TableOfContents [continued]
DevelopmentApplicationFees...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................84 ModificationofConsentFees.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................88 ReviewofDeterminationFees................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................90 ConstructionCertificates(CC)andComplyingDevelopmentCertificate(CDC)ApplicationFees-Building................................................................................................................................................................92 ConstructionCertificateInspectionFees-Building.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................93 BuildingInformationCertificateApplicationFees................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................94 BuildingInformationCertificateInspectionFees.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 BuildingCertification-Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 Section68ApprovalFees-Building......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 Section68InspectionFees-Building....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................96 Section68ApprovalFees-Plumbing....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................96 Section68InspectionFees-Plumbing..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................96 Section68ApprovalFees-Planning.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................97 FireSafety.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................97 SwimmingPoolSafety.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................98 PlanningCertificates................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................98 MiscellaneousPlanningFees.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................98 ApplicationWithdrawalFees..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................99 EnvironmentalandRegulatory.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................101 NaturalEnvironment..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................101 NoxiousWeedsInspections..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................102 RangerServices.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................102 CompanionAnimals...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................104 SewerServices.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................107 Sewage................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................107 LiquidTradeWaste.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................107 ExcessMassCharges........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................108 TankeredWaste..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................109 PressureSewer...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 JointSewerElimination......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 BuildOvers..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 Engineering..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................111 continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page15of116 TableOfContents [continued] TechnicalServices..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................111 WorksandServices............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................112 ActivitiesinRoadReserves...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................112
Fees&Charges|Page16of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
AccesstoInformation 0001 Formal access to Information – Government Information Public Access (GIPA)Applicationfee A $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 $30.00 N Each 0002 Formal access to Information – GIPA Processing Fee (personal affairs after first 20 hours – per hour rate) A $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 $30.00 N Hour 0003 Formal access to Information – GIPA Processing fee (Non personal after first hour – per hour rate) A $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 $30.00 N Hour 0004 Formal access to Information – GIPA Internal Review A $40.00 $40.00 $0.00 $40.00 N Each 0005 Access to Council Information – GIPA Informal A NoFee Lastyearfee NoFee N Each 0006 ConductMoney-Subpoenas A $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 $30.00 N Each CustomerService 0007 Print/CopyA4singlesidedBlack&White C $0.50 $0.14 $0.01 $0.15 Y Each 0008 Print/CopyA4singlesidedColour C $3.00 $0.68 $0.07 $0.75 Y Each 0009 Print/CopyA3singlesidedBlack&White C $1.00 $0.27 $0.03 $0.30 Y Each 0010 Print/CopyA3singlesidedColour C $6.00 $1.36 $0.14 $1.50 Y Each 0011 Print/CopyA2singlesidedBlack&White C $4.00 $2.14 $0.21 $2.35 Y Each 0012 Print/CopyA2singlesidedColour C $11.00 $3.32 $0.33 $3.65 Y Each 0013 Print/CopyA1singlesidedBlack&White C $9.00 $2.73 $0.27 $3.00 Y Each 0014 Print/CopyA1singlesidedColour C $22.00 $5.00 $0.50 $5.50 Y Each 0015 Print/CopyB1singlesidedBlack&White C $11.00 $3.64 $0.36 $4.00 Y Each 0016 Print/CopyB1singlesidedColour C $17.00 $6.00 $0.60 $6.60 Y Each 0017 Print/CopyA0singlesidedBlack&White C $15.00 $4.55 $0.45 $5.00 Y Each 0018 Print/CopyA0singlesidedColour C $19.00 $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Y Each 0019 ScanningplacedonCD/DVD/USB C $10.50 $10.00 $1.00 $11.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
CustomerService [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page17of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0020 Scanningdocumentsnotmorethan20pages C $25.00 $24.55 $2.45 $27.00 Y Each Occasion 0021 Scanningdocumentsmorethan20pages C $100.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y PerHour; minimum chargefor 30minutes with15 minute increments thereafter 0022 SaleofRetailProducts D Purchasepricepluscommercialmarkup Lastyearfee Purchasepricepluscommercialmarkup Y Each
0023 CertificatepursuanttoSection603LGA B InaccordancewithcurrentOLGamount-$95.00 Lastyearfee InaccordancewithcurrentOLGamount-$90.00 N Each 0024 Urgent Section 603 Certificate – additional fee C $80.00 $85.00 $0.00 $85.00 N Each 0025 CopyofSection603Certificateadministration C $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 $20.00 N Each 0026 CopyofRateNotice/InstalmentNoticeorCopyofFinancialData(Rate Book)forProperties(currentfinancialyearexcluded) C $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 $10.00 N Each 0027 InterestpayableonOverdueRatesandCharges B InaccordancewithcurrentmaximumOLGrate-9.0% Lastyearfee InaccordancewithcurrentmaximumOLGrate-6.0% N Each 0028 DishonouredChequeFeeplusadministrationcharge C CosttoCouncilplus$30.00Administrationfee Lastyearfee CosttoCouncilplus$30.00Administrationfee N Each 0029 Merchant Fee – Mastercard and Visa E 0.00% Lastyearfee 0.00% N Each continuedonnextpage...
FinancialServices [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page18of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0030 Merchant Fee – Payment made via Forms Express Portal C AsperFormsExpressPortalsurcharge Lastyearfee AsperFormsExpressPortalsurcharge N Each 0031 ApplicationFeeforinterestpayableonSecurityDeposits D $475.00 $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 N Each 0032 AuspiceAdministrationFee E Asperindividualarrangement Lastyearfee 2%(GSTIncl)oftheamountauspiced N Each 0033 DebtrecoveryonOverdueRates,Charges,andDebtorAccounts C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each
0034 SaleofLandAdministrationCharge E $1,165.00 $1,225.00 $0.00 $1,225.00 N Each Chargewillapplytopropertiesthatreachpublicauction 0035 AdvertisingFees C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each 0036 RealEstateAgentFee C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each 0037 SolicitorsFee C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each 0038 TitleSearches C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each continuedonnextpage...
SaleofLandforUnpaidRates [continued]
ThesaleofemulsionisoperatedasacommercialactivityoftheCouncil.FeesandChargesrelatedtothesaleofemulsionarenotpublishedforreasonthatknowledgeofthefeesandcharges wouldconferacommercialadvantageonacompetitoroftheCouncil.FeesandchargesapplicablewillbeprovidedtoindividualpurchasersonapplicationtotheCouncil.
ThesaleofaggregateisoperatedasacommercialactivityoftheCouncil.FeesandChargesrelatedtothesaleofaggregatearenotpublishedforreasonthatknowledgeofthefeesandcharges wouldconferacommercialadvantageonacompetitoroftheCouncil.FeesandchargesapplicablewillbeprovidedtoindividualpurchasersonapplicationtotheCouncil.
Fees&Charges|Page19of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0039 ValuationFee C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each
0040 TenderDocumentscollectionfee C $175.00 $185.00 $0.00 $185.00 N Each
0041 UseofCouncilplantforexternalhire D NegotiatedCommercialRateplus50% Lastyearfee NegotiatedCommercialRateplus25% Y Each
0042 PrivateHire(NoDryHire) D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each
0043 SaleofEmulsion D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y PerLitre
0044 SaleofAggregate D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus
Y Perm3
Fees&Charges|Page20of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0045 RentorLicenceFees-CommercialAgreements D InaccordancewithCouncil'sPolicyPOL038Acquisition, DisposalandManagementofLandPolicy,marketvalue willbeappliedunlessotherwiseagreedbytheCouncil Lastyearfee InaccordancewithCouncil's
POL038Leasingand Licencing,marketvaluewillbeappliedunlessotherwise agreedbytheCouncil Y Annual 0046 PropertyAgreementPreparation C Recoveryoflegalfeesanddisbursements,surveyfees, registrationfeesandotherrelatedcostsincurredasper PolicyPOL038Acquisition,DisposalandManagementof Land. Lastyearfee Recoveryoflegalfeesanddisbursements,surveyfees, registrationfeesandotherrelatedcostsincurredasper Leasing&LicensingPolicy Y Each Occasion 0047 Commercialleaseorlicenceagreementadvertising D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each Occasion 0048 CommunityLicenceFee E $765.00 $727.27 $72.73 $800.00 Y Each Occasion 0049 CommunityLicencePreparationFee E $255.00 $250.00 $25.00 $275.00 Y Each Occasion 0050 PermanentRoadClosureApplicationFee(nonrefundable) C $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 N Each Occasion 0051 PermanentRoadClosureCosts&Disbursements C Recoveryoflegalfeesanddisbursements,surveyfees, registrationfeesandotherrelatedcostsincurredasper Policy Lastyearfee Recoveryoflegalfeesanddisbursements,surveyfees, registrationfeesandotherrelatedcostsincurredasper Policy N Each 0052 AdministrationfeeforacquisitionofEasementacrossPublicLand E $495.00 $472.73 $47.27 $520.00 Y Each Occasion continuedonnextpage...
PropertyManagement [continued]
0053 Administrationfeefordealingsrelatingtocommercialleaseandlicence agreements(tenantinitiated)suchasleaseassignment,sub-leaseto thirdparty,variationofLease,surrenderofLease,amendmenttoterms
0054 Costsanddisbursementsforregistrationofdealingsrelatingto commercialleaseandlicenceagreements(tenantinitiated)suchas leaseassignment,sub-leasetothirdparty,variationofLease,surrender ofLease,amendmenttoterms
C Recoveryof100%legalfeesanddisbursementsandother relatedcostsincurredbyCouncilinrelationtotenant initiateddealings
Y Each
Fees&Charges|Page21of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
C $495.00 $472.73 $47.27 $520.00 Y Each Occasion
Fees&Charges|Page22of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
Rates 0055 OrdinaryRates-Residential-CityandSuburbs A 0.00609268 Min.Feeincl.GST:$772.00 Lastyearfee 0.00785640 Min.Feeincl.GST:$744.00 N AdValorem Amount 0056 OrdinaryRates-Residential-Villages A 0.00349913 Min.Feeincl.GST:$288.00 Lastyearfee 0.00527716 Min.Feeincl.GST:$278.00 N AdValorem Amount 0057 OrdinaryRates-Residential-Other A 0.00339858 Min.Feeincl.GST:$345.00 Lastyearfee 0.00448142 Min.Feeincl.GST:$333.00 N AdValorem Amount 0058 OrdinaryRates-Business-CityandSuburbs A 0.01250941 Min.Feeincl.GST:$739.00 Lastyearfee 0.01469744 Min.Feeincl.GST:$712.00 N AdValorem Amount continuedonnextpage...
Rates [continued]
TobeappliedtoalldevelopedresidentialpropertiesinthewastecollectionserviceareasofWaggaWagga,NorthWaggaWagga,GumlyGumly,ForestHill,Kapooka,Tarcutta,Mangoplah,Oura, Ladysmith,Brucedale,Uranquinty,BomenandCartwrightsHill.
To be applied to all properties utilising a waste collection service managed by Council, but outside the Council’s defined waste collection service areas.
This is an annual fee for upgrading a general waste bin from 140L to 240L and is in addition to the Domestic Waste Management Service Charge.
This is an annual fee for upgrading a recycling bin from 240L to 360L and is in addition to the Domestic Waste Management Service Charge.
Fees&Charges|Page23of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0059 OrdinaryRates-Business-VillagesandRural A 0.00306304 Min.Feeincl.GST:$121.00 Lastyearfee 0.00490934 Min.Feeincl.GST:$117.00 N AdValorem Amount 0060 OrdinaryRates-Farmland A 0.00116480 Min.Feeincl.GST:$333.00 Lastyearfee 0.00244433 Min.Feeincl.GST:$321.00 N AdValorem Amount
0061 Domestic Waste Management Service Charge – Urban Residential (per serviceonaperoccupancybasis) C $387.00 $405.00 $0.00 $405.00 N PerService
0062 Domestic Waste Management Service Charge – Rural Residential (per serviceonaperoccupancy
C $387.00 $405.00 $0.00 $405.00 N PerService
0063 Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge – General Waste upsize
C $63.00 $66.00 $0.00 $66.00 N Each
C $68.00 $71.00 $0.00 $71.00 N Each
0064 Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge – Recycling upsize from 240Lto360L
DomesticWasteManagementAnnualCharges [continued]
0065 Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge – Wheel Out and Wheel In(WOWI)serviceforMulti-UnitDevelopments
TheWheelOutandWheelIn(WOWI)serviceinvolvesthedevelopmentofthree(3)ormoreresidentialunits,includingStrataandNonStratapropertiesonasiteatahigherdensitythangeneral housingdevelopment.ServiceavailableonlybyapplicationinwritingtoCouncil.
This is an annual fee in addition to the Domestic Waste Management Service Charge.
TobeappliedtoeachparcelofundevelopedrateableresidentiallandwithinthewastecollectionserviceareasofWaggaWagga,NorthWaggaWagga,GumlyGumly,ForestHill,Kapooka, Tarcutta,Mangoplah,Oura,Ladysmith,Brucedale,Uranquinty,BomenandCartwrightsHill.
0068 DomesticWasteManagementServiceCharge-MultiUnit Developments(NonStrata)
Multi-Unit developments (Non Strata) involve the development of three (3) or more residential units on a site at a higher density than general housing development.
Aservicechargeof$405.00foreachrateablepropertywithanadditionalbinchargeof$135.00toapplyforeachadditionalbin.ThisreducedchargeisavailableonapplicationtoCouncil, otherwisethefullDomesticWasteManagementServiceChargeappliesforeachunit.
0069 Domestic Waste Management Annual Charge – Additional Scheduled Services(OffWeekPickup)
ProvidedonapplicationandsubjecttoCouncilOfficerapproval. ChargedbasedonnumberofGeneralWastebinsonsiteandisinadditiontotheDomesticWasteManagementServiceCharge.
0070 MedicalNeeds:1AdditionalDomesticGeneralWasteBin
ProvidedonapplicationandCouncilOfficerapproval-oneadditionalgeneralwastebinperresidentialhousehold-Supportingdocumentatione.g.DoctorsCertificateorsimilardocumentstobe providedthatallowverificationoftheneedfortheadditionaldomesticwastebinisrequiredtobeprovided.
0071 MedicalNeeds:InfirmWalkout/WalkinService
ProvidedonapplicationandCouncilOfficerapproval-assistancewithplacingbinsoutonthekerbforcollectionandreturnedtotheproperty,1perresidentialhouseholdwhohavenoable-bodied personslivingwiththem-Supportingdocumentatione.g.DoctorsCertificateorsimilardocumentstobeprovidedthatallowverificationoftheneedforthewalkout/walkinofthedomesticwaste serviceisrequiredtobeprovided.
Annualvalidationoftheapplicationisrequiredbythesubmissionofcurrentdocumentationasdetailedabove. continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page24of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
C $230.00 $241.00 $0.00 $241.00 N PerYear, PerService
Domestic Waste Management Service Charge – Additional Bin Service
C $129.00 $135.00 $0.00 $135.00 N Each
0067 Waste Management Service Charge – Vacant Residential Land C $39.00 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 N PerProperty
C $387.00 $405.00 $0.00 $405.00 N PerProperty
C $0.00 $537.00 $0.00 $537.00 N EachBin
E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N 1x140LBin
N PerService
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
DomesticWasteManagementAnnualCharges [continued]
0072 LargeFamily(5ormoredependentsundertheageof18residingat address):1AdditionalDomesticGeneralWasteBin
ProvidedonapplicationandCouncilOfficerapproval-oneadditionalgeneralwastebinperresidentialhousehold-Supportingdocumentatione.g.Medicarecard/Schoolletterorsimilar documentstobeprovidedthatallowverificationofthenumberofdependentsunder18yearsofagecurrentlyresidingattheapplicantsresidence.
0073 FamilySecondaryDwelling:AdditionalDomesticWasteManagement ServiceCharge
Waive on application and Council Officer approval – the second Domestic Waste Management Service Charge – Urban Residential - where the waste requirements deem the 2nd service unnecessary.
Annual validation of the application is required by the submission of current documentation as detailed above. This will include review of any complaints (contamination, back yard burning, etc). Upon approval, property is no longer eligible for any other subsidised waste service (large family, medical waste).
Residentswillberequiredtopayfeeupfrontattimeofcustomerrequest,withrefundtobeprocessedifmissedserviceisdeemedtobe"contractoratfault"followingreviewofcustomerrequest byCouncil'scontractor.
TobeappliedtoalldevelopedcommercialpropertiesinthewastecollectionserviceareasofWaggaWagga,NorthWaggaWagga,GumlyGumly,ForestHill,Kapooka,Tarcutta,Mangoplah,Oura, Ladysmith,Brucedale,Uranquinty,BomenandCartwrightsHill.
Fees&Charges|Page25of116 • • • Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N 1x140LBin
E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N PerService
0074 Domestic Waste Unscheduled Service – Resident at Fault C $20.00 $22.00 $0.00 $22.00 N EachBin
CommercialWasteManagementServiceCharge-TwoBinService C $387.00 $405.00 $0.00 $405.00 N PerService
CommercialWasteManagementAnnualCharges [continued]
ApplicableforNon-Residential(Commercial)andNonRateableproperties. Ifanadditionalcommercialbinisrequired,thepropertywillbechargedtheCommercialWasteManagementServiceCharge-TwoBinService.
ProvidedtoPreschools/Schools/NursingHomes/ChildcareCentres/ResidentialGroupHomeorotherbusinesses/NonRateable(NonResidentialPropertyowners)onapplicationandsubjectto CouncilOfficerapproval.
Charged based on number of General Waste bins on site and is in addition to the Commerical Waste Management Service Charge.
ProvidedtoPreschools/Schools/NursingHomes/ChildcareCentres/ResidentialGroupHomeorotherbusinesses/NonRateable(NonResidentialPropertyowners)onapplicationandsubjectto CouncilOfficerapproval.
Charged based on number of General Waste bins on site and is in addition to the Commerical Waste Management Service Charge.
ProvidedtoPreschools/Schools/NursingHomes/ChildcareCentres/ResidentialGroupHomeorotherbusinesses/NonRateable(NonResidentialPropertyowners)onapplicationandsubjectto CouncilOfficerapproval.
Charged based on number of General Waste bins on site and is in addition to the Commerical Waste Management Service Charge.
Fees&Charges|Page26of116 • • • Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0076 CommercialWasteManagementServiceCharge
OneBinService C $193.50 $202.50 $0.00 $202.50 N PerService
0077 Commercial Waste Management Service Charge – Additional CommercialBinService C $129.00 $135.00 $0.00 $135.00 N Each
0078 Commercial Waste Management Annual Charge – Recycling upsize
C $70.00 $73.00 $0.00 $73.00 N Each
0079 UrbanArea:ScheduledOffWeekCommercialPickupService(General Waste):1-2Bins C $507.00 $532.00 $0.00 $532.00 N Each240L Bin
0080 UrbanArea:ScheduledOffWeekCommercialPickupService(General Waste):3-5Bins C $274.00 $288.00 $0.00 $288.00 N Each240L Bin
0081 UrbanArea:ScheduledOffWeekCommercialPickupService(General Waste):Over5Bins C $209.00 $219.00 $0.00 $219.00 N Each240L Bin
CommercialWasteManagementAnnualCharges [continued]
ProvidedtoPreschools/Schools/NursingHomes/ChildcareCentres/ResidentialGroupHomeorotherbusinesses/NonRateable(NonResidentialPropertyowners)onapplicationandsubjectto CouncilOfficerapproval.
Charged based on number of General Waste bins on site and is in addition to the Commerical Waste Management Service Charge.
Residentswillberequiredtopayfeeupfrontattimeofcustomerrequest,withrefundtobeprocessedifmissedserviceisdeemedtobe"contractoratfault"followingreviewofcustomerrequest byCouncil'scontractor.
0084 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged
Fees&Charges|Page27of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
C $507.00 $532.00 $0.00 $532.00 N Each240L Bin
Areas&Villages:ScheduledOffWeekCommercialPickup Service
C $20.00 $22.00 $0.00 $22.00 N EachBin
0083 Commercial Waste Unscheduled Service – Resident at Fault
140litregeneralwasteMGB E $60.00 $65.00 $0.00 $65.00 N Each
0085 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged 240litregeneralwasteMGB E $76.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 N Each
240litreFOGOMGB E $76.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 N Each
0086 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged
0087 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged 240litrerecyclingMGB E $76.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 N Each
0088 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged 240litre
E $76.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 N Each
0089 Kerbside Waste Collection – replacement for missing/stolen/damaged 360litrerecyclingMGB E $141.00
N Each
KerbsideWasteCollection [continued]
Properties serviced by pressure sewer are charged per pump installed for fault response and replacement service.
A minimum charge of $153.50 each quarter will apply to those properties that are deemed as minimum charge.
Fees&Charges|Page28of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0090 AnnualAllocationofCompostableLiners E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge Y Rollof150 0091 AdditionalCompostableLiners E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Y Rollof150 Limitof1rollperhouseholdorbusinessperrequest. 0092 KitchenCaddyreplacement C $8.00 $7.73 $0.77 $8.50 Y Each
0093 ResidentialSewerCharge C $596.00 $614.00 $0.00 $614.00 N Per Residence 0094 Pressure sewer pump maintenance agreement – Annual fee C $184.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 N Year
0095 NonResidentialSewer-MinimumCharge C $596.00 $614.00 $0.00 $614.00 N PerProperty
0096 Non-ResidentialUsageCharge C $2.49 $2.56 $0.00 $2.56 N Perkl 0097 Non-Residential Access Charge – 20mm C $181.00 $187.00 $0.00 $187.00 N Each Connection 0098 Non-Residential Access Charge – 25mm C $283.00 $292.00 $0.00 $292.00 N Each Connection 0099 Non-Residential Access Charge – 32mm C $464.00 $479.00 $0.00 $479.00 N Each Connection 0100 Non-Residential Access Charge – 40mm C $724.00 $748.00 $0.00 $748.00 N Each Connection 0101 Non-Residential Access Charge – 50mm C $1,131.00 $1,169.00 $0.00 $1,169.00 N Each Connection 0102 Non-Residential Access Charge – 80mm C $2,896.00 $2,992.00 $0.00 $2,992.00 N Each Connection 0103 Non-Residential Access Charge – 100mm C $4,525.00 $4,675.00 $0.00 $4,675.00 N Each Connection continuedonnextpage...
Residential&Non-ResidentialSewerCharges [continued]
TobeappliedtoallResidentialStrata,CommunityTitle,MultipleOccupancyproperties(flatsandunits),andRetirementVillagestyledevelopments,thatarenotexemptfromthecharge. Subjecttoamaximumchargeof$250.00.
TobeappliedtoallBusinessproperties(includingruralbusinesslands)thatarenotexemptfromthecharge.Propertiesarechargedonabasisof$25.00per350squaremetresoflandareaof theproperty.
Fees&Charges|Page29of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0104 Non-Residential Access Charge – 150mm C $10,181.00 $10,518.00 $0.00 $10,518.00 N Each Connection Stormwater 0105 Stormwater Charge – Residential Urban A $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 N Property
0106 Stormwater Charge – Residential Rural A $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 N Property
0107 Stormwater Charge – Residential Village A $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 N Property
0108 Stormwater Charge – Residential Strata/Community Title A $12.50peroccupancy-Mincharge$12.50,Max$250.00 Lastyearfee $12.50peroccupancy-Mincharge$12.50,Max$250.00 N Property
0109 Stormwater Charge – Business A $25.00per350sqmeters-Mincharge$25.00,Max $250.00 Lastyearfee $25.00per350sqmeters-Mincharge$25.00,Max $250.00 N Property
Stormwater [continued]
TobeappliedtoallBusinessproperties(includingruralbusinesslands)thatarenotexemptfromthecharge.Propertiesarechargedonabasisof$25.00per350squaremetresoflandareaof theproperty.
Fees&Charges|Page30of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0110 Stormwater Charge – Business Village A $25.00per350sqmeters-Mincharge$25.00,Max $250.00 Lastyearfee $25.00per350sqmeters-Mincharge$25.00,Max $250.00 N Property
0111 Stormwater Charge – Business Strata A $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 $5.00 N Property
CouncilFacilities Airport
$8.03 Y Pertonne perlanding (manufactur ersMTOW)
0118 Landing Charge – Aircraft maintenance
D StandardRatesperTonneMTOWforfirstlandingat Wagga. No landing fees for subsequent mainenance or testflightsifpilotsstatedonCTAFthatitamaintenanceor testflight. Lastyearfee
StandardRatesperTonneMTOWforfirstlandingat Wagga. No landing fees for subsequent mainenance or testflightsifpilotsstatedonCTAFthatitamaintenanceor testflight.
Y Each
WhereanaircraftisbeingservicedbyalocallybasedMRO,LandingChargeswillapplyatthestandardrateforthefirstlandingonly.NoLandingChargeswillberaisedforsubsequent maintenanceortestflights.
Fees&Charges|Page31of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0112 Airside Access Card – Initial C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y InitialIssue 0113 Airside Access Card – Re-issue C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y Replacemen t 0114 Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) – Initial C $180.00 $172.73 $17.27 $190.00 Y InitialIssue 0115 Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) – Re-issue C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y Renewal/ Replacemen t 0116 Landing charge – fixed wing aircraft (non RPT) D $15.28 $14.58 $1.46 $16.04 Y Pertonne perlanding (manufactur ersMTOW)
0117 Landing charge – rotary wing aircraft (non RPT) D $7.65 $7.30 $0.73
Airport [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page32of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0119 Resident Commercial and Pilot Training Aircraft – Annual Landing Permit D $370.74 $353.89 $35.39 $389.28 Y Pertonne perannum (manufactur ersMTOW)
0120 Resident Freight Aircraft – Annual Landing Permit D $186.72 $178.23 $17.82 $196.05 Y Pertonne perannum (manufactur ersMTOW)
0121 Private Aircraft – Annual Landing Permit D $185.37 $176.94 $17.69 $194.63 Y Pertonne perannum (manufactur ersMTOW)
0122 ILSApproach C $32.45 $30.53 $3.05 $33.59 Y Each 0123 ILSPrecisionApproachCharge>400approachesperyear E $23.37 $21.99 $2.20 $24.19 Y Each 0124 Passenger Service Charge – Base rate for arriving and departing passengers C $15.80 Lastyearfee Asagreedwithairlines Y Passenger Newfeeratetocommencefrom1
2023. 0125 PassengerServiceCharge-Wagga/Sydneygreaterthan180,000 passengersthresholdcombined E $7.90 Lastyearfee Asagreedwithairlines Y Passenger Newfeeratetocommence
2023. 0126 PassengerServiceCharge-Wagga/Melbournegreaterthan6,000 passengersthresholdcombined E $7.90 Lastyearfee Asagreedwithairlines Y Passenger Newfeeratetocommence
2023. continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page33of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) Airport [continued] 0127 AngelFlights,CareFlight,EmergencyServicesandOtherNotForProfit CharitableOrganisationFlights E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge Y Each 0128 Screening Fees – Departing Passenger (excludes infants 0-24 months) C $16.77 $14.67 $1.47 $16.14 Y Passenger 0129 Car Parking – Annual D $1,740.00 $1,663.64 $166.36 $1,830.00 Y Annual 0130 Car Parking – Weekly D $67.50 $61.36 $6.14 $67.50 Y Week 0131 Car Parking – Daily D $13.50 $12.27 $1.23 $13.50 Y Day 0132 Car Parking – Hourly D $2.70 $2.45 $0.25 $2.70 Y Hour 0133 Car Parking – Lost Ticket D $135.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each 0134 Car Park Access Card – Initial C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y InitialIssue 0135 Car Park Access Card – Re-issue C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y Replacemen t 0136 CarRentalOperators-useofCarPark C $0.50 $0.45 $0.05 $0.50 Y EachUse
0137 Replacementforlostparkingpermit D $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Each 0138 VicCardsIssue C $41.00 $40.00 $4.00 $44.00 Y CardIssue 0139 PromotionalDisplays D $160.00 $154.55 $15.45 $170.00 Y Week 0140 PavementConcessionApplicationFee C $250.00 $240.91 $24.09 $265.00 Y Each
0141 PavementConcessionAboveWeightCharge C $12.04 $11.49 $1.15 $12.64 Y Pertonne MTOW above30 tonnes 0142 QuarterlyWaterAccessFeeperleasedsiteatAirport C $45.00 $45.00 $0.00 $45.00 N Perleased site
0143 Annualofficerental C $2,550.00 $2,390.91 $239.09 $2,630.00 Y Year 0144 Annualpaddockrental C $1,520.00 $1,427.27 $142.73 $1,570.00 Y Year continuedonnextpage...
LivestockMarketingCentre(LMC) [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page34of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0145 Casualpaddockrental(perday) C $39.93 $37.39 $3.74 $41.13 Y Day 0146 Telephoneaccounts(perunit) C $0.61 $0.58 $0.06 $0.63 Y Each 0147 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $1 and under $400 C $5.97 $5.59 $0.56 $6.15 Y Each 0148 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $400 and under $600 C $7.09 $6.64 $0.66 $7.31 Y Each 0149 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $600 and under $800 C $8.20 $7.68 $0.77 $8.45 Y Each 0150 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $800 and under $1000 C $9.31 $8.72 $0.87 $9.60 Y Each 0151 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $1000 and under $1200 C $10.40 $9.74 $0.97 $10.72 Y Each 0152 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $1200 and under $1400 C $11.52 $10.79 $1.08 $11.87 Y Each 0153 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $1400 and under $1600 C $12.62 $11.81 $1.18 $13.00 Y Each 0154 Vendors Yard Dues – cattle – $1600 and over C $13.98 $13.09 $1.31 $14.40 Y Each 0155 Vendors Yard Dues – store cattle per head C $4.46 $4.18 $0.42 $4.60 Y Each 0156 Vendor Lot Fees – central display cattle (all lots) C $8.19 $7.67 $0.77 $8.44 Y Each 0157 Vendor Lot Fees – store cattle C $5.02 $4.70 $0.47 $5.17 Y Each 0158 Vendor Lot Fees – bulls C $7.70 $7.21 $0.72 $7.93 Y Each 0159 Yard Fees – pigs C $3.49 $3.33 $0.33 $3.66 Y Each 0160 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $1 and under $20 C $0.60 $0.57 $0.06 $0.62 Y Each 0161 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $20 and under $40 C $0.73 $0.68 $0.07 $0.75 Y Each 0162 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $40 and under $60 C $0.90 $0.83 $0.08 $0.92 Y Each 0163 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $60 and under $80 C $1.03 $0.97 $0.10 $1.07 Y Each 0164 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $80 and under $100 C $1.19 $1.11 $0.11 $1.22 Y Each 0165 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $100 and under $120 C $1.39 $1.31 $0.13 $1.44 Y Each 0166 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $120 and under $140 C $1.52 $1.42 $0.14 $1.56 Y Each 0167 Yard Fees – sheep and lambs – $140 and over C $1.68 $1.57 $0.16 $1.72 Y Each 0168 Yard Fees – rams and stud sheep – under $30 C $1.14 $1.07 $0.11 $1.18 Y Each 0169 Yard Fees – rams and stud sheep – over $30 C $1.44 $1.35 $0.13 $1.48 Y Each 0170 Cattlebuyerdeliveryfee C CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Lastyearfee CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Y Each continuedonnextpage...
LivestockMarketingCentre(LMC) [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page35of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0171 Agent Charges – Cattle Movement C CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Lastyearfee CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Y Each 0172 Agent Charges – Sheep Receivals C CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Lastyearfee CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Y Sale 0173 Agent Charges – Cattle Receivals C CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Lastyearfee CostRecovery(inlinewithContract) Y Sale 0174 Agents Fees – central display cattle (all lots) C $5.48 $5.14 $0.51 $5.65 Y Each 0175 Agents Fees – central display cattle (per head) C $0.50 $0.46 $0.05 $0.51 Y Each 0176 Agents Fees – bulls and pen sold – cattle (per head) C $0.87 $0.81 $0.08 $0.90 Y Each 0177 Agents Fees – calves in dairy pen C $0.31 $0.29 $0.03 $0.32 Y Each 0178 Agents Fees – store cattle (per head) C $0.94 $0.88 $0.09 $0.96 Y Each 0179 Agents Fees – pigs (per head) C $1.69 $1.58 $0.16 $1.73 Y Each 0180 Agents Fees – horses (per head) C $3.34 $3.13 $0.31 $3.44 Y Each 0181 Agents Fees – all sheep, lambs and rams (per head) C $0.22 $0.21 $0.02 $0.23 Y Each 0182 StorecattleWeighFee(perheadpervendor) C $3.48 $3.25 $0.33 $3.58 Y Each 0183 PrivateWeighs C $8.83 $8.26 $0.83 $9.09 Y Each 0184 NationalLivestockIdentificationSystem(NLIS) C $2.66 $2.49 $0.25 $2.74 Y Each 0185 Feedingallcattleindeliveryyardsperday C $0.31 $0.29 $0.03 $0.32 Y Each 0186 BusTours C $205.00 $200.00 $20.00 $220.00 Y Each 0187 Avdata Truck Wash – Avdata key C $45.00 $40.91 $4.09 $45.00 Y Each 0188 Avdata Truck Wash – water charge per minute C $1.11 $1.04 $0.10 $1.14 Y Each 0189 AgentsYardDues(Dairy&Stores) C $0.96 $0.91 $0.09 $1.00 Y Each 0190 Destructionanddisposalfeeofnon-salecattleandnonmarketable cattle C $387.20 $369.60 $36.96 $406.56 Y Each 0191 WeekdayFacilityHire C $1,670.00 $1,595.45 $159.55 $1,755.00 Y Each 0192 WeekendFacilityHire C $3,330.00 $3,181.82 $318.18 $3,500.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
LivestockMarketingCentre(LMC) [continued]
WhileOasisfeeshavebeensetbasedoncompetitivemarketrates,andalsoonmaximisingvisitationtothecentres,fromtimetotimeareducedpricingpoint may be offered up to a maximum of 50% of the approved price/two for one, and advertised to support a promotion aimed at increasing participation and/ or attractingnewcustomers.Wheretemperaturesareforecasttoreach41degreesCelsiusandaboveaccordingtotheBureauofMeteorologyonthepriorday,this reducedpricingpointforadmissionfeeswillincreaseto100%.AreducedpricingpointwillrequireManagementApproval.A100%discountofFeesandCharges forCommunityEventsandCharitiesmayapplywithpriorapprovalbyManagement.
Fees&Charges|Page36of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0193 LMC Systems Administration Fee – per head (Store Sale) C $0.83 $0.80 $0.08 $0.88 Y Each 0194 Destruction/DisposalofnonMarketableSheepandLambs C $145.20 $158.40 $15.84 $174.24 Y Each 0195 TransitCattle C $2.68 $2.56 $0.26 $2.82 Y Each 0196 TransitSheep C $1.16 $1.10 $0.11 $1.21 Y Each 0197 SaleCattlepostTuesday12pm C $2.70 $2.58 $0.26 $2.84 Y Each 0198 Cattleworkinyardsperhead(ThirdPartyUsers) D $5.26 $5.02 $0.50 $5.52 Y PerHead 0199 Sheepworkinyardspermob(ThirdPartyUsers) D $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y PerMob 0200 ServicesprovidedoutsideofstandardLMCOperationalHours (Minimum1Hour) D $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y PerHour 0201 VeterinaryServices D Cost Recovery + 10% Administrative Fee Lastyearfee Cost Recovery + 10% Administrative Fee Y Each 0202 SupplyandAdministerAnimalSupplement D $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each 0203 AdditionalAdministrativeDuties D $85.00 $81.82 $8.18 $90.00 Y PerHour 0204 EuthaniseTransitStock D $500.00 $481.82 $48.18 $530.00 Y Each 0205 CallOutFee E $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y Each 0206 AnyRegisteredCharityorNotforProfitOrganisationand/orGroup E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge Y Each
Fees&Charges|Page37of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0207 Adult Swim – Casual Entry E $7.00 $6.36 $0.64 $7.00 Y Each 0208 Child/StudentSwim-CasualEntry E $4.50 $4.09 $0.41 $4.50 Y Each 0209 Pensioner/ConcessionSwim-CasualEntry E $4.50 $4.09 $0.41 $4.50 Y Each 0210 Child Swim – under 2 years Casual Entry E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0211 AdultSupervisor&1xToddler(2-5yearsold)Swimming E $7.00 $6.36 $0.64 $7.00 Y Each 0212 FamilySwim-CasualEntry E $17.00 $15.45 $1.55 $17.00 Y Each 0213 Spectator/Shower-Entry E $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each 0214 School Carnivals – Swim – Outdoor/Indoor student entry (unlimited access) E $4.50 $4.09 $0.41 $4.50 Y Student 0215 AdultorChildCompetitorAllDayCarnivalPass E $11.00 $10.00 $1.00 $11.00 Y Each 0216 SpectatorAllDayCarnivalPass E $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each 0217 DefenceForce/EmergencyServicesDiscount(10%offsetCasualEntry Feepriceonly) E Retailprice-10% Lastyearfee Retailprice-10% Y Each 0218 SwimVouchers-10visits E $63.00 $57.27 $5.73 $63.00 Y Each 0219 SwimVouchers-20visits E $120.00 $109.09 $10.91 $120.00 Y Each 0220 Swim Vouchers – Children/Pensioner/Student - 10 visits E $38.00 $34.55 $3.45 $38.00 Y Each 0221 Swim Vouchers – Children/Pensioner/Student - 20 visits E $70.00 $63.64 $6.36 $70.00 Y Each 0222 FamilySwimVouchers-10visits E $145.00 $131.82 $13.18 $145.00 Y Each 0223 FamilySwimVouchers-20visits E $270.00 $245.45 $24.55 $270.00 Y Each
0224 LearntoSwim(1stChild) E $15.00 $16.00 $0.00 $16.00 N Each 0225 LearntoSwim(2ndChild) E $14.40 $15.20 $0.00 $15.20 N Each 0226 LearntoSwim(3rdChild) E $14.10 $14.40 $0.00 $14.40 N Each 0227 Learn to Swim (1st Child – Direct Debit Payment) E $15.50 $16.50 $0.00 $16.50 N Each 0228 Learn to Swim (2nd Child – Direct Debit Payment) E $14.88 $15.68 $0.00 $15.68 N Each continuedonnextpage...
Swim&SurviveFees [continued]
Valid from 20th December 2023 - 29th January 2024. Families are eligible as per names on Medicare Card, excluding children 18 years or older.
Fees&Charges|Page38of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0229 Learn to Swim (3rd Child – Direct Debit Payment) E $14.57 $14.85 $0.00 $14.85 N Each 0230 Adult Learn to Swim – 30 minute group class E $15.00 $16.00 $0.00 $16.00 N 1/2Hour 0231 PrivateLearntoSwimLesson-30minutes E $55.00 $55.00 $0.00 $55.00 N 1/2Hour 0232 PrivateLearntoSwim2ndParticipant(SimilarAbility)-30minutes E $36.00 $36.00 $0.00 $36.00 N 1/2Hour 0233 DETSwimLesson(perchild,persession) C $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 $4.50 N Each 0234 PrivateLearntoSwim/StrokeCorrectionLesson-1Hour E $85.00 $85.00 $0.00 $85.00 N Hour 0235 School Learn to Swim lesson – 30 minutes E $11.00 $11.50 $0.00 $11.50 N 1/2Hour 0236 School Learn to Swim lesson – 1 hour E $15.00 $16.00 $0.00 $16.00 N Hour 0237 School Learn to Swim lesson – 30 minutes (Winter off peak – Term 2 or 3) E $9.00 $9.50 $0.00 $9.50 N 1/2Hour 0238 School Learn to Swim lesson – 1 hour (Winter off peak – Term 2 or 3) E $13.50 $14.00 $0.00 $14.00 N Hour 0239 SchoolInstructorHireCharge E $62.00 $56.36 $5.64 $62.00 Y Each 0240 LearntoSwimSquad E $16.00 $17.00 $0.00 $17.00 N Each 0241 LearntoSwimSquad(DirectDebitPayment) E $16.50 $17.50 $0.00 $17.50 N Each
0242 SummerSchoolHolidayFamilyPass E $150.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Each
0243 Individual Memberships – 12 months E $565.00 $527.27 $52.73 $580.00 Y Year 0244 Individual Memberships – 6 months E $325.00 $304.55 $30.45 $335.00 Y HalfYear 0245 Individual Memberships – 3 months E $250.00 $236.36 $23.64 $260.00 Y Quarter 0246 FamilyMemberships(4members,max2adults)-12months E $920.00 $859.09 $85.91 $945.00 Y Year 0247 FamilyMembership(2adults3children)or(1adult4children)-12 months E $1,000.00 $954.55 $95.45 $1,050.00 Y Year 0248 FamilyMemberships(Oasisusergroupmembers/Promotional membership)-(2adults3children)or(1adult4children)-12months E $810.00 $759.09 $75.91 $835.00 Y Year 0249 FamilyMembership-6months E $610.00 $572.73 $57.27 $630.00 Y HalfYear 0250 AdditionalChildfor6monthFamilyMembership E $138.00 $129.09 $12.91 $142.00 Y HalfYear 0251 FamilyMembership-3months E $370.00 $345.45 $34.55 $380.00 Y Quarter continuedonnextpage...
Memberships [continued]
Concession holder must be the membership holder and all names must be listed on the concession holder’s Medicare card.
Concession holder must be the membership holder and all names must be listed on the concession holder’s Medicare card.
Concession holder must be the membership holder and all names must be listed on the concession holder’s Medicare card.
Allinclusiveunlimitedmembership(SwimmingandOasisFitness Classes)
Complementarycasualentryforeachchildenrolledinswimming lessonsforthecurrentterm.Swimmingcarnivalsandschoollearnto swimexcluded.
0268 Group Memberships – Oasis user group members (minimum of 10)/ Promotional membership – per member
Fees&Charges|Page39of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0252 AdditionalChildfor3monthFamilyMembership E $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Quarter 0253 Spectator/Showerannualmembershipentry(noswim) E $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each 0254 Additionalchildfor12monthfamilymembership E $210.00 $204.55 $20.45 $225.00 Y Year 0255 Additionalchildfor12monthfamilymembership(Oasisusergroup members/Promotionalmembership) E $180.00 $172.73 $17.27 $190.00 Y Year 0256 ConcessionCardHolderMembership-12months E $460.00 $436.36 $43.64 $480.00 Y Year 0257 ConcessionCardHolderMembership-6months E $280.00 $263.64 $26.36 $290.00 Y HalfYear 0258 ConcessionCardHolderMembership-3months E $175.00 $168.18 $16.82 $185.00 Y Quarter 0259 ConcessionCardHolderFamilyMembership-12months E $815.00 $759.09 $75.91 $835.00 Y Year
0260 ConcessionCardHolderFamilyMembership-6months E $490.00 $463.64 $46.36 $510.00 Y HalfYear
0261 ConcessionCardHolderFamilyMembership-3months E $300.00 $286.36 $28.64 $315.00 Y Quarter
0262 ConcessionCardHolderFamilyMembership-12months(4members, max1adult) E $650.00 $622.73 $62.27 $685.00 Y Year
0263 ConcessionCardHolderFamilyMembership
adult) E $395.00 $377.27 $37.73 $415.00 Y HalfYear
members, max1
E $190.00 $190.91 $19.09 $210.00 Y Each 0265
E $870.00 $818.18 $81.82 $900.00 Y Each 0266 PromotionalMembership12months E $440.00 $418.18 $41.82 $460.00 Y Year 0267
E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Y Period
Winter off Peak membership (April – September) (9am – 3pm)
E $420.00 $409.09 $40.91 $450.00 Y Year continuedonnextpage...
Memberships [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page40of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0269 OasisStaffMembershipforfitnesstraining E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Year Aqua/FitnessClassFees 0270 AquaAerobics/FitnessClass45minutes E $13.00 $11.82 $1.18 $13.00 Y Each 0271 AquaAerobics/FitnessClass45minutes10visits E $125.00 $113.64 $11.36 $125.00 Y Each 0272 AquaAerobics/FitnessClass45minutes20visits E $235.00 $213.64 $21.36 $235.00 Y Each 0273 AquaAerobics/FitnessClassConcession-45minutes E $8.50 $8.18 $0.82 $9.00 Y Each 0274 AquaAerobics/FitnessClassConcession-45minutes10visits E $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Each 0275 AquaAerobics/FitnessClassConcession-45minutes20visits E $150.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Each 0276 Groupexerciseclassformembershipholder E $7.00 $6.82 $0.68 $7.50 Y Each 0277 Groupexerciseclassformembershipholder(10visitpass) E $65.00 $63.64 $6.36 $70.00 Y Each 0278 Groupexerciseclassformembershipholder(20visitpass) E $120.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each
Fees 0279 BirthdayParty50mFunRun(perchildperhour) C $25.00 $24.55 $2.45 $27.00 Y Person 0280 BirthdayPartyLeisurePoolJumpingJack(perchildperhour) C $20.00 $19.09 $1.91 $21.00 Y Person
0281 MajorEvents25mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.(8hours) E $840.00 $804.55 $80.45 $885.00 Y Each 0282 MajorEvents25mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.AdditionalCostperhourafter8hours C $0.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Hour 0283 MajorEvents25mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.Halfday(4hours) C $0.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Each 0284 MajorEvents25mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.AdditionalCostperhourafter4hours C $0.00 $118.18 $11.82 $130.00 Y Hour continuedonnextpage...
LaneHireFees [continued]
ThisfeeexcludeslocalAquaticClubsbasedwithinOasis,CHS&PSSAsportcompetitionsandtrainingunlesstheeventisofaRegionalChampionshiplevelorhigherandthentheMajorEvents hirefeewouldapply.ARegionalleveleventwillbedeclaredifcompetitorsorteamsentertheeventfromoutsidetheWaggaWaggaLocal
ThisfeeexcludeslocalAquaticClubsbasedwithinOasis,CHS&PSSAsportcompetitionsandtrainingunlesstheeventisofaRegionalChampionshiplevelorhigherandthentheMajorEvents hirefeewouldapply.ARegionalleveleventwillbedeclaredifcompetitorsorteamsentertheeventfromoutsidetheWaggaWaggaLocalGovernmentArea(LGA).
Fees&Charges|Page41of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0285 MajorEvents50mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly(8hours) E $1,555.00 $1,500.00 $150.00 $1,650.00 Y Each 0286 MajorEvents50mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.AdditionalCostperhourafter8hours C $0.00 $200.00 $20.00 $220.00 Y Hour 0287 MajorEvents50mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.Halfday(4hours) C $0.00 $863.64 $86.36 $950.00 Y Each 0288 MajorEvents50mPool(State,NationalandRegionallevelEvents) Includesparticipantentryonly.AdditionalCostperhourafter4hours C $0.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y Hour 0289 CommercialProgramPoolLaneHire C $15.00(perProgramPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $15.00(perProgramPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour 0290 Commercial25mPoolLaneHire C $30.00(per25mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $30.00(per25mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour 0291 Commercial50mPoolLaneHire C $50.00(per50mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $50.00(per50mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour 0292 GeneralProgramPoolLaneHire E $10.00(ProgramPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $10.00(ProgramPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour
0293 General25mPoolLaneHire E $15.00(per25mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $15.00(per25mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour
LaneHireFees [continued]
ThisfeeexcludeslocalAquaticClubsbasedwithinOasis,CHS&PSSAsportcompetitionsandtrainingunlesstheeventisofaRegionalChampionshiplevelorhigherandthentheMajorEvents hirefeewouldapply.ARegionalleveleventwillbedeclaredifcompetitorsorteamsentertheeventfromoutsidetheWaggaWaggaLocalGovernmentArea(LGA).
ThisfeeexcludeslocalAquaticClubsbasedwithinOasis,CHS&PSSAsportcompetitionsandtrainingunlesstheeventisofaRegionalChampionshiplevelorhigherandthentheMajorEvents hirefeewouldapply.ARegionalleveleventwillbedeclaredifcompetitorsorteamsentertheeventfromoutsidetheWaggaWaggaLocalGovernmentArea(LGA).
Fees&Charges|Page42of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0294 General50mPoolLaneHire E $30.00(per50mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $30.00(per50mPoolLaneperHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour
0295 GeneralDivePoolHire E $40.00(perHourpluspoolentry) Lastyearfee $40.00(perHourpluspoolentry) Y Hour
0296 Locker Hire – Up to 4 hours C $2.00 $2.73 $0.27 $3.00 Y Each 0297 LockerHire(FullDay) E $5.50 $5.45 $0.55 $6.00 Y Each 0298 ComplimentaryLockerHireforallOasis12monthmembershipholders (Onelockerusagepermembershippervisit) E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge Y Each
0299 Fitness/Sports/SchoolHolidayProgram/Option1 E $8.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$8.00 Lastyearfee $8.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$8.00 Y Hour continuedonnextpage...
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0300 Fitness/Sports/SchoolHolidayProgram/Option2 E $10.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$10.00 Lastyearfee $10.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$10.00 Y Hour 0301 Fitness/Sports/SchoolHolidayProgram/Option3 E $14.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$14.00 Lastyearfee $14.00(per1hoursession-PoolEntrymayapply dependingonprogram) Min.Feeincl.GST:$14.00 Y Hour 0302 Fitness/Sports/SchoolHolidayProgram-AdditionalStaff(PerHour) E $75.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Hour OtherFees 0303 RetailMerchandise(MarketValue) E MarketValue Lastyearfee MarketValue Y Each 0304 RetailMerchandiseMembershipdiscount(10%offsetprices) E Retailprice-10% Lastyearfee Retailprice-10% Y Each 0305 RetailMerchandiseAqua-Aerobicsvoucherusersdiscount(10%offset prices) E RetailPrice-10% Lastyearfee RetailPrice-10% Y Each continuedonnextpage...
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0306 RetailMerchandiseSwimandSurvivediscount(10%offsetprices) E Retailprice-10% Lastyearfee Retailprice-10% Y Each 0307 Oasis – Membership card replacement C $3.50 $3.18 $0.32 $3.50 Y Each 0308 OasisAdministrationCharge C $75.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Each 0309 PaymentFailureFee C CostRecovery Lastyearfee CostRecovery N Transaction 0310 LeisureWaterActivity(Inflatables&AquaticEquipment) C $3.00 $2.73 $0.27 $3.00 Y Session 0311 Libertyswingaccess(noswim) E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0312 PrivateFunctionrateincludes:1DutyManager,2LifeGuards (Maximum4hourshire)-PrivateFunctiononlyincludesindoorpools. Outdoorpoolsavailableonrequest.Extrafee/chargewillapply. C $1,555.00 $1,818.18 $181.82 $2,000.00 Y Each 0313 Additionalstaffforfunctions(Perstaff/PerHour) C $75.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Hour 0314 Inflatable Exclusive Event Hire – 50m Fun Run Week Day (minimum 2 hourhire-conditionsapplyreinflatablecapacity) C $280.00 $272.73 $27.27 $300.00 Y Hour Excludespoolentry 0315 Inflatable Exclusive Event Hire – 50m Mega Run Week Day (minimum 2 hourhire-conditionsapplyreinflatablecapacity) C $390.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Hour Excludespoolentry 0316 Inflatable Exclusive Event Hire – 50m Fun Run Weekend Rate (minimum2hourhire-conditionsapplyreinflatablecapacity) C $0.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Hour Excludespoolentry 0317 Inflatable Exclusive Event Hire – 50m Mega Run Weekend Rate (minimum2hourhire-conditionsapplyreinflatablecapacity) C $0.00 $636.36 $63.64 $700.00 Y Hour Excludespoolentry continuedonnextpage...
Fees [continued]
OtherFees [continued]
Insupportofanyfutureclean-upeffort,wastedirectlycausedbyasevereweathereventintheWaggaWaggalocalgovernmentareamaybedisposedoffreeof charge, with Management approval, at any Council Recycling and Waste Depot for a specific time period advertised. Visitors to a facility will be required to provideproofofresidencyandalsosignadeclarationthatthewastebeingdisposedofisasaresultofthesevereweatherevent.
medical and asbestos wastes (minimum charge 1 tonne) – per tonne
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0318 BookingCancellationFee E 20-100%ofbookingfee,termsandconditionsapply (minimum$15) Lastyearfee Y Each 0319 AquaticRescueSequenceTest C $0.00 $9.09 $0.91 $10.00 Y Test
0320 Wasteservices-NonCompliancecharge C $32.00+ActualCost Lastyearfee Y Each
0321 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – minimum disposal charge per load E $16.00 $15.45 $1.55 $17.00 Y Each 0322 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – putrescible waste per tonne E $155.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Tonne 0323 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – green waste per tonne E $155.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Tonne 0324 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – clean & separated rubble or recyclable
C $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Tonne 0325 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – specialist wastes: e.g. Industrial wastes,
D $305.00 $295.45 $29.55 $325.00 Y Tonne 0326 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Unauthorised or Dumping waste – Cleanup Costs D ActualCost+20%Admin Lastyearfee ActualCost+20%Admin Y Each 0327 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Unsorted construction waste D $255.00 $245.45 $24.55 $270.00 Y Tonne 0328 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – non specified industrial waste (minimum
1tonne)pertonne D $205.00 $200.00 $20.00 $220.00 Y Tonne 0329 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Sorted construction waste D $0.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Tonne continuedonnextpage...
materials – per tonne
GregadooWasteManagementCentre [continued]
0330 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Penalty rate per tonne for disposal of >20% levelofrecoverablematerialineitherConstructionDemolitionor GeneralSolidWasteLoads(contaminationleveldeterminedbysite supervisor-recoverablematerialsincludeCardboardandPolystyrene products)
Thisfeehasbeenestablishedasapenaltyfordisposingofunsortedmaterialswhichcontaingreaterthan20%recyclablematerials.Councilprovidesfreecardboardandpolystyrenerecyclingand alsoprovidesamuchcheaperrateforsortedmaterialsorcustomersutilisingthetransferstationtosortmaterialsonsite.
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D $85.00 $81.82 $8.18 $90.00 Y Tonne
0331 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Car bodies D $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Each 0332 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Large Tractor D $165.00 $159.09 $15.91 $175.00 Y Each 0333 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Small Tractor D $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each 0334 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Super Single D $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Each 0335 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Truck D $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each 0336 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Truck Small D $30.00 $29.09 $2.91 $32.00 Y Each 0337 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Passenger D $18.00 $17.27 $1.73 $19.00 Y Each 0338 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Tyres – Bicycle D $13.00 $12.73 $1.27 $14.00 Y Each 0339 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – polystyrene E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Tonne 0340 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – cardboard and paper, bottles and cans E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Tonne 0341 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Batteries (car, trucks etc) E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0342 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Oil (up to 20L motor oil etc, does not includecookingoilsetc) E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0343 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Dead animals – cats & dogs D $16.00 $15.45 $1.55 $17.00 Y Each 0344 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Dead animals – small stock D $30.00 $29.09 $2.91 $32.00 Y Each 0345 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Dead animals – large stock D $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
GregadooWasteManagementCentre [continued]
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0346 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Refrigerative equipment CFC removal (per unit) D $27.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Each 0347 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – Mattresses E $28.00 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Each 0348 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – LPG & Propane Gas Bottles up to & including45kg E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0349 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – TV and computer under the National TelevisionRecyclingScheme A Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0350 Gregadoo Waste Disposal – scrap steel – per tonne D $29.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Tonne 0351 SaleofAggregate C $26.00 $25.45 $2.55 $28.00 Y Tonne 0352 SaleofConcrete C $14.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y Tonne 0353 SaleofMulch C $14.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y Tonne 0354 SaleofSoil C $14.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y Tonne 0355 Saleofrecyclablematerials C Marketdriven,asagreedwithvendorsorasapprovedin regionaljointwastetenderprocesses Lastyearfee Marketdriven,asagreedwithvendors Y Each 0356 SaleofWWCCFogoCompost C $0.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y Bag 0357 Anyrequestsforvideofootage,photorequests,weighbridgedockets andadministrationrequests(Pleasenoteanyrequeststhatmayrelate toprivacyissueswouldbesubjecttoaGIPArequest). D $32.00 $30.91 $3.09 $34.00 Y Each 0358 GregadooWasteManagementCentre-AccessFee-AccessRoad C $0.96 $0.91 $0.09 $1.00 Y PerTonne 0359 GregadooWasteManagementCentre-AccessFee-Weighbridge C $3.44 $3.29 $0.33 $3.62 Y PerWaste Vehicle Entry 0360 HIDFobReplacementFee C $40.00 $38.18 $3.82 $42.00 Y Each
0361 Specialist Waste – Asbestos <150kg or less than 10m2 – minimum charge
0362 Specialist Waste – Homeowners Asbestos Scheme <150kg with registrationandpurchaseofDIYPPEkit,orupto5000kgfreedisposal witharegisteredlicencedcontractor.(fordomesticpropertiesonly, chargesarepaidpriortodisposal)
0363 Rural Waste Disposal – general putrescible waste - per bin, bag or box (approximately40kg)
0364 Rural Waste Disposal – Recyclables (Tarcutta, Mangoplah, Uranquinty, Galore,Humula,CollingullieandCurrawarnaonly)
Rural Waste Disposal – general putrescible waste – utility, single axle trailer(1.8m×
Rural Waste Disposal – general putrescible waste – large loads, utility withsingleaxeltrailer
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E $150.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Each
E $100.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y Each
E $16.00 $4.55 $0.45 $5.00 Y Each
E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0365
1.2m) E $30.00 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Each 0366
E $0.00 $40.91 $4.09 $45.00 Y Each
0367 LawnCemeteryRightofinterment(Adult) C $3,015.00 $2,881.82 $288.18 $3,170.00 Y Each 0368 LawnCemeteryRightofinterment(Forget-Me-Not) C $1,665.00 $1,590.91 $159.09 $1,750.00 Y Each 0369 LawnCemeteryInfantintermentFee C $1,150.00 $1,100.00 $110.00 $1,210.00 Y Each 0370 Lawn&MonumentalCemeteries1stinterment C $2,290.00 $2,186.36 $218.64 $2,405.00 Y Each 0371 Lawn&MonumentalCemeteries2ndinterment C $1,690.00 $1,613.64 $161.36 $1,775.00 Y Each 0372 MonumentalCemeteryRightofInterment C $4,040.00 $3,859.09 $385.91 $4,245.00 Y Each 0373 MonumentalCemeteryIntermentfee-Baby/Infant1.2mdeep C $1,605.00 $1,536.36 $153.64 $1,690.00 Y Each 0374 Monumental / Rural Cemeteries – shallow interment – concrete handling C $910.00 $872.73 $87.27 $960.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
Cemeteries [continued]
Any additional cemetery ground’s staff required to assist would be at an additional $64.00 per person, per hour.
Forarrivalslaterthan30minutesafterthebookedcommencementtime.Perhalfhourorpartthereoforresultingincompletionoftheburialgoingpastnormalcemeteryoperationsclosinghourof 4.30pm.
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0375 MonumentalPermittocarryoutworkintheMonumentalCemetery C $190.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Each 0376 RuralCemeteriesRightofInterment C $4,040.00 $3,859.09 $385.91 $4,245.00 Y Each 0377 RuralCemeteriesIntermentFee1stintermentincludingcontract/hand dig C $3,210.00 $3,068.18 $306.82 $3,375.00 Y Each 0378 RuralCemeteriesIntermentFee2ndintermentincludingcontract/hand dig C $2,600.00 $2,481.82 $248.18 $2,730.00 Y Each 0379 RuralCemeteriesGraveDiggingInfant/Baby1.2mdeepincludes contract/handdig C $2,465.00 $2,354.55 $235.45 $2,590.00 Y Each 0380 Contract Dig/Hand Dig surcharge fee – Lawn & Monumental C $970.00 $927.27 $92.73 $1,020.00 Y Each 0381 Natural Burial Interment – without memorial items C $2,720.00 $2,600.00 $260.00 $2,860.00 Y Each 0382 ExhumationFee-AllCemeteries(includesbothAdultandBaby exhumationsinallcemeteries) C $5,765.00 $5,504.55 $550.45 $6,055.00 Y Each,upto 4hours
0383 All Cemeteries – Reservation Deposit C $980.00 $936.36 $93.64 $1,030.00 Y Each 0384 AdministrationFee-TransferorCancellationofReservation(Cemetery orCrematorium) C $90.00 $95.00 $0.00 $95.00 N Each 0385 Feeforlatearrivalsforburialsand/orcremations C $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Each,per halfhour
0386 Feeforbookedintermentofashesservice(familyattending) C $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each 0387 Intermentofashesinburialposition C $700.00 $668.18 $66.82 $735.00 Y Each 0388 Applicationfor1stor2ndIntermentwithexistingMonument C $190.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y 0389 Applicationfor2ndintermentwhereapplicantand/ordeceaseddoesnot holdRightofInterment(BurialorAshes) C $190.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Each 0390 ApplicationforTransferofRightofInterment(BurialorAshes) C $175.00 $185.00 $0.00 $185.00 N Each 0391 ApplicationtoinstallMemorialplaqueorheadstonewhereapplicantis nottheGranteeordoesnotholdRightofInterment(BurialorAshes) C $175.00 $185.00 $0.00 $185.00 N Each 0392 Adminfeerecancellationorchangestofuneralbookings C $100.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
Cemeteries [continued]
0393 Feeforincorrectcoffinsizegivenresultinginintermentsitehavingtobe re-dug adjusted and/or additional cemetery ground’s staff required to assistwithcompletionofinterment
orashesplacedincoffinofotherpersonforintermentattimeofburial(1stor2nd interment/burial). Includes admin fee for completionofcemeteryregistrationand/orrecords.
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C $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each,per halfhour
0394 Feeforoversizecoffin C $0.00 $245.45 $24.55 $270.00 Y Each
0395 Crematorium Cremation Fee – 13 yrs to adult C $1,320.00 $1,263.64 $126.36 $1,390.00 Y Each 0396 Crematorium Cremation Fee – 5 yrs to 12 yrs C $1,165.00 $1,113.64 $111.36 $1,225.00 Y Each 0397 Crematorium Cremation Fee – 1yr to 4yrs C $530.00 $509.09 $50.91 $560.00 Y Each 0398 Crematorium Cremation Fee – Gestation to 12 months C $180.00 $172.73 $17.27 $190.00 Y Each 0399 Crematorium Positions – Single – non-rose from C $720.00 $690.91 $69.09 $760.00 Y Each 0400 Crematorium Positions – Single – rose from C $870.00 $831.82 $83.18 $915.00 Y Each 0401 Crematorium Positions – Double – non-rose from C $1,025.00 $981.82 $98.18 $1,080.00 Y Each 0402 Crematorium Positions – Double – rose from C $1,180.00 $1,127.27 $112.73 $1,240.00 Y Each 0403 Crematorium Positions – Single – No ashes allowed from C $455.00 $436.36 $43.64 $480.00 Y Each 0404 Crematorium – Chapel C $410.00 $395.45 $39.55 $435.00 Y Each 0405 Crematorium-ChapelFee-Committalonly(30minsmaximum) C $140.00 $136.36 $13.64 $150.00 Y Each 0406 Crematorium – Postage of Ashes – Intrastate or Interstate C $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each 0407 Intermentofashesinexistingcremationgardenposition(2ndinterment) C $410.00 $395.45 $39.55 $435.00 Y Each Intermentofashesin
0408 Crematorium – Reservation Deposit C $265.00 $254.55 $25.45 $280.00 Y Each 0409 Crematorium – Cremation of materials following an Exhumation C $390.00 $372.73 $37.27 $410.00 Y Each 0410 Administrationfeetorecovercrematedremains C $295.00 $281.82 $28.18 $310.00 Y Each 0411 Feeforlate,incorrectand/orincompleteburialorcremationpaperwork C $165.00 $159.09 $15.91 $175.00 Y Each 0412 Splittingashesintoadditionalurnsorjewelleryfrom C $36.00 $34.55 $3.45 $38.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
Crematorium [continued]
A penalty fee for non-compliance with guidelines in relation to cremations and extraneous items, coffin construction, contents and body coverings. The initial fee is an allowance for the additional costs incurred when crematorium staff are required to remove items which have melted to the cremator brick lining and any delays to crematorium operations incurred. Additional fees incurred by Council such as repair costs and delays to crematorium operations, due to any damage caused by a breach of the guidelines may be passed to the relevant funeral director.
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0413 Feeforlatearrivalsforcremationsand/orcremationswithincorrector incompletepaperwork C $180.00 $172.73 $17.27 $190.00 Y Each 0414 Crematorium-ChapelFee-AdditionalChapeltime(perhalfhouror partthereof) C $140.00 $136.36 $13.64 $150.00 Y Each 0415 PenaltyfeereCremations&extraneousitems C $170.00 $163.64 $16.36 $180.00 Y Each
0416 Concretepaverbackingforbronzeplaquesfrom C $48.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y Each 0417 GraniteHeadstoneSets(Sections8&12)from C $1,970.00 $1,881.82 $188.18 $2,070.00 Y Each 0418 MemorialSeatwithSmallBronzeplaquefrom C $3,295.00 $3,145.45 $314.55 $3,460.00 Y Each 0419 NicheWallpositionsfrom C $565.00 $540.91 $54.09 $595.00 Y Each 0420 Cremationplaquesfrom C $275.00 $263.64 $26.36 $290.00 Y Each 0421 Burialplaquesfrom C $380.00 $363.64 $36.36 $400.00 Y Each 0422 Additionstoplaques(extralines,motifs,non-standardcolour,etc)from C $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Each 0423 Reconditioningofplaquesfrom C $160.00 $154.55 $15.45 $170.00 Y Each 0424 Reconditioningpostagesurcharge C $75.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Each 0425 Plaquememorialisationbase(granite)from C $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each 0426 Ceramicphotosfrom C $165.00 $159.09 $15.91 $175.00 Y Each 0427 MemorialisationDeposit C 50%ofmemorialinvoiceamount Lastyearfee 50%ofmemorialinvoiceamount Y Each 0428 Feefordraftdesignsandproofsofspecialordersoradditionalmemorial itemsfrom(includingnon-standardmemorialitemsand/ormultipledraft designsrequested) C $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each
0429 External Hire Charges – Leavenworth Room – full day E $355.00 $322.73 $32.27 $355.00 Y Day continuedonnextpage...
BobOsborneSkillsCentre [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page52of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0430 External Hire Charges – Leavenworth Room – half day E $290.00 $263.64 $26.36 $290.00 Y HalfDay 0431 External Hire Charges – Nordlingen Room – full day E $290.00 $263.64 $26.36 $290.00 Y Day 0432 External Hire Charges – Nordlingen Room – half day E $225.00 $204.55 $20.45 $225.00 Y HalfDay 0433 External Hire Charges – Combined Rooms – full day E $565.00 $513.64 $51.36 $565.00 Y Day 0434 External Hire Charges – Combined Rooms – half day E $435.00 $395.45 $39.55 $435.00 Y HalfDay 0435 External Hire Charges – Kunming Room – full day E $500.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Day 0436 External Hire Charges – Kunming Room – half day E $355.00 $322.73 $32.27 $355.00 Y HalfDay 0437 Softwareinstallation E $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Each 0438 PrintorCopyA4singlesidedBlack&White C $0.66 $0.63 $0.06 $0.69 Y Each 0439 TeaandCoffee/CleaningCharge(mandatory)perperson(perday) E $4.50 $4.29 $0.43 $4.72 Y PerPerson PerDay 0440 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Lastyearfee 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Y Each 0441 LateLockupFee C $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Each 0442 Administration/ParticipantFee E $29.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Each
0443 Wiradjuri Hall – 4 hours (Weekdays) E $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y 4Hours 0444 Wiradjuri Hall – 4 hours (Friday Nights, Weekends and Public Holidays) E $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 4Hours 0445 Wiradjuri Hall – 8 hours (Friday nights, Weekends and Public Holidays) E $200.00 $190.91 $19.09 $210.00 Y 8Hours 0446 Wiradjuri Hall – 8 hours (Weekdays) E $165.00 $159.09 $15.91 $175.00 Y 8Hours 0447 Senior/disabilityfocusedcommunitygrouporserviceorAA/NA meeting-Feecharginggroup E 50%ofstandardcost Lastyearfee 50%ofstandardcost Y Each 0448 Senior/disabilityfocusedcommunitygrouporserviceorAA/NA meeting-Nonfeecharginggroup E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each continuedonnextpage...
SeniorsCommunityCentre [continued]
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings eg. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings, e.g. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
Fees&Charges|Page53of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0449 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Lastyearfee 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Y Each 0450 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
0451 HallCleaningFee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each 0452 ReplacementAccessCardFee C $27.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Each
0453 OfficeSpace(Week) E $265.00 $254.55 $25.45 $280.00 Y Week 0454 Office space – Full Day D $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0455 Senior/disabilityfocusedcommunitygrouporserviceorAA/NA meeting-Nonfeecharginggroup E Maximumtotalof16hourallocationcollectivelyatnocost. Futher bookings at 50% of standard rate. Lastyearfee Maximumtotalof16hourallocationcollectivelyatnocost. Futher bookings at 50% of standard rate. Y Each 0456 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
0457 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Lastyearfee 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Y Each 0458 Hallcleaningfee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each 0459 Replacementaccesscardfee C $27.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Each
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings, e.g. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
Fees&Charges|Page54of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0460 MeetingRoomWeekday(4hours) D $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y 4Hours 0461 Meeting Room – 4 hours (Friday night, Weekends and Public Holidays) E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y 4Hours 0462 MeetingRoomWeekday(8hours) D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 8Hours 0463 Meeting Room – 8 hours (Friday nights, Weekends and Public Holidays) E $135.00 $131.82 $13.18 $145.00 Y 8Hours 0464 OfficeSpace(week) E $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Week 0465 Office Space – Full Day E $36.00 $34.55 $3.45 $38.00 Y Day 0466 Othersocial/communitygroup(notforprofit) E 50%reductioninhirerates Lastyearfee 50%reductioninhirerates Y Each 0467 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Lastyearfee 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Y Each 0468 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
0469 CleaningFee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each 0470 Replacementaccesscardfee C $27.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Each
0471 LargeMeetingRoom(4hours) E $65.00 $63.64 $6.36 $70.00 Y 4Hours 0472 LargeMeetingRoom(8hours) E $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y 8Hours 0473 LargeFunctionRoom(4hours) E $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y 4Hours 0474 LargeFunctionRoom(8hours) E $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y 8Hours 0475 Office – Weekly E $155.00 $150.00 $15.00 $165.00 Y Week 0476 Office – Day E $36.00 $34.55 $3.45 $38.00 Y Day continuedonnextpage...
AshmontNgurraHub [continued]
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings, e.g. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings e.g. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
Fees&Charges|Page55of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0477 Othersocial/communitygroup(notforprofit) E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Each 0478 Communitygroupsandnotforprofitagencies(youthrelatedactivity) E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Day 0479 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Lastyearfee 20%BookingFee(minimum$15.00) Y Each 0480 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
0481 CleaningFee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each
0482 Hall – 4 hours - Weekday D $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y 4Hours
0483 Hall – 4 hours - Weekend D $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y 4Hours 0484 Hall – 8 hours – Weekday D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 8Hours 0485 Hall – 8 hours (Friday night, weekend and public holidays) D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 8Hours 0486 Othersocial/communitygroup(notforprofit) E 50%reductioninhirerates Lastyearfee 50%reductioninhirerates Y Each 0487 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
LakeAlbertHall [continued]
WhileMPSfeeshavebeensetbasedoncompetitivemarketrates,andalsoonmaximisingvisitationandbookingstothevenue,fromtimetotimeareduced pricingpointmaybeoffereduptoamaximumof50%oftheapprovedpricewhichwillallowtheGeneralManagertoapprovesetperiod(s)wheretheMPSfees mayreduceuptoamaximumof50%andadvertisedtosupportapromotionaimedatincreasingparticipationand/orattractingnewcustomers.A100%discount ofFeesandChargesforCommunityEventsandCharitiesmayapplywithpriorapprovalbyManagement.
Fees&Charges|Page56of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0488 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFeeminimum$15.00 Lastyearfee 20%BookingFeeminimum$15.00 Y Each 0489 HallCleaningFee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each
0490 Kioskhire C Includedatnochargewhen3courtsand/orentirefacilityis booked Lastyearfee Y Each 0491 Specialevents(fullstadiumperhour) E $265.00 $254.55 $25.45 $280.00 Y Hour 0492 Special events (full stadium – 8 hours hire) E $1,890.00 $1,804.55 $180.45 $1,985.00 Y Day 0493 Special events (full stadium – after 8 hours – per hour) E $210.00 $204.55 $20.45 $225.00 Y Hour 0494 SecurityBondSpecial/CommercialEvents C $2,100.00 $2,205.00 $0.00 $2,205.00 N Each 0495 ShowCourtcompetition(perhour) E $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y Hour 0496 Competition all users (seniors – per hour per court) E $65.00 $60.91 $6.09 $67.00 Y Hour 0497 Competition all users (juniors – per hour per court) E $55.00 $51.82 $5.18 $57.00 Y Hour 0498 Training all users (senior – per hour per court) E $55.00 $51.82 $5.18 $57.00 Y Hour 0499 Training all users (junior – per hour per court) E $40.00 $38.18 $3.82 $42.00 Y Hour 0500 Schoolhire(perhourpercourt) E $45.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y Hour 0501 SchoolHolidayProgram(halfdayperhead) E $48.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y HalfDay 0502 SchoolHolidayProgram(fulldayperhead) E $85.00 $81.82 $8.18 $90.00 Y FullDay 0503 SocialMixedCompetition(perhead,minimum1hour) E $12.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 Y Person continuedonnextpage...
ExhibitionCentre-MultiPurposeStadium [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page57of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0504 StandaloneCourtHireBooking(minimum2hours) E PreApprovalbyMPSManagementappliestoall Standalonebookingsbyallusergroups Lastyearfee PreApprovalbyMPSManagementappliestoall Standalonebookingsbyallusergroups Y Each 0505 MeetingRoom(perhour) E $42.00 $38.18 $3.82 $42.00 Y Hour 0506 Foyerhire(perhourforspecialevents) E $65.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Hour 0507 Kioskhireperhour(minimum1hour) E $14.00 $12.73 $1.27 $14.00 Y Hour Fulluseofallequipment,cleaningofkioskareaandequipmentcompletedbyuser 0508 BumpInandBumpOutFee(perhourperstaff) C $75.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0509 LockerHire(perblockperbooking) E $55.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y PerBlock 0510 BookingCancellationFee E 20-100%ofbookingfee,termsandconditionsapply (minimum$15) Lastyearfee 20%oftotalbookingfee(minimum$15) Y Each 0511 CostofreplacementorrepairsofMPSequipment D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each 0512 Additionalrequirementsandstaffingforevents D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each 0513 Additionalcleaningrequirementsandstaffingforaftereventsor bookings D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each
WhileBoltonParkStadiumfeeshavebeensetbasedoncompetitivemarketrates,andalsoonmaximisingvisitationandbookingstothevenue,fromtimetotime areducedpricingpointmaybeoffereduptoamaximumof50%oftheapprovedpricewhichwillallowtheGeneralManagertoapprovesetperiod(s)wherethe BoltonParkStadiumfeesmayreduceuptoamaximumof50%andadvertisedtosupportapromotionaimedatincreasingparticipationand/orattractingnew customers. A 100%discountofFeesandChargesforCommunityEventsandCharitiesmayapplywithpriorapprovalbyManagement.
Fees&Charges|Page58of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0514 ShowCourtHire(perhour) E $75.00 $70.00 $7.00 $77.00 Y Hour 0515 Competition all users (seniors – per hour per court) E $50.00 $47.27 $4.73 $52.00 Y Hour 0516 Competition all users (juniors – per hour per court) E $42.00 $40.00 $4.00 $44.00 Y Hour 0517 Training all users (senior – per hour per court) E $44.00 $40.91 $4.09 $45.00 Y Hour 0518 Training all users (junior – per hour per court) E $29.00 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Hour 0519 SchoolSporthire(perhourpercourt) E $33.00 $30.91 $3.09 $34.00 Y Hour 0520 Specialevents(fullstadiumperhour) E $165.00 $150.00 $15.00 $165.00 Y Hour 0521 Special events (per day full stadium – 8 hours hire) C $990.00 $900.00 $90.00 $990.00 Y Day 0522 Special events (full stadium – after 8 hours – per hour) C $110.00 $100.00 $10.00 $110.00 Y Hour 0523 CasualSportMinimum1hourperperson E $7.50 $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Y Person 0524 SecurityBondSpecial/CommercialEvents C $740.00 $740.00 $0.00 $740.00 N Each 0525 Meetingroom(minimum1hour) E $26.00 $23.64 $2.36 $26.00 Y Hour 0526 TrainingRoom(minimum1hour) E $35.00 $31.82 $3.18 $35.00 Y Hour 0527 BumpInandBumpOutFee/Staff(perhourperstaff) C $75.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour Staffrequiredtosetuporpackupforevents/bookings 0528 BookingCancellationFee E 20%-100%ofbookingfee,termsandconditionsapply (minimum $15) Lastyearfee 20%oftotalbookingfee(minimum$15) Y Each 0529 CostofreplacementorrepairsofBoltonParkStadiumequipment D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each 0530 Additionalrequirementsandstaffingforevents D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each continuedonnextpage...
BoltonParkStadium [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page59of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0531 Additionalcleaningrequirementsandstaffingforaftereventsor bookings D Cost+10% Lastyearfee Cost+10% Y Each CivicCentre 0532 Council Meeting Room – Weekdays – full day hire (9.00am to 5.00pm) C $290.00 $277.27 $27.73 $305.00 Y Day 0533 Council Meeting Room – Weekdays – half day hire (i.e. 4 hours) C $170.00 $163.64 $16.36 $180.00 Y HalfDay 0534 Council Meeting Room – Weekdays – after 5.00pm – per hour C $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Hour 0535 Council Meeting Room – Saturday – per hour from 9.00am C $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Hour 0536 Council Meeting Room – Sunday – per hour from 9.00am C $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Hour 0537 Council Meeting Room – Setting up charge (seating, equipment, etc) C $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Each 0538 Committee Room – Weekdays – full day hire (9.00am to 5.00pm) C $185.00 $177.27 $17.73 $195.00 Y Day 0539 Committee Room – Weekdays – half day hire (i.e. 4 hours) C $100.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y HalfDay 0540 Committee Room – Weekdays – after 5.00pm – per hour C $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y Hour 0541 Committee Room – Saturday – per hour from 9.00am C $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y Hour 0542 Committee Room – Sunday – per hour from 9.00am C $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y Hour 0543 Committee Room – Setting up charge (seating, equipment, etc) C $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y Each 0544 Committee Room – Use of Video Conferencing Facilities (per booking) C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Booking
Anumberofpromotionaldaysoreventswillbeheldduringtheyearwhichmayvarythenormalretailpricing.Thesedays&eventsfeesandchargeswillbeadvertisedonsocialmedia,digitaland printplatforms.
For regional councils, industry groups and local or regional tourism associations who wish to access Wagga Wagga City Council’s tourism and visitor marketing services. Regional council or tourismassociationmembershipisavailableforthosewithina120kmradiusoftheWaggaWaggaLocalGovernmentArea
AdditionalRegionalTourismPartnerCouncilMember.Wherearegionalcouncilortourismassociationwishestohavemorethanonedestinationareaincludedintheirmembership.Forexample, acouncilwhichhastwoormoredistinctdestinationareasortownswithintheirshireandwouldlikethempromotedseparately.
Fees&Charges|Page60of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0545 VisitorInformationCentreSales D Cost+minimum30% Lastyearfee Cost+minimum30% Y Each 0546 Commissionontickets D 10%ofTicketValue Lastyearfee 10%ofTicketValue Y Each 0547 GuidedCityTours D $160.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Each 0548 Guided City Tours – Saturday/Sunday D $250.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Each 0549 GuidedCityToursPublicHolidays D $410.00 $372.73 $37.27 $410.00 Y Each 0550 VisitorInformationCentrePromotionDaysandEvents E $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Y Each
0551 RegionalTourismPartnerCouncilMember C $1,445.00 $1,454.55 $145.45 $1,600.00 Y Year
0552 RegionalTourismPartnerCouncilAdditional C $870.00 $790.91 $79.09 $870.00 Y Year
0553 SmallBusinessTourismPartner C $235.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Year RefertoWaggaTourismPartnerProgramprospectus. 0554 MediumBusinessTourismPartner C $465.00 $445.45 $44.55 $490.00 Y Year RefertoWaggaTourismPartnerProgramprospectus. 0555 LargeBusinessTourismPartner C $695.00 $631.82 $63.18 $695.00 Y Year
toWaggaTourismPartnerProgramprospectus. continuedonnextpage...
PartnershipProgram [continued]
IfyourunmorethanonebusinessandwouldlikeasecondbusinesslistedasaWaggaTourismPartner,anadditionalpaymentof$185isapplicableforeachadditionalbusiness.Examplesof suchbusinessesincludeanaccommodationoperatorwhoalsowouldliketopromotetheirrestaurant.
A bond may be applicable for certain bookings e.g. presentation nights. Applied at Council's discretion.
Fees&Charges|Page61of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0556 NewTourismBusiness(first2yearsofoperation) C $235.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Year
0557 NotforProfit E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Year
0558 AdditionalBusinesses C $175.00 $168.18 $16.82 $185.00 Y Year
0559 Hall-4hours-Weekday D $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y 4Hours 0560 Hall-4hours-Weekend D $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y 4Hours 0561 Hall-8hours-Weekday D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 8Hours 0562 Hall – 8 hours (Friday night, weekend and public holidays) D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y 8Hours 0563 Bond C $520.00 $550.00 $0.00 $550.00 N Each
0564 Othersocial/communitygroup(notforprofit) E 50%reductioninhirerates Lastyearfee 50%reductioninhirerates Y Each 0565 BookingCancellationFee C 20%BookingFeeminimum$15.00 Lastyearfee 20%BookingFeeminimum$15.00 Y Each 0566 HallCleaningFee D ActualCost+10% Lastyearfee ActualCost+10% Y Each
Fees&Charges|Page62of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) CivicTheatre CommercialHire 0567 Full-Day Hire Rate (8am – Midnight) C $2,300or12%oftheGrossBoxOfficetakings(whichever isgreater) Lastyearfee $2,300or12%oftheGrossBoxOfficetakings(whichever isgreater) Y Day 0568 Accessfeeperadditionalhouroutsideregularhireperiod(Between midnightand8am) C $120.00 $118.18 $11.82 $130.00 Y Hour 0569 ShowReschedulingFee C $250.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Each 0570 CommercialTheatreHireDeposit C $1,000.00 $909.09 $90.91 $1,000.00 Y Each 0571 ExternalStaffing C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Y Each CommunityHire 0572 Full-Day Hire Rate (8am – Midnight) E $895.00 $813.64 $81.36 $895.00 Y Day 0573 Half-Day Hire Rate (8 hours, 8am – 4pm or 4pm – Midnight) E $685.00 $622.73 $62.27 $685.00 Y Half-Day 0574 Rehearsalblocks(4hours,nopublicaccess.Datesbynegotiation,only oneperseason) E $275.00 $250.00 $25.00 $275.00 Y 4hours 0575 AccessfeeperadditionalHouroutside8hourhireperiod E $120.00 $109.09 $10.91 $120.00 Y Hour 0576 WeeklyCommunityHire C $3,675.00 $3,340.91 $334.09 $3,675.00 Y PerWeek 0577 ShowReschedulingFee C $250.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Each 0578 UpperFoyerHire C $200.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Each 0579 CommunityTheatreHireDeposit C $600.00 $545.45 $54.55 $600.00 Y Each 0580 CommunityTheatreWeeklyHireDeposit C $1,200.00 $1,090.91 $109.09 $1,200.00 Y Each 0581 ExternalStaffing C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Y Each
Technical specifications and FOH information is required 30 days prior to the show as per the hire agreement. This fee will be imposed every day the requirements are late.
Fees&Charges|Page63of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0582 AudioVisualPresentationPackage C $80.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Each 0583 LivestreamEquipment C $1,000.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Each,per hire 0584 FoldbackMonitors C $15.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y Each
0585 HazeMachine C $50.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y PerDay Includes
0586 LecternwithMicrophone C $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y PerHire Includes
oflectern. 0587 MirrorBall C $50.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y PerHire Includes
0588 PianoHire C $250.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y PerDay
0589 PianoTune D Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each 0590 ProjectorandScreen C $160.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y PerHire
0591 RadioMicrophones C $20.00 $36.36 $3.64 $40.00 Y PerHire
microphones. 0592 Rostra C $15.00 $13.64 $1.36 $15.00 Y PerHire
0593 TechnicalSpecifications/FOHRequirementslatefee C $50.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y PerDay
C $4.00 $3.64 $0.36 $4.00 Y Each
Thisincludesuseofscreenandprojector. continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page64of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
Charges-CommercialHire [continued] 0595 HospitalityDeliveryFee C $40.00 $36.36 $3.64 $40.00 Y Each 0596 OrchestraPitremoval/replacement C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each 0597 Additionalequipment C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each
Charges-CommunityHire 0598 AudioVisualPresentationPackage C $40.00 $36.36 $3.64 $40.00 Y Each 0599 LivestreamEquipment C $500.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y Each,per hire 0600 FoldbackMonitors C $10.00 $9.09 $0.91 $10.00 Y Each
0601 HazeMachine C $25.00 $22.73 $2.27 $25.00 Y PerDay
0602 LecternwithMicrophone C $27.00 $24.55 $2.45 $27.00 Y PerHire Includesuseoflectern. 0603 MirrorBall C $27.00 $24.55 $2.45 $27.00 Y PerHire
andlighting. 0604 PianoHire C $105.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y PerDay
0605 PianoTune C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each 0606 Projector&Screen C $85.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y PerHire
EquipmentCharges-CommunityHire [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page65of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0607 RadioMicrophones C $16.00 $29.09 $2.91 $32.00 Y PerHire Handheldorheadset/lapelmicrophones. 0608 Rostra C $11.00 $10.00 $1.00 $11.00 Y PerHire This
0609 Technicalspecifications/FOHrequirementslatefee C $50.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y PerDay TechnicalspecificationsandFOHinformationisrequired30days
imposedeverydaytherequirementslatefee. 0610 TestingandTaggingofEquipment C $4.00 $3.64 $0.36 $4.00 Y Each Whereequipmentneedstobetestedandtaggedbefore
performance. 0611 OrchestraPitremoval/replacement C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each 0612 Additionalequipment C Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Each
0613 DutyTechnician/FrontofHouse(perhour).(MondaytoFriday) C $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y Hour 0614 DutyTechnician/FrontofHouse(perhour).(Saturdayinclusive) C $60.00 $57.27 $5.73 $63.00 Y Hour 0615 DutyTechnician/FrontofHouseManager(perhour).(Sunday inclusive) C $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0616 AdditionalStaff(backstage,followspot,boxoffice,ushers,programme sellers,administration,barsupervisor)(perhour).Minimum3hourcall. (MondaytoFriday) C $45.00 $43.64 $4.36 $48.00 Y Hour 0617 AdditionalStaff(backstage,followspot,boxoffice,ushers,programme sellers,administration,barsupervisor)(perhour).Minimum3hourcall. (Saturdayinclusive) C $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y Hour 0618 AdditionalStaff(backstage,followspot,boxoffice,ushers,programme sellers,administration,barsupervisor)(perhour).Minimum3hourcall. (Sundayinclusive) C $60.00 $57.27 $5.73 $63.00 Y Hour
Fees&Charges|Page66of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) General 0619 CivicTheatreToiletHire C $110.00 $100.00 $10.00 $110.00 Y PerDay 0620 Consumables(tape,gels,etc)-Dailyrate D $20.00 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Daily 0621 Consumables(tape,gels,etc)-Weeklyrate D $50.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Weekly 0622 Marketing/Advertisinghandling D Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% Y Hour 0623 AdditionalEmailtoMarketingList C $250.00 $272.73 $27.27 $300.00 Y Each HireofFoyers 0624 FoyerLightingPackage E $60.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each 0625 Hireper4hours E $350.00 $318.18 $31.82 $350.00 Y 4Hours 0626 Additionalhourlyrate E $100.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Hour
CommunityHirer 0627 BookingFee-Ticketsunder$20.00 D $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each 0628 BookingFee-Allothertickets(i.e.$20orover) D $3.00 $2.73 $0.27 $3.00 Y Each 0629 Complimentaryticketprinting D $0.45 $0.91 $0.09 $1.00 Y Each 0630 Printingofticketfordoorsale D $0.45 $0.45 $0.05 $0.50 Y Each 0631 CancellationofPerformance-RefundFee(perbooking) D $6.00 $5.45 $0.55 $6.00 Y Each BoxOffice-CommercialHirer 0632 BookingFee-AllTickets D $4.00 $3.64 $0.36 $4.00 Y Each 0633 Creditcardhandlingcharge C 1%tothetotalamountpaidforVisa&Mastercardand costsforprovidingonlinemerchandising. Lastyearfee 1%tothetotalamountpaidforVisa&Mastercardand costsforprovidingonlinemerchandising. Y Ticket 0634 Complimentaryticketprinting D $0.50 $0.91 $0.09 $1.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page67of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) BoxOffice-CommercialHirer [continued] 0635 Printingofticketfordoorsale D $0.50 $0.47 $0.05 $0.52 Y Each 0636 CancellationofPerformance-RefundFee(perbooking) D $8.00 $7.27 $0.73 $8.00 Y Each BoxOffice-Customer 0637 Seasonticketsprocessingdeferred C $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each Deferredpaymentperticket-processing48hrsbeforeshow 0638 TransactionFee D $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each Appliestoalltransactions
BoxOffice-CivicTheatre 0639 BookingFee D $5.00 $4.55 $0.45 $5.00 Y Each 0640 BookingFee-AllKidsSeasonsShows D $3.50 $3.18 $0.32 $3.50 Y Each 0641 Show set up – Commercial D $0.00 $72.73 $7.27 $80.00 Y Each 0642 Show set up – Community D $0.00 $36.36 $3.64 $40.00 Y Each 0643 ExternalTicketingVenueBuild D $0.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Hour ArtGallery E3HireRates 0644 E3 Exhibition Program – Hire (Monday to Sunday) - 2 week minimum hire E $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Week 0645 E3CommunityHire-RoomHire(MondaytoSunday)-HalfDay C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y HalfDay 0646 E3CommunityHire-RoomHire(MondaytoSunday)-FullDay C $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Day 0647 E3Commercial/CorporateHire-RoomHire(MondaytoSunday)-Half Day C $210.00 $204.55 $20.45 $225.00 Y HalfDay 0648 E3Commercial/CorporateHire-RoomHire(MondaytoSunday)-Full Day C $315.00 $304.55 $30.45 $335.00 Y Day 0649 HireAdministrationFee E $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
E3HireRates [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page68of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0650 CommissiononartworksoldthroughE3ExhibitionProgram E 20% Lastyearfee 20% Y Each 0651 CommissiononStudentartworksoldthroughE3ExhibitionProgram presentedbyWaggaWaggabasedEducationalInstitutionsandNFP CreativeArtsOrganisations E NoCommission Lastyearfee NoCommission Y Each
0652 Workshop fee – Adult art workshops (6 hours) E $50-$300dependingoncontent Lastyearfee $50-$300dependingoncontent Y Each 0653 Workshop fee – Adult art workshops (3 hours) E $20-$200dependingoncontent Lastyearfee $20-$200dependingoncontent Y Each 0654 Workshop fee – Children's art workshops E $20-$50dependingoncontent Lastyearfee $20-$50dependingoncontent Y Each
0655 Community - Main Gallery – Monday to Sunday, Evening Only (4:30pm to11:00pm) C $630.00 $604.55 $60.45 $665.00 Y Each 0656 Community - Margaret Carnegie Gallery – Monday to Sunday, Evening Only(4:30pmto11:00pm) C $315.00 $304.55 $30.45 $335.00 Y Each 0657 Commercial/Corporate - Main Gallery – Monday to Sunday, Evening Only(4:30pmto11:00pm) D $1,260.00 $1,204.55 $120.45 $1,325.00 Y Each 0658 Commerical/Corporate - Margaret Carnegie Gallery – Monday to Sunday,EveningOnly(4:30pmto11:00pm) D $630.00 $604.55 $60.45 $665.00 Y Each 0659 GalleryVenueStaff-7hourflatrate C $475.00 $454.55 $45.45 $500.00 Y Each
Discount – 5% discount on reciprocal memberships between WWAG andotherAustralianPublicArtGalleriesandMuseums.Excludingitems under$10.00,books,cards,Gallerymerchandiseandexhibition merchandise.
Discount – 10% discount on retail items offered to Members of the FriendsofWaggaWaggaArtGallery;WaggaWaggaCityCouncil. Excludingitemsunder$10.00,books,cards,Gallerymerchandiseand exhibitionmerchandise.
Companion Card Program – Waiver of admission and/or booking fees forthecarerofapersonwithdisabilityuponpresentationofavalid NSWCompanionCard(orinterstateequivalent)
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0660 Community - Per hour per staff member – Monday to Friday C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Hour 0661 Community - Per hour per staff member – Saturday C $63.00 $60.18 $6.02 $66.20 Y Hour 0662 Community - Per hour per staff member – Sunday C $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y Hour 0663 Commerical/Corporate - Per hour per staff member – Monday to Friday D $85.00 $81.82 $8.18 $90.00 Y Hour 0664 Commerical/Corporate - Per hour per staff member – Saturday D $105.00 $104.55 $10.45 $115.00 Y Hour 0665 Commerical/Corporate - Per hour per staff member – Sunday D $145.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Hour GalleryShop 0666 Sales D Costpluscommercialmark-up Lastyearfee Costpluscommercialmark-up Y Each 0667 CommissiononConsignedArtistGoods D Commissionof30%onconsignedartistgoods Lastyearfee Commissionof30%onconsignedartistgoods Y Each 0668
E RetailPriceless5% Lastyearfee RetailPriceless5% Y Each 0669
E RetailPriceless10% Lastyearfee RetailPriceless10% Y Each
C $250.00 $265.00 $0.00 $265.00 N Each 0671
E Nil Lastyearfee Nil Y Each
equipment,crockery/urn,etc+Afterhours supervision of museum exhibition spaces and security) – per staff memberper
equipment,crockery/urn,etc)+Afterhourssupervisionofmuseum exhibitionspacesandsecuritysystemperstaffmember
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0672 Tuesday – Friday – day hire (10.00am – 4.00pm) E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0673 Tuesday – Friday – before 10.00 am and after 4.00pm – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0674 Saturday – before 10.00am – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0675 Saturday – 10.00am – 4.00pm – day hire E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0676 Saturday – after 4.00pm – per hour or part thereof E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0677 Sunday/Public Holiday – before 10.00am – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0678 Sunday/Public Holiday – 12.00 noon – 2.00pm – day hire E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0679 Sunday/Public Holiday – after 2.00pm – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0680 Settingupcharge(seating,
hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0681 ReproductionofImages E $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Each 0682 ResearchFee E $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Hour
0683 Tuesday – Friday – day hire (10.00am – 4.00pm) E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0684 Tuesday – Friday – before 10.00am – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0685 Tuesday – Friday – after 4.00pm – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0686 Saturday – before 10.00am – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0687 Saturday – 10.00am – 4.00pm – day hire E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0688 Saturday – after 4.00pm – per hour or part thereof E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0689 Sunday / Public Holiday – before 10.00am – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0690 Sunday / Public Holiday – 10.00am – 2.00pm – day hire E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Day 0691 Sunday / Public Holiday – after 2.00pm – per hour E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour 0692 Sunday / Public Holiday – Setting up/ Cleaning charge (seating,
E $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour continuedonnextpage...
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0693 MuseumPublicPrograms E $2-$300dependingoncontent Lastyearfee $2-$100dependingoncontent Y Program EventStaff-Museums 0694 CasualStaff.Minimum3hourcall.(MondaytoFridayInclusive) C $44.00 $42.73 $4.27 $47.00 Y Hour 0695 CasualStaff.Minimum3hourcall.(SaturdayInclusive) C $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Hour 0696 CasualStaff.Minimum3hourcall.(SundayInclusive) C $70.00 $68.18 $6.82 $75.00 Y Hour Library 0697 CommunityLearningSpaces1&2CombinedorCLS3-MemberFee PayingCommunityGroupsorNGO-Fullday C $60.00 $47.73 $4.77 $52.50 Y Fullday 0698 CommunityLearningSpaces1&2CombinedorCLS3-MemberFee PayingCommunityGroupsorNGO-Halfday(upto4hrsorpart thereof) C $28.40 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Halfday 0699 CommunityLearningSpaces1&2CombinedorCLS3-Commercial/ ForProfit-Fullday D $160.00 $100.00 $10.00 $110.00 Y Fullday 0700 CommunityLearningSpaces1&2CombinedorCLS3-Commercial/ ForProfit-Halfday(upto4hrsorpartthereof) D $84.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Halfday 0701 CommunityLearningSpaces-NotforProfit/Community-Fulldayor partthereofofanyCLSspace E Free Lastyearfee Free Y Fulldayor partthereof 0702 CommunityLearningSpaces2,4or5-Commercial/ForProfit-Fullday D $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Fullday 0703 CommunityLearningSpaces2,4or5-Commercial/ForProfit-Halfday (upto4hrsorpartthereof) D $32.00 $30.91 $3.09 $34.00 Y Halfday 0704 Photocopying – Black and white – A4 C $0.30 $0.14 $0.01 $0.15 Y Each 0705 Photocopying – Black and white – A3 C $0.50 $0.27 $0.03 $0.30 Y Each 0706 Photocopying – Colour – A4 C $2.00 $0.68 $0.07 $0.75 Y Each 0707 Photocopying – Colour – A3 C $2.50 $1.36 $0.14 $1.50 Y Each 0708 SupplyTeaTrolley C $85.00 $18.18 $1.82 $20.00 Y Eachhire continuedonnextpage...
Library [continued]
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0709 ProvidestaffforRSA/SupervisionperhourperstaffforExternalEvent booking C $44.00 $45.45 $4.55 $50.00 Y Each 0710 Public Library – Wagga Library Public Programs E Freeto$150dependingoncontent Lastyearfee $2-$100dependingoncontent Y Program 0711 LocalStudiesreproductionofimages E $40.00 $38.18 $3.82 $42.00 Y Each 0712 WaggaCityLibraryChildren'sLibraryBags C $4.00 $3.64 $0.36 $4.00 Y Each 0713 FriendsoftheLibraryBags C $2.00 $1.82 $0.18 $2.00 Y Each 0714 InterLibraryLoan C Upto$30.00 Lastyearfee $30.00 Y Each 0715 InterLibraryLoanfromoverseas C CostRecovery Lastyearfee CostRecovery Y Each 0716 Replacelostmembercard C $2.00 $2.00 $0.00 $2.00 N Each 0717 Replacementchargeforlost/damagedMP3audioandDVD C Flatfee$10.00plusreplacementcost Lastyearfee Flatfee$10.00plusreplacementcost N Each 0718 Replacementchargeforlost/damagedperiodicals C Flatfeeof$5.00plusreplacementcost Lastyearfee Flatfeeof$5.00plusreplacementcost N Each 0719 Replacementchargeforlost/damagedcollectionitemotherthan periodicals C Flatfeeof$10.00plusreplacementcost Lastyearfee Flatfeeof$10.00plusreplacementcost N Each 0720 LostordamagedDVDsinglecases C $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 $3.00 N Each 0721 LostordamagedDVDcases(multidiskcases) C $10.00 $11.00 $0.00 $11.00 N Each 0722 Visitor’s Fee (non-refundable) one-month C $35.00 $33.64 $3.36 $37.00 Y Each 0723 Visitor’s Fee (non-refundable) three-months C $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
Library [continued]
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0724 WaggaLibraryBookClubMembershipp.a.(perclubupto10members) C $400.00percluborpro-rataifjoiningthroughouttheyear Lastyearfee $40.00permemberupto$400.00percluborpro-rataif joiningthroughouttheyear Y Each 0725 Replacementchargeforlost/damagedWaggaBookClubtitle E $35.00 $37.00 $0.00 $37.00 N Each 0726 Anexemptionappliesonlostordamageditemsduetothefollowing causes:naturaldisaster,victimofcrime(theft,domesticviolence, propertydamage),member/guarantordeceased,lowliteracy,and institutionalmembership(underextenuatingcircumstances) E Nil Lastyearfee Nil N Each
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0727 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl – Small Commercial Events hire per groundupto1000people D $180.00 $172.73 $17.27 $190.00 Y Day 0728 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl – Medium Commercial Events hire per ground1001-4000people D $440.00 $422.73 $42.27 $465.00 Y Day 0729 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl – Large Commercial Events hire per ground4000pluspeople C $2,865.00 $2,736.36 $273.64 $3,010.00 Y Day 0730 Sportsgrounds and Reserves – Large Commercial Events hire per groundperdayminimum4days(excludesRobertsonOvaland ExhibitionCentreField2A) C $1,080.00 $1,031.82 $103.18 $1,135.00 Y Day 0731 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl Not for profit – casual hire – per bookablespace(includesschoolsoutsideLGA)Lessthan1000People E $115.00 $113.64 $11.36 $125.00 Y Each 0732 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl Not for profit – casual hire – per bookablespace(includesschoolsoutsideLGA)Morethan1000People E $185.00 $177.27 $17.73 $195.00 Y Each 0733 Recreation Reserves – casual hire – per reserve E $65.00 $63.64 $6.36 $70.00 Y Each 0734 ParkBookingfeeforWeddings,NamingdaysandChristeningsetc-per 2hourshire E $150.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y Each 0735 Bond for special/feature events and festivals at McDonald’s Park/ RobertsonOval C ByNegotiation(BasedonRisk) Lastyearfee ByNegotiation(BasedonRisk) N Each 0736 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl – Commercial Event Bond per 1000 in attendance C $1,000.00 $1,050.00 $0.00 $1,050.00 N Each 0737 Sportsgrounds/Parks/Music Bowl – Community Fundraising Event Bond per1000inattendance C $100.00 $105.00 $0.00 $105.00 N Each 0738 BondforAccesstoCouncilReserves C $770.00 $810.00 $0.00 $810.00 N Each 0739 ParksandReserves-bookingfeeforfuneralandmemorialservices C $330.00 $315.00 $31.50 $346.50 Y Each 0740 Parks and Reserves – annual operating fee per annum for pony ride operator C $260.00 $248.18 $24.82 $273.00 Y Each 0741 Sportsgrounds and Parks – Allocated groups Senior (per person/per season) E $35.00 $33.64 $3.36 $37.00 Y Season 0742 Sportsgrounds and Parks – Allocated groups Juniors (per person/per season) E $27.00 $26.36 $2.64 $29.00 Y Season continuedonnextpage...
Parks,ReservesandSportsgrounds [continued]
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0743 Sportsgrounds/Halls – Key fee C $45.00 $43.64 $4.36 $48.00 Y Each 0744 Jubilee Park Athletics Track – Track marking E $1,020.00 $977.27 $97.73 $1,075.00 Y Season 0745 Jubilee Park Athletics Track – Special events (school carnivals etc) E $410.00 $395.45 $39.55 $435.00 Y Event 0746 Jubilee Park Athletics Track – Amenities cleaning fee C $90.00 $86.36 $8.64 $95.00 Y Each 0747 AccessacrossCouncilLandinspectionfee D $115.00 $113.64 $11.36 $125.00 Y Each 0748 DisplayofBanneratBoltonParkUnderpassandWesternGatewaysite booking fee – 1 week period C $50.00 $50.00 $5.00 $55.00 Y Week 0749 Bannerraisingandremovalacrossthemainstreet D $185.00 $177.27 $17.73 $195.00 Y Each 0750 Feesforsupplyofwastebinsatevents C $30.00 $29.09 $2.91 $32.00 Y Each 0751 EndofTripFacilityAccessCard-FirstCard C $5.50 $5.45 $0.55 $6.00 Y FirstCard Feeincludesaccesstobikestoragefacilitiesonly. 0752 EndofTripFacilityAccessCard-ReplacementCard C $11.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 Y Replacemen tCard Feeincludesaccesstobikestoragefacilitiesonly. 0753 CostRecoveryforspecificworksprovidedtoCommunityGroupson Councilparks&sportsgroundsatrequestofCommunityGroup D ActualCostplus10% Lastyearfee ActualCostplus10% Y Each 0754 MusicBowl1(non-profitorganisations,weddings,educational,sporting groups,communitybasedperforminggroups)Minimumcharge2hrs C $31.00 $30.00 $3.00 $33.00 Y Hour 0755 Music Bowl – Outdoor access and cleaning of toilet facilities – Mon-Fri 9.00am-5.00pm C $135.00 $131.82 $13.18 $145.00 Y Day 0756 Music Bowl – Outdoor access and cleaning of toilet facilities – After hours C $190.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Day 0757 BondforCommercialeventsatWaggaBeach C $1,225.00 $1,290.00 $0.00 $1,290.00 N Each 0758 BondforNotforProfit/CommunityeventsatWaggaBeach E $190.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 N Each 0759 WollundryLagoonPrecinctCommercialEvent C $345.00 $331.82 $33.18 $365.00 Y Day 0760 WollundryLagoonPrecinctNotforProfit/CommunityEvent E $190.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Day 0761 BondforCommercialeventsatWollundryLagoonPrecinct C $1,225.00 $1,290.00 $0.00 $1,290.00 N Each 0762 BondforNotforProfit/CommunityeventsatWollundryLagoonPrecinct E $190.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 N Each 0763 TreeManagementApplication E $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each
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0764 Lightingcalloutfeeformanuallightingoperation C $135.00 $131.82 $13.18 $145.00 Y Each 0765 Lightingcalloutfeeforcloudmasteroperation C $33.00 $31.82 $3.18 $35.00 Y Each 0766 AndersonOvallightingfee C $7.60 $7.26 $0.73 $7.98 Y Hour 0767 AshmontOvallightingfee C $3.69 $3.53 $0.35 $3.88 Y Hour 0768 Bolton Park – Training lighting fee C $23.20 $22.14 $2.21 $24.36 Y Hour 0769 Bolton Park Lighting – Competition Lighting fee C $46.30 $44.19 $4.42 $48.61 Y Hour 0770 ConollyParkfield1CompetitionStandardlightingfee C $9.10 $8.68 $0.87 $9.55 Y Hour 0771 ConollyParkfield1TrainingStandardlightingfee C $5.70 $5.44 $0.54 $5.98 Y Hour 0772 ConollyParkfield2lightingfee C $6.40 $6.09 $0.61 $6.70 Y Hour 0773 ConollyParkfield3lightingfee C $3.00 $2.87 $0.29 $3.15 Y Hour 0774 Duke of Kent – Field 1 lighting fee C $4.30 $4.09 $0.41 $4.50 Y Hour 0775 Duke of Kent – Field 2 lighting fee C $5.70 $5.44 $0.54 $5.98 Y Hour 0776 ForestHillamenitiesbuildinglightingfee C $2.00 $1.91 $0.19 $2.10 Y Hour 0777 GissingOvaltraininggoalarealightingfee C $2.40 $2.29 $0.23 $2.52 Y Hour 0778 GissingOvaltrainingareasouthperarealightingfee C $6.30 $6.02 $0.60 $6.62 Y Hour 0779 GissingOvaltrainingareaeastperarealightingfee C $3.30 $3.15 $0.32 $3.47 Y Hour 0780 GissingMainOvallightingfee C $14.50 $13.84 $1.38 $15.22 Y Hour 0781 GlenfieldOvallightingfee C $7.70 $7.35 $0.74 $8.09 Y Hour 0782 GlenfieldOval-Netball C $0.30 $0.28 $0.03 $0.31 Y Hour 0783 HenwoodParklowerlightingfeeperground C $6.10 $5.82 $0.58 $6.40 Y Hour 0784 HenwoodParkupperfieldlightingfeeperground C $4.70 $4.48 $0.45 $4.93 Y Hour 0785 Jubilee Park – Touch Fields lighting fee per ground (Fields 1-4) C $4.30 $4.11 $0.41 $4.52 Y Hour 0786 Jubilee Park – Fields 9, 10 and 11 lighting fee C $9.60 $9.17 $0.92 $10.08 Y Hour 0787 Jubilee Park – Touch Fields 12 & 13 (per field) C $2.90 $2.77 $0.28 $3.05 Y Hour 0788 Jubilee Park – Touch Fields 14 & 15 (West) C $2.90 $2.77 $0.28 $3.05 Y Hour 0789 JubileeParkSyntheticHockeyField1lightingfee C $31.00 $29.59 $2.96 $32.55 Y Hour 0790 Jubilee Park – Hockey Field 2 Match Lights C $16.10 $15.37 $1.54 $16.91 Y Hour 0791 Jubilee Park – Hockey Field 2 Training Lights C $8.10 $7.73 $0.77 $8.50 Y Hour 0792 Kessler Park – Main Field C $8.90 $8.49 $0.85 $9.34 Y Hour continuedonnextpage...
LightingFees [continued]
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0793 Kessler Park – Western training C $3.30 $3.15 $0.32 $3.47 Y Hour 0794 Kessler Park – Eastern training C $3.10 $2.96 $0.30 $3.26 Y Hour 0795 LakeAlbertOvallightingfee C $12.10 $11.55 $1.16 $12.71 Y Hour 0796 McDonaldsPark(ExhibitionCentre)traininglighting C $8.60 $8.21 $0.82 $9.03 Y Hour 0797 McDonaldsPark(ExhibitionCentre)Competitionlighting C $17.00 $16.22 $1.62 $17.84 Y Hour 0798 McPhersonOvallightingfee C $9.70 $9.26 $0.93 $10.19 Y Hour 0799 ParramorePark(ExhibitionCentre)3Fields C $19.70 $18.81 $1.88 $20.69 Y Hour 0800 Parramore Park – West Lights C $9.90 $9.45 $0.95 $10.40 Y Hour 0801 Parramore Park – East Lights C $9.90 $9.45 $0.95 $10.40 Y Hour 0802 Robertson Oval – Training lighting fee (250 lux) C $51.20 $48.91 $4.89 $53.80 Y Hour 0803 Robertson Oval – Competition lighting fee (500 lux) C $102.30 $97.65 $9.77 $107.42 Y Hour 0804 UranquintyOvallightingfee C $2.00 $1.91 $0.19 $2.10 Y Hour 0805 WaggaCricketGroundcycletracklightingfee C $7.80 $7.44 $0.74 $8.19 Y Hour 0806 WaggaCricketGroundlightingfee C $19.00 $18.13 $1.81 $19.95 Y Hour 0807 EquexNetball-Station1 C $9.50 $9.07 $0.91 $9.98 Y Hour 0808 Equex Netball – Station 2 C $10.30 $9.83 $0.98 $10.81 Y Hour 0809 Equex Netball – Station 3 C $8.10 $7.73 $0.77 $8.50 Y Hour 0810 Equex Netball – Station 4 C $14.30 $13.65 $1.37 $15.02 Y Hour 0811 FrenchFieldsuppergroundlightingfee C $0.90 $0.86 $0.09 $0.95 Y Hour 0812 FrenchFields-Diamond1-75lux C $7.90 $7.54 $0.75 $8.29 Y Hour 0813 FrenchFields-Diamond1-150Lux C $11.20 $10.69 $1.07 $11.76 Y Hour 0814 FrenchFields-Diamond1-300Lux C $15.90 $15.17 $1.52 $16.69 Y Hour 0815 HarrisPark-30Lux C $7.60 $7.26 $0.73 $7.98 Y Hour 0816 HarrisPark-100Lux C $12.20 $11.64 $1.16 $12.81 Y Hour 0817 HarrisPark-200Lux C $18.10 $17.27 $1.73 $19.00 Y Hour 0818 RawlingsPark2-100Lux C $9.50 $9.07 $0.91 $9.98 Y Hour 0819 RawlingsPark2-200Lux C $13.20 $12.60 $1.26 $13.86 Y Hour 0820 RawlingsPark3-100Lux C $9.80 $9.36 $0.94 $10.29 Y Hour 0821 RawlingsPark3-200Lux C $13.70 $13.07 $1.31 $14.38 Y Hour continuedonnextpage...
LightingFees [continued]
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0822 RawlingsPark4-100Lux C $9.80 $9.36 $0.94 $10.29 Y Hour 0823 RawlingsPark4-200Lux C $13.70 $13.07 $1.31 $14.38 Y Hour 0824 RawlingsPark5and6perfield C $8.20 $7.82 $0.78 $8.60 Y Hour 0825 RawlingsPark1lightingfeetraining C $7.10 $6.73 $0.67 $7.40 Y Hour 0826 RawlingsPark1lightingfeeMatch C $11.60 $11.09 $1.11 $12.20 Y Hour 0827 WWMSCC – Velodrome 50% C $11.60 $11.09 $1.11 $12.20 Y Hour 0828 WWMSCC – Velodrome 100% C $16.70 $15.91 $1.59 $17.50 Y Hour 0829 WWMSCC – Criterium Track 50% C $11.50 $11.00 $1.10 $12.10 Y Hour 0830 WWMSCC – Criterium Track 100% C $17.00 $16.18 $1.62 $17.80 Y Hour 0831 WWMSCC – BMX Track C $12.90 $12.36 $1.24 $13.60 Y Hour ExhibitionCentre 0832 UseofDressageareaforcommercialgroups E $755.00 $722.73 $72.27 $795.00 Y SiteperDay 0833 UseofDressageareaandamenitiesbuildingbyWaggaDressageClub E $390.00 $372.73 $37.27 $410.00 Y SiteperDay 0834 UseofCampingareasforcommunitygroups E $435.00 $418.18 $41.82 $460.00 Y SiteperDay 0835 UseofCampingareasforcommercialgroups E $650.00 $622.73 $62.27 $685.00 Y SiteperDay 0836 UseofBuildingfacilityatfield2Aforcommunitygroups E $150.00 $145.45 $14.55 $160.00 Y SiteperDay 0837 UseofBuildingfacilityatfield2Aforcommercialgroups E $250.00 $240.91 $24.09 $265.00 Y SiteperDay 0838 UseofBuildingfacilityatfield2AformeetingsforEquexOutdoor Association E Free Lastyearfee Free Y SiteperDay 0839 BondonuseofBuildingonfield2A E $450.00 $475.00 $0.00 $475.00 N Each 0840 UseofRodeoareaatfield2Bforcommunitygroups E $390.00 $372.73 $37.27 $410.00 Y SiteperDay 0841 UseofRodeoareaatfield2Bforcommercialgroups E $755.00 $722.73 $72.27 $795.00 Y SiteperDay 0842 ClubBuildingSocial/CommunityGrouphalfdayregularbooking.10 bookingsper6monthperiod E $37.00 $35.45 $3.55 $39.00 Y Each Booking 0843 ClubBuildingSocial/CommunityGroupfulldayregularbooking.10 bookingsper6monthperiod E $80.00 $77.27 $7.73 $85.00 Y Each Booking
Additional bins available for use at Public Community events on request to Council. Fees include provision of bins, delivery, removal of bins and disposal of waste.Paymentoffeeswillberequiredattimeofcustomermakingthebooking.
Fees&Charges|Page79of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0844 Wastebins-smallpublicevent-2x240L C $120.00 $118.18 $11.82 $130.00 Y PerEvent 0845 Wastebins-mediumpublicevent-5x240L C $220.00 $213.64 $21.36 $235.00 Y PerEvent 0846 Wastebins-largepublicevent-10x240L C $265.00 $254.55 $25.45 $280.00 Y PerEvent 0847 Wastebins-largerpublicevent-5x240Ladditionalbins C $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y PerEvent 0848 Wastebins-1.0m3frontliftbin C $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y PerEvent 0849 Wastebins-1.5m3frontliftbin C $235.00 $227.27 $22.73 $250.00 Y PerEvent 0850 Wastebins-3.0m3frontliftbin C $285.00 $272.73 $27.27 $300.00 Y PerEvent 0851 Wastebins-4.5m3frontliftbin C $369.40 $352.64 $35.26 $387.90 Y PerEvent 0852 Recyclebins-smallpublicevent-2x240L C $120.00 $118.18 $11.82 $130.00 Y PerEvent 0853 Recyclebins-mediumpublicevent-5x240L C $220.00 $213.64 $21.36 $235.00 Y PerEvent 0854 Recyclebins-largepublicevent-10x240L C $245.00 $236.36 $23.64 $260.00 Y PerEvent 0855 Recyclebins-largerpublicevent-5x240Ladditionalbins C $90.40 $86.27 $8.63 $94.90 Y PerEvent 0856 FOGObins-smallpublicevent-2x240L C $114.70 $109.45 $10.95 $120.40 Y PerEvent 0857 FOGObins-mediumpublicevent-5x240L C $220.00 $213.64 $21.36 $235.00 Y PerEvent 0858 FOGObins-largepublicevent-10x240L C $275.00 $263.64 $26.36 $290.00 Y PerEvent 0859 FOGObins-largerpublicevent-5x240Ladditionalbins C $100.00 $95.45 $9.55 $105.00 Y PerEvent
PlanningandDevelopment StrategicPlanning
Forafewminor‘housekeeping’ amendments
ToreclassifylandwheretheGovernor’s approvalisnotrequired
Fees&Charges|Page80of116 • • • • • • • • • • • Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0860 ScopingProposal E $5,000.00 $5,250.00 $0.00 $5,250.00 N Each 0861 Preparation/ProcessingofPlanningProposal E $5,000.00 $5,250.00 $0.00 $5,250.00 N Each 0862 RequiresDCPAmendment E $2,500.00 $2,625.00 $0.00 $2,625.00 N Each
0863 ScopingProposal E $5,000.00 $5,250.00 $0.00 $5,250.00 N Each 0864 LodgementofApplication E $5,200.00 $5,460.00 $0.00 $5,460.00 N Each 0865 Preparation/ProcessingofPlanningProposal E $6,200.00 $6,510.00 $0.00 $6,510.00 N Each 0866 RequiresDCPAmendment E $8,200.00 $8,610.00 $0.00 $8,610.00 N Each
Tochangeinthelandusezoneand/ortheprincipaldevelopmentstandardsoftheLEP,whichwouldresultinasignificantincreaseindemandforsupporting local,regionalorStateinfrastructureandwouldrequireinfrastructurefunding
ThatisinconsistentwithaDistrict/RegionalPlanorcouncil’s endorsedLSPS
DCPApplicationseekingamendment/stotheDCPforasitewithnoorlittlesitecomplexitiesandnotrequiringthepreparationorreviewofspecialisedstudies. Thiscouldbeminoradjustmentstoexistingcontrols.ThisfeealsoappliestoMasterPlanand/orConceptDevelopmentApplicationswheresitespecificcontrols arerequired.
DCPApplicationseekingamendment/stotheDCPinvolvingasiteoranumberofsiteswithcomplexplanningissuesrequiringthepreparationandreviewofa numberofspecialiststudies(forexample,newneighbourhood/precinctwithastructureplanorwhereaspecialisedstudyisrequiredtoaddressservicecapacity ornaturalhazardslikeflooding).ThisfeealsoappliestoMasterPlanand/orConceptDevelopmentApplicationswhereprecinctspecificcontrolsarerequired.
Fees&Charges|Page81of116 • • • • • • Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0867 ScopingProposal E $5,000.00 $5,250.00 $0.00 $5,250.00 N Each 0868 LodgementofApplication E $20,575.00 $21,605.00 $0.00 $21,605.00 N Each 0869 Preparation/ProcessingofPlanningProposal E $21,575.00 $22,655.00 $0.00 $22,655.00 N Each 0870 RequiresDCPAmendment E $23,575.00 $24,755.00 $0.00 $24,755.00 N Each
0871 LodgementofApplication E $3,845.00 $4,040.00 $0.00 $4,040.00 N Each 0872 Preparation/ProcessingofAmendment E $4,360.00 $4,580.00 $0.00 $4,580.00 N Each
0873 LodgementofApplication E $11,790.00 $12,380.00 $0.00 $12,380.00 N Each 0874 Preparation/ProcessingofAmendment E $11,790.00 $12,380.00 $0.00 $12,380.00 N Each
Fees 0875 WaggaWaggaLEPandmapsonUSB E $37.00 $39.00 $0.00 $39.00 N Each continuedonnextpage...
DocumentFees [continued]
0882 ConstructionCertificateFee
plus0.5%ofthefirst$5,000oftheestimatedcost plus0.3%ofnext$95,000oftheestimatedcostplus0.2% ofthenext$150,000oftheestimatedcostplus0.1%ofthe estimatedcostinexcessof$250,000
$210.00plus0.5%ofthefirst$5,000oftheestimatedcost plus0.3%ofnext$95,000oftheestimatedcostplus0.2% ofthenext$150,000oftheestimatedcostplus0.1%ofthe estimatedcostinexcessof$250,000
Fees&Charges|Page82of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0876 WaggaWaggaDCPonUSB E $15.00 $16.00 $0.00 $16.00 N Each
0877 Developer Contribution – Street tree establishment C $640.00 $675.00 $0.00 $675.00 N Each 0878 Developer Contribution – Street tree establishment Lloyd development C $945.00 $995.00 $0.00 $995.00 N Each 0879 Section7.11(S94),Section7.12(S94A)andSection64Contributions C Aspertherelevantadoptedplan Lastyearfee Aspertherelevantadoptedplan N N/A
0880 Printed copy of Development Contribution Plans – Section 7.11 (S94),
E $80.00 $85.00 $0.00 $85.00 N Eachplan 0881 Car Parking Cash Contribution – CBD C $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 N EachSpace
N Each
sewerage work and/ or Part B(5) – Carry out stormwater drainage work and/or Part B(6) – Connect a private drain or sewer with a public drain orsewerunderthecontrolofaCouncilorwithadrainorsewerwhich connectswithsuchapublicdrainorsewer(includessiteinspectiononly – other inspections as per fees and charges schedule) + Inspection Fees
Fees&Charges|Page83of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
C $315.00 $335.00 $0.00 $335.00 N Each
Quality control inspections – subdivisions (and associated works) (per inspection)
0884 SubdivisionCertificate C $287.00plus$50perlot Min.Feeincl.GST:$287.00 Lastyearfee $287.00
$50perlot Min.Feeincl.GST:$287.00 N Each 0885 Subdivision Certificate – resigning (per sheet) C $220.00 $235.00 $0.00 $235.00 N Each
0886 CCTVInspectionforsewerandstormwater C $2.50 $2.50 $0.00 $2.50 N LinearMetre 0887
ControlInspectionFee) C $346+inspectionfee Min.Feeincl.GST:$346.00 Lastyearfee $346+inspectionfee Min.Feeincl.GST:$346.00 N Each 0888 KerbandGutter/FootpathBondadministrationfee C $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each
Public Sewer/Drainage Infrastructure Works under Part B(4) – Carry out
0889 Qualitycontrolinspections(perinspection) C $335.00 $355.00 $0.00 $355.00 N Each
0890 Section68(Public)Sewerand/orStormwaterWorksbondCategory1 C $1,280.00 $1,345.00 $0.00 $1,345.00 N Each 0891 Section68(Public)Sewerand/orStormwaterWorksbondCategory2 C $3,195.00 $3,355.00 $0.00 $3,355.00 N Each continuedonnextpage...
Section68(Public)Bonds [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page84of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0892 Section68(Public)Sewerand/orStormwaterWorksbondCategory3 C $3,150+$73.50perlinealmetre Min.Feeincl.GST:$3,150.00 Lastyearfee $3,150+$73.50perlinealmetre Min.Feeincl.GST:$3,150.00 N Each
ApplicationFees 0893 D.A.FeeforAdvertisements A $357.00for1stadvertisementplus$93foreachadditional advertisement(wherefeeexceedsthatpayableunderitem 2.1ofSchedule4) Lastyearfee $333.00for1stadvertisementplus$93foreachadditional advertisement(wherefeeexceedsthatpayableunderitem 2.1ofSchedule4) N Each SeeSchedule4,Item2.2ofEPARegs2021. 0894 D.A.Fee(notinvolvingerectionofbuilding,carryingoutofworkor subdivisionofland) A $333.00 $357.00 $0.00 $357.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,item2.7ofEPARegs2021 0895 D.A.Fee(Dwellingwithestimatedconstructioncost$100,000orless) A $532.00 $571.00 $0.00 $571.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,item2.3ofEPARegs2021 0896 D.A. Fee – Subdivisions not involving opening of public road A $414.00plus$53.00foreachadditionallotcreatedbythe subdivision Lastyearfee $386.00plus$53.00foreachadditionallotcreatedbythe subdivision N Each SeeSchedule4,item2.5ofEPARegs2021 continuedonnextpage...
DevelopmentApplicationFees [continued]
plusanadditional$3.64foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$50,000 Last
plusanadditional$3.64foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$50,000
Fees&Charges|Page85of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0897 D.A. Fee – Subdivisions involving opening of public road A $834.00
the subdivision
yearfee $777.00
subdivision N Each
0898 D.A. Fee – Strata Subdivision A $414.00
yearfee $386.00
the subdivision N Each
0899 D.A.Fee(estimatedcostupto$5,000) A $129.00 $138.00 $0.00 $138.00 N Each
0900 D.A.Fee(estimatedcost$5,001to$50,000) A $212.00
yearfee $198.00
$5,000 N Each
0901 D.A. Fee (estimated cost $50,001 – $250,000)
N Each
plusanadditional$3.00foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$5,000 Last
plusanadditional$3.00foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds
DevelopmentApplicationFees [continued]
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $250,001 – $500,000) A $1,455.00plusanadditional$2.34foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
$1,356.00plusanadditional$2.34foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $500,001 – $1,000,000)
D.A. Fee (estimated cost $1,000,001 – $10,000,000)
A $2,190.00plusanadditional$1.64foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
$2,041.00plusanadditional$1.64foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
A $3,281.00plusanadditional$1.44foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
Lastyearfee $3,058.00plusanadditional$1.44foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
A $19,917.00plusanadditional$1.19foreach$1,000(or partof$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000
Lastyearfee $18,565.00plusanadditional$1.19foreach$1,000(or partof$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000
N Each
Fees&Charges|Page86of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
N Each
N Each
N Each
DevelopmentApplicationFees [continued]
0906 D.A. Fee – Modification of plans, documents, etc. prior to issue of consent
0907 ProportionofDAfeetoberemittedtoSecretaryforplanningreform services(fordevelopmentwithestimatedcost>$50,000involvingthe erectionofabuilding,orthecarryingoutofawork,orthedemolitionof aworkorabuilding)
0908 Development requiring Concurrence – Fee for Concurrence Authority plusadditionalCouncilprocessingfee
SeeSchedule4,item3.2ofEPARegs2021.TheCounciladministrationfeemustbepaidinadditiontotheDAfee.TheConcurrenceAuthorityfeemustbeintheformofachequemadeouttothe relevantauthority.
0909 Integrated Development – Fee for approval body plus additional Council processingfee
perapprovalbodyplusasingleCouncil administrationfeeof$164.00
SeeSchedule4,item3.1ofEPARegs2021.TheCounciladministrationfeemustbepaidinadditiontotheDAfee.Theapprovalbodyfeemustbeintheformofachequemadeouttothe relevantauthority.
0910 DesignatedDevelopment(inadditiontoD.A.fee)
0911 GivingofNoticeofDevelopment(includingnoticerequiredunder CommunityParticipationPlan,ProhibitedDevelopment,Nominated IntegratedDevelopment,ThreatenedSpeciesDevelopmentandClass 1AquacultureDevelopment)
Fees&Charges|Page87of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
C Minimum$70or25%oforiginalfee(whicheveristhe greater) Lastyearfee Minimum$70or25%oforiginalfee(whicheveristhe greater) N Each
A 0.00064xcostofdevelopmentminus$5.00 Lastyearfee 0.00064xcostofdevelopmentminus$5.00 N Each
A $401.00per
N Each
perapprovalbodyplusasingleCouncil administrationfeeof$164.00
A $401.00per
N Each
approvalbodyplusasingleCouncil administrationfeeof$176.00 Lastyearfee
A $1,076.00 $1,154.00 $0.00 $1,154.00 N Each
A $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 N Each
DevelopmentApplicationFees [continued]
0917 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmentalimpact)wherefeefororiginalDAwaslessthan$107.28
0918 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmentalimpact)OriginalDAfee$107.28orgreaterandnot involvingtheerectionofabuilding,thecarryingoutofaworkorthe demolitionofaworkorbuilding
Fees&Charges|Page88of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0912 GivingofNoticeofDesignatedDevelopment A $2,596.00 $2,785.00 $0.00 $2,785.00 N Each
0913 Surrendering of Consents (Voluntary – not required by condition of
C $90.00 $95.00 $0.00 $95.00 N Each
A $83.00 $89.00 $0.00 $89.00 N Each
0915 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(1)(Councilerror) A Nil Lastyearfee Nil N Each 0916 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(1A)
A 50%oforiginalDAfeeor$809whicheveristhelesser Lastyearfee 50%oforiginalDAfeeor$754whicheveristhelesser N Each
orS.4.56(1)(minimal environmentalimpact)
A 50%oforiginalDAfee Lastyearfee 50%oforiginalDAfee N Each
A 50%oforiginalDAfee Lastyearfee 50%of
N Each
ModificationofConsentFees [continued]
0919 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmentalimpact)OriginalDAfee$107.28orgreaterandforthe erectionofadwelling-housewithanestimatedcostofconstructionof $100,000orless
0920 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmentalimpact)(estimatedcostupto$5,000)
0921 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $5,001 – $250,000)
A $106.00plusanadditional$1.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$5,000
Lastyearfee $99.00plusanadditional$1.50foreach$1,000(orpartof $1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$5,000
0922 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $250,001–$500,000)
A $628.00plusanadditional$0.85foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
$585.00plusanadditional$0.85foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
0923 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $500,001–$1,000,000)
A $894.00plusanadditional$0.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
Lastyearfee $833.00plusanadditional$0.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
Fees&Charges|Page89of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
A $222.00 $238.00 $0.00 $238.00 N Each
A $64.00 $69.00 $0.00 $69.00 N Each
N Each
N Each
N Each
ModificationofConsentFees [continued]
0924 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmental impact) (estimated cost $1,000,001– $10,000,000)
A $1,238.00plusanadditional$0.40foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
$1,154.00plusanadditional$0.40foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
0925 D.A.Modificationofconsent:S.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)(notofminimal environmentalimpact)(estimatedcostmorethan$10,000,000)
A $5,943.00plusanadditional$0.27foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000
Lastyearfee $5,540.00plusanadditional$0.27foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000
0926 D.AModificationofConsentunderS.4.55(2)orS.4.56(1)requiring notification(byadvertising)undertheseSections
0927 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Reviewfortheerectionofa dwelling-housewithanestimatedcostofconstructionof$100,000or less
0928 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Reviewnotinvolvingthe erectionofabuilding,thecarryingoutofaworkorthedemolitionofa workorbuilding
Lastyearfee 50%oforiginalDAfee
Fees&Charges|Page90of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
N Each
N Each
A $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 N Each
A $222.00 $238.00 $0.00 $238.00 N Each
N Each
ReviewofDeterminationFees [continued]
0929 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Review(estimatedcostupto $5,000)
0930 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Review(estimatedcost $5,001 – $250,000)
A $107.00plusanadditional$1.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$5,000
Lastyearfee $100.00plusanadditional$1.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$5,000
0931 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Review(estimatedcost $250,001–$500,000)
A $628.00plusanadditional$0.85foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
Lastyearfee $585.00plusanadditional$0.85foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$250,000
0932 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Review(estimatedcost $500,001 – $1,000,000)
A $894.00plusanadditional$0.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
Lastyearfee $833.00plusanadditional$0.50foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds$500,000
0933 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Review(estimatedcost $1,000,001– $10,000,000)
A $1,238.00plusanadditional$0.40foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
Lastyearfee $1,154.00plusanadditional$0.40foreach$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $1,000,000
Fees&Charges|Page91of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
A $64.00 $69.00 $0.00 $69.00 N Each
N Each
N Each
N Each
Reviewofdetermination:Division8.2Reviewrequiringnotification (byadvertising)undertheseSections
Fees&Charges|Page92of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0934 D.A.Reviewofdetermination:
than$10,000,000) A $5,943.00plus
$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000 Lastyearfee $5,540.00plus
$1,000(orpart of$1,000)bywhichtheestimatedcostexceeds $10,000,000 N Each
EPARegs2021 0935 D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimatedcostofdevelopmentlessthan$100,000) A $64.00 $69.00 $0.00 $69.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,
7.4ofEPARegs2021 0936 D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimated cost of development $100,000 – $1,000,000) A $175.00 $188.00 $0.00 $188.00 N Each
0937 D.A. Review of Decision – to reject a Development Application (estimatedcostofdevelopment
A $292.00 $313.00 $0.00 $313.00 N Each
0938 D.A.
A $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 N Each
0939 CC
to$5,000) C $350.00(inclusiveof2inspections) Lastyearfee $340.00(inclusiveof2inspections) Y Each 0940 CC
C $200.00
Lastyearfee $190.00
Y Each continuedonnextpage...
orCDCFee(estimatedcostexceeding$5,000butnotexceeding $100,000)
plusanadditional0.3%oftheestimatedcost exceedingover$5,000
plusanadditional0.3%oftheestimatedcost exceedingover$5,000
Fees&Charges|Page93of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) Construction
0941 CCorCDCFee(estimatedcostexceeding$100,000butnotexceeding $250,000) C $530.00plusanadditional0.2%oftheestimatedcostover $100,000 Lastyearfee $530.00plusanadditional0.2%oftheestimatedcostover $100,000 Y Each 0942 CCorCDCFee(estimatedcostexceeding$250,000butnotexceeding $1,000,000) C $880.00plusanadditional0.1%oftheestimatedcostover $250,000 Lastyearfee $880.00plusanadditional0.1%oftheestimatedcostover $250,000 Y Each 0943 CCorCDCFee(estimatedcostexceeding$1,000,000) C $1,690.00plusanadditional0.05%oftheestimatedcost over$1,000,000 Lastyearfee $1,690.00plusanadditional0.05%oftheestimatedcost over$1,000,000 Y Each 0944 LongServiceLevy A 0.35%ofestimatedcostofallbuildingandsubdivision workvalued$25,000andover Lastyearfee 0.35%ofestimatedcostofallbuildingandsubdivision workvalued$25,000andover N N/A 0945 AmendmenttoApplicationforaCCorCDCafterdetermination C 40%originalfeewithminimumof$75 Lastyearfee 40%originalfeewithminimumof$75 Y Each
0946 Building Inspection fee (including reinspections) – within 30 kms of CouncilAdministrationBuilding C $440.00 $500.00 $50.00 $550.00 Y Each InspectionsundertakenbyCouncilonbehalfofaPrivateCertifier 0947 Building Inspection fee (including reinspections) – outside of 30 kms of CouncilAdministrationBuilding C $550.00 $600.00 $60.00 $660.00 Y Each InspectionsundertakenbyCouncilonbehalfofaPrivateCertifier continuedonnextpage...
ConstructionCertificateInspectionFees-Building [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page94of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
0948 Building inspection fee (including reinspections) – within 30 kms of the CouncilAdministrationBuilding C $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y Each InspectionsundertakenbyCouncilasPCA 0949 Building inspection fee (including reinspections) – outside of 30 kms of theCouncilAdministrationBuilding C $325.00 $313.64 $31.36 $345.00 Y Each InspectionsundertakenbyCouncilasPCA 0950 BoardingHouseInspectionFee C $250.00plusanadditional$0.50centsperm2over200m2 Lastyearfee $250.00plusanadditional$0.50centsperm2over200m2 N Each
0951 BuildingInformationCertificateforpartofabuildingconsistingofan externalwallonlyordoesnototherwisehaveafloorarea A $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 N Each s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 0952 BuildingInformationCertificate(Class1or10buildings) A $250.00plusanadditional$250.00foreachadditional dwelling Lastyearfee $250.00plusanadditional$250.00foreachadditional dwelling N Each s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 0953 BuildingInformationCertificate(Class2to9buildings)(<=200m2) A $250.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 N Each s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 0954 BuildingInformationCertificate(Class2to9buildings)(>200m2and <=2000m2) A $250.00plusanadditional$0.50centsperm2over200 Lastyearfee $250.00plusanadditional$0.50centsperm2over200 N Each+per m2 s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page95of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST) BuildingInformationCertificateApplicationFees [continued] 0955 BuildingInformationCertificate(Class2to9buildings)(>200m2) A $1,165.00plusanadditional$0.075centsperm2over 2,000 Lastyearfee $1,165.00plusanadditional$0.075centsperm2over 2,000 N Each+per m2 s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 0956 BuildingInformationCertificatecopy(duplicate) A $13.00 $13.00 $0.00 $13.00 N Each s608 of the LocalGovernmentAct1993 BuildingInformationCertificateInspectionFees 0957 BuildingInformationCertificatere-inspectionfee A $90.00 $90.00 $0.00 $90.00 N Each SeeClause260ofEPARegs2000.
Certification-Miscellaneous 0958 PrincipalCertifierSignage C $12.00 $11.82 $1.18 $13.00 Y Each 0959 LodgementfeeforCDC&Part4ACertificate(percertificate) A $36.00 $36.00 $0.00 $36.00 N Each SeeClause263ofEPARegs2000. 0960 FeeforCounciltoactasthePrincipalCertifyingAuthority C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each Application 0961 FeeforCounciltoactasthePrincipalCertifyingAuthorityfor constructioncertificatesorcomplyingdevelopmentcertificateswhere Councilhasnotissuedthecertificate(applicationfeeonly) C $660.00 $631.82 $63.18 $695.00 Y Each Application 0962 CertificateofCompletion-ManufacturedHome(cl:69LG(MHE,CP,CG &MDReg)) A $195.00 $195.00 $0.00 $195.00 N Each
0963 Part A(1) – Install a manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associatedstructureonland C $505.00 $535.00 $0.00 $535.00 N Each 0964 Part F(4) – Install a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance, other thanaportableappliance C $310.00 $330.00 $0.00 $330.00 N Each
sewerage work and/or Part B(5) – Carry out stormwater drainage work and/or Part B(6) – Connect a private drain or sewer with a public drain orsewerunderthecontrolofaCouncilorwithadrainorsewerwhich connectswithsuchapublicdrainorsewer
estimatedcostupto$5,000(feeincludes2inspections)-outsideof30 kmsoftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding
estimatedcostupto$5,000(feeincludes2inspections)-within30kms oftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding
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0965 Section 68 approval inspection fee (including reinspections) – within 30
C $225.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 N Each 0966 Section 68 approval inspection fee (including reinspections) – outside of
kmsoftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding C $325.00 $345.00 $0.00 $345.00 N Each
0967 Private Internal Sewer/Drainage Works under Part B(4) – Carry out
C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Each 0968 AdditionalPlumbing/Drainagefixtures(perfixture/perapplication) C $45.00 $48.00 $0.00 $48.00 N Each
0969 Minor Works Permit Private (Plumbing) – 1 fixture only or works with an
C $0.00 $355.00 $0.00 $355.00 N Each 0970 Sewer and Plumbing – inspection of un-permitted work (per hour) C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Hour 0971 Sewer and Plumbing Inspection Fee – Commercial/Industrial (per hour) C $390.00 $410.00 $0.00 $410.00 N Hour 0972 Sewer and Plumbing Inspection Fee – within 30 kms of the Council AdministrationBuilding C $225.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 N Each 0973 Sewer and Plumbing Inspection Fee – outside of 30 kms of the Council AdministrationBuilding C $325.00 $345.00 $0.00 $345.00 N Each 0974 Minor Works Permit Private (Plumbing) – 1 fixture only or works with an
C $265.00 $280.00 $0.00 $280.00 N Each 0975 AmendedSection68Application(PartsA,B,EandF) C 50%oforiginalapplicationfee Lastyearfee 50%oforiginalapplicationfee N Each
sellinganyarticleinapublicplace(Feewaivedforcharitable organisations)
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0976 Caravan Parks – approval (5 yearly or new approval) per site C $8.50 $9.00 $0.00 $9.00 N 5Yearsper Site 0977 Caravan Parks – inspections (per hour) C $390.00 $410.00 $0.00 $410.00 N Hour 0978 Caravan Parks – inspections (minimum) C $145.00 $155.00 $0.00 $155.00 N Each 0979 Part F(1) – Operate a public car park C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Each 0980 Part F(2) – Operate a caravan park or camping ground includes one inspection C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Each 0981 Part F(2) – Renewal of Approval to operate a caravan park or camping ground C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Each 0982 Part F(3) – Operate a manufactured home estate C $480.00 $505.00 $0.00 $505.00 N Each 0983 PartF(5)AmusementDevice(ApplicationandInspection) E $105.00 $115.00 $0.00 $115.00 N Each 0984 PartF(5)AmusementDevice(ApplicationandInspection)(twoormore devices) E $210.00 $225.00 $0.00 $225.00 N Each 0985 Part F(7) – Use a standing vehicle or any article for the purpose of
C $405.00 $430.00 $0.00 $430.00 N Each
0986 Annual Fire Safety Statement – Inspection of premises regarding AnnualFireSafetyStatement-within30kmsoftheCouncil AdministrationBuilding C $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y Each 0987 Annual Fire Safety Statement – Inspection of premises regarding AnnualFireSafetyStatement-outside30kmsoftheCouncil AdministrationBuilding C $325.00 $313.64 $31.36 $345.00 Y Each 0988 AnnualFireSafetyadministration/registrationfee C $125.00 $122.73 $12.27 $135.00 Y Each 0989 Enquiry re Fire Safety – Fire Safety Schedule (written response) C $95.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each 0990 OccupationofUncompletedBuilding(Inspection+advice)-within30 kmsoftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding C $225.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 N Each 0991 OccupationofUncompletedBuilding(Inspection+advice)-outside30 kmsoftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding C $325.00 $345.00 $0.00 $345.00 N Each
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0992 Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate Application – first inspection fee A $150.00 $136.36 $13.64 $150.00 Y Each SeeSection19ofSwimmingPoolRegulations2018. 0993 Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate Application – second inspection fee A $100.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each SeeSection19ofSwimmingPoolRegulations2018. 0994 NSW Swimming Pool Registration Fee – Council to register C $11.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 Y Each 0995 SwimmingPoolExemptionApplication A $70.00 $250.00 $0.00 $250.00 N Each SeeSection13SwimmingPoolsRegulation2018. 0996 SwimmingSafetyMandatoryInspectionFee(includestwoinspections percertificate) A $150.00 $136.36 $13.64 $150.00 Y Each Certificate SeeSection19ofSwimmingPoolRegulations2018.
0997 Section10.7(2)CertificateFee A $62.00 $67.00 $0.00 $67.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,item9.7ofEPARegs2021 0998 Section10.7(2)&(5)CertificateFee A $156.00 $167.00 $0.00 $167.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,items9.7and9.8ofEPARegs2021 0999 UrgentSection10.7(2)&(5)Certificates-additionalfee(Processingto occurwithinonebusinessdayoflodgement) C $140.00 $150.00 $0.00 $150.00 N Each 1000 Section735ACertificateFee C $185.00 $195.00 $0.00 $195.00 N Each 1001 SewerDiagrams C $130.00 $140.00 $0.00 $140.00 N Each 1002 Certifiedcopyofadocument,maporplan(S.10.8(2)) A $62.00 $67.00 $0.00 $67.00 N Each SeeSchedule4,item9.9ofEPARegs2021 1003 BAL(BushFireAttacklevel)AssessmentCertificateFee C $645.00 $618.18 $61.82 $680.00 Y Each
1004 WrittenResponsetoEnquiry C $225.00 $218.18 $21.82 $240.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
MiscellaneousPlanningFees [continued]
1005 OccupationofTemporaryDwellingsorOccupationofLanduponwhich DwellingHouseistobeerected(Inspection+Advice)-within30kmsof theCouncilAdministrationBuilding
OccupationofTemporaryDwellingsorOccupationofLanduponwhich Dwelling House is to be erected (Inspection + Advice) – outside 30 kms oftheCouncilAdministrationBuilding
2.commencementofanynotification/advertising;or finalisation and issue of any initial additional information letter.
2.anynotification/advertisingperiod;or anynominatedtimeperiod(orfurtheragreedperiod)ofanyinitialwrittenrequestforadditionalinformation
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C $225.00 $240.00 $0.00 $240.00 N Each 1006
C $325.00 $345.00 $0.00 $345.00 N Each 1007 Advertising – renaming fee (for roads, streets and localities) C $445.00 $470.00 $0.00 $470.00 N Each 1008 Renamingfee(forroads,streetsandlocalities) C $1,165.00 $1,225.00 $0.00 $1,225.00 N Each
1009 Prior
assessment C 5%or$50whicheveristhelesser Lastyearfee 5%or$50whicheveristhelesser N Each 1010 Priortocompletionofpreliminaryassessmentorpriorto: C 10% Lastyearfee 10% N Each
1011 During: C 20% Lastyearfee 20% N Each
ApplicationWithdrawalFees [continued]
1012 Duringthecontinuedassessmentandpriortotheissueofnoticeof determination
60%ORa%greaterthanthatlistedaboveasdetermined bytheManagerDevelopmentAssessment&Building Certification. Lastyearfee 60%ORa%greaterthanthatlistedaboveasdetermined bytheManagerDevelopmentAssessment&Building Certification.
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N Each
Fees&Charges|Page101of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1013 ElectricVehicleChargestations(Counciloperated) C $0.00 $0.25 $0.03 $0.28 Y cents/Kwh 1014 HealthInspectionFee(excludingfood)perhour C $310.00 $310.00 $0.00 $310.00 N Hour 1015 HealthInspectionFee(excludingfood)minimum C $120.00 $125.00 $0.00 $125.00 N Each 1016 FoodShopInspectionFeechargedproratawithaminimumchargeof 30minutes C $235.00 $235.00 $0.00 $235.00 N Hour 1017 FoodShopRe-InspectionFeechargedproratawithaminimumcharge of20minutes C $210.00 $220.00 $0.00 $220.00 N Hour 1018 AnnualAdministrationChargeforFoodshopclassificationP4 E Free Lastyearfee Free N Each 1019 AnnualAdministrationChargeforFoodshopclassificationP3(Charity andCommunityOrganisationsexempt) C $95.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 N Each 1020 AnnualAdministrationChargeforFoodshopclassificationP2(Charity andCommunityOrganisationsexempt) C $220.50 $230.00 $0.00 $230.00 N Each 1021 AnnualAdministrationChargeforFoodshopclassificationP1(Charity andCommunityOrganisationsexempt) C $430.00 $450.00 $0.00 $450.00 N Each 1022 Watersampling/testing D Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% N Each 1023 ConsultingFees(HealthandBuilding) D Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% N Each 1024 Septic Tanks – Application to install (includes 3 inspections) C $570.00 $580.00 $0.00 $580.00 N Each 1025 Septic Tanks – Amended application (includes 2 inspections) C $380.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 N Each 1026 Septic Tanks – Licence to operate C $65.00 $70.00 $0.00 $70.00 N Each 1027 Septic Tanks – Operational inspection C $185.00 $195.00 $0.00 $195.00 N Each 1028 SepticTankinspection(compliedwithlicensingrequirements) C $95.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 N Each 1029 SepticTankre-inspection C $120.00 $130.00 $0.00 $130.00 N Each continuedonnextpage...
Fees&Charges|Page102of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1030 Septic Tanks – Operational Licence Search C $70.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each 1031 MonitoringServices C $205.00 $200.00 $20.00 $220.00 Y Hour 1032 Native Vegetation – Fee for Calculating Revegetation & Fencing Contributions – DCP11 C $370.00 $390.00 $0.00 $390.00 N Each 1033 Native Vegetation – Rural Residential Developer Contributions (Fencing) DCP11 – per kilometre C $2,825.00 $2,970.00 $0.00 $2,970.00 N km 1034 Native Vegetation – Rural Residential Developer Contributions (Revegetation) DCP11 – per seedling C $2.08 $2.18 $0.00 $2.18 N Each 1035 Native Vegetation – Rural Residential – Assessment costs – DCP11 – perhour C $215.00 $230.00 $0.00 $230.00 N Hour 1036 Watersampling C $195.00 $205.00 $0.00 $205.00 N Each 1037 SwimmingPoolSafetyPosters C $32.00 $30.91 $3.09 $34.00 Y Each
1038 Reinspectionfeeafternotice(perhour) C $150.00 $160.00 $0.00 $160.00 N Hour 1039 Reinspectionfeeafternotice(minimumfee) C $65.00 $70.00 $0.00 $70.00 N Each 1040 WeedNoticeCertificate(Section64) C $80.00 $85.00 $0.00 $85.00 N Each 1041 Privateworks D Actualcostplus10% Lastyearfee Actualcostplus10% N Each
1042 CommunityMicrochipProgram(Specialeventsonly) E Free(subjecttopaymentoflifetimeregistration) Lastyearfee Y Each 1043 Street Furniture Application Fee – CBD C $130.00 $140.00 $0.00 $140.00 N Each 1044 Street Furniture – Outside CBD Application Fee C $70.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each 1045 Display of Goods – Application C $70.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each 1046 Display of Goods – Lease fee (per square metre) C $60.00 $65.00 $0.00 $65.00 N m2 1047 Amendmenttostreetactivityapproval C $75.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each continuedonnextpage...
RangerServices [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page103of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1048 Businesspromotion/displayonfootpath C $65.00 $70.00 $0.00 $70.00 N Day 1049 Stock Impounding – cattle, horses and other per head C $39.00 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 N Each 1050 Stock Impounding – sheep, goats, pigs & other – per head for first 3 C $39.00 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 N Each 1051 Stock Impounding – sheep, goats, pigs & other – subsequent stock C $2.50 $2.50 $0.00 $2.50 N Each 1052 Stock Impounding – sustenance per head per day, cattle, horses and otherlargeanimals C $7.50 $8.00 $0.00 $8.00 N Each 1053 Stock Impounding – sustenance for sheep, goats, pigs & other per head perday C $2.00 $2.00 $0.00 $2.00 N Each 1054 Ranger Services – administration charge C $75.00 $80.00 $0.00 $80.00 N Each 1055 Impounding Animals / stock investigation – vehicle rate per hour C $34.00 $36.00 $0.00 $36.00 N Hour 1056 Impounding Animals / stock investigation – ranger rate per office hour C $50.00 $55.00 $0.00 $55.00 N Hour 1057 Impounding Animals / stock investigation – ranger rate after hours (Mon – Sat noon) – First 2 hours per hour C $70.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Hour 1058 Impounding Animals / stock investigation – ranger rate after hours (Mon – Sat noon) – Subsequent hours C $85.00 $90.00 $0.00 $90.00 N Hour 1059 Stock Impounding – Walking of stock to pound / saleyards /owner’s premises/etc C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Cost 1060 Stock Impounding – Driving of stock via transport vehicle C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Cost 1061 Stock Impounding – Veterinary fees C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Cost 1062 Stock Impounding – Damage caused by trespassing of impounded stock C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Cost 1063 Stock Impounding – Destroy and dispose of injured / diseased / distressedstock C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Cost continuedonnextpage...
RangerServices [continued]
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1064 Stock Impounding – Portable stockyards (per day or part thereof) C $370.00 $390.00 $0.00 $390.00 N Day 1065 Abandoned Vehicles – Fee plus towing cost C $95.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 N Each 1066 Abandoned Vehicles – Towing Cost plus Fee above C Cost Lastyearfee Cost N Each 1067 Abandoned Vehicles – Impounding fee C $180.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 N Each 1068 Serving of Notices – Administration charge (Recovery) C $45.00 $48.00 $0.00 $48.00 N Each 1069 Impounding Fee – General C $100.00 $105.00 $0.00 $105.00 N Each 1070 Impounding Fee – Signs C $95.00 $100.00 $0.00 $100.00 N Each 1071 Impounded Shopping Trolleys – Release fee C $85.00 $85.00 $0.00 $85.00 N Each 1072 ApprovedeventsignageatCouncildesignatedareas E FreeofCharge Lastyearfee FreeofCharge N Each
1073 AnnualCompanionAnimalPermits A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1074 CatAnnualPermit A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1075 DangerousDogAnnualPermit A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1076 AnimalFleaTreatment C $17.00 $16.36 $1.64 $18.00 Y Each 1077 DangerousDogCollar(small/medium) C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each 1078 DangerousDogCollar(Large) C $60.00 $59.09 $5.91 $65.00 Y Each 1079 DangerousDogCollar(Xlarge) C $65.00 $63.64 $6.36 $70.00 Y Each continuedonnextpage...
CompanionAnimals [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page105of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1080 Dangerous / Menacing Dog – Maintenance Fee (GRAS) per day C $39.00 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 N PerDay 1081 DangerousDogSigns C $55.00 $54.55 $5.45 $60.00 Y Each 1082 DogMuzzle C $26.00 $25.45 $2.55 $28.00 Y Each 1083 Dog Surrender – dog involved in an attack under investigation C $60.00 $65.00 $0.00 $65.00 N Each 1084 IDtags(Metal) C $18.00 $17.27 $1.73 $19.00 Y Each 1085 IDtags(Plain) C $13.00 $12.73 $1.27 $14.00 Y Each 1086 Re-homeKittens/puppiesunder8weeksoldtoAccreditedRescue Group E Free Lastyearfee Free N Each 1087 Dog and Cat (already micro-chipped) – Release fee to Accredited RescueGroup E Free Lastyearfee Free N Each 1088 Dog & Cat Registration – Lifetime Registration A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1089 Dog & Cat Registration – Desexed A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1090 Dog & Cat Registration – Desexed animal owned by pensioner etc A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1091 Dog Registration – Entire animal kept by recognised breeder A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1092 Dog Registration – Assistance dogs A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each 1093 Dog & Cat – Maintenance fee (GRAS) per day, maximum 10 days. C $34.00 $36.00 $0.00 $36.00 N Day continuedonnextpage...
CompanionAnimals [continued]
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1094 Dog&CatImpoundingfee C $39.00 $41.00 $0.00 $41.00 N Each 1095 Dog & Cat – Surrender or Euthanasia of animal for outside
people(peranimal) C $230.00 $245.00 $0.00 $245.00 N Animal 1096 Dog Desexing – Male C $155.00 $140.91 $14.09 $155.00 Y Each 1097 Dog Desexing – Female C $200.00 $181.82 $18.18 $200.00 Y Each 1098 Cat Desexing – Male C $100.00 $90.91 $9.09 $100.00 Y Each 1099 Cat Desexing – Female C $140.00 $127.27 $12.73 $140.00 Y Each 1100 CatVaccinations C $37.00 $33.64 $3.36 $37.00 Y Each 1101 DogVaccinations C $52.00 $47.27 $4.73 $52.00 Y Each 1102 DogHeartWormTest C $38.00 $34.55 $3.45 $38.00 Y Each 1103 Dog&CatWorming C $11.00 $10.91 $1.09 $12.00 Y Each 1104 Dog & Cat – Microchipping C $36.00 $32.73 $3.27 $36.00 Y Each 1105 Dog & Cat – Release fee to Accredited Rescue Group (includes microchipping) C $30.00 $30.00 $0.00 $30.00 N Each 1106 Cats – Hire of cat cages per week C $29.00 $27.27 $2.73 $30.00 Y Week 1107 Dogs – Parvo Test C $36.00 $32.73 $3.27 $36.00 Y Each 1108 CatFIVTest C $20.00 $18.18 $1.82 $20.00 Y Each 1109 Certificateofcompliancedangerousandrestricteddogenclosures A Asperlegislation Lastyearfee Asperlegislation N Each
Pleasenote: $180perhourtravelplus$2perlinealmetreforjet cleaningofSewerandStormwaterlinesifrequiredpriorto CCTVinspections
Lastyearfee $180perhourtravelplus$2perlinealmetreforCCTV inspections
Pleasenote: $180perhourtravelplus$2perlinealmetreforjet cleaningofSewerandStormwaterlinesifrequiredpriorto CCTVinspections
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1110 ReuseWatersupply E 66.67%costofalternatesupply Lastyearfee 66.67%costofalternatesupply N Each 1111 CCTVsewer/stormwaterjetcleaningpriortoinspections E $180perhourtravelplus$2perlinealmetreforCCTV inspections
N Hour/LM
1112 Application Fee – Category 1, 2, S and Category 3 with volumes < 20kl perday C $100.00 $105.00 $0.00 $105.00 N Each 1113 Application Fee – Category 3 and volumes > 20kl per day C $400.00 $420.00 $0.00 $420.00 N Each 1114 AnnualTradeWasteFee(minimum) C $132.30 $140.00 $0.00 $140.00 N Year 1115 AnnualTradeWasteFee(LargeDischarger>20kLperday) C $840.00 $885.00 $0.00 $885.00 N Year 1116 Re-InspectionFee C $145.00 $155.00 $0.00 $155.00 N Each 1117 Re-InspectionSamplingFees C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each 1118 TradeWasteUsageChargesforDischargerswithappropriatepretreatment C $2.21 $2.32 $0.00 $2.32 N kl continuedonnextpage...
LiquidTradeWaste [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page108of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1119 TradewasteUsageChargesforDischargerswithoutappropriatepretreatment C $20.96 $22.01 $0.00 $22.01 N kl 1120 phchargewhereitisoutsidetheapprovedrateforthedischarger C $0.67 $0.70 $0.00 $0.70 N Coefficient
1121 Aluminium C $1.05 $1.10 $0.00 $1.10 N kg 1122 Ammonia(asN) C $3.06 $3.21 $0.00 $3.21 N kg 1123 Arsenic C $103.37 $108.54 $0.00 $108.54 N kg 1124 Barium C $52.30 $54.92 $0.00 $54.92 N kg 1125 Biochemicaloxygendemand(BOD) C $1.05 $1.10 $0.00 $1.10 N kg 1126 Boron C $1.05 $1.10 $0.00 $1.10 N kg 1127 Bromine C $24.32 $25.54 $0.00 $25.54 N kg 1128 Cadmium C $480.41 $504.43 $0.00 $504.43 N kg 1129 Chloride C NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge N kg 1130 Chlorinatedhydrocarbons C $52.30 $54.92 $0.00 $54.92 N kg 1131 Chlorinatedphenolics C $2,079.71 $2,183.70 $0.00 $2,183.70 N kg 1132 Chlorine C $2.09 $2.19 $0.00 $2.19 N kg 1133 Chromium C $34.05 $35.75 $0.00 $35.75 N kg 1134 Cobalt C $20.66 $21.69 $0.00 $21.69 N kg 1135 Copper C $20.66 $21.69 $0.00 $21.69 N kg 1136 Cyanide C $103.37 $108.54 $0.00 $108.54 N kg 1137 Fluoride C $5.48 $5.75 $0.00 $5.75 N kg 1138 Formaldehyde C $2.09 $2.19 $0.00 $2.19 N kg 1139 Oil&Grease(TotalO&G) C $1.83 $1.92 $0.00 $1.92 N kg 1140 Herbicides/defoliants C $1,019.47 $1,070.44 $0.00 $1,070.44 N kg 1141 Iron C $2.09 $2.19 $0.00 $2.19 N kg 1142 Lead C $52.30 $54.92 $0.00 $54.92 N kg continuedonnextpage...
ExcessMassCharges [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page109of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1143 Lithium C $10.35 $10.87 $0.00 $10.87 N kg 1144 Manganese C $10.35 $10.87 $0.00 $10.87 N kg 1145 Mercaptans C $103.37 $108.54 $0.00 $108.54 N kg 1146 Mercury C $3,466.18 $3,639.49 $0.00 $3,639.49 N kg 1147 Methyleneblueactivesubstances(MBAS) C $1.05 $1.10 $0.00 $1.10 N kg 1148 Molybdenum C $1.05 $1.10 $0.00 $1.10 N kg 1149 Nickel C $34.05 $35.75 $0.00 $35.75 N kg 1150 Nitrogen(N)(TotalKjeldahlNitrogen-TKN) C $0.25 $0.26 $0.00 $0.26 N kg 1151 Organoarseniccompounds C $1,039.85 $1,091.84 $0.00 $1,091.84 N kg 1152 Pesticidesgeneral(excludesorganochloridesandorganophosphates) C $1,039.85 $1,091.84 $0.00 $1,091.84 N kg 1153 Petroleumhydrocarbons(non-flammable) C $3.65 $3.83 $0.00 $3.83 N kg 1154 Phenoliccompounds(non-chlorinated) C $10.35 $10.87 $0.00 $10.87 N kg 1155 Phosphorus(TotalP) C $2.09 $2.19 $0.00 $2.19 N kg 1156 Polynucleararomatichydrocarbons C $20.66 $21.69 $0.00 $21.69 N kg 1157 Selenium C $72.96 $76.61 $0.00 $76.61 N kg 1158 Silver C $1.95 $2.05 $0.00 $2.05 N kg 1159 Sulphate(SO4) C $0.25 $0.26 $0.00 $0.26 N kg 1160 Sulphide C $2.09 $2.19 $0.00 $2.19 N kg 1161 Sulphite C $2.44 $2.56 $0.00 $2.56 N kg 1162 SuspendedSolids(SS) C $1.30 $1.37 $0.00 $1.37 N kg 1163 Thiosulphate C $0.41 $0.43 $0.00 $0.43 N kg 1164 Tin C $10.35 $10.87 $0.00 $10.87 N kg 1165 Totaldissolvedsolids(TDS) C $0.15 $0.16 $0.00 $0.16 N kg 1166 Uranium C $10.35 $10.87 $0.00 $10.87 N kg 1167 Zinc C $20.66 $21.69 $0.00 $21.69 N kg TankeredWaste 1168 ChemicalToilet C $27.00 $29.00 $0.00 $29.00 N kl continuedonnextpage...
TankeredWaste [continued]
1171 Pressure sewer – Connection of residential and commercial properties inanexistingpressuresewerarea.IncludingareasofEastWagga Wagga,GumlyGumlyandCollingullie.
WaggaWaggaCityCouncildoesnotapproveoftheuseofpressuresewersystemsfornewdevelopments.Thesesystemswillonlybeapprovedunderspecialcircumstancesandcostisnota considerationintheapprovaloftheiruse.Gravitymainsarethepreferredinstallationforallurbanareas.
The preferred option for encumbering a Council main or easement is to relocate the main or easement clear of the proposed development, at full cost to the developer.Ifrelocationofthemaincannotbeachieved,applicationcanbemadetoencumberthemain.Anyrequiredupgradestoamainareatfullcosttothe developer.
Fees&Charges|Page110of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1169 Septic Tank Waste – Effluent C $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 $3.00 N kl 1170 Septic Tank Waste – Septage C $27.00 $29.00 $0.00 $29.00 N kl
C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N PerLot
1172 MaintenanceandrepairofPressureSewerSystemsoutsideof Municipality D ActualCost+15% Lastyearfee ActualCost+15% N Each
1173 Elimination of joint sewer connections – As per Sewer Policy 5 E $965.00 $1,015.00 $0.00 $1,015.00 N Each
1174 BuildoverCouncilserviceoreasementapplication C $190.00 $200.00 $0.00 $200.00 N Each 1175 BuildoverCouncilserviceoreasementencumbrancecharge C ActualCost Lastyearfee ActualCost N Each
Engineering TechnicalServices
Fees&Charges|Page111of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1176 Engineeringconsultancy(includingas-builtdocumentsearchesetc) D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1177 DatafromexistingTrafficCounts C $85.00 $81.82 $8.18 $90.00 Y EachSite 1178 New traffic counts 1 – 5 sites C $255.00 $245.45 $24.55 $270.00 Y EachSite 1179 New traffic counts 6 – 20 sites C $220.00 $213.64 $21.36 $235.00 Y EachSite 1180 Newtrafficcounts20plussites E $185.00 $177.27 $17.73 $195.00 Y EachSite 1181 NewTrafficCounts-WhereTrafficControlRequired D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1182 Street Closure with Barricades – for Special Event C CostRecovery Lastyearfee CostRecovery N Each 1183 RoadClosureadvertising(temporaryroadclosure) D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% N Each 1184 RoadClosureadvertisingeachadditionalinsertion D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% N Each 1185 Loanofsignsandtrafficcontroldevicestocommunitygroupsforthe purposeofeventsthatrequireroadclosuresorcrowdcontrol E Signreplacementorrepaircostiflostordamaged Lastyearfee Signreplacementorrepaircostiflostordamaged Y Each 1186 Engineeringassessmentofbridges,culverts,roadpavementsandother structuresrequiredinconsiderationofanapplicationforoversize/ overmassvehicleaccesspursuanttoPart4.7HeavyVehicle(Adoption ofNationalLaw)Act2013 D Costplus10% Lastyearfee Costplus10% N Each
Swingorhoistgoodsacrossoroveranypartofapublicroadbymeansofalift,hoistortackleprojectingoverthefootway(includinghoardingapprovals)(includessiteinspectiononly-other inspectionsasperfeesandchargesschedule)
Fees&Charges|Page112of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1187 PrivateWorksInspectionFee(perhour) D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Hour 1188 StreetSweeping D $350.00 $336.36 $33.64 $370.00 Y Hour 1189 SupplyofMaterials D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1190 Roadworks D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1191 Earthworks D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1192 CivilWorks D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each 1193 ApprovedConcreteContractorsAnnuallicencefee C $180.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 N Each 1194 CommunityFacilitySigns E $410.00 $395.45 $39.55 $435.00 Y EachSite 1195 Workonpublicroadsandpublicproperty D Costplus25% Lastyearfee Costplus25% Y Each
Section68PartE(1)AnnualFee C $250.00 $265.00 $0.00 $265.00 N Year
1197 Section68PartE(1)Fee C $70.00 $75.00 $0.00 $75.00 N Each Occasion continuedonnextpage...
ActivitiesinRoadReserves [continued]
Fees&Charges|Page113of116 Item Number FeeName Pricing PolicyID Year22/23 Year23/24 GST Applicable Basis LastYrFee Fee GST TotalFee (incl.GST) (excl.GST) (incl.GST)
1198 Section 138 Permit – Application Fee (non-refundable) C $145.00 $155.00 $0.00 $155.00 N Each 1199 Section138ApplicationFee(forcommunitybenefit) E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge N Each 1200 Section 138 Permit Fee – Urban – Landscaping (domestic) E NoCharge Lastyearfee NoCharge N Each 1201 Section138InspectionFee-General C $125.00 $135.00 $0.00 $135.00 N Each 1202 Section138Bond(asapplicableperPOL-008) E Amountvariesdependantonworksandassociatedrisks Lastyearfee Amountvariesdependantonworksandassociatedrisks N Each 1203 Section 138 Permit – Annual Charge (Utilities as outlined in POL-008) C $195.00 $205.00 $0.00 $205.00 N Each 1204 Section138InspectionFee-RoadConstructionWorks C $330.00 $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 N Each 1205 Occupation of the road reserve for building construction works fee – (perm2ofroadreserveoccupiedperweekorpartthereof) D $8.00 $8.50 $0.00 $8.50 N m2/Week