Asset Management Plan – Recreational Assets
Recreational Assets This Supporting Section should be read in conjunction with Council’s Asset Management Plan, the Asset Management Policy (which sets out Council's philosophy of asset management) and Council’s Asset Management Strategy (which provides Council with a clear direction and goal for managing the community's $1.185 billion (as at June 2010) worth of assets).
Current Asset Base
How many Manage?
The below table lists the recreational assets managed by Council. Recreational Assets Asset
Basketball courts
Basketball courts-Half
Bin enclosures
BMX bike tracks
Cricket pitch- Concrete
Cricket pitch- Synthetic
Cricket pitch- Turf wicket Fencing Fitness Equipment
5 37km 49
Hockey fields
Netball courts
Playgrounds *
Seats Softball fields
318 2
Tennis court-clay
Tennis court - synthetic
Long jump pits and run up Net/cage mesh
2 15
*Playgrounds include 2 regional, 2 district and 81 local parks
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Recreational Assets The below table continues to list the recreational assets managed by Council. Recreational Assets Asset Picnic shelters Boat ramp Cemetery interment walls
Quantity 80 1 15
Concrete ponds and waterfalls
Cycle track
Drinking fountains
Indoor basketball court
Irrigation pumps
Sprinkler heads
Pipe fittings Irrigation control unit
32,881 23
Irrigation valves
Sportsground lighting
Park light fittings and poles Park signage Suburb entries
64 282 26
Retaining walls - concrete sleeper
Retaining walls – concrete block
Retaining walls – timber sleepers
Grandstand seating Shade sails
300 28
Skate park - large
Skate park - medium
Skate park - small
Aluminium tables
Concrete tables
Steel and timber tables
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Recreational Assets The below table continues to list the recreational assets managed by Council. Recreational Assets Asset
Wooden tables
Plastic water tank
Military items
Goal posts
Botanics Model Railway
Condition The condition of Council’s assets has been audited as part of the asset inspection regime, rated against the asset Condition Reference Sheet and captured in Council’s electronic mapping system. The condition of all Council’s assets is rated from excellent to very poor. The following tables indicate the condition of the Recreational Assets by type from excellent to very poor across the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area (LGA).
Very Poor
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Recreational Assets Bins Bins
Percent 20
Poor Very Poor Total
Fences Fences
Very Poor
Gates Gates
Percent 2
Very Poor
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Recreational Assets Picnic Seating Picnic Seating
Very Poor
Very Poor Total
Seats Seats
Very Poor Total
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Recreational Assets Map The following map provides the location of recreational assets across the Wagga Wagga LGA.
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Recreational Assets Major Challenges for Recreational Assets The challenges facing recreational assets and facilities include:
The constant pressure to provide green space and safe sports fields with limited water resources, this is exacerbated in times of prolonged low rainfall. Often sporting grounds are also stormwater detention basins, it can be challenging to manage community expectations when these grounds are closed due to water logging. Keeping the grass well maintained at some parks, especially in the suburbs and rural villages can pose a challenge to maintenance staff, this is highlighted in wet seasons where the growth rate increases. Vandalism is an issue across all recreational assets, the damage caused by vandals may result in the condition of the asset decreasing or becoming a safety risk. It is a challenge for Council to know where this is occurring as well as managing the ad hoc nature of the maintenance required to repair the asset. Many recreational assets in the Wagga Wagga LGA are ageing and their condition is deteriorating, this presents a challenge to Council.
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Recreational Assets 2
Condition Assessment
Condition Ratings Reference Sheets The condition of recreational assets is audited against a rating scale which ranges from excellent to very poor. This scale is used as the basis of all assessments of recreational assets by Council’s Surveillance Team. The rating scale forms the Condition Rating Reference Sheets below for barbeques, bins, fences, fitness equipment, playgrounds and seating (including tables). Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Barbeques
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Recreational Assets Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Bins
NB This Condition Rating Reference Sheet is also used to assess the condition of bin enclosures.
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Recreational Assets Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Fences
NB This Condition Rating Reference Sheet is also used to assess the condition of net/cage mesh structures.
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Recreational Assets Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Fitness Equipment
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Recreational Assets Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Playgrounds
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Recreational Assets Condition Rating Reference Sheet - Seating (including tables)
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Recreational Assets The Sealed Roads Condition Rating Reference Sheet is used to assess the condition of the asphalt cycle tracks by Council’s Surveillance Officers. The Footpaths Condition Rating Reference Sheet is used to assess the condition of the lagoon boardwalk by Council’s Surveillance Officers. The condition of the following recreational assets will be assessed against the Buildings Condition Rating Reference Sheets by Council’s Surveillance Officers:
picnic shelters cemetery buildings and indoor basketball courts
Miscellaneous Recreational Assets There are a number of recreational assets which are assessed against the phases of the asset life cycle, as detailed on page 51 of the Asset Management Plan and in the following table: Rating 1 2 3 4 5
Description of Condition Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
Details Only minor maintenance and inspection required Minor maintenance required plus cyclic maintenance Maintenance required Significant renewal/upgrade required Unserviceable - replace or reconstruct
The following recreational assets will be assessed against the asset life cycle phases by Council’s Surveillance Officers:
long jump pits long jump run-up discus/shot put pad concrete ponds and waterfalls cricket pitch drinking fountains fountains flag posts pumps sprinkler heads indoor backboards shade sails skate parks irrigation pipe fittings irrigation control unit irrigation valves sportsground lighting
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Recreational Assets
park lighting sportsground hockey fields open space signage sporting grounds goal posts retaining walls water tanks military items (planes, tanks, cannons, guns) and memorials
A generic condition rating reference sheet relating to these assets will be developed and the Asset Management Plan will be updated to include this additional information. If required, a condition rating reference sheet for individual asset types will also be developed and included in future revisions of the Asset Management Plan.
Risk and Condition Ratings Indicators Council also uses Risk Rating Indicators to determine a prioritised works schedule for the maintenance, renewal and replacement of large asset categories. These indicators are used in addition to the Condition Ratings Reference Sheet to enable further analysis of the worst sections of the asset class. The indicators assist in assessing the risk the condition of the asset poses to the community based on location and usage. The following table details the Risk Rating Indicators for the recreational asset network. It is based on the park hierarchy developed as part of the Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2005 – 2015. Recreational Asset Rating Indicators - Based on Profile and Usage Weighting 2.0 1.5 1.0
Classification High use/profile - Regional Park Medium use/profile - District Park Low use/profile - Local Park
The results of the Risk Rating Indicators give an individual asset or section of the asset a Works Schedule Priority Rating. These ratings are ranked from highest to lowest to produce prioritised schedule of works for maintenance, replacement and renewal of the recreational asset network.
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Recreational Assets Intervention Levels To guide Council’s response to customer requests a set of reactive triggers has been developed for each asset category. These triggers are called intervention levels and include expected response times. The following tables detail the intervention levels and response times for maintenance of the recreational asset network. Recreational Assets Intervention Levels Graffiti
Inspection within 5 working days. Corrective actions within 4 weeks.
Inspection within 5 working days. Corrective actions within 4 weeks.
Rubbish/illegal dumping
Inspection within 5 working days. Corrective actions within 4 weeks.
Service Failure
In the case of emergency service failure, inspection within 24 hours, corrective action as soon as possible. In all other service failure cases, inspection within 5 working days. Corrective actions within 4 weeks.
Condition Inspection Regime The condition and risk of recreational assets, including playgrounds and sporting facilities will be assessed simultaneously as part of the Condition Inspection Regime. This inspection will audit the condition of recreational assets against the Condition Rating Reference Sheet and also assess the risk based on location and usage. The entire recreational asset network will be audited every two years. The inspections will be in the form of a GPS audit routine for all recreational assets in the Wagga Wagga LGA. The inspections will identify:
areas of damage untidiness graffiti need for repainting and breakages
Ad hoc inspections will be conducted in response to customer requests, on a needs basis and where the asset degrades due to un-foreseen or unusual circumstances, like a storm event. These inspections are done onsite by trained Surveillance Officers and the results are captured in Council’s electronic mapping system (ArcGIS).
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Recreational Assets 3
Life Cycle Management
Life cycle management details how Council plans to manage and operate the asset category at the agreed level of service while minimising life cycle costs throughout the useful life of the asset. For most local government assets there are four key phases to the life cycle, namely: acquisition, operation and maintenance, renewal, and disposal.
Costs occur in each phase of the asset life cycle. It is important to attribute these life cycle costs to each phase to allow for effective decision making about how the asset will be managed. The life cycle costs of assets include:
initial capital investment operation and maintenance refurbishment and renewal administration, overheads and taxes depreciation capital use rate charges or rate of return and disposal of the asset at the end of its useful life
The initial capital or investment cost of a new asset is a significant cost and often dominates the decision as to whether to acquire the asset or expand the infrastructure network. However, it is important to include all the costs associated with each phase of the asset life cycle, including ongoing operation and maintenance, future renewal and disposal.
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Recreational Assets Target Maintenance Events The following table details the target maintenance events associated with the recreational assets network annually. Recreational Assets Target Maintenance Events Event
Target Maintenance Events per Year per Event
Long jump pits – sand top up/rotator hose
12 times per year
Long jump run-up – synthetic surface repairs
Once per year
Net cage mesh inspection/ rewire
Once per year
BBQ maintenance and repair
3 times per year
Picnic areas shelter servicing
6 times per year
Concrete dams at zoo – minor repairs
Every 4 years
Ponds and waterfalls – minor repairs
Once per year
Concrete cricket pitch – minor repairs
Once per year
Turf cricket pitch – minor repairs
Once per year
Cycle tracks – asphalt cleaning
12 times per year
Drinking fountains – minor repairs
6 times per year
Exercise stations – minor repairs
6 times per year
Rural fence repairs
Every 2 years
Sporting chain mesh fencing minor repairs
Every 2 years
Sporting palisade fencing minor repairs
Every 2 years
Kooper’s log fencing minor repairs
Every 2 years
Playground fencing minor repairs
Every 4 years
Lagoon fencing minor repairs
Every 2 years
Fixed bin replacement
Every 2 years
Bin enclosures minor repairs
Once per year
Ornamental fountains minor repairs
12 time per year
Hockey field synthetic turf minor repairs
Once per year
Indoor basketball courts – cut and polish
Once per year
Indoor basketball courts – cut and polish
Once per year
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Recreational Assets The following table continues to provide further details of the target maintenance events associated with recreational assets. Recreational Assets Target Maintenance Events Event
Target Maintenance Events per Year per Event
Back boards – indoor maintenance
Once per year
Irrigation pumps – maintenance
4 times per year
Sprinkler heads – maintenance
12 times per year
Irrigation pipe fitting maintenance
Once per year
Irrigation filters maintenance
30 times per year
Sportsground lighting maintenance
Once per year
Sportsground light pole maintenance
Every 4 years
Park light maintenance
Once per year
Park light pole maintenance
Every 4 years
Netball court – acrylic surface maintenance
Every 7 years
Park sign maintenance
Twice per year
Suburb entry sign maintenance
Twice per year
Regional playground maintenance
52 times per year
District park playground maintenance
26 times per year
Local playground maintenance
13 times per year
High use sporting grounds maintenance
52 times per year
Medium use sporting grounds maintenance
26 times per year
Low use sporting grounds maintenance
13 times per year
Retaining wall concrete maintenance
Every 10 years
Retaining wall concrete sleeper maintenance
Every 10 years
Retaining wall concrete block maintenance
Every 5 years
Retaining wall timber sleeper maintenance
Every 10 years
Retaining walls rock maintenance
Every 10 years
Aluminium bench seating maintenance
Once per year
Bench seating maintenance
Twice per year
Bench seating timber maintenance
Once per year
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Recreational Assets The following table continues to provide further details of the target maintenance events associated with recreational assets. Recreational Assets Target Maintenance Events Event
Target Maintenance Events per Year per Event
Grandstand seating moulded plastic maintenance
Once per year
Shade structure shade sail maintenance
Every 4 years
Skate park large maintenance and inspection
365 times per year
Skate park maintenance and inspection
12 times per year
Aluminium tables maintenance
Once per year
Steel and timber tables maintenance
Twice per year
Recycled plastic tables maintenance
Once per year
Concrete water tank maintenance
Every 5 years
Synthetic grass tennis courts maintenance
Once per year
Acrylic tennis court repairs
Once per year
Lagoon boardwalk maintenance
Twice per year
Military items – maintenance
Once per year
Memorials maintenance
12 per year
Eternal flame memorials maintenance
52 times per year
Goal posts inspections and repairs
6 times per year
Flag poles maintenance
Every 4 years
Amphitheatre full clean and reseal of stone
Every 10 years
Amphitheatre repairs and painting
Once per year
Renewal A detailed work plan for the renewal of the recreational assets is developed annually to support this Asset Management Plan. This renewal program is prioritised based on condition and risk.
Disposal Currently, Council includes the cost to dispose of an asset in the unit rate of that asset type. As Council moves towards strategic asset management this cost will be captured separately. The Asset Management Plan will be updated to reflect this change as it occurs across the asset types.
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Recreational Assets 4
Level of Service
The Asset Management Plan for 2011 has been developed based on data collation, research outcomes and the results of Council’s internal stakeholder engagement process. The next stage of the process is to ask the community to identify which asset condition is satisfactory to them. This will begin with an extensive community consultation process. The consultation will be in the form of a community survey which will be conducted online, at community gatherings, through focus groups and stakeholder meetings. The survey will use new technology, be based on images and a simple selection process. The outcomes of the consultation will form the foundation for true community engagement to occur in relation to the management of infrastructure across the Wagga Wagga LGA, in particular the development of agreed levels of service, supported by Council and the community. As Council gathers data from the community about the level of service for each asset category the outcomes will be integrated into the Asset Management Plan. Until the outcomes of the community engagement are known Council will provide costings to achieve an average condition for each asset category and use this as the satisfactory level of service.
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Recreational Assets 5
Financial Considerations
The following graph details the proportion of the playground network in each condition.
The following graph details the proportion of the BBQ area network in each condition.
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Recreational Assets The following graph details the proportion of bins across the Wagga Wagga LGA in each condition.
The following graph details the proportion of fences across the Wagga Wagga LGA in each condition.
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Recreational Assets The following graph details the proportion of seats across the Wagga Wagga LGA in each condition.
The following graph details the proportion of sporting equipment across the Wagga Wagga LGA in each condition.
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Recreational Assets Council’s current liability in relation to the infrastructure network is the sum of all asset units which have a condition rating of poor and very poor. The current liability of the recreational asset network is estimated to be $371,200 (in 2010 dollars).
Projected Annual Maintenance Costs For Council to achieve the target maintenance events as detailed in Section 3 of this Asset Management Plan, the projected annual maintenance budget for the recreational asset network is estimated to be $4,328,964 (in 2010 dollars). This estimate was developed by Council’s Asset Management Planning and Parks and Recreation Sections in 2010. It is a first principle estimate and is expected to vary as Council improves its asset management processes and strategies. The following table provides further details of the maintenance costs associated with maintaining the recreational asset network each year: Recreational Asset Network Projected Annual Maintenance Costs Asset
Projected Annual Maintenance Costs
Athletics track, including long jump pit
Picnic areas
Ponds and waterfalls
Cricket Pitch
Cycle Tracks
Drinking fountains
Exercise stations
Fixed bins
Bin enclosures
Hockey fields
Indoor courts
Netball courts
Open space signage
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Recreational Assets The following table continues to provide further details of the maintenance costs associated with maintaining the recreational asset network each year: Recreational Asset Network Projected Annual Maintenance Costs Asset
Projected Annual Maintenance Costs
Retaining walls
Seating – bench
Skate park
Tennis courts
Military items
Goal posts
Flag poles
VMG Stage Shade
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Recreational Assets Required Increase to Annual Maintenance Cost per Additional Unit As the asset based increases is it important to ensure that the annual maintenance budget also increases. The following table details how much per unit the annual maintenance budget for recreational assets should increase as the network expands. Recreational Asset Network Asset
Additional Maintenance Budget per Additional Unit
Athletics Track including long jump pit
Bin enclosure – 240L
Bin enclosure – 45L
Concrete ponds and water falls
Cricket pitch – concrete
Cricket pitch turf
Cycle tracks – asphalt
Drinking fountain
Exercise stations
Log fences
Lagoon fencing
Playground fencing
Rural fence
Sporting – 6ft chain mesh
Sporting – palisade fence
Fixed bins – 120L
Fixed bins – 240L
Fixed bins – 45L
Flag pole
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Recreational Assets The following table continues to detail how much per unit the annual maintenance budget for recreational assets should increase as the network expands. Recreational Asset Network Asset
Fountains – ornamental
Additional Maintenance Budget per Additional Unit $2,400
Goal posts AFL
Goal posts rugby/soccer combination
Hockey fields - synthetic
Indoor courts – basketball
Indoor courts – basketball back boards
Irrigation – pipe fittings
Irrigation – control unit
Irrigation – pumps
Irrigation – sprinkler heads
Irrigation - valves
Lagoon boardwalk - timber
Lighting – park fittings
Lighting – park poles
Lighting – sportsground fittings Lighting - poles
$5,200 $63
Memorials – cenotaph
Memorials – eternal flame
Memorials – general
Military items – gun/cannon
Military items - plane
Military items – tank
Net/cage mesh (eg baseball, softball)
Net/cage mesh (eg cricket, athletics)
Net/cage mesh (eg safety Robertson Oval)
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Recreational Assets The following table continues to detail how much per unit the annual maintenance budget for recreational assets should increase as the network expands. Recreational Asset Network Asset
Additional Maintenance Budget per Additional Unit
Netball court – concrete court base
Open space signage – park signs
Open space signage – suburb entries
Picnic areas – BBQ electric/double
Picnic areas – BBQ gas
Picnic areas – BBQ wood
Picnic areas - shelter
Playgrounds – district
Playgrounds - local
Playgrounds - regional
Retaining walls – concrete block
Retaining walls - concrete sleeper
Retaining walls – timber sleeper
Seating bench - aluminium Seating bench – steel and timber
$50 $200
Seating bench - timber
Seating grandstand – moulded plastic
Shade structure Skate park - large
$300 $18,250
Skate park - medium
Skate park - small
Tables - aluminium
Tables – steel and timber Tennis courts Victory Memorial Gardens shade
$200 $3,000 $500
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Recreational Assets 6
There are some generic assumptions made in the management of assets in Wagga Wagga City Council, these are found in the Asset Management Plan.
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