Publisher’s Letter
My Breast Cancer Story Many of you have one. Mine began with my first wife, Marty. Each year during October I share my Breast Cancer Story with our readers. Everyone who has experienced Breast Cancer knows the bond we all share yet everyone’s story is unique. I consider my experience a blessing.
The mission of BOOM! is to serve the folks of the River Region age 50 plus with information and ideas to inspire new experiences, better quality of life and new beginnings.
Breast Cancer’s Blessing Could life be any better? My wife and I were truly enjoying the fruits of our Jim Watson, Publisher labor. We were business partners; she was the boss and I was her advisor. We had been publishing Montgomery Parents for eight years and serving our community with something we thought was worth doing. We were “empty nesters”, and our schedules allowed for travel and plenty of time to love on the grandkids. Through our effort we had discovered the joy of “made for each other”, because both of us brought something to our marriage and business relationship the other didn’t have. We became a complete work of love. After a 40year relationship stemming from a 9th grade history class encounter, Marty and I had discovered the “sweet spot” of happiness and we were enjoying the blessing of God’s design. And then we weren’t.
Publisher/Editor Jim Watson, 334.324.3472
Contributing Writers Jeff Barganier Tracy Bhalla Ann Brenoff Greg Budell
Shiela Craven Bob Holmes Paula Ganzi McGloin Susan Moore Cheryl Popp Leigh Anne Richards George Smith Jr. Raley L. Wiggins
In April of 2003, our lives changed. Marty and I were sitting in our living room as our family doctor told Marty she had metastatic breast cancer. We were paralyzed by the thought. It’s as if our brains were frozen. It was a Friday afternoon, so we would have to spend the weekend with this intruder; we were being held hostage by breast cancer until Monday’s appointment with the oncologist. We both struggled to understand the why. I researched breast cancer and learned too much while Marty began sharing with family and friends the “news” no one wanted to hear. As an optimist I was going to get to the bottom of this problem and find a solution. Marty, who had a deep faith, knew the solution was with God. Of course, we both would press and probe our doctors for answers and hope and got some of both. But in the end, our journey with breast cancer led to God and the peace that only He can provide. Breast cancer changed our lives, but God was the director.
Cover Photography Total Image Portraits
I became a caregiver, and like many men, was pretty unfamiliar with the job description. But when your wife has breast cancer and every day together is truly precious, you ask a lot of dumb questions and you get smart quick. I’m not talking medical stuff, I’m talking laundry and cooking and pill organizing and, most importantly, serving. Marty lived 30 months after her diagnosis and I wouldn’t trade one moment of serving her for anything in this world. The blessing of serving is hard to realize and appreciate because we all want for ourselves. Our nature is to be selfish. But when you serve someone you forget about your needs and value someone else’s. I learned that from Marty. She was a selfless, caring person and when I took on that role in our lives it was an abundant blessing. Marty showed me where to find hope and how to never lose it. Our hope was and is in God. God’s blessings aren’t about being in the best place of your life, they’re about being in the best place with Him.
Jim Watson, 334.324.3472 Please Recycle This Magazine, Share with a Friend!
Our Cover Profile this month is Shiela Craven, a breast cancer survivor like many of you. Shiela has faced her struggle with a strong faith in God and His Will. Her strength obviously emanates by His presence and she is an inspiration to be around. Shiela is a dear friend of both my wife Sandy and myself. She loves life with a unique passion for her family and the many friends in her circle. Shiela's story is a must read experience and very shareable, I hope you will. Enjoy this month's issue of BOOM!, we made it for you.
Jim 334.324.3472 cell/text
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October 2020
The River Region’s 50+ Lifestage Magazine