3 minute read
Publisher's Column
The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings. Publisher/Editor
Jim Watson, 334.324.3472
Contributing Writers
Jeff Barganier Tracy Bhalla Greg Budell Karen Cochran Bo Goodson Patricia Heaton Bob Holmes Tami Kamin Meyer Susan Moore Leigh Anne Richards Raley L. Wiggins
Cover Photography
Total Image Portraits www.totalimage.com
Advertising Jim Watson, 334.324.3472
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Publisher’s Letter
Are You Ready?
Are you ready? Ready for the competitive juices to start flowing again? As an American man, I look forward to the competitive nature of our American culture. Ever since they cancelled the March Madness basketball tournament I’ve been living with disappointment. I so wanted to see Bruce Pearl deliver more winning for the Auburn Basketball Program, but no, we had to hide in our homes and watch sports reruns. That didn’t help. SEC Football will be back this month…that is if its leadership doesn’t lose Jim Watson, Publisher its courage by paying way too much attention to the Covid Fear Mongers in jim@riverregionboom.com Media. But there’s another competitive contest they cannot take from me, the Presidential Election.
When you have a dog in the fight every contest is more interesting because winning and losing is how we settle our differences in America. Having just watched the two parties make their best case for why they should lead us for next four years and maybe beyond, it seems more than clear who should win the elections on November 3rd. I’ve been in sales for most of my life and I know a good presentation when I see one, plus I am too old to have lost my commonsense skills, so my choice is clear. I hope you spend time thinking just what America will be for your children and grandchildren after November 3rd. I’m voting for Make America Love Again. I may even have some MALA red hats made to share with my friends. Text me if you’ll have the courage to wear one ��!
This month’s cover profile is Bo Goodson. Bo is best known for his real estate experience and his ability to teach people how to become real estate professionals. But Bo also teaches bible studies at Frazer, loves to sing, and play guitar and hang out with his partner Gail Ball and their 2 special dogs, Katie Faith and Anna Grace. I hope you’ll enjoy Bo’s story this month, it’s worth sharing too, he’s a special kind of man.
Of course, we have plenty more good reads. Like, tips on helping your parents age in place, no easy task. Jeff Barganier trekking off to North Carolina scouting out a great location for the Fall. And Patricia Heaton sharing ideas about helping you start your second act, you ready for yours? How about love? There’s many people of our age who are still looking during the Covid 19 meltdown and they’re doing pretty well coping with the restrictions, inspirational I’d say!
Greg Budell reminisces about his old life, before Covid19 and he just WANTS IT BACK! Leigh Anne Richards starts a 2-part column about exercise being “The Workout Drug”, there’s no denying the science, we just need a drug that will make us do it consistently!! Our financial columnist, Susan Moore is offering a free webinar this month about how not to outlive your retirement money, if that ever crossed your mind, please reach out to Susan’s team, and sign up, invite some friends. If you’re buying heath food, supplements, etc. there’s a coupon for Health Wise Foods to get an extra 10% off your purchase, seniors already receive a discount, so this just makes the visit a little sweeter. Tell them BOOM! sent ya’.
If you haven’t started receiving the digital version this is a great month to begin. Please subscribe yourself or others at www.riverregionboom.com, IT’s FREE! Please consider all our advertisers when you have needs, they’re all on the right side of positive aging and would love to do business with each of you. Please share your thoughts on this issue or any other ideas regarding BOOM! I love to listen. Make America Love Again, MALA Hats and Masks for everyone! Jim
334.324.3472 cell/text jim@riverregionboom.com
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