At Riverside Prep, we proudly implement a military model of education, refined and focused to bring out the absolute best in your son. Similar principles that are applied in the development of great military men are utilized and carefully optimized with the specific goal of building simply great men.
Mentorship, support, and mutual accountability make up the foundation of our student culture. Students benefit from the careful guidance of those with more experience, and in turn, readily share their knowledge with those who have less. Each student is constantly learning from strong role models — and soon becomes one himself.
rewards are as great as the challenge.
Riverside students share a commitment to excellence, achievement, and a genuine dedication to the success of the whole, balancing personal strength and courage with strong loyalty to our brothers. We make lifetime connections by supporting each other through challenges, celebrating victories together, and being part of something much greater than any one individual.
The rewards are as great as the challenge.
The environment at Riverside is structured to maximize academic achievement by focusing on how boys learn best. The highly motivating and rewarding experience of cadet life extends into the classroom, where dedicated faculty focus on excellence, and engage students through dynamic learning opportunities that prepare them for college and whatever comes next.
The rewards are as great as the challenge.
At Riverside Prep, my social skills greatly improved. The curriculum and the environment here gave me a better sense of direction and a more positive outlook on the world. I became motivated to take advantage of the new opportunities given.
At Riverside, we all go through the same experiences together. We are a brotherhood. Because of the friendships made here, I have been given the opportunity to visit Puerto Rico, Utah, and soon Switzerland and Alaska.”
The rewards are as great as the challenge.
“Armandisintuitive,butheneeded structure for his education. We considered otherprivateschooloptions,butafter visitingRiverside,hecouldn’tstoptalking about it. He has now been at Riverside for threeyears,andinthattime,Armandhas beengivenopportunitiestohelphimgrow. Hehaslearnedtheimportanceofdiscipline, accountability,andtimemanagement. Armandisnowinaleadershiprole,and youngercadetscometohimforguidance. Peoplealwaysnoticehowmatureand well-rounded he is.”
Dale La Douceur Armand’s father
• President of Horton’s Society
• First Team All-Area Lacrosse, 2x
• MVP: Lacrosse
• Coaches Awards: Wrestling, Lacrosse
• Captain: Wrestling, Lacrosse
• Teacher Award: AP Chemistry, U.S. History
• Student Senate
• Sports Producer: ENN
• Wrestling State Champion 2023
• Raider National Champion 2022, 2023
• Honor Council
• Company Commander
• National Honor Society
• Top GPA: 9th grade, 10th grade
Accept the challenge. Your rewards await you.
Team sports are one of our most time-honored traditions and purest representations of our school’s spirit and mission.The principles of teamwork and self-discipline are in our DNA, and competitive sports are vital for the building of not only physical strength, but strength of character.
Put a young man in an environment that is designed to challenge him, inspire him, test and prove his strengths, and reveal his complete potential, and you will be amazed bywhat he will accomplish.This belief has been the force behind Riverside’s mission since our founding, and it is this spirit that drives us as we continue to strengthen, modernize, and maximize our proven, time-honored military model to represent the absolute finest, independent all-boys education available.
Riverside Prep students participate in a variety of team sports each year, trainedby distinguishedcoaches in ourworld-class facilities, celebrating victories, cultivating brotherhood, and reinforcing the integrity and pride that are signatures of the Riverside philosophy and culture.
Put a young man in an environment that is designed to challenge him, inspire him, test and prove his strengths, and reveal his complete potential, and you will be amazed by what he will accomplish. This belief has been the force behind Riverside’s mission since our founding, and it is this spirit that drives us as we continue to strengthen, modernize, and maximize our proven, time-honored military model to represent the absolute finest, independent all-boys education available.
Get a first-hand look at the excitement of student life, tour our campus and facilities, and imagine the possibilities. We look forward to meeting you and helping you determine if Riverside is the right fit for your son and your family.
This half-day experience includes a guided tour of campus followed by a question-and-answer session. You will meet cadets, parents, faculty, and coaches to learn about Riverside first-hand.
Get to know Riverside through a private guided tour of campus. An admissions representative will show you around and introduce you to faculty and cadets, while you witness mentorship, brotherhood, and hands-on academics at its best.
There’s no better way to experience Riverside than to visit the campus, but a physical visit isn’t always feasible. Taking a virtual tour guided by cadets is a great way to learn more about student life at Riverside.
Give us a call at 1-800-462-2338 or email to schedule a visit.
Team sports are one of our most time-honored traditions and purest representations of our school’s spirit and mission. The principles of teamwork and self-discipline are in our DNA, and competitive sports are vital for the building of not only physical strength, but strength of character.
Riverside Prep students participate in a variety of team sports each year, trained by distinguished coaches in our world-class facilities, celebrating victories, cultivating brotherhood, and reinforcing the integrity and pride that are signatures of the Riverside philosophy and culture.
*Per GISA/GIAA guidelines, 8th graders are allowed to compete in varsity athletics except for football. Also available to 8th graders are Riflery and JROTC Raiders and Drill Teams.
Track & Field
JROTC Raiders
JROTC Drill Team
Life at Riverside is a true adventure. Every day, students work side by side to meet multidimensional challenges, tackle difficult and rewarding tasks, and strive as a team in the name of both collective and individual excellence – whether studying hard, practicing hard, or just plain playing hard.
Our students build more than friendships – they form important connections that come from embracing challenges together, while being inspired and motivated by each other’s strength, spirit, and resolve. They share priceless lessons in loyalty, leadership, and accountability that transcend curriculum as pillars of a unique student culture that can only be experienced here, and that builds much more than academic capability.
Our students don’t simply come to school. They become part of a complete, lived experience, full of fun, excitement, camaraderie, tradition, and self-discovery, where every day is a new opportunity to grow, learn, and build.
Riverside is a home away from home for young men from all across the world. Students live in barracks which allows them to learn discipline and structure to help them stay on track throughout their time at school. Dedicated TAC officers mentor and support each student to ensure his success. Through simple training such as personal hygiene, marching in formation, and scheduled study hours, young men learn the value of self-discipline and mutual accountability with their fellow cadets.
Thanks to our devoted Student Affairs team, Riverside is able to offer a variety of exciting extracurricular activities to keep students engaged and active. Some of these activities include community service projects, domestic and international travel opportunities, and coordinated school-wide intramural sporting events like combat archery and dodge ball. Cookouts, socials, and overnight trips are also offered throughout the year.
Boarding students are provided three meals a day in our beautiful dining hall. Based on conduct, students are invited to enjoy the on-campus grill known as the “Goomba Grill” where they can enjoy a variety of food items and desserts from the Aramark Staff and enjoy some recreational activities such as billiards, videogames, table tennis, and air hockey.
In addition to the mentorship of the TAC officers, Riverside has a full-time licensed professional counselor on staff. The safety and wellbeing of our students is a top priority at Riverside!
Although Riverside does not affiliate with a specific faith, we actively support your son’s chosen faith. Our chaplain leads growth for all faith communities on campus, including weekly Christian non-denominational worship services, Bible study, and prayer options. Local off-campus worship and youth services are open for your son on most Sundays and Wednesdays. Further, your son can participate in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other internally scheduled religious groups.
Riverside offers small class sizes; immersive, hands-on education; and an exciting spectrum of programs ranging from aerospace engineering to the arts, all within a supportive community dedicated to each student’s personal success. The environment at Riverside is carefully structured to optimize academic achievement by focusing specifically on how boys learn best.
The uniquely motivating and rewarding experience of cadet life extends into the classroom, where dedicated faculty focus on excellence and engage students through dynamic learning opportunities that prepare them for college – and whatever comes next.
Riverside’s middle school prepares young men (grades 6-8) to excel in high school. We incorporate engaging lessons geared towards focused, experiential learning suited perfectly for young men. Riverside values small classroom sizes so each student is able to learn in a structured environment.
Riverside’s high school (grades 9-12) offers a rigorous curriculum to prepare young men for college and their next steps in life. Though the challenge may seem daunting, our students learn to exceed their expectations as our dedicated teachers encourage them along the way. Riverside offers a variety of advanced placement courses, dual enrollment opportunities, and college counseling to ensure each student thrives during his time here.
In addition to primary subjects, our students are also encouraged to participate in fine arts opportunities like band, video production, and photography. Riverside Prep proudly offers signature programs not found in most boarding schools, including Cyber Security, Aerospace Engineering, and Civil Air Patrol.
Colleges nationwide recognize the value of a Riverside Prep education as our 2022 graduates were offered $3.5 million in academic scholarships and $351,000 in ROTC scholarships and were accepted to 161 different colleges, universities, and federal service academies, including NYU, Cornell, the United States Air Force and Coast Guard Academies, Texas A&M, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Georgia Tech – just to name a few.
Though many of our students are far from home, they are never alone. Our academic support programs are designed to give every student an opportunity for success. Riverside offers counseling, learning support, and English as a second language (ESL) support. Riverside Prep also offers extensive support for students considering attending a service academy after graduation.
Riverside has a student success learning center that specializes in supporting students in the development of their organizational and executive functioning skills. Students can be enrolled in the center for a modest fee each semester. Should a student need intensive additional support in a particular subject area, Riverside will assist in procuring private tutoring for the student.
To support students in their post-secondary aspirations, Riverside provides college counselors who work with students to determine their interest areas and strengths so that they can seek college options that best match their goals.
In addition, Riverside maintains guidance counselors who focus on the academic plans for students. These counselors deal with day-to-day issues that students may encounter as well. Should a cadet have more extensive needs for counseling, the school counselors will connect the student to Riverside’s licensed professional counselor, who will work with the student to determine if a referral for ongoing counseling would be appropriate.
Our Assistant Dean for Cadet Development monitors students’ academic and behavioral progress during the academic day. The Assistant Dean works closely with students to support them for success in all facets of academic life.