Membership packages for Wagga Leisure now open for feedback
NEW PRICES: Wagga Leisure - Health and Fitness Team Leader Alex
the public to view the proposed fees and charges for combined recreation facility memberships.
Members of Wagga Wagga and surrounds now have the opportunity to view and provide feedback on the proposed membership packages for what will be the new Wagga Leisure Facility.
At the 28 October 2024 Ordinary Meeting, Council resolved that Bolton Park recreational facilities, including the Jim Elphick Tennis Centre, Wagga Workout Gym, and Oasis Aquatic Centre, will join under the one management model. This means residents will have the option to pick and choose what facilities are included in their membership.
At the first Council meeting of 2025, Council endorsed a public exhibition period from now until 18 February 2025 for the proposed fees and charges for combined recreation facility memberships.
Once adopted, these fees are proposed to be in place for the remainder of this 2024/25 financial year, and for the 2025/26 financial year.
Council’s Manager – Wagga Leisure Marc Geppert says a key focus of implementing these changes is the opportunity to offer multi-facility memberships.
“The idea is that these membership packages will allow community members to tailor a multi-fitness
experience to suit their needs,” Mr Geppert said.
“We’re confident that the combined membership fees are great value for money and are a unique opportunity to evolve existing facilities into a business that offers diverse fitness options.
“The membership packages suit a range of demographics, from youth and adult to concession and family prices. There’s something for everyone.
“Our goal is to assist our community to embrace healthier lifestyle choices and practices. When they come into effect, the new memberships will promote access and participation for all sections of the community to a full range of sports and recreational activities, while also maintaining affordability.”
Staff have benchmarked prices against the current fitness industry and considered community feedback in developing the membership options.
The tiered structure allows for an all-inclusive membership with family options and new youth memberships.
Community members will be able to customise their membership to meet their fitness and wellbeing goals in an affordable way.
To view the fees and charges head to haveyoursay.wagga.nsw.gov.au/ Leisure-Facilities-Fees-and-charg es and submit feedback before 18 February 2025.

Council advises residents and road users there will be a major change to traffic conditions on Ivan Jack Drive, with bridge and road rehabilitation works set to start on Monday 10 February 2025, weather permitting.
The road and bridge will be closed 24 hours a day between Johnston Street and Morrow Street for the duration of the works, which are expected to take up to six weeks to complete, depending on weather conditions.
Director Infrastructure Services Henry Pavitt said the closure will impact motorists and pedestrians who use Ivan Jack Drive to travel between the southern and northern parts of the city centre.
“There will be no access through the work site, which will cover bridge, the footpaths, and the full length of Ivan Jack Drive,” Mr Pavitt said.
“Detours will be in place and the road will be under traffic control. We’re encouraging the community to allow extra time for their journey and use an alternate route.”
A five-yearly inspection of the bridge in 2024 determined that while it was structurally sound and safe, it required some stabilisation and structural works.
The rectification works will include stabilisation of the wing walls, which hold the soil around the bridge, and structural improvements to the bridge abutments at either end of the bridge.
“This work will be followed by the road rehabilitation phase, covering the length of Ivan Jack Drive from The EsplanadeBest Street intersection to the JohnstonTrail streets roundabout,” Mr Pavitt said.
“As part of this phase, we will be addressing the uneven approaches we currently have to the bridge by lifting the road, kerb and guttering and footpath to the finished surface level of the bridge structure.”
The works will take place between 7am to 7pm, Mondays to Fridays, and 8am to 6pm on Saturdays.
Motorists can keep up to date with traffic disruptions by visiting livetraffic. com
Manager – Wagga Leisure Marc Geppert are eager for
CLOSURE AHEAD: Council’s Director Infrastructure Services Henry Pavitt at Ivan Jack Drive, which will be closed to all road users and pedestrians for rehabilitation works.

Storm clean-up continues across Wagga Wagga LGA
Local residents are encouraged to log a report with Council about any large branches and trees that fell on nature strips during the severe storm event on Wednesday 15 January.

Funding for fencing upgrade for Riverside Playground
Wagga Wagga’s regionally significant Riverside playground is set to have new fencing installed around its entire perimeter, in line with one of the recommendations of revised Playground Strategy 2024-2044.
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 20 January, Council accepted grant funding of $42,000 under the NSW Government’s Local Small Commitment Allocation (LSCA) Program for the Riverside Fencing Project.
Recreation Coordinator Joshua Walsh said Council also endorsed allocating $12,000 from the Parks and Recreation Renewal Budgets for the addition, with the total funding of $54,000 to be split over two financial years.
Council is responsible for the cleanup of any fallen timber and debris from street trees and trees located on Council managed land in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA).
Director Economy, Business & Workforce Fiona Piltz said residents can assist with the clean-up by logging a request, so Council is aware of where to send clean-up crews and contractors.
"We are encouraging residents to make a service request online through
“Following the most recent community engagement, fencing at all Regional and Suburban-level playgrounds was included in the Playground Strategy, leading to the proposal for additional fencing to enclose the entire Riverside site,” Mr Walsh said.
“This fencing design will carefully consider accessibility and usability of both the playground facilities and the adjacent open space.”
Fences aren’t required around public playgrounds in New South Wales, but a risk assessment should be conducted to determine if one is needed based on location and risk profile.
“When the revised Playground Strategy was on public exhibition, one of the key themes of the feedback received from the community related to more fencing for playgrounds,” Mr Walsh said.
“In response, we included a recommendation in the Strategy for the installation of playground fencing at our Regional and Suburban level playgrounds.
“It is estimated the implementation of this recommendation at the 10 playgrounds in those two categories will cost approximately $300,000.”
Riverside Playground is the first to be addressed, with the remaining nine playgrounds to be prioritised based on available budget, location, and risk profile.
The Regional and Suburban level playgrounds identified for fencing installation are located at Apex Park, the Botanic Gardens, Bedervale, Chambers Park, Forest Hill, Glenfield Park Oval, Henwood Park, Riverside Precinct and Webb Park – all in Wagga Wagga – and Paddy Osborne Park in Tarcutta.
Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre, Burns Way.
Australia Day Community BBQ Breakfast
SUN 26 JAN, 7AM – 9AM Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnston St.
Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony SUN 26 JAN, 9AM – 10AM Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnston St.
'Murun-dhu' - I Live, I Breathe Reflection Event
SUN 26 JAN, 9AM – 4PM The Station Creative Workspace, 54-58 Johnston St.
our website or through our Customer Service team here at the Civic Centre, in person or by phone," Ms Piltz said.
"Once we have those details in the system, we can allocate resources to assist those affected householders.
"We’re asking the community to be patient, as it may take some time for Council crews and contractors to clear the debris from the nature strips of all the affected properties due to the amount of damage across the LGA."
A reminder to residents, to help with clean-up efforts following the storm, green waste can be taken to the Gregadoo Waste Management Centre free of charge until Sunday 26 January 2025.
"The waste must have resulted from the storm and come from properties within our LGA," Ms Piltz said. "Anyone delivering green waste to the facility must provide proof of residency.
"Because there will be increased traffic at the GWMC, resulting in longer wait times at the weighbridge, we ask visitors to be patient and respectful of staff."
To log a report, contact our Customer Service team or submit a request online: wagga.nsw.gov.au/servicerequests
Let’s celebrate together
Wagga Wagga and surrounds residents are encouraged to come along to the Australia Day 2025 community events.
• ‘Murun-dhu’ – I Live, I Breathe Community Concert | Saturday 25 January | 5pm to 9pm | Riverside Precinct
• 2025 Australia Day Awards Ceremony | Saturday 25 January | 6pm to 8pm | Wagga Wagga Civic Theatre
• Community BBQ Breakfast | Sunday 26 January | 7am to 9am | Riverside Precinct
• Citizenship Ceremony | Sunday 26 January | 9am to 10am | Riverside Precinct
• ‘Murun-dhu’ – I Live, I Breathe Reflection Event | Sunday 26 January | 9am to 4pm | The Station Creative Workspace
Road closures
Roads: Biroomba Lane (no access or egress onto Tompson Street)
Date: Monday 3 February to Wednesday 12 February 2025 (weather permitting)
Duration: 24 hours
Reason: Footpath and kerb/gutter replacement Detour: As per signage ALL
NOW ONLINE AT: wagga.nsw.gov.au/ publicnotices

Meet Nahla, a queen by name and nature!
This beautiful eight-year-old female, Staffordshire Bull Terrier X is looking for her forever home.
Nahla has a lot of energy and likes to be ‘top dog’.
The adoption cost for Nahla (ImpD24/0592) is $353, which includes microchipping, lifetime registration, vaccination, heartworm test, flea
6PM – 8PM
South Wagga Apex Mighty Murrumbidgee Duck Race
SUN 26 JAN, 12.30PM – 5PM Riverside: Wagga Beach, Johnston St.
Australia Day Markets by the Lake SUN 26 JAN, 9AM – 1PM Apex Park, Eastlake Dr. Australia Day Races
SUN 26 JAN, 1PM – 7PM Murrumbidgee Turf Club, Slocum St.
PCYC – School Holiday Activities
TUE 28 – MON 3 FEB PCYC, 11 Fitzhardinge St.
Gecko Sticker Factory WED 29 JAN, 10AM – 11.30AM Museum of the Riverina – Botanic Gardens site, 127 Lord Baden Powell Dr.
Dan Webster and Emily Lawler Live WED 29 JAN, 6.30PM – 8.30PM The Curious Rabbit, 44 Johnston St. Kooringal Kicks & Tricks THU 30 JAN, 2PM TO 9PM Henwood Skate Park, Lake Albert Rd
Infusion Games Trivia
in Wagga Wagga + Surrounds.

LOG A REPORT: Wagga Wagga residents who had large branches and trees that fell on their nature strip during the recent storm can submit a request to Council to have the debris cleared.
Parks & Recreation