders” is essentially “a bouquet of dildos,” TIA. You start with the smallest dilator/dildo, inserting it every day until you can insert it without any pain or discomfort, and then you “graduate” (nudge, nudge) to the next “cylinder” (wink, wink). You can order a set of dilators online, TIA, but Dr. Gelman wants you to find a doc that specializes in sexual medicine first. “There are some good medical associations that she can check out for resources and to help locate a provider in her area,” said Dr. Gelman. “The websites of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) and the International Pelvic Pain Society (IPPS) are where she should start.” Follow Dr. Gelman on Instagram, @pelvichealthsf. Hey, Dan: I’m a 30-year-old wom-

“She has the impression that anyone in the sex trade industry is by definition a victim.” an, and about a year ago I started taking improv classes to help combat my social anxiety. I met a lot of awesome people in my class, but I took a particular shine to this one guy. He was a gentle soul, very sweet and really funny. We quickly became friends. Eventually I developed feelings for him and asked him out. He appreciated the offer but told me that he was gay. I was shocked and disappointed, but I wanted to keep our friendship so I tried to get over my feelings. But not only haven’t these feelings gone away, I’m actually falling in love with him. He recently confessed to me that he’s still semicloseted and dealing with a bad breakup so I really don’t want to add to his problems. This is such a mess. I found this wonderful guy who I care about and yet nothing will ever happen because I was born the wrong gender. What can I do?!? Introvert Makes Pass, Regrets Overture Very Seriously Nothing. You can’t make that gay guy fall in love with you, IMPROVS, anymore than I could make Hasan Minhaj fall in love with me. Getting over him is your only option, and that’s gonna take some time and most likely some space, too. (I’d recommend seeing less of your crush after this class ends.) But give yourself some credit for doing something proactive about your social anxiety, for taking a risk and for asking your classmate out. You didn’t take that improv class to find love, right? You took it to combat your social anxiety — and it sounds like you won a few battles, IMPROVS, if not the war. The takeaway here isn’t, “It didn’t work with him so why should I bother ever trying again with someone else?” but, “I did it — I made a connection, I asked



someone out — and I’m going do it again and hopefully it’ll work out next time.” Hey, Dan: I’m an early-30s heteroflexible man in an open marriage with a bi woman, though both of us have been too chicken to actually go through on acting on the “open” part. Neither of us are hung up on jealousy, so that’s not a factor here. I recently confessed to my wife that I have had a long-standing desire to sleep with a trans woman. Yes, I know that it’s immature to not have disclosed all my kink cards prior to marriage, but I have my reasons, and thankfully, my wonderful wife let me off the hook and was very supportive. I expressed to her that I have considered seeing a professional trans escort rather than trying for a “hook up” situation. Her reaction was highly negative, as she has the impression that anyone in the sex trade industry is by definition a victim. Where do I go from here? I am uncomfortable with the idea of putting myself out there to meet a trans woman in my city (especially since I’m not looking for a relationship), but I don’t want to violate my wife’s trust and see an escort. Don’t Know What To Do Put yourself on a dating and/or hookup app, say that you’re partnered and only looking for something casual, and add that you welcome responses from trans women. Some trans women are rightly annoyed by all the cis men out there who only wanna hook up, DKWTD, and never date or be seen in public with them. But trans folks are just like other folks — some are taken, some are looking, some are taken and looking. If you get grief from a trans woman who’s annoyed that you aren’t open to dating women like her, DKWTD, let her vent — her frustrations are perfectly legitimate — while you wait for a response from a trans woman looking to buy what you’re selling. P.S. The trans escorts I know, women who freely chose their jobs, will be surprised to learn that they’re victims, at least according to your highly opinionated and woefully misinformed wife. Listen to Dan’s podcast at savagelovecast.com. mail@savagelove.net


















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St. Louis’ ONLY Axe Throwing Bar and Grill

Happy hour is great, but being packed into a small space isn’t. How can you hear your friends’ office gossip when 30 other people are surrounding you, confined to a tiny bar area during the post-work rush? Luckily, Three Kings Public House eliminates that problem by providing plenty of space – the entire establishment, in fact. Instead of limiting its happy hour specials to the bar, Three Kings encourages patrons to roam throughout the business and pull up a seat wherever they’d like. And why not? In its three full-service, spacious locations adorned with warm brick, solid wood and namesake “three kings” (Elvis Presley, Henry the VIII and King Kong), every nook is a perfect place for drinking with pals or meeting a date. Three Kings offers plenty of drink specials during its generous happy hour. In all three locations -- University City, Des Peres and South County -- patrons can enjoy $2 off select wines by the glass, half off all drafts and $3.99 drinks on



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select liquors 3-6 p.m. every Monday through Thursday. In the U-City Loop location, night owls can take advantage of an additional happy hour 3-6 p.m. every Sunday through Thursday. It’s impossible to leave hungry from a Three Kings happy hour, as the restaurant includes many of its elevated pub foods at a daily discount. For an early dinner, try the BBQ pulled-pork sliders – dry rubbed and slow smoked pork shoulder smothered in Three Kings bourbon BBQ sauce, caramelized onions and melted cheddar cheese. For a snack to share, the restaurant’s signature hummus is the way to go, with lemon, garlic and chili oil enhancing the flavor of the garbanzo bean puree. These options along with potato skins, toasted ravioli, fried pickles, pretzel twists, nachos, house-made pub chips, house-made nuts and steamed edamame are available for $5.99 during weekday happy hour at all full-service locations.


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