BOOM! July 2014

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July 2014

for Boomers and Beyond

Now See This Finding Macular Degeneration Early Can Slow the Progress of the Disease When eye doctors dilate and peer into our peepers, they’re looking for telltale signs of early problems. One that’s on the checklist: age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a main cause of vision loss in people 50 and older. Yet early on, it might produce no symptoms. The only way to find it is to look deep inside the eyes. The macula’s job. The macula is a small area of the retina that is filled with lightsensitive cells. It allows your eye to have sharp central vision. When you thread a needle, read small print, look at someone’s face or write a letter, you’re using the macula. With age, the macula can start to change. Two general types of AMD may develop: Dry AMD. It’s the most common, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases. It generally progresses slowly as cells in the macula break down and affect messages to the brain. Small yellow deposits, called drusen, form in the back of the eye. Wet AMD. This affects just 10 percent of the people with AMD, but it can progress more quickly and cause more damage to vision than the dry form. In wet AMD, blood vessels grow, leak and damage the macula and can cause scars under the retina. Dry AMD can progress to wet AMD. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, people with advancing AMD The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

might notice: • Blurry or fuzzy vision. • The need for brighter lights to see up close. • Trouble recognizing faces. • A dark or empty spot in the center of vision. • Colors losing their brightness. • Straight lines that appear bent or wavy. • Loss of central vision—the type needed for driving and reading. Stay focused. There’s no cure for AMD. For the dry type, treatment involves careful, regular monitoring and testing to watch progression. High-dose vitamin supplements may be recommended for moderate to advanced cases. Treatment for wet AMD might involve laser surgery or injections—or both—to stop vessels from growing and bleeding. AMD doesn’t usually affect side vision, so it typically leads to vision loss, not total blindness. High-powered magnifying glasses, telescopes, hand magnifiers, e-books, large-print reading material and magnifying computers are some of the aids that can help if vision problems develop. The main message to remember: See your eye doctor for regular dilated-eye exams. It’s the only way to catch AMD early—and give you the most options for protecting your eyesight.

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July 2014



Join us at Frazer for a year of preaching through this life-changing book that will show you exactly who Jesus Christ is. “Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” –John 20:30-31 THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 2014, Pastors Tim Thompson and Patrick Quinn will be preaching verse by verse through the gospel of John in all of Frazer’s Sunday morning worship services. Jesus made the remarkable claim that He came to give you life—real, abundant, overflowing life right now, and eternal life in the world to come. This teaching series will lead you to the heart of who this Jesus is and what it means to believe in Him.

Frazer Church: find hope, Follow Jesus • Sunday worship 8, 9:30 & 11AM 6000 atlanta Hwy. Montgomery • • 334.2728622 •

BOOM!, The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


July 2014

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Volume 5 Issue 1

Carl Bard

Humor Advice Health Community

Thought Relationships Taste Inspiration

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

3 Jackson Hospital’s Health News 6 Publisher’s Letter 10 Dating Advice Lisa Copeland 15 Questions about Lung Cancer Screening 16 BOOM! Cover Profile 19 AUM’s Lifelong Learning 20 Non-Surgical Volume Correction Dr. Michael Bowman

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24 My mother is 85 years old... Ask an Elder Law Attorney 26 BANG! SIZZLE! BOOM! Protect Your Ears

Features 8 Tater Tot Rally

Riding the trails on a Trike

22 ATL Movie Tours

From Walking Dead to Blind Side to Gone With The Wind

28 “My Dad’s Letters”

36 Remodeling Today... “Aging in Place” for Tomorrow

30 10 Tips for Perfect Posture Leigh Anne Richards 32 3-D Food Printing

Departments 13 This and That

Now You’re “In the Know”

33 Family’s Stamp Collecting

44 {12} Things

Solutions for Bored Boomers

46 Greg Budell

“Never take a laxative and sleeping pill at the same time”


35 Montgomery Curb Market Art & Soul 40 Natural Ways to Alleviate Anxiety 42 BOOM! Advertising


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BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine is published monthly by River Region Publications, 6398 Eastwood Glen Pl., Montgomery, AL 36117. The phone number for voice and fax is 334.523.9510. Copyright 2014 by River Region Publications. No part of this publication can be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in BOOM! The River Regions 50+ Lifestage Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the owners, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products and services herein.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

July 2014



publisher’s letter

Pursuit of Happiness The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.


Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

Associate Editor Kelly Watson

Contributing Writers Sandi Aplin Dr. Bettie Borton Dr. Michael Bowman Greg Budell

Lisa Copeland Erica Curless Karen Garloch Kimi Harris Kim Hendrix Stephen Hudak Kevin Kirkland Kim Palmer Leigh Anne Richards Sabrina Rocco Brittany Spahr Jenniffer Weigel Raley L. Wiggins Kathy Witt

Jim Watson, Publisher

One of the most remarkable things about America is its Declaration of Independence, in which it is declared we all have inalienable Rights and one of those is the Pursuit of Happiness. Are you pursuing happiness in your life? I’ve asked that question often in my life and many times I can say the answer has been yes. I’m not exactly sure what Thomas Jefferson meant when he included the famous words “Pursuit of Happiness” in that famous Declaration but to me it’s about pursuing your dreams, your goals and aspirations. Wherever you are in your pursuit I hope you’ll consider Carl Bard’s quote, “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Go on and get happy!

In this month’s Cover Profile you’ll learn about someone who is pursuing a new aspect of her career that appears to make her very happy. She is passionate about what she does and what she believes. Kim Hendrix will infect you with her enthusiasm for sharing the Gospel and what effect it has had on her life and her story will inspire you to stop and think about your own. I hope you enjoy getting to know Kim this month, I certainly did. We have plenty of other good reads to stimulate your thinking, like Greg Budell’s experience with Dolly Parton, oh what a mess! And then we have the Tater Tot Rally, where older adults gather to ride their “trikes”. Dr. Bowman shares some ideas on how to add volume this summer in a non-invasive way and Leigh Anne Richards shares 10 tips to a Perfect Posture. Of course there’s plenty more, so take some a few minutes out of your busy day and sit back, relax and enjoy this month’s issue of BOOM!

Cover Photography Kim Bethea The Studio @ EastChase

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and sharing BOOM! with a friend. Don’t forget, you can read the digital and interactive BOOM! anytime at When you read the digital and interactive version you have all the links to advertiser’s websites and events, which makes reading BOOM! more like exploring. Finally, when you go to please join the BOOM! Community and we’ll share more good things with you. Stay independent and get your happy on! 334.239.3196


Jim Watson, 334.523.9510

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July 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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July 2014



By Erica Curless To Ron Spiewak, it’s all about how he looks. That’s why it took some prideswallowing for the veteran and onetime bike racer to embrace a threewheeled bike that looks more like a recliner on wheels.

Tater TOT Rally

But today Spiewak, 65, of Spirit Lake, Idaho, knows he has a cool ride, one that he can pedal into old age. He brags about his trike at every opportunity and is excited to promote the Tater TOT (Tricycles Optional Tour) Rally, a gathering of hundreds of trikes and recumbent two-wheelers held in late June in nearby Kellogg. In its eighth year, this loosely organized and free event draws trike riders from across the country and Canada to ride the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes, the Hiawatha Trail and other routes throughout the historic mining area of North Idaho. One of the highlights is always a ride to the Enaville Resort Snake Pit in Kingston. The kickoff is at the GuestHouse Inn across from the gondola, which is the official gathering spot for the very unofficial event that boasts all fun and no rules, no tight schedules, no leaders and no fees. An online forum, a fact sheet website page and two Facebook pages are the only real organizing components for the event. Wayne Leggett of California, attended what became the unplanned but inaugural Tater TOT when his wife and neighbors planned a trip to the Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes and put out the word on an online message board for recumbent and trike riders. About 20 trikers rode together that July 2007. Somehow it became an annual event. Leggett said it works because nobody has tried to make the gathering too official, formal or organized. “It’s a very, very welcoming atmosphere,” Leggett said. “A lot of people who ride trikes are still in that evangelistic mode. Just ask my wife.” Spiewak, somewhat of an evangelistic trike-pusher himself, agreed it’s the perfect opportunity for people to come learn more about trikes and why they are a fabulous option for anyone having aging problems, such as balance and joint pain, who wants to keep riding and recreating. All the trikes

and recumbent bikes are on display and many owners let people try out the rides and get the feel for a three-wheel, low-rider. Aches and pains are how Spiewak, a mostly retired house builder, got into trikes. Well, actually, it was his wife who broke her elbow after a fall from her road bike and decided she needed to embrace a new kind of bike riding. Like many baby boomers, Debbie Claire, 60, had no problem transitioning to a trike. She didn’t have to get over the “geek factor,” like her husband. “I’m the one that wanted to get one first,” Claire said. “I’m a nurse. I know not to let myself fall apart. I know when I’m 80, I can ride this trike.” Leggett said his friend has poor eyesight from diabetes and uses a trike for transportation. She recently bought a trike with a motor assist that allows her to do an entire Meals on Wheels route on her trike. The trikes have reclining bucket seats that keep the neck upright and the back in alignment with the rider’s weight evenly distributed. There is one wheel behind and two wheels in front. The pedals are on an adjustable boom out front and the steering, shifter and brake are controlled by handles at the side of the seat. Most have disc brakes and shocks. Because of the small frontal area, trikes are aerodynamic and fast with almost a go-kart feel. With the three wheels and low seat, the trikes are stable and nearly impossible to tip or fall off of. Claire said the only caution is that they are low to the ground, tire level

to a car, making the trikes difficult to see in traffic. That’s why most trike riders fly tall colorful safety flags and prefer carless routes. To help, Claire made sure their trikes were painted striking colors. Her’s hot pink. Spiewak’s bright yellow. “It seems like it’s a certain age group that is gravitating to the trikes,” said Debbie Domy, who owns Excelsior Cycle. “When you have aches and pains, people think about comfort more.” The shop sells Catrikes, usually just a handful a year, including to people who come to the Tater TOT Rally. She said the rally is great for the local economy and promoting the area and its trails. “They really like having the long, paved trails that are smooth and away from the traffic,” she said. Claire and Spiewak said the scenery is another draw, especially the mountains, the lakes and the wildlife. “It’s the most awesome environment,” Claire said. “People are just waiting for a moose to pop up on the trail.” The comments and photos on the online forum and Facebook pages are testimony to riders’ enjoyment of the week. “It was a long ride from Iowa, but the people there, and the trails with all their splendor, made it very fun and worthwhile,” wrote one rider on the BentRider Online Forum the last day of the ride in 2013. (c)2014 The Spokesman-Review Distributed by MCT Information Services


Tater TOT Rally: Bent Rider Online Forum: Facebook: www.facebook.comtaterTOTrecumbentrally or www.facebook.comevents/180294298828876/?ref=22 Trail of the Coeur d’Alenes:


July 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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July 2014




With Lisa Copeland

Why do the “wrong men” always want me? Dear Lisa,

I met a man online who seemed perfect for me. We emailed back and forth for about a month. We felt so comfortable that we ended up sharing a lot about our lives, including really personal stuff. We moved to the phone and talked a couple of times. It felt like we had such a deep connection. We literally could talk about anything. Well, we decided to meet. I was so excited. I dressed carefully because I just felt like this man could be the one and I wanted to look really good for him. We meet and for some reason in person the spark just wasn’t there. I really liked him on the phone and in emails but in person I was so disappointed. He must have felt the same way too, because I haven’t heard from him since that date. What happened? _ Diane


When you spend a lot of time emailing and talking on the phone, you are building a fantasy relationship _ creating a picture in your head of who you think someone is. Then when you meet and he doesn’t fit the picture . . . it fizzles. The best thing to do is limit emails to 2 or 3 and phone calls to 1 or 2. It’s good to get to a first date as quickly as possible to see whether a real relationship is possible. This way you won’t over share personal information about yourself with a man who might not turn out to be right for you.

Dear Lisa,

I think I’m falling for this man who lives about an hour and a half away. We definitely have chemistry but he just won’t do a relationship unless the girl practically lives next door to him. I just want to scream because when we

10 BOOM!

July 2014

do hang out together, we have so much fun. Besides the chemistry, we can talk about anything. He’s amazing! I want to just shake him and say wake up, what you want is right in front of you. Is there anything I can do to get him to go from friend status to romantic? Oh, he was willing to do “friends with benefits.” If I do that, will it help get him to see that I would be a fabulous girlfriend? Thanks for your help. _ Sad and Feeling Rejected

Dear Sad,

The difference between men and women is that women dance around what they really mean to say so no one gets hurt. Men say exactly what they mean and if this man says he’s not interested in a long distance relationship, he means it. Do not go into a friends with benefits relationship hoping it will change him. It won’t. You’ll end up bonding with him and the hormones that create the bonding will stay with you for up to two weeks. For him, they last only three days. He’s not boyfriend material for you. If this man wanted to be with you, the distance wouldn’t matter to him. Move on and find a man who’s willing to climb over mountains to get to you. That’s the type of man you want in your life and that’s the type of man who will do what it takes to make a committed relationship work.

Dear Lisa,

I’m 60 years old, a very pretty woman with blond hair and blue eyes. My hair is past my shoulders. I wear a size 10, working to get into an 8. I look like I’m in my 40s. The men I date online say I look better than my photos on the site. I

get dates with much older men, not the classy type of men I want. I am educated and classy. I need your help to turn things around for me. _ Thank you, Ellison


It sounds like you are pretty awesome. Your concern of not getting dates with the men you want is very common. In fact, men tell me a similar story. The women they want to date don’t want them. The problem with online dating is it’s very one-dimensional. Chances are, you are making snap decisions about men based on their looks and maybe their profile. I will tell you that there are a lot of very good men online who want a relationship but get passed over because they aren’t the best looking men out there. It’s too bad because these men are worth meeting. Also, men can grow on us and become cuter in our eyes as we get to know them better. So it’s worth giving a nice man a chance to see if a spark is there after a few dates. Lisa Copeland, “The Dating Coach Who Makes Dating Fun and Easier after 50!” (c)2014, Lisa Copeland, Distributed by MCT Information Services

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The 58-year-old graduate When it came to getting a college degree, Cheryl Sebjenics took her time _ one class at a time, in fact, for 14 years. And she started at age 45. “I’ve always loved to learn and I saw other people taking classes who were my age and so I thought, ‘I might as well get on the train and take classes too,’ “ said Sebjenics, 58, who received her bachelor’s degree in business administration and human resources in May from Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, Ohio. Sebjenics, who has a full-time job as a technical recruiter, graduated with a 4.0 grade point average. The following is an edited conversation with her: Q: What was the first class you took? A: I went and talked to the counselor and said, “I think I want to start with math,” and he looks at me and says, “I wouldn’t recommend you start with math.” I think

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

he was afraid that it would not be a good experience for me and I would say, “Forget it.” But I sailed right through and just loved it. Q: Were there any classes you were surprised you enjoyed? A: I enjoyed every class. You’ve got your requirements as a business major but then you have to take your electives in different areas. So literally the world was my oyster. Q: What did you take away from this experience? A: My biggest message in all of this is that it allowed me to connect with people, more people than I ever would have before because it has opened my eyes to a lot of different subject areas. I made lasting friendships, and having the ability to connect with people on some level, that really is what it’s all about. To me that is the most valuable thing.

By Jenniffer Weigel

Q: What did your husband (Bill Sebjenics) say when you graduated? A: We’ve been married 32 years, and he is a very sort of private guy and for him, a crowd is more than two people. So I honestly wasn’t even sure if he was going to come. But of course he came with flowers and a graduation teddy bear and he said, “Wow, this is really something!” So he’s now telling me, “Why don’t you go for your master’s?” (c)2014 Chicago Tribune Distributed by MCT Information Services

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July 2014




This & tHAT Crooning for a Cure

A Fundraiser to benefit The American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life and Augie’s Quest. After years of fund raising success with “Dancing with Celebrities” event founder Sherry Nath will debut “Crooning for a Cure” on Saturday July 26, 2014 in conjunction with the Capital City Club Charity Classic which benefits Augie’s Quest or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Instead of local celebrities dancing as in the past, she is seeking some of the region’s best singers (crooners). Crooning this year are: Melissa McInnis, St. James United Methodist Church Worship Leader, Barbara Blanks, local singer, Arrowhead Country Club, Julie Lopez, Marketing Director, Southern Homes and Gardens, Steffen Hughes, singer and model from Dothan, Al, Catherine Steineker Ray, Cash Management Manager, RSA Systems, Carolyn Glenn, a team member and talent recruiter for The Music Competition League 3. The Montgomery Recreators Band will provide live music for the singers. Emceed by Susan Woody, Radio personality and Patrick Skelton, manager, Capital City Club. The event will take place Saturday, July 26 at the Capital City Club, 201 Monroe St. Downtown Montgomery. 5:00-6:30 Silent Auction, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Registration, Social Hour/Wine Tasting, 6:30 p.m. Dinner and Show/Crooning. Cost $75 per person. RSVP by July 18, 2014 to Katy Williams at 334-834-8920 or katherine. williams@ourclub for more info visit or

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas The Wetumpka Depot Players presents this happy go lucky view of small town vice and statewide political side-stepping and recounts the good times and the demise of the Chicken Ranch, known since the 1850s as one of the better pleasure palaces in all of Texas. Governors, senators, mayors, and even victorious college football teams frequent Miss Mona’s cozy bordello until that puritan nemesis Watchdog focuses his television cameras and his righteous indignation on the institution. Performance dates: July 24-26, July 31 August 1-3, 7-9. For more info call 334.868.1440 or visit

Jasmine Hill Gardens Jasmine Hill Gardens and Outdoor Museum, “Alabama’s Little Corner of Greece,” now features over 20 acres of year-round floral beauty and classical sculpture, including new statuary honoring Olympic heroes. A tour of Jasmine Hill, now completely accessible to visitors with disabilities, offers spectacular and ever-changing views, including our full-scale replica of the Temple of Hera ruins as found in Olympia, Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Flame. Saturdays only, 9-5 pm, located just north of Montgomery. For more info visit

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

BOOMERS, share your stuff with BOOM! We Love to Bring BOOMERS Together, send info and pics to

HISTORIC STANDARD CLUBHOUSE GIFTED TO HOSPICE OF MONTGOMERY Bill and Lucy Jackson, along with Warren and Phyllis Jackson, hosted a reception where they so generously donated the Historic Standard Clubhouse and its grounds to Hospice of Montgomery for the future River Region Hospice Home. “We recognize the need in the River Region for a new kind of home of compassion, a Hospice Home”, said Mr. Jackson. “That is why Lucy and I are honored to present the Historic Standard Clubhouse and grounds as a gift from our hearts to the loving hearts of the people of Hospice of Montgomery.” Over 100 guests gathered on the beautiful grounds of the Standard Club in Cloverdale to express their enthusiasm and support for this project. The Home will Bill, Lucy, Phyllis and Warren Jackson be the first of its kind in the River Region. Hospice of Montgomery’s next step will be to begin a $10 million dollar capital campaign this fall. For more information please contact Amy Godsoe Capps at 334.279.6677 or or visit Future River Region Hospice Home

Beginning Saturday, June 21, 2014 and extending through Labor Day weekend, a daily guided tour will be offered to the public at the Museum of Alabama, located at the Alabama Department of Archives and History. This free, hour-long tour will begin at 1pm Monday - Saturday. No preregistration is required. Join one of our experienced docents as they guide you through Alabama’s past, highlighting incredible artifacts, images, and documents and answering your questions along the way. Alabama Department of Archives and History in downtown Montgomery, across the street from the State Capitol. Visit

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Martina McBride at The MPAC Appearing Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 7:30 pm Martina McBride has been called the Celine Dion of Country Music for her big-voiced ballads and soprano range. To date, Martina has sold over 18 million albums, which have included twenty top 10 singles and six #1s. She has earned more than 15 major music awards, including four wins for “Female Vocalist of the Year” from the Country Music Association and three wins for “Top Female Vocalist” from the Academy of Country Music. For more information and tickets visit

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July 2014



This & tHAT



6 Walking Tips for the Heat The extra daylight hours of summer make it the perfect season for squeezing in more activity, but the heat can deter even the most dedicated of outdoor exercisers. Follow these six tips to help you exercise safely and stay cool when you’re out walking this season. 1. GET ACCLIMATED. Don’t shock your body by trying to do too much too soon when the temperature’s hot, your body needs time to adjust to the heat. Start out with a certain distance and pace, and increase as you go. 2. PLAN YOUR WORKOUTS. Plan your walks for early morning or evening and not during peak sunshine hours when temperatures are the hottest. 3. STAY COOL IN YOUR CLOTHES. Wear light moisture-wicking clothes, and not cotton, so your clothes repel moisture and don’t stick to you. Moisture-wicking socks also prevent blisters. Be sure your clothing and hat are light colors and not black. 4. UP YOUR INTAKE OF WATER. If you’re walking, you need more than the standard 8 ounces of water eight times a day. Take a reusable water bottle with you on your walk. 5. PROTECT YOUR SKIN. Wear a high SPF sunscreen and don’t forget the back of your neck, the tipw of your ears, and your hands. It’s always a good idea to wear a hat to protect your scalp from the sun too. Also, look for a route that offers both sunlight and shade. 6. GO FOR THE CALORIE BURN, NOT THE SUNBURN. Instead of spending too much time in the sun and running the risk of overexertion, maximize your walks by using the full range of your arm swing. (c)2014 Prevention magazine, Distributed by MCT Information Services

Antique and Classic Car Fundraiser for Renascence Re-Entry Community. Mitchell Classics, owned by Bill Mitchell, was the unique setting for a fundraiser for Renascence Re-Entry Community. Antique and classic car enthusiasts showed support for Renascence by bidding on the personal use of a classic car such as a 2001 Ferrari 360 Modena or a 1988 Rolls Royce Convertible or for the luxury of riding in an amazing auto to include a 1921 Model T Coupe or a Pulsejet Rocket Car among others. Additional bids were placed for services and for the use of a Big Red Fire Truck for a children’s party. Bill, a member of the Renascence Board of Directors, saw this as an opportunity to support the important work of this program. Renascence’s mission is to help non-violent, male ex-offenders by addressing the issues that impact their opportunity to become successful Al Smith, Executive Director of Renascence Re-Entry program, along with board member members of the community. This transitional Laura Murdock, House Superintendent Derrick home provides an important link and support Wise, and resident David Tice enjoy posing in front of a 1926 Rolls Royce Limousine. for these men from prison life to community life. As a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, Renascence is not government sponsored, but relies on the generous donations of individuals. For more information visit Bill Mitchell, owner of Mitchell Classics, shows Douglass Porter the unique characteristics of a Pulsejet rocket Car. or call 832-1420 or email

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Questions about Lung Cancer Screening Advice Screening healthy people for cancer seems like a no-brainer. But it’s not as simple as it seems. Controversy swirls around differing recommendations for mammography screening for breast cancer. Now add lung cancer to the list. In May, a federal advisory committee recommended Medicare should not reimburse for lung cancer screening with CT scans. That comes despite a 2010 national research finding that low-dose CT scans of heavy smokers could detect tumors earlier than X-rays and reduce the risk of death from lung cancer by 20 percent. After that, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, which advises the government on the worth of screening tests, gave its OK to lung cancer screening for longtime smokers, ages 55 to 79. That means coverage will be required in 2015 for those with private insurance through the Affordable Care Act. But the Medicare advisory committee recommended against paying for the scans, citing potential problems of false positives and radiation exposure. A final decision is expected this fall, but Charlotte, N.C., radiologists expressed disappointment with the recommendation. “We’re kind of upset about it, let me put it mildly,” said Dr. Michael Kelley of Charlotte Radiology. Kelley has both personal and professional reasons for those feelings. His father died of lung cancer. A chest X-ray detected a tumor, and one of his lungs was removed. But within a year, the cancer had spread to his brain. If it had been discovered sooner, Kelley said, his father would have had a better chance of survival. “If we get this early, your chance of survival is quite good,” Kelley said. With the 2010 findings in mind, Kelley and other radiologists hoped more people would get screened because insurance would begin paying for it. Dr. James O’Brien of Mecklenburg Radiology Associates worries there will be a “two-tier system,” with some insurance already paying for screening but Medicare not paying. O’Brien leads the Charlotte section of an international lung cancer screening trial. Results published periodically show screening to be effective, he said. But he’s not optimistic Medicare will cover it. “I don’t know that anything could convince Medicare at this point to offer any more screening tests. Health care is taking up a lot of our gross national product, and Medicare’s been charged with cutting costs.” Dr. Edward Patz, a Duke University radiology professor, said it’s important to take time to “mine the data” from the research, to consider all the risks and benefits and weigh the cost of mass screening versus the number of true cancers identified. “There are lots of different factors that go into this. It is not a simple formula,” Patz said. “When you implement a system like this, you need to make sure you do it right. We need to think about fiscal responsibility.” By Karen Garloch (c)2014 The Charlotte Observer Distributed by MCT Information Services

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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July 2014




Kim Hendrix, Media, Ministry, Mama This month’s BOOM! profile is Kim Hendrix. Kim has now joined the 50+ Community but she shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, she has just taken on a new challenge as the Director of Media Ministries at her church, Frazer Memorial UMC. Her years in the media spotlight at WSFA will no doubt be beneficial as she leads Frazer to discover new and innovative ways to share the Gospel through today’s media outlets. Sharing the Gospel is an important part of who Kim is and many of you have experienced her Christian leadership through her writing and conferences. As a fiftysomething parent, Kim especially understands the dedication and commitment it takes to help Annie, her daughter, find her way into adulthood. Of course, her husband Scott has an equal role in this parenting adventure! Hope you enjoy getting to know Kim as much as we have. BOOM!: Please give us a brief biography, i.e. where you’re from, education, what brought you to the Montgomery area, did you raise your family here, schools, married, family, etc?

Suzanne Williams Photography

Kim: I’m a Texas girl who found her way to Montgomery in search of a better job in television news. I moved here in 1990 after getting a job offer to join the team at WSFA-12-News. Annie, Kim and Scott

After graduating from About a year The University of Texas after moving to with Journalism degree, Montgomery, I met I stepped right into Scott Skoneki through reporting the news at a co-worker at WSFA. KJAC-TV in the Beaumont/ My husband likes Port Arthur, Texas market, to say the Atlanta where I remained for 5 Braves brought us and a half years. It was together because we a great place to start often gathered with a career in broadcast a group of friends to journalism because you cheer on the great had to do it all! From Braves teams of the writing and editing to early 90’s. Before we assignments, producing, knew it, this group reporting and anchoring! of friends began Daughter Annie We were dog last in the pairing off and we ratings and that made us hungry to work hard did the same—getting married September and strive for more—we were all young and 16, 1995. Scott and I were blessed to have broke, right out of college and I loved it! our only child, Annie in 2000. She attended Frazer Kindergarten before starting first grade

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at Saint James School where she’s been ever since! Now she will enter high school in the fall at STJ, playing volleyball and basketball and enjoying time with her friends in every way possible. We get to Texas at least two or three times a year to spend time with my side of the family, as they all still live in the Lone Star State. Thankfully, Scott has family here in Montgomery and Auburn as well as in Orlando, Florida. BOOM!: You have been a Christian leader in the River Region for many years now, including writing for Journey Magazine and leading the Shine Your Light Ministry at Frazer. Would you please share your Christian journey with our readers and your calling to serve God? What are some of the blessings and challenges of being a woman in ministry?

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Kim: My faith and desire to share His love with others is born both out of being raised in a Christian home and suffering extreme tragedy. I was raised in the Methodist church and went through confirmation in 7th grade like so many other teens, but I can remember thinking, “I don’t get it.” I went through the motions and believed in Jesus Christ but didn’t truly understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with our Savior. So I would say I went through my teen and college years having a surface relationship with God and because of that, when tragedy struck, it consumed me and I didn’t know God’s promises well enough to turn to Him.

for healing and she would love to help. She took the time to walk me through the Beth Moore study, Breaking Free, just the two of us, and that time in His word broke me free of this stronghold I had been carrying around for 19 years. Finally, I realized my mom’s death isn’t something God did to me. My mom had lived a beautiful life, now it was my turn. How would I share the love of Christ, how would I allow Him to shine through me.

What I’ve missed most about working in the media is the personal stories of difficulties and triumph. At WSFA-12-News, I had the privilege of walking into someone’s life at their highest or lowest. That’s typically what a news story is when you think about it—and that’s powerful. Now I get to do that again with the focus on faith! BOOM!: Many Boomers are experiencing a renewed sense of purpose, new goals, new careers, especially if they’ve experienced the empty nest syndrome of their kids moving on. How would you describe this sense of renewal in your life? Any advice for the rest of us seeking renewal?

I love sharing at women’s conferences and I also love taking part in services with men, Kim: I love that renewal can come at anytime. women and children. Everyday offers a new opportunity to begin Anytime you get an again. Many couples my age are experiencing Husband Scott getting a Kim Hug opportunity to share the empty nest, but Scott and I started things My mother, who was all things about God’s word and a little later than most, so we have a soon good—kind, fun loving, gracious, humble love in your life is a privilege. I’m fully aware to be 14 year old at home! We are still in and beautiful in every way, suffered with some people believe women shouldn’t teach the heart of parenting and working, going depression for 10 years before taking her or “preach”, but I haven’t to after school activities life. This extreme loss happened a few weeks personally run into much and driving young teens before my graduation from college. I didn’t opposition. When God to and fro—this will realize it at the time, but instead of having a opens a door, he prepares either keep you young or strong faith and running to God for comfort, the way. wear you out! We love I took all of that pain and pushed it down, where we are and feel and attempted to go on with my life. This BOOM!: You spent 20 years blessed to be parents. As became a huge stronghold in my life, a huge at WSFA sharing news with “more mature” parents, wall blocking God’s greatest blessings. I still the River Region Community perhaps we cherish every experienced good days and happiness, but and now you’re returning moment a bit more than realize now it was by no means the deep joy to the media world as the some, realizing this is and peace I could have known. new Director of Media so fleeting and such a Ministries at Frazer Church. heavy responsibility—a After having Annie, I realized that I needed Can you describe your new gift really. God blessed to talk with someone about my pain and position and what led you to us with this amazing girl Kim and Annie on a mission trip to sadness over losing my mom so I could share reconnect with media again? who’s growing into a The Dominican last spring. all that I loved about her with my precious beautiful young lady who daughter. At that point any mention of my Kim: What a joy to be on staff at Frazer loves her Lord, I pray with His guidance we do mom, just brought tears and I couldn’t really Memorial United Methodist Church! This all we can in these short years we have her at talk about it. That’s has been my church home for home, to show her the way. when God brought a 24 years. As Director of Media precious woman into Ministries, I will work to use I shared a message recently called, “Why my life. I decided to every channel of communication am I still here?” Whether you’re asking take a Bible study at here at Frazer to effectively that in your golden years or in the midst of Frazer, not necessarily share the love of Christ. The a struggle, you are seeking renewal. You’ll to overcome the pain goal is to weave all avenues find it as you continue to feed his sheep. with my mom, but just of communication together— If you truly love Jesus as Peter said three to grow—you see I had the television ministry, social times in John 21: 15-17 and each time Jesus never really connected websites, church magazine, answered, “Feed my sheep”, then you’re still the two. I guess I bulletin and blogs—to reach all here to do the same. Keep serving Jesus the thought I would grow in generations. As I told our staff best way you know how, stay in fellowship Roxy--who rules the roost His word and someday at our first meeting—I hope with others and you’ll find renewal. find a way to cope with the pain of losing you know this is fun! If you have an ounce someone you love. Thankfully the two are of creativity and you’re a Christian, what BOOM!: What are you most passionate very much connected. The facilitator of our a dream job to be asked to find concise, about? study, Susan Fisher, came to me at the end of compelling and creative ways of sharing our session and said she knew I was searching Christ! Kim: I’m most passionate about sharing God’s

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

July 2014



love and promises and spending time with family and friends. Our family as a whole also loves going to sporting events. We’re passionate about our Saint James Trojans, Texas Longhorns, Auburn Tigers and travel volleyball! BOOM!: How do you like to relax and wind down from a hard day’s work? Kim: When I get a chance to wind down, I enjoy going for a walk/run—I tend to do interval training out of necessity—short run, longer walk, short run, longer walk. Anytime my family can grab dinner and a movie together is also a great way to close out a long, busy week.

Kim: I stay involved in community and civic activities. I’ve served as the spokesperson for HBDA (Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders of Alabama) and recently took part in the organization’s Iron Chef fundraiser (winning by the way with John Ed Mathison as my partner!). I serve on the Distinguished Young Women Advisory Board and have been active with Magic Moments. In the past, I’ve worked many hours with the Children’s Miracle Broadcast and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. BOOM!: Do you have a favorite book/scripture of the Bible? Why?

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BOOM!: What is it about living in the Montgomery/River Region area that you like?

Kim with newsman, Tom Brokaw

Kim: My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11: “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans not to harm but to prosper, plans for a hope and a future.” This is Kim: Our favorite family the verse that stood out to vacation to date is the Disney me most as I found healing Cruise! We’ve been on two, over losing my mom and now first with our family of three, the words speak to me in all and then the next year with John Ed & Kim, Champions in the Iron circumstances. No matter Scott’s side of the family— Chef cook off--an HBDA fundraiser what’s going on in your life, grandparents, aunts, uncles and trust God is at work and it’s for good! cousins—such a great time. A trip to Chicago several years ago to the American Girl Store BOOM!: Every spouse plays an important role and to see Wicked stands out and now we’re in a Christian’s life; would you please describe planning to hit the Big Apple next spring your husband’s role in yours? break with friends! We also love getting away to the beach or the lake and visiting family in Kim: My husband is supportive in my Texas. ministry—either by helping with caring for Annie or by being there to help with the BOOM!: Do you have time to be involved in work. He’s done this through my career in community, civic or other activities? television; as a Development Director at Saint BOOM!: Favorite vacation spot? Any travel dreams planned for the future?

James School and now here at Frazer UMC. I ask for his prayers in all things and he often advises me on various projects as well— it’s good to have someone in your life who also believes and wants to make a difference.

Kim: I love that Montgomery is centrally located between many beautiful vacation spots. Whether you want the beach or the mountains, they’re both a short drive away. The energy of a capital city is also something that adds to any person’s way of life. The Alabama Shakespeare Festival is one of the main attractions that led to me accepting a job here 24 years ago. When I flew in for a job interview at WSFA, the management took me to a play at Shakespeare—I remember how beautiful it looked at night and the quality of the performance—then and every time I’ve visited! BOOM!: As you’ve aged, how have your ambitions changed? Kim: As I’ve gotten older, success is more about family, service and living within God’s will, rather than “me”. When I moved here in 1990 at the age of 27, I thought I would stay here 2 years and move back to Texas. I also thought as most journalists do, that I would

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

keep climbing to larger markets, bigger cities. Then you realize it’s possible to build a nice life outside of work in a market the size of Montgomery. Many larger stations control your life—you have no or very little say about spending time with family. Success is waking up knowing you’re living within God’s will for your life and the peace that comes with it. It’s not about the money and the things. BOOM!: Give us three words that describe you?

to church isn’t something that sits well with our younger generations. Plus technology is providing new avenues of catching a message or a sermon. I really look at these as opportunities rather than challenges. BOOM!: Some of our readers resist new technology while others embrace it for its value, how would you describe the value of technology in your life and work?

Kim: My “hobbies” all tend to fall under ministry. I write a monthly column for River Region Journey and I host a weekend program on Faith Radio called “Shine”. Both of these opportunities allow me to write which I really enjoy.

Kim: I’ve learned to embrace technology in my life although I don’t have a firm grasp on everything that’s out there today. I’m thankful to work with many talented people who stay engaged in all that’s new in terms of social media and I will watch and learn. The MacBook has become my friend and I enjoy iMovie, using this to edit a championship volleyball video for Annie’s team this past year. The excitement in learning what’s out there can only lead to new ways to communicate and share life changing messages of hope and love.

BOOM!: What future challenges do you have as a Christian leader?

BOOM!: Is there a special approach to sharing the Gospel with women over 50?

Kim: My future challenges as a Christian leader is finding a way to reach all generations for Christ. The idea of coming

Kim: I think putting yourself in someone’s shoes is one of the best ways to share the gospel. Now that I’m 51 I better understand

Kim: Gracious, devoted and fun loving BOOM!: Do you have any hobbies or other activities that grab your attention?

what this age group experiences on a daily basis while never forgetting all I felt as a teen or a newly married woman, then a mom, etc.. I have close friends ranging from the mid-20’s to the 90’s, and God speaks to me through each of them. Sharing in each other’s lives allows us to share the word in a way that hopefully connects with all ages. BOOM!: Kim, if you weren’t in the ministry what kind of work would you enjoy doing? Kim: If I weren’t in the ministry, I would be a professional tennis player—okay that’s the dream. Honestly if I weren’t doing what I’m doing today, I could see myself being an author, possibly a script writer—and who knows, that could still happen one day. The tennis thing-not so much. If you have any questions for Kim you can reach her at or call 334.272.8622. You can also learn more at Thanks to Kim Bethea from The Studio @ Eastchase for her professional cover photos. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to

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Learning Institute The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Attend our Fall LLI Open House August 28 from 4-6 p.m. at the AUM Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) 75 TechnaCenter Drive, Montgomery, AL 36117 • Learn about fall classes • Meet instructors • Ask questions

• Meet LLI members • Tour our building • Enjoy hors d’oeuvres

Register to attend the Fall Open House at or call 334-244-3804. R ive r Re gio n Bo o m . co m

July 2014



How to Beat the Summer Heat ...with non-surgical volume correction

Hello, this is Dr. Michael Bowman with River Region Facial Plastics. As summer sizzles along, the nice (albeit rather warm) weather tends to keep everyone busy with outdoor activities as well as travel with family and friends. Because of those busy schedules, not as many people choose the summertime for rejuvenation procedures like the QuickLift®. Therefore, I’d like to discuss some of the more modern rejuvenation treatments that many people choose this time of year.

one location, the most natural looking rejuvenation will come about when we address the whole face. So your Beauty Plan recommendations will likely address several different areas of your face.

Our patients who come in to learn more about these minimally invasive techniques generally have 3 main goals: 1) They want noticeable results. 2) They want natural looking results. 3) They don’t want much downtime. The good news is that all three of these are achievable with volume correction! I think that volume rejuvenation is the most powerful but also the least understood of our modern rejuvenation techniques. As we get older, we see predictable changes in our appearance. There are distinct fat pads throughout the face, and they change differently in differing areas of the face. Some of our fat pads stay basically intact, while others tend to shrink in size. We also see some loss of bone and reshaping of our facial skeleton. All of this adds up to a sinking or deflating type of appearance. Some of the areas where this has the greatest impact are the temples, under the eye brow, and in the cheeks/lower eyelid area. Every face is different, so while one person might have lots of hollowing in the temples, another person might have lots of volume loss in the cheeks and tear trough area (underneath the lower eyelid). That being said, because our face does not age in just

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Actual client photos provided by RRFP

We don’t have enough room to cover all of our options, so I’ll touch on a few hightlights. Sculptra® is a fantastic product for facial volumization, as it helps your body grow its own collagen for a soft, natural look. It is the best product for people with deep, hollow temples but can be used over the whole face for a very holistic rejuvenation. Sculptra® can be used, along with other products, to give an injectable brow lift. Careful placement of volume underneath the eyebrow can help lift and brighten the eyes. I find that this often looks much more natural than a standard brow lift. There are two very common concerns that get brought up during my consultations I would like to bring up as well. Sometimes, a patient will tell me that they tried a certain product and it looked good for a few days or weeks,

but then it went away and they were disappointed. This kind of situation usually results when they did not have enough product used or perhaps it was not placed well. The results which showed up for a few weeks was the swelling from the injection, not the product itself. I prevent this kind of disappointment by providing accurate recommendations based on my experience. Sticking to those recommendations will ensure you get the results you desire. A second concern which is sometimes brought up is the “overdone” look. One of my highest priorities is always to keep results looking so natural, that everyone will know you look better than they remember, but they will also have a very hard time figuring out exactly why you look so much better. We have room for a few before and after photographs here, but there are many more to peruse at our office to show you the quality of results you can expect. I hope you are having a wonderful summer, and I’d like to remind you to “Do Something Beautiful” and stop by for your free consultation at River Region Facial Plastics. Please email us at Doctors@ with your questions about facial health, beauty and rejuvenation Yours In Good Health, Dr. Michael Bowman 334.270.2003

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine


Bucket List Adventure: By Kathy Witt

There are zombies on the streets of Atlanta, and they’re ready to do a little show-and-tell with anyone brave enough to sign on for a Big Zombie Tour, Part I or Part II (or both).

‘Walking Dead’

Follow them inside the Goat Farm to see where the Vatos held camp. Join them at the CDC where you just may get a lesson in how to shuffle like the undead. Zombie wannabes can even test their strength at the Zombie Arena.

with Atlanta Movie Tours

Developed by Atlanta Movie Tours founded by uber movie and TV buffs Carrie Sagel Burns and Patti Davis, he zombie tours are among the 2-year-old company’s lineup of “Hollywood backlot” adventures in Atlanta.

the 75th anniversary of the release of “Gone With the Wind” the movie, spotlights the Atlanta Mitchell knew and loved and wrote about.

The tour is led by “Margaret Mitchell” herself: Sally Smith, a onewoman tour de force, fully embodies the famed Pulitzer Prize-winning author. In fact, as you stroll with her through the grounds of Oakland Cemetery (Mitchell’s final resting place), you’ll hear folks call out, “Hello, Margaret!” and “How are you today, Miss Mitchell?” Ever-gracious, Miss Mitchell will wave a gloved hand and yoo-hoo back.

She’ll also point out fellow residents of Oakland, including the woman who Call it the Hollywood of the South. had her booted from the Hundreds and hundreds of movies Junior League for scandalizing and TV shows have been filmed in the Old Guard with her Georgia and more are on the way. Apache dance. Other locales In 2013 alone, according to the visited on this tour include Georgia Department of Economic The Margaret Mitchell Development, a whopping 142 House, where she wrote her feature films and television masterpiece, a novel that projects were produced there. continues to rank among the Many of these shows, like “The most popular books ever Walking Dead” and “Zombieland”, published, and the library are set in the Atlanta area. that holds her old Remington typewriter and library card. “Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” “To walk in the footsteps of “The Blind Side,” “What to Expect Margaret Mitchell and to When You’re Expecting,” “The be at the House, in the very Change-Up,” “Kalifornia,” “Driving place where she wrote the Miss Daisy”: They all show off book and spent untold hours Atlanta in a supporting role. Atlanta Movie Tours’ founders, Carrie Sagel Burns and Patti Davis writing, dreaming, creating, Horror, drama, comedy, you name the hospital where Sheriff Rick begins his is beyond magical and awe-inspiring,” said it, the tours take you to filming sites where quest to lead a group of zombie apocalypse Jan Galyen of Woodstock, Ga. “To visit pivotal scenes were shot for these movies survivors; the Esco Feed Mill, the site of a Oakland, with ‘Margaret’ as the guide, and others, including Tyler Perry’s “Good shoot-out with the Governor and where and to visit the graves of Margaret, her Deeds” and “Witness Protection” and a Daryl shoots Merle after he turns; and husband and many of her family members, sports smorgasbord including “Trouble with the super creepy Oaks Motor Inn, where as well as so many individuals that were a the Curve,” “Remember the Titans” and Michonne is tied to a post while Merle tries part of her life, brings so much of her life “We Are Marshall.” to hotwire a car. into reality and stirs my imagination.” For the zombie-centric tours, actors who In addition to the Big Zombie Tours, On each Atlanta Movie Tours adventure, worked as extras on the sets of “The parts I and II, Atlanta Movie Tours offers guests roll along in luxury 30-passenger Walking Dead” and “Zombieland” share an Atlanta Film Sites Tour and Margaret vans, watching film clips of movie locales behind-the-scenes scoops, fun film facts Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind Tour. This en route to the sites they then get to see and special effects trivia as they take newest offering, a fitting addition for 2014, “in action.” The guides, all experienced visitors right into the belly of the beast:

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

actors who have appeared on the sets of not only the zombie movies but many others filmed in the Atlanta area, give a peek into the Hollywood mystique you likely won’t experience anywhere else. In fact, one of the tidbits revealed on a recent tour was what the zombies of “The Walking Dead” are actually munching in those gruesome scenes showing them gnawing on the arm or leg of one of their legions of victims. (Clue: It is related to a Southern culinary fave and one could say it tastes like chicken.) ADVENTURE GUIDE TO DON’T-MISS MOMENTS ● Standing in front of Margaret Mitchell’s tombstone inside the Victorian-era and beautifully landscaped Oakland Cemetery, while chatting with “Margaret Mitchell”, is surreal, to say the least. Sally Smith gives a pitch-perfect portrayal of the “Gone With the Wind” author who died on Aug. 16, 1949, at age 49, making it a uniquely fascinating and moving experience. ● Learning how to walk like a zombie from actors who played zombie extras in “The Walking Dead” and “Zombieland.” Tip: Put

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

down the Frankenstein arms! There’s an art to looking like a “walker”, and you’ll find out what it is on the Big Zombie Tour, Part I and Part II. ● Making the poignant three-finger salute made famous in the Hunger Games books and movies while standing before the wall seen in “Hunger Games – Catching Fire,” the second movie in this wildly popular franchise. Written on the wall? “The odds are never in your favor,” seen by Katniss and Peeta on their so-called victory tour. ● Visiting “District 12” and finding stray pieces of coal from when the film crew covered the grounds for shooting scenes for “Hunger Games – Catching Fire.” It makes a nice remembrance of your time with Atlanta Movie Tours.

IF YOU GO Atlanta Movie Tours, www., currently offers four tours: Big Zombie Tour, Part I; Big Zombie Tour, Part II; Atlanta Film Sites Tour; and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind Tour. Tours are approximately three hours long and cost $65 per person. Vouchers for Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind Tour will also gain tour participants entry to the Road To Tara Museum in Jonesboro, Ga., and the Marietta Gone With The Wind Museum, as well as re-entry to Atlanta’s Margaret Mitchell House at no extra charge (a $44.95 value). Wear comfy shoes for the walking portions of the tours and take a camera, with so many movies and shows filming in Atlanta, you never know who you may run into on your adventure. Visit the website to book your tickets. Author, travel and lifestyle writer, and travel goods expert Kathy Witt feels you should never get to the end of your bucket list; there’s just too much to see and do in the world. She can be reached at or (c)2014 Kathy Witt, Distributed by MCT Information Services

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July 2014



Ask an Elder Law Attorney By: Raley L. Wiggins | Attorney at Law | Red Oak Legal, PC

My mother is 85 years old and living with us... Question: My mother is 85 years old and has been living with us for the past year. For now, we’re managing to take care of her, but we’re concerned she may need to go to a nursing home in the future. If that happens, how will she pay for it? Will insurance cover it, or will we have to pay for it? -Becky in Millbrook Becky, many families feel a sense of duty to care for their parents during old age, often at great personal sacrifice to themselves, and this care is valuable. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in 2011 that the economic value of services provided to elderly Americans by caregivers like you was about $234 billion, which was more than the total amount spent on paid caregiving from all other sources, including Medicare and Medicaid. Long-term care is very expensive. The Alabama Medicaid Agency estimates the average nursing home cost of care in Alabama to be $5,500 per month. At that rate, most of us could not afford to pay out-of-pocket for very long. To answer your question, I think you need to know about how people pay for long-term care. Many people believe that Medicare pays for the cost of long-term care. In fact, Medicare only pays for up to 20 days of nursing home care, and only then for rehabilitative purposes. After that, Medicare may cover part of the cost of up to an additional 100 days, but the patient will be responsible for a copay

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of $152 per day during that time. A Medicare supplement policy may cover this copay, but it depends upon the plan. The best-case scenario is that Medicare and a Medicare supplement policy will cover a maximum of 120 days of rehabilitative nursing home care. Once Medicare runs out, your mother could pay for the cost of her care out of her own resources, if she is able. If she has long-term care insurance, it may pay for some or all of the cost of her care as well, depending upon the policy. But according to the AARP, long-term care insurance only pays for about 12% of all long-term care costs in this country. This means that most people need to consider what will happen when and if they run out of money. When that happens, they will need to look to Medicaid to help pay for the cost of care. In Alabama, Medicaid pays for the majority of all nursing home care. Medicaid is combined state and federal program that provides medical coverage for the very poor. This means that you cannot have more than a limited amount of income or resources in order to qualify. But here is the catch—patients cannot “give away” their assets in order to qualify for Medicaid. A common misconception is that elderly people should convey the house or other property to their kids in order to “protect” it from Medicaid or the nursing home. In fact, this is rarely a good idea, and can often have the opposite result. You see, when an individual applies for Medicaid long-term care benefits, Medicaid will review 60 months (5 years)

of their financial records to determine whether the applicant has made any “uncompensated transfers,” or gifts of property. If any are discovered, then a penalty is assessed by taking the uncompensated value of the gift and dividing it by the average monthly cost of care (currently $5,500 per month). For example, if Mother deeded her house, worth $99,000 to her Daughter in 2012, and then required nursing home care in 2014, Medicaid would review her financial records and see the transfer. The gift of the $99,000 house, divided by the $5,500 monthly cost of care, would result in the assessment of an 18-month penalty. This 18-month penalty, during which Mother would not be eligible for Medicaid benefits, would only begin to run after Mother has spent virtually all of her money. The worst part? If she had done nothing at all, Mother would likely have become Medicaid eligible. This is because her home would have been considered “exempt” property (at least temporarily) that Medicaid would not count against her for purposes of determining eligibility. There is a great deal of misinformation floating around about Medicaid, nursing homes and long-term care costs. If your mother does ever need nursing home care, carefully read the admissions documents to make sure you understand what you’re signing. A nursing home cannot require a family member to be personally liable for the cost of their parent’s care as a condition of admission or continued stay in a facility. Consider consulting with an elder law attorney in your area who can help you protect yourself, and preserve the maximum amount of your loved one’s assets. Raley L. Wiggins Attorney at Law, Red Oak Legal, PC 334-239-3625 | 401 Madison Avenue, Montgomery AL 36104 The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Would you like to know... How to prevent nursing home poverty? How to protect your life savings?

Last Will a

nd Testamen t of ys You haJveohnalw Dfaaoemily. protected your

Article One a resident of T Declaration codicils made by uscaloosa County, Alabam of Will a, on this day, me and declare N this to be my Last Will an ovember 26, 2013, revoke an d Testament y prior wills an (hereafter, my d Will). A rticle Two I am marrie d to Jane D Family Inf oe.. Any ref erence in my L ormation ast Will and Testament to All references I have one ch my husband in my Last is to Jane D Will and T ild, Bettie Doe. oe.. estament to “m References to y children” ar “my descendan e references to B ts” are to Bett ettie Doe. ie Doe and he r descendants. Article Three Personal R epresentative an Section 3.01 d Disposition of Estate I appoint th P ersonal Repres e following, in enta the order nam ed, to serve as m tive y Personal rep Name 1 resentatives: Name 2 Section 3.02 My Personal Representativ sentative’s dutie e is No Bond s, unless required not required to furnish an y bond for the by a court of com the interests of faith the beneficiaries . No surety w petent jurisdiction and only ful performance of my Pers onal Repreif ill be required on any bond req the court finds that a bond is needed to pr uired specifies that a otect surety is necessar by any law or rule of cou rt, unless the cou y. rt I, John Doe,

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ive rlegal Re gio nservices Bo o m . co mperformed July 2014 The River Region’s 50+ Magazine BOOM! 25 “No representation is Lifestage made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the qualityRof by other lawyers.”

Healthy Hearing


By Dr. Bettie Borton Au.D.

Celebrate safely this 4th of July! We live in a very noisy world, and it’s getting worse! The damage that any significant noise can do to your hearing is real. Some activities make the Dr. Bettie Borton Au. D. need for hearing protection obvious - noise in the workplace, around heavy equipment, loud music, firearms, and similar situations. Other sources of damaging noise are not so obvious. Something as simple as cutting the lawn, playing in the school band, riding a motorcycle, enjoying your favorite sport or even attending a concert can leave you with a permanent, irreparable hearing loss. The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) and Doctors Hearing Clinic are urging people to pack earplugs when heading out to this year’s 4th of July celebrations and is urging them to exercise safety whenever around fireworks. The single bang of a firecracker at close range can permanently damage hearing in an instant. By following some simple precautions, people can enjoy the beautiful sights of the fireworks and still protect their hearing. “The best advice I can offer is to leave the fireworks to the professionals and sit at a comfortable distance from the display, where you can enjoy the colors and lights, but not expose yourself and your family to loud noises,” says Sergei Kochkin, former executive director of the BHI. To prevent noise-induced hearing loss this 4th of July, follow these tips: - Wear earplugs - inexpensive and easy to use, earplugs offer excellent protection during loud events. It is important that these earplugs fit properly. Disposable

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ear plugs, made of foam or silicone, are typically available at local pharmacies. - Keep your distance - maintain a healthy distance from fireworks, firecrackers, speaker systems and other sources of loud noise. - Know how loud is too loud. When sounds reach 85 decibels, they have the potential to cause hearing loss. The louder the sound gets, the shorter the amount of time before hearing loss can occur. Noise from fireworks can top 130140 decibels. Various phone applications can measure sound, but a good rule of thumb is to avoid noises that are “too loud” and “too close” or that last “too long.” Warning signs of noise being dangerous: - You have to shout over background noise to be heard by someone within arm’s length - The noise is painful to your ears - The noise makes your ears ring - You have decreased or “muffled” hearing for several hours after exposure or you suddenly have difficulty understanding speech. You can protect your hearing from everyday loud or damaging noises by keeping the volume down on ear buds, stereos, and televisions. The very best way to protect your family’s hearing effectively and comfortably is with custom made earplugs. These are made from an impression taken directly from your ear. The impression process is quick and painless, usually taking less than 15 minutes. Because everyone’s ears

are unique, just like fingerprints, only custom made hearing protection can provide great fit, superior comfort, and consistently effective protection. These devices are virtually indestructible, and best of all, they’re very affordable. Above all, be a role model for your child. Show them the importance of protecting your hearing and that you value your own hearing. So, use ear protection yourself when mowing the lawn or using noisy tools or appliances and insist that your child playing nearby does the same. Protect your hearing now, so you can enjoy hearing later. When it comes to protecting your family’s hearing from dangerous noise exposure, their ears deserve the best! In preparation for this 4th of July and anytime you will be around loud and dangerous noises, visit an audiologist at Doctors Hearing Clinic for earplugs or custom noise protection. To contact Doctors Hearing Clinic for more information about the best hearing protection for you and your family or to make an appointment, call our office at (334) 396 – 1635. Content adapted from the articles: Fireworks and Hearing Loss: Protect your Hearing this 4th of July! by the BHI, Facts about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss from the American Academy of Audiology and www. Understanding the Threat of Noise. Dr. Bettie B. Borton is a licensed audiologist in Alabama, was the first board certified audiologist in Montgomery, served as National Chair of the American Board of Audiology, and is currently serving as President of the American Academy of Audiology. Co-authored by Dr. Brittany Spahr.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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July 2014



“My Dad’s Letters” By Stephen Hudak

Billy Winters was 4 months old and living with his mother in Orlando, Fla., in 1944 when his fighter-pilot dad was killed in France, shot down by Nazi gunners. Until last year, Winters knew little of the 27-year-old aviator. Now, 70 years later, Winters is discovering his father. One letter at a time. And there are hundreds of them. U.S. Army Capt. William Robert Winters had promised to write his newlywed and pregnant wife, Peaches, every day he was at war. He often began cheerfully, “Hi Sweetie” or “Hi Honey,” and usually signed off, “Always Yours, Bob.” She treated each letter like a keepsake, slipping it back into its envelope and tucking it away in a drawer. When finally counted, they numbered 212 in all. Sometimes Peaches’ captain wrote to her twice a day. On Memorial Day weekend this year, the pilot’s son, inspired by the letters, traveled to France to visit his father’s grave for the first time and to place a memorial in a wildflower field where the P-47 Thunderbolt on a strafing mission crashed and burst into flames. “It’s hard to explain why I feel I have to do this,” Winters said of his trip to France. The retired insurance man, now living in Florida, did not even begin to read his father’s letters until last year, three years after he discovered them in a drawer

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following his 87-year-old mother’s death in 2010. “I wasn’t even sure I wanted to read them,” he said. “They were hers. They weren’t mine.” But he was persuaded to read the letters _ perhaps just a few at a time _ by a friend associated with the American World War II Orphans Network, whose members lost a father in the war. Reading your father’s war letters “can be emotional and overwhelming,” said Judith Hathaway of Kansas, who lost her father in 1945 when his B-17 bomber was shot down in Germany. “But most of us would love to have that treasure from our dads.” Capt. Winters’ correspondence reveals an insight into his personality: He worried constantly about his wife, just 21. Born in Georgia, Gloria Dickens was naturally nicknamed “Peaches” by the Army boys who infiltrated Orlando in the 1940s. The U.S. Army Air Corps had set up a flighttraining airfield at what is now Orlando Executive Airport. Freshly graduated in 1941 from Orlando High School, she had no interest in what she called those “wild” fliers at the airfield. But Winters, a Wisconsin native, won her over. They were married in the base chapel in 1943 and honeymooned in

Daytona Beach. Eight months later, he was shipped to Europe with the 81st Fighter Squadron and flew 80 combat missions as part of the Ninth Air Force Thunderbolts, supporting the muddy, advancing troops of U.S. Gen. George S. Patton. The pilot’s letters, always written in neat cursive, portray a war-weary aviator eager to fight for freedom but homesick. “I always had the urge naturally as every one else did to go to combat,” he wrote to Peaches. “I think now that it was nothing but curiosity . . . well, my curiosity is well-satisfied and I am ready to come home to my wife.” The letter ends abruptly: “Have to close. The air raid (siren) just sounded.” Before the baby was born, he was convinced it would be a boy who should be named Billy. He tried to calm his wife’s fears about female temptations overseas. “As far as your thoughts about the English girls, you can forget them.” He shared silly stories, such as about accidentally setting his tent and pants on fire. Then he wrote of his excitement of the boy born at Orange General Hospital in Orlando. “You know I don’t think I ever really felt proud about anything until I saw the picture this morning,” the decorated pilot wrote after receiving the first

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picture of his baby. “I really feel quite flattered to be his Daddy and I am awfully in love with his Mummy, too.” Peaches not only saved that letter, she decorated it with lipsticked kisses. His letters were often censored by the War Department to hide his unit’s location or other details that could aid the enemy if the mail were intercepted. But he penned a bare-bones account of a victorious air battle with the German air force. “I celebrated Billy’s (birth) announcement by knocking down an FW-190 this afternoon,” he wrote. “Hope I can get a few more before it ends.” On Nov. 24, 1944, he described cold, hard rains and radio reports “which aren’t to be considered too authoritative” telling of ground gains by American troops. He reminisced about Christmas 1943 in Orlando, when he wasn’t much help with the shopping. “We sure did have fun, tho,” he wrote. “So be good, love me more than ever, and keep that cute little guy and yourself in good health for me.” It was his last letter to Peaches. On Dec. 9 she received instead a telegram that read: “The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your husband Captain William R Winters has been reported missing in action since twentyfive November over France. “ Peaches wrote 52 letters to her husband over the next five months. None was answered.

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All were marked “missing” and sent back to her unopened. They remain in a box, still unopened almost 70 years later. Winters can’t bring himself to relive his mother’s grief by reading her words. A final telegram April 26, 1945, confirmed Capt. Winters’ death. Peaches and Billy were visited in November that year by Ed Winters, the pilot’s brother who was en route to Miami to deliver an automobile. The brothers had enlisted on the same day. On his way back home, he stopped in Orlando again and never left. He and Peaches married two months later, a union of 45 years that produced six more children. Growing up in Orlando, where he graduated from Bishop Moore Catholic High, Billy Winters called his uncle “Dad” and referred to his pilot father as “Daddy Bob.” “When we went to the beach,” he recalled, “Mom would say, ‘Daddy Bob’ is across the ocean.” The memorial in France, a bronze plaque paid for by Winters, bears a photograph of the father he never met and a phrase, written in both English and French: “He gave his life for freedom and for the people of France.” To view an interview of Billy Winters visit (c)2014 The Orlando Sentinel Distributed by MCT Information Services

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July 2014



Fitness over Fifty

By Leigh Anne Richards

Picture Perfect Posture Posture is a sure indicator of aging. Good posture will do more to keep you looking young than botox and a facelift. Good posture is one of the most essential Leigh Anne Richards factors in life. When out bodies are perfectly aligned, we move with ease and are free of pain. As soon as we lose perfect alignment, changes take place, movement becomes awkward and pain sets in. We are born without posture so we must develop it and then maintain it. The first problem is because of gravity, it is easier to develop and maintain poor posture than good posture. There is a natural tendency for the body to collapse. Unless you enter a profession that requires good posture such as dancing, modeling, or sports, no one ever teaches it to you. Your posture is the result of what you do. If you do the right exercises, you will have good posture. If you do the wrong exercises- or no exercise- you will have poor posture. Jobs that require prolong sitting have done damage to people’s posture. Modern assembly lines, with its repetitious motions, have not helped either. What is the first sign that one is losing good posture? Loss of height is the correct answer. As the spine and the rib cage compress, the body shifts its center of gravity forward and loses its upright posture. This leads to the typical hunched posture of old people, but we are seeing it more today with young people that spend countless hours sitting in front of computers, video games and TV sets. As we give into gravity over the years, we bend more and more forward putting more pressure on our lumbar and cervical spine. It is only a matter of time before we have a permanently hunched over spine that can no longer bend backwards. To compensate, the

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head, which is now facing down, lifts up, thereby compressing the back of the neck and stretching the front of it. What is the answer to maintaining our posture? The following are 10 tips suggested by Health ( 1. Open Up- Stretch and open up and improve your range of motion. Take a couple of minutes every hour to get up, stretch and walk around or stand 2. Simple Exercise- Every morning and night, lie on your back and make snow angels with your arms for 2-3 minutes. For an extra challenge, roll up a towel and put it on the floor underneath your spine. Many gyms have half foam rollers that you can use for even more of a stretch. 3. Sit Straight- When you have to work at your desk, make a conscious effort to sit with good tall posture and your shoulders dropped. As I am writing this article, I am trying to adhere to this as well. This can take some getting used to. Exercise disciplines that focus on body awareness, such as Pilates and Yoga, can help with your posture. Also, make sure your workstation is set ton promote proper posture. 4. Strengthen Your Core-Strengthen your muscles in your abdomen and pelvic region. These muscles form the foundation of good posture as well as helping to prevent urinary incontinence. Pilates and yoga are also great ways to build up strength in your core. 5. Say “om”- Yoga is a great way to build and maintain flexibility and strengthen the muscles throughout your body. Hatha or Restorative yoga are good places to start if you are a beginner 6. Support Your Spine- After menopause; women may have more weakening in the muscles around the spine than aging men do. Exercises targeting the back extensors, neck flexors, pelvic muscles

and side muscles are critical. Endurance in the spine and trunk muscle groups is important because that is what allows us to stand up for long periods of time without our backs hurting us 7. Lift Weights- The vertebral compression fractures that can lead to a “dowager’s hump” in the upper back is the hallmark of old age. Upper back exercises with resistance, as well as weight bearing exercises- walking and stair climbing can help prevent this hump. 8. Vitamin D- Vitamin D is essential for bone health and helps us maintain muscle too. Try to get it from a healthy diet and sunlight but if that is impossible, take a dietary supplement of Vitamin D. It is recommended that postmenopausal women and men over 65 should take 400-800 IU of Vitamin D per day/ 9. Eat Healthy- We all know the bone benefits of calcium. It is best to get calcium from food but discuss with your physician whether you need to take supplemental calcium. Postmenonopausal women and men over 65 need 1200 mg of calcium. 10. Medication-There are many medication now on the market that aid in bone health and bone building. These are issues that would be discussed between you and your physician for the best plan for you To keep that youthful look, practice picture perfect posture! Sources: Medline Plus www. The Leigh Anne Richards, MEd, Certified Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, General Manager- MetroFitness. For any questions or comments, contact Leigh Anne at

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Why 3-D Food Printing Makes Sense for Nursing Homes By Kimi Harris

We once stayed with a couple who were taking care of a family member who had suffered a stroke. Their fridge was full of “smooth” foods because this family member had developed dysphagia, a severe difficulty with swallowing. This food amounted to baby food. But there may be a new option on the horizon. Difficulty chewing and swallowing regular food is a common problem for the elderly, for anyone who has suffered a stroke, or those going through chemotherapy. They are often served pureed foods that are unappetizing, which can lead to situations where patients become malnourished or dread meal time. Enter 3-D food printing. It’s a game changer for those suffering from the inability to chew or swallow normally. Food is cooked, pureed, and then mixed with a solidifying agent. It is then put through a food “printer” and remade into its original shape. But instead of needing to be thoroughly chewed and swallowed, it will simply melt in the mouth. The claim is that it still tastes like the original food. German food company Biozoon co-developed the concept of handmade “smoothfood” with the goal being that “the end product matches the original food item, but the texture is soft

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and gel-like. It dissolves easily in the mouth so that it is safe to eat for people with mastication or swallowing problems,” according to owner Mathias Kueck. Currently the smoothfood concept uses silicon molds to reshape food, but the process is time-consuming for the 1,000 nursing homes in Germany that have adopted it. That’s where 3-D food printing machines can help. This new approach of printing food in 3-D is currently under development within the three-year Performance Project, funded by the European Commission. The hope is that these machines will help improve food quality and be able to provide personalized food while also cutting down on food preparation time at care facilities. Kueck also mentioned in a news release that patients eating the 3-D printed food started enjoying eating again, and it helped improve the quality of their lives. 3D food printing is also being developed for the home cook, with chicken nuggets, pizza and cookies being made by a food printer. Is 3-D food printing the next big thing in the food world? Time will tell. Check out the Performance Project website This article originally appeared on the Mother Nature Network at (c)2014 Mother Nature Network Distributed by MCT Information Services

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Family’s Stamp Collecting Tra n s c e n d s T i m e

By Sabrina Rocco Sy, a retired middle-school social studies teacher, has the first stamp the government issued in 1847: a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, valued at $800. Some collectors are topical, meaning they only collect stamps relating to birds or cars or flowers. Some are general _ they collect everything. Sy, however, is a country-specific collector, just like his father. He collects all United States stamps. His favorite? A set from 1893 honoring the discovery of the new world. Pictures of Columbus and ships decorate the pretty postage.

Sy Bricker uses a pair of stamp tongs to gingerly hold a 19th century Ben Franklin 1-cent definitive stamp. According to Bricker, these stamps were used to pay for postage which was calculated on distance, as opposed to the flat rate first-class postage stamps of today. A one-cent stamp such as this might have been good for a local delivery, perhaps 50 miles or so, but would never get your missive from Florida to California. (Paul Videla/Bradenton Herald/MCT)

Sy Bricker remembers sitting with his dad, watching him organize stamps at the kitchen table. All the careful ways he would touch them, cherish them.

Julius Bricker was a construction engineer in the Bronx, and at the end of a long day, he would play with stamps. This was his time, his relaxation. Sy, only 4 years old, would get Dad’s garbage stamps, the ones that had little value. The tradition between father and son remained intact _ until 4 turned into 14 and there became better things for Sy to do. Sy Bricker went to college, got married and had two sons. After countless Little League games and football games, after the kids moved out and had kids of their own, Sy, now 70, found his way back to the kitchen table. In fact, Sy’s own table is now covered in stamps. Overflow from the million _ literally 1 million _ stamps that live in the back room of his Lakewood Ranch, Fla., home. There are stamps everywhere. Stamps in big binders along the walls. Stamps in tiny books along the walls. Rolls and sheets of stamps covering desks. Three of them. Stamps on shelves. Stamps in filing cabinets. Stamps in the closet. Stamps on the floor. “It just burgeoned into a disaster called my stamp room,” he smiles. The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

But the Inverted Jenny is the apple of his eye. In 1932, the government misprinted the Jenny plane upside down, skyrocketing its value. “A stamp I’ll never get,” he said. It’s valued from $225,000 to $1 million, depending on the condition. So, exactly how much time does Sy spend poring over his stamps each day? “According to my wife _ too long.” Where other wives may roll their eyes, however, Lucy Bricker embraces her husband’s hobby. She helps organize stamps while watching her evening medical dramas and game shows. “It stops me from eating,” she says with a smirk. Lucy, 69, drives her husband to stamp shows all over the country 18 times a year. They can never fly. His collection is too large to ship. As time goes on, and as collectors die out, people like Sy Bricker will become harder to find. “The time crunch that an individual has today is different than it was,” Sy says. “It was about a simpler life 30 years ago.” But Sy’s grandkids may prove him wrong. When Samantha and Macie, ages 7 and 8, come to visit, they sit with Grandpa for hours organizing by subject or value. He pays them $5 each for helping. A tiny, homemade box hangs from a string on Grandpa’s stamp room door. STAMP DROP OFF BOX is scrawled in blue marker. Sy always sticks a few of his garbage stamps inside, the ones that have little value. (c)2014 The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Fla.) Distributed by MCT Information Services

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July 2014



Featured This Month, Spring Shows 2014 of Anne’s still life, oil on canvas paintings with the mixture of the paint colors is Gallery One Fine Art experienced a very and (18) of John’s oil on very large canvas used on all of the works in progress. A busy spring. We, as a group, taught an he paints abstract landscapes. seasoned artist will work on all of the art appreciation class for the AUM LLI paintings using these same colors to (Life Long Institute) for individuals age “New Day” connect the body of work. And when 50+ in the winter quarter which ended opened the paintings in March. The April 10th are completed last session, the featuring and displayed class came to (14) mixed properly it is a graduation media on so much more luncheon in the canvas powerful. The gallery to see the by Carol subject can be instructor/artist Barksdale a landscape, paintings. which were still life or 30x40, figurative, I usually teach the 36x48 and that color first class and talk Carol Barksdale and Pamela 48x60 and thread leads about the general Wesley Copeland Pamela the viewer operation of our AUM LLI Class of 2013-2014 Wesley Copeland with (17) oil on canvas, from one Alabama Not-forstill life, figurative and landscapes. to another, so they work together Profit Gallery. We really enjoyed seeing beautifully. To have 20 to 30 paintings familiar faces in the group. They also ask “ Kindred Spirits” opened May 8th with for an exhibition, the artist may paint 50 very good questions, such as: (17) landscape paintings most 24x36 and paintings and then we, together, select When do you have your shows? We larger by Shirley Ecso and (16) abstract the show. have our shows in the spring on the paintings by Jane Segrest also large. This second Thursday of the month. Spring SPRING SHOWS was the last show of our season. shows are more successful, the Holiday “NEW DIRECTION” opened February decorations have come down and it is a 13th and featured Cecily Hulett and John The sizes and the numbers were included wonderful time for nesting, fresh paint T. (Jake) to help explain the commitment, and updating. We have found there Wagnon. focus, expense and just plain hard are so many distractions in the fall and We hung work these artist have done this winter, the spring shows work best for this show past year. Eight artists created 135 all. which painting for our spring shows. A consisted of very seasoned, good artist said What is involved in an artist preparing for (16) 30x40 after a show, “When you put your a show? We try to schedule our shows Wagnon work on the wall for a show, it is at least one year in advance to give our paintings like standing in the middle of the artist time to create a body of work. One Cecily Hulett and Jake Wagnon standing in all oil on room naked.” So, in my opinion, of the most enjoyable parts of my role front of Wagnon’s “Patron Saint of Peru” canvas and yes they are very hard workers in the gallery is watching the process (17) Hulett paintings (2) 36x48, (3) 30x40 and very brave. and progress. The most complicated (2) 48x60 and the balance were 48x48 all part to a show, I’m told, is the concept. mixed media on canvas. Most experienced professional artist that Visit Gallery One Fine Art 423 Cloverdale Road, Montgomery, AL exhibit new work annually, will have 10 Gallery Director Sandi Aplin “Journey of Two Artists” opened March to 20 canvases in process at once. 13th and featured Anne Hugghins and 334.269.1114 John Mazaheri. This show included (20) Regardless of the subject, the palette

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The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Art & Soul

Montgomery Curb Market

By Sandi Aplin

Vendors are back home, business as usual

I have been trying to remember my first visit to the curb market and I think I was maybe eight or nine years old, somewhere in the mid to late 1950’s. It was December, a very cold windy morning, we walked thru the creaking door, such a fond memory, that first whiff of cedar, pine and the hot apple cider could only mean Christmas. Ellen Mertins is a Montgomery native and an Alabama preservationist. She writes, “At its core, a trip to the market is about connections with people who grow things, bake things and make things for a living. It began in the early 1920’s under a shade tree where the county courthouse is now. It was a way for farm wives to make a little money from surplus eggs, milk and vegetables. By 1927, they had a governing board and a simple shed, thanks to local and state help. The open wooden building had a dirt floor and long canvas shades-called drip curtains-that rolled down for protection from rain. By the end of World War II, the association had grown from the original 12 to over 100 members and had outgrown the shed. In 1947, they moved to Madison Avenue on a city owned lot. On May 10, 1947, they formally opened the new, “closed in” concretefloored, metal building.”

right ingredients for Sunday dinner and plants for my garden.

everywhere. Wonderful cut flowers, bedding plants, baked goods like cakes, pies, fudge, cookies, dinner rolls and canned jelly, jam, vegetable soup and there are also herbs. I have been buying Alabama tomatoes from David Maddox and his family since the early 1970’s, cakes from Sherrell Smitherman and the Clecklers from Clanton make the best cheese straws I’ve ever tasted. For years, Mrs. Taylor brought me beautiful magnolia leaves for my living room mantel. My Saturday morning is perfect when I drink my coffee while looking for just the

As an Ambassador with the Chamber of Commerce this year, it was my pleasure to attend the ribbon cutting in front of the Montgomery Curb Market. Mayor Todd Strange and many others gathered to welcome them as new members of the Chamber and celebrate with the city the completion of their three month renovation. The City of Montgomery invested approximately $60,000 for the improvements for their property which included upgraded doors, bathrooms, electrical and paint in addition to an exterior pergola with benches. The goal of the project was to create a more inviting entrance and appearance. The Montgomery Curb Market is located at 104 Madison Avenue and is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 5 am to 2 pm.

Sandi Aplin, Director of Gallery One Fine Art A free lance writer living in Montgomery, Alabama

As patrons stroll from booth to booth, they are greeted with a smile and southern hospitality. Fresh in season produce from the garden is what can be seen

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

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July 2014



Boomers are Remodeling Today... “Aging in Place” for Tomorrow By Kim Palmer

Jean Johnson and Niel Ritchie love their neighborhood too much to ever leave it. “It’s a small town in the big city,” said Johnson. “The relationships you build when you stay in one place, those relationships are invaluable.” Still, after watching elderly neighbors lose the struggle to stay in their homes, Johnson and Ritchie were determined to avoid that fate. Even though they’re both strong and healthy now, they recently remodeled their century-old house to make it more accessible, adding a first-floor bathroom with a walk-in shower with blocking for grab bars and a wheelchair-accessible sink. “We learned from the lessons of our neighbors,” Johnson said. Less than a mile away in southwest Minneapolis, Margaret Lulic and Bob Timpane took a similar strategy. They remodeled the 1921 foursquare they’ve owned since 1978, expanding the sunroom so it could be converted into a first-floor bedroom, adding a first-floor bath and remodeling the kitchen to update it and add more accessible storage.

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They’re committed to their neighborhood and the connections they’ve made there. And they love their house. “We’ve invested a lot of ourselves in this house,” said Lulic. “We’re staying as long as we’re physically capable.”

Bob Timpane and Margaret Lulic are joining other homeowners in getting a jump on preparing their home to be livable when they are much older. More and more homeowners are modifying their homes in anticipation of being able to “age in place.” The pair made kitchen repairs, among other improvements. (Joel Koyama/MCT)

The two couples are not unique in their desire to stay in their longtime homes.

a 2011 survey by AARP. But many of today’s homes, even so-called “senior apartments,” weren’t designed and built to accommodate wheelchairs, walkers and physical limitations, according to Alissa Boroff, director of Access Solutions and a certified agingin-place consultant. “The overwhelming majority of people want to stay in their homes,” said Boroff, who works with individuals, families and contractors, “but the way we’re building homes, we’re not supporting their needs. There’s not enough universal design so people can age gracefully.”

The new kitchen in Margaret Lulic’s and Bob Timpane’s home is more efficient and its cabinets are equipped with pull-outs and built-ins to make stored items more accessible. They made improvements now, before illness or injury might descend, with an eye on “aging in place.” (Joel Koyama/MCT)

Most older homeowners nationwide prefer to age in place, according to

That’s why some homeowners are taking matters into their own hands and transforming their houses now, so they can live comfortably in them later. “It’s definitely part of the conversation,” said architect Jean Rehkamp Larson, principal of Rehkamp The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Larson Architects, who worked with Johnson and Ritchie on their remodeling. That conversation can take many forms, “from how to get a bedroom on the main floor, to how to do laundry, to a closet that can be turned into an elevator. It’s becoming more of a topic. People see the benefit of staying in their community.” Lynn Monson, owner of DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen and Monson Interior Design, St. Louis Park, has seen so much interest in aging-in-place projects that he recently remodeled one of his showroom displays to demonstrate how a basic bathroom could be made wheelchair-accessible. “Universal design is for everybody,” said Boroff. “But it’s getting more attention now because of the baby boomers. They’ve gone through some experiences, maybe a crisis with their parents, and think, ‘I don’t want that to happen to me.’ They’re doing things proactively, before there’s an illness or injury. It’s better to make changes when you’re not in crisis.”

Wet Room bath renovation By Kevin Kirkland

Nearly 40 years ago, while staying at an old house in Sweden, Mary Shaw and Roy Weil got their first glimpse of what their new bathroom would be like.

“We wanted to make it accessible without even a hint of institutional,” Shaw said. “This is the house we will live in forever.”

“The whole room was waterproof,” Shaw said. “They provided a squeegee to clean up.”

The spouses, who are over 65, were named winners in the small residential category (under $50,000) of the 2013-14 Renovation Inspiration Contest.

What is unique about this master bath is that the entire 10-by-8-foot space is a “wet room,” with a waterproof membrane in the floor and lower walls. That means no barriers, no shower curtains or sliding glass doors and no worries about wayward water.

For Johnson and Ritchie, knowing that their house is ready for whatever life throws at them gives them peace of mind. “We can look at the years with confidence,” said Johnson. (c)2014 Star Tribune Distributed by MCT Information Services

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To take a shower, you simply walk or roll a wheelchair up to the central wall unit that controls temperature, shower head, body sprays and a hand-held shower wand. A 5-foot turning diameter and flip-up teak seats mounted on the walls make for easy handicapped accessibility. The slab-like sink and floating vanity are installed at heights to easily accommodate someone standing or sitting. Best of all, everything from the grab bars to the mirror are both ADAcompliant and beautifully midcentury modern, like the rest of the house.

Contractor Tony Tommarello and his son, Tyler, also renovated the couple’s kitchen and living room and installed a shaftless elevator and small therapy pool in an addition. But it was the master bathroom that was entered in the contest. Combining form and function, it also boasts LED lighting, a heated towel rack, nonslip porcelain tile “planks,” stylish trim that doubles as a grab bar and cool 1950s cup holders that disappear into the mirror. Even the floating glass partition is unique; Shaw and Weil saw its decorative “shattered” edge in a local showroom. Attaching it firmly to the wall so that water could easily flow

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July 2014



beneath it was one of many challenges on the project, Tony Tommarello said. “It was the uniqueness of it that was interesting,” he said. “We had never done a wet room before.” But before the contractor could tackle such issues, he had to remove the period pink bathroom. The only items saved from the 1955 bathroom were an awning window and the original Hall-Mack Concealed Lavatory rotating toothbrush/ cup holders, which were installed in the new mirror. One of the trickiest parts of the wet room was getting the slope of the radiant-heated floor right, Tommarello said. Too steep and it’s difficult for users to navigate; too shallow and water pools near the two trench drains under the shower control and vanity. The contractor is proud that the slope is barely noticeable. He and his son also widened the bathroom doorway to 35 inches and installed a sliding pocket door.

Shaw, a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University, pointed proudly to the sandstone sink and Vangura quartz counter top. She and her husband, a civil and software engineer for Michael Baker Corp., selected avocado for an accent wall “to pick up a greenish fleck in the vanity top,” she wrote in their contest entry. They could not say exactly how long the bathroom took because it was part of a yearlong renovation that was mostly finished before they moved in. The couple were living “in a steep house on a steep street” when they found this twobedroom, three-bath house. At 2,600 square feet, it was larger than their old house but much more adaptable to aging in place. The most dramatic change was a shaftless elevator that runs from the basement to the main floor. When the unit is in the basement, the only sign of it on the main floor is the lifting column on the wall and a seam in the hallway floor.

The kitchen renovation is another example of subtle changes that make a big difference. The peninsula was extended by 1 foot and widened to accommodate three stools. The couple also sandblasted the original drawer pulls and cast new matching ones and the light fixture. By themselves, the improvements the couple has made to this house wouldn’t guarantee that they could continue to live there independently. Shaw and Weil are now planning changes to their house’s driveway, front lawn and exterior to make them as beautifully functional as the interior. That means the Tommarellos will be at it again. In their contest entry, the couple thanked their contractor for creating “the bathroom we have been dreaming about for nearly 40 years.” They just might end up with a house that will serve them another 40. (c)2014 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Distributed by MCT Information Services


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38 BOOM!

July 2014

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

Someone else can mow the lawn from now on! By Alan Berner He only fell five feet from his lawn to the beach below. But, his new half-ton riding mower landed on top of him.

Buchan soon experienced a return of feeling in his arms.

John Buchan, 73, of Port Ludlow, Jefferson County, Wash., a noted Northwest sailor and homebuilder, “went over backward” the day after Easter. The tide was out but returning. He “heard vertebrae breaking (and) had no feeling in my lower body.”

Now, physical therapy is the daily regimen to regain strength and muscle tone.

His spine was bruised but not lacerated.

John Buchan, injured in a riding-mower accident, is helped with hand/arm strength exercises.

Buchan’s neck was broken and he said he thought, “maybe this is the way I check out.”

old neighbor girl happened along.

From all his life experiences _ from breaking ribs and being run over and struck in the helmet racing hydros at 100 mph to racing oceangoing 52-foot sailboats _ it seemed an unlikely end. With Buchan hypothermic and in shock after two hours on the beach, a 12-year-

The nearby fire department raced to the beach and stabilized him. A helicopter flew Buchan to Harborview Medical Center.

Buchan’s pulse was down to 30.

A surgeon placed two steel rods along the fractured vertebrae. Put in traction,

A 90 percent recovery is anticipated, but it will be a few months before he drives a car again and possibly November before he can take the helm at a sailboat race.

Considering the accident, Buchan says he’s “really lucky.” “I don’t know how many of my nine lives I’ve used. It wasn’t my time yet.” Lawn mowing will now be done by a hired crew. (c)2014 The Seattle Times Distributed by MCT Information Services

Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group Tuesday, July 8th, 5:30 p.m. Frazer UMC, Room 8114 6000 Atlanta Highway

Enjoy fun and fellowship with your breast cancer “sisters” and friends!

The program will be:

With God All Things Are Possible! Presented by Cheryl Culp – WOH member Everyone is Welcome!

For information please call 334-220-4599 or email

Our goal is to make sure that all women AND men are educated about breast cancer and the effects it has on family and friends. Hope is the assurance that one day we will be able to live cancer free! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps so many deserving breast cancer patients and survivors including their families. Women of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month (Jan-Nov). Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m.

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July 2014



Natural Ways to Alleviate Anxiety No one is immune to anxiety, which can be triggered by a number of factors. Many people who deal with anxiety can trace their episodes to family, finances or work, but other circumstances, including personal health or even fear of traveling, can lead to anxiety that’s difficult to manage. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting roughly 40 million adults age 18 and older. Anxiety also is a significant issue in Canada, where the Anxiety Disorders Association of Canada reports that such disorders are the most prevalent mental illness affecting Canadian adults. While many rely on prescription medication to treat their anxiety, those suffering from anxiety disorders may want to discuss natural alternatives to such medications with their physicians. The following are some natural ways to treat anxiety that may help anxiety sufferers deal with their disorder without the need for medication. * Chamomile: An ancient medicinal herb, chamomile is experiencing a resurgence of sorts. The dried flowers of chamomile contain many terpenoids and flavonoids that increase its medicinal properties. In fact, a study at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center that examined the efficacy of chamomile at treating generalized anxiety disorder found that patients who took chamomile supplements for eight weeks experienced a significant decrease in their symptoms compared to those given a placebo. Chamomile tea has grown increasingly popular in recent years, but those suffering from anxiety may want to

40 BOOM!

July 2014

discuss with their doctors chamomile supplements as a means to treating their anxiety. * Valerian: Used to treat insomnia, valerian is a sedative herb that is best taken at night. Some people drink valerian tea to reduce their anxiety, but the aroma of valerian tea can be unpleasant. If that aroma is simply too

omega-3 fatty acids also have been linked to alleviating anxiety. In a 2011 study published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, students who received omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids before an exam experienced a 20 percent reduction in anxiety symptoms over those who received a placebo. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon and other oily, coldwater fishes. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements also are available, but men and women should discuss such supplements and any potential side effects with their physicians before taking anything. Anxiety is a significant concern for millions of people across the globe. But those suffering from anxiety may be able to treat their conditions naturally. A few other sources that may offer helpful insights and support:

pungent, valerian can be taken as a capsule or tincture. But valerian should really only be taken at night thanks to its sedative compounds. * Exercise: Treating anxiety does not necessarily have to involve putting something into your body. Exercise can be an effective antidote to anxiety, especially for those people whose anxiety can be traced to their concerns about their long-term health. Regular exercise improves mood and supports long-term health, and for some anxiety sufferers that’s enough to alleviate their condition. Even a relatively short 30-minute daily workout can be very effective at treating anxiety. * Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids can benefit the body in a variety of ways. Though most widely associated with promoting cardiovascular health,

Home Life Simplified Positively Positive Anxiety Guru I Am Kiving With Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Social Net Anxiety Turnaround Anxiety

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The Business Mini Directory

A Business Mini is a little fatter than your old business card and for a limited time we are offering a Business Mini to fit your budget. Fifty dollars will get your business message in front of thousands of people over 50 who have the money to buy stuff. Every business needs one more customer, where will yours come from? Call today and get your $50 Business Mini, 324.3472 or

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July 2014



The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

We Love Women Over 50! If your Target Audience are Women with Money and Desire, BOOM! readers are your customers...70% of our readers are Mature Women, 75% of US wealth is owned by Mature Women age 50+, and Mature Women spend 2.5 times what the average person spends and they spend it on things like Beauty, Grand Kids, Pets, Fitness, Gifts, Restaurants, Healthcare, Financial Services, Caregiving, Classes, Fashion, Home & Garden, Concerts, Entertaining, Travel, and much more!

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July 2014

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July 2014



July 2014

{12 Things} for active boomers and beyond


The Beatles A Hard Day’s Night 50th Anniversary Capri Theatre July 4-10, Fri & Sat: 5 & 7, 3pm Matinee Saturday & Sunday Sun - Thurs: 7:30 only

The Beatles’ silver-screen debut A Hard Day’s Night will return to theaters this summer to mark the 50th anniversary of its premiere at London’s Pavilion Theatre. The movie has been digitally restored to remix and remaster its soundtrack for 5.1 sound systems at Abbey Road. For more info visit

PIKE ROAD, ALABAMA Summer Fest at The Waters Annual July 4th Celebration Friday, July 4th, 6 pm

The Town of Pike Road will host Summer Fest, its annual Fourth of July celebration, on Friday, July 4, at The Waters on Marler Road. Gates will open at 5:30 p.m., and admission is $10 per vehicle. This year’s Summer Fest will feature food, fun and fireworks. Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic and blanket or lawn chairs to enjoy the musical offerings of Brandon Self and the Outlaw Revival The night’s fireworks extravaganza will begin at nightfall. For more information, 272.9883 or visit


Photography Classes Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Saturdays, July 5th, 19th & 26th, 9-1pm Hank Siegel returns to The Gardens to offer a walking photography class on July 5, “Water Features,” which will teach students how to manipulate zoom focus, control shutter speeds, and aperture in order to achieve their artistic vision. The class will be held from 9 - 1 p.m. “Up Close and Personal: Macrophotography in The Gardens” will focus on capturing, processing and displaying macrophotographic images using the plants and features of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The class will be held July 19 and 26 from 9 - noon. To learn more about all of the photography classes that will be offered at Birmingham Botanical Gardens and to register online, visit

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July 2014

WETUMPKA, ALABAMA The Way We Worked Downtown Wetumpka Through July 6, various times

The Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street will bring the exhibition entitled “The Way We Worked” to Wetumpka for its final Alabama appearance. The exhibition, made possible in our community by the Alabama Humanities Foundation, will be shown in the Elmore County Museum located at 112 South Main Street through July 6. Hours for the “The Way We Worked” will be Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. “alabama at Work” and “dixie art Colony: a look at Its legacy” hours will be 10 am to 4 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays at the Kelly Fitzpatrick Memorial Gallery in the City of Wetumpka Administrative Building located at 408 South Main Street. For more info visit


Les Miserables Birmingham Presented by Red Mountain Theatre Company at Dorothy Jemison Day Theater July 8 - August 3, various times Discover a nation in the grip of revolution, where convict Jean Valjean is on the run. Hunted relentlessly by the policeman Javert for breaking his parole, he must leave his past behind and keep his vow to raise the young orphaned Cosette. But with revolution in the air and Javert closing in, Jean Valjean has no choice but to fight for his life and sacrifice everything to protect the people he loves. Located at 800 19th Street North, Birmingham, AL 35203. For more info visit


Creekwalk Concert Series Creekwalk Garden, Downtown Prattville Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm July 8th, July 22nd, August 12th, and August 26th The City of Prattville is excited to announce a Creekwalk Concert Series for this summer. They will be featuring some great acts in Creekwalk Garden on July 8th, July 22nd, August 12th, and August 26th. Downtown eateries and shops will be open late. Each concert will be a little The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

different and will offer a variety of vendors/attractions at each concert. These events are free to the public. Located in Downtown Prattville at Creekwalk Garden, 147 West Main Street, Prattville. Visit



A little slice of New Orleans and its music in Wetumpka, Alabama. Come and join in the fun and bring the whole family. There will be vendors, food, activities for kids, and, of course, lots of music! From zydeco to blues to jazz and best of all, IT’S FREE!!! You’re sure to find something to dance to! Mark your calendar for July 19th! For more info visit

Summer Short Course-Fashions, Tastes, and Lunch MMFA Tuesdays, July 8, 15, 22, 29, 12-1pm Explore the clothing of American ladies represented in the Museum’s collection as Curator Margaret Lynne Ausfeld discusses how fashions reflect the changing roles of women in American society. Following the talks on fashion and identity, Educator Alice Novak will lead discussions about objects and works of art that reflect two recurrent trends throughout American history. Order a lunch for $10.00 at least a week in advance by contacting Alice Novak, 334.240.4362, anovak@mmfa. org. For more info visit


Antique Engine & Tractor Show Saturday, July 12th, 9 am - 5 pm Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park has more than 1,500 acres in three counties set aside for hiking, camping and outdoor recreation. A miniature railroad chugs through the pines. From spring through fall, the blacksmith, miller and craftsmen demonstrate their trades. Craft shops occupy restored pioneer cabins and artisans chat with visitors from their front porches. Hiking trails retrace historic roadways. Artifacts of Alabama’s 19th century iron industry displayed in the Iron and Steel Museum put in perspective the massive stone furnaces, Tannehill’s awe-inspiring centerpiece. Located at 12632 Confederate Parkway, McCalla, AL. For more info call 205.477.5711 or visit


Mary Poppins, The Broadway Musical Alabama Shakespeare Festival Blount Cultural Park July 16-August 3rd, various times This summer is going to be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival because Disney and Cameron McIntosh’s smash Broadway hit Mary Poppins is coming to town. Several weekend and matinee performances have already sold out. Tickets to Mary Poppins start at $30 and may be obtained by calling 800.841.4273, online at or by visiting the ASF box office located at 1 Festival Drive in the heart of Montgomery’s beautiful Blount Cultural Park.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

River and Blues Music & Arts Festival Gold Star Park, Downtown Wetumpka Saturday, July 19, 12-10pm

ENTERPRISE, ALABAMA Soda Shop Hop Southern Broadway, Enterprise Through July 26th

Soda Shop Hop is a musical in the style of Grease meets Glee. Set in Joe’s Diner on Route 66 somewhere between Needles and Barstow in the small town of Ludlow, California. A rollicking, fast-paced, fun-filled show featuring the classic recognizable tunes of the 1950s. For more info call 334.470.6568 or visit


EastChase Farmers Market Saturdays through August 30th, 7am-Noon “Over the past 10 years our market has changed the attitude of the customer in the River Region towards farmers markets,” said John Aplin, Market Manager. “We have built a relationship of trust and a reputation for a quality product. Our products sold at the market are ‘grower only’—that in itself reflects the whole integrity of The Shoppes at EastChase Farmers Market.” The Market includes 36 local vendors with festivities for the entire family. Shoppers will continue to find unique, local items such as organic meats and milk, goat cheese, natural bath products and hand-made soaps, honey, fruit pastries, birdhouses and nursery plants. For more information on The Shoppes at EastChase or its Farmer’s Market, call 334.279.6046. Visit theshoppesateastchase. com

Read Digital & Interactive BOOM! at Please submit any events/pictures to

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July 2014



By Greg Budell

The Mayor of BOOMTOWN

“Never take a laxative and sleeping pill at the same time”, Dave Barry In July, we celebrate our (remaining) freedoms, including that cherished God-given right to be stupid. This is the story of my Ultimate Stupid.

In addition to the 4th, and Ice Cream Month, July also happens to be National Laxative Appreciation Month. Once again I will draw from my experience, strength and hope; coupled with a guest appearance by singer Dolly Parton, to explain the dangers of laxative abuse.

I learned the lesson of a lifetime on a Friday night in Miami long, long ago (March, 1980 something). My radio station was hosting a FREE Dolly Parton concert, a coup, because Dolly was surfing her highest tide of popularity. Her mega hit “9 to 5” was #1 when we made the announcement to our excited listeners. The entire air staff was mandated to attend the show and appear on stage to say “Hello!” Dolly.

I will do my best to describe this evening in the most tasteful way possible, given the delicate condition I created for myself on the drive down to the show. Ah…well - I had become rather bloated days before the concert. My digestive system was dysfunctional and it had been many days, perhaps a week, since I…ahh…had relief from this uncomfortable, ‘backedup’ condition. Facing an onstage appearance in front of 15,000 people, I was determined to shrink my burgeoning belly. Our pullover staff shirts were the uniform d’jour, and I couldn’t suck in the excess. I had heard about Ex-Lax, of course, because their commercials have been

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running on TV forever.

Keep in mind that I had achieved a rather substantial “local celebrity” status, thanks to numerous billboards, thousands of minutes of TV spots, and press coverage. I was the “Peck’s Bad Boy” of South Florida, and by the time Dolly was due, people recognized me by face constantly.

With my elephantine ego in place, I could not risk the embarrassment of buying Ex-Lax in an Anglo area where someone might notice me, and call the Miami Herald with gossip connecting me to laxatives. So, I drove miles out of my way to a Little Havana pharmacy to purchase a 16 pack of the chocolaty time bombs in relative anonymity. I immediately took 2 pieces figuring I’d be ready to go by the time I reached the Fairgrounds. It didn’t happen. I arrived about 90 minutes before show time, so I took 2 more hoping to speed the elimination problem.

“This junk doesn’t work very well”, I thought. So I took 4 more an hour before the concert’s 8PM start. Nothing. In a final act of desperation, I finished the box, just as everyone was gathering in our fully catered backstage “green room”.

The entire staff began slurping down shots, and was quickly 3 sheets to

the wind. Everyone except me. I felt a hurricane brewing in my belly.

My stomach was not shrinking. To my horror, it felt like someone was pumping air from a gas station hose into it and the pressure grew with each second. Soon, my gastro-intestinal system started making noises like a battle sequence from Star Wars, and they were loud enough to be heard by anyone within a couple feet of me. Suddenly-abruptly, I felt the blood drain from my face, and began sweating profusely on a cool 65 degree spring evening. The misery index continued rising.

My boss’s buzz did not dim his ability to sense something was wrong with his morning radio star. He asked if I was OK. We had worked together 3 years and he knew me like a book. I told him I had a “stomach problem”. I did not share the Ex-Lax episode with him. The on-air staff huddled and worked out the sequence of onstage introductions. The evening jock would introduce our daytime hostessoid, who would bring on the boss who would bring on me. I then, had the honor of bringing out The Dolly.

I went to the bathroom to check on my appearance, and realized why the boss questioned me. Raccoon eyes, an

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

ever-inflating stomach and pearls of sweat had gathered around my entire hairline, back and front.

Dolly came in and we all got to meet and talk with her. She couldn’t have been nicer! Sweet, petite, and of course it was hard to ignore those 2 enormous assets that Johnny Carson once offered a million dollars “just for a peek”. That’s a half-mil per! We all posed for photos and prepared to launch the show. I yanked my shirt from my pants because there was no hiding the Zeppelin inflating in my gut.

Then, just before my introduction, as the boss was whooping up the packed outdoor stadium, the Ex-bomb went to work. In an instant, my stomach felt like it had been dropped from the Empire State Building’s observation deck. Sweat was streaming from every pore. At the very moment my name was announced to a wonderfully responsive crowd, “it” happened. As I stepped towards the stage in white jeans and blue staff shirt, nature called.

The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine

I didn’t walk on stage. With my legs and knees pressed together, and contracting my gluteous muscles clenched to the maximus (I could have cracked walnuts with them, honestly) I shuffled out to the microphone praying I wouldn’t “let go” in front of 15,000 fans.

Hari-Kari would have been my only option in that worst-case scenario.

I abandoned my planned warm up act, grabbed the mike and simply said, croaking through a dehydrated throat, “here she is, for all you 9 to 5ers enjoying a night out, please welcome DOLLY PARTON!”

My back end had become Vesuvius on the cusp of eruption. As I shuffled off the stage, grinding my knees to keep my contents in, Dolly came out, made eye contact with me, and stopped. She grabbed my arm, and very sincerely asked if I was all right. I said “I will be in a minute”, thanked her and then shuffled offstage to the nearest bathroom, about 200 feet away. The crowd roared as she came on-stage. 45 minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom drenched in sweat, feeling drained, and looking like I took a

bleach bath. Five minutes later, I was back in for a 15 minute encore. Dolly was a huge hit, but all I heard from my backstage ‘seat” was her voice echoing off the restroom’s tiled walls . Dolly was long gone before I felt capable of surviving the hour drive home.

For nearly half the trip I had to keep my legs extended and knees locked to prevent disaster. Once home, I dared not to be within proximity of the bathroom for the remainder of the weekend. My symphony of stomach sounds finally went silent and I was back on the air Monday, weakened and with a still-bloated belly. I learned my lesson. To this day, I eat “All Bran” twice a week.

One of the most physically miserable weekends of my life was behind me. (no pun intended) That I managed to avoid the ultimate humiliation in front of 15,000 people, was simply a matter of “pot luck”. Greg Budell lives in Montgomery with his dog Hershey. He’s a 25 year veteran of radio who hosts the Greg & Susan morning show 6-9 am and Happy Hour 3-6 pm on NEWSTALK 93.1, Greg can be reached at

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July 2014



Back-to-School Checklist s e i l p p u S l o Π Scho s e h t o l C Π s n o i t a z i n u Π Imm



Depending on your child’s vaccination history, certain vaccines may be needed. Ask your heAlthcAre proviDer About the following vAccinAtions for your chilD: Ages 4-6

Ages 16 and older

DTap • Polio • MMR--2nd Dose • Varicella--2nd Dose

• Meningococcal booster • Varicella--If your child has not had the first dose by age 13, two doses are needed. • HepB--Recommended if your child has not had the shots. Three doses are needed. • MMR--If your child has not had the first dose, two doses are needed.

Ages 11-12 • Tdap--Required • HPV--Recommended for boys and girls to prevent most genital warts and cervical cancers as well as some other cancers. This is a 3-dose series. • Meningococcal--1st dose • Varicella--If your child has not had the first dose by age 13, two doses are needed.

Flu vaccines are recommended for all children over six months of age and will be available beginning in the Fall.

For more information, go to or download the free adph app.

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