Reveille Magazine Summer 2010

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Riverside Military Academy Summer 2010

We should remember that one man is much the same as another and that he is best who is trained in the toughest school. - Thucydides

2010-2011 Campus Open House Dates Calling all prospective cadets! Riverside Military Academy invites you to attend one of our campus open houses. What better way to experience life at Riverside than to meet with faculty and staff, current parents and cadets, and tour our beautiful 206-acre campus? Call admissions today to RSVP at 800.462.2338 or

Riverside is TRAVELING to the Dominican Republic Help us spread the word! Riverside will be traveling to the Dominican Republic in November to host an alumni reunion along with admission events for prospective families. All RMA alumni are encouraged to update their contact information through the Riverside website, or email

October 10, 2010

April 15, 2011

December 3, 2010

June 5, 2011

July 15, 2011

February 27, 2011

Have you seen our new website we rolled out this summer? Be sure to log in for more information and sign up for special notices. Need a password? Please send an email to or call 800.462.2338 ext. 2167.

In This Issue:

Reveille is a semi-annual publication produced by the communications office of Riverside Military Academy for its alumni, parents, donors, and friends. The editorial staff welcomes your ideas and comments. Photographs and illustrations may not be reproduced without the express written consent of Riverside Military Academy. Class notes, photos, corrections, and letters to the editor may be updated online at or addressed to: Editor, Reveille Riverside Military Academy 2001 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 800-462-2338 Riverside Military Academy admits students of any race, religion, and national or ethnic origin and is committed to the enrollment of a widely diverse student body. Editors: Adriane Seymour Director, Communications and Public Relations Amanda Griffin, CFRE Vice President for Advancement Contributors: Dr. James H. Benson, Ed. D., Col, USMC (Ret) Errol Bisso, ’61 Amy Booth Chris Cotter CPT John B. Delcambrie, ’66 Bernie Freeman, ’58 Amanda Griffin Leanne Kinney Bill Morgan Adriane Seymour Heather Romig Karen Treleven

Reveille I SUMMER 2010

Letter from the President...................... 2 2010 College Acceptances................... 3 2010 Graduation Recap....................... 4 Academic Dean Named........................ 8 RMA Selected as a Cool School on CBS Better Mornings Atlanta........... 7 Cadets and Teachers – Doing Great Things...........................8-9 Cadets Excel at Performing Arts......... 10 JROTC Military Ball............................. 11 Spring Break Trip to Germany........12-14 Georgia Veteran’s Day Parade............. 15 2009-2010 Athletics Recap...........16-17 Parent Volunteers Make Lasting Impressions............................. 18 2010 Homecoming............................ 18 2010 Homecoming Weekend Parent Registration Form.................... 19 2010 Homecoming Weekend Alumni Registration Form................... 20 President Dr. James H. Benson, Ed. D., Col, USMC (Ret) Board of Trustees Miss Lucile E. Beaver, Emerita Mr. P. Alec Fraser, Chairman Mr. Frederick J. Kennedy, ’64, V-Chairman Ira J. Middleberg, Esq., ’66, Treasurer Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock Mr. C. Brian Daniel Mr. Arnold B. Evans Mr. Gregory A. Fisher Mr. Bernard M. Freeman, ’58 Gov. Felix A. Gonzalez Canto, ’86 Mr. Paul A. Gross, ’57 Mr. Charles A. James, ’64 Mr. Daniel J. Kaufman Mr. C.J. Lail, Jr. Mr. O. Jon McRae, Jr. Mr. Richard M. Nichols Mr. J. Allen Nivens, Jr. Jeffrey S. Weiner, Esq., ’66 Mr. W. Keith Wood

Advancement Section Introduction........................................ 21 2009-2010 Annual Giving.............22-26 New Members Named to Board of Trustees................................ 27 Special Giving Opportunities..........28-29 Letter from Bernie Freeman................ 30 Distinguished Alumnus....................... 31 River Rats and Old Boys Gather.....32-35 Wars Claim RMA Grads...................... 36 RMA Alum is “Sir William V. Howland”................... 37 A Letter from One of “The Frozen Few”.............................. 37 Kandahar......................................38-39 RMA Memorial Plaza Honor Project Brick Order form................................. 40 Class Notes....................................41-43 RMA Bulletin Board............................ 44

Alumni Council Mr. Bernard M. Freeman, ’58 Chairman Mr. Sumner R. Cahoon, ’49 CPT Charles H. Cook, ’74 Mr. Brett H. Ferguson, ’75 Mr. Jay A. Glazer, ’64 Mr. William T. Glisson, ’78 Mr. Beau B. Hammet, ’76 Mr. Ken I. Harms, ’56 Mr. H. Taft Hunt, ’98 Mr. Brian R. Ivy, ’02 Mr. Robert L. Lindsey, ’80 Mr. Ernie “E.T.” Lopez, ’84 Mr. Daniel “Bud” Oakey, ’75 Mr. Ross H. Pittman, ’56 Judge E. J. Salcines, ’56 Mr. Seth Wagner, ’56 Dr. John “TeDoc” Williams, ’60 Board of Visitors

As of June 14, 2010

Ms. Brenda Bahel Mr. Ruben A. Barahona, ’89 Mr. Alexander C. Deitch, ’98 Mr. Sean E. Fennelly Mr. Thomas M. Finn

Mr. Robert L. Fowler, Jr. Mr. Sabin J. Gianelloni, III, ’55 Mr. Jay A. Glazer, ’64 Mr. Joseph M.Gordon, ’96 Mrs. Susan L. Graybeal Mr. Steve C. Jones Mr. Marc D. Kutter Mr. Richard A. Lang, Jr., ’56 Mr. Richard A. Luna Mr. Fredy E. Marrufo, ’90 Mrs. Kayanne Massey Mr. William Morris, ’58 Mr. Whitney H. Owens, ’79 Mr. Thomas H. Paris, III Mr. Robert G. Pennington Mr. Ross H. Pittman, Jr., ’56 Mrs. Jo Anne Reed Mr. H. Jerome Russell Mr. W. Michael Strickland Mr. Steve Syfan Mr. James R.Van Arsdale, ’79 Mr. Gregory F. Werd, ’56 Mr. Frank C. Whitlock


August 1, 2010

ard March! RIVERSIDE, Forw nts, and Fr iends of

Dear Alumni, Pare

the Academy:

and consider the rting to look back fo m co as w it , de rsi ard of our first year at Rive d the Riverside Bo ed an , et ity pl m un co m I m d co an lle y vi As Mar ell for the parents, the Gaines members speaks w ived from alumni, w ce ne re e 28 w at ith th w t s or or supp the board of visit lly, establishment of Trustees. Additiona this Academy. rn back to the ion and purpose of ken a hard right tu ta ve ha e w s, interest in the miss nt re d pa responded well as iverside alumni an ucation. The boys ed At the bequest of R ol ho sc y ar nd throughout d seco and their decorum model of middle an de ry ra ta pa ili t m l en na m ce tio di en tra ce at the comm and appropriate superior performan honorable, mature, e or m a ed ct pe evidenced by their ex uld not have ified. t weekend. One co be described as dign ly on n ca at the commencemen th es of activiti hieve the Vision of ring this weekend ll much to do to ac sti is e er Cor ps of Cadets du th 0, 01 -2 2009 to add depth, ing the successes of rst and foremost is nd Fi . sta ica ith er w ot Am N in ol preparatory scho so, this summer, ier military college ogramming. To do pr ic em ad ac d an becoming the prem curr iculum idance counselors, ith emphasis) to the achers, two new gu te w ne n ve se breadth, and rigor (w of g ge the hirin e will lead the char e and reputation in LTC, USA (Ret). H n, iso ob we sought experienc R . C es Dr. Jam y’s programming. r Academic Affairs, ment of the Academ ele l ca and a new Dean fo iti cr is th to ge t is up 95% from ng energy and chan er school enrollmen m m Su 1. 01 -2 and is already br ingi 10 ar 20 16th year in s well for school ye ent. As I begin my llm ro en In closing, all bode ll fa in se ea w school ant incr timistic about a ne rs are for a signific op to e ca or di m in en all d be an er , 2009 lieve that I have ev istration, I do not be in m ad l na io at uc ed y and n of your constanc tio ira m ad g sin ea year than I am now. cr an in General Lee, “with So, in the words of untry,” I remain devotion to your co

Respectfully yours,

, Ed.D. Dr. James H. Benson et) Colonel, USMC (R


Where is the Class of 2010 Going? 2010 College Acceptances Auburn University

Manhattanville College

United States Naval Academy

Auburn University Montgomery

Marietta College

Universidad Panamerican

Austin Peay State University

Marion Military Institute

University of Alabama

Berry College

Mercer University

University of Dayton

Carson Newman College

Mt. Ida College

University of Georgia

Clemson University

Murray State University

University of Louisiana

Davidson College

Newcastle University

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

East Tennessee State University

New England College

University of Massachusetts Boston

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Niagara University

University of Miami

North GA College & State University

University of Mississippi

Flagler College Florida Southern University

Northern Arizona University

University of North Florida

Florida State University

Ohio State University

University of Rochester

Gainesville State College

Piedmont College

University of South Alabama

Georgia Highlands College

Reinhardt College

University of South Carolina

Georgia Military College

Saint Leo University

Georgia Perimeter College

Saint Mary’s University

University of South Carolina Beaufort

Georgia Southern University

Santa Fe Community College

University of South Florida

Georgia Southwestern State University

Shorter College

University of Southern Mississippi

Simon Fraser University

University of Toronto Mississauga

Georgia State University

Southern Polytechnic St University

University of West Georgia

Georgia Institute of Technology

Southern Wesleyan University

Valdosta State University

Hampden-Sydney College

Spring Hill College

Virginia Military Institute

Hun School of Princeton

St. John’s River Community College

Wake Forest University

Jacksonville State University

St. John’s University

Western Carolina University

Johnson & Wales University

The Citadel

Western Kentucky University

Kennesaw State University

Troy State University

Winfrid Laurier University

LaGrange College

U.S. Air Force Academy Prep School

Xavier University

Lasell College

U.S. Military Academy Prep School

Young Harris College

University of Montevallo

Scholarships awarded to the class of 2010

Academic & Merit Scholarships

Athletic Scholarships


HOPE Scholarships


ROTC Scholarships


Reveille I SUMMER 2010

$ 2,862,800

$ 4,106,800


★Graduation 2010★ Seventy four cadets received diplomas and joined the proud ranks of Riverside alumni on May 15. Major General Robert M. Flanagan, USMC (Ret) and president of Missouri Military Academy was the commencement speaker. At Riverside, class rank is influenced not only by overall average, but also by strength of schedule and years of attendance. Cadet SFC Sol Gyu Song was valedictorian of the class of 2010. In addition to his academic prowess, with an overall GPA of 99.09, he is a phenomenal musician and served as Riverside Military Academy’s band’s drum major. A member of the National Honor Society and Horton Society, he was also selected as our STAR student this year. Hailing from Iisan, South Korea, cadet Song plans to attend the University of Georgia. 4

The 2010 salutatorian was C/2LT Dylen Setzekorn from Gainesville, GA. He attended Riverside Military Academy for his entire high school career. Cadet Stezekorn pursued excellence in numerous honors and AP courses and earned dual credit in both high school and college courses. He was a member of the National Honor Society, the Horton Society, and was a leader on the RMA basketball team. He will be attending The Hun School at Princeton in the fall.

Sol Gyu Song Valedictorian

Dylen Setzekorn Salutatorian

Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Academic Dean Named Advanced Placement English Language James Curry Robison, Ph. D., Lieutenant and English literature. Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret), of Gainesville, Under his leadership at Lakeview, the Georgia, has been named Riverside’s academic program was strengthened as academic dean effective June 20. A native shown by the AP exam pass rate that went of Atlanta, he is the former headmaster of from 33% to 80% in three years. College Lakeview Academy in Gainesville. acceptance rates rose and persistency Dr. Robison brings academic as well remained at 95%. as military credentials to Riverside. His Ph.D. is in English from Oklahoma State Robison has also served as the headUniversity. He holds a master’s in teaching master of Texas Military Institute and of from Middle Tennessee State University Charleston Collegiate School, upper school and a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt director of Montgomery Academy, chair of University. the English department and dean of faculty His U.S. Army active duty career at Brentwood Academy in Nashville, and was from 1969-1972. He is Airborne and assistant professor of English at Belmont Ranger qualified, and served as an infantry College in Nashville. His publications officer in Vietnam. He retired as a include a book, Peter Taylor: A Study of the lieutenant colonel from the U.S. Army Short Fiction, and several articles and short James Curry Robison, Ph.D., LTC, USA (Ret) Reserve in 1998. stories. His academic specialties include Robison and his wife, Louise, have creative writing, composition, and American Southern literature, four children and two grandchildren. His interests include jazz, all of which he has taught at the college level. He has also taught running, bicycling, theology, and literature.

Educational Philosophy “Learning is a wholly personal response that comes from within the individual, and teachers and administrators must do all they can to build a nurturing, challenging nest where scholars can hatch.” – Dr. Robison

Traits of a Good Teacher

Challenge – Students of character enjoy a challenge.

Purpose – Students need to be reassured of the usefulness of their work.

Discipline – People thrive on the demands of stated procedures and deadlines.

Compassion – Teachers who display compassion can motivate their students to great achievement.

Honesty – Honesty between people is important; honesty between students and teachers is sacred.

Passion – All great teachers display a passion for their subject and an eagerness to share it.


Riverside Military Academy selected as a

Cool School on CBS Better Mornings Atlanta

On February 12, all of metro Atlanta found out what we’ve known all along… that Riverside Military Academy is a Cool School! And we’ve got a beautiful trophy to show for it. CBS Better Mornings Atlanta hosts selected RMA for its weekly Cool School segment and came to campus the week of the airing to record our cadets in their daily activities. Better Mornings Atlanta show host Mike Banks interviewed many of our cadets and competed with them in activities such as rappelling and rifle spinning against our best spinner C/SSG Blake Rizk. He even took on 1SG Walker in an air rifle competition in the G.C. Fisher Marksmanship Center. You can still see photos and video of our Cool School segment on CBS Atlanta’s website at

Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Cadets and Teachers... CSM Weiner selected for fellowship in Israel Riverside Military Academy cadet C/CSM Fernando Weiner was selected as one of twenty-six outstanding North American teenagers for highly coveted Bronfman Youth Fellowships in Israel. Fellows come from all over the U.S. and Canada, from the widest possible range of Jewish backgrounds, and are selected based on merit. Cadet CSM Weiner traveled to Israel from July 5 - August 11, 2010. In their five weeks together, the Fellows encountered the land and people of Israel, and studied Judaism and major issues in contemporary Jewish life. Some of Israel’s most influential figures met with the Fellows throughout the program. Previous officials that Fellows have met included Prime Minister Shimon Peres; Israel Ambassador to the U.N. Dr. Dore Gold; Knesset Members Yossi Beilin, Naomi Chazan, Efraim Sneh, Uzi Landau and Naomi Blumenthal; U.S. Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer; Reform movement leader Rabbi Naamah Kelman; authors A.B.Yehoshua, David Grossman, Etgar Keret, Aharon Appelfeld and the late poet Yehuda Amichai. The summer is the beginning of a long-term association for the Fellows, which continues through an extraordinarily active alumni network. Cadet CSM Weiner is the son of RMA alumnus Jeff ’66 and Bonnie Weiner of Miami, FL. Cadets Selected for Youth Leadership Cadet SFC Andrew Olson (pictured left, top) and C/SGT Alec Ruppenthal (pictured left, bottom) have been selected to represent Riverside Military Academy as part of the 2010-2011Youth Leadership Hall County class, sponsored by the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce.Youth Leadership Hall offers students the opportunity to work with adult leaders in the Gainesville community through a series of daylong, interactive and informative seminars. Sessions focus on leadership skills, successful teamwork, community awareness, diversity, and business and social etiquette. Candidates selected for this program are interviewed by a selection committee comprised of members of the Gainesville business community and educators.


STAR Student and Teacher The Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program honors Georgia’s outstanding high school seniors and the teachers who have been most instrumental in their academic development. During the past 52 years, the STAR Program has honored more than 22,000 high school seniors who have in turn chosen their STAR Teachers to share in this recognition. Cadet SFC Sol Gyu Song (pictured right, top) was selected as the RMA 2010 STAR student last spring. In addition to having superior grades and test scores, cadet Song served as our drum major and is an accomplished pianist. He is a member of the Horton Society and has earned numerous community service hours in various projects. He is from Iisan, South Korea. Cadet SFC Song selected Mr. Billy McBride (pictured right, bottom) as his STAR teacher. Mr. McBride, who has been with RMA since 2004, teaches AP English Literature & Composition and World Literature. He is also the yearbook advisor. Cadet Song selected his STAR teacher because of the challenges Mr. McBride presents in class as well as the commitment to helping the cadets rise to his high expectations. Mr. McBride’s AP English class “is a really tough class for a foreign student,” says cadet Song, but “thankfully, Mr. McBride answered (my questions) one by one with thorough explanations.” These discussions often required long hours outside of class, which Mr. McBride cheerfully gave. Cadet SGT Turner Serves as Page During the 2010 Session of the Georgia General Assembly C/SGT John Turner served as a page for David Ralston, Speaker for the Georgia House of Representatives. C/SGT Turner’s responsibilities that day were to deliver information and messages to the Representatives inside the House chambers. The page program gives students an opportunity to see how their state government works on a daily basis when the House is in session.

Doing gre t Things!

Cadets Attend National Youth Leadership Forums Pursuing a career in the field of government service takes a unique brand of leadership. The National Youth Leadership Forum on National Security (NYLF/NS): Exploring American Diplomacy, Intelligence & Defense offers students an inside look at the many opportunities available, as well as providing interaction with highly regarded, senior civilian policy makers and military officers. NYLF/NS provides an intense and stimulating exploration of the field of government service for high school students. This six-day program introduces students to challenging careers in defense, intelligence, the diplomatic corps and more. National Security scholars hear from some of the nation’s top decision makers and go behind the scenes at nerve centers of national security throughout the D.C. area, where they are educated in diplomacy, international affairs and military strategy. RMA congratulates our cadets that were selected and participated in this forum held in Washington, D.C. this past school year. We look forward to having more cadets selected this year. The cadets are pictured above, l-r: Cadet Anthony Carrino C/1SG Jonathan South C/1SG Edgar Dowling C/SSG Nick Tsangarides The National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine (NYLF/MED) introduces outstanding high school students to the world of medicine. This 10-day program familiarizes students with professionals from some of the nation’s top medical centers and faculty from renowned institutions of learning. With close cooperation from many prestigious and technologically-advanced hospitals, research facilities and medical schools, the Forum challenges students to learn about a broad range of topics, including educational requirements, career options, clinical practice and complex ethical and legal issues facing the medical profession today. Students discuss global epidemics, cures for life-threatening diseases, life as a resident, medical specialties and primary care with current physicians and patients. Each program culminates in a simulation that challenges students to consider a specific issue in public health and to present pertinent recommendations for achieving public awareness and concern for each issue. RMA congratulates C/LTC Brian Kerekes (left) for being selected and participating in this forum held in Washington, D.C. this past school year. Reveille I SUMMER 2010

Col. Cagle honored as a Master Teacher Colonel Bob Cagle, RMA science instructor, was recognized as one of ten Master Teachers in Gainesville and Hall County. The awards ceremony was held at the Featherbone Communiversity and over 250 school superintendents, presidents, educators and family members were in attendance to honor these ten outstanding educators who were celebrated as “Life Changers” because of their passion and dedication to life long learning and teaching. The content of the recipients’ speeches had a common thread: a passion for lifelong learning, engaging their students in handson activities, project based learning, encouraging students to be risk takers, and planning “out of desks” classroom experiences. Riverside cadets had the honor of posting the colors at the beginning of this event. RMA’s Commandant led the invocation, and C/1LT Zach Garrett led the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. In addition, several of our cadets and faculty attended in support of Colonel Cagle. Congratulations again Colonel Cagle! We are privileged to have you here at Riverside.

Col. Bob Cagle, USMCR, his wife,Tammy, along with RMA cadets and Andy Jobson.


Cadets Excel in Performing Arts By Leanne Kinney

A parent recently commented: “I’m really glad that RMA supports the arts too. Where else can a boy play football, wrestle, wear camo... and sing?” When most people think of a military academy, they think of uniforms, structure, and discipline. Athletic competition is fierce, but no one thinks of the performing arts as part of the package. At first glance, it seems that singing, dancing, and acting run counter to the military tradition. In truth, those skills are only enhanced by structure, discipline and competition. In February, six students competed in the GHSA Region 8-AA Literary Meet. None of the students had ever competed in a literary meet or any event of its kind. Our intent was to simply go and make a respectable appearance. C/MAJ Jonathan Gallup competed in Essay. C/2LT Josh Harrison Lane presented a selection from J.D. Salinger in Dramatic Interpretation and placed 4th. C/1LT Garrett Pace won the region competition for Boy’s Solo, putting him in the state competition two weeks later. C/1LT Jack Bouchard, C/SGT Ian Parvin-Asher, C/SFC Colin Pace and C/1LT Garrett Pace competed in Quartet and placed 2nd in the region, despite having never performed for an audience. Just 4 days before the state competition, the region secretary notified us that the first-place quartet could not compete because of a scheduling conflict. In our first year, the RMA quartet was asked to represent the region in the state competition at Houston County High School in Warner Robins. RMA placed 4th in solo and 5th in quartet. However, our cadets were pleased with those results when they realized that they placed in the top 5 of the 77 schools in our division. Additionally, they were singled out by several directors and parents at the competition for their excellent performance. 10

In April, the class put on a musical for the first time since 2007. Little Shop of Horrors is a campy comic-tragedy based on a low budget horror film from 1960, and the musical was made famous in the early 1980s when it was made into a movie starring Rick Moranis and Steve Martin. The production featured C/1LT Garrett Pace as Seymour, an orphan who grew up living and working in the back room of a florist on Skid Row. Suzanne Zoller, a veteran of Riverside’s theatre productions, played Audrey, Seymour’s co-worker and love interest. Audrey’s boyfriend, a sadistic dentist, was played by C/SFC Colin Pace. C/SGT Paul Erinne, a newcomer to the RMA stage, played the shop owner, Mr. Mushnik. The show presented a number of new challenges to the cast and crew. This was the first musical that any of the boys had done at RMA. Some of the students had sung for audiences before, but never in musical theatre. While all of them were familiar with the concept of moving their feet in rhythm, most of them had never danced on stage before. They had to learn things like 3-step turns, spins, steptouches, and grapevines, all while singing in 3-part harmony. Another complexity of Little Shop of Horrors is the Audrey II character. The man-eating plant from space is represented by a series of four puppets, each larger than the previous one. These puppets were operated by C/CPL Tim Rosenbaum, C/1LT Garrett Pace, cadet Scott Urquhart and C/CPL Connor Johnson. C/1LT Jack Bouchard spoke and sang Audrey II’s part from the orchestra pit. Most high schools use professionals for lighting, sound, and in the orchestra. Our pit band was made up of cadets SSG Luke Klaer, C/SGT Kyung Keun Chee, and C/SSG Robert Reed. All lighting was designed by C/1SG Jonathan South, who apprenticed under C/MAJ Elliott Wood. Cadet Mark Davis operated the spotlight. Cadet Christopher Gardiner operated the soundboard with the help of C/CPL Adam Weeks. Again, the department will strive to meet and exceed those standards as the program builds. In addition to these events, the class plans to compete in OneAct Play Competition, District Honor Chorus, and the District Choral Large Group Performance Evaluations this year in our efforts to cultivate disciplined, responsible, well-rounded young men.

Student cadets celebrate tradition at the

JROTC Military Ball

On February 19, Riverside cadets came dressed in their military best, in pressed uniforms emblazoned with stripes and ribbons which told each cadet’s history such as class, rank and achievements, escorting many lovely young ladies. Meant to celebrate JROTC, our bi-annual Military Ball increases inter-school bonding, and acts as a forum to practice good etiquette. It also offers our cadets the opportunity to take a break from daily stresses, relax and enjoy the company of fellow cadets, instuctors and guests. Like any JROTC event, attendance at the evening’s festivities was mandatory. Still... JROTC cadets from Riverside Military Academy and Banks County High School filed under the beautiful gleaming saber arch

Reveille I SUMMER 2010

in front of Lanier Hall and filled Alumni Hall. Filing through the formal processional line, cadets had the opportunity to introduce their guests to Riverside’s President Jim Benson and his wife Mary, along with many other special academy dignitaries on hand to celebrate the event. The posting of the colors and the National Anthem were first events to be presented followed by a non-denominational invocation. Over 500 guests enjoyed a formal dinner in Alumni Hall near the massive fireplaces of the impressive hall. In keeping with the main mission of the JROTC program, which is to motivate young people to be better citizens, guest speaker, Lt. Col. Dave Wardlaw, Senior Army Instructor of Banks County’s JROTC

program, offered advice and encouragement to the cadets. He also praised them for their hard work and dedication to their school’s Corps over the past year. Following dinner, company skits, the Grog Bowl and the Fallen Soldier table were presented. Toasts of sparkling grape juice were made and the retiring of the colors ended the presentation. The ball was then kicked off at the opposite end of Alumni Hall with the battalion and their dates being allowed to dance until the conclusion of the event at 11 p.m. Riverside looks forward to hosting our formal Military Dining-In in February 2011 and will once again be hosting several other high school JROTC groups for this dinner.


Spring Break in By Bill Morgan

This past April, a group of ten Riverside Military Academy cadets, along with teachers Bill Morgan and Jared Koldoff, embarked on a journey to the heart of Europe – Germany! During his first year teaching, Riverside Military Academy’s German teacher, “Herr” Bill Morgan, organized a Spring Break trip for cadets to Germany and France. The trip was such a success that the decision was made to offer a trip again in 2010. The group left from Riverside and flew via London to Munich, arriving just in time for dinner at the Augustinerbräu restaurant. We think it is safe to assume that nobody had a problem sleeping after Parent’s Day at Riverside, the stress of gathering personal belongings and dealing with airports, two long flights, and a heavy German meal! A good night’s sleep was much needed, as the group awoke on Sunday morning and hit the ground running! As it was Easter Sunday, the group was able to attend Easter Mass at the Peterskirche in the city center before hopping on bicycles and taking an all-day tour of the city. Many of the cadets remarked that the bike tour was one of the highlights of the trip – it was a great way to see a large part of the city in one afternoon.


The next day, it was off to Berchtesgaden, Germany and Salzburg, Austria, for a day that revolved around… salt! Berchtesgaden is home to one of the largest salt mines in Europe, and the group was able to take a guided tour of the mines, even wearing traditional miners’ clothing! After being deep in the earth for a while, the group headed to Austria for a traditional “Wiener schnitzel” dinner and some sightseeing in the birth city of Mozart! The following day, the group traveled by car (on the Autobahn!) to Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany, to spend some time snow skiing on the highest peak in the German Alps – the Zugspitze. The conditions were phenomenal, and even the first-time skiers in the group had a great time flying down the mountain and taking in the gorgeous Alpine views. Several cadets acquired new nicknames while skiing (“Front-Flip-Fisher,” for example…) but no one was injured, and everyone had a blast! The next days were jam-packed with activity. The group spent a day at the Dachau Concentration Camp just outside of Munich, enjoyed the “luxury” of a very small bed on an overnight train to Berlin, checked out the trendy shops in the former East Berlin, and

even spent a beautiful day enjoying a soccer match at the Olympiastadion in Berlin. Apart from experiencing much of what a visitor to Germany should experience, the cadets were, for a short while, able to immerse themselves in the culture and language of Germany. Riverside’s German teacher, Bill Morgan, says, “having traveled to Germany for the first time as a rising junior in high school, and having spent time in Germany pretty much every year since, I can honestly say that my time overseas has had a huge impact on who I am today. I clearly remember the things I learned in my German class coming alive before my eyes on that first trip, and I absolutely loved it! I am so privileged to be able to share that experience each year with Riverside cadets.” Clearly, the things they have learned in the classroom at Riverside were strongly built upon as they sat in German restaurants, being forced to use their language skills to order food, as they navigated the U-Bahn systems in two major German cities, and as they attempted to eavesdrop on random conversations. A parent of one of the cadets who participated in this year’s trip had this to say: “My son has had nothing but positive things to say about the experience (save for the long flight). I think it made a really positive impression on him. He commented on how different it is to be in a place where he cannot follow clearly all the background chatter… I love that he experienced that!” Again this year, the Spring Break trip to Germany was a huge success. Herr Morgan is already making plans for next year’s trip, and looking forward to new adventures with a new group of cadets in April 2011! continued on page 14

Riverside Military Academy would like to congratulate our German teacher, Mr. Bill Morgan, who was selected to teach German in the Governor’s Honors Program in Valdosta, GA this summer. The only one of its kind in the nation, Georgia's Governor's Honors Program began in 1964 for the state's most talented students to enrich their summers.

GHP still continues this time-honored tradition,

providing Georgia's most promising juniors and seniors with a six-week program designed to push them to their absolute limits. Congratulations on this huge honor, Mr. Morgan!

Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Some information about Riverside’s German program: In terms of selecting a foreign language to study at the high school level, German is a great choice! • Germany has the 3rd strongest economy and is the #1 export nation in the world! • 18% of the world's books are published in German! • German is required or strongly recommended by many undergraduate and graduate programs! • More than 1,100 German companies do business in the US, and more than 750 US firms do business in Germany! • German is the among the most widely spoken languages in Europe (second only after English) • German is the second most popular second language spoken throughout the world! • The German presence on the internet supercedes most others! • German is a leading language of science, literature, art, philosophy, and history! •Y ou already know much more German than you think! (Professor, Kindergarten, Angst, Auto, Winter...) In addition to the standard classroom activities, several events are specifically for cadets taking German each year. Helen Oktoberfest - In early October, we take a group of cadets to Helen, Georgia for the annual celebration of “Oktoberfest.” Helen, a small town about an hour from Gainesville, is a re-creation of a small, Alpine Bavarian town. While it's certainly not as exciting as being in Germany, it's still a great place to visit and get a taste of German culture. We eat a traditional Bavarian dinner in the


“Festhalle” and take in some great German music. Last year the band even convinced all of our cadets (...and their teacher) to come to the stage to learn some German dancing... State German Convention - The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Georgia Chapter hosts an annual co-curricular weekend activity designed to encourage and motivate students at all levels of their study of German. The convention typically takes place in January or February at Camp Jackson (near Conyers, GA). Students participate in a variety of activities and competitions, and it is a great weekend overall! This year, Riverside cadets did exceptionally well at the convention. C/SFC Sol Gyu Song won first place in the second year German Vocabulary Bee and second place in the second year German Spelling Bee. C/LTC Brian Kerekes won third place in the fourth/fifth year German Vocabulary Bee. As well, Riverside cadets C/1SG Chris Reed and C/SSG Jamie Jemison were elected as student officers for the Georgia Association of Students of German! C/1SG Reed will serve as vice president and C/SSG Jemison will serve as treasurer. FLAG High School Spoken Competition - The FLAG Competition is a great experience for students in all levels of German in that it gives them an opportunity to participate in an interview with another German speaker who will rate their language ability. Students always come away from the FLAG Competition with a sense of achievement. Spring Semester German Dinner - To bring some closure to the school year, Herr Morgan takes any interested German students out to a tasty German meal at one of the few German restaurants in the Atlanta area.


Riverside to participate in the 29th Annual Georgia Veteran’s Day Parade For the third year in a row, our Corps of Cadets will be participating in the Annual Georgia Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Atlanta on Saturday, November 13. Over 60 JROTC groups, color guards, and veterans groups participate in this event. For the past two years, Riverside has brought home trophies to add to our collection. In 2008 we won Best Marching Unit and last year, we received the President’s Trophy – the highest award given out. As always, the parade kicks off at 11:11 a.m. Parade participants will marshal on West Peachtree Street near Pine Street, then go south on Peachtree Street through downtown and right on Marietta Street towards Centennial Olympic Park at CNN Center. The park is near the Georgia Dome, Georgia Aquarium, CNN Studios, and other attractions. The Fusiliers will perform in front of the officials’ reviewing stand again this year. All alumni, parents and friends of Riverside are encouraged to gather near the reviewing stand to support our Academy during their performance. Last year’s Academy supporters were amazing as they proudly wore their royal blue and white shirts and lined Marietta Street around the reviewing stands cheering on the Corps. Parade officials later told us that they had never seen such a strong show of support for a participating parade unit and were completely impressed. As the event date gets closer, we will post a detailed parade map and specific information on the RMA website.You may also visit to see photos from last year’s events or to find out more about downtown Atlanta attractions that will be offering military discounts following the parade.

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Athletics Recap By Chris Cotter

Riverside Military Academy completed yet another fantastic athletic year during the 2009-10 school year. Under the direction of Col. James Benson, the student athletes and their coaches have given our community plenty to cheer about. Fall sports started the year off in great fashion. Coach Scot Sloan led the Eagles to their second consecutive state football playoffs with a 5-5 regular season record. C/SGT Aaron Gambrah signed a football scholarship with Georgia State University and C/SFC Brandon McKinney signed with Georgia Military College. C/SSG Alex O’Donnell signed as a preferred walk-on with the Western Carolina Catamounts. Cross Country coach Jim Myers led a team of hardworking, always improving runners. Many of our runners hit their personal best times throughout the season and finished very strong. C/PFC Bharat Harshwardhan and C/MAJ Jonathan Gallup led this team both on and off the running course. Our winter sports included basketball, swimming and wrestling. Coach Errol Bisso led our wrestling team to a 12-win season and placed six cadets in the wrestling state playoffs. C/SSG Chris Harvey (112 lbs.), cadet Seth Sloan (152 lbs.), C/SGT Michael Hilliard (160 lbs.), C/SFC Marcos Feliciano (171 lbs.), cadet Mancini Udoji (189 lbs.), and C/CPT Kelton Counts (215 lbs.) all qualified for the state meet and made RMA very proud. Swim Coach Marc Paglia did an extraordinary job with our swim team (6-4) which was named the Hall County Champions for a second season straight. C/CPT Zach Anderson, C/LTC Brian Kerekes, C/CPT Josh Brown, and C/CPL Barratt Young competed at the state swim meet held at Westminster High School. Basketball Coach Rico Zackery led his team to a 17-8 record and missed repeating a region title by 1 point and a few seconds. C/SFC Richard Tribble, C/2LT Dylen Setzekorn, and C/1SG Tarvin Dukes led the hoopsters to back-to-back state playoff appearances. Spring sports are our busiest time of the year, and our coaches and athletes stepped up big time. Soccer Coach Diego Vacca had a fine season that produced a 10-5-1 record and came within one game of reaching the state playoffs. C/1LT Clinton Hawkins will continue his soccer career at Georgia Southwestern University, and 16

C/CPL Adam Stokes will continue his playing days at the West Point Preparatory Academy. Tennis Coach Jennifer Grobeck's team made it to the second round of the state playoffs capping a fantastic season. C/CPL Eric Gfesser led the tennis team with wins and was the number one player for the team all season long. Coach Charrod Taylor, in his first season as head coach, led several of our track athletes to the state playoffs and finished fourth in the team standings. Cadet Marlin Veazie (100 meter dash), cadet Tyler Pluhar (400 meter run), C/CPT Zach Anderson (110 meter hurdles) and C/SGT Hyung Seok Oh (300 meter hurdles) all ran in the state meet and finished a strong season for the track program. The Eagles golf team, led by Coach Josh Morey, did well on the links. C/SGT Alex Schmidt and C/CPT Sean Trost led the Eagle golfers to a very good season. Coach Darius Smiley took over the baseball program mid-way through the season and assisted the team in completing a fine season. The Eagle baseball team was led by the team's MVP C/2LT Brian Cox and by great pitching from cadet Seth Settlemeyer. Our lacrosse team, just two years removed from being a club sport and led by Coach Josh Merry, showed signs of improvement all season long, and we look forward to the team growing into a region champion caliber team in the near future. The lacrosse team was led by team MVP C/SFC Alex Parkes and C/2LT Jared Francke. The rifle team was led by Coach Tom Walker and enjoyed a great season. C/SGT Nicholai Fisher and C/SGT Reid Schwartz helped make the team a group that prospered throughout the season. Last but certainly not least our cheerleaders led by Coaches Rhonda Crook and Marsha James supported, cheered, and got the fans excited about all of our sports here at Riverside Military Academy. Captains Sarah Ahmed, Kristen Howard and Jordan Schneider guided these young ladies into becoming a top-flight unit. The Eagles move to the 8-A division in the Georgia High School Association this season, and we will strive to become a program to be reckoned with. Riverside would like to extend a special thank you to all our parents who help support our athletic teams.

National Signing Day!

Pictured counterclockwise from top: C/SSG Alex O’Donnell will be playing on the Catamount football team at Western Carolina University. C/1LT Clint Hawkins signed on to play soccer at Georgia Southwestern University. C/SGT Aaron Gambrah will be playing football at Georgia State University. C/SFC Brandon McKinney signed on to play football with the Georgia Military College Bulldogs.

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Homecoming/ Parent’s Weekend 2010

Parent Kim Galan is recognized for her volunteer efforts and dedication to RMA.

Parent moms and their cadets (l-r) Jennifer Parker (Jarrod); Lorna Bourgeois (Brandon); Laura Kerekes (Brian); Gail Hawkins (Clint); Kim Galan (Josh).

Parent Volunteers Make Lasting Impressions By Amy Booth We have had a great year with parent programs! From the continued success of the New Parent Liaison Team to the start of our Grade Parent Coordinator Program, we have been busy improving programs for our parents and cadets. Our New Parent Liaison Team was initiated in 2007 as a way to help new families with their transition to Riverside. Kim Galan jumped on board to lead this team from the beginning and has truly made it the success it is today. We want to thank Kim Galan (C/CPT Josh Brown ’10) and her team, Gail Hawkins (C/1LT Clint Hawkins ’10), Laura Kerekes (C/LTC Brian Kerekes ’10), Jennifer Wood (C/MAJ Elliott Wood ’10), Ming South (C/1SG Jonathan South ’12), Karen Pannell (C/1SG Matthew Hopkins ’11), and David Young (C/CPL Barratt Young ’12) for all they did to help new parents this past school year. Ming South, our interior-decorating mom, led a group of parents in decorating the gym for our homecoming dance and the school for the holiday season. The gym was completely transformed from wood and steel to fabric and lights for our homecoming dance. The holiday season brought with it new designs by Ming in the dining hall and Lanier Hall lobby. We hope you were all able to come by and see the amazing work by the South family and an army of parent volunteers. This year brought with it the start of our Grade Parent Coordinator group. The primary purpose for this group was to bring parents in each grade level together to plan and implement events for the cadets. Grade nights in the grill and exam survival bags were a huge hit in the corps of cadets. Along the way our parents got to know each other and built relationships that will carry them through their years at Riverside. Thank you to our grade parent coordinators, Middle School – Chris Clontz (cadet Tyler Clontz ’15); 9th grade – Rachel McKelvey (C/CPL Gage Bolden ’13); 10th grade – David Young (C/CPL Barratt Young ’12); 11th grade – Karen Pannell (C/1SG Matthew Hopkins ’11); and 12th grade – Kim Galan (C/CPT Josh Brown ’10) for all of your work in making this a successful program. We have many more parents who have helped us with open houses and new parent coffees throughout the year. Thank you to all who have assisted in making Riverside Military Academy the premier military academy in the country. We look forward to having new parents join our volunteer efforts in the upcoming school year. If you would like to get involved, please contact Amy Booth, Director of Parent Programs, at 18

Mark your calendars now for Homecoming and Parents’ Weekend, October 15-16, on the Riverside campus. Last year the traditional fall parents’ weekend was merged into Homecoming, and both parents and alumni enjoyed meeting one another. Parents have the opportunity to tour their cadet’s barracks as well as conference with his teachers. Alumni participate in the pep rally, football game tailgating, and the traditional knock-out drill. In addition, all guests are invited to hear remarks from Dr. James H. Benson, Ed.D., Col USMC (Ret), on Saturday morning followed by a cadet musical performance. Alumni are invited to the annual alumni dinner Saturday night when the 2010 Distinguished Alumnus will be honored. There are two new items on this year’s agenda. The first is the Fallen Heroes Dedication on Saturday, Oct. 16, at 10 a.m. at Memorial Plaza on Lanier Quad. RMA alumni who have been killed in action in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan will be recognized and memorial plaques dedicated. Senior rings will be handed out in a Class of 2011 Ring Ceremony on Saturday afternoon. Parents and guests are invited to attend. In this issue of Reveille are separate registration forms for alumni and parents. Use the forms to register now for the meals and events you plan to attend, and return the form with payment to Riverside. Or, visit the website,, and register online.

Riverside Military Academy 2010 Fall Homecoming/Parents’ Weekend PARENT REGISTRATION FORM

For convenience and clarity, multiple-household families may complete separate registration forms as needed for the same cadet. Please print all information.

Cadet Name


Parents’ Names As you would like them to appear on nametags

Phone #

To help us plan for meals and other events, please annotate those activities listed below that you plan to attend. By pre-registering for these events, your tickets for these events will be ready for you to pick-up when you arrive on campus. Be sure to include grandparents, siblings and other family members who may be attending. DO NOT include cadets in your reservations, as there is no additional charge for them at these events. Refunds will not be granted for reservation cancellations received after October 1, 2010. ______________________________________________________________

Homecoming Parent Registration Form Cost per person Friday, October 15th Parent Lunch, Curtis Hall, 11:30 am Tailgate Party, Maginnis Field, 5:00 pm Tailgate Party – Dinner ticket only Football game ticket only Saturday, October 16th Parent Lunch, Alumni Hall, 12:00 pm

# of reservations

$ 8.00


$ 13.00 $ 7.00

x x

$ 5.00



Total due

Payment enclosed (please make checks payable to Riverside Military Academy).

Please charge my cadet’s account for the total due (the charge will appear on the monthly statement).

Please return this completed form no later than October 1st to Amy Booth via fax or mail. Fax: 678-291-3363 Mail: Parent Programs Office Riverside Military Academy 2001 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Homecoming 2010 Alumni Schedule FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15

Time: 9:00 am 3:45 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Time: 8:00 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 11:45 am 12:00 pm 2:30 pm RIVERSIDE 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 pm

Activity: Tee time for golf Pep Rally Alumni registration Alumni & Parent Tailgate Party Alumni Knock-out Drill Competition Homecoming Football Game (RMA vs. Athens Christian Academy)


Activity: Alumni / Cadet Formation & Breakfast Alumni Association Meeting Fallen Heroes Dedication & Drill Team (Fusiliers) Performance President’s Remarks, Musical Presentation, & Awards Ceremony Raider Team Performance Alumni Lunch Corps of Cadets Parade – Alumni Pass in Review MILITARY ACADEMY Alumni Social Hour and Class Reunions Alumni Dinner Alumni After Dinner Social

Place: Chattahoochee Country Club Curtis Hall Maginnis Field Maginnis Field Maginnis Field - Track Maginnis Field Place: Lanier Quad & Alumni Hall Alumni Hall Lanier Quad SBC Theater Sandy Beaver Quad Cadet Grill Maginnis Field Alumni Hall Alumni Hall TBD

2008-2009 Annual Giving Report

Riverside Military Academy gratefully acknowledges our donors who made contributions during the 2008-2009 annual fund, June 1, be 2008 – May 2009. Early Bird incentive: Registrations postmarked by September 25 will entered in a 31, drawing to receive a $50 gift card for the cadet store. Please send the completed form and your payment to: Your gifts help Riverside Military Academy continue to provide an outstanding Alumni Office | Riverside Military Academy | 2001 Riverside Drive | Gainesville, GA 30501 education, improve our campus facilities, and build our endowment. Donors for Name: Class Year: the 2008-2009 fiscal year are listed on pages 16-17. Spouse / Guest Name:


Number Attending:

Cost: (per person)

Tailgate Party & Football Game Ticket


Breakfast with Corps of Cadets


Alumni Dinner


Total Due:

Payment Information: Enclosed is my check for a total of:


Please charge my credit card:


Card Number:

(Please make checks payable to Riverside Military Academy.)




(Please circle one.)

Expiration Date: (month)

CVV2 code:

Street Address:


Zip Code:

For more information, please call the Alumni Office: 770-532-6251 ext. 2132 or 2212. Email: 20

Riverside Military Academy

2009-2010 Annual Giving The RMA Board of Trustees and administration are pleased to present the following giving report. To all of you whose names appear on the following pages, we say “thank you.” Many of you are first-time donors, and we hope the pleasure you received in making your gift is as great as our appreciation!

Annual giving for 2009-2010 (June 1, 2009 - May 31, 2010)

totaled $711,338.75. It surpassed all previous giving at Riverside and was historic for a number of reasons:

• The board of trustees was 100% in giving

• Full-time faculty and staff were 100% in giving

• The total number of donors (535) more than doubled from the previous year

• Two new endowed scholarships were created

• Two naming opportunities were secured

• Over $30,000 was raised for scholarships through the Georgia Goal Program


Reveille I SUMMER 2010



It was the 2009-2010 Riverside reach out and touch road show.

Giving History (dollars in 000,000)


FY ‘10


FY ‘09


FY ‘08


FY ‘07


FY ‘06 1








Annual Fund Participation Board of Trustees 4% Prev. Board Members 1%

Grandparents 3% Other 14%

Parents 14%

Alumni 42% Faculty and Staff 22%

We schlepped luggage through security lines and ate an orangutan’s portion of airline pretzels.We toted copies of Brothers in Blue, alumni caps, flags, and decals from city to city. We talked about Riverside to alumni, parents, grandparents, and anybody who would listen, including the occasional bartender whose curiosity was aroused by the Riverside spiel. We shook hands, patted shoulders, hugged, and laughed.We shared good news, and answered hard questions. One face-to-face visit at a time, we retold the Riverside mission. It’s not a new mission, in fact, alumni are happy to learn it’s the old mission – the mission of transforming young men and boys into men equipped with discipline, character, and a sound academic education.What is new is the leadership, sharpened focus, and lightspeed energy of the board, administration, and staff. What we learned on this road show is that Riverside has and does make a difference. We heard it over and over again. Sometimes the differences are mundane; many are lifechanging. One alumnus still picks up all his clothes and puts them away daily because he learned to do it at Riverside. His wife of 20-plus years stood by his side, smiling and nodding assent. And now, in an historic show of support for RMA’s 100-plus-year-old mission, over 500 donors gave back to Riverside this past fiscal year as never before.The tables have turned and YOU are making the difference. We want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts.Thank you for your hospitality this past year and for your kind words of support.Thank you for sharing your stories; thank you for giving back. You can reach out and touch, too. Follow Riverside on our Facebook page, which, of course, links you to fellow alumni and school families.To date, Riverside has 1,120 friends in 19 countries, including Egypt,Venezuela, and Canada.We’re confident we have more friends than that. Help us grow our friend base to 1,500 by September 1. Parents and alumni can stay updated with last minute schedule changes via Twitter @ Riverside Eagles. Feeling the love yet? If not, get involved at Riverside in person, online, or on the phone. Let’s keep a good thing going. And, by the way, did I say thank you? Thank you!

Amanda K. Griffin, CFRE Vice President for Advancement

P.S. See you Oct. 15-16 at Homecoming.We’re looking for 250 alumni on campus!



ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 2009-2010 Leadership Society ($10,000+) Alumni of Cozumel, Mexico Anonymous Arthur & Helen Baer Charitable Foundation Bob W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Jim Cavanaugh Terry and Chris Clontz Gregory and Christi Fisher Alec and Shelia Fraser Bernard and Marcia Freeman, ’58 Paul A. Gross, ’57 Kenneth and Rachel McKelvey In honor of the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq Henry and Charlotte Moore Seth Wagner, ’56 Chris Whitlock Keith and Jennifer Wood Sandy Beaver Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Lawrence J. Blum, ’47 Franklin and Rayza Cruz Lynne Henderson Fred and Nancy Kennedy, ’64 J. Stephen Morris Memorial Fund Ralph and Jo Anne Reed Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Jeffrey and Bonnie Weiner, ’66 1907 Society ($1,907 - $4,999) James H. Benson In honor of SGM Jeff Chandler, Amanda Griffin, Lynne Henderson, Maj. Kevin Jarrard, Andy Jobson, Larry Robinson, Adriane Seymour, Scot Sloan, and Kelly Smith Arnold and Joyce Evans Thomas and Angela Finn In honor of Michael Finn, ’08 Jay A. Glazer, ’64 M. Feild Gomila, ’56 Drew W. Horner, ’78 Charles A. James, ’64 Dean and Laura Kerekes/ The Clorox Company Foundation Jon and Karen McRae John T. Menefee Ira J. Middleberg, ’66 Donald H. Misner, ’53 In memory of Col. John L. “Judge” Beaver In honor of Louise Beaver Chandler Dick Nichols Gary and Eleanor Parkes Frank A. Rikard, ’56 In memory of Engle C. May Carl Stecker Robert Van Beever, ’56

Gregory and Carole Werd, ’56 Chuck and Colleen White President’s Society ($1,000 - $1,906) Matthew and Esra Berchuck Steve Biggers Studio Joseph J. Bittker, ’50 In memory of Colonel Judge Beaver Mrs. Jerry B. Blackstock In memory of Jerry Blackstock, ’62 Charles and Gladys Bosserman, ’40 E. Brian Brown, ’74 John and Patricia Burd Charles M. Cassidy, ’59 In memory of Roger Stribling, ’59 Conrad C. Conti ’58 In honor of the Class of 1958 Charles H. Cook, ’74 Brian and Kristin Daniel Alex Deitch, ’98 Jeremiah F. Eames, ’61 In honor of the Class of 1961 Leon M. Gauvreau, ’62 The Gfesser Family Bill Glisson, ’78 Amanda K. Griffin Seth Hathaway Pat Higdon, Jr., ’57 John W. Jacobs, Jr., ’40 In memory of Louise Beaver Chandler Allen N. James, ’57 Martin and Bridget Jansen Daniel and Kathryn Kaufman F. Kersnowski, ’53 Betty J. Kurtz In memory of Robert S. Kurtz, ’41 Dick and Patti Luna David Mandt, Sr., ’61 McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc. Domingo R. Moreira, ’63 Allen and Meg Nivens Ashley D. Pace, Jr., ’37 John and Patricia Reimers, ’65 Rafael and Maria Rodriguez Henry L. Roediger, III, ’65 In memory of Henry L. Roediger, Jr. ,’37 E.J. Salcines, ’56 Audreanna Schmidt Leslie T. Smith, ’63 Ralph and Teresa Smith, ’59 Robert D. Strong James R.Van Arsdale, ’79/ UBS Matching Gift Program L. Dudley Walker, ’48 Scott Watson, ’85

Samuel and Beth Weil, ’66 Michael and Charity Whitney Henry and Becky Wood Riverside Sabers ($400 - $999) Harold Abroms, ’44 Gary M. Alembik, ’81 Tom and Tara Anderskow Aramark Lucile Beaver In memory of Eunice Lee Browning Allan Bissinger Norman P. Blake, Jr., ’60 Laurie Bouchard Bruce and Lorna Bourgeois Christopher and Sharon Carter Jeff and Belinda Chandler In memory of Katherlyn Chandler Corner Drugs Tracy R. Doetsch, ’89 Raymond Fordyce, ’61 Forrester & Brim Attorneys At Law J. Geyer Advertising, Inc. Sabin J. Gianelloni III, ’55 Dennis Hite, ’55 In memory of Stephen Hite, ’57 Nelson B. Hodgkins, ’50 Daniel Hurd, ’95 Howie and Allison Johnson Leonard Kolod, ’51 Jody and Nancy Lail Sam A. Marks, ’35 David and Carroll McClain John C McClamroch, Jr. Estate William J. McConnell, Sr., ’58 Steven and Heidi McNally Norman E. Miller, Jr., ’51 Lesly G. Murray In memory of Jerry Blackstock ’62 John A. Noble, ‘55 In memory of Bob Noble, ’57 The Norton Agency Jim and Laura O’Bryan In memory of Chas. F. Spencer Jimmy and Emily Pritchett ProTouch Landscapes Lenard H. Rubin, ’60 Rolando Santos, ’77 ServiceMaster Expert Cleaning Raymond Y. Thomasson, ’69 Warren Tobin, ’61 Randy Turner TeDoc and Carol Williams, ’60 Andrew C. Zager, ’88


Reveille I SUMMER 2010

continued 23

ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 2009-2010 Riverside Rifles ($1 - $399) David Alphin, ’65 James and Jane Anderson Gard Andresen Joseph and Terri Andrews Worth Andrews, III Anonymous Alene and Guillermo Arenas Richard M. Aronson, ’49 In honor of the Class of 1949 Michael Atherton, ’58 Ed and Anne Avery In honor of Major Jason B. Avery, ’94, US Army Allyn Ayers, ’65 Afif H. Baalbaki, ’90 In honor of the Class of 1990 Lawrence L. Baggett, Jr., ’70 Dennis Bagwell Bruce and June Baker, ’58 Ronnie Baldwin George W. Ball Joel R. Banner In honor of Major Charles Taylor Patsy Lee Barab Sandra Bauman In honor of Brandon Bauman, ’02 Sam Benator, ’79 Burton K. Bennett, ’44 Jordan M. Bernstein, ’55 In honor of the Class of 1955 Will and Jane Berry In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 James W. Betancourt Richard L. Bettis Michael and Roberta Bienfait Gil Bilodeau Jeff Bishop, ’86 Errol J. Bisso, ’61 Marvin E. Black, ’43 David Blandford Richard and JoAnn Bobb Frank M. Bologna, ’45 Derrick and Amy Booth Robert P. Bordes, ’69 R. Nels Boutte, ’64 Box Tops for Education John R. Boyd Ron and Cheryl Bracken Richard Bransford, ’48 Richard L. Brashear, ’56 Michael Brasher, ’84 Fred and Kathy Bremer Isabelle Brewton In memory of Jeffery Brewton, Sr.


Debbie Brilling Reid and Elizabeth Bronson Bynum R. Brown, ’43 Charles H. Brown, ’59 William F. Brown, ’39 Nelda S. Browning In honor and appreciation of Col. & Mrs. Benson and Col. Hathaway In honor of Miss Lucile Beaver Timothy A. Browning, ’68 In memory of William H. Savey, ’68 Posey Brownlee Joseph E. Brunson, III, ’62 In memory of General Beaver Frank A. Bucino, ’68 John C. Bullard, ’43 Harry P. Burke, ’86 John K. Burns, III, ‘41 Bobby W. Bush, Jr. Lucius M. Butts, Jr., ’44 Thomas W. Caddoo, ’90 Sumner R. Cahoon, ’49 Charles M. Calhoun, ’50 Robert and Margaret Campbell In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Adrian and Nancy Canada Arthur D. Canales, ’81 Allen Cape Adam Carter Barry Carter C. Neal Carter, ’57 Rives and Kathleen Carter Carlos Castellon, ’60 Brent and Patricia Causey In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 LuRee Chapman Douglas Chau, ’01 Lazarus Chennault Karen Clark Rex A. Clark Class of 2010 Class of 2011 Lee M. Cleaves Logan W. Clemens, ’09 In honor of Chaplain Fletcher Law and Commandant Kevin Jarrard James A. Cobb, ’62 Yvette Cochran Sanford Cohen, ’44 Robert Coleman III, ’62 Robert and Antoinette Contratto Chris Cotter Justin B. Creech, ’88 Jo Ann Cripps Rhonda Crook

Jacqueline Crudup In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Robert and Stacy Cuellar J. Michael Cutshaw, ’68 Greg and Sheri Daniel Joseph M. Daniel, Sr., ’45 Britt Daniel In honor of Errol Bisso, ’61 Jon and Karen Danz Robert A. Dascanio, ’55 Tom and Michelle Davis Marco de la Guardia, ’75 Zack and Karin Dillard Jeffrey Dombroff , ’62 Albert E. Drew, ’45 Richard C. Drummond, ’56 Craig and Constance DuBois Charles W. Dufford Max H. Durham, Jr., ’47 Beecher and Joanne DuVall Scott Dwyer, ’92 James N. Earle, ’57 Carol L. Eubanks Richard C. Farmer, Jr., ’64 Brett H. Ferguson ,’75 Mark and Michaela Ferri John L. Fink, ’04 In memory of Ryan Bell, ’03 Michael Finn, ’08 Rex D. Fleenor, ’46 Conrad and Carol Flowers In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Bob Folsom Glen C. Ford, ’52 Gerald J. Frawley, ’60 William and Buni Freutel, ’52 Lawrence and Marcia Friedman, ’48 Phillip B. Gaines James P. Galvin, Sr., ’67 Sheldon L. Gantz, ’53 In memory of John L. Beaver Javier and Guadalupe Garcia Douglas Garrard, ’74 Robin Garrison James T. Gentry, Jr., ’43 William S. George, ’35 Barbara M. Ghigo In memory of Henry A. Ghigo, ’57 John Gianelloni, ’94 Donald M. Gilner, ’55 Stark F. Ginn, Jr., ’36 John and Vicky Godwin George Goodman Joe and Shannon Gordon, ’96 Alan M. Graber, ’47


ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 2009-2010 Dinkins Grange, ’79 Casey and Susan Graybeal Robert S. Greenwood, Jr., ’57 Lewis B. Griffin, Jr. Randy and Fran Guenther Kevin Guier Steve Hadaway Alfred W. Hamer, Jr., ’49 Gerald M. Hampton Leonard C. Harber, ’44 James H. Harris, ’71 Philip G. Harris, ’52 Charles and Sue Harvey Ross Harvin Harold M. Harwell Trust Richard A. Hausamann, ’54 Julie P. Hayes Brenda Heath Patricia E. Hennington Andres Herrero, ’93 Enrique Herrero, Jr., ’82 Paul C. Herrmann, ’45 Marc W. Hill, ’99 Thomas G. Hill, III, ’60 George R. Holland David K. Hollis, Jr., ’54 Andy Howington M. Hughes H. Taft Hunt, III, ’98 Richard C. Hyatt, ’51 Leonardo and Solange Inghilleri International Sleep Products Association In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 David and Dolly Jaffee, ’69 Marsha James Kevin Jarrard Juanita Jett Andrew and Elizabeth Jobson Jim Jobst Barbara Johnson Francis G. Judd, ’47 Karl R. Katterjohn, ’64 Steven and Dawn Keig Edward M. Kessler, ’46 Kenneth C. King, Jr., ’60 Kingsdown, Inc. In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Jared Koldoff Skip Kowalske Leonard Krugel, ’65 Robert and Loretta Kwass, ’53 In honor of his father, Sidney J. Kwass George J. Laganas, ’68 Richard A. Lang, Jr., ’56 Richard E. Langford, ’44

Randy Langhenry Taylor Larimore, ’43 Harry A. Lee William H. Lee, ’73 James and Judy Leicht, ’66 Marie Lellman Jim and Faith LeRoy Jay and Barbara Levy, ’59 Robert L. Lindsey, III, ’80 Steve and Terri Loftus Brian Logan, ’92 Philip B. Lohr, ’64 Sammy Looney Mrs. Harry E. Lowry In memory of Dr. Harry E. Lowry Peter H. Lyons, ’49 Deborah Mack Terry Maginnis Mark and Vicki Maguire Pat Mahery, ’64 Buster and Teresa Mann In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Christopher and Dena Manzo Randall E. Marcus, ’68 Bob Martin David and Deborah Maxwell, ’81 Les Mazzarollo, Sr. John McCleary Dennis and Trish McCraven Freeman McDonough, ’49 Luke W. McKenney, ’92 E. Sinks McLarty, ’39 Wallace L. McLendon, ’58 Richard E. McMahon, ’58 In memory of Gary Bisso, ’57 O. Jon McRae, III, ’04 Bennie McWhorter David Mechutan, ’48 Manny and Wendy Menendez, ’91 Carl E. Mesnig, ’48 Philip E. Meyer In honor of the Class of 67-68 “F”Troop Charles C. Miller, ’49 Samantha Mills Nita Millwood Kenric Minges, ’68 Gregory W. Mitchell, ’52 Joseph D. Moceri, ’71 James Montgomery, ’45 Betty Moore Roy and Barbara Moore Josh Morey Martin J. Mullen, ’42 John and Naomie Munevar Jim Myers

Chip Myers, ’74 Michael G. Myler, ’99 Jorge and Wanda Naranjo Eddy A. Navarro, ’55 John and Sharon Neelands, ’59 Cathy S. Neher James C. Nelson Ben Newton Talmage E. Newton III, ’61 Walter R. Newton, ’62 North Georgia Baseball Experience Bud Oakey William P. Obier, III, ’70 In memory of Col. May, Col. Curtis, and Gen. Beaver Patrick Osmon Rex L. Ottinger, ’70 In memory of Mrs. Laura Ottinger and Peter B.Wertheim, ’69 Whitney Owens, ’79 Marc Paglia Brenda Palmer Gary and Karen Pannell Barry Parker John T. Parker, Jr., ’66 Thomas and Kimberly Parks In honor of Evan L. Hicks, ’09 Shelby J. Pennix, ’93 Dee Dee Peoples Catherine T. Porter Paul B. Posner, ’56 James and Jacquelin Post Samuel J. Post, ’07 Mark S. Prows Steven L. Pugh, ’00 Ivan F. Purcell, ’60 John and Martha Queen Dick Quinn, ’56 In memory of Charlie Knowles, ’56 Michael S. Rafferty, ’56 Tom Rath Richard B. Reemelin, ’99 Fred F. Register, Jr., ’54 Fred A. Reimers, ’56 Randolph and Andrea Ridgely In honor of Phillip Eugene Hamilton, ’06 Larry and Candy Robinson Guillermo A. Rodriguez, ’67 Luis F. Rodriguez, ’50 In honor of Gregory F. Rodriguez, USMC Barbara Rogers Ronda L. Rogers Brian and Heather Romig In honor of Errol Bisso, ’61 John Rossler, ’59 continued


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ANNUAL GIVING REPORT 2009-2010 Riverside Rifles ($1 - $399) Barney and Shari Rothgery, ’55 Cynthia Rudert Dewey and Anna Rumsey, ’74 William and Gretchen Ruppenthal Stephen Rutner, ’81 Hector Salas In memory of Dennis Carpenter Ernest Samusson, Jr., ’37 Antonio Santos-Quiles Larry E. Sarkis, ’63 Mary E. Schmidt Joseph D. Settles, ’49 In honor of the Class of 1949 Adriane Seymour Robert and Edvique Shaver Paul Sheehy In memory of Jerry Blackstock, ’62 George T. Shepard, ’54 Janet S. Siebrasse Harsh and Pushpa Singh Scot Sloan In memory of Ollie Sloan and Ned Crisco Darius Smiley Alonzo Smith, Jr., ’60 Drenda Smith Joe G. Smith, ’55 Stanley and Kelly Smith Martha Smith Robert G. Smith, ’41 In honor of the War Class of ’42 Walter E. Smith, Jr., ’58 In memory of Walter E. Smith, Sr., ’30 RK and Bethanie Smithley Steve Snider, ’58 Jerry and Ming South Matthew W. Stanley, ’75 Laura Stennett Stepan Company In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Donald G. Stockwell Desiree Stokes Adalberto M. Stratta, ’55 W. Michael Strickland The Stump Family In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Sallie Tadman Samuel Talbert, ’59 June Tatum Charrod Taylor Tom Teague/Salem Leasing Corporation In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Joe M. Terrell Ben and Debi Thayer In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 26 26

Jerome and Tanya Thomas In honor of Cadet Austin Thomas Clarence and Janet Torrance James C. Trapnell, Jr., ’45 Karen Treleven Dan and Virginia Troy Michael L. Turner Daniel J. Tymchuk Richard J. Udouj In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Ken and Susan Urquhart Tom and Carol Vandenbark In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Kent G.Vickers, ’55 Angela Vines Bob von Allmen Thomas H. Walker Richard and Louisa Walsh Roane Waring, Jr., ’36 Arnold Watkins Darrin and Carolyn Webb William T. Webb, ’43 George Weissman, ’48 Jack E. Wells, ’61 Seymour M. West, III, ’67 Jeff Whyte, ’82 Nell W. Wiegand John L. Wiggins, III ’70 John E. Wilbanks, ’61 Andy Williams Wayne Williams Chris Williamson Donald E. Williard, ’48 Eugene Winner and Fredia Hill Robert and Jane Wolff Emory and Margaret Wood In honor of Warren Wood, ’04 Marion Woods World Sleep Products, Inc. In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Betty B. Wright In memory of Bobby W. Bush, Sr., ’49 Wini Yunker Rico Zackery Gifts In-Kind James H. Amos Shay Bailey Robert Cagle Hilton Garden Inn Juan Christiansen, ’97 Dan Clark Robert Eidson/Aztec Energy Partners Steve Garrett/ Micah Garrison J. Geyer Advertising, Inc.

Bill Glisson ’78 Jennifer Grobeck Andrew and Elizabeth Jobson Fred and Nancy Kennedy, ’64 Michael and Stephanie Killingsworth/ Megabytes Digital Services Leanne Kinney Michael Levine RMA Cadet Laundry Carol Malcolm Miami Marriott Dadeland William McBride Josh Merry Roger Mick Samantha Mills Bill Morgan Rick Owens David Phillips Publix Super Markets, Inc. Barney and Shari Rothgery, ’55 ProTouch Landscapes Raymond Y. Thomasson, ’69 Karen Treleven Kirk Turner Daniel J. Tymchuk Diego Vacca Gregory and Carole Werd, ’56 Donors through GOAL The following individuals made donations through the Georgia GOAL Scholarship program which provides scholarships to Georgia students transferring from a Georgia public school to a private school. In exchange for contributions, donors receive a Georgia income tax credit. Warren and Louise Aldrich Tom and Tara Anderskow Ron and Cheryl Bracken Douglas and Nadezhda Crane Zack and Karin Dillard Antonio and Anita Feliciano Raymond Fordyce, ’61 Alec and Shelia Fraser Amanda K. Griffin Lynne Henderson Thomas G. Hill, III, ’60 Drew W. Horner, ’78 Steven and Dawn Keig Dean and Laura Kerekes Richard McGonigle and Rebecca Adams David McMurrain Brian Ribeiro and Marie Trenga Leslie T. Smith, ’63 Samuel A. Wilson, Jr. ,’60 Wayne and Shawn Wunderlich


New Members Named to Board of Trustees The Riverside Board of Trustees has added two new members to serve three-year terms. These new trustees accepted their appointments in the spring of 2010. Margaret O. Blackstock Margaret Owen Blackstock of Atlanta is known for many volunteer leadership positions over the years, particularly in educational institutions. Her late husband, Jerry Byron Blackstock, RMA class of 1962, was chairman of the Riverside Board of Trustees from 2002 until his death in 2006. Mrs. Blackstock is a native of Charlotte, NC, and a graduate of Brenau University in Gainesville. She served as president of the Brenau Alumni Association and repeatedly received the Alumnae Leadership Award. She is also the recipient of the Outstanding Alumna Award and The Service to Brenau Award. In 2002 she was named to the University’s Roll of Honor. As an active member of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Mrs. Blackstock has held numerous leadership positions. As a member of the Phi Mu Sorority, she served on the local and district levels before being named national public relations director and later was elected first as national alumnae vice president and then national president. Most recently, she chaired the organization’s capital campaign for the building of its national headquarters. Mrs. Blackstock’s interests include history, travel, reading, running, photography and genealogy. She is a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, a past trustee of its board and a current member of its council of advisors. She has authored and compiled a book of her paternal family tree, “The Lineage of the Reverend John Owen.”

Felix Gonzalez Canto, ’86 Felix Gonzalez Canto, ’86, is governor of the state of Quintana Roo in Mexico since 2005. A native of Cozumel, Quintana Roo, he attended Riverside from eighth through twelfth grades, and graduated in1986. He was battalion commander his senior year as well as class president each year from eighth through eleventh grades. Following graduation from Riverside, Gov. Gonzalez earned a degree in economics from the Technological and Higher Studies Institute in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. Prior to entering the public sector, he was the coordinator of advisors for the Center of Finance and Economics at the Institute, and he also served as advisor to the president of CANACO on the subject of external commerce during the presidency of Victor Santin Padilla. His elected positions include mayor of Cozumel from 19992002, federal representative of the 59th Legislature of Congress of the Union for District 1, Quintana Roo; secretary of the committee of tourism of the Chamber of Representatives of the Congress of the Union, and representative of Mexico before the Central American Parliament in 2004. Gov. Gonzalez includes among his accolades and awards the earning of the Douglas MacArthur Award presented to him personally by General MacArthur’s widow at Riverside Military Academy in 1986. Gov. Gonzalez and his wife, Narcedalia Martin Villanueva, have two children,Victoria Patricia and Felix Lenin. For a complete list of board of trustee members see page 1. For biographical profiles, visit the website,

H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Board of Visitors Meets

The Riverside Board of Visitors assembled for their first meeting last March. The visitors will meet twice annually for the purpose of being updated on Academy finances, enrollment, advancement, and academics and to offer input. Members serve as friends of the Academy and do not set policy. Membership includes alumni, parents, friends, and Gainesville community leaders. Attending the first meeting were, front row from left, Susan Graybeal, Brenda Bahel, Dr. James H. Benson, Ed. D., Col USMC (Ret.), Greg Werd, Ross Pittman; second row from left, Alex Deitch, Alec Fraser, chairman of the board of trustees; James Van Arsdale, W. Michael Strickland, Kayanne Massey, Whit Owens; back row from left, Ruben Barahona, Tom Finn, Sabin Gianelloni, and Sean Fennelly. (For a complete list of visitors see page 1).


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So many ways to give back to Riverside Military Academy From gifts of carpet, to technical expertise, to participating in the Georgia Tuition Tax Credit Program, there are numerous ways to make an impact at Riverside. Gifts in Kind Numerous alumni and parents donated to Riverside last year with specific services and products, or by paying for something that Riverside would have to purchase. Donors submit a receipt to the Office of Advancement and receive a letter documenting the donation. The donor can then consult with his or her tax advisor on how to report the gift. For example, RMA parent, Robert Eidson, a founding partner of Aztec-Energy Partners in Conyers, GA, is working with Director of Facilities Larry Robinson on cost-saving practices and products to reduce operating costs through energy conservation and management. This type of gift directly impacts Riverside’s bottom line in a positive way. Parent Steve Garrett, owner of, provided much-needed carpet for several TAC offices and administrative areas that otherwise would have gone untouched despite the need for updating. Thank you to all who made these types of gifts last year! Georgia Tuition Tax Credit Program Georgia residents can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their Georgia state income tax as well as provide a scholarship benefit to Riverside by participating in the Georgia Tuition Tax Credit Program. The program was created by the state legislature in 2008 as a means to provide tuition assistance to Georgia students moving out of the public school system into a private school. Georgia tax payers may contribute up to $1,000 to GOAL, a non profit entity set up to receive such donations and specify that the money will be used for scholarships at Riverside. Riverside, in turn, requests the scholarship dollars from GOAL as Georgia public school students are accepted to Riverside. “It’s a win/win situation for Riverside and for Georgia state tax payers,” said Amanda K. Griffin, vice president for advancement. “Last year over $30,000 was donated to GOAL to fund Riverside scholarships.” There are also options for Georgia companies to participate in the program. Call the advancement office at 770-532-6251, ext. 4506, for details.


Technology Wish List Technology is an area where opportunities for improvement and updating are vast. Donations of money or equipment are welcome and will have an immediate benefit for cadets, and faculty and staff. You may even have access to machines and hardware that your company or employer is phasing out, yet would be very serviceable to Riverside. Here is a wish list of technology needs: Replace Hewlett Packard 4000 printers (30) $18,000 Comment: Current printers are 12 years old, jam and malfunction. Core networking switch


Comment: Current switch is 12 years old and is a 10/100 megabit switch. Current usage requires more bandwidth. Network switches and hubs


Comment: New switches and hubs will be needed to work with the new core networking switch. Upgrade of computers for maintenance staff $2,900 Comment: Staff currently using hand-me-downs. Upgrade will include a laptop and computers for three offices. Replace CRT monitors in the barracks (100) $10,000 Comment: Most of the monitors in service are over 10 years old and failing. Active directory server replacement


Comment: Current server runs Windows 2000 and does not meet current usage demands. Replace computers in three teaching labs in Lanier Hall (50)


Comment: Computers in these labs are three to four years old and do not have current technology. Computers currently in use in the labs will be transferred into offices and classrooms. Total technology wish list:



Special Giving Opportunities Enthusiasm for the Riverside mission is evidenced by the gifts given this past fiscal year. In addition, donors are making gifts this year in specific areas, especially for naming opportunities and endowments. “Donors are making gifts that are meaningful to the Academy, and are also meaningful to them,” said Amanda K. Griffin, vice president for advancement. “Donors are making gifts they feel good about and know will make a difference.” The following giving opportunities are open for funding from alumni, parents, grandparents, or friends of the Academy.

Riverside President Dr. James Benson, left, with Chris Whitlock, and Alec Fraser, chairman of the board of trustees. National Security Scholarship Fund $1,000,000 desired This endowed fund was created last spring with a gift of $100,000 from Riverside parent, Chris Whitlock. His vision is to provide scholarship aid to sons of military parents, particularly parents who are currently deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan. “Military families carry a big burden on our behalf,” said Whitlock. “We desire to create an endowment that will make Riverside a possibility for a number of boys annually by giving full or partial scholarship assistance. We are looking for individuals or companies with a similar passion to help fund this endowment.”

Paul A. Gross, ’59 Endowed Scholarship - $50,000 This endowed fund was established by Paul A. Gross, a member of the board of trustees. The intent of this scholarship is to be used for financial aid for new students whose parent(s) have been or are deployed in the United States Armed Forces and who are financing tuition through Riverside. “It is my pleasure to make this gift and join Chris Whitlock in his desire and passion to aid the children of those parents who are being deployed,” said Paul Gross. The Arthur and Helen Baer Foundation Matching Gift - $50,000 This St. Louis, MO, foundation with ties to Riverside has a passion for the fine arts. A grant of $10,000 last year provided two new keyboards, repairs to musical instruments, and software to aid in the teaching of various instruments. The foundation has pledged $25,000 this year with the stipulation that the gift be matched by another foundation or by individuals who have a passion for the arts. E.C. May Commandant Lobby and Office Naming Opportunity $25,000 The Alumni Council is raising money to name the commandant’s area in the barracks in memory of E.C. May, Riverside commandant from 1953 to 1986. Two council members have already pledged $5,000 each. “If you wish to help the Alumni Council in this endeavor, we would appreciate your support,” said Bernie Freeman, ’58, chairman of the alumni council.

Gerald R. “Goomba” Wilson Naming Opportunity - $20,000 Alumni from the 1980’s desire to honor long-time English teacher and barracks master, Gerald “Goomba” Wilson by naming a room in the academic area in his honor. Ruben Barahona, ’89, and Felix Gonzalez, ’86, are leading this effort with a gift of $10,000. Earlier gifts this year from Jay Glazer, ’64, and Charlie James, ’64, provided a new granite marker for Wilson’s grave in Alta Vista Cemetery in Gainesville. “Wilson was an excellent teacher who worked hard to prepare his students for college and beyond,” said Errol Bisso, director of alumni relations. “Wilson was a great friend, teacher, and supporter of Riverside.” Riverside Blue Devil Alumni Endowment - $10,000 + Joe Gordon, ’96, and John Gianelloni, ’94, are rallying support to build an endowment of at least $10,000. Interest earned by the endowment will benefit the Academy in a variety of ways to be determined annually by the alumni who are active donors. Over 25 classmates of Gordon and Gianelloni have expressed support. “The only way to make this meaningful is to generate mass participation,” said Gordon. “With our extensive network of classmates, annual contributions of $100 to $250 will enable us to grow the endowment.” For more information please contact Joe Gordon or John Gianelloni at joe.gordon@ or or visit the Face Book Group Page “Riverside Blue Devil Alumni Endowment.” All gifts, including donations to any of the opportunities listed here, are tax deductible. Riverside Military Academy is a 501 (c) 3 organization. For more information about any of these funds, please contact Amanda K. Griffin, vice president for advancement, 770-538-2924, or

Do you know the origin of Gerald Wilson’s nickname “Goomba?” The first correct response emailed to Errol Bisso, director of alumni relations, at wins a $25 gift card to the Riverside cadet store.


Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Dear Fellow Alumni, I want to make sure all Riverside alumni are aware of many exciting developments going on at your alma mater. Our new leadership provided by Dr. James H. Benson, Ed. D., Col, USMC (Ret), and his new team have resulted in many changes that I am sure will please the alumni. Under the guidance of Commandant Major Kevin Jarrard USMCR, Executive Officer Lieutenant Colonel Seth Hathaway USMC, and Senior Military Instructor Sergeant Major Jeffery W. Chandler USA (Ret) and their staffs, the Corps of Cadets is looking sharper than they have in years.The academic staff and dedicated teachers led to 74 seniors graduating with all of them accepted into colleges and universities across the country. One graduate was admitted to The United States Military Academy at West Point and one admitted to The United States Naval Academy.We are getting favorable responses from satisfied parents, and enrollment applications for next year are ahead of our goals. We have exceeded our ambitious fund raising goal last fiscal year of $700,000. In reaching this goal we had special assistance from a very generous contribution of $100,000 from the parent of two current cadets and contributions of $50,000 each from two alumni. Several other alumni have made contributions of $5,000 or $10,000.We had one hundred percent participation from the Board of Trustees and the faculty and staff. Many of the Board of Visitors and the Alumni Council also contributed.We had many contributions from parents and friends of the Academy, including several parents’ contributions of $5,000.There was more than a 125% increase in both the number of alumni contributions and the amount donated by the alumni. I thank those alumni who helped us reach this goal and I encourage more of you to join us in this current year’s campaign. The Alumni Council is going to raise a sum of $25,000 to purchase the naming opportunity to name the commandants office “The E. C. May Commandant Office” in honor of Col. Engle Cline May, the Riverside Commandant from 1953 to 1986. If you would like to help in this effort please note it on your contribution form. You will see elsewhere in this magazine that we have lost two alumni in The War on Terror. I have pledged $5,000 to start a cadet scholarship fund to honor their memory. I invite you to join me in this effort. This fall at Homecoming we will be dedicating two new memorial monuments on Memorial Plaza to honor Riverside alumni lost in Vietnam and The War on Terror. I encourage all of you to consider the purchase of a brick paver in memory of your friends or classmates that have given their lives in service to our country. Finally, we continue to search for lost alumni. Please reach out to your Riverside classmates, roommates or other friends and encourage them to call the alumni office with their contact information. Invite them to join you in a return trip to Riverside. If you have not seen the new campus you are in for a treat. I hope to see more of you at Homecoming, October 15-16.

Bernie Freeman, RMA ’58 Chairman Alumni Council

P.S. If you would like to help with RMA recruiting of new cadets by contacting prospective cadets or their parents, please call Lynne Henderson in the admissions office, 800-462-2338.



John R. Wood, ’47, To Be Honored as Distinguished Alumnus John R. Wood, ’47, will be honored at the Homecoming alumni dinner on October 16 as the RMA Distinguished Alumnus 2010. John Wood and his wife, Wanda, Arkansas natives, have lived in Naples, Florida, since 1957. They built one of south Florida’s most successful and respected real estate agencies, John R. Wood, Inc, Realtors. They set out for Naples in 1957 in their Plymouth station wagon with a dream of succeeding in the real estate business. John had earned his undergraduate degree at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas and his law degree from the University of Arkansas in 1954. He practiced law for three years in Arkadelphia with his father-in-law, Arvin Ross. Once in Florida, Wood passed the Florida bar and maintained his Florida license for over 20 years, but it was real estate that grabbed his attention. He obtained his real estate salesman’s license in 1957 and his broker’s license in 1958. Wanda taught first grade just as she had done in Arkansas. She also secured her real estate broker’s license. After a year of learning the ropes, the Woods took the entrepreneurial plunge and in 1958 opened John R. Wood Realtors. Naples was a sleepy fishing village in the ’50s. The population was only a couple of thousand and many of them left for six months of the year. Home sites could be purchased for as little as $2500.00. But, by the mid-’60s , the beach front condominium lifestyle was budding. This eventually led to a fabulous selection of houses and condominiums along Gulf Shore Boulevard fronting on the Gulf of Mexico. Wood concentrated on acreage sales and developed a reputation for integrity with his slogan, “Walk on it, before you buy,” to offset the perception that all Florida vacant land sales involved swamp land. The firm gradually began selling more homes as the area slowly grew. In 1960 Naples took a direct hit from Hurricane Donna, with 175 mph winds

that almost completely flattened Naples. This proved to be a boon to the region as insurance dollars provided a complete lift for the entire area and the rest of the country was awakened and enjoyed “the Camelot” years. People were looking for second homes, vacation homes and yearround homes, and the Naples region began to prosper. John R. Wood Realtors became firmly entrenched in the residential market. Wood worked hard to lead the real estate profession and eventually served as President of the Naples Area Board of Realtors in 1963 and 1964. His leadership abilities took him up the ladder, and he served as President of the Florida Association of Realtors in 1971, and Chairman of the Florida Real Estate Commission in 1977. Ultimately, he served as President of the National Association of Realtors in 1981, a role that took the Woods all over the world representing U.S.A. in the International Real Estate Association. He also met with President Reagan on several occasions during his presidency. During the 1980s, Naples continued to grow as a mecca for permanent residents, vacation homes, and second home destinations with the completion of Interstate I-75 between Tampa and Naples, the rising popularity of golf, and the arrival of the Ritz Carlton Beach Resort. The 1990s brought expansion to the John R. Wood Realtors, and sales rose to new heights. The company’s reputation for legendary service was verified by surveys that showed 99% customer satisfaction ratings. The company won multiple awards for its web site during these years, and with a combination of service, marketing and technology enjoyed greater and greater success that was primarily attributable to the leadership that John and Wanda’s son, Phil, added to the company. Wood also led the way for the company in community work making sure that the company became known for its emphasis on serving and caring. Wood’s agents and staff give time and financial support to over 100 philanthropic charities and organizations throughout southwest Florida. Today Phil Wood serves as president

Wanda and John Wood, ’47 and CEO of John R. Wood, Inc., Realtors, and John serves as chairman of the board of the company. Reflecting on his years at Riverside, Wood says his education shaped his life in many ways. “Self discipline is the number one thing Riverside taught me. I learned to be selfsufficient and take care of myself,” said Wood. “In 59 years of marriage my wife never had to pick up my socks or my trousers, plus it helped me tremendously all through the many years with our company.” While a Riverside cadet, he earned a spot for two years on the varsity basketball team, was president of his senior class, and king of the spring dance that same year. He graduated with the rank of 2nd Lt., Regimental Staff. Wood’s older brother, J.B. Wood, Jr., graduated from Riverside in 1946 and also lives in Naples. He worked for the John R. Wood Company as a salesman for many years. In summation, John tells everyone he meets that he is honored and blessed that Southwest Florida has been his home for over 50 years.“It is difficult to not notice the extraordinary facilities and services, the devoted organizations, and the special events that truly make this area an exceptional place to live and visit,” said Wood. “Our John R. Wood family believes in sharing its good fortune throughout Southwest Florida, which is why we donate time and dollars to over 300 worthwhile causes.”


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River Rat Socials

River Rats and Old Boys Gather

Since the last issue of Reveille, RMA administration and staff resumed travel to see over 230 alumni in 12 cities. Making the trips were RMA president, Dr. James H. Benson, Ed.D., Col USMC (Ret), and his wife, Mary; Errol Bisso, director of alumni relations, and his wife, Barbara; and Amanda Griffin, vice president for advancement.

1. Charleston – Fred Kennedy, ’64, hosted RMA at The Renaissance on Charleston Harbor. A highlight was the appearance of six RMA alumni who now attend The Citadel, or who graduated from The Citadel. 2. Jacksonville, FL – Maggiano’s in St. John’s Town Center was the venue for a mixture of alums from Georgia, Jacksonville, and the Florida Panhandle. Pat Higdon, ’57, and Ross Pittman, ’56, were among the alumni in attendance. 3. Miami – The ranch home of Bonnie and Jeff Weiner, ’66, was transformed into a tropical party setting for the 35-plus alumni. Music, food, RMA stories, and lots of back slapping made it a memorable evening. 4. Cancun, Mexico – RMA reconnected for the first time with Hispanic alums in their home country. Haciendo Tres Rios on the Riviera Maya was the venue for the reunion, which included RMA alumnus Felix Gonzales, ’86, governor of Quintana Roo, Mexico. 5. Dallas – David Mandt, Sr., ’61, hosted alumni at the Hyatt Place in Garland, Texas. The young alums in attendance enjoyed the surprise visit by RMA Colonel Richard “Dick’ Nichols, who is also an RMA Board of Trustee member. 6. Orlando – RMA grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Luder Whitlock, hosted alumni in their home. Charles Boserman, ’40, Tom Beasley, ’51, and Claude Wolfe, ’52, were among the attendees. 32

7. Mobile – RMA reunited with a dozen alums from Alabama and Florida, including Dr. Jorge Alonso, ’68, and Abe Mitchell, ’52. 8. Raleigh/Durham – RMA grandparents, Henry and Becky Wood, hosted a reunion at the Hope Valley Country Club. A highlight of the evening was meeting Tony Childs, ’85, and his son, Jesse, who hopes to attend RMA one day. 9. Atlanta – The Omni Hotel in downtown Atlanta was the setting for a reunion with alums from throughout the area. Stuart Fine, ’56, Gary Alembik, ’81, and Alex Deitch, ’98, were among the many classes represented at the gathering. 10. New Orleans – Sam Marks, ’35, was enthusiastically welcomed to The American Sector restaurant at the World War II Museum. Marks, one of Riverside’s oldest living alums, is a regular volunteer at the museum. This well attended gathering included Max Durham, ’47, who drove in from Hammond, LA; Howard Pailet, ’67, from Houston; and Mike Norris, ’92, from Lafayette, LA. 11. Chicago – Greg Werd, ’56, and Seth Wagner, ’56, hosted RMA at the Union League Club of Chicago. Alums attending included former Cook County sheriff, Richard Elrod, ’51, plus a contingency from the ’80’s, including Luis Hacevedo, ’81; Bill Ackerman, ’82; Erwin Dammers, ’84; and Andy Zager, ’88, from Atlanta, who happened to be in Chicago on business. 12. Los Angeles – The beautiful Hollywood Hills home of Holly and Howard Kalmenson, ’49, with lights of the city below, was the setting for almost 20 alums who gathered. Guests included Jim Kalmenson, ’77, Leonard Kolod, ’57, and Jim Ideman, ’49. Dane Mindell, ’88, and Pat Chaney, ’60, attended from Arizona.


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Charleston, Jacksonville and Miami...

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...Cancun, Dallas and Orlando.


Turn page for more photos! 6


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Mobile, Raleigh/Durham and Atlanta...


... New Orleans, Chicago and Los Angeles.


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Alumni Class Agents Riverside’s alumni relations office is establishing a class agent program. Class agents keep in touch with their classmates through personal notes, emails and phone calls, update their classmates’ personal information , and obtain information for Riverside’s publications.

If you are interested in becoming a class agent, please contact Errol Bisso, director of alumni relations, at or by calling 770.532.6251 ext. 2132.

Upcoming alumni mixers: Knoxville

(September) Labor Day Weekend

Washington, D.C.


Dominican Republic



February, 2011


February, 2011

New Orleans

April, 2011


April, 2011

Boston/New England

June, 2011

Visit for event details as they become available. You may also call 770.532.6251 and ask for Errol Bisso (ext. 2132) in the alumni relations’ office.


Reveille I SUMMER 2010


For Those Who Have Made the Ultimate Sacrifice Riverside Alumni

have proudly

served their country in all branches of the service and through many wars and conflicts. The Academy is now seeking names of Riverside graduates who died in Korea, Vietnam, The War on Terror in Operation Iraqi Freedom or the Afghanistan war. A memorial service is planned for Saturday, October 16, during homecoming weekend, honoring those RMA alumni who have made the ultimate sacrifice. The alumni office knows of the following alumni who have died in military action since

World War II: Vietnam Gregory I. Barras, ’50 Timothy M. Blake, ’60 Freeman A. Carr, ’60 Joseph Phillip Seymoe, former RMA military instructor, CAPT, USA David F. Taylor, ’60 Iraq Ryan M. Bell, ’03 Afghanistan Kyle A. Comfort, ’01 If

you know of others and can

provide verification, please

Errol Bisso, director of alumni relations, at 770-532-6251 ext. 2132, or contact


Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Claim RMA Grads Two Riverside graduates lost their lives in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2007. Capt. Kyle A. Comfort, a 2001 graduate of Riverside, was killed on May 8, 2010, by an improvised explosive device in Helmand Province in Afghanistan. Spc. Ryan M. Bell, 2003 RMA graduate, was killed March 5, 2007, when a bomb exploded near the paratrooper vehicle in which he and five other soldiers were riding in Iraq’s Salahuddin province. Comfort was a fire support officer in Company D, 3rd Capt. Kyle A. Comfort, Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. The combat operation in ’01 which he was involved when he was killed led to the discovery of a large IED factory, according to an Army news release. “Kyle Comfort was a quiet professional who lived the Ranger Creed,” Col. Michael E. Kurilla, commander, 75th Ranger Regiment, said through the Army’s press office. “Kyle’s main purpose in life was to make a difference,” said his widow, Brooke Clopton Comfort, 28, of Jacksonville, AL. “He really felt like we were making a difference over there.” The couple married in October, 2005. Comfort was a native of Saks, AL, and was a 2006 graduate of Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL. Spc. Ryan M. Bell, ’03 David Buckner, ’99, who was Comfort’s best man at his wedding, had known his friend since their cadet days at Riverside. “He was just a very outgoing, funny, very relatable guy,” said Buckner. The Army’s Special Operations Command news service states that Comfort’s awards and decorations include the Ranger Tab, Parachutist Badge and the Air Assault Badge. He has also been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with combat star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon and Overseas Service Ribbon. Posthumously, Comfort has received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal and Combat Action Badge. In addition to his wife, Comfort is survived by his daughter, Kinleigh Ann, who is less than a year old, his mother, Ellen Comfort of Anniston, AL, a sister and two brothers. Bell, a native of Colville, WA, joined the Army hoping to become a doctor. He turned down college scholarships as a Riverside senior, hoping that Army experience and the GI bill would help him realize his dream. He joined the Army in 2004 and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, NC. He was a member of Company C, 2nd Battalion, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team. Riverside plans to honor Comfort and Bell with recognition plaques on Memorial Plaza on Saturday, October 16, RMA’s homecoming weekend.


RMA Alum is “Sir William V. Howland” RMA alumnus, William V. Howland, ’42, is also known as Sir William Howland since being named Knight of the Legion of Honor for his valorous action during World War II. The honor was by decree of the president of France in February, 2006. The distinction is the highest honor that France bestows upon those who have achieved remarkable deeds for France. “It is a sign of true gratitude for your invaluable contributions to the liberation of France during these difficult times in the history of our nation,” states the letter to Howland from the Consulat General de France in Chicago. Howland’s younger brother, Fred, who attended Riverside one year, says that his brother was a combat medic in the 36th Infantry Division for four years. He is credited with being a member of three sea invasions of Europe. William Howland also holds the following military decorations: European Theatre Medal with four stars, Purple Heart (twice), Combat Medic Badge, Bronze Star, Silver Star, and the Prisoner of War Medal.

William lives in Lisle, Illinois, and his brother, Fred, who sent Reveille the information about his brother, lives in Miami. “I have told my brother often that I don’t know how he got through all that he endured in the war,” said Fred, whose military career was in the Navy. William V. Howland, “I was greatly aided in my ’42 military service in the Navy by my time at Riverside,” said Fred. “I was chosen to command a company of Navy recruits because I could teach them how to do close order drill and manual of arms learned at Riverside. “If I had been blessed with boys instead of girls, they would all have gone to Riverside,” said Fred. “The lessons learned there can not be learned any place else.”


Howdy All you “River Rats” from one of the “Frozen Few” Alumni:

It was January 1959 when a few cadets (I was one of the initial five) were awakend in the north wing on the third floor by the smell of smoke. After realizing that the building was on fire, we immediately started evacuating most of our fellow cadets. The “Frozen Few” proceeded to try to extinguish the fire until relieved by the Hollywood Fire Department. Most of our issue was salvaged and we were directed to return to our “home” in Gainesville (Georgia, NOT Florida!!). The winter months in Gainesville were the most miserable three months for the “Frozen Few,” since we only had our Florida clothing and the buildings were not heated enough for the winter snows and winds. Many of the cadets in the lower grades stayed home until the spring semester, so the winter corps was mostly juniors and seniors who re-formed Company A and Company B. Classes were held as usual and the meals were served daily. You could see your breath in the Mess Hall and the classrooms. We all had an opportunity to perfect our winter military operations training along with several maneuvers into the area around Lake Lanier. Punishment tours were restricted to the third floor of the barracks – at least there was some wind break. Duty now included snow shoveling the walkways, clearing the open hallways in the barracks and trying to keep the water flowing through the frozen pipes. Those three months remain one of the most memorable periods in my life. Life-long friendships were forever formed, the realization of what a person could endure were imbedded in our psyches, and we were forever better for that experience. We of the “Frozen Few” will forever remember General Sandy Beaver standing on the steps of Lanier Hall every morning after chow reminding all of us that we were “The Frozen Few” forever bonded by our brotherhood, forged in the winter and establishing the example for all Cadets to follow. Throughout my varied career in the Army, DIA and other federal assignments, I always reflect back on the winter of ’59 and the shared experiences of “The Frozen Few.” Thank you Riverside – I am a better soldier and person for your mission implementation and the Cadre who made it happen.

Robert B. Wallace Class of ’60

Robert “Bruce”Wallace, ’59, retired from the Defense Department where he worked for 22 years as a federal investigator. He and his wife, Karen, spend seven months a year on the road in their RV visiting historical sites and national parks.


Reveille I SUMMER 2010


Kandahar By John B. Delcambre, ‘66 CAPT, Medical Corps, USN

Situated at the crossroads of Central Asia along the ancient Silk Route between China and Persia, Afghanistan has historically been a gateway for invaders who faced the world's largest mountains and some of its most forbidding deserts. Often occupied but never really conquered, the Afghan people have become skilled at accommodating local warlords or foreign invaders while waging fierce resistance. The Taliban emerged in political power vacuums dominated by warlords after the withdrawal of the Soviets in 1989 and after the Taliban's own defeat at the hands of the Northern Alliance and U.S. in 2001. If current political determination and enthusiasm for peace can prevail over the insanity of domination-at-any-cost, we can only hope that Afghanistan can be a land, if not of U.S. type democracy, at least of government stable enough to stave off the emergence of radicalism which could threaten itself and the rest of the world. In the meantime, the U.S. and Coalition troops struggle to secure the towns and countryside while the Afghan Army and National Police train to build enough of a force to assume responsibility for security as the country establishes a government and rebuilds a badly needed infrastructure. The importance of nation building in this place is clear enough to have attracted the best of this generation, from both sides of the Atlantic and the Pacific, who come to risk devastating injury or death toward the realization of that goal. The Kandahar Multinational Medical Unit facility has grown from a tent and plywood structure to a complex of modular containers, more tents and plywood with an asphalt ramp just off the runway where MEDEVAC helicopters deliver casualties. Soon, a larger, more modern structure will be completed nearby. Sometimes in the


John B. Delcambre, ’66 late afternoon the children recovering from war wounds join hospital staff just off the tarmac where Predator drones take off and land against a backdrop of the same sunset enjoyed by the armies of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great. Sunset is often a peaceful hour before the evenings' rocket attacks and processions of wounded. It's a time when trauma teams can rest and ready themselves for the onrush of injuries, which are unpredictable in number and severity. This is a place where one can hear Hippocrates' words resonate across the millennia, “He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war.” Our patients include Coalition Forces from over 12 nations as well as Afghan soldiers, civilians and detainees who could be Taliban or foreign jihadists. The hospital's spartan accommodations of tents and buildings contrast sharply with the high tech (albeit limited) inventory of medical tools and expertise as good as the bestanywhere. In Kandahar, where war is a way of life, medical over-achievers with a passion for excellence come from the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and Australia. The result of their dedication and teamwork is a survival rate of over 96% for Coalition soldiers who arrive at the hospital alive.

On the adjacent tarmac ramp, ceremonies loading the caskets of fallen warriors onto C 17 Globemasters serve as a reminder of not only the savagery of contemporary weapons, but our own limitations in spite of the best teams with the best technology. As a physician who values experiences more than possessions, to be a military surgeon surrounded by such talent and dedication is truly an honor. Exhaustive work in a hostile fire zone is its own reward for rigorous medical and military training healthcare workers must complete before deployment. This life style attracts those with a life-long commitment to learning, self-improvement, and physical fitness. Medical personnel who meet strict physical standards must endure weeks of field training to condition them for the wide variety of tactical and clinical situations which loom in the combat environment. My preparation for this work began during my five years at Riverside where cadets were expected to pursue excellence in academics, military science and athletics. I've always considered myself advantaged to have been exposed early in life to the sometimes painful, no-nonsense guidance of members of the military environment at Riverside. This included my fellow cadets as well as the faculty. To have been imbued with a sense of responsibility for my own achievements and my own physical wellbeing is a result of that guidance. The admonitions of General Sandy Beaver to be accountable and, “Take care of those bodies, boys,” have sustained this surgeon on a fascinating, mentally and physically demanding, professional journey through four decades of peace and war.


“ He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war.” Hippocrates

Pictured from top left: Off-loading a MEDEVAC helicopter. Dr. “Del” teaching inside hospital. Resucitating an IED casualty in the trauma bay. Young Afghanistan girl treated in hospital. Role III Multinational Medical Center hospital staff from 9 nations.


Reveille I SUMMER 2010



Memorial Plaza Honor Project You can be a part of a new tradition at Riverside Military Academy by permanently honoring the everlasting memory of cadets, faculty, and honored friends of RMA. ORDER FORM (please print clearly and be sure to double-check your spelling) I would like to purchase ____ 4" x 8" brick paver(s) at $125 each 3 lines per brick (max) with 18 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation 1
















































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I would like to purchase _______ 8" x 8" brick paver(s) at $250 each 5 lines per brick (max) with 18 characters per line, including spaces and punctuation 1





















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Order today for priority placement! Brick paver purchases are tax deductible. Individuals ordering pavers will receive a letter verifying the order which also serves as a receipt for the donation. Riverside has established guidelines for brick inscriptions and reserves the right to reject any submission.














For more information about additional contribution levels or naming opportunities, please call Amanda Griffin, vice president for advancement, at 770.538.2924 or email her at





Deceased: William L. Anderson, ’40 (07/2009) John W. Arzberger, ’41 (11/2009) Robert J. Barnett, Jr., M.D., ’70 (01/2010) Ryan M. Bell, ’03 (03/2007) Louis D. Bishop, Jr., ‘60 (07/2009) Alton E. Black, ’50 (05/2009) Jessie W. “J. Woody” Brinson, ’40 (03/2009) Dan E. Christian, Jr., ’62 (01/2010) Ryburn “Pete” G. Clay, Jr., ’45 (04/2009) Carlos A. Colley ,’59 (05/2010) Cpt. Kyle A. Comfort, ’01 (05/2010) Gordon C. Cornell, ’60 (05/2009) Earl M. Deloach, Jr., ’74 (04/2009) James P. Gholston, ’34 (04/2009) David I. Goldman, ’51 (04/2009) Neal K. Graham, ’68 (05/2009) Jared S. Hammerman, ’02 (05/2010) Robert S. Kurtz, ’41 (09/2009) Daniel W. LeRoy, ’01 (06/2002) Harry A. Marinos, ’52 (10/2009) John “Jack” C. McClamroch, Jr., ’44 (01/2009) William C. Moore, ’42 (04/2009) Dr. Si F. Moorehead, Jr., ’41 (05/2009) Bobby E. Noble, ‘57 (04/2009) Thomas “Tom” J. Northcutt, ’41 (03/2010) Gerald J. “Jerry” Rachelson, ’56 (01/2010) Ted Randell, ‘37 (04/2009) Thomas G. Ronald, ’41 (unknown) Edwin M. Rothberg, ’35 (unknown) Dr. Norman R. Schakne, ’44 (12/2009) Dan L. Schneider, ’62 (03/2009) Albert P. Seelbach, ’46 (08/2008) William “Bill” E. Sherman, Jr., ’44 (03/2010) Robert M. Stahl, BG (Ret), ’43 (03/2009) Thomas R. Stephens, ’40 (05/2010) Charles “Chip” M. Tatum, ’86 (1991) George “Peter” Warrick, ’66 (05/2010) Leo P. Weintraub, ’36 (2010) Robert H. Weitzman, ’55 (04/2006) George W. Wright, ’53 (05/2010) (Notifications received since January 2010.)

Class Announcements: Class of 1943 Taylor Larimore was a World War II paratrooper with the 101st Airborne Division and is co-author of the “The Bogleheads’ Guide to Retirement Planning.” Taylor and his wife, Pat, live in Miami and recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Class of 1944 Charles Bell lives in Charleston, SC, with his wife, Lea. While a cadet at West Point, he played in the backfield with two Heisman Trophy winners, Glenn Davis and Doc Blanchard. Bell was quarterback at Riverside. Class of 1953 Sheldon L. Gantz is a retired jewelry executive and currently resides in Pennsylvania.

Col. Benson and Charles Bell at the Charleston alumni mixer.

Class of 1955 Donald M. Gilner, M.D. is a retired colonel from the U.S. Air Force Reserves. He represented the Georgia Medical Association and was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation as “Doctor for the Day” early in 2010. The Georgia General Assembly recognized him for the excellent medical care he provided. Class of 1957 Robert “Bobby” Greenwood was awarded the Tennessee PGA Distinguished Career Award in February, 2010. This is the highest honor the Tennessee PGA can bestow upon a golf professional. Greenwood joins an elite group of only 26 other PGA professionals who have received this honor. He is also a member of three different halls of fame. Class of 1965 David Alphin was recognized as a Legendary Razorback fan in the “100 Years of Razorbacks” celebration. He is a long-time season ticket holder in four sports and started the South Arkansas Razorback Club in 1989, of which he initially served as president. Alphin is a graduate of the University and has lived in Fayetteville, AR, since 2001. He works as a realtor. Class of 1968 Frank A. Bucino retired from his position as police lieutenant supervisor for the defense department in February, 1999 after 24 years of service. He is married to Diane C. Bucino and they have one son, Frank Bucino, Jr. He enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and traveling. continued on page 42


Reveille I SUMMER 2010


ALUMNI CLASS NOTES “ I will never forget the lessons of life that I learned from Riverside, and will always be a loyal Brother In Blue, and helping in any way that I can for as long as I am here, and as long as the school has people like you helping these lessons be taught.” - Lelan “Lee” Moretz ‘03 ( Excerpt from a letter written to Major Kevin Jarrard, RMA Commandant. Used with permission.)

Class of 1974 Captain Charles H. Cook has been appointed Florida State Congressional District Coordinator (CDC) for West Point Admissions effective February 2010. CPT Cook, working with 74 Field Force members state-wide, coordinates admissions efforts on behalf of candidates seeking admission to West Point from 25 congressional districts within Florida. As an additional duty CPT Cook also provides assistance and input to RMA’s college guidance office for those cadets seeking admission to West Point, and completes RMA cadet’s required “admissions interview” for their West Point admissions files. Class of 1982 Frank Harris works in software sales in Miami. He graduated from Florida State University and served 4½ years as a Naval EOD officer (explosive ordinance disposal) and separated from the Navy as a lieutenant. Class of 1985 Edwin A.D. Schwartz is a partner/shareholder at Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman & Goggin (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania office) where he practices in the area of professional liability defense litigation. He received an honorable discharge from United States Army Reserve where he served as a captain in the Judge Advocate General's Corps. He is married to Stacey with two children, Austin (13) and Loryn (11).

Class of 1995 Richard D. Smith, Jr is married to Amy Smith. They have a daughter named Audrey and welcomed another child in November. Rich successfully passed the West Virginia Bar Exam in 2009 and soon opened his own law firm in Parkersburg, West Virginia. Class of 1997 William Key married Anne Edmundson of Greenville, SC, on April 24, 2010, at Victoria Valley Vineyards in Cleveland, SC. Key is a graduate of the University of South Carolina with a degree in accounting and management. He is a certified public accountant and is employed by Abitibi Bowater Inc. in Greenville. Class of 2000 Muhammed Malik became the new director of the (CAIR) Council on American-Islamic Relations’ South Florida chapter in September 2009. He spoke for the young South Florida Muslims in March, 2010. Malik is also a Miami business owner. Steve Pugh is a U.S. Air Force Communications Officer, who was recently awarded Valdosta State University’s GOLD (Graduate of the Last Decade) Standard. This award is given to VSU alumni who have excelled within 10 years of graduation. Pugh earned his Bachelor of Science in computer science and spends his days initiating military communications. In his spare time he enjoys photography, writing and running marathons. Pugh was a character education speaker at RMA in 2009. Class of 2001 Adam Frankel recently passed the New York state bar exam and is now practicing antitrust, securities, and real estate law. He lives in Greenwich, Connecticut. Class of 2003 Lee Moretz (pictured below, left) is currently an intern for Congressman Jack Kingston, who serves the 1st District of Georgia. Moretz is pursuing employment on Capital Hill with other southern delegates. He is also a member of the D.C.Young Republicans and the Georgia Society.

Class of 1987 Geoffrey L. Hurdle married Amber Brianna Erickson-Sanders on April 5, 2010, in a private ceremony at the Opryland Hotel and resort in Nashville, TN. Hurdle is a graduate of Lees-McRae College where he received a bachelor's degree in humanities. He is the owner/ broker of The Land Man of GA, a real estate firm in Loganville. 42


Class of 2004 John L. Fink is working as a group sales representative for Guardian. Class of 2005 Anthony Samuel Hensley graduated from the Citadel in May, 2009, and was commissioned in the Army as a 2nd Lt. He is currently stationed at Ft. Gordon in Augusta, GA, and is presently serving in Iraq. Class of 2006 Chris Hinkle graduated magna cum laude in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech in May. He is working at Lincoln Labs at MIT in Boston, a prestigious research lab. His future plans include graduate work at MIT or Harvard. Greggory Starr graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point on May 22, 2010. 2LT Starr majored in chemical engineering. While at the Academy, he was involved in Young Life, was active in OCF (Officers Christian Fellowship) and mentored high school students via church Sunday school programs. He got his SCUBA certification and also skydives. He recently became engaged to Brittany Vaughn Wells whom he will marry in 2011. 2LT Starr chose branch infantry and will report to Fort Benning in Columbus, GA.

Class of 2009 Michael “Sebastian” Mims received his official appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. This past year, Sebastian has been enrolled at the U.S. Military Academy’s Prep School. Sebastian served as Battalion Commander in his senior year at Riverside.

“ Riverside took me from the downward spiral I was traveling in public school and made me more successful than I had any right to expect. I went from a 2.5 GPA up to a 4.0 standard in just one semester; and, learned more than I ever could have in public school. I only regret not entering Riverside younger.”

Coach Errol Bisso ’61 Inducted into the Delta State Alumni Coaches Hall of Fame Errol Bisso, ’61, was inducted into the Delta State University’s Alumni Coaches Hall of Fame April 23-24, 2010, in Cleveland, MS. This honor is given to former Statesmen athletes who demonstrate exceptional merit in coaching. Bisso attended Delta State on a football scholarship after graduating from Riverside. He earned a B.S. in education and a master’s in guidance and counseling. Following his collegiate career he returned to Riverside where he coached football, track, golf, and wrestling, where he would leave his biggest mark. In 1976 Bisso was named the head coach of the Riverside wrestling program and since then he has coached 29 individual state wrestling champions. He has coached Riverside to five Georgia Independent School Association state championships since 2003. Bisso is also a charter member of the Riverside Sports Hall of Fame and a member of the Northeast Georgia Sports Hall of Fame. Coach Bisso has more varsity wins in his coaching career than any coach in the academy’s history. In 2005, Bisso was named to the National Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame in Stillwater, OK. Bisso’s career record as a wrestling coach is 436-122. Currently, he serves as the director of alumni relations.

- Michael Finn ‘08

Class Notes, Births, Marriage Announcements, Deaths Photo Submission Guidelines All photos must be a minimum 4.5" wide 300 dpi resolution .tif or .jpg format. Photos not accepted include: .gif or .bmp format. Also, camera phone photos or photos from websites cannot be accepted. Email digital files to Mail hard copies to: Riverside Military Academy Attn: Alumni Relations 2001 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 770-532-6251 ext. 2212 Riverside Military Academy does not verify information in the Class Notes section and cannot be responsible for accuracy. The Class Notes section is offered to alumni for their use in exchanging news and updates on their classmates. Riverside Military Academy reserves the right to further publish Class Notes submissions in any and all school publications or media.


Reveille I SUMMER 2010




s for all cad d en k ee w d se lo c Fall Aug. 21-22 Aug. 28-29 Sept. 3-4

Sept. 10 R.O.C. Cresting Ceremony and Parade 2:30 p.m Maginnis Field

Cadet Picture D ay Sept. 25

Senior Tests (Mandatory) Sept. 11 ACT SAT Oct. 9

TIME OFF! Thanksgiving Cadets depart on 11/19 at 4 p.m. and return on 11/28 by 6 p.m. Holiday Furlough Cadets depart on 12/17 at 4 p.m. and return on 1/2/11 by 6 p.m.

Homecoming D ance Find Date!!


Saturday, Oc t. 16 at 7:30 p.m. Curtis Hall

Did Riverside Military Academy make a difference in your life? RMA alumni, parents, and friends have the opportunity to lead from the front with a gift to the RMA annual fund. It’s through these gifts that RMA makes a difference by investing these financial resources in educational and character-building programs that are not always covered by tuition revenue alone. Your thoughtful gifts to the annual fund make a difference in preparing cadets of today for responsible professional leadership roles in the future. 4 EASY WAYS TO DONATE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE: 1. M ail your gift to: Riverside Military Academy Attn: Advancement Office 2001 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 2. Call 770.532.6251 ext. 2122 3. Log on to 4. D onate through the Georgia GOAL Scholarship program at

Riverside Military Academy







Email: Address: 2001 Riverside Drive • Gainesville, GA 30501 • 770.532.6251 ext. 2107 Hours: 7am - 4:30pm EST Monday - Friday

Riverside Military Academy 2001 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA 30501 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED

Upcoming Events

Event times and locations are subject to change. August 13

Returning cadets registration

October 16

Homecoming parade at 2:30 p.m.

August 15

New cadets (ROC) registration

October 16

Homecoming dance at 7:30 p.m.

August 16

First semester classes begin

November 13 Georgia Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Atlanta

September 10 ROC Cresting Ceremony & Parade at 2:30 p.m.


November 20-28

Thanksgiving furlough

September 11

ACT (seniors mandatory)

December 3

Campus Open House at 10:30 a.m.

September 25

Cadet picture day

December 4

SAT (optional and open to all cadets)

October 9

SAT (seniors mandatory)

October 10

Campus Open House at 1:30 p.m.

December 10 Employee Appreciation Day parade at 4:00 p.m.

October 13

PSAT (sophomores & juniors)

December 10 Holiday banquet & concert

October 15-16

Homecoming & Parents Weekend

December 17-Jan 2

Holiday furlough

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